( \ Proceedings: Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, March 11-15, 1991, St. louis, Missouri, Paper No. 1.37 ~ Seismic Downhole, CPT, and DMT Correlations in Sand Thomas G. Thomann Roman D. Hryciw Staff Engineer, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Wayne, NJ Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml Results from seismic cone penetration and dilatometer tests performed in a cohesionless SYNOPSIS: soil are presented and compared with previously published correlations for estimating the elastic Poor correlations were obtained between the elastic shear modulus, the dilatometer shear modulus. modulus and the cone tip resistance; however, somewhat better estimates of the elastic shear modulus were obtained using the coefficient of lateral stress and total unit weight empirically determined from the dilatometer. with decreases Rg, termed commonly Baldi, et.al. relative density. (1989) developed a correlation between Gelqc and qcl (Ovo'lo.s based on CPT calibration chamber tests and resonant column and cross hole tests. E0 , INTRODUCTION ~ncreasing The elastic shear modulus <eel of cohesionless soils is primarily a function of the void ratio (e) and the effective confining stresses in the and wave (CJi 'l direction of particle motion variables which can be (CJ j ') propagation and (CPT) determined from cone penetration Therefore, empirical dilatometer (DMT) tests. between Ge and penetration tests ~orrelations costly to alternative viable a offer may when tests seismic in-situ or laboratory estimates of ce are required. Empirical correlations for determining Ge of cohesionless soils from the void ratio and confining stress have existed for nearly three The original equation proposed by decades. Hardin and Richart (1963), has undergone minor The most modifications since its inception. recent version by Hardin and Blandford (198 9) takes the form Correlations between penetration tests and c;e Jamiolkowski, have previously been developed. et.al. (1988) related ce to the DMT modulus, E 0 , and Baldi, et .al. (1989) related c;e to cone tip Both approaches were based resistance, qc. sands. in tests laboratory on primarily However, in-situ tests have often revealed the in correlations these of shortcomings 1989; (Sully and Campanella, predicting Ge Better predictions may be 1990). Hryciw, obtained when the coefficient of lateral stress (K0 ) and the total unit weight <Ytl from the DMT are used in an empirical correlation for ce The present paper compares the (Hryciw, 1990). results from seismic cone penetration tests (SCPT) and DMT tests performed at a site in northern Michigan with the approaches suggested by Jamiolkowski, et.al. (1988), Baldi, et.al. (1989), and Hryciw (1990). celj (1) = F(e) 2 (l+V) BACKGROUND is the (overconsolidation ratio) where OCR ratio of the maximum historical mean effective stress to the current mean effective principal stress, k is a function of the plasticity index (PI) (k = 0 for cohesionless soils), Sjj is the stiffness coefficient in the ij plan(:!, Pa is the atmospheric pressure, F(e) is a v•)id ratio = 0.3 + 0.7(e)2, and v is the function In seismic down hole testing, Poisson's ratio. cri' is the effective horizontal stress (oh' l and oj' is the effective vertical stress <crv'l. Hardin and Blandford (1989) suggest using s 1 j = The obvious 0.1. 0.5, and v 1400, n disadvantage of equation (1) is that not only must the void ratio be known but the vertical as well as the horizontal stresses must be evaluated. DMT calibration chamber tests, resonant column tests and in-situ cross hole tests performed in Ticino sand and Po River sand by Jamiolkowski, et.al. (1988) indicate that the ratio of ce to Recognizing that the DMT offered the ability to determine the soil density as well as the horizontal stress, Hryciw (1990) developed an empirical equation similar to equation (1). 97 to a depth of 21.3 m. The water table was never encountered augering or during penetration testing; the however, moisture content was approximately 4%. The model is based on results from nine different test programs where DMT and in-situ shear wave measurements were performed. The soils ranged from clays with dilatometer indices (ID) of 0.1 to sands with ID's as high as 8. The proposed equation takes the form: Two sets of SCPT and DMT tests were performed at a distance of 3.35 m apart. At each location, the SCPT and DMT tests were performed approximately 0.61 m away from each other. The qc, ED, and DMT horizontal stress index (KD) from the two sets of tests are shown in Figure 2. The friction ratios from the CPT tests were generally less than 1%. ID ranged from 2 to 4. Complete results of the SCPT and DMT tests are given by Thomann (1990). 530 (2) where Yt = DMT-based total unit weight and Yw unit weight of water. Hryciw (1990) also showed that when a range of soil types is considered, very little correlation exists between Rg and the horizontal stress index (KD) of the DMT. Hryciw postulated that the poor correlations may be due to differences in the strain level when measuring ~ and ED. DETERMINATION OF K0 AND DR Comparisons between the results of this study and the previously mentioned correlations require determination of the relative density, dry unit weight, and confining stresses. These values were determined by empirical correlations developed for the SCPT and DMT. SITE CHARACTERISTICS Marchetti and Crapps (1981) found that the density increased as ED increased. They developed an empirical chart relating ED and ID to the soi 1 type and density. This chart was used for determining YD and av' at the Douglas Lake site for use in equation (2) The in-situ tests were performed at the University of Michigan Biological Station in Pellston, Michigan. The soil conditions consisted of a medium to fine, subangular, light brown sand. The grain size distribution is shown in Figure 1. The Unified Soil Classification was SP poorly graded sand. The specific gravity (G8 ) was 2.65 and the maximum and minimum void ratios (emax and eminl were 0.82 and 0.54, respectively. SAND Several relationships exist for determining K 0 of cohesionless soils from results of the DMT test. Schmertmann (1983) developed a semiempirical equation for estimating K0 based on KD and the thrust necessary to drive the DMT blade. Extensive calibration chamber tests performed by Baldi, et.al. (1986) found that K 0 for natural, predominantly quartz, uncemented sand was best predicted by using : SILT Fine 100 -1-l ..c: 0'> -~ 80 3:: 0.376 + 0.095 KD- 0.00461 qclav' (3) >. ..0 60 The K 0 values at the Douglas Lake site, as determined by equation (3), are shown in Figure 3. 'c:"' (!) -.-l 40 rx.. -1-l coet!. of Uniformity -C 11 c: (!) u 20 coeff. of Gradation- Ce Uni!ied Classification - -2.42 Results from 228 calibration chamber tests performed by Jamiolkowski, et.al. (1988) on both normally consolidated and overconsolidated Ticino Sand samples revealed a strong relationship between Dr, qc, and the mean effective confining stress (CJ 0 ' ) : - 1.04 SP '"' (!) p.. 1 0.5 0.2 Grain Size Figure 1. 0.1 0-05 0.02 (mm) Grain Size Distribution of Douglas Lake Sand. 1 -----2.93 The grain size distribution of the soil, as observed from several augered holes, was consistent to a depth of 9. 1 m. One CPT test outside the study area indicated similar soil ln (4) The relative density at the Douglas Lake site is shown in Figure 3. The results of equations (3) and (4) were used to estimate Ge via 98 (bars) (bars) 60 0 40 0 0 8 12 16 20 0 Douglas Lake Sand 1 2 8 3 ..C4 ' - .j...) 0.. ())5 0 6 7 8 Figure 2. Ev, and Kv from SCPT and DMT tests in Douglas Lake Sand. Dr Ka 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 qc, 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 The empirical total unit weights equation (1). from the DMT were not used for determining Dr because they were found to be unreasonable . 0.8 OrT~~~~~-r~~~r~~~~~~~~~ .................. Test il ~ 1 Essentially no correlation was found between Rg This figure also and Dr, as shown in Figure 4. from Sully and Campanella results contains (1989) which also do not coincide with results Very little of Jamiolkowski , et.al. (1988). relationship was also found between the Douglas Lake results and the correlation proposed by Baldi, et.al. (1989) (Figure 5) . Test t2 2 8'3 ... .C4 the to be due correlations may The poor difference in strain level between seismic and The strains associated with penetration tests. G€ are much lower than those imposed when determining E 0 or measuring qc. .1-l p. QJ 0 5 6 (1) and (2) yield somewhat better Equations Although both estimates of Ge (Figure 6) . G€, for values similar predict equations equation (2) does not require CPT, emax and emin Therefore, the DMTtests to be performed,. based approach for determining Ge is more desirable. Douglas Lake Sand Figure 3. CORRELATIONS FROM DMT AND SCPT RESULTS K0 and Dr from equations in Douglas Lake Sand. (3) and (4,) 99 I 5 Ge (bars) 0 500 1000 1500 Ge (bars) 2000 0 4.5 2500 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 4 fSD 3.5 Ge 1 .. . 3 ED 2.5 . 2 1 I • . . . . 1.5 ! - 20 60 40 I I I• (Jamiolkowski , DMT in Laing Bridge South Sand (Sully and Campenella, 1989) • DMT Test #1 in Douglas Lake Sand A DMT Test #2 in Douglas Lake Sand Figure 4. r~sults-Test t2 ] Estimated G€ by equations (1) and (2). CONCLUSIONS in CC with Ticino Sand (Jamiolkowski , et.al., 1988) ~ SCPT (%) Mean and Standard Deviation of DMT ~ DMT in Po River Sand (2) 100 80 Relative Density (1) I Figure 6. 0 Equation --- Equar_lon et.al., The results from SCPT and DMT tests performed in a cohesionle ss soil were compared with previously published correlatio ns for estimating G€. Poor correlatio ns were obtained when equations relating G€ to Ev and qc were used. The poor correlatio ns may be due to difference s in strain magnitude between seismic and penetratio n tests. The most accurate and efficient method for empiricall y determinin g G€ from penetratio n tests appears to be one that utilizes the DMT-based Yt and K0 • 1988) Correlatio n between Rg and Dr ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for this research was provided through NSF Grants CES-880713 4 and CES-870874 7. The authors wish to thank the University of Michigan Biological Departmen t for use of their facilities at the Biologica l Station. Thanks to Mr. Ing-Tsang Hoe for helping perform the in-situ tests. 24 22 20 . Correlation proposed by Baldi, et.al., 1989 . ~~ lo 18 . . . 16 Ge 14 12 qc 10 • .. REFERENCES •• Baldi, G., Bellotti, R., Ghionna, v., Jamiolkows ki, M., Marchetti, S. and Pasqualini, E. (1986). "Flat Dilatomete r Tests in Calibration Chambers", In Proceeding s of In-Situ '86, pages 431-446, Geotech. Eng. 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