Directorate of Primary Education Third Primary Education

Directorate of Primary Education
Third Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-III)
Terms of Reference
Procurement Specialist (National Consultant)
1. Background:
The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME) and the Directorate of Primary
Education (DPE), jointly with stakeholders and development partners, is commencing the
Third Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-3). This program will support and
scale-up interventions to improve education outcomes. PEDP-3 incorporates features of a
sector-wide approach in matters of financial managements, donor harmonization and program
scope. The program is potentially fast disbursing with a focus on performance through a
Disbursement Linked Indicator (DLI) matrix.
PEDP-3 will be implemented using the country's public financial management (PFM) systems.
While the coordination of the program is managed by Directorate of Primary Education (DPE),
the financial management of the program will be under the responsibility of the PFM
institutions – Ministry of Finance (MOF), Controller General of Accounts (CGA), and
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). A group of national and international consultants are
to be hired to assist DPE in implementing PEDP-3. DPE needs technical assistance and
support of a national Procurement Specialist for local and international procurements of goods
and services under PEDP-3 till the end of the Program.
The specialist will be recruited in accordance with ADB Guidelines using Individual Consultant
Selection method for recruitment of consultants.
2. Objectives of the Assignment
To assist MOPME/DPE in conducting efficient procurement of works, goods and
services under PEDP-III
The objectives of the assignment are:
To improve the procedures for national procurement of works, goods and services
using PPR 2008 and ICB procedures using ADB or WB guidelines.
To ensure the establishment of the following principal hallmarks of a proficient Public
Procurement in implementing all the procurement activities under PEDP3: economy,
efficiency, fairness and reliability, transparency and accountability and ethical
3.Scope of Work
The Procurement Specialist will work under the guidance and supervision of the Director
Finance and Procurement Division, DPE, and will provide support to the DPE, MOPME and
other agencies responsible for PEDP3 implementation. The Specialist will also be responsible
to scale-up gradually the capacity of the other staff in the Financial and Procurement Division
of DPE.
In PEDP-3, ADB guidelines will be used for recruitment of consultancy services,World
Bank guidelines for international procurement of goods and works and GOB’s PPR
2008 for local procurement of goods and works. The Procurement Specialist will assist
with the implementation and coordination of all PEPD-3 procurement activities and will advise
the MOPME/DPE procurement committees at each stage to ensure compliance with ADB,
World Bank, or PPR 2008 requirements. In addition, the Specialist is expected to provide
technical advice and support to PEDP-3 implementation agencies on all aspects of
procurement, and to District Primary Education Officers, Primary Training Institute
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Superintendents and Upazila Education Officers who will undertake local procurement (e.g.,
4.Detailed Tasks
Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Director Finance, the Specialist would have
the following responsibilities:
Assist with implementation and follow-up actions of the PFM action plan, including :
 Separation/specific reporting on WB/ADB “notionally” funded procurement (if
Harmonize the list of the exceptions in Government’s Procurement Law by
Identify ICB procurement packages and need for any advanced procurement
Government issues with these exceptions as applicable to all procurements
(other than ICBs) in the primary education sector during the period of PEDP-3;
Assist in establishing procedures and systems for planning, implementing and
monitoring of PEDP3 procurement;
Assist in compiling the annual operational plan (AOP), preparing the annual
procurement plan (APP), annual work plan for PEDP-3 implementation;
Facilitate the procurement process, including arranging public notices and establishing
processes for handling submissions, seek approval for, and manage the schedule of
procurement processes including selection committee meetings etc;
Assist with arrangements for timely advertise and/or provide information to potential
suppliers, contractors and consultants, in order to ensure principle of economy,
efficiency, fair competition and transparency;
Assist preparation of draft bidding documents, letters of invitations, evaluation reports
and contracts, and other procurement related documents needed for the
implementation of PEDP-3 (and when required, assist with obtaining no objection from
Assist with checking effectiveness of bid conditions such as provisions of the security
guarantee, timeliness of contracted deliveries, compliance of schedules in works
contracts, quality performance indicators before signing contracts;
Assist with monitoring quality, delivery and performance of suppliers/contractors under
signed contract;
Assist with creating and maintain a proper filing and record keeping system on
procurement activities;
Assist with progress report preparation, including monthly status reports of
procurements, quarterly progress reports and road map for annual implementation
Assist PEDP-3 implementing agencies with drafting all documents required with
appropriate ADB Guidelines for each of the consultancy recruitment packages (e
g(e.g., Expressions of Interest notice, Terms of Reference, Request for Proposal,
Contracts etc);
Advice and support MOPME/DPE in reviewing and monitoring of LGED for the
implementing the civil work component and NCTB for implementing textbook
production and distribution applying WB guidelines for international procurement;
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Assist with preparing documentation for DPE/DPs consultation on financial
management and procurement issues, such as the Annual Fiduciary Review;
Strengthening the capacity of relevant MOPME/DPE and local government staff
for procurement, following ADB guidelines on Use of Consultants , WB
guidelines for international procurement of goods and works and PPR2008 for
local procurement of goods and works.
Assist with other financial management assignment as may arise, including
preparation of any information required by the program management and addressing
findings and recommendations from the CAG reports, annual fiduciary review and
other surveys and studies.
Monitoring LGED procurement to confirm that model tender documents for
works approved by WB and ADB are used by LGED in implementing civil works
component of PEDP3.
Prepare a systematic procurement capacity building plan for DPE and NCTB for
improving procurement performance during implementing civil works
component of PEDP3
5.Output and Reporting Requirements
 Procurement reports for ADB and World Bank
Relevant procurement documents aligned with agreed specifications
Annual procurement pan
6.Management Arrangements
The Procurement Specialist will work under the supervision of the Director, Finance and
Procurement Division.DPE.
7.Monitoring, review and evaluation arrangements
The consultant’s performance will be monitored by the Director, Finance and Procurement
Division, DPE.
8.Total Inputs Required
Initially appointment for 6 month's period which may be extended for one year on satisfactory
service report.
9.Qualifications and Experience
The National Procurement Specialist will have the following qualification criteria:
o Advanced University degree (Masters degree or equivalent) having 20 years post
academic experience ;
The National Procurement Specialist will have 10 years of experience in public
procurement including 3 years of experience of working for ADB or WB funded
Knowledgeable of the latest international development in the field of procurement;
Knowledgeable of in ADB guidelines on procurement and use of consultants.
Knowledgeable of the World Bank guidelines for procurement of goods and works
under IBRD loans;
Knowledgeable of GOB’s Public Procurement Act 2006 and Public Procurement Rules
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Computer literate and excellent knowledge of the English language (reading, writing,
listening and speaking).
10. Places of Assignment
Finance and Procurement Division, DPE, Dhaka.
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