Boostting Life Cycle Assessment A Use e in European Sm mall and Medium m-sized Enterprrises: Serving Neeeds of Innovattive Key S Sectors with Sm mart Methods and Tools Electron nics C Case stu udy Daiisalux DAIISALUX is dedicated to the de sign, manu ufacture an nd commeercialization n of eme ergency lu uminaires, beacon b lig ghting and signaling, always ussing the la atest tech hnology. Daissalux firmlly bets on n design aand innova ation, exprressed in a solid R& &D&I dep partment. Fully F aware e of their importance e, they have develop ped their own o prottocols for assuring a qu uality and fo or the envirronmental manageme m ent, certified d by the standards ISO 9001 and a ISO 14 4001, respectively. Eve ery quality requiremen nt is aranteed by y accredited d laboratorries, which has allowed them to get certific cates gua such h as N and d ENEC, fro om AENOR R; NF, from m AFNOR (F France), GO OST (Russia a) or RET TILAP (Colo ombia). Sup pported by Gaia, the Association A of Electron nic and Info ormation T Technologie es of the Basque Co ountry, Daiisalux bene efitted from m a training g provided by Fraunh hofer hnicians on n how to use u the LC CA to go to ool and the erefore, how w to apply y life tech cycle thinking to their bu usinesses m model and how to im mprove the environme ental n new prod ducts and n new projectts. perfformance in In a basis of a ten yea ars use life etime, Daissalux developed the environme ental asse essment through the LCA L to go ttool for a lig ghting prod duct. As the LCA to o go tool was w not prrimarily de esigned for lighting p products, so ome ckground data d is not provided in the tool, which iss particularrly relevantt for bac Daissalux’ range e of produc cts: Due to o the lack of o several co omponentss and mate erials con ntained in lighting products p su uch as, flu uorescent lamps, NiC Cd and NiMH N battteries, plasttics (PC-AS SA, PA, PC, ABAS, PMM MA), severa al electroniic components (tran nsformers, capacitorss, resistors, etc.), and metals (copper, brasss), the ressults obta ained did not n meet th he current n needs of Da aisalux. Boostting Life Cycle Assessment A Use e in European Sm mall and Medium m-sized Enterprrises: Serving Neeeds of Innovattive Key S Sectors with Sm mart Methods and Tools A ta able with th he data entered in the e tool is sho own in the table below w. Some off the com mponents are availab ble in the e tool, suc ch as alum minium, stteel and PCB, P calc culated thro ough the specific LCA Atogo tool for PCBs. Nevertheleess, the batttery and d all plasticss carbon footprint werre calculate ed through other com mmercial too ols. Besides, in the e table belo ow, the resu ults of the assessment a t are shown n. As obserrved, arbon footprint belong gs to the usse stage, ha abitual resu ult for a ligh hting the highest ca duct. prod To c conclude, and a after th he assessm ment, the ne eed of a com mmercial to ool for ligh hting prod ducts mustt be noted. However, since theirr particular goal is to iimplementt the nec cessary imp provementss to their p products forr future cerrtification u under the ecoe design directiv ve, they are e interested d in the ap pproach and d in future developments he tool. of th
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