Program Schedule DNP Satellite Meeting Monday, Sept 29, 2014, BBAW, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin 09:00 09:10 09:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:30 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 Welcome by Shimon Vega (Rehovot) DIP - DNP Session 1 Chair: Shimon Vega Leibniz-Saal Marina Bennati (Göttingen) Recent Insights in Overhauser DNP in Liquids at 0.3 and 3 Tesla Umit Akbey (Berlin) DNP of Proteins and Sillicates: New Radicals and Higher Temperatures Vasyl Denysenkov (Frankfurt/M) Overhauser DNP Experiments on Oriented Lipid Bilayers at 9.4 T: Setup and Applications Or Szekely (Rehovot) Sensitizing Protein NMR by Nuclear Hyperpolarization Methods Coffee Break Jan-Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen (Lyngby) Hyperpolarized Metabolic Imaging: Preclinical and Clinical Progress Akiva Feintuch (Rehovot) Static and MAS DNP. Similarities and Differences Daphna Shimon (Rehovot) Hetero-Nuclear Polarization Exchange During DNP Discussion time Lunch DIP - DNP Session 2 Chair: Hartmut Oschkinat Leibniz-Saal Geoffrey Bodenhausen (Lausanne) Technical Improvements for Dissolution DNP Andriy Marko (Frankfurt/M) Role of Dipolar Electron Spin-Spin Interaction in High Field DNP Experiments in Liquid Solutions Christian Bretschneider (Rehovot) DNP in Diamond Discussion time Internal Discussion of DIP Project Members Chair: Shimon Vega and Hartmut Oschkinat FGMR2014 Monday, Sept 29, 2014, BBAW, Markgrafenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin 15:00 Registration Foyer BBAW Markgrafenstr. 38 16:30 17:30 Educational Session Chair: Leibniz-Saal Gunnar Jeschke (Zürich) Advanced EPR for NMR spectroscopists Shimon Vega (Rehovot) Advanced DNP for Beginners 18:30 Welcome Mixer & Snacks 19:00 19:10 Welcome / Opening remarks Presentation of the FGMR-Award Chair: Christina Thiele and Marina Bennati Leibniz-Saal FGMR Honory Member Robert G. Griffin (Cambridge, USA) Overhauser Effects in Insulating Solids Presentation of the Ernst-Awards Chair: Wolfgang Jahnke Leibniz-Saal 19:30 20:15 20:25 Moritz Schmidt (Konstanz) A Genetically Encoded Spin Label for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Distance Measurements 20:45 21:05 Nanette Jarenwattananon (Los Angeles) Thermal Maps of Gases in Heterogeneous Reactions David Schulze-Suenninghausen (Karlsruhe) Rapid Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation NMR Spectra at Natural Abundance Tuesday, Sept 30, 2014, Campus Buch, MDC.C, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin 09:00 09:30 10:00 10.30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:20 14:35 14:50 15:05 15:20 15:50 16:15 16:40 16:55 Plenary I: Frontiers in Magnetic Resonance Chair: Jochen Balbach Axon I 1 13 Lucio Frydman (Rehovot) Emerging Opportunities in High-Sensitivity H and C In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Thomas Prisner (Frankfurt a. M.) New Methodical Aspects for Dipolar Spectroscopy Christian Hilty (College Station) Dissolution DNP in Chemistry Coffee Break Plenary II: Imaging Chair: Bernhard Blümich Axon I Peter Jezzard (Oxford) New MRI Methods for Assessment of Cerebrovascular Disease Jens Frahm (Göttingen) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Real Time Klaas Prüssmann (Zürich) Advances in NMR Magnetometry for MRI Applications Lunch A1: Materials & Small Molecules B1: BioMR-Applications Chair: Christina Thiele Axon II Chair: Enrica Bordignon Axon I Ernst Rössler (Bayreuth) Field-Cycling NMR Jochen Balbach (Halle) Ex vivo NMR during Relaxometry Investigating Soft Matter PTH Hormone Phosphorylation and Alzheimer Amyloid Formation Eike Brunner (Dresden) Solid-state NMR Christiane Ritter (Stöckheim) Solid-state and SENS DNP Studies of Diatom Biosilica NMR Structure of the Helical Signal Transduction Filament MAVS Benno Meier (Southampton) Electric Aaron Hahn (Berlin) Site-Directed Spin Detection of Ortho and Para Water in Labelling of Sulfite Oxidase Using NonFullerene Cages Natural Amino Acids Hideto Matsuoka (Bonn) Time-Resolved Franziska Kappert (Frankfurt) Structural EPR and DFT Studies of Organic Characterization of FGFR-Ligand Interaction Electroluminescent Materials by NMR Spectroscopy Ulrich Scheler (Dresden) Interfaces and Johann Klare (Osnabrück) Conformational Dynamics in Polymer Composite Materials Heterogeneity of Roc Domains in WT and Mutant C. tepidum Roc-COR Daniel Gunzelmann (Geelong) Decoupled Manuel Etzkorn (Düsseldorf) NonNa+ ion Conduction in Poly-AMPS Based Conventional Approaches for the NMR Ionomer Electrolytes by Solid-State NMR Characterization of Membrane Proteins Coffee Break A2: Signal Enhancement Techniques B2: NMR in Chem. Biology and Drug Design Chair: Marina Bennati Axon II Chair: Wolfgang Jahnke Axon I Anne Lesage (Lyon) Determining the Gregg Siegal (Leiden) NMR as a Structural Conformation of Surface Species by DNP Biology Tool for Drug Discovery – Making a Enhanced Solid-State NMR Comeback Shimon Vega (Rehovot) Indirect Double Geoffrey Bodenhausen (Paris) Study of Cross Effect DNP on Heteronuclear Spin Ligand-Protein Interactions by Combining Systems DNP with Long-Lived States 1 13 Björn Corzilius (Frankfurt a. M.) H, C, and Brigitte Fiege (Basel) A Combination of NMR 15 N Direct Solid Effect DNP with Gd(III) and X-Ray Crystallography Reveals the Fine Details of Mannoside Binding to FimH Lectin Stefan Glöggler (UCLA) Hyperpolarisation of Heiko M. Möller (Potsdam) NMR Studies Unprotected Amino Acid Derivates Utilizing with the 216 kDa Transmembrane Enzyme 17:10 17:25 18:00 18:30 20:00 PHIP in Water Chris Witte (Berlin) MRI of Hyper-CEST Xenon Biosensors Targeted to Cell-Surface Glycans + Complex Na -NQR from V. cholerae Sonja Dames (Garching) Phosphorylation Induced Dynamic Changes Facilitate Estrogen Independent Coactivator Binding to ERβ Veronika Kropf (Regensburg) Modulation of the Conformational Equilibrium of Activated Ras by Potential Drug Compounds Roberto Rizzato (Göttingen) Sensitivity Enhancement in ENDOR by Cross Polarisation and Relaxation Poster Session 1 (odd numbers presenting) Wine and Cheese – Informal Snacks and Drinks, Poster Session continued FGMR member meeting Wednesday, Oct 1, 2014, Campus Buch, MDC.C, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:25 11:50 12:05 12:20 13:15 13:40 14:05 14:30 14:45 Plenary III: Small Molecules & Materials Chair: Kay Saalwächter Axon I Lyndon Emsley (Lyon) DNP Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Christina Thiele (Darmstadt) Recent Advances in Orienting Organic Compounds for RDC Structural Analysis Gerd Buntkowsky (Darmstadt) Applications of Solid State NMR in Heterogeneous Catalysis Coffee Break A3: Dynamics and Computational B3: BioMR applications Methods Chair: Steffen Glaser Axon II Chair: Leif Schröder Axon I Kay Saalwächter (Halle) Rotational and Philipp Selenko (Berlin) Cells, Drugs and Translational Diffusion in Crowded Protein NMR Solutions 1 Thomas Heydenreich (Garching) Obtaining A. Alia (Leiden) In Vivo H MRI and Localized Insight into Spin Manipulation: TimeSpectroscopic Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Frequency Representation of NMR Pulses in Mouse Models 31 Johannes Weber (Siegen) Linking P Steffen Goerke (Heidelberg) The Signature of Magnetic Shielding Tensors to Crystal Protein Unfolding in CEST Imaging Structures Janosch Hennig (Neuherberg) Combining Daniela Lalli (Florenz) Studying the Ferritin NMR and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering to Nanocage by NMR Study Protein-RNA Complexes Lunch A4: BioMR – Methods & Apps B4: Materials & Small Molecules Chair: Eike Brunner Axon I Chair: Johannes Liermann Axon II Daniella Goldfarb (Rehovot) Probing Jürgen Senker (Bayreuth) Studying the Protein Conformation in Cells by EPR Nucleation of Supramolecular Polymer 3+ Distance Measurements Using Gd Spin Additives with NMR Crystallography Labeling Bernd Reif (Garching) Amyloid Aggregates Claudia Schmidt (Paderborn) Effects of and Large Soluble Protein Complexes Micellization and Aggregrate Growth on the NMR Spectra of Surfactants Jörg Matysik (Leipzig) The Solid-State Bernhard Blümich (Aachen) Compact NMR: Photo-CIDNP Effect Non-Destructive Testing and Real-Time Spectroscopy 1 Müge Kasanmascheff (Freiburg) Insights Maryia Sin (Dresden) Quantitative H into the FeMo Cofactor of Nitrogenase Spectroscopy in Studies of Liquid-Phase Adsorption on Porous Materials Garima Jaipuria (Göttingen) The 18 kDa Philipp Selter (Münster) Synthesis and Translocator Protein in a Lipid Bilayer Characterization of PAS-PPO Co-Polymers for + Li Batteries 15:00 Wiktor Kozminski (Warschau) New High Dimensionality Experiments for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Alicia Lund (Santa Barbara) Directly Probing 27 Surface Al in Al-SBA-15 with Static and MAS DNP 15:15 Dmitry Akhmetzyanov (Frankfurt a. M.) 2+ PELDOR on High Spin Mn Coupled with a Nitroxide Radical 15:30 Rasmus Linser (Göttingen) Ultra-SparseNUS, Diagonal-Compensated 4D Spectroscopy for Facilitated Structure Determination Coffee Break 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 Plenary IV: Public Lectures Chair: Hartmut Oschkinat Axon I Mitsu Ikura (Toronto) Systems Biology of Ras Signalling by NMR Harald Schwalbe (Frankfurt a. M.) NMR in Chemical Biology and Drug Design John-Dylan Haynes (Berlin) What Does Functional MRI Teach us About the Human Mind? Poster Session 2 (even numbers presenting) 19:30 20:45 21:15 Barbeque (Poster Session continued) John Waugh and the Early Days of CP Drinks & Dancing Thursday, Oct 2, 2014, Campus Buch, MDC.C, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12.00 12.30 12:40 13:10 Plenary V: Magnetic Resonance in Structural Biology Chair: Robert Bittl Axon I Anja Böckmann (Lyon) Atomic-Resolution 3D Structure of Amyloid β Fibrils Bearing the Osaka Mutation: Parts I & II Beat Meier (Zurich) Atomic-Resolution 3D Structure of Amyloid β Fibrils Bearing the Osaka Mutation: Parts III & IV Gunnar Jeschke (Zürich) Sensitivity Enhancement in Pulsed EPR on Nitroxide and Gd(III) Spin Labels Coffee Break Plenary VI: Magnetic Resonance in Structural Biology Chair: Thomas Risse Axon I Wayne Hubbell (Los Angeles) Revealing Protein Conformational Substates and Dynamics with Site-Directed Spin Labeling and High Pressure EPR Adam Lange (Berlin) Supramolecular Assemblies Studied by 3D and 4D Solid-State NMR Michael Sattler (Garching) Structure and Dynamics of Protein Complexes Using Integrated Structural Biology Concluding remarks Gerd Buntkowsky, Enrica Bordignon, Thomas Risse, Christina Thiele Lunch (in Campus Mensa) G-NMR
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