Program in pdf - European Venous Forum

15h Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum
in collaboration with the French Society of Phlebology
Thursday 26th June – Saturday 28th June 2014
THURSDAY 26th June 2014
08.25 Welcome JL Gillet, President EVF
Didactic Session I: Perforating veins
Chair: P Gloviczki, C Daniel
Which perforating veins should be treated? JJ Guex (France)
Foam or endovenous laser? E Rabe (Germany)
Subfacial endoscopic perforating vein surgery: is there still a place in 2014?
P Gloviczki (USA)
Panel Discussion
Didactic Session II: Compression therapy
(Industry sponsored symposium)
Chair: E Rabe
The global outcomes of compression therapy: Pressures exercised on the limb
by medical compression stockings and actions on the venous network.
D Rastel (France)
Impact of the medical compression stockings on the cutaneous microcirculation.
JP Gobin (France)
Enhancement of body balance. R Lepers (France)
10.05 - 10.35 Coffee Break and visit to Exhibition
Didactic Session III: Chronic venous disease: Inherited or acquired?
(Industry sponsored symposium)
Chair: JL Gillet, A Nicolaides
Introduction. JL Gillet (France)
Population prevalence of chronic venous disease: A question of lifestyle or valves?
P-L Antignani (Italy)
Is chronic venous disease an inherited or acquired phenomenon? N Labropoulos
Therapeutic targets for chronic venous disease. E Bouskela (Brazil)
Conclusion. A Nicolaides (Cyprus)
Session 1. Venous thromboembolism
Chair: A Nicolaides, M Cazaubon
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minute discussion)
11.35 1.1
Factors affecting long-term outcome in patients with ilio-femoral DVT treated
with catheter-directed thrombolysis.
P Foegh1, LP Jensen2, L Klitfod1, S Just1, R Broholm3, N Baekgaard1
Vascular Clinic, Gentofte Hospital and Rigshospitalet, 2Hospital of Northern Zealand, 3Dept. of
Nuclear Medicine, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
11.55 1.2
Pharmaco-mechanical clot removal in venous occlusions – the use of angiojet in
chronic deep vein thrombosis.
F Osse, P Thorpe. Centro Endovascular de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil
12.15 1.3
Validation of the Caprini risk score for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in high
risk surgical patients.
K Lobastov, V Barinov, L Laberko, V Boyarintsev. The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical
University, Moscow, Russia
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
12.35 - 13.30 Lunch and visit to Exhibition
13.30 – 15.30 Session 2. Endovenous laser ablation and long term results.
Chair: JL Gérard, N Morrison
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minutes discussion)
13.30 2.1
Endovenous laser ablation versus conventional surgery in the treatment of
small saphenous vein incompetence: 1 year results.
PT Docter, AD Roopram, MJ Faber, MY Lind, JP Van Brussel, LC Terlouw-Punt, E Birnie, AAEA
De Smet, AC Van Der Ham. Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
13.50 2.2
Mid to long term results of endovenous laser ablation versus conventional
surgery in patients with great saphenous varicose veins in a tertiary referral
N Hamada, L Higgins, BY Chua, M Alawy, S Sultan. Western Vascular Institute, Galway City,
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
14.10 2.3
Implementation of a new two-ring radial fibre combined with 1470nm diode
laser as promising standard treatment for great saphenous vein insufficiency of
more than 8mm.
A Fiebig, K Rass, N Frings, A Greiner.
Kompetenznetz Chronische Venenkrankheiten, Kiel; Germany
Eifelklinik St. Brigida, Simmerath, Germany
Capio Mosel-Eifel-Klinik, Bad Bertrich, Germany
Capio MVZ Venenzentrum, Bad Bertrich, Germany
14.30 2.4
The AVULS Trial – simultaneous varicosity treatment is clinically better.
TRA Lane, D Kelleher, AC Shepherd, IJ Franklin, AH Davies. Academic Section of Vascular
Surgery, Imperial College London, Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
14.50 2.5
Rates of duplex-detected recanalisation 5 years after ultrasound-guided foam
sclerotherapy and relationship with clinical, haemodynamic and patient
-reported outcomes.
KAL Darvall, GR Bate, AW Bradbury. University of Birmingham Department of
Vascular Surgery, Birmingham, UK
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
Lymph node venous networks (LNVN) of the groin: Anatomical description
and discussion about their role in neovascularisation after varicose vein
JF Uhl1, M Lo Vuolo2, M Chahim1, C Gillot1 . 1 URDIA Research Unit EA4465, Department of
Anatomy, University Paris Descartes, France 2 Diagnostico por Imagenes Junin. Santa Fe, Argentina
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break and visit to Exhibition
Didactic Session IV: What is new in the treatment of acute vein thrombosis?
Chair: A Giannoukas, L Moraglia
Recommendations on Superficial Vein Thrombosis. JL Gillet (Bourgoin, France)
Indications and limitations of New Oral Anticoagulants. I Elalamy (Paris, France)
Thrombolysis . G O’Sullivan G. O’Sullivan (Ireland)
Didactic Session V: Management of saphenous reflux in 2014
Chair: M De Maeseneer, JL Gillet
Comparative efficacy of different methods of treatment. M De Maeseneer (Belgium)
In our daily practice: which technique for which patient? C Hamel-Desnos (Caen,
Recent improvements in foam sclerotherapy techniques. A Cavezzi (Italy)
Randomised trail comparing thermoablation, foam sclerotherapy and stripping
in GSVvaricose veins. Outcome after 5 years.
L Rasmussen, M Lawaetz. The Danish Vein Centres, Copenhagen, Denmark
17.20 V1
18.00 Welcome Reception in the Exhibition Area
FRIDAY 27th June 2014
08.30– 10.30 Session 3. Pelvic congestion syndrome, deep valve reconstruction and a RCT
comparing UGFS, thermablation and stripping
Chair: M Perrin, O Maleti
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minute discussion)
08.30 3.1
Pelvic congestive syndrome: Diagnosis and treatment. Our experience
M Leon, I Martinez, P Fariñas , E Esteban ,D Ferrer, O Cosin, J Lorenzo. Department of Angiology
and Vascular Surgery, La Ribera, University Hospital Alzira. Valencia. Spain
08.50 3.2
Endovascular treatment by stenting of pelvic congestion syndrome due to iliac
vein obstructive lesions.
O Hartung, M Claudel, JJ Lavie, M Boufi, YS Alimi, Service de Chirurgie Vasculaire, Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire Nord, Marseille, France
09.10 3.3
Clinical presentation of women with pelvic-source varicose veins in the
perineum: First steps in the development of a disease-specific patient
assessment tool.
K Gibsona, R Minjareza, B Ferrisa, M Nerdalikb, M Wisea, M Meissnerc aLake Washington Vascular
Surgeons, Bellevue, WA, bMountain Whisper Light Statistics, cUniversity of Washington Department
of Vascular Surgery, Seattle, WA, USA
09.30 3.4
Results of the deep vein valve reconstruction in patients with varicose veins.
R Bredikhin, R Akhmetzyanov, I Ignatyev. Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan State
Medical University, Kazan, Russia
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
09.50 3.5
Effectiveness of RFA and phlebectomy depending on GSV diameter:
Multicentre retrospective longitudinal study
EV Shaidakov, AG Grigorian, EA Ilyukhin, DA Rosukhovsky, VL Bulatov
1. Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medicl Sciences, St. Petersburg,
2. Private surgical clinic “Medalp”, St. Petersburg, Russia
3.Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
10.10 3.6
Invited Presentation: Venous thromboembolism prevalence in French and US
hospitals. Comparison on the basis of the national data bases.
FA Allaert (1,2) E Benzenine (2), C Quantin (2). 1) Medical Evaluation Chair and Angiology,
Cenbiotech, Dijon, 2) Dept Biostatistics, University Hospital, Dijon, France
Coffee Break and visit to Exhibition
Prize Winning Presentations from:
American Venous Forum, American College of Phlebology and
Japanese Society of Phlebology
Chair: B Eklof, O Pichot,
(10 minute presentations followed by 5 minute discussion)
11.00 Pr.1
American Venous Forum
The natural history and treatment outcomes of symptomatic ovarian vein
RD Malgor1, M Comito1, AP Gasparis1, P Pappas2, AK Tassiopoulos1, N Labropoulos1
Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, NY, 2Brooklyn Hospital, New York City,
11.15 Pr.2
Enough of EMR based VTE risk scores – we need to implement VTE
prophylaxis based on these alerts!
AC Ring, M Beck, AB Reed, F Aziz
Penn State University, Hershey, PA, USA
11.30 Pr.3
American College of Phlebology
12 months follow-up of the European multicenter study on cyanoacrylate
embolization of incompetent great saphenous veins
TM Proebstle1, J Alm2, S Dimitri3, L Rasmussen4, M Whiteley5, J Lawson6, AH Davies7 . 1University
of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 2Dermatoligikum, Hamburg, Germany, 3Veinsolutions Center, Spire
Cheshire, UK, 4The Danish Vein Center, Naestved, Denmark 5The Whiteley Clinic, Guildford, UK,
Vein Center, Ouderkerk, Netherlands, 7Imperial College, London, UK
11.45 Pr.4
Japanese Society of Phlebology
Deep vein thrombosis in patients with severe motor and intellectual
disabilities, especially diagnosis and prevention of recurrence of
chronic thrombosis. Serial changes of sonography and D-dimer.
Hiromitsu Ohmori 1), Yasushi Kanaoka 6), Yoshio Murata 2), Masami Yamasaki 2), Hiroko Takesue 4),
Nobuo Matsumoto 3), Ryo Sumimoto 5), Shigetsugu Ohgi 7) Department of Pediatrics 1), Department of
Neurology 2), Department of Internal Medicine 3), Department of Laboratory 4), and Department of
Surgery 5) National Hospital Organization Yanai Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Katoh City
Hospital 6) Department of Vascular Surgery, Hitachi Memorial Hospital 7) Japan
12.00 Pr.5
Micropulsation as a key factor for endovenous pulsed laser ablation
Naoki Sakakibara, Rei Kansaku, Michiaki Sueishi, Hironobu Yamaoka, Atsushi Amano.
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Vein Center, Edogawa Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, Shinagawa
Heart Medical Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Venous education and EVF survey
Chair: J-L Gillet, E Shaydakov
Venous education in the USA. N Morrison (USA)
Venous education in Europe. B Eklof (Sweden)
EVF Survey. A Giannoukas (Greece)
Lunch and visit to Exhibition
14.00 - 14.30 Annual General Meeting (Members only)
EVF Invited Lecture
Prof Peter Gloviczki (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA)
“The medical necessity for treatment of superficial venous disease”
Introduction: Jean-Luc Gillet, President, European Venous Forum
Session 4. Medical therapy for chronic venous disease
Chair: A Cavezzi, FA Allaert
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minute discussion)
15.00 4.1
Sulodexide suppresses inflammation in patients with chronic venous disease.
15. 20 4.2
Biochip array analysis of blood taken from the site of varicose veins reveals
activation of inflammatory processes.
T Urbanek1, Z Krasinski2, B Begier-Krasinska2, A Połubinska2, A Bręborowicz2
Medical University of Silsia, Katowice , 2 Poznan Medical University, Poland
E Kalodiki1,2 CR Lattimer1 D Syed2 G Geroulakos1 J Fareed2 D Hoppensteadt2
Josef Pflug Vascular Laboratory, Ealing Hospital & Imperial College, London, UK.. 2 Thrombosis &
Haemostasis Research Laboratory, Loyola University, Medical Centre, Maywood IL, USA
15.40 4.3
Application of micronized purified fraction of flavonoids in different
experimental models of venous endothelial dysfunction.
AN Novikov, RE Kalinin, IA Suchkov, ND Mzhavanadze, AS Pshennikov. Ruazan State Medical
University, Russia
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
Coffee break and visit to Exhibition
Session 5. Sclerotherapy
Chair: A Bradbury, C Hamel-Desnos
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minute discussion)
16.30 5.1
Feasibility of a new system of standarised foam fabrication and comparison
with Tessari’s method.
E Roche, R Pons*, A Puig, J Puig**. Clinica Vascular Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
* Institut de Quimica Avancada de Catalunya, IQAC-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
**P. Selecta S.A.Barcelona, Spain
16.50 5.2
Vein wall penetration of detergent sclerosants – An in vitro study using
CTD Lee1, MS Whiteley1,2, J-M Li1 Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey1;
The Whiteley Clinic2, Guildford, UK
Submitted in consideration for the EVF Prize
17.10 5.3
Consequences of population ageing in the management of varicose veins by
J Gillet1, C Hamel Desnos2, M Lausecker3, C Daniel4, J Guex5, F Allaert6 1Vascular Medicine,
Bourgoin-Jallieu, France, 2Phlebology, Caen, France, 3Phlebology, Selestat, France, 4Phlebology,
Rueil-Malmaison, France, 5Cabinet de Phlebologie, Nice, France, 6Cenbiotech, Dijon, France
Session 6. Miscellaenous
Chair: M Vandendriessche, F Chleir,
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minute discussion)
17.30 6.1
A randomized, controlled study comparing cyanoacrylate adhesive
embolisation with radiofrequency ablation for treatment of incompetent great
saphenous vein.
N Morrison. Morrison Vein Institute, Scottsdale AZ USA
17.50 6.2
An original and new technique with Da Vinci robot to treat mini invasively the
Nutcracker syndrome.
F Thaveau1,P Nicolini2, B Lucereau1, P Delannoy3, F Beck3, N Chakfe1
Department of Vascular Surgery and Kidney Transplantation, University Hospital of Strasbourg,
Strasbourg, France. 2 Vascular Surgery, Clinique du Parc, Lyon, France, 3 Vascular Surgery,
Clinique du Tonkin, Lyon, France
18.10 6.3
Our experience in vacuum assisted closure in Argentina
A Kornberg, A Pietravallo, J Segura, E Pietravallo, E Altavista. Argentine Vascular and Lymphatic
Surgeon College, Career Postgraduate Phlebolymphology, University Salvador, Argentina
Gala Dinner (and Presentation of Prizes)
SATURDAY 28th June 2014
08.30–10.30 Session 7. Natural history, European RSTA study and compression
Chair: G Mosti, R Milleret
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minutes discussion)
08.30 7.1
Evolution of chronic venous disorders (CVD) from 18 to 88 years according to
parental heredity. About 21318 patients.
V Crébassa*, JJ Guex**, FA Allaert*** *Clinique du Millénaire Montpellier France, **Nice France,
***Cenbiotech Dijon France
08.50 7.2
Morphologic changes in iliac veins and inferior vena cava in patients with
primary varicose veins.
Ł Dzieciuchowicz, R Krzyżański, Ł Kruszyna, Z Krasinski, M Gabriel, G Oszkinis. Department of
General and Vascular Surgery, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland
09.10 7.3
The European study of radiofrequency segmental thermal ablation (RSTA) of
the great saphenous vein – Five year follow-up.
TM Proebstle1, O Pichot2. 1Dept. Of Dermatology, University Medical Center Mainz, Mainz,
Germany. 2 CHU Service de Chirurgie Vasculaire, Grenoble, France
09.30 7.4
Sport stockings using stiff material increases the ejection fraction of the calf
H Partsch 1, G Mosti 2 1: Medical University of Vienna, Austria, 2: Clinica Barbantini, Lucca, Italy
09.50 7.5
Compression treatment for superficial vein thrombosis. A RCT.
K.Boehler, H.Kittler, S. Stolkovich, S. Tzaneva. Department of Dermatology, Division of General
Dermatology; Medical University Vienna, Austria
10.10 7.6
Invited Review. Compression Thereapy. Giovanni Mosti (Italy)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break and visit to Exhibition
Didactic Session VI: Stenting and valve reconstruction in chronic venous disease
Chair: M Lugli, JJ Guex
A new look at venous haemodynamics. A Nicolaides (Cyprus)
Which patients need iliac stenting? O Hartung (France)
Which patients need valve reconstruction? O Maleti (Italy)
Session 8. Energy of RFA and investigations
Chair: E Rabe, P Carpentier
(10 minute presentations followed by 10 minutes discussion)
11.50 8.1
RFA – Better results with higher energy.
MM Lutsenko, MA Ovsyanitskaya, ALSokolov. Center of Treatment and Rehabilitation, Russia,
12.10 8.2
MPFF reduces the levels of VEGF and inflammatory cytokines after
sclerotherapy of varicose veins.
VY Bogachev, AN Kuznetsov, OV Golovanova, OV Taranenko, KE Kapralov. Pirogov Russian
National Research Medical University (RSMU), Venous Clinic Professional, LLC, Moscow
12.30 8.3
Segmental biompedance spectroscopy in chronic venous disorders: A
preliminary experience.
SU Urso*, F Campana°, A Cavezzi* * Eurocenter Venalinfa S.Benedetto del Tronto, Italy
° Vascular Medicine Unit, Bufalini Hospital, Cesena, Italy
12.50 8.4
ICG fluorescence lymphography reveals real-time lymph-flow in the superficial
lymph-vessels of the leg by intermittent pneumatic compression in health
J Maegawa, S Matsubara, S Kitayama, K Hirotomi, T Mikami, and N Takagi* Yokohama City
University, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yokohama and Nittokohki Co. Ltd*,
Tokyo, Japan.
13.10 8.5
Skin capillaroscopy at the ankle can detect early venous microangiopathy.
PH Carpentier, R Chamberod, A Cornu-Thénard, J Laurès, J Noilhetas. E Chauvin E. Centre de
Recherche Universitaire de La Léchère. France
13.30 8.6
Outcome analysis of radiofrequency ablation using the VNUS closure
procedure in patients with lower limb varicose veins
NS Abushov, EJ Zakirjayev, MM Kerimov, FE Abbasov, RA Guliyev. Scientific Centre of Surgery
named after MA Topchubashov, Baku, Azerbaijan
End of Meeting