Title of document F PROJECT ASSESSMENT REPORT Unique Document ID and Revision No: ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 Revision 0 Project: Dungeness B Changeover from the Data Processing System (DPS) to the Data Processing and Control System (DPCS) for Reactor 21 Site: Dungeness B Title: Dungeness B DPS Replacement Project Stage Submission Five Part Two: Changeover for Reactor 21 Licence Instrument No: TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 Agreement No 545 (if applicable) Nuclear Site Licence No: 61 Licence Condition: 22(1) Document Acceptance and Approval for Issue / Publication Role Name Author Reviewer Accepted by 1 Approval for publication 2 Position Signature Date Principal Inspector 27 10 2014 Inspector 27 10 2014 Superintending Inspector 27 10 2014 Superintending Inspector 27 10 2014 Revision History Revision Date A 27 10 2014 0 27 10 2014 1 2 Author(s) Reviewed By Accepted By n/a Description of Change 1st draft for AUH review First accepted issue Acceptance of the PAR to allow release of LI Approval is for publication on ONR web-site, after redaction where relevant Template Ref: ONR-DOC-TEMP-005 Revision 9 Page 1 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 Circulation (latest issue) Organisation Name Date Office for Nuclear Regulation Files: 4.6.1266. Environment Agency Licensee Office for Nuclear Regulation Nuclear Regulator TSSM, Dungeness B Page 2 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 Dungeness B Changeover from the Data Processing System (DPS) to the Data Processing and Control System (DPCS) for Reactor 21 Dungeness B DPS Replacement Project Stage Submission Five Part Two: Changeover for Reactor 21 Project Assessment Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 Revision 0 27 October 2014 Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 3 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 © Office for Nuclear Regulation, 2014 If you wish to reuse this information visit http://www.onr.org.uk/copyright.htm for details. Published 11/14 For published documents, the electronic copy on the ONR website remains the most current publicly available version and copying or printing renders this document uncontrolled. Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 4 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dungeness B Changeover from the Data Processing System (DPS) to the Data Processing and Control System (DPCS) for Reactor 21 Dungeness B DPS Replacement Project Stage Submission Five Part Two: Changeover for Reactor 21 Permission Requested In accordance with arrangements made under Licence Condition 22(1) – Modification or Experiment on Existing Plant, attached to nuclear site licence No 61, EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited (NGL) has requested ONR’s Agreement for their proposal to the changeover for Reactor 21 from the existing Data Processing System to the new Data Processing and Control System as described in the document titled: EC No.: 340804 000 Proposal Version No.: 03 – DNB DPS Replacement Stage Submission Five Part Two: Changeover, (SS5 Part 2) dated 21 August 2014 and as requested in the licensee’s letter NSLDNB50887Y dated 19th September 2014. Background The existing Data Processing System (DPS) for Reactors 21 and 22 at Dungeness B is the original equipment installed during the construction of the Station and is now obsolete. NGL has proposed that the existing DPS is replaced by a modern equivalent referred to as a Data Processing and Control System (DPCS) which will use modern computer-based systems and equipment. In 2013, ONR issued an Agreement to allow the DPCS to move into commissioning as Licence Instrument (LI) 542. The issue of LI 542 showed that ONR was content for the licensee to begin commissioning. In order to issue this LI for changeover on Reactor 21, ONR needs to be content that the concerns raised on the design safety case have been satisfactorily addressed and that NGL has successfully completed commissioning on Reactor 21. Following ONR Agreement, the licensee will move the system into commissioned operational service (COS) for Reactor 21, although not Reactor 22. During COS, there will be further testing, but the system will be in operation on the reactor. Assessment and inspection work carried out by ONR in consideration of this request ONR has carried out a programme of control and Instrumentation (C&I) assessment work on the DPCS, which has resulted in two assessment reports: Assessment of the design of the DPCS (AR-13-091) Assessment of the proposal for changeover from DPS to DPCS (AR-14-064) Assessment of the design in AR-13-091 was not complete at the time that LI 542 was issued, although the shortfalls were not sufficient to prevent commissioning proceeding. The design assessment has now been completed and the report has concluded that: the claims and related arguments of the licensee’s safety case have been sufficiently substantiated by the evidence provided; and the assessor is satisfied with the claims, arguments and evidence laid down within the licensee’s safety case. Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 5 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 Overall, the assessment concludes that the design of the DPCS is adequate to allow changeover from the existing DPS at Dungeness B, subject to the ONR assessment of SS5 Part 2. The assessment in AR-14-064 specifically considers the safety case for the changeover and the adequacy of the development of the safety case during commissioning of the system. AR-14-064 concludes that the safety case adequately supports the changeover from the current DPS to the replacement DPCS on Reactor 21. Furthermore, this report judges that the ONR technical assessment supports the site being operationally ready to make the changeover. Matters arising from ONR's work For this assessment, effort has been concentrated on control and instrumentation. This has concluded that there are no outstanding issues and hence no matters arising. Conclusions This report concludes that: The licensee has completed its due process for the proposal. The technical assessment supports ONR providing Agreement to the proposal. It further concludes that ONR should provide its Agreement to the licensee’s proposal to changeover from the DPS to the DPCS for Dungeness B Reactor 21. Recommendation I recommend that the Superintending Inspector: Signs this Project Assessment Report to confirm support for the ONR technical and regulatory arguments that justify issuing Dungeness B Licence Instrument 545. Signs this Project Assessment Report approving its release for publication, after redaction where appropriate. Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 6 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable AR Assessment Report COS Commissioned Operational Service C&I Control and Instrumentation DPS Data Processing System DPCS Data Processing and Control System INSA Independent Nuclear Safety Assessment LI Licence Instrument NGL EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited NSC Nuclear Safety Committee ONR Office for Nuclear Regulation PAR Project Assessment Report SS5 Stage Submission 5 (part of licensee’s safety case) Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 7 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PERMISSION REQUESTED............................................................................................... 9 2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 9 3 ASSESSMENT AND INSPECTION WORK CARRIED OUT BY ONR IN CONSIDERATION OF THIS REQUEST ............................................................................. 9 4 MATTERS ARISING FROM ONR’S WORK...................................................................... 11 5 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 11 6 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 11 7 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 12 Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 8 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 1 PERMISSION REQUESTED 1. In accordance with arrangements made under Licence Condition 22(1) – Modification or Experiment on Existing Plant, attached to nuclear site licence No 61, EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited (NGL) has requested ONR’s Agreement for their proposal to the changeover for Reactor 21 from the existing Data Processing System to the new Data Processing and Control System as described in the document titled: EC No.: 340804 000 Proposal Version No.: 03 – DNB DPS Replacement Stage Submission Five Part Two: Changeover, (SS5 Part 2) dated 21 August 2014 (Ref 1) and as requested in the licensee’s letter NSLDNB50887Y dated 19th September 2014 (Ref 2). 2 BACKGROUND 2. The existing Data Processing System (DPS) for Reactors 21 and 22 at Dungeness B is the original equipment installed during the construction of the Station and is now obsolete. NGL has proposed that the existing DPS is replaced by a modern equivalent referred to as a Data Processing and Control System (DPCS) which will use modern computer-based systems and equipment. The DPCS, in common with the existing DPS, which it is to replace, provides the Central Control Room with alarms and indications on computer display screens and a number of control functions. 3. In 2013, ONR issued an Agreement to allow the DPCS to move into commissioning as Licence Instrument (LI) 542 (Ref 3). During the assessment of the safety case for commissioning, the ONR Control & Instrumentation (C&I) specialist inspector raised concerns about the visibility of the design safety case in his Assessment Report (AR) that was ongoing (Ref 4). He judged that this issue was not sufficiently significant to prevent commissioning proceeding, but that it would need to be fully resolved before changeover on the first reactor. As a result, he recommended that NGL should not proceed with changeover to the lead reactor until ONR had issued a Licence Instrument agreeing to the changeover. This was supported in the Project Assessment Report (PAR) for the permission to commence commissioning of the DPCS (Ref 5). 4. As required under its arrangements, NGL has now requested ONR Agreement to the changeover from the DPS to the DPCS for Reactor 21 in its letter NSLDNB50887Y dated 19th September 2014 (Ref 2). 5. The issue of LI 542 showed that ONR was content for the licensee to begin commissioning. In order to issue LI 545 for changeover, ONR needs to be content that the concerns raised on the design safety case have been satisfactorily addressed and that NGL has successfully completed commissioning on Reactor 21. Following ONR Agreement, the licensee will move the system into commissioned operational service (COS) for Reactor 21, although not Reactor 22. During COS, there will be further testing, but the system will be in operation on the reactor. 3 ASSESSMENT AND INSPECTION WORK CARRIED OUT BY ONR IN CONSIDERATION OF THIS REQUEST 3.1 LICENSEE’S DUE PROCESS 6. Under the licensee’s arrangements, the safety case submission for the proposed activity is categorised as 2. This requires the licensee to complete an Independent Nuclear Safety Assessment (INSA), but not to submit the case for review by its Nuclear Safety Committee (NSC). The INSA Approval Statement (Ref 6) notes that there were a number of issues to be resolved and it was issued with a number of caveats to be addressed to the satisfaction of the INSA engineer, before approval to Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 9 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 implement changeover. To ensure that these have been addressed, INSA has issued a concurrence statement (Ref 7). The content of the concurrence statement has been considered in the technical assessment in §3.2 below. For the purposes of this section, issue of the concurrence statement is sufficient to support the licensee completing its due process. 7. I conclude that the licensee has completed its due process for the proposal. 3.2 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT 8. ONR has carried out a programme of C&I assessment work on the DPCS, which has resulted in two ARs: 9. Assessment of the design of the DPCS (AR-13-091) (Ref 4). Assessment of the proposal for changeover from DPS to DPCS (AR-14-064) (Ref 8). As noted in paragraph 3, assessment of the design in AR-13-091 was not complete at the time that LI 542 was issued. This has now been completed and the C&I specialist inspector has concluded that: the claims and related arguments of the licensee’s safety case have been sufficiently substantiated by the evidence provided; and he is satisfied with the claims, arguments and evidence laid down within the licensee’s safety case. Overall, the assessment concludes that the design of the DPCS is adequate to allow changeover from the existing DPS at Dungeness B subject to the ONR assessment of SS5 Part 2. 10. The assessment in AR-14-064 specifically considers the safety case for the changeover in SS5 Part 2 and the adequacy of the development of the safety case during commissioning of the system. AR-14-064 concludes that the licensee has demonstrated that: The risks associated with implementing changeover from the existing DPS to the DPCS are As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). Adequate provision has been made to support operation and maintenance of the DPCS post changeover. There are no significant residual issues that could compromise safety claims made on the DPCS when in operational service. The report concludes that SS5 Part 2 adequately supports the changeover from the current DPS to the replacement DPCS on Reactor 21. 11. AR-14-064 also concludes that: 12. The Dungeness B DPCS has been adequately commissioned. Relevant station documentation has been modified. Dungeness B personnel have been trained to operate/maintain the DPCS. The changeover strategy is clearly defined with sufficient level of oversight. I judge that these conclusions demonstrate that, in addition to the conclusions on the design in the previous paragraph, the ONR technical assessment supports the site being operationally ready to make the changeover. Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 10 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 13. Finally, as noted in paragraph 6, the licensee’s INSA includes caveats, which it has addressed in a concurrence statement (Ref 7). In AR-14-064 the C&I specialist inspector notes in a number of places that the concurrence statement satisfactorily addresses individual caveats in the INSA statement. I therefore conclude that the content of the concurrence statement adequately covers the caveats. 14. From the above, I conclude that the technical assessment supports ONR providing Agreement to the proposal to changeover from the DPS to the DPCS and moving into COS for Reactor 21. 3.3 CONSULTATION WITH OTHER REGUALTORS 15. I have judged that there are no matters associated with the proposal that require consultation with other regulators. 4 MATTERS ARISING FROM ONR’S WORK 16. For this assessment, effort has been concentrated on control and instrumentation. This has concluded that there are no outstanding issues and hence no matters arising. 5 CONCLUSIONS 17. This report presents the findings of the ONR assessment of the NGL proposal to change over from the DPS to the DPCS for Dungeness B Reactor 21, which includes moving the DPCS into COS. 18. I have concluded that: The licensee has completed its due process for the proposal. The technical assessment supports ONR providing Agreement to the proposal. 19. To conclude, I am satisfied with the claims, arguments and evidence laid down within the proposal and that ONR should provide its Agreement to the proposal. I have therefore drafted an Agreement to the licensee’s request to changeover from the DPS to the DPCS for Dungeness B Reactor 21 as LI 545 (Ref 9). The LI is one of the standard formats given within ONR procedures and does not require review by the Solicitors Office. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 20. I recommend that the Superintending Inspector: Signs this Project Assessment Report to confirm support for the ONR technical and regulatory arguments that justify issuing Dungeness B Licence Instrument 545. Signs this Project Assessment Report approving its release for publication, after redaction where appropriate. Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 11 of 12 Report ONR-CNRP-PAR-14-016 TRIM Ref: 2014/358099 7 REFERENCES 1. DNB DPS Replacement Stage Submission Five Part Two: Changeover NGL document EC no 340804 000 Proposal Version No.: 03, dated 21 August 2014 Trim ref 2014/339587 (EC), Trim ref 2014/381807 (EC dates) 2. Request for Agreement under Arrangements Made Under Licence Condition 22(1) EC 340804: Dungeness B: DPS Replacement Project Stage Submission 5 Part 2 – Changeover (Stage Submission 5 Part 2 Under Paper of Principle NP/SC 7373) NGL letter NSLDNB50887Y dated 19th September 2014 Trim ref 2014/352086 3. Agreement to NP/SC 7373 DPS Replacement Project Stage Submission 5 Part 1 Commissioning Licence Instrument 542 issued as ONR letter DNB71251N dated 19 December 2013 Trim ref 2013/392520 4. Control and Instrumentation Assessment of the design (Stage Submission 2) of the Dungeness B Data Processing System Replacement (NP/SC 7373) NP/SC 7373 Data Processing System Replacement: Stage Submission 2 Rev 003 – Design ONR Assessment Report ONR-CNRP-AR-13-091 Revision 0 dated 23 October 2014 Trim ref 2014/300623 5. Dungeness B Power Station Agreement to DPS Replacement Project Stage Submission 5 Part 1 – Commissioning ONR Project Assessment Report ONR-DNB-PAR-13-036 Revision 0 dated 19 December 2013 Trim ref 2013/404205 6. DNB DPS Replacement Stage Submission 5 Part 2: Changeover to the DPCS NGL Milestone Full INSA Approval Statement for Dungeness B EC No.: 340804 000 Proposal Version No.: 03, dated 21 August 2014 Trim ref 2014/317530 7. Independent and Nuclear Assurance Division – Concurrence Part B – Replacement Data Processing System for Reactor 21 at Dungeness B Phase 5 – Changeover from DPS to DPCS NGL document SRD/REP/CON/DNB/001B/05 Revision 000 dated October 2014 TRIM Ref. 2014/387502 8. Dungeness B Control and Instrumentation assessment of Stage Submission 5 Part 2: Changeover, EC 340804 000 of the Dungeness B Data Processing System Replacement Project. DNB DPS Replacement Stage Submission 5 Part 2: Changeover, EC 340804 000, on Reactor 21 ONR Assessment Report ONR-CNRP-AR-14-064 Revision 0 dated 23 October 2014 Trim ref 2014/361783 9. Agreement to DNB DPS Replacement Stage Submission 5 Part 2: Changeover for Reactor 21 Licence Instrument 545 issued as ONR letter DNB71261N dated 27 October 2014 Trim ref 2014/340393 Office for Nuclear Regulation Page 12 of 12
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