J. KSIAM Vol.18, No.1, 43–50, 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.12941/jksiam.2014.18.043 EULER-MARUYAMA METHOD FOR SOME NONLINEAR STOCHASTIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH JUMP-DIFFUSION HAMDY M. AHMED H IGHER I NSTITUTE OF E NGINEERING , E L -S HOROUK ACADEMY, P.O. 3 E L -S HOROUK C ITY, C AIRO , E GYPT E-mail address: Hamdy [email protected] A BSTRACT. In this paper we discussed Euler-Maruyama method for stochastic differential equations with jump diffusion. We give a convergence result for Euler-Maruyama where the coefficients of the stochastic differential equation are locally Lipschitz and the pth moments of the exact and numerical solution are bounded for some p > 2. 1. I NTRODUCTION Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) arise in the modeling of many phenomena in physics, biology, climatology, economics, etc. when uncertainties or random influences (called noises) are taken into account. These random effects are not only introduced to compensate for the defects in some deterministic models, but also are often rather intrinsic phenomena. In finance, the Black-Scholes-Merton stochastic equations are used to model the option price. In climatology, the stochastic Lorenz system is used to study the flow of the atmosphere. The stochastic lattice differential equations are used to model systems such as cellular neural networks with applications to image processing, pattern recognition, and brain science. Most SDEs arising in practice are nonlinear, and cannot be solved explicitly, so numerical methods for SDEs have recently a great deal of attention (see [2,4,5,8,11,12,13,14]). EulerMaruyama is a technical for approximate numerical solution of a stochastic differential equation. It is a simple generalization of the Euler method for ordinary differential equations to stochastic differential equations (see [1,7,9,10]). In this paper we study the numerical solution of the stochastic differential equations with jump-diffusion of the form du(x, t) = f (x, t, u(x, t− ))dt + g(x, t, u(x, t− ))dW (t) + h(x, t, u(x, t− ))dN (t) ∑ + Aq (x, t)Dq u(x, t− )dt, 0 ≤ t ≤ T, u(x, 0− ) = u0 (x). (1.1) |q|≤2m Received by the editors January 19 2014; Revised February 19 2014; Accepted in revised form February 20 2014; Published online March 1 2014. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 65C30, 60H20, 65L20. Key words and phrases. Euler-Maruyama method, compensated Poisson process, stochastic differential equations, jump diffusion, nonlinearity. 43 44 HAMDY M. AHMED Here u(x, t− ) denotes lims→t− u(x, s), x ∈ Rν (Rν is the ν-dimensional Euclidean space), u ∈ Rn , W (t) is an n-dimensional Brownian motion, N (t) is a scalar Poisson with intensity λ, f : Rn+ν+1 → Rn , g : Rn+ν+1 → Rn×n , h : Rn+ν+1 → Rn and Aq : Rν × [0, T ] → Rn×n , where (Aq , |q| ≤ 2m) is a family of square matrices whose elements are sufficiently smooth ∂ functions on Rν × [0, T ] and Dq = D1q1 .....Dνqν , Di = ∂x , q = (q1 , ...qν ) is ν-dimensional i multi-index, (see [6]). Following Petrovsky it is assumed that ∑ det [(−1)m Aq (x, t)σ q − λI] = 0 |q|=2m has roots satisfy the inequality Re λ(x, t, σ) ≤ −η|σ|m for all x ∈ Rν , t ≥ 0, where η is a 1 positive constant, σ ∈ Rν , |η| = (η12 + . . . + ην2 ) 2 , σ q = σ1q1 . . . σνqν , and I is the unit matrix. Throughout this paper, |.| denotes both the Euclidean vector norm and the forbenius matrix norm. We suppose that the following conditions are satisfied: ∑ (1) The coefficients of the operator |q|≤2m Aq (x, t)Dq are continuous in t ∈ [0, T ], ∑ moreover, the continuity in t of the coefficients |q|≤2m Aq (x, t)Dq is uniform with respect to x ∈ Rν . ∑ (2) The coefficients of |q|≤2m Aq (x, t)Dq are bounded on Rν × [0, T ] and satisfy the Holder condition with respect to x. Under these conditions for the system ∑ ∂v = Aq (x, t)Dq v, ∂t (1.2) |q|≤2m there exists a fundamental solution matrix K(x, y, t, θ) which satisfies the following conditions: (i) (ii) ∂K q ∂t , D K ∈ C(G1 ), | q |≤ 2m, where G1 = R2ν × (0, T ) × (0, T ). −b2 |x−y|2m b1 z | Dq K(x, y, t, θ) |≤ (t−θ) , β = 1/2(ν+ | q |), | q |≤ 2m, β e ; t > θ, z = t−θ 1 where | x | is the norm (x21 + x22 + .... + x2ν ) 2 , | K | a suitable norm of the square matrix K, b1 and b2 are positive constant. (iii) The function v defined by ∫ v(x, t) = K(x, y, t, 0)v0 (y)dy, Rν represents the unique solution of the parabolic system ∑ ∂v = Aq (x, t)Dq v, ∂t |q|≤2m (1.3) EULER-MARUYAMA METHOD FOR SOME NONLINEAR STOCHASTIC PDES WITH JUMP-DIFFUSION 45 with the initial conditions ∂v (1.4) v(x, 0) = v0 (x), ( , Dq v ∈ C(G2 ), | q |≤ 2m), G2 = Rν × (0, T ). ∂t The existence of such functions depends on the parabolicity of the system (1.3) and on the smoothness of the coefficients of such systems (see [3,6]). We shall use the notations sup |v(x, t)| =∥ v(., t) ∥, sup |e(x, t)| =∥ e(., t) ∥ x x where e(x, t) = v(x, t) − u(x, t). We assume that f, g and h satisfy Lipschitz condition and linear growth condition, that is, for a = f = g = h, given any R > 0 there exists a constant γR > 0 such that ∥ a(., t, u) − a(., t, v) ∥2 ≤ γR ∥ u − v ∥2 , (1.5) 2 2 ∥ a(., t, u) ∥ ≤ γR (1+ ∥ u ∥ ). (1.6) We also assume finite moment bounds for the initial data; that is, for any p > 0 there is a finite Mp such that E ∥ u(., 0− ) ∥p < Mp . (1.7) For a given, constant, stepsize ∆t > 0, we define the split-step backward Euler (SSBE) method for (1.1) by v(x, 0) = u(x, 0− ) and ∗ vk+1 vk∗ (x) = vk (x) + f (x, tk , vk∗ )∆t, (1.8) ∑ = vk∗ (x) + g(x, tk , vk∗ )∆Wk + h(x, tk , vk∗ )∆Nk + Aq (x, tk )Dq vk∗ (x)∆t. (1.9) |q|≤2m Here, vk is the approximation to u(x, tk ) for tk = k∆t, with ∆Wk = W (tk+1 ) − W (tk ) and ∆Nk = N (tk+1 )−N (tk ) representing the increments of the Brownian motion and the Poisson process, respectively. A key component in our analysis is the compensated Poisson process N (t) = N (t) − λt, which is a martingale. Defining fλ (x, t, u) = f (x, t, u) + λh(x, t, u), (1.10) we may rewrite the jump-diffusion Ito SDE (1.1) in the form du(x, t) = fλ (x, t, u(x, t− ))dt + g(x, t, u(x, t− ))dW (t) + h(x, t, u(x, t− ))dN (t) ∑ + Aq (x, t)Dq u(x, t− )dt, (1.11) |q|≤2m (x, t, u(x, t− )) We note that fλ also satisfies Lipschitz condition and linear growth condition with larger constant. The compensated Poisson process motivates an alternative to the SSBE method in (1.8)– (1.9). We define the compensated split-step backward Euler (CSSBE) method for (1.1) by v0 = u(x, 0− ) and vk∗ (x) = vk (x) + fλ (x, tk , vk∗ )∆t, (1.12) 46 HAMDY M. AHMED ∗ vk+1 = vk∗ (x) + g(x, tk , vk∗ )∆Wk + h(x, tk , vk∗ )∆N k + ∑ Aq (x, tk )Dq vk∗ (x)∆t, (1.13) |q|≤2m where ∆N k = N (tk+1 ) − N (tk ). 2. T HE E ULER M ETHOD In this section we prove the strong convergence of EM. Considering the SDE in compensated form, (1.11), motivates the explicit method vk+1 (x) = vk (x) + fλ (x, tk , vk )∆t + g(x, tk , vk )∆Wk + h(x, tk , vk )∆N k ∑ Aq (x, tk )Dq vk (x)∆t, + (2.1) |q|≤2m which we refer to as the compensated Euler-Maruyamma (CEM) method. We denote the piecewise constant interpolant of the CEM solution by v(x, t) = vk (x) for t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ). We then define the piecewise linear interpolant by ∫ ∫ T∫ v(x, t) = K(x, y, t, 0)v0 (y)dy + K(x, y, t, s)fλ (y, s, v(y, s− ))dyds Rν 0 ∫ t∫ Rν K(x, y, t, s)g(y, s, v(y, s− ))dydW (s) + 0 Rν 0 Rν ∫ t∫ + K(x, y, t, s)h(y, s, v(y, s− ))dydN (s). (2.2) Theorem 2.1. Suppose that f, g and h satisfy the conditions (1.5) and (1.6), and that for some p > 2 there is a constant A such that E sup ∥ u(., t) ∥p ≤ A, E sup ∥ v(., t) ∥p ≤ A. 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T Then lim E sup ∥ v(., t) − u(., t) ∥2 = 0. ∆t→0 0≤≤T Proof : Set τR = inf {t ≥ 0 :∥ v(., t) ∥≥ R}, ρR = inf {t ≥ 0 :∥ u(., t) ∥≥ R}, and θR = τR ∧ ρR , (θR = τR ∧ ρR the minimum of τR and ρR ). Recall the following elementary inequality: aα b1−α ≤ αa + (1 − α)b, ∀ a, b > 0, α ∈ [0, 1]. (2.3) EULER-MARUYAMA METHOD FOR SOME NONLINEAR STOCHASTIC PDES WITH JUMP-DIFFUSION 47 We thus have for any δ > 0, E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥2 ] = E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥2 1{τR > T, ρR > T }] 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T +E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥2 1{τR ≤ T or ρR ≤ T }] 0≤t≤T ≤ E[ sup ∥ e(., t ∧ θR ) ∥2 1{θR >T } ] (2.4) 0≤t≤T + 1 − p2 2δ E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥p ] + 2/(p−2) P (τR ≤ T or ρR ≤ T ). p 0≤t≤T δ Now, by using (2.3), we get, P (τR ≤ T ) = E[1{τR ≤T } ∥ v(., τR ) ∥p 1 A ] ≤ p E[ sup ∥ v(., t) ∥p ] ≤ p . p R R R 0≤t≤T A similar result can be derived for ρR , so that P (τR ≤ T or ρR ≤ T ) ≤ 2A . Rp Using these bounds along with E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥p ] ≤ 2p−1 E[ sup (∥ v(., t)) ∥p + ∥ u(., t) ∥p ] ≤ 2p A 0≤t≤T 0≤t<T and by substituting in (2.4), we get E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥2 ] ≤ E[ sup [∥ (v(., t ∧ θR )) − u(., t ∧ θR )] ∥2 ] 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T 2p+1 δA 2(p − 2)A . + + p p δ 2/(p−2) Rp (2.5) In order to estimating the first term on the right of (2.5) we rewrite u(x, t ∧ θR ) as ∫ u(x, t ∧ θR ) = K(x, y, t ∧ θR , 0)u0 (y)dy Rν ∫ t∧θR ∫ + 0 t∧θR ∫ ∫ Rν K(x, y, t ∧ θR , s)g(y, s, u(y, s− ))dydW (s) + 0 ∫ Rν t∧θR ∫ + 0 K(x, y, t ∧ θR , s)fλ (y, s, u(y, s− ))dyds Rν K(x, y, t ∧ θR , s)h(y, s, u(y, s− ))dydN (s). (2.6) From (2.2), (2.6) and by using Cauchy Schwartz inequality, we get ∫ t∧θR ∥ v(., t ∧ θR ) − u(., t ∧ θR ) ∥2 ≤ 4{T ∥ fλ (., s, v(., s) − fλ (., s, u(., s)) ∥2 ds 0 48 HAMDY M. AHMED ∫ t∧θR +∥ [g(., s, v(., s− )) − g(., s, u(., s− ))]dW (s) ∥2 0 ∫ t∧θR +∥ [h(., s, v(., s)) − h(., s, u(., s))]dN (s) ∥2 }. 0 So, from (1.5) and Doob’s martingale inequality , we have for any τ ≤ T E[ sup ∥ v(., t ∧ θR ) − u(., t ∧ θR ) ∥2 ] 0≤t≤T ∫ ≤ 4γR (T + 2)E[ ∫ ≤ γ R E[ τ ∧θR ∥ v(., s) − u(., s) ∥2 ds] 0 τ ∧θR [∥ v(., s) − v(., s) ∥2 + ∥ v(., s) − u(., s) ∥2 ]ds] 0 ∫ ≤ γ R E[ τ ∧θR ∫ ∥ v(., s) − v(., s) ∥ ds + 2 τ ∥ v(., s ∧ θR ) − u(., s ∧ θR ) ∥2 ds] 0 0 ∫ τ ∧θR ≤ γ R (E[ ∥ v(., s) − v(., s) ∥2 ds] 0 ∫ τ + E sup ∥ v(., r ∧ θR ) − v(., r ∧ θR ∥2 ds). 0 (2.6) 0≤r≤s Let kc be the integer for which c ∈ [tkc , tkc+1 ), so ∫ c ∫ K(x, y, c, s)fλ (y, s, v(y, s))dyds v(x, c) − v(x, c) = − tkc c ∫ − − K(x, y, c, s)g(y, s, v(y, s))dydW (s) tk ∫ cc ∫ − − Rν ∫ K(x, y, c, s)h(y, s, v(y, s))dydN (s) tkc = − Rν ∫ ∫R ν Rν ∫ Rν Rν K(x, y, c, 0)f (y, c, vkc (y))(c − (tkc ))dy (2.7) K(x, y, c, 0)g(y, c, vkc (y))(W (c) − W (tkc ))dy K(x, y, c, 0)h(y, c, vkc (y))(N (c) − N (tkc ))dy. Hence ∥ v(., c) − v(., c) ∥2 ≤ 4[∥ fλ (., c, vkc (.) ∥2 (∆t)2 + ∥ g(., c, Vkc (.) ∥2 ∥ ∆Wkc ) ∥2 + ∥ h(., c, vkc (.) ∥2 ∥ ∆N kc ) ∥2 ] . EULER-MARUYAMA METHOD FOR SOME NONLINEAR STOCHASTIC PDES WITH JUMP-DIFFUSION 49 From (1.5), (1.6) and (2.3), yields ∫ τ ∧θR ∥ v(., c) − v(., c) ∥2 ds ≤ C∆t, E 0 where C is a positive constant. By substituting in (2.7), yields ∫ E[ sup ∥ v(., t ∧ θR ) − u(., t ∧ θR ) ∥ ] ≤ C∆t + γ R τ 2 0≤t≤T E sup [∥ v(., r ∧ θR ) 0≤r≤s 0 −u(., r ∧ θR ∥ ]ds. 2 Upon applying the Gronwall’s inequality we obtain E sup ∥ v(., t ∧ θR ) − u(., t ∧ θR ) ∥2 ] ≤ C1 ∆teT γ R , 0≤t≤T for a constant C1 = C1 (R, T, A). Substituting in (2.6) we obtain E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥2 ] ≤ C1 ∆teT γ R + 0≤t≤T 2p+1 δA (p − 2)2A + . p p δ 2/(p−2) Rp Given ϵ > 0, we can choose δ > 0 such that (2p+1 δA)/p < 3ϵ . Then choose R so that (p−2)2A < 3ϵ , and then choose ∆t sufficiently small such that C1 ∆teT γ R < 3ϵ we get, p δ 2/(p−2) Rp E[ sup ∥ e(., t) ∥2 ] ≤ ϵ, 0≤t≤T as required. 3. 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