THE UNIQUE SALES EVENT IN CZECH REPUBLIC 1 Partners of Shopping Fever... 2 SUMMARY • The IDEA • The CONCEPT • The PROMOTION • The RATES 3 the idea • Organize the unique sales event in Czech Republic in May 2014 (16th - 18th) • Link the strenght of 3 lifestyle brands for the shopping event (ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle) • Provide discounts and gifts to the readers but also educate and entertain them with our partner pop-up events • Generate traffic in the stores and increase our partners revenues • Reach up to 4 million people through our 360° campaign 4 the concept Shopping Fever is 3 days of shopping re-inforced by unique pop-up events Women will enjoy their shopping by: • Purchasing their favorite goods at special rates (partner discount/gift coupons) • Participating to exclusive pop-up events • Receiving personal fashion/beauty advices • Meeting the main personalities of the Czech fashion and beauty world but also our editorial teams (fashion stylists, make-up artists, celebrities)* * I.e.: J. Králíček, K. Otevřelová, M. Matyášová, L. Kermes, J. Semerád, Z. Pelková, M. Skřenková and others. Celebrities will be contacted on demand of the client. 5 the concept How does it work? • Women purchase May issue of ELLE, Marie Claire or InStyle to discover our partners offers (discount/gift coupons) and pop-up events presented in the Shopping Fever newspaper • They use the discount/gift coupons in stores to access the partner offers or the extra gifts provided during the pop-up events • On the top of their discount/gift trendy Shopping Fever bags will be provided to them 6 the CONCEPT - the partner offers Partner brands are providing unique offers (discounts/gifts) to all ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle readers The partner offers are presented in 3 different ways: Offer presentation • Upscale advertising module introducing the partner brand and its offer (discount/gift) • Modules in 4 sizes (1/6, 1/3, 2/3 or full page) - the bigger size, the more visibility for the partner • Communication in the Shopping Fever microsite linked to the ELLE and Marie Claire websites Offer coupons • Coupon linked with each partner offer is printed in the Shopping Fever supplement • Coupon must be provided to the store cash desk in order to access partner offer Shop addresses • All partner store addresses are indicated on the Shopping Fever microsite and in the Shopping Fever mobile application • Part of the partner store addresses is presented in the Shopping Fever supplement These offers are valid only for beauty, fashion and design clients • If you are interested to participate see our offer on slide 19 7 the CONCEPT - the partner offers 1/3 & 1/6 page 1/6 & 2/3 page 25 % THERM Užijte si nákupy nové kolekce Lindex podzim/zima 2013 se slevou 25 %. Akce platí během Dnů Marianne ve všech 18 pro dejnách Lindex Česká republika. Více na THERMS 70 % THERMS 2+ d0ár ek% Velký výběr kvalitní dámské konfekce na jednom místě. Přijďte ve Dnech Marianne do obchodu Lady Moda v Praze ve Vodičkově ulici a využijte slevu 25 % na novou podzimní kolekci a 50–70% slevu na vybrané modely. THERMS 25 % Kolébkou značky List je Řím. V modelech vyráběných výhradně v Itálii se dokonale mísí elegance, nadčasovost a ženskost. To vše, spojené s cenovou dostupností, je jasnýmfhgfgdf důvodem, proč značku List poznat blíž. sdfdsfdsfsdfsdf adjhga djhasgd hasdhd MAIN SPONSOR LOGO MAIN SPONSOR LOGO 25 % THERMS THERMS Buďte ještě krásnější! K nákupu produktů Clarins v minimální hodnotě 1200 Kč dostanete elegantní tašku a 4 produkty v cestovním balení: intenzivní lesk na rty, bronzový pudr, jemnou samoopalovací pěnu a rozjasňující denní krém. Pouze v parfumeriích SEPHORA. 25 % 25 % 25 THERMS THERMS Oblečte se do vůně Bvlgari od hlavy až k patě, a budete neodolatelná v každém okamžiku. Během Dnů Marianne dostanete k nákupu vůně Bvlgari dámskou večerní taštičku Bvlgari, která skvěle podtrhne vaši dokonalost. Nabídka pouze v parfumeriích SEPHORA. THERMS THERMS V drogeriích a parfumeriích ROSSMANN pro vás během Dnů Marianne připravili exkluzivní slevu 30 % na všechny řasenky L’Oréal Paris. 25 % Nová kolekce Liu•Jo se soustředí na absolutní ženskost prostřednictvím elegantního stylu. Ženský a okouzlující půvab značky se promítá i do modelů pro všední dny. Kolekce těží z barevných tónů a důrazu na detaily. Dominují zde na jedné straně jemné a teplé tóny, jako je růžová a granátová, až po tmavě modrou a ikonickou černou, v kombinaci s neutrálními tóny. zde na jedné straně jemné a teplé tóny, jako je růžová a granátová, až po tmavě modrou a ikonickou černou, v kombinaci s 1 page 25 MAIN SPONSOR LOGO MAIN SPONSOR LOGO až po tmavě modrou a ikonickou černou, v kombinaci s straně jemné a teplé tóny, jako je růžová a granátová, černou, v kombinaci s neutrálními tóny. zde na jedné je růžová a granátová, až po tmavě modrou a ikonickou Dominují zde na jedné straně jemné a teplé tóny, jako Kolekce těží z barevných tónů a důrazu na detaily. půvab značky se promítá i do modelů pro všední dny. prostřednictvím elegantního stylu. Ženský a okouzlující soustředí na absolutní ženskost Nová kolekce Liu•Jo se THERMS Během Dnů Marianne určitě nesmíte minout obchody Marks & Spencer! Na veškerý dámský sortiment kromě spodního a nočního prádla, punčochového zboží a kosmetiky je pro vás připravena sleva 25 %. 25 % MAIN SPONSOR LOGO MAIN SPONSOR LOGO je pro vás připravena sleva 25 %. punčochového zboží a kosmetiky sortiment kromě spodního a nočního prádla, obchody Marks & Spencer! Na veškerý dámský Během Dnů Marianne určitě nesmíte minout 25 % 8 the CONCEPT - the pop-up events • The pop-up events are original programs organized in partner stores and other cool shopping locations • They are taking place from Friday to Saturday (16th -17th May) • Their objectives are to create a traffic inside of our partner stores and increase their revenues • The pop-up events are produced in cooperation with one magazine brand selected by the partner (ELLE, Marie Claire or InStyle) which could provide many benefits to the partners, i.e. a subscripti- on at special rate, participation of editorial team, limited edition products, etc. (to be discussed with partner) • The pop-up events production is covered by the partners and their concepts have to be developed and agreed between the partner, the Shopping Fever organizers and the editorial team of the magazine concerned (see examples on next slides) 9 the EXAMPLES - fashion pop-up events InStyle Styling Fever • 3 times a day 15 readers are dropped lose in store for 15 min and should build by their own one ideal outfit • The outfits are judged by InStyle team and the winner receive the outfit for free Marie Claire Fashion trend book • Famous fashion stylist shows to readers how to transform runway trends into real life trends • The readers have the possibility to use the stylist for personal shopping ELLE Street Style • Famous trendsetters presented on ELLE editorial pages are invited to the partner store to advice the readers on trendy street styling 10 the EXAMPLES - beauty pop-up events InStyle Make-up Bar • A make-up bar is built in front of a perfumery. There few make-up artists are providing to public all the latest make-up trends Marie Claire Beauty Trend Book • Make-up artists show to readers which kind of trendy make-up they can wear during the day and easily transform into night looks (5 looks) ELLE Beauty Bag • In one perfumery store ELLE presents the photos of celebrities‘ make-up bags introduced recently in the magazine. The celebrities are invited to the event • Addititonally ELLE beauty editors create few unique beauty bags with the partner products (for evening, work day, trip, problematic skin, etc.). The cosmetic bags are sold with special offer during Shopping Fever Similar projects could be adapted with hair cosmetic brands 11 the EXAMPLES - other pop-up events Pop-up store • Organize a pop-up store of partner brand during Shopping Fever in cool shopping location Fashion shows • Organize fashion shows in Na Příkopě Fashion concert • Organize fashion concert in Na Příkopě or mini-concert in a store Model casting • Meet famous talent scout of Elite Model management and receive customized advices Cocktail with celebrities • Organize evening cocktail with celebrity presenting a brand Product launch • Launch new product during Shopping Fever in cooperation with one of our magazines 12 the CONCEPT - the pop-up events How does it work? • The pop-up event services are provided to anyone but pop-up event gifts are provided only through the Shopping Fever coupons • If the readers participate to a pop-up event and purchase a product of the brand organizing the event, the readers will receive an extra event gifts from the brand (on the top of the coupon offer) • In case too many customers would like to use the partner services during the event, new meetings will be re-scheduled with the readers after the Shopping Fever event The pop-up events are presented in: • The partner advertorials linked with Shopping Fever in ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle • The Shopping Fever newspaper included in ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle, distributed around shopping-malls • The Shopping Fever microsite (promoted by the ELLE, Marie Claire and partner brand website) • Facebook (ELLE, Marie Claire, InStyle and partner brand facebook) • The store posters and paper boards (displayed in our partner stores at least 3-4 weeks before the event) If you are interested to organize a store event see our offer on page 21 13 the CoNCEPT - the competition • To stimulate the spendings of the ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle readers the Shopping Fever competition is called out • Shopping Fever participants will compete to become the Best Shoppers and win one of the 50 luxurious presents, i.e. diamond rings, perfumes, cosmetics, spa vouchers • Within 10 days after Shopping Fever the shoppers should send to the Shopping Fever organizers at least 3 recipes (goods bought with the Shopping Fever coupons) plus answer to the competition question • The winners will be selected by the Shopping Fever organizers • The competition will be promoted in the Shopping Fever supplement, the Shopping Fever newspaper, the Shopping Fever microsite and on facebook (ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle) If you are interested in sponsoring the winner prizes, please contact our team 14 the PROMOTION - print media The Shopping Fever supplement The supplement is identical in ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle It presents: • The Shopping Fever concept • The partner offers + coupons • The general sponsor product(s) • The call out of the Best Shopper competition • The Shopping Fever microsite • The Shopping Fever mobile application • The part of partner store addresses* The Shopping Fever newspaper The Shopping Fever newspaper is a glossy newspaper presenting all the pop-up events program. It is inserted in the Shopping Fever supplement but also distributed in front of the main shopping malls * The full list of partner store addresses in indicated on the Shopping Fever website and in the Shopping Fever mobile application 15 the PROMOTION - digital media The Shopping Fever microsite The Shopping Fever microsite is promoted by ELLE, Marie Claire and other Burda Media 2000 and Burda Praha websites It presents: • The Shopping Fever concept • The partner offers • The general sponsor product(s) • The call out of the Best Shopper competition • The Shopping Fever newspaper (introducing all the pop-up events program) • The Shopping Fever mobile application • The full list of partner store addresses The Shopping Fever application The Shopping Fever mobile application allows the readers to: • Find all the Shopping Fever stores on the map and indicate the fastest way to visit them • Be updated about the Shopping Fever pop-up events and their location • Create personalized shopping list If you are interested to sponsor the application, please contact our team 16 the PROMOTION - campaign 46 201 2 110 284 1 153 582 SOCIAL MEDIA RADIO PRINT mobile APPLICATION 360° CAMPAIGN REACHING UP TO 4 M. PEOPLE 1 510 616 WEBSITES + NEWSLETTERS POS OUTDOOR + SHOPPING CENTERS EVENT *estimated without overlap by Burda Media research 17 the RATE - main sponsors The main sponsor provides: 2 000 000 CZK fee Main sponsor receives: main sponsor offer details: advertising stripe in the SF supplement logo placed on the back of each coupon (with SF logo) 1st double page advertising in the SF supplement 1 page main sponsor info in the SF supplement back cover of the SF newspaper 1 module full page microsite branding with link to the main sponsor web promotion on Burda Praha + Burda Media websites advertising stripe in all the SF media campaign advertising stripe in all the stores posters logo on the SF store bags possibility to organize SF pop-up event** Reach* Media value CZK 245 500 245 500 245 500 245 500 255 500 245 500 180 000 1 405 616 1 153 582 150 000 50 000 5 904 000 2 345 000 1 310 000 635 000 245 000 180 000 400 000 4 976 500 1 810 250 236 450 600 000 200 000 18 842 200 - TOTAL 3 358 198 *People, source: Media projekt 4-9/2013; Google analytics 10/2013, estimated by Burda Media research **Production costs are covered additionally by the main sponsor 18 the RATE - partner offer The partner provides: module sizes Rates in CZK (booking till 14. 2. 14) 1/6 1/3 2/3 1 page 36 000 67 000 126 000 180 000 The store partner receives: • 1 module in the Shopping Fever supplement in ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle • 1 coupon in the Shopping Fever supplement in ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle • 1 module on the Shopping Fever microsite • All partner store addresses listed on the Shopping Fever microsite and in the Shopping Fever mobile application • Shopping Fever posters (1 per store) • Shopping Fever bags Reservations: • To order the chosen size of the module go to: • Contact person: Kateřina Prepslová [email protected] + 420 725 780 117 19 the RULES of the partner offer Rules to be respected: • The offer is valid only for fashion, beauty and design brands • Each module could be used only for one brand • Discount is applied to all the brand collection (not just to one part) •Fashion partners should provide a minimum discount of 25% or a present and 30% discount or valuable present to holders of Mastercard/ Elite program. Presents to be agreed by the Shopping Fever organizers • Beauty partners should provide a minimum discount of 20% or a present and 25% discount or valuable present to holders of Mastercard/ Elite program. Presents to be agreed by the Shopping Fever organizers • Design partners should provide a minimum discount of 15% or a present and 20% discount or valuable present to holders of Mastercard/ Elite program. Presents to be agreed by the Shopping Fever organizers • Shopping Fever is promoted on partners facebook and/or website at least 3 weeks before the event • Shopping Fever posters are hanging in the partner shops at least 3 weeks before the event 20 the RATE - pop-up events* The partner provides: • 200 000 CZK fee • Extra gifts for pop-up event customers • Event production (fashion stylist, make-up artists, make-up desk, free drinks, etc.) The partner receives: pop-up event partner offer details Reach** Media value CZK 1 page advertorial in ELLE, InStyle and Marie Claire (linked with SF, developed with the partner brand) *** 1/6 module in ELLE, InStyle and Marie Claire (possibility of having higher format but extra fee) 1/2 page presentation of the partner pop-up event in the SF newspaper presentation of the partner pop -up event in the SF microsite and facebook (ELLE, Marie Claire and InStyle) integration of one magazine brand into the pop-up event (ELLE, Marie Claire or InStyle)**** SF store and pop-up event posters**** SF store bags to be distributed in the store**** SF labels marking the best products**** SF paper boards 245 500 760 000 245 500 36 000 255 000 226 201 170 000 500 000 - TOTAL 323 358 *The offer is mainly valid for the fashion and beauty brands - In case of brand from other segment, the offer will be customized (please, contact our team) The offer is valid only for one brand **People, source: Media projekt 4-9/2013; Google analytics 10/2013, estimated by Burda Media research ***Production costs of the advertorials are covered by the partner ****Does not apply for shopping malls 500 000 1 966 000 21 the CONTACTS Markéta Jelínková Advertising Director of Lifestyle magazines +420 724 119 037 [email protected] Monika Tobolková Advertising Manager +420 724 833 153 [email protected] Kateřina Zajícová Senior Media Consultant +420 721 421 103 [email protected] Andrea Nassir Senior Media Consultant +420 603 549 818 [email protected] Míša Najmrová Senior Media Consultant +420 603 549 821 [email protected] Markéta Kufrová Senior Media Consultant +420 603 883 556 [email protected] Marie Jarosová Advertising Manager +420 603 178 029 [email protected] Hanka Michalíková Senior media consultant +420 731 421 777 [email protected] Iveta Šlemrová Senior Media Consultant +420 724 4321 65 [email protected] Monika Szeroczyńska Project Manager [email protected] +420 774 208 902 Lucie Šírová Project Director [email protected] +420 604 227 224 (C) All concepts, ideas and proposals presented in this material belong to and are a business secret of Burda Media 2000
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