WesBon nd Corpora ation Material M Sa afety Datta Sheet M Megasol® Revision Date: D 08/12/201 14 Section 1. Su upercedes: 07/2 21/2011 First Issuued: 01/01/19999 Chem mical Produc ct and Com mpany Ident ification Sales Nam me Product Deescription CAS Numb ber Meegasol® Meg gasol® S50 Manufactu urer Address Contact Telephone (0800 – 1630 EST) Approved By EK KA Nobel for WesBond W Corp oration 113 35 E. 7th Streett Wilmington, D DE 19801 Wees Jones 302 2-655-7917 Wees M Jones Am morphous silicaa in water N/A A US U – CHEMTR REC (24 hrs) CANADA C – CA ANUTEC (24 hrs) h Telephonee Numbers Section 2. Comp position / In nformation on o Ingredie nts Componentt Amorphou us Silica Sodium Hy ydroxide Water Section 3. 800-424-93300 613-996-66666 CAS Number 7631-86-9 1210-18-5 7732-18-5 Weeight % 10 – 50% < <1% 50 – 90% Hazarrd Identifica ation Emergenccy Overview A white odorless clearr liquid which h is a mild skin n and eye irrittant. H Effectss Potential Health Slightly irritating. Eyes Slightly irritating. Skin Not a normal route of exposure. e Inhalation n None exp pected. Ingestion (See Sectio on 11 for Toxiccological Inforrmation) Section 4. EYES SKIN INHALA ATION INGESTIION First Aid A Measurres Imm mediately flush eyes thoroughly with water ffor at least 15 m minutes. Obtain medical attenntion if irrritation persistss. Wash with water, use u skin cream if necessary. R Remove all conntaminated cloothing, and launnder before reuse. Not a normal routee of entry. Imm mediately rinse mouth with waater. Finally drrink water. If nnecessary seek m medical attentiion. Page P 1 of 5 WesBon nd Corpora ation Material M Sa afety Datta Sheet M Megasol® None. Notes to physician Section 5. Fire Fighting F Measures Fire Exting guishing Mediaa Flash Poin nt (°F ) Special Firre Fighting Pro ocedures Flammablee Limits ( Vapo or In Air, Vol.% %) Unusual Fiire And Explossion Hazards Hazardouss Decompositio on Products Section 6. Accid dental Relea ase Measures Large Spilllages Small Spilllages Personal Protection Section 7. Collect ass much as possiible in a clean container for rreuse or dispossal. Same as above a Goggles, rubber/PVC r glloves, and full working clothees recommendded. Handling and Sto orage Electrostattic Accumulatio on Hazard Usual Ship pping Containeers Storage/Trransport Temperatu ure Storage/Trransport Pressu ure Load/Unlo oad Temperaturre Storage an nd Handling Materials Section 8. N.A Nonco ombustible. Non fllammable (watter) N.A. Product will not burnn, not explosivve. None N/A Drums, liquid totes, bu ulk tank car Ambien nt. Protect from m freezing and temperatures aabove 150°F / 66°C. Ambien nt. Ambien nt. Plastic, stainless steel.. Do not store iin light metal containers (aluuminum). Expos sure Contro ols/Persona al Protectio n Engineerin ng Controls No specifi fic measures req quired. Personal Protective P Equ uipment Safety glaasses with side shields or chem mical goggles.. Eyewash fouuntain should bbe Eyes within dirrect access. Neoprene gloves provide protection aggainst skin irrittation. Skin None requ uired; avoid breathing dried rresidues. Use N NIOSH approvved respirator Respiratorry Protection whenever workplace con nditions warrannt use. Wash thorroughly after handling h Personal Hygiene H Equipmen nt in contact wiith material shoould be rinsed with water priior to repair and General Hygiene H maintenan nce. Exposure Guidelines Page P 2 of 5 WesBon nd Corpora ation Material M Sa afety Datta Sheet M Megasol® Component C Amorphou us Silica Sodium Hy ydroxide Water Section 9. PEL--OSHA 3 10 mg/m m , 8 hour TWA T 5 mg g/m3, respirable dust or mistt 2 mg g/m3 N/A A Milky M liquid White W Odorless O 9 to 10 1.39 1 Infinite I No N Same S as water N/A N 100°C/212°F 1 (S Same as water)) N/A N Stability and Rea activity Stability Conditionss To Avoid Incompatib bility (Materialls To Avoid) Hazardouss Decompositio on Products Hazardouss Polymerizatio on Section 11. No liimit set, non-tooxic Physiical and Chemical Data a Appearancce Color Odor pH Specific Gravity G Solubility In I Water Solubility In I Other Solveents Vapor Presssure Melting Po oint Boiling Po oint Evaporatio on Rate (water = 1) Section 10. TLV-A ACGIH Stablee Freeziing and temperratures above 1150°F / 66°C. None None Will not n occur. Toxic cological Infformation Toxicologiical Informatio on Acute Orall Toxicity Acute Derm mal Toxicity Inhalation Effects Irritation to o Skin Irritation to o Eyes Sensitizatio on Data Reproductiive toxicity/terratogenicity Carcinogen nicity/mutagen nicity & long term effects e Epidemiolo ogy Neurotoxiccity This product contains c amorpphous silicon ddioxide. No casses of silicosis have been reported from amorphoous silica. LD50 (oral, raat) > 22,500 mgg/kg. 1 No informatio on. No informatio on. Slightly irritatting. Slightly irritatting. Not a sensitizeer (Magnussonn-Kligman test)). No informatio on. Not mutagenicc (Ames test). No informatio on. No informatio on. Page P 3 of 5 WesBon nd Corpora ation Material M Sa afety Datta Sheet M Megasol® Section 12. Ecolo ogical Inform mation Biodegradaability Aquatic tox xicity Ecologicall Information Environmeental Effects Section 13. Not relevaant, inorganic product. p FISH: Zeb bra fish LC50 (96 ( hrs) > 50000 mg/l. DAPHNIA A:Ceriodaphniia EC50 (48 hrr) = 7600 g/l. ALGAE: Selenastrum caapricornutum IIC50 (48 hr) = 440 mg/l. No inform mation. No inform mation. Dispo osal Consid derations Product dissposal RCRA Section 14. In accordance with municipaal, provincial, sstate, and federral regulations. Not a listed haazard. Trans sport Inform mation General Transport Summary S UN/ID num mber DOT/TAG G IMDG (Sea) Proper ship pping name Air (ICAO O/IATA-DGR) Section 15. No Informatio on. Not classified as dangerous ffor transport. N/A N/A N/A Not regulated N/A Regulatory Inforrmation US Federa al Regulationss U.S. TSCA A OSHA regulated SARA 302 2 SARA 311 1/312 SARA 313 3 California Proposition 65 5 CERCLA reportable r quan ntities In compliancee Not controlled d Not subject to o SARA 302. Not subject to o SARA 311/3112. Not subject to o SARA 313. Not subject to o California Prooposition 65. Contains sodiu um hydroxide (<1%) RQ=10000 lbs. Internatio onal Regulatio ons Canada DS SL/NDSL WHMIS cllassification In compliancee Not controlled d Section 16. Otherr Informatio on Abbreviattions ACGIH CAS HMIS American A Confereence of Governmen ntal Industrial Hygienists H Chemical C Abstractt Service National N Paint & Coating C Hazardouss Materials NIOSH National Institutee for Occupational Safety and Healtth OSHA SARA Occupational Saafety and Health Administration Superfund Amenndment and Reauthhorization Act Page P 4 of 5 WesBon nd Corpora ation Material M Sa afety Datta Sheet M Megasol® IARC N/A NFPA Identification I Systtem International I Agen ncy for Research on o Cancer Not N Applicable National N Fire Proteection Association n Hazard Ratings PEL TLV TWA Permissible Expoosure Limit Threshold Limit Value Time Weighted A Average N Paint & Coating Ha azardous Matterials Identifiication System m HMIS – National Health Hazard d Rating - Slighht 1 Flammability Rating – Minim mal 0 Reactivity Ratting - Minimall 0 Personal Proteection – Safetyy Glasses, Glovves B NFPA – National N Fire Protection P Asssociation Haza ard Ratings Health Hazard d Rating - Slighht 1 Flammability Rating – Minim mal 0 Instability Ratting - Minimal 0 Special Hazarrds – Alkaline ((pH > 7) ALK Referencees 1 Hartley, D. and H. Kidd d (eds.). The Agrochemicals A Handbook. 2nnd ed. Lechworrth, Herts, Englland: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1987. mation on thiss safety data sheet is believeed to be accuraate and it is th he best inform mation availab ble to The inform WesBond Corporation. This document is intended d only as a guid de to the apprropriate precaautions for handling a chemical by a person train ned in chemiccal handling. W WesBond Corrporation mak kes no warran nty of merchanta ability or any other warran nty, express orr implied with respect to succh information n of the produ uct to which it reelates, and wee assume no lia ability resultin ng from the usse or handlingg of the produ uct to which th his safety data a sheet relatess. Users and handlers of thiss product shou uld make theiir own investiggations to determinee the suitability of the inform mation provid ded herein for their own purrposes. Page P 5 of 5
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