CqEAqrqs{rr<*r<ifdfuTs Phone : 022-22708100 2270a400 022-22700470 Fax LTD. COMPANY THENEWINDIAASSURANCE of lndia) Telegram: NIASURANCE Website : www.newindia.co.in (rnnwon*gteftaffir) (WhollyOwned bY Govt qT't' stf' Ur$ +oo991 qst6-ilqdurrnarqtds' : nri<urwirc<f<le'r,er,qo-erriql - 400001' Mumbai Bldg, 87,M G Road'Fort' negi.a ieaa omce: NewindiaAssLirance -30.04.2014 MED/2014 REFNO.CORP.HRM/Ao- Provisi r P e nallntervi officer(ScaleJ) of Adrninistrative for the recruitment fromtheeligiblecandidates Wehadinvitedapplications dated28.03'2014' advertisement videourrecruitment Medical shortlisted havebeenprovisionally candidates thefollowing in theapplication, Basedon thedetailsfurnished is furnished venue interview andthe shortlistedcandidates Fulllist of prov'rsionally lnterview. for personal below(page3 onwards) at theirdeclared candidates arebeingsentto the.above bye-mail/sms intimations personal Interview Individual Venue,asshownbelowfor the e.mailidsi mobilenumbersinteraliaadviiingthemto reportto at the Interview , etc)anda PANCard,Aadharcard, VoterlD , passport (Driving license, withonePhoto-lD lnterview oersonal lopy of theapPlication Printout. are advisedto reportfor the personalinterviewat the candidates of e.mail/sms, In the eventof non-receipt etc)anda copy PANCard,Aadharcard, VoterlD, passport, (Driving license, venuewithonePhoto-lD declared of theapplication Printout. : fortheCandidates lnstructions as criteriain all respects pleaseensurethatyou fulfillall eligibility Beforecomingfor the interview 1. you not be may If you do not fulfill any one of theseeligibilitynorms in the adv-ertisement. siipulated fortheabove-mentioned please yourcandidature willberejected notethat,in suchcircumstances, interviewed. process. postat anystageof recruitment z. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (s) withyouin originalaswellastheirattestedcopies: andtestimonials Kindlybringyourcertificates Certificate. asenteredin SSLC/Matric Dateof BirthCertificate passed and including technical examination to thehighest onwards MarksListsfromSSLCexamination of eachyear/Semester. professional examination, passed, MGIReg.Certificate examinations M.B.B.S bertificate(s)regarding degree/post-graduation/other Annexure "C" dulYfilledin personsnotrelatedto you,obtainedon recentdate. fromtwo respectable Certificate Character including Offices,PublicSectorundertaking / QuasiGovernment servingin Government Gandidates from Certificate' to submit'NoObjection will be required institutions Banksandfinancial Nationalized and maynot be considered at the timeof Intervieqfallingwhichtheircandidature theiremployer paidwillnotbe admissible, if anyotherwise expenses, traveling explicit specific,and position held,pleasebringa detailed for each previously employed, preseily or lf of employers, numbers telephone and full address name, of full initudingdetails certificate experience NIA-CorpHRM/Recu/ 2074 Page1 fqqEFwrqrfrcqziffi6 (qRdrrdR*WiRIM{) COMPANYLTD. THENEWINDIAASSURANCE Phone : 022-22708100 22708400 : 022-22700470 Fax Telegram: NIASURANCE Website: www.newindia.co.in bYGovt.of India) Owned (Wholly ..Ti{ : qERqTR{ifi< fqtet, sr, tErflT qlt, stJ,$*i - +oooot' fdacqiftrnalslds - 400001 Fort,Mumbai 87,l\4.G.Road, Bldg., AssLirance & HeadOffice: NewIndia Regd. you,nature of under working of persons held,nature designation dates, withexact period ofexperience etc. projects handled (h) forSC/ST/OBC: Instructions Special a. Authorities: fromthefollowing isto beobtained candidates of SC/ST/OBC in respect Certificate Gaste First Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ / Collector/Deputy DistrictMagistrate / Additional i) DishictMagistrate Assistant Magistrate/Extra Magistrate/Executive Taluka Magistrate/ Sub.Divisional Magistrate/ 6f.i. Stip.nOl"rV Magishate)' Stipendiary First Class of rank the (trlot below Commisiioner Magistrate, Magistrate/Presidency ChiefPresidency Magishate/Additional ii)CtrietpresiOdncy notbelowtherankofTehsildar. Officer iii)Revenue resiles'-. normally hisfamily and/or thecandidate officeroftheareawhere iujsuu.oiui.ionrl givenby the Certificate the is concerned, of TamilNadu Tribescommunity vj In so far as theScheduled wouldonlybeaccepted' ofTehsildar instead Officer Divisional {evenue his/her"OBCStatus& regarding to submita certificate asOBCarerequired reservation seeking Gandidates dated in DOPTOMNo.3601222/93-Estt.(SCT) issuedby an authoiitymentioned H"r-Ci..rV Layer-Status" shouldalso Suchcandidates dated14/10/2008) rllirlisgi.inrtnded videoM No.i6033/3/2004:Estt.(Res.) format: following inthe Authority issuedbytheCompetent to certificate in addition submita deilaration ii__ronlO.ughterofShri-community _residentofViliage/town/city-District - .State-hereby of classbytheGovernment asa backward whichiJrecognised to the ttratI uetorig oectare andTraining of Personnel in Department in serviceiasperrulescontained of reservation lnJiaforthepurpos-e 36033/3/2004' No. 0M dated08/09/1993" {Amended otii.. lit.rorrnoumNo.3601?2293-Estt.(scr) ,vide ontheIncome based LayerGlause" Greamy the "Non contain should Certificate i.ii.tn...l dated14/10/2008). orlater"' year31/03/2013 forthefinancial level' / State attheDistrict Board fromMedical Gertificate physically mustbringMedical candidates Challenged servicebook,original vizcopyof ex-serviceman certificates to submitappropriate arerequired Ex.servicemen shallalsobe Originals interview. forpersonal etcaithetimeof reporting Certificate, [i.... oiO.r,No0bjection withcopies' along produced forverification, 4. to their withregard influence or to bringoutside of thecandidates by or on behalf Anycanvassing asDISQUALIFICATION' shallbeconsidered / recruitment selection to andfro ACsecondclassrailfare/bus interview will bereimbursed calledfor candidates Outstation of on production to theplaceof interview fareby theshortestroutefrom thestationof residence purpose asperrules' journey forinterview undertaken of having evidence 5. shallnotbeentertained. / Venue Centre atlaterdate/ different forinterview Request 6. anofferofEmployment. doesnotconstitute alsonotethatthisintimation Kindly 3. NIA-CorpHRM/Rectt/2014 Page2 Phone : 022-22708100 fcqEFwrqr*cqffifdFles 22708400 (qrwtc*nhWieftrst{c) COMPANYLTD. THENEWINDIAASSURANCE : 022-22700470 Fax Telegram: NIASURANCE Website: www.newindia.co.in (Wholly OwnedbYGovt.of India) ri*5-cga*rnaralc+ : qEFsnq*<< ftterr, sr, Tdidrri*iqt'i,stf, !c{ +oooot - 400001 Forl'Mumbai 87,M G Road, Bldg., OtficeI NewlndiaAsstirance negd.& HeaC in the mentioned andother.norms fulfilsthe eligibility shouldensurethathe/she Theapplicant him/her furnished..by datesandthat the particulals_ ., on th. specified advertisement recruitment THAT A RECRUITMENT oF AT ANYSTAGE rr,rcnsf lT lb DETECTED ."irr.t '. all respects. ANY HASFURNISHED THATHE/SHE AND/oR i[E ELlclBlLlrYNORMS NOTFULFTL DOES CANDTDATE FAGTS,HIS/HER MATER|AL ANY oR HAs sUPPREssED |NFoRMAT|oN |NCoRRECT/FALSE IS/AREDETECTED WILLSTANDClrlCer-r-eo.lF ANYOFTHESESHORTCOMINGS cANDTDATURE TOBETERMINATED ARELIABLE SERVICES HIS/HER EVi[ NiiEi NPPOINTMENT, Interview in thePersonal of theirparticipation to mailustheirconfirmation areadvised candidates coin ' lD:hr.department@newindia ontheE-mail in thelist' do notappear whosenames fromcandidates shallbeentertained Nocommunication thathe/she failsto reportfor the personalinterviewas indicatedbelow,we shallassume In casethe candidate without automatically shallstandcancelled his/hercandidature in joiningth" b;t;;ty;d is not interested No him/her' to of the same in futureand withoutany furthercommunication anv reconsideration willbeentertained' in thisregard coirespondence T h e S C / S T / o B O c a n d i d a t e s , c e r t i f i c a t e s w i l | b e V e r/i fST/ i e doBC, t h r oas u gthe h -case t [ g r ymay o l ebe rchanne io belongto SC revealsthattheclaimof thecandidates verification willstandcancllledandservicesof suchcandidates, j; i;L;, th";;OiO"tur" of suchcandidates and without o" t"rrin"ted forthwithwithoutassigningany furtherreasons ii#;;il,;irr Penal Codefor Indian of the provisions to suchfurtheracti;; ; t"y O" t"X"n underihe oreiudice of falseceriificate. oro'duction classesor not belongto otherBackward revealsthattheclaimof thecandidaies lf theverification will standcancelledand if appointed' i.'u.r.rgi.g to creamyraGiis false,his/hercandidature toanyfurtherreasonsandwithoutprejudice withoutassigning ."ri.". *irio" terminited-forthwith production of PenalCodefor suchfurtheractionas r"V i" t"f."n underthe frovision!of Indian falsecertificates. - RE',2014 EDICAL - AO (SCLAE'I)-MEDICAL It{TFl r\/IFWSCHFDIILE WITHVENIJE DETAILS S L qPPLICATION N O REG NO, 71000340 3 71000626 71000278 NAMEOF THE CANDIDATE ABHIJIT KUMAR AKANTH K R ALKA SAHADEOMOHOD HRM/Rectt/2014 NIA-Corp I llllj REPORTINGKEr\Jl\ DATE TIME 9:30AM 9 : 0 0A M 9:30AM IN I EIIVIEYY 1210512014 CENTRE DELHI HYDERABAD 13t0512014 12t0512014 DELHI Page3 Phone : 022-22708100 fqqEFcqrqr*rqffifqFTas (qnatmrtWirarkat$c) 22708400 022-22700470 : NIASURANCE Telegram Website : wrvrr.newindia.co.in Fax COMPANYLTD. THENEWINDIAASSURANCE (WhollyOwned bY Govt.of India) : rivt'5-rqdwtT-{ atsldq : qqf<qrsr{jE{ hl€r, er, c-6rffi'ndqri, stJ, !e{ +ooool ' - 400001' Fort,Mumbai 87,M.G Road, Bldg., negd.&i{eadOffice: NewlndiaAssdrance AMALA 7l oon600 6 7 8 9 71000058 71000583 71000177 71000018 71000096 10 11 71000552 71000592 5 71000027 1 3 71000231 1 4 71000279 1 5 71000211 16 71000258 1a 19 71000643 71000157 71000589 20 71000105 17 18 AMIT CHANDULALRATHOD MTHOD AMITKUMARNARSINHBHAI AMUL KUMAR BUTTI ANAND PAUL GUTAIVI CHAVALA nt tnruOSnrYn VRRDHAN ANIL KUMARBUCHIJHA ANJANAIAHMOTTI A N S I LA ANUJTRIPATHI ANUJ TRTPATHI ARVINDSHRIMANTSADAFULE ASAPU SRINIVAS ASWININ B SUBHASH B RAJESHNAIK BADAMARADHANA BAIRIVINODREDDY BALAJI K 71000615 zo 71000164 71000356 71000459 71000401 71000033 27 7't000131 28 29 30 71000520 71000447 71000424 71000152 22 23 24 25 .)l 71000194 34 71000456 71000227 JJ 71000378 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 71000274 71000545 71000289 71000486 71000610 71000045 71000653 71000185 71000561 71000604 71000083 71000242 9 7100051 9:00AM 1 1 : 0A 0M 9:00AM 9:00AM 1 1 : 0A 0M HYDERABAD 1310512014 1610512014 MUMBAI 1610512014 MUMBAI HYDERABAD 13t0512014 HYDERABAD 1310512014 9:30AM 1 1 : 0 0A M 11 : 0 0A M 15t0512014 1 1 : 0A 0M 1 1 : 0 0A M 9:00AM AM 10:30 1 1 : 0A 0M 9:00AM 9 : 0 0A M 9:30AM 1 1 : 0 0A M ' 1 ' l : 0A 0M BARKAMRENUKC BATTULASANDHYA BESETTYANIL KUMAR V S P VISWANADH BHAIRAVABHATLA 1 1 : 0A 0M '11:00 AM AM 10:30 AM 10:30 BHASKARJYOTI DAS BHAVIK NATVARLAL A,CGJA BILIXVINAYAKP J BILLANANDAKISHORE 9 : 0 0A M 9:00AM 9 : 0 0A M ' 1 1 : 0A 0M BOKKASREEKARREDDY BURLEDEEPTHI 9:30AM AM 10:30 9:30AM 9:30AM CHAITANYAVARMADARIVEMULA CHAITHANYADINESHKUMARA CHANDASRUJANASHALY CHANDRAMANI CHAVA SATYA PRASAD CHEREDDYVENKATARAMIREDDY 11 : 0 0A M AM 10:00 9:30AM AM 10:30 CHETANAINDRAPALWAHANE 9:00AM JIVAMM PMJAPATI CHETANKUMAR DEBAJYOTIDAS DEEPAKKUMARPOKRA DEEPTIVIJAYKHUDE DEGASREENU 11:00AM 9:30AM AM 10:00 VIZAG 16t0512014 MUMBAI 1310512014HYDERABAD 1310512014HYDERABAD 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 1610512014 MUMBAI 1510512014 VIZAG H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 1310512014HYDERABAD HYDEMBAD 13t0512014 14t05t2014 HYDERABAD H YDERABAD 13r0512014 HYDERABAD 13t0512014 H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 13t05t2014HYDERABAD 1510512014 VIZAG 15t0512014 VIZAG 16t0512014 MUMBAI 16t0512014 MUMBAI H YDERABAD 13r0512014 H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 HYDERABAD 14t0512014 1510512014 VIZAG 15t05t2014 VIZAG HYDERABAD 14t0512014 H YDERABAD 13r0512014 1210512014 D E L H I 14t05t2014HYDERABAD 15t05t2014 VIZAG 16105t2014 MUMBAI 1610512014 MUMBAI 1210512014 D E L H I 12t0512014 D E L H I DEGHAWATHSRIKANTH 9 : 0 0A M DILLIPMALIK DINESHGUPTA DIPAKVINAYAKCHAUDHARI DRAVINASHBALIRAMSHINDE 9:30AM 16t05120'14 MUMBAI 15t05t2014 VIZAG 13t05t2014 HYDEMBAD 12t0512014 D E L H I 9:00AM 9:00AM 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 16t0512014 MUMBAI 16t05t2014 MUMBAI NIA-Corpl{RM/Recu/ 20L4 9:00AM 10:30 AM 1'l:00AM Page4 Phone fqqgFgqrqrfrcqdffi16 (rnmncontPiafterfr) COMPANYLTD. THENEWINDIAASSURANCE 022-22708100 22708400 022-22700470 Fax Telegram: NIASURANCE Website : www-newindia.co.in bYGovt.of India) Owned (Wholly q-$-oeqdqqTralqldq rackqrs-&t { fuk-t, tl, qtrerlrMqrt,qtJ,gr{ +oooot' - 400001' Fort,Mumbai Bldg., 87,M G Road, &'l{eadOffice: NewindiaAssurance Regd. lo 7 1 0 n 0 5 13 50 CJ 71000554 71000516 71000143 71000315 55 71000567 71000455 51 cz co 57 58 59 60 ot 62 63 64 65 oo 67 68 69 70 7'l 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 G GANGAPRIYADARSHINI GADAGANINARESH GAURAVBHIMRAOSHIRSAT MEfiU GOPIKRISHNA AM 10:00 'I1:00AM 9:00AM '11:00 AM GOHIL HARSHALKARANSINH RANA HIRENSUNDARBHAI SHUKLA CHANDRAVADAN HRUSHIKESH JANGAM SREEKANTH JATOTH SHYAM 9 : 0 0A M 1 1 : 0 0A M 11 : 0 0A M 1 1 : 0 0A M 9:00AM JAWAHARRAMALINGAM JHANSIBAI MANDAN JHATOTHSHEETHALCHANDRA K VEDAVALLIVANISREE 9:30AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 71000543 71000066 71000198 KALAIMATHYS SACTIVEL SOLANKI KHEMCHAND KALPESHKUMAR BABU SREEDHAR KANAKA 11 : 0 0A M 9:00AM 9 : 0 0A M 4 7100007 71000376 71000078 71000112 71000023 KAPURAPURAKESHKUMAR KATRUEMMANUEL 9:00AM AM 10:30 1 0 : 3A 0M 9:30AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:30AM 71000375 71000404 LODH POONAMRAMESHWARSINGH PRADEEPREDDYSRIKARAM PRAJAKTAHARISHCHAWHAN 1 1 : 0 0A M 9:30AM 9 : 0 0A M 71000602 7100022'l 71000280 71000127 71000144 7'1000086 1210512014 D E L H I HYDERABAD 1310512014 1610512014 MUMBAI HYDERABAD 1310512014 16t0512014 MUMBAI 16t0512014 MUMBAI 1610512014 MUMBAI 13t0512014HYDERABAD H YDERABAD 13t0512014 HYDERABAD 1410512014 HYDERABAD 1310512014 H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 HYDERABAD 14t0512014 HYDERABAD 13t0512014 16t05120'14 MUMBAI HYDERABAD 13t0512014 HYDERABAD 13t0512014 15t05t2014 VIZAG 15t0512014 VIZAG cHAR4N sURYA vnswnxtu vENKATA krr-r-r 15t0512014 VIZAG KIRANKUMARNAIKBANAVATHU HYDERABAD 13t0512014 SASIDHAR KOPPOLU H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 KORALAPATYVINAY BABU 7'.|000179 1st05t2014 VIZAG LAKSHM 71000655 H YDERABAD 13t0512014 A M 1 1 : 0 0 LEKSHMYVIJAYVG 71000473 VIZAG 15t05t?014 AM 9:30 PULUGU LOVARAJESH 71000248 AM 12t05t2014 D E L H I 10:00 MADDILAVAMSISIDHIKARTHIK 71000232 9:00AM 16t0512014 MUMBAI MADHURIBAXIMESHRAM 71000326 AM 12t0512014 DELHI 10:00 MANISHKUMARROUSHAN 71000379 AM 12t0512014 D E L H I 10:00 MDAFTABALAMANSARI 71000527 -IVIOHAMMAD '11:00 AM 16t0512014 MUMBAI AAMIRMOHAMMADIQBALSIDDIQUI 71000498 AM 1510512014 VIZAG 10:30 NAGAVENKATAPRAVEEN 71000625 1610512014 MUMBAI AM 9:00 NAMRATASAGARTASGAONKAR 7100Q229 1 1 : 0 0 4 M 16t05t2014 M U M B A I DAYAMA NEERAJNANDKISHORE 71000190 HYDERABAD 9:00AM 13t0512014 NEEMTI PRAGATHIKUMAR 71000079 MUMBAI 1610512014 AM 9:00 JAGDHANE N I T I NB H I M R A O 71000541 MUMBAI 1610512014 AM 1'1:00 PANKAJPRAMODAPURVA 71000213 9:00AM 16t05t2014 M U M B A I PAWANKUMARSUDHAKARSONAWANE 71000484 AM 1510512014 VIZAG 10:30 PENTAKOTAHARIKA 71000597 1510512014 VIZAG AM 9:30 POLAMURYRAVIKUMAR 71000303 71000204 71000189 71000024 71000613 PRAKRUTHIBUDHAPURAM SUNILSATPUTE PRANOTI PRASHANTMADHUKARJADHAV NIA-CorpHRM/Rectt/2014 9:00AM 9:00AM 1 1 : 0A 0M 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 14/0512014HYDERABAD 16t05t2014 MUMBAI HYDERABAD 14105120'14 16t0512014 MUMBAI 16t0512014 MUMBAI Page5 Phone : 022-?2708100 fqqEFqqrqrfrrqdffi6 22708400 (qnasr+n*Wtetuat{q) LTD. COMPANY THENEWINDIAASSURANCE 00470 : 022-227 Fax Telegram: NIASURANCE Website : www.newindia.co.in (Wholly OwnedbYGovt.of India) qFt, tq15-dqfctrnasids : artcarw*t'u lcFr, tr, Ei-erTi*fi stJ,f+{ +oooot - 400001 Fort,Mumbai 87,M.G Road, Bldg., negd.&iteadoffice: NewindiaAssLirance AA 7lnn())64 95 97 71000070 71000618 71000524 98 99 71000322 7 10 0 0 1 6 8 0n 71000487 1 0 1 7100050s nt 71000651 1 0 3 71000256 104 71000238 '104 71000462 1 0 F 71000365 1 0 7 71000100 10F 9:00AM H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 PREETIBABANKARVANDE 9:00AM 16t05t2014 MUMBAI PRERANASINGH PRIYANKAKARRI PRIYANKASINGH RAGHAVENDERT RAHIL KHAN 9 : 3 0A M 12t05t2014 D E L H I 15t0512014 VIZAG 1610512014 MUMBAI H YDERABAD 13t0512014 PRATAPKUMARG RAHULVERMA RAHULBUDDHADASBAGADE RAJARAJAPAWANKUMAR RAJEEVSURYKANTGAJARE RAJESHGUJJANTI RAMU P RAMVINAY KUMAR RAVI PMKASH RAVI KUMAR ROOLAPAUPPARATLA 71000249 AM 10:30 1 1 : 0 0A M 9:00AM 9:00AM 1 1 : 0 0A M DELHI 1210512014 D E L H I 1610512014 M U M B A I H YDERABAD 13t0512014 9:00AM 9:30AM 9:00AM 16t0512014 MUMBAI 1410512014HYDERABAD H YDEMBAD 13t0512014 9:30AM 12t0512014 DELHI AM 10:00 12t05t2014 DELHI 9:00AM H YDERABAD 13105120'14 1510512014 VIZAG 1410512014HYDERABAD AM 10:00 9:30AM 1210512014 71000438 71000396 11 71000465 112 71000457 71000180 11 1 1 4 71000'167 RUDHRAPMBHAKAR KADALI RUDRAGOUTHAMNARESH S NOORULLAH 1 1 5 71000325 1 1 € 71000350 1 1 7 71000'108 SAGAR SADASHIVSURYAWANSHI SANDIPRAMESHPANDIT SANGEMVAMSHIKRISHNA 1 1 : 0A 0M H YDERABAD 14t0512014 HYDERABAD 1310512014 16t0512014 MUMBAI 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 1 1 : 0 0A M 1310512014HYDERABAD SANJEEVKUMAREDDULA 9:00AM SANKETVASANT PAJAI 1 1 : 0 0A M SARALADEVI GODAGOfiU AM 10:30 WANI SAURABHNANDKISHOR 1 1 : 0 0A M SHANKERBHARTI AM 10:00 SHANTISWAROOPCHINNAPAKA SHRINIVASPRASADSHAH SIDDHARTHPRAKASHSHINDE SIDDHARTHARAPOLU 9:00AM 9:30AM 9:00AM 1 1 : 0 0A M HYDERABAD 14t0512014 16t0512014 MUMBAI 1510512014 VIZAG 1610512014 MUMBAI 12t0512014 DELHI 13t05t2014HYDEMBAD 12t05t2014 DELHI 1n9 114 71000245 't9 71000506 1rt, 71000367 121 71000632 118 ltt 71000535 123 7 1 0 0 0115 124 71000331 1)F 71000619 71000544 1 2 7 71000243 128 71000098 129. 71000470 1 3 r 71000593 1 3 1 71000268 1t6 13t 71000582 1 3 3 71000586 134 71000092 1 3 5 71000553 71000621 131 7'1000087 1 3 8 71000449 116 RIJCHI DHAR SOODITPAL SRIKANTHK SUBARNADEBBARMA SEKAR SUDHARSNA SUNIL NAKKA SURESH JOGA SURPAGUVEERESH SWAMYNADHGANDHIREDDI SWAPNILDEEPAKPATIL UTKARSHV AGRAWAL NIA-CorpHRM/Rectt/2014 VADDIVIDYADEEPAK VANAMALA JAGAN 9:30AM 9:30AM AM 1510512014 VIZAG 10:30 9:00AM 1 1 : 0A 0M 9:00AM 1 1 : 0A 0M 9:00AM 9:30AM 1 1 : 0A 0M 9:30AM 1 1 : 0 0A M 9:00AM 10:30 AM 1 1 : 0 0A M AM 10:00 9:30AM 9:00AM 16t05t2014 MUMBAI H YDERABAD 13t0512014 16t05t2014 MUMBAI HYDEMBAD 1310512014 12t05t20't4 DELHI HYDERABAD 13t0512014 1510512014 VIZAG 13tO512014HYDERABAD 13t05120'14HYDERABAD 1510512Q14 VIZAG 1610512014 MUMBAI 1210512014 D E L H I 1st0512014 VIZAG HYDERABAD 14t0512014 Page Phone : 022-22708100 ' 22708400 : 022-22700470 rax tqqEFwrqrctc{d;r$6 (qnaw*n * Wtlqtfr'st{c) NIASURANCE relesram: THE - - -- NEW INDIAASSURANCECOMPANYLTD. website : www.newindia.co.in (wt ottyo*ned by Govt.of lndia) stJ,1S- +ooool' er,r.dmrrfttqFt, nct5,rlgiwrmalslaq: nvt<+<w\=utcHr, Bldg., 87,M.G Road,Fort,Mumbai-400001' AssL.irance Regd.& HeadOffice: NewIndia 71000412 14C 71000291 141 71000094 VASANTHADANIRMALACHARI KT VENKATESH VIKASHRANJAN 142 71000657 VILASNILKANTHMESHRAM VINOD TANDAN VINODKUMARDUNDI SIE N G A L V I P U LS H I R I S H B H A WANKHEDE VIRENDRAGANESHRAO ' 11 ? , 7't000259 144 7 1 0 0 0 5 6 3 145 71000488 14e 71000392 141 71000158 148 71000547 149 71000271 15C 71000313 9:30AM 9:00AM 10:00 AM 1 1 : 0A 0M VISHALBABULALSURWADE 9:00AM 9:30AM 9:00AM 9 : 0 0A M 9:00AM 9:00AM VIVEK KUMAR AM 10:00 VYAS SUKUMARAN 1 1 : 0 0A M VISHALTABHANE 15t05t2014 VIZAG 14t05t2014HYDERABAD 1210512014 DELHI HYDERABAD 1310512014 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 15t05t2014 VIZAG 1610512014 MUMBAI 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 16t05t2014 MUMBAI 1210512014 DELHI HYDERABAD 13t05120'14 below. is produced aboveandtheircontactNumbers asmentioned Venue, of theInterview Theaddress CENTRE INTERVIEW DELHI MUMBAI HYDERABAD VIZAG ADDRESS VENUE INTERVIEW I OFFICE. REGIONAL DELHI BHARTI BLDG,l24,CONNAUGHT JEEVEN - 110OO1 DELHI CIRCUS,NEW HEAD OFFICE COLTD, 87, THENEWINDIAASSURANCE - 4()() O(}1 M. G.ROAD,FORT,MUMBAI ContactNo. 12 I 4,233251 011-233251 I 317 022-2708303 ,22708314 OFFICE HYDERABAD REGIONAL G,sTHFLOOR, NO.104, BLOCK DOOR 040. 27811044 , 27810365 ROAD PATEL TOWERS , SURYA .SARDAR O03 SECUNDERABAD.5OO OFFICE VIZAG REGIONAL PARADISE, III& IVFLOOR,PAVAN 47-10.12, -2751830/4ll 0891 PARK,VISAKHAPATTANAM DIAMOND NEAR - 530016 f ) ITffiITMA /t rTX CHIEFMANAGER (30.04.2014) (30.04. ^ ''\ . F\L-.- hr..-" J), \'%. &i_-- NIA-CorpHRM/Rectt/2014 Page7
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