PHONE ND. Hpr. 76 2At4 : 11:33HI.1 P1 N.T,Fl. Bhavan, TEI-UGU DE$AM Hoad No.2, Banjara Hills, $tate Office HYDERABAD"5OO 033. -{ ffi Dated L6th APril,201+ I dfeqf,, .a - Jt '6'l / The f,hiefEtrection Commissioner, El**ion Commission of India, Respected Sir, sub:- Gerr'erut Electiogs -."Andhra Pradesh- of zua phase of Elections- List leaders.,6tea*;Carnpalgners) of fefuSu Desam p"*ry, a {!!!HniledStflIe Party in the State of A.p, UlSI7(L)[z] of Rr.act 1951 - furtherllstof $tar Campaigners - furnishirig* ftgardlng. Ref:- 1. Electio4 Coimrnission Letter in F,No.4/2014/SDR, DIted t!,n March,2074. 2. partvlettel date{ a9.04.2aW turnishing 81 star camapigners list to the Znl Phase of Elections. -Our In pursuance of;the E,c,l letter a-r-o Lg.B.z0L4, we have submitted star Campaigners Iist of 3L Members for the Zno Phase electiorrs. Now we are submitting 2 Mernbers as Star Campaigners for the Znd Phase of Hlections. We are subrnitting a list of 2 Star Campaigners for the Znd phase election campaign, The following are the 2 Star Campaigners. AIi, Party lreader and Cine Arrist 2, Sri K. Venurnadhav, Parry Leader and Cine Artist 1, Sri Thankingyou Sir, Yours Sincerely, 5---!1.-/L^ I T.D.IANARDHAN RAo ) Secretary, Office Coordination Coov to: The Chief Electoral Officer, A.P., Hyderabad r# PHONE NO. Rpr. E9 ?AL4 : 12:35Pl,l N.T.R. Ehavan, Roaci No.?, Banjara #.8-L$ ffiih,t L) ffi S/,t, fiifi State Office P1 l-'{ills, I,{YDERABAD"SI]f] 033. Date : To ' : r'1 d grtt /+yril' zoTrL " iie cuief Elect'iort Cummissioner' ;i;;ti;; comrniss!01"! of Ind'ia' New Deihi r\.{ ,+-' ,\\ ResPected Sir, Sub:-GeneralHlections-AndhraFradesh*ZndPhaseof Electlous- List of leader.s [Lead campaigners) cf Telugu Desam Farty,:a recogniaed $tate Party in the State of A'F' U1s 7?[ti{3i of H.F.Act 1951- turnishing - regarding' :. Ref:- 1. Election C'brnmilssion Letter in F.No.4/2014/SDR, Dated 19ti, March,20:L4. 2. FartSr l-etter along with I star carnapaigners iist dared 8.8.2014 adclressed to Chief Ele ction Commissioner" our The Telugu Dusarn partyhas submitted letter dated 8.3.?014 with a list of B $tar Carnpaignels for 2 Phase, in the $tate of A.p. But Election Commission of India has send a letter No. in F.No" 4/20L4/SD& Dated 19rh luarch, Zll+srating that a political party can submit a seperate lists for different schedules. In pursuance of the E,c.l letter dated 19.3.2014, w0 are submitting campaigners lisr for ].st phase elections on 02.04 Star ,zlt+and 08.04 .201,4, Now we are stlbmiming a list of 31. Star Carnpaigners for the Z,,a phase election campaign. Thanking you Sit', Encl: A.t mentioneci above. Secretary, Offi ce Coordination Copy to: The Chief Hlectural Officer, A.p., Hyderabad PHONE NO. Hpr. Ag : 12:36Pt4 Ps N.l.R. Bhavan, Fload N0,2, Banjara Hills, l-UffiU ffiH$^dqhfi $tate Office / "gt4 I]YDERABAD.sOO 033, : '" * -:':'::rl'::l::iiii'i:i]1-:I:":': ;' ;:l- tHg STATH OF ANDHRA -'EOiOi'i* EI,ECTXtrNS GENERAL ?*a PEASE EIECTI0N$ PRADEfiH State of Tetugu Desam Barty a recognized tanuraigners) Leaclers f,Star Sl. List of 195L for the Znd Phase party uri,l*, Hry(21 or sec.zz1L) of RP, Act ';::: submtred Elections. 1, Sri Nara Chandrabahu Naidu Party President ,., Sri Yanamala Rama lftishnudu Politburo Member & Leader of the 0pposition, APLC 3. Sri Nandamuri Hari l(ishna 4. Sri Y.S. Chowdary 5, Sri.C,M. Ramesh 5. Sri ffarikapati Mohana Rao 7. Snrt. T, Sitlta Rama Laksirrni 8. Sri Nandamuri Bala Krishna .i Politburo Member & Ex-lvl.P. M.P. [Raiya SabhaJ M.P, (Ralya Sabha) Member elect M.P. [Rajya SabhaJ Member elect M.p. [Rajya dabha) Parfy Leader Farry Leader 10. Sri j,R. Pushpa Raju Vice President 11". Sri Vice President . .:, Kambharnpafl Ramannohana Rao ,.., 12. $ri M,A. Shariff General Secretary General Secretary L4,. Sri Reddy Subrahmanyarn General Secretary 1,5, Smt Nannapaneni Haja Kumari Official $pokesperson L6. Sri Y,V.B, Rajendra pnasad 0fficial Spokesperson 1,7. Sri Ganni l(rishna Official Spokesperson ( i,{-*'!!:-L- PHONE ND. Fpr. Ai 2At4 12:36pt{ : pz 1 N,T.H. Bhavan, Road No.2, Banjara Hills, I{YDEFIABAD-sOO 033. "I.TJffiIJ ffiffiSA,i\Cl State Office ::2 ii 18. Sri ChowdarY NaraYana MurthY 19. Sri DwaraPureddi lagadish 20. Sri V. Ganesh Kumar 21. $ri Gurivireddi Ramtr Naitlu :: Dt. Parry President, $rikakulam Dt. Party President, Viziartagaram Urhan Dt, Party President, Visakhapatnam DL Party Fresident, Visakhapatnam Rural 2?. Srl Nimmakayaia China RalaPPa Dt Party President, East Godavari 23. Sri Devineni Uma Mirhdswara Rao Dt. Farty President, Krishna 24. Sri Eudha Venkarrna Dt, Party President, Vijayawada Urban 25. Sri Prathipati Pullarao Dt, Party President, Guntur 26, $ri Bonahiana Srinivasa Yadav Dt Party President, Guntur Urban 27. Sri Danracharla ]anarclhan 28" Sri Beeda Ravichandr:a yatlav Dt. Party President, praltasam 29. Sri Mallela Linga Reclcty Dt. Party presirlent, Kadapa 30. Sri $omisetti Venkateswarlu Dt. Parfy Presiden! Kurnor:l 31. Sri B.K Parthasaradiri Dt, Parry President, Anantapur Dt. Parry President, Nellore e .#-r*,--/ -;-** .-*),''-""" Copy to: The Chief Electoral Officer, A.p., Hyderabad I T,D,JANARDHAN RAO ) Secretary, Offi ce f, oordinati on PHONE NO. Hpr. : AG 2A74 12:25Pt-l P1 N.T.H. Bhavan TE,I.TJGU DHSAIUE Fload No.Z, Baniara l'lills $tate Oftice ITYDERABAD - 5OO 033. Dated 6u' April,2014 To fl H fn' ,4 , lll;-- The Chief Election f,omm'issioner, Election Commission of India, New Delhi. -r n \-, t\i Respected 5ir, Sub;- General Electiolrs.T Andhra Prcdesh- tst Phase of ElectioHs' List of Ieaders [l.ead Camrpaigpers] of Telugu Pgtulo Party, a-reco-gnlued State Parry:in th6 State-of AP" UIS 77-t71G) of R.F"Act 1951 - further tist of sufcanrpiigners - furnishing - regarding' Reft- 1. Elecrion CommisSi-on l,efter in F.No:4/?014/SDR, Dated 1gth March,2$L4" Z. 6ur party !etterdated. 02.04.2014 furnishing 32 Star Camapigners list t0 Ihe Ltt Fhase af.Electlons -----\ '\ll : L. Sri Nara Lokesh, PartY tr eader 2. Sri Ali, Parlry Leader arltl Cine Artist 3. Sri K. Venumadhav, Pany Leader and Cine Artist Yours Sincerely, Thankingyou Sin )--*-*U*-'{* I T.D,IANARDHAN ffi I Secretary, 0 ffi ce Coordination Hncl: As mentioned above. esEJ.Js: ffre chtef trlecroral Officer; A.P,, Ftryderabad . oncooooo Eav ' ,lt6l.r{OA ll fl6,; In pursuance of the fl-$.; iefter dated, we are submitting Star Campaigners liEt of 32 Members for.thu'L.t:Fhase elections- Now we ere submitting 3 Merrrbers as Star Campaigners for the tst Fhase of Election$. The following are the 3;Star Campaigners for the tr's Phase \.,4 t N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM Road No.2, Banjara Hllla, HYDERABAD-sOO 03 , Dated 2nd April, 2014 To The Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India, New Delhi. Respected Sir, Sub:- General Elections - Andhra Pradesh- 1't Phase of ElectionsList of leaders (Lead Campaigners) of Telugu Desam Party, a recognized State Party in the State of A.P. U /S 77 (L)(2) of R.P.Act 1951 - furnishing - regarding. Ref:- 1. Election Commission Letter in F.No.4/20t4/SDR. Dated 19tr, March,20t4. 2. Our Party Letter along with B Star Camapaigners list dated addressed to Chief Election Commissioner. The Telugu Desam party has submitted letter dated with a list of for 2 Phases in the State of A.P, But Election Commission of India has send a letter No. in F,No.4/2014/SDR, Dated 19th March,2014 stating that a political party can submit a seperate lists for different schedules. In pursuance of the E.C.l letter dated 793.2A14, we are submitting Star Campaigners list for 1't Phase elections, B Star Campaigners We are submitting a list of 32 Star Campaigners for the L't Phase election campaign. The remaining B names will be submitted in due course. Thanking you Sir, General Secretary Encl: As mentioned above. Copy to: The Chief Electoral 0fficer, A.P., Hyderabad N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM Road No.2, Banjara Hills, HYDERABAD-sOO 033. State Office GENERAL ELECTION S _ ?OL4IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1St PHASE ELECTIONS List of 32 Leaders [Star Campaigners) of Telugu Desam Party a recognized State party submitted under Exp[z) of Sec.77(1J of R.P. Act 1951 for the 1$ phase Elections. The remaining B members list will be submitted in due course. Sl.No. Name 1. Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu 2. Sri Nama Nageswara Rao 3. Sri T. Devender Goud 4. Smt. Gundu Sudha Rani 5. Sri Garikapati Mohana Rao 6. Sri Ramesh Rathod 7. Sri E, Peddi Reddy B. Sri Ali Bin Ibrahim Masqati 9. Mohammed Saleem 10. Sri Yousaf Ali LL. Sri RavulaPati Seetha Ramarao 1.2. Sri Errabelli DaYakar Rao 13. Sri L, Ramana 14. Sri Motkupalli Narasimhulu 15. Sri Mandava Venkateswara Rao 1.6. Sri R. Krishnaiah t7. Sri Arikala Narsa ReddY 18. Sri Ch. Vijaya Ramana Rao Position in the Party Party President and MLA M.P., ParliamentarY PartY Leader M.P. [Rajya Sabha) M,P. [Rajya Sabha) Member elect M.P. [RajYa Sabha) M.P. (Lok Sabha) State Vice-President Ex-M.L.C. State Vice-President State Vice-President State Vice-President M.L.A., Politburo Member M.L.A., Politburo Member M.L.A., Official Spokes Person M.L.A. Party Leader M.L.C., M.L.A., Karimnagar District Party President N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM / Road No.2, Banjara Hills, HYDERABAD-sOO 033. State Office 19. Sri Tummala Nageswara Rao M.L.A. 20. Sri Manchireddi Kishan Reddy M,L.A., R.R. District Party President 2L, Sri M. Aravind Kumar Gowd State Party General Secretary 22. Sri Vem Narendar Reddy Ex-M.L.A., 0fficial Spokes person 23. Sri N. Narsi Reddy Official Spokes person 24. Sri Talasani Srinivasa Yadav Hyderabad District Party President 25. Sri Mynampalli Hanumantha Rao M.L.A., Medak District Party President 26. Sri Lolam Shyam Sundar Adilabad West District Party President 27. Sri Arigela Nageswara Rao Adilabad East District Party President 28, Sri V. Gangadhar Gowd Nizamabad District Party President 29. Sri Bakkini Narasimhulu Mahabubnagar District Party President 30. Sri Bilya Naik Nalgonda District Party President 31. Sri A. Baswa Reddy Warangal District Party President 32. Sri Kondabala Koteswara Rao Khammam District Party President The remaining B names of Star Campaigners will be subm MDHA Ge Copy to: The Chief Electoral 0fficer, A.P., Hyderabad J eral Secretary N.T,H. Bhavan, TELUGU DE$AM Road No"2, Banjara Hills, HYDERABAD-sOO 033, State Offlca To The Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India, New Delhi. Itespeelr:rl Sir, Sub:- Ll*t of lcntlern (l,cad L'rmpnign*ru) nf 'frlugu ll*x*rnt lrnrly, recognizctl Stuto Pnrty in thc Stnte of A.P. U/S 77(l X2) of Il.l'}"Aet 1951 * furnishing - rcgnrding- lr Ite[':- General Elections -2014 in the State <ll'Andhra Prndush, In pursuance of the General Elections - 2014 referred above, the Telugu Desam Party is enclosing herewith the list of our Party Star Campaigners numbering under Explanation (2) 8 of Sec.77(L) of the R.P. Act 1951. The remaining 32 Star Campaigners (tead Canrpaigners) Names will be subrnitted in clue course. Thanking you Sir, ficrt$rnI lir'*r*llry Encl: As rnentionccl above. zt N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM Road No.2, Banjara Hills, HYDEHABAD.sOO 033. State Office _f GENERAL ELECTIONS _2OI4IN THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH List of 8 Leaders (Star Campaigners) of Telugu Desam Party arecognized State Party submitted under Exp(2) of Sec.77(1) Sl.No. 1. 2. of Name R.P. Act 1951 Position in the Party MLA Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu Party President and Sri Yanamala Rama Krishnudu Politburo Member and Leader of the Opposition, A.P.Legislative Council a J. Sri Y.S. Chowdary M.P. (Rajya Sabha) 4. Smt. Gundu Sudha RAni M.P. (Rajya Sabha) 5. Sri T. Devender Goud M.P. (Rajya Sabha) 6. Sri C.M. Ramesh M.P. (Rajya Sabha) 7. Sri Garikapati Mohana Rao Member elect M.P. (Rajya Sabha ) 8. Smt. T. Seetha Rama Lakshmi Member elect M.P. (Rajya Sabha) The remainhg32 names of Star Campaigners will be submitted in due course. ( P. ANURADHA ) General Secretary
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