Fedosov Quantization and Quantum Field Theory Giovanni Collini Joint work with Prof. Stefan Hollands Universit¨ at Leipzig Vienna, May 2014 1 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Outline Outline Introduction Free QFT Interacting QFT Fedosov quantization scheme Some details for the φ4 -interaction Fedosov quantization vs ”ordinary” perturbation theory Conclusion 2 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Introduction Let consider a phase space S with Poisson bracket t, u. “Traditional” quantization Promote observables, sub-algebra of C 8 pS q, to operators on Hilbert space. Dynamics: the Hamiltonian Ñ self-adjoint operator Ñ time evolution (Ex) Consider S tpq, p q P R2 u and tq, p u 1 standard Poisson braket. Quantization on L2 pR, dq q is q Ñ qˆ, p Ñ pˆ : i~Bq F pq, p q Ñ Fˆ ? (choice of ordering) Ñ “deformation” of classical mechanics Consider C 8 pS q, define a new associative product () such that F G FG o p~q pF G G F q i~tF , G u o p~2q Deformation quantization (+ technical properties) Change product, not observables (weaken to formal power series in ~). No Hilbert space, no ordering choice, but non-equivalent star-products. 3 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Introduction Does any (finite-dim) Poisson manifold admit a deformation quantization? 1 Simplest case: S : R2n with x µ pqj , pj q, the symplectic form and the Poisson bracket are ¸ BF BG BF BG µ ν j σ σµν dx ^ dx : dq ^ dpj tF , G u : Bqj Bpj Bpj Bqj j A well-defined star-product is the Moyal product F M G : ¸ pi~qk k k! σ µ1 ν1 σ µk νk Bµ1 ...µk F Bν1 ...νk G 2 Symplectic case: pS, σq is a symplectic manifold, tF , G u : σ1 pdF , dG q Poisson bracket. D deformation quantization [De Wilde & Lecomte, Omori & Maeda & Yoshioka, Fedosov]. 3 General Poisson manifold case: pS, t, uq is a Poisson manifold (not induced by any symplectic form). D deformation quantization [Kontsevich]. 4 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Free QFT Free QFT We would like to apply the philosophy of deformation quantization to field theories arising from a classical Lagrangian. ñ ‘Symplectic case’ but infinite dimensional phase space S Simplest example is the linear KG-theory (on Minkowski space) p m 2 q u 0 In this case the phase space is linear S : tu smooth sol, compact supp on Σu tpq, pq P C08pΣq C08pΣq where q u|Σ, p B0u|Σu there is a natural symplectc form σ : S S Ñ R σ pu1 , u2 q » Σ pq1p2 p1q2qdx 5 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Free QFT Deformation quantization in this framework [D¨ utsch & Fredenhagen]: 1 Choose ‘observables’ (i.e. replacing C 8 pS q) as F 2 » f px1 , . . . , xn qϕpx1 q ϕpxn q where ϕpx qru s : u px q evaluation functional on S, n f is a compactly supp distribution having WFpf q X pV ~-product F ~ G : ¸ ~k » k k! Y V nq H W px1 , y1 q W pxk , yk q k k δϕpx q .δ. . δϕpx q F δϕpy q .δ. . δϕpy q G 1 k 1 k W = Wightman function (or 2-point function of an Hadamard state). 6 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Free QFT Relation to “traditional quantization”: Corresponds to the standard approach to QFT if F Ñ Fˆ » f px1 , . . . , xn q : ϕˆpx1 q ϕˆpxn q : where ϕˆ standard field operator (creation + annihilation op), : : normal ordering. Then ~ is equivalent to the Wick’s theorem. Relation to ‘simplest case’: The finite dimensional version of ~ is the Wick star-product, obtained iσ µν Ñ W µν g µν iσ µν in the formula of of the . Note: g µν is the inverse of a metric on S (linearity of S); Jνµ g µλ σλν is a complex structure. 7 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Interacting QFT Interacting QFT How can we generalize this methods to interacting theories? Consider the V pφq-interacting massive scalar field theory, i.e. Pφ : φ m2 φ V 1 pφq 0 Let S be the set of non-linear solutions. Fix φ P S the linearized equation around φ is Pφ u : u m2 u V 2 pφqu 0 Linearized solution Ø element in the tangent space Tφ S. For each φ P S define an Hadamard pure quasi-free state for the linearized theory, denote Wφ px, y q its 2-point function. Consider the *-algebra Wφ : t non-lin functions F : Tφ S Ñ Cu with ~ Note that this defines a bundle of *-algebras W φ PS Wφ. 8 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Interacting QFT Further structure on S: 1 2 Decompose Wφ Gφ i {2Eφ . Eφ is the causal propagator for the linear operator Pφ . The causal propagator defines a non-degenerate skew-symm tensor field on S » φÑ Eφ px, y q δ δφpx q b δφδpy q P Tφ S ^ Tφ S (= inverse symplectic form). 3 (Quasi-free) ñ Gφ defines a non-degenerate symm tensor field on S. It is the inverse of a Riemannian metric gφ on S. 4 (Pure) ñ Gφ σ gives an almost complex structure on S, i.e. p1, 1q tensor field J such that J 2 id. 5 non-lin solutions 6 almost K¨ahler manifold. Define the Yano connection ∇, i.e. unique ∇g 0 , T 1{4N (ñ ∇ respects symplectic form and almost complex structure); 9 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Interacting QFT Aim: Define a -product on a suitable set of observables F should (at least) contain F pφq » f px q ¹ pBqk φpx q i with f P F pS q which P C08 pM q i Note that SectpW q is an algebra under the “fibrewise” product pF ~ G qpφq : Fφ ~ Gφ since Fφ P Wφ for any φ P S and Wφ is an algebra (the “free field Wick polynomial algebra” of the linearized theory around φ). However this is not the desired deformation quantization of F pS q since SectpW q is a different (much larger) space! 10 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Fedosov quantization scheme Fedosov quantization scheme How to relate F pS q with SectpW q? The idea is perform this procedure Construction of -product Define a flat connection D on SectpW q such that the Leibniz rule wrt ~ holds. Construct a bjection Q : F pS q Ñ Sect0 pW q between observables and flat sections. Define pF G qpφq : Q 1pQ pF q ~ Q pG qq. In finite dimensions this procedure works: Symplectic case [Fedosov], almost K¨ahler case [Karabegov & Schlichenmaier] Many issues due to 8-dim nature of field theory! 11 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Fedosov quantization scheme Consider the Fedosov operator δ : SectpS q Ñ W-valued 1-form pn, 0q-homogeneous Ñ pn 1, 1q-homogeneous (as element of the bigraded algebra of W-valued forms). Theorem (Fedosov, Karambegov & Schlichenmacher) D!r rp0q rp1q ~ rp2q ~2 . . . W-valued 1-form on S, such that D : ∇ δ i rr , s ~ is flat and satisfies the Leibniz rule (+ technical requirements on rp0q ). Moreover for each F P F pS q there is a unique Q pF q P Sect0 pW q such that Q pF q Fp0q Fp1q ~ Fp2q ~2 . . . with Fp0q F idW 12 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Some details for the φ4 -interaction Some details for the φ4 -interaction Consider an ultra-static space-time M metric ds 2 dt 2 hij px qdx i dx j . Consider the V pφq φ4 , non-lin eq S : smooth sol non-lin eq R Σ with Σ compact with ñ Pφ φ m2φ 4φ3. Ø E : C 8 pΣq C 8 pΣq Cauchy data 8-dim (Fr´echet) manifold and S Ñ E is a global chart. The corresponding linearized equation is Pφ u p m2 12φqu 0. ñ there exists a 1-to-1 correspondence TφS Ø E ; ñ natural symplectic form » » Ð Ñ σ pu, v q : u pt, x q Bt v pt, x q u px qσ px, y qv py q Moreover S is an Σ M2 where σ px, y q is a compactly supported distribution which “regularizes” the restriction on the Cauchy surface. 13 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Some details for the φ4 -interaction Choice of functionals F pS q Consider F : S Q φ Ñ C having an off-shell extension F˜ : C 8 pM q Ñ C 1 pM k q dist. with compact supp s.t. smooth, with F˜ pk q pφq P EW ! WFpF˜ pk q pφqX px1 , . . . , xk ; ξ1 , . . . , ξk q|ξi PV or ξj R V & ξi j P V or ) Ø 1 pM n q . A n-cov tensor is defined as a distribution pσ Eφ qbn α ˜ with α ˜ P EW ñ cotangent space “symplectical cotangent space”. We provide a notion of cov tensor field compatible with F pS q: A n-cov tensor fields is a map A : S Q φ Ñ bn Tφ S such that there exists ˜ : C 8 pM q Ñ bn T C 8 pM q smooth with A ˜ pk q pφq P E 1 pM n k q and A W b n pσ Eφq A˜ pφq Apφq. (Ex) the kernel σ px, y q doesn’t depend on the background S Q φ Ñ pσ Eφ qb2 σ pσ Eφ σq is a 2-cov tensor field. 14 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Some details for the φ4 -interaction Given a 2-point function Wφ of an Hadamard pure quasi-free state for the linearized theory, is S Q φ Ñ pσEφ qb2 Wφ pσWφ σq “symplectically smeared” 2-point function a cov tensor field? In general ’no’! However there exists a state for which the answer is ‘yes’. ð [Fulling, Narcowich, Wald] deformation argument For this specific choice of the state the formal analogy between finite-dim almost K¨ahler manifold and QFT can be made rigorous. In particular this framework allows a infinite dimensional FKS theorem. 15 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Fedosov quantization vs “ordinary” perturbation theory Fedosov quantization vs “ordinary” perturbation theory Let F P F pS q be a polynomial, local function of the field φ P S F pφpx qq F pφpx q, B φpx q, . . . , B n φpx qq Perturbation theory formula [Haag], [Fredenhagen & D¨ utsch] Fock-space formula for interacting field for F px q : ¸ N pi {~q N » ¡ ¡¡yN0 x 0 y10 r. . . r: F pϕˆpx qq :, : V pϕˆpy1 qs, . . . , : V pϕˆpyN qq :s It corresponds to the “Gell-Mann-Low” formula. This formula, like others in perturbation theory, requires renormalization. 16 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Fedosov quantization vs “ordinary” perturbation theory In order to compare the “ordinary” perturbation theory and the Fedosov construction, we re-interprete the perturbative formula as an element of the algebra bundle W. For each φ P S, one can define a retarded product as a map Rφ : F p S q b N ª F pC 8 pM qq Ñ Wφ Retarded products Rφ rF , G bN s are constructed using Epstein-Glaser renormalization [Fredenhagen & D¨ utsch], [Hollands & Wald]. Remark F pS q has to be replaced by an “extension” F~ pS q, ð imposing the equation of motion and the axiomatic approach to time-ordered products (which define retarded products) are incompatible [Hollands & Wald]. 17 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Fedosov quantization vs “ordinary” perturbation theory Using retarded products, define the map ρ : F~ pS q Ñ SectpW q ρpF q ¸ pi {~qN N N! » Rφ F φ ; M V pqd 4 x bN Then it is natural asking Are the Fedosov quantization and the “ordinary” perturbation theory equivalent? i.e. we ask if there exists a unitary section U P SectpW q (U ~ U id) such that ρpF q U ~ Q pF q ~ U where Q : F~ pS q Ñ Sect0 pW q is the quantization map obtained by Fedosov procedure 18 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Conclusions Conclusion In this talk I have outlined the general idea for an approach to quantization of interacting fields based on the Fedosov quantization scheme. The construction gives an algebra of observables which has the structure of a space of flat sections in a bundle of algebras over the space of classical solutions. Each fibre is a canonical CCR type algebra, corresponding to the linearized theory around the given classical solution. The non-trivial dynamical content is encoded in the flatness condition for the sections. There are still open questions... 19 / 20 Fedosov Quantization and QFT Conclusions Thanks a lot for your attention! 20 / 20
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