On The Conceptual Issues Surrounding the Notion of

On The Conceptual Issues Surrounding the Notion of
Background Independent Bohmian Dynamics
Antonio Vassallo [Joint work with Pui Him Ip]
[email protected]
Section de Philosophie
Université de Lausanne
June, 26th 2014
Antonio Vassallo (UNIL)
Background Independent BM
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Setting the stage
Natural philosophy: An approach to the construction and
interpretation of physical theories that treats physics and metaphysics
as a seamless whole ⇒ Ontological clarity.
Primitive ontology: A method of constructing physical theories
involving a dual structure (X , E).
X is the primitive ontology properly said;
E is a law-like object that “guides” (some of) the elements of X .
What does the term “primitive ontology” exactly mean?
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Background Independent BM
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Setting the stage
The threefold meaning of “primitive ontology”:
1. The privileged variables in the formalism.
2. What is “guided” by E.
. What there is.
three meanings have to be compatible.
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Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Mechanics
Bohmian Mechanics (BM) is the simplest Galilean-invariant theory of
moving point-like particles.
The dynamics fixes the particles’ trajectories in (neo-)Newtonian
spacetime as the integral curves of the velocity field generated by a
wave function Ψ, solution of the Schrödinger equation.
The theory describes the evolution of a universal configuration of
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Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Mechanics
Let us try to construct BM using the canonical quantization procedure.
Lagrangian: L = T − V .
Configuration variables: {q1 , . . . , qN , t} ∈ R3N × R.
Parametrized Lagrangian: L′ =
Conjugate momenta: pi =
∂ d λi
dλ L
(λ ∈ R).
(i = 1, . . . , N, t).
Hamiltonian constraint: X = H − pt ≈ 0.
Consider Ψ ∈ L2 (R3N × R, µ).
Turn canonical variables into operators:
qi → qˆi Ψ = qi Ψ;
pi → pˆi Ψ = iℏ
pˆt Ψ = iℏ
ˆ − iℏ ∂ )Ψ = 0.
ˆ = (H
Implement the constraint: X ≈ 0 → XΨ
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Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Mechanics
That’s not the entire story! We still have to provide a law for the
evolution of the primitive ontology: Q ≡ {q1 , . . . , qN } ∈ R3N .
Hence, we construct the simplest velocity field
on Ψ such that it is invariant under:
= vΨ depending
. Translations and rotations in Euclidean 3-space.
. Temporal reflections.
3. Galilean boosts.
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Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Mechanics
Dynamical Equations
∂Ψ(Q(t), t)
= HΨ(Q(t),
d Q(t)
ℏ ∇Ψ(Q(t), t)
= Im
Ψ(Q(t), t)
Q ≡ {q1 , . . . , qN } ∈ Q = R3N .
m ≡ {m1 , . . . , mN }.
∇ ≡ { ∂q∂ 1 , . . . , ∂q∂N }.
Ψ(Q(t), t) : R3N × R → C.
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Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Mechanics
. The privileged variables in the formalism: Positions in Euclidean
2. What is “guided” by Ψ: Point-like particles.
3. What there is: Point-like particles plus an absolute Newtonian
There is a tension between 2 and 3.
Absolute backgrounds create metaphysical discomfort.
Spatiotemporal backgrounds are untenable when moving to the
(canonical) quantum gravitational regime.
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Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Mechanics
Can we construct a version of the theory that dispenses with the
Newtonian background? Yes.
Two strategies:
Eliminate space and time from primitive ontology (relational Bohmian
Put spatiotemporal degrees of freedom among the “guided” stuff
(Bohmian Canonical Quantum Gravity).
Antonio Vassallo (UNIL)
Background Independent BM
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Relational Particle Mechanics
Step 1: Elimination of the preferred embedding in Euclidean 3-space.
Particles are individuated with respect to their relative distances (a
configuration is individuated independently of its embedding in
Euclidean 3-space).
Hence, the configuration space of the theory Q0 has to be R3N
quotiented by the group of (at least) translations and rotations in
Euclidean space.
A curve in Q0 is a sequence of universal configurations of particles
given in terms of interparticle separations.
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Background Independent BM
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Relational Particle Mechanics
Step 2: Elimination of the privileged temporal metric.
If we admit an external universal time, then the same curve in Q will
correspond to several curves in Q × R (same configurational evolution
at different time rates).
If we want to eschew absolute external time, we must claim that the
“real” dynamics happens in Q0 , and, hence, it is timeless.
Antonio Vassallo (UNIL)
Background Independent BM
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Relational Particle Mechanics
Antonio Vassallo (UNIL)
Background Independent BM
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Relational Particle Mechanics
Timeless dynamics in Q0 : stacking two configurations on top of one
another in a way that extremizes the absolute difference.
To determine the difference, use “best matching procedure”:
. “Intrinsic” difference from all the possible variations:
u N
u1 ∑
mi δqi · δqi .
. Extremum “intrinsic” difference as the best matching:
∫ √ u
u1 ∑
εα Oα qi ) = 0.
εα Oα qi ) · (δqi −
mi (δqi −
δI = δ
With FE = E − V (Oα being the generators of the Euclidean group).
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Background Independent BM
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Relational Particle Mechanics
This is equivalent to extremizing the following family of actions on Q:
∫ √
FE T d λ;
1 ∑ d qi d qi
T =
dλ dλ
It can be shown that, if we choose a parameter such that
i=1 mi δqi · δqi
δλ =
we recover Newton’s equations of motion.
To recover change in time means to make an unique choice of λ.
“Time” is a derived quantity in the perspective of timeless mechanics.
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Background Independent BM
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Relational Bohmian Mechanics
Let us try to canonically quantize the theory.
1. Lagrangian: L =
FE T .
√ mi dq
∂L )
2. The momenta are then p =
FE √Td λ .
3. Hamiltonian constraint: T − F
E = T − E + V = H − E ≈ 0.
ˆ = E Ψ.
4. Implementation of the constraint: H − E ≈ 0 → HΨ
. If the total energy of the system is zero, then we obtain an equation
that resembles the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.
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Background Independent BM
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Relational Bohmian Mechanics
What about the guiding equation?
Nota bene: Ψ is defined over Q.
In order to find a wave function defined over Q0 , we need to
implement a best matching procedure that defines and extremizes the
“intrinsic” difference between Ψ(Q) and Ψ(Q + δQ).
But we also have primitive stuff, namely, universal instantaneous
relational configurations represented by points in Q0 .
The wave function does not determine any velocity for the particles, it
just detemines the “piling” of universal configurations according to a
dynamically selected curve in Q0 .
These facts could be implemented by a procedure that selects a vector
field in Q and then best matches its integral curves to a single curve
in Q0 .
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Background Independent BM
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Relational Bohmian Mechanics
. The privileged variables in the formalism: Interparticle separations.
2. What is “guided” by Ψ: Instantaneous universal configurations.
3. What there is: Point particles plus separation relation.
RBM’s dynamics implements non-locality in a Bohmian sense: the
summation in the best-matching action principle means that all the
particles in the universe as a whole contribute to the determination of
the timeless history.
BM and RBM have radically different primitive ontologies, whatever
the sense we pick out.
Unlike BM, there is no tension between 1,2, and 3.
The relational approach to BM delivers encouraging results towards
the implementation of a Bohmian theory of quantum gravity.
Antonio Vassallo (UNIL)
Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Quantum Geometrodynamics
Dynamical equations
= 0,
= N × DeW[h] × ImΨ[h]−1
h ∈ Q = Riem(Σ3 )/diff (Σ3 ).
DeW[h] ⇒ Gabcd = (hac hbd + had hbc − hab hcd ).
N is the so-called lapse function: It specifies a stacking of
Antonio Vassallo (UNIL)
Background Independent BM
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Bohmian Quantum Geometrodynamics
. The privileged variables in the formalism: Riemannian 3-metrics.
2. What is “guided” by Ψ: Riemannian 3-geometries.
3. What there is: Riemannian 3-geometries plus a time-like flow.
The theory might potentially include matter
by expanding the
configuration space to Q = Riem(Σ3 ) Q0 .
However, the theory postulates more spatiotemporal structure than a
genuinely general relativistic one.
Can a relational approach mitigate this problem?
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Background Independent BM
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Barbour, J. (2012). Shape dynamics. an introduction. In F. Finster,
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Barbour, J. and B. Bertotti (1982). Mach’s principle and the structure of
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Dürr, D., S. Goldstein, and N. Zanghì (2013). Quantum physics without
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C. Callender and N. Huggett (Eds.), Physics meets Philosophy at the
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http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9902018. Reprinted in Dürr et al.
(2013), chapter 11.
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Background Independent BM
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