High-energy gamma-ray and neutrino diffuse backgrounds from star-forming galaxies Irene Tamborra GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2014 Conca Specchiulla, September 8, 2014 Outline ★ High-energy IceCube neutrino flux ★ Gamma-ray and neutrino backgrounds from star-forming galaxies ★ Implications for the starburst history ★ Conclusions This talk is mainly based on work in collaboration with S. Ando and K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189 [accepted by JCAP]. IceCube high-energy excess ★ IceCube observed 37 events over three years (~ 10 events expected from conventional atmospheric contributions). ★ Mostly showers. 3 events with energy above 1 PeV, 12 above 100 TeV. ★ Zenith Distribution compatible with isotropic flux. ★ Energy spectrum harder than any expected atmospheric background. E^(-2) spectrum with potential cutoff around 2-5 PeV. ★ Flavor distribution consistent with νe : νµ : ντ = 1 : 1 : 1. 5.7 σ evidence for astrophysical flux [see talk by J. Koskinen on Friday] * IceCube Collaboration, Science 342 (2013) 6161, PRL 113 (2014) 101101. Where are these neutrinos coming from? Where are these neutrinos coming from? ★ Galactic origin ★ Extragalactic origin: • Gamma-ray bursts, blazars • Active galactic nuclei • Newborn pulsars • Star-forming galaxies ★ New physics processes (i.e., superheavy dark matter, exotic neutrino models, Planck scale phenomena). [See talks on Friday] Warning: More statistics needed! No strong preference so far. * L. A. Anchordoqui et al., JHEAp 1-2 (2014) 1. Diffuse backgrounds from star-forming galaxies p-p interactions in star-forming galaxies Star-forming galaxies produce neutrinos by cosmic rays colliding with the dense interstellar medium. These p-p collisions also produce high-energy gamma rays. neutrinos γ γ Gamma-ray and neutrino intensities are related by a simple relation. � α Iνα (Eν ) � 6 Iγ (Eγ ) * L.A. Anchordoqui et al., PLB 600 (2004) 202. with Eγ � 2Eν gamma-rays Diffuse background ingredients time z=0 neutrinos, gamma-rays z=1 • Gamma-ray and neutrino energy fluxes • Distribution of star-forming galaxies with redshift • Comoving volume (cosmology) neutrinos, gamma-rays z=5 LIR of are the relative fraction massiveassociated star-forming (with mass M interpreted as activities withobjects star formation (hence log L (z)the of ,X (LIR , z)d IR = ΦIR,X L (z) IR,X to those contribute significantly toexcess the massive end of the to mass who exhibit mid-IR can be attributed the functions obscured at or > 1011 Mas),SB), starting classified and zlow-luminosity > 1. AGNs The IR population does evolve as a whole, but it is composed by different (SF-AGN). The SB selected this way all will 1 not Ltogether IRfeature high star-formation rate as well as high 2 × exp − d logFollowing LIR , of(2.2) log 1 + 2 these features gas density, where both make the production gamma rays and neutrinos galaxy classes evolving differently and independently. [42], IR observations report L (z) 2σ IR,X IR,X efficient. star-formation rate obtained the SB population shown to be on 38% of NG,The the specific 7% of SB and the remaining goes inforstar-forming galaxiesiscontaining AGN 1 average order magnitude higher than that forfor the NG population [31]. containing an (SF-AGN). Here weLof consider galaxies, and star-forming ves as a power law for0.6 LIR as a Gaussian instarburst log LIR LIR LIR,X . galaxies IR,X and spiral gamma-ray intensity calculated withisthe gamma-ray functionfunction as he redshift evolution of LIR,X (z) and ΦIR,X (z) for each population as inthrough Tableluminosity 8 the luminosity AGN asThe gamma-ray sources. Theis γ-ray intensity defined as well as the values ofzαIR,X and σIR,X . LWe then fix the normalization by fitting zmax Lγ,max 2 Vd2 V γ,max max dL dFdN (L(L , (1++z)E z)E ) −τ (Eγ ,z) γ[31]. dTable γ,X γ ,γ(1 γ ,γz) X 1 shows the local (z = 0) LIR,X (z) and Φ (z) from Fig. 11 of Ref. Φγ,XΦ(L , z) I(Eγ IR,X ) =I(Eγ ) =dz (L , z) ,e (2.1), dLγ dz Xγ γ 2 ln(10)L dΩdz dE dΩdz dE γ γγ Lγ,min procedure. ese parameters as the 0result of0 Lsuch γ,min a fitting X X (2.1) egrating the luminosity function, one obtains the IR luminosity density ρIR (z): 2 2 where ΦX , z) = d N N/dV dL is the luminosity function for each galaxy family X = where Φ(L each galaxy γ,Xγ(Lγ , z) = d X X /dV dγlog Lγ is the gamma-ray luminosity function for EBL correction 2 V /dΩdz the comoving SG, SF − AGN ,SB, dN (Lγ ,Φ(1 + (L z)E )/dE flux, X γ, z), family X = {NG, SF-AGN}, dFIRγ,X (Lγ ,γ(1is+the z)Eγ-ray differential gammaγ , z)/dE γ isdthe ρSB, d log L L (2.3) IR (z) = IR IR IR,X comoving volume 2 volume [43], we assume 5. X at the redshift z, d V /dΩdz ray flux atand energy Eγ fromXzmax a source the comoving volume gamma-ray flux luminosity function For each population, we adopt a parametric estimate of the luminosity function in the 2 1 Φ (L , z) = d N /dV dLorder Some adopts the values in to define NG and SB popuX rate γstar-formation X rate γ eved to be correlated to the cosmic star-formation density. The adopted IRwell range atliterature different redshifts [42]:of the specific But wefunction note thatof both conventions consistent with each other as shown in Fig. 15 of Ref. [31]. ions for thelations. luminosity each family Xarereproduce the total IR lumi1−αX ty data summarized in PEP/HerMES Fig. 17 of Ref.∗survey [31].LIRprovides Lfor 1 Herschel IR luminosity function IR each population X of 2 log 1 + Φ (L )d log L = Φ exp − d log LIR , (2.2) X IR IR X ∗ ∗ 2 ermi data show a correlation between gamma-ray (0.1–100 GeV) and star-forming galaxies (up to L zX > 4). luminosity 2σ L X X ty (8–1000 µm). Although such correlation is not conclusive at present due to the ∗– 4 – asscaling that behaves power rays, law for LIR theLfollowing a Gaussian in log LIR for log LIR for stics of starbursts foundasinagamma we adopt relation: X and LIR L∗X . The four parameters (αX , σX , L∗X and Φ∗X ) are different for each population X Lγ as in Table 8 ofLIR and are [42]. + β , = α log (2.4)relation from Fermi data. logdefined−1 Gamma-ray-IR linear 10 erg s 10 L The data show a linear correlation between gamma-ray luminosity and IR luminosity (8 − 1000αµm). We theβfit given [39], e solar luminosity, = 1.17 ± adopt 0.07 and = scaling 39.28 ± relationship 0.08 [6]. While thisinparame- Gamma-ray background from star-forming galaxies calibrated in a local volume, we assume that it GeV is also valid at higher L0.1−100 LIR redshifts log = α log +β , * C.these Gruppioni et al., MNRAS 432 (2013) Ackermann Astrophys. J. 755 in (2012) 164. erg 23. s−1M. 1010[31] L results that adopting for parameters the values directly from Table 8etofal.,Ref. of the gamma-ray intensity, since the table summarizes the values of LIR,X and ΦIR,X for with Lfromthe Sun at luminosity, = 1.17 hich are different the values z = 0 shown α in Table 1. and β = 39.28 [39]. Note that (2.3) this equation Gamma-ray diffuse background from star-forming galaxies Herschel provides IR luminosity function for each population X of star-forming galaxies. Normal galaxies (i.e., Milky Way, Andromeda) Injection spectral index in our canonical model (E> 600 MeV): ΓNG = 2.7 Starburst galaxies (i.e., M82, NGC 253) SF-AGN (galaxies with dim/low luminosity AGN) Injection spectral index in our canonical model (E > 600 MeV): Injection spectral index in our canonical model (E > 600 MeV): ΓSB = 2.2 SB-like or NG-like according to z. * C. Gruppioni et al., MNRAS 432 (2013) 23. Credits for images: ESA, Hubble, NASA web-sites. Gamma-ray diffuse background from star-forming galaxies Fermi data Diffuse gamma-ray intensity gamma-IR uncertainty band * I. Tamborra, S. Ando, K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189. See also: Strong et al. (1976), Thompson et al. (2006), Fields et al. (2010), Makiya et al. (2011), Stecker&Venters(2011). Gamma-ray diffuse background from star-forming galaxies Differential contributions to the EGRB intensity ï a ïïïï ï Normal galaxies leading contribution up to z=0.5. SF-AGN and SB dominate at higher z. * I. Tamborra, S. Ando, K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189. Gamma-ray diffuse background from star-forming galaxies Diffuse gamma-ray intensity for all EGRB components ï ï ï ï a aa ï ï ï ï ï a SF-AGN give the larger contribution to the total EGRB intensity. * I. Tamborra, S. Ando, K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189. Neutrino diffuse background from star-forming galaxies ï Diffuse neutrino intensity iiiïïï ï ï i Neutrino intensity with its astrophysical uncertainty band within IceCube band for E<0.5 PeV. * I. Tamborra, S. Ando, K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189. See also: Loeb&Waxman (2006), Lacki et al. (2011), Murase et al. (2013). The injection spectral index of the gamma-ray spectrum of starbursts is poorly constrained as well as the fraction of SF-AGN that behaves similarly to SB. Here we consider as free parameters ΓSB as well as the fraction of galaxies containing AGN that behaves similarly to starbursts (0 ≤ fSB−AGN ≤ 1), and compute their allowed variation region compatible with 2.1 becomes both the anddata Icecube data. Therefore Eq.abundance Fermi and Fermi IceCube can constrain starburst and their injection spectral index. Constraints from Fermi and IceCube data Iγ (Eγ ) = Iγ,NG (Eγ )+Iγ,SB (Eγ , ΓSB )+[fSB−AGN Iγ,SB (Eγ , ΓSB ) + (1 − fSB−AGN ) Iγ,NG (Eγ )] . (4.1) 2.1SB-AGN and our previous for fSB−AGN = 0.and IceCube data Note it recovers Eq.and SB as spectral index fraction results compatible with Fermi Figure 3 shows the exclusion regions by Fermi and IceCube data in the plane defined by the injection spectral index (ΓSB ) and the fraction of starburst (fSB−AGN ), compatible with the Fermi data [39] and IceCube ones as in Eq. 1.1. Note as the Fermi data at the moment exclude a larger region of the parameter space than the IceCube ones. We can conclude that very hard spectra for SB (i.e., ΓSB < 2.2) are excluded from present data and there is a tendency to allow more abundant starbursts as much as the spectral index is softer since they give a lower contribution to the high energy tail of the spectrum. 5 Extragalactic gamma-ray diffuse background adopting the star formation rate In this Section, for comparison to previous results, the γ-ray and neutrino diffuse background adopting the cosmological star formation rate is derived adopting, as template galaxies, the MW as normal galaxy and M82 and NGC 253 as examples of starbursts. * I. Tamborra, S. Ando, K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189. –6– Constraints from Fermi and IceCube data ï K K ï ïK ï ï ïïï ï ï ï ï! ï! ï ï i# ! ï ï a ï " K ï ïK ï ï ï ï ï ï ï The SB spectral index matching simultaneously Fermi and IceCube data is ΓSB � 2.15 . ï ï * I. Tamborra, S. Ando, K. Murase, arXiv: 1404.1189. See also A. Loeb, E. Waxman, JCAP 0605 (2006) 003, K. Murase, M. Ahlers, B. Lacki, PRD 88 (2013) 12, 121301. Conclusions ★ Origin of IceCube high-energy neutrinos unknown. ★ Diffuse neutrino flux from star-forming galaxies is one natural possibility. ★ Multi-messenger approach: Starburst spectral index matching simultaneously Fermi and IceCube data close to ΓSB � 2.15. Thank you for your attention! Back-up slides Gamma-ray diffuse background from star-forming galaxies * M. Ackermann et al. [Fermi LAT Collaboration], ApJ 755 (2012) 164. Star-forming galaxies with AGN (SF-AGN) Table 2. Fractions of SF-AGN (non-SB) and SF-AGN (SB) as functions of the redshift adopted in our canonical model, on the basis of Tab. 9 of Ref. [27]. We assume ΓSF−AGN(non−SB) = ΓNG for SF-AGN (non-SB) and ΓSF−AGN(SB) = ΓSB for SF-AGN (SB). redshift range 0.0<z<0.3 0.3<z<0.45 0.45<z<0.6 0.6<z<0.8 0.8<z<1.0 1.0<z<1.2 1.2<z<1.7 1.7<z<2.0 2.0<z<2.5 2.5<z<3.0 3.0<z<4.2 SF-AGN (non-SB) 85 91 99 87 73 32 75 75 19 24 28 % % % % % % % % % % % SF-AGN (SB) 15 % 9% 1% 13 % 27 % 68 % 25 % 25 % 81 % 76 % 72 % diffusion, the spectral index difference δCR ≡ ΓNG − ΓSB ∼ 0.5 is interpreted as the energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient. Other emission components such as the inverse-Compton scattering due to primary electrons can be also relevant especially at lower energies [62]. Although we do not take them into account in this work, including them will not change our main results and conclusions. AGN as gamma-ray sources. The γ-ray intensity is defined through the luminosity function zmax I(Eγ ) = Lγ,max dLγ dz d2 V dΩdz ΦX (Lγ , z) dNX (Lγ , (1 + z)Eγ ) , dEγ (2.1) Gamma-ray diffuse background where Φ (L , z) = d N /dV dL is the luminosity function for each galaxy family X = SG, SB, SF − AGN , star-forming dN (L , (1 + z)E )/dE is thegalaxies γ-ray flux, d V /dΩdz the comoving from Lγ,min 0 X 2 γ X X γ X γ γ 2 γ volume [43], and we assume zmax 5. For eachapopulation, adopt a of parametric estimate offunction the luminosity function in the For each population, parametricweestimate the IR luminosity provided by Herschel IR range at different redshifts [42]: PEP/HerMES survey. ΦX (LIR )d log LIR = 24 1−αX LIR L∗X Φ∗X exp − LIR 1 2 log 1 + 2 L∗X 2σX d log LIR , (2.2) The Fermi LAT Collaboration that behaves as a power law -1for LIR L∗X and as a Gaussian in log LIR for log LIR for SFR (M yr ) LIR L∗X . The-2 four -1parameters (αX , 2σX , L3 ∗X and Φ∗X ) are different for each population X 10 10 10 10 1 10 and are defined as in Table 8 of [42]. Non-detected (Upper Limit) 1043 dataLATshow The a with linear correlation between gamma-ray luminosity and IR luminosity LAT Non-detected AGN (Upper Limit) LAT Detected (8 − 100042 µm). We adopt the fit scaling relationship given in [39], LAT Detected with AGN Arp 220 L0.1-100 GeV (erg s-1) 10 41 10 Best-fit Fit Uncertainty Dispersion L0.1−100 GeV erg s−1 NGC 2146 Calorimetric Limit 50 (E ! = 10 erg) log NGC 1068 M82 SN 1040 NGC 4945 M83 NGC 253 NGC 6946 IC 342 = α log LIR 1010 L +β , (2.3) The IR luminosity is linearly related with L the Sun luminosity, α = 1.17 and β = 39.28 [39]. Note that this equation to thetotal gamma-ray luminosity. parametrizes the relationship between gamma-ray and IR luminosity up to z 2, 39 10 8 we assume that it is also valid at higher redshifts (up to zmax 5) and assume 10 L ≤ 38 14 LIR ≤ 10 10 L . M31 Milky Way M33 LMC 2.2 37 SMC 10 Gamma-ray luminosity flux 108 109 of 10 1012 As for the distribution γ10as 10 a 11function of the energy, we here adopt a broken power-law L8-1000 µm (L ) fit to the GALPROP conventional model of energy diffuse γ-ray emission and parametrize it -1 * C. Gruppioniaset[6] al., arXiv: 1302.5209. SFR (M yr ) -2 10-1 102 103 1 10 M. Ackermann et al., arXiv: 10 1206.1346. −1.5 Eγ LAT Non-detected (Upper Limit) s−1 MeV−1 for Eγ < 600 MeV -1 , Eγ ) with AGN (Upper Limit) 600 MeV 10dNX (L LAT γ Non-detected (2.4) = aX (Lγ ) LAT Detected −ΓX E γ dE −1 −1 γ LAT Detected with AGN
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