ECMWF/ H-SAF and HEPEX Workshops on coupled hydrology Reading, 3-6 November 2014 Assimilation of satellite soil moisture data in a distributed hydrological model: impact on the hydrological cycle in some Italian basins S. Gabellani and P. Laiolo [email protected] CIMA Research Foundation International Centre on Environmental Monitoring Data Assimilation Data assimilation is used operationally in oceanography and meteorology, but in hydrology it is only recently that international research activities have been deployed. (some) Open questions in DA 1. Which is the best DA techniques? 2. How can satellite data be used in a framework for DA in hydrological models? 3. Which is the proper model configuration? 4. Which is the impact of DA on the hydrological cycle? 1. Data Assimilation Technique Direct insertion (Houser et al. 1998; Walker et al. 2001a) Statistical correction (Houser et al. 1998) Successive correction Bergthorsson and Döös (1955) Analysis correction Lorenc et al. (1991) Nudging (Stauffer and Seaman 1990) Optimal interpolation (Lorenc et al. 1991) Kalman Filters, simple, extended, ensemble (Evensen) Particle filter (Kalman, 1960; Evensen 1994, Gordon et al. 1993) 3D & 4D var -> Var. filter SEQUENTIAL FILTERS xki+ = xki- + Gk(yki - xki- ) Houser, De Lannoy and Walker (2012). Hydrologic Data Assimilation, Approaches to Managing Disaster - Assessing Hazards, Emergencies and Disaster Impacts, disaster-impacts/land-surface-data-assimilation 1. Data Assimilation Technique The assimilation technique is particularly important in some cases Samuel, J. et al. 2014 (JoH) “[…] In the streamflow assimilation, soil moisture states were markedly Distorted […]” ”General filtering approaches in hydrologic data assimilation, such as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), are based on the assumption that uncertainty of the current background prediction can be reduced by correcting errors in the state variables at the same time step. However, this assumption may not be valid when assimilating stream discharge into hydrological models to correct soil moisture storage due to the time lag between the soil moisture and the discharge …” Li et al. 2013 (WRR) The EnKF is designed to update model-forecasted state predictions at the same time an observation is acquired. No attempt is made to reanalyze previous model predictions in response to a particular observation. In contrast, the Ensemble Kalman Smoother (EnKS) can be used to update all model states predictions within a fixed lag of past time (Dunne and Entekhabi, 2005). Crow and Ryu, 2009 (HESS) 2. How can sat. data be used in DA? Satellite data give information of soil moisture for the first centimetres of the soil. This may not match the layer depth simulated by the model (different climatology and considerable bias) root-zone Usually satellite soil moisture data CANNOT be directly used within hydrological models 2. How can sat. SM data be used in DA? A. “Transform” the sat. SSM in the “same” modelled variable • Filtering B. Adjusting the observation to match the climatology of the model • Bias handling 2. How can sat. SM data be used in a DA? Filtering: A filtering technique is applied to obtain information of a deeper soil layer Wagner et al., 1999, Stroud, 1999 Albergel et al., 2008 SWI: Soil Water Index t: time SSMti: relative Surface Soil Moisture [0,1] ti: acquisition time of SSMti T: characteristic time length SSM SWI 2. How can sat. SM data be used in DA? Bias Handling: Several potential strategies exist and have been applied in hydrologic data assimilation Variance matching (VM) (Brocca et al. 2010, 2012, Matgen et al. 2011, Chen et al. 2011) Linear regression techniques (LR) Cumulative distribution function matching (CDF) (Reichle and Koster 2004) Anomaly based cumulative distribution (aCDF) Triple collocation analysis-based approach (TCA) (Stoffelen 1998, Yilamz and Crow 2013) There many methods their optimality (for real cases) in terms of error analysis in an assimilation framework has not been yet analysed 2. How can sat. SM data be used in DA? 1. Filtering -> SWI 2. Bias handling SAT * = SAT * = SAT - m ( SAT ) s ( SAT ) × s ( SDmod ) + m ( SDmod ) SAT - min ( SAT ) éëmax ( SAT ) - min ( SAT )ùû ×éëmax ( SDmod ) - min ( SDmod )ùû + min ( SDmod ) 2. How can sat. SM data be used in DA? 3-D EnKF Sahoo et al., 2013 After the assimilation the analysis is bias-corrected to bring the output to the true climatology The 1-D EnKF application assimilates a priori partitioned observations at the fine scale model grid cells. The 3-D EnKF algorithm downscales the coarse observations within the assimilation scheme and uses multiple coarse observation grid cells, as shown in Fig. 2. Both the EnKF algorithms produce finescale results that are closer to the in situ data than either the model open loop or the satellite observations alone. The 3-D EnKF slightly outperforms the 1-D EnKF and better preserves realistic spatial patterns because of the colored spatial error correlations and the corresponding impact of multiple coarse observation grid cells 3. Proper model configuration Filtering the observation Modifying the model structure Chen et al. 2011 (AWR) Brocca et al. 2012 (IEEE ToGRS) Flores et al. 2012 (WRR) 4. Which is the impact of DA on the hydrological cycle? Many of the hydrologic DA studies reported in the literature focused on advancing the theoretical development of DA techniques using synthetic experiments (e.g., Andreadis et al., 2007; Kumar et al., 2009; Crow and Ryu, 2009). • diagnostic and design purposes such as assessing the impact of improper characterization of model and observation errors (e.g., Crow and Van Loon, 2006; Reichle et al., 2008 • evaluating the potential benefits of future satellite missions (e.g., Matgen et al., 2010) Only a few formulated DA in an operational setting and attempted to evaluate the performance gain from DA in real cases (e.g., as a result of better characterized initial conditions) studies (e.g., Seo et al., 2003, 2009; Thirel et al., 2010; Weerts et al., 2010; DeChant and Moradkhani, 2011, Brocca et al. 2012 ) “There is a strong need to estimate soil moisture content through assimilating remotely sensed soil moisture into a long-term, physically based distributed catchment scale hydrologic model. Most of the previous studies that explored DA for runoff simulation used conceptual rainfall-runoff models (Aubert et al. 2003; Weerts and El Serafy, 2006; Crow and Ryu, 2009; van Delft et al. 2009) or lumped models (Jacobs et al 2003) or for short-term period with real measurements (Pauwels et al. 2001)”. Han et al. 2012 4. Which is the impact of DA on the hydrological cycle? Chen et al. 2011 (AWR) 4. Which is the impact of DA on the hydrological cycle? Han et al., 2012 Synthetic experiments using SWAT model Results of assimilation: • great impact on soil moisture • small impact on discharge • impact on discharge is a function of soil type • the capability of the SSM assim. for improving streamflow is constrained by the accuracy of precipitation Assimilation of sat. SM in distributed hydrological model MAIN CHARACTERISTICS: • Simple but complete description of Hydrological Cycle • • Schematization of vegetation interception and water table Tank schematization of overland and channel flows • Mass Balance and Energy Balance completely solved Silvestro et al., 2013 • Fully Distributed • River network derived from a DEM • Spatial-temporal evolution of: • • • • • • Streamflow Evapotranspiration Vegetation retention Land Surface Temperature Soil Moisture Water table The model Fortran code is open and can be requested to: • It can be calibrated using only satellite data (e.g. surface temperature or soil moisture). Model suitable for application in data scarce environments Silvestro et al., 2014 Continuum Saturation Degree of root zone 0 £ SD £1 V(t)= Actual water volume Vmax= Max soil retention capacity (related to soil type and land use through the CN) root-zone Time frequency: Hourly map Resolution: 100 m Italian test basins MAGRA river 1700 km2 Calamazza ORBA river CASENTINO river Casalcermelli 880 km2 800 km2 Subbiano H-SAF Soil Moisture products • SM-OBS-1 (H07) Large-scale surface soil moisture (SSM) [-] Time frequency: 2 maps per day, 1-2 days revisit time Spatial coverage: Strips of 1000 km swath covering the whole globe Resolution: 25 km • SM-OBS-2 (H08) Small-scale surface soil moisture (SSM) [-] Time frequency: 2 maps per day, 1-2 days revisit time Spatial coverage: Strips of 1000 km swath crossing the H-SAF area Resolution: 1 km • SM-DAS-2 (H14) Profile Soil Moisture Index (SMI) in the roots region [-] Time frequency: Daily map (at 00.00) Spatial coverage: Globe Horizontal resolution: 25 km Vertical resolution: 4 layers (0-7 cm, 7-28 cm, 28-100 cm, 100-289 cm) SMOS soil moisture product ● Level 2 Soil Moisture volumetric soil moisture content (SMC) [m3/m3] Time frequency: 2 maps per day, max 3 days revisit time Spatial coverage: 600 km swath covering the whole globe Resolution: 43 km in average, 35 km (centre of field of view) Data Preparation • Satellite soil moisture data regridded to Continuum SSM SMC SMI (H07 – H08) (SMOS) (H14, mean L1,L2) Normalization Normalization grid using nearest neighbour method • Assimilation of the mornig passes only • Discarded H07 data with high quality flag • Discarded SMOS data with DQX>=0.045 and Exp. filter Exp. filter SWI SWI Min Max Corr. Min Max Corr. Linear Resc. SWI* SWI* H14* Assimilation Assimilation Assimilation RFI/200>1 Normalization: Linear Rescaling (H14) Min Max correction (H07, H08 and SMOS) Assimilation in Continuum model • Assimilation of the four SSM products 1. Model scale Re-grid of Sat. data at model’s resolution, filtering and bias handling and Assimilation 2. Sat. scale Re-grid of Model’s state at Sat. resolution, filtering and bias handling, Assimilation and then downscaling of assimilated state to model’s resolution 3. Model scale Re-grid of Sat. data at model’s resolution and Assimilation Nudging Ensemble 1. Model Scale Re-grid of Sat. data at model’s resolution and Assimilation H07 Regrid on DEM grid (100m) Data flag + Exp. Filter MinMax correction Example of the scheme used for the assimilation of H07 product Assimilation in hydrological model 2. Sat. Scale Re-grid of Model’s state at Sat. resolution, Assim. and then downscaling to model’s resolution H07 Regrid on DEM grid (100m) H07 Regrid on reg. grid Data flag + Exp. Filter Example of the scheme used for the assimilation of H07 product MinMax correction Assimilation in hydrological model at coarse resolution 1. Model Scale Re-grid of Sat. data at model’s resolution and Assimilation Nudging assimilation scheme X+mod= New Saturation Degree X-mod = Background modeled Saturation Degree Xobs= Observed Saturation Degree SWI* (H07, H08, SMOS) SMI* (H14) No assimilation over urban areas and rivers G = Gain RMSDmod = Root Mean Square Difference of X-mod = 0.092 (Estimated from a study over modeled soil moisture outputs) RMSDH14: 0.22 [-] RMSDobs= Root Mean Square Difference of Xobs (SOURCE: Albergel validation work presented during H-SAF meeting in Budapest 2013) RMSDSWI.HSAF: 0.12 [-] for H07 and H08 (SOURCE: Brocca et al. 2011) RMSDSWI.SMOS: 0.24 [-] (SOURCE: Albergel et al. 2012) Nudging assimilation scheme Satellite scale X+mod= New Saturation Degree X-mod = Background modeled Saturation Degree Xobs= Observed Saturation Degree G = Gain value SWI* (H07. H08. SMOS) SMI* (H14) G = 0.3 (H14) G =0.43 (H07 and H08) G = 0.28 (SMOS) H = Observation operator (allow to obtain the map at 12.5 km resolution from that at 100 m resolution) R = Regrid operator (allow to obtain the map at 100 m resolution from that at 12.5 km resolution) S = Spatialization operator (allow to redistribute the correction on the 100 m grid. The correction depends on the ratio between the value of X-mod at each 100 m pixel and the mean soil moisture value at the corresponding 12.5 km pixel) Bayesian assimilation scheme Model scale SDass= Posterior mean of Saturation Degree SDmod(t) = Modeled Saturation Degree SWI SDobs(t) = Observed Saturation Degree SMI (H-14) R = Variance of SDoss = 0.04 (assumption) m = Expected value of SDmod P = variance of SDmod N = 20 parameters sets Soil moisture basin scale comparison Orba Period: July 2012 – June 2013 R= 0.82 R= 0.85 R= 0.97 R= 0.84 Soil moisture basin scale comparison Casentino Period: July 2012 – June 2013 R= 0.89 R= 0.86 R= 0.86 R= 0.68 Soil moisture basin scale comparison Magra Period: July 2012 – June 2013 R= 0.66 R= 0.45 R= 0.68 R= 0.12 Annual results - Orba EOL = 0.63 MAE = 17.4 [m3/s] RMSE = 25.3 [m3/s] 1 n MAE Qsi Qoi n i 1 n E 1 RMSE Qo Qs i 1 n 2 i i 2 Qo Qo i i 1 1 n Qsi Qoi 2 n i 1 Qsi – simulated values Qoi – observed value Annual results - Casentino EOL = 0.70 MAE = 14.3 [m3/s] RMSE = 21.6 [m3/s] Annual results - Magra EOL = 0.72 MAE = 28.4 [m3/s] RMSE = 46.7 [m3/s]\ Seasonal results - Orba Model Scale - Nudging Sat. Scale - Nudging ORBA - E Improvements respect OL Nudging assimilation - Model scale 100 89 ORBA - E Improvements respect OL Nudging assimilation - Satellite scale 95 100 Assim H07 Assim H07 80 80 Assim H08 60 48 22 5 0 Assim SMOS 15 20 15 13 11 6 4 0 -80 -80 -100 -100 g -60 r in Sp n -24 -40 -60 -2 -6 r um ut -20 -24 te in W A er m -20 m Su -15 g -25 -5 r in Sp -40 -15 -4 r n er m um ut 7 te in W A m Su -20 6 2 0 20 [%] [%] Assim SMOS 20 Assim H14 35 34 40 19 20 Assim H08 60 Assim H14 40 98 95 ORBA - E Improvements respect OL Bayesian assimilation 100 92 Assim H07 80 69 Assim H08 52 60 40 61 37 43 Assim H14 43 Assim SMOS 21 [%] 20 n g -18 -14 r in Sp r um ut er m te in W A m Su -20 1 -17 0 -40 -60 -80 -54 Model Scale - Ensemble -100 -58 -68 -85 Summer Autumn Winter -2.64 0.57 0.52 Spring 0.78 Seasonal results - Casentino CASENTINO - E Improvements respect OL Nudging assimilation - Model scale 100 93 Assim H07 80 60 43 47 40 25 [%] 20 10 Assim H08 Summer Autumn Winter Assim H14 -1.50 0.50 0.86 Spring -0.64 Assim SMOS 12 3 1 0 0 0 -6 r in Sp n g r um ut er m 0 0 te in W -2 A m Su -20 75 -25 -40 -60 -80 Model Scale - Nudging CASENTINO - E Improvements respect OL Nudging assimilation - Satellite scale -100 100 Assim H07 80 65 60 47 40 27 [%] 20 Assim H08 Assim H14 30 22 20 21 3 Assim SMOS 4 -5 0 0 r in Sp -1 g r n er m um ut -5 te in W A m Su -20 14 -40 -43 -60 -80 -100 Sat. Scale - Nudging -93 Seasonal results - Magra MAGRA - E Improvements respect OL Nudging assimilation - Model scale 240 Assim H07 200 193 174 Assim H08 160 Assim H14 [%] 120 Summer Autumn Winter -0.18 0.84 0.60 Assim SMOS 80 Spring 0.24 61 40 3 0 1 3 -2 0 0 r in Sp r g te in W -4 um ut n -68 MAGRA - E Improvements respect OL Nudging assimilation - Satellite scale -102 -116 231 240 Model Scale - Nudging 207 Assim H07 200 Assim H08 160 Assim H14 120 [%] -120 er m -80 0 A m Su -40 -5 2 124 Assim SMOS 80 40 3 0 7 8 0 r in Sp r Sat. Scale - Nudging g te in W n -71 um ut -44 0 -5 A -120 -37 -20 er m -80 0 -3 m Su -40 1 Discharge events results - Orba Nudging – Model scale Discharge events results - Orba Efficiency - H14 assimilation Efficiency - H07 assimilation 1,0 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,0 E E -1,6 -1,2 Nud Sat -1,4 Bayes Mod -1,6 Efficiency - H08 assimilation Efficiency - SMOS assimilation 1,0 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,0 E -0,4 OL Nud Mod -1,2 Nud Sat -1,4 Bayes Mod -0,6 -0,8 -1,0 -1,2 -1,4 -1,6 OL Nud Mod Nud Sat Bayes Mod .8 Ev .7 Ev .6 Ev .5 Ev .4 Ev .3 Ev .2 Ev -0,2 .1 Ev .8 Ev .7 Ev .6 Ev .5 Ev .4 Ev .3 Ev .2 Ev .1 Ev E 0,0 -0,4 -1,6 .8 Ev Bayes Mod -1,0 .7 Ev -1,4 -0,8 .6 Ev Nud Sat -0,6 .5 Ev Nud Mod -1,0 -1,2 -0,2 .4 Ev OL -0,8 Nud Mod -1,0 -0,4 -0,6 OL -0,8 .3 Ev -0,6 -0,2 .2 Ev -0,4 .1 Ev .8 Ev .7 Ev .6 Ev .5 Ev .4 Ev .3 Ev .2 Ev .1 Ev -0,2 Impact of assimilation on other state variables • Water Volume (V) • Evapotranspiration (Evt) • Land Surface Temperature (LST) Model calibration with satellite data Parameter calibration using SWI(H07) Satellite data reduced hydrological uncertainty and could be used to calibrate models Val. Period: 1/06/2009 – 31/12/2011 Calibration results using only geomorphology (DEM) and SWI from H07 Nash and Sutcliffe’s efficiency coefficient NSDisch 0.81 NSSWI 0.79 Conclusions • Annual evaluation – Assimilations of Soil moisture products improved the performances – “Sat. Scale” is better than “Model Scale” for Magra and Orba – The Ensemble method is promising on Orba • Seasonal evaluation – Summer and Autumn benefit most from assimilation – “Sat. Scale” is better than “Model Scale” for Magra and Orba • Events evaluation – H14 leads to improvement in 90% of cases – H07 and H08 lead improvement in 50% of cases – SMOS lead improvement in 35% of cases Thanks to L. Campo, F. Silvestro, F. Delogu, R. Rudari, L. Pulvirenti, G. Boni, N. Pierdicca, L. Brocca, C. Massari, L. Ciabatta, S. Hasenauer, S. Puca
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