08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg SESSION OVERVIEW 08.06.2014 Sunday 09.06.2014 Monday 08:00 10.06.2014 Tuesday registration opens 08:15 08:30 coffee, tea, snacks Lecture theatre B registration opens coffee, tea, snacks 08:45 Lecture theatre B 09:00 09:20 Opening General announcements 09:30 Keynote Tamura 09:30 Keynote Emeis 10:00 Keynote Schatzmann 10:00 Keynote Fedorovich coffee, tea 10:30 10:30 Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre B J M C 11:00 Load on structures Wind in local environments 16:00 Load on structures Wind in local environments Load on structures Wind in local environments / wind eng. In sports 16:00 registration opens 17:0020:00 16:30 08:30 Wind within the canopy layer Wind within the canopy layer 19:00 -21:00 Model quality assurance 14:15 16:30 Load on structures Model quality assurance Load on structures Discussion on guidelines for CFD-modeling of gas dispersion End of oral presentations 17:40 Conference Foto Conference Dinner 12.06.2014 13.06.2014 Thursday Friday 08:30 registrattion opens 08:45 coffee, tea, snacks Lecture theatre B 09:20 General announcements Keynote Löhner 09:30 Keynote Moussiopoulos 10:00 Keynote Senocak 10:00 Keynote Bottasso 10:30 coffee, tea 10:30 Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre B J M C Load on structures 12:45 16:00 Structural response to wind Wind within the canopy layer Structural response to wind Wind within the canopy layer 18:00 2100 coffee, tea Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre B J M 11:00 Structural response to wind 12:45 Model development coffee, tea Future computing Flexible structures Structural 16:30 / Wind-Structure in wind response to wind interaction engineering 17:55 Model development lunch 14:15 Flexible structures Wind within the canopy layer 17:35 09:30 11:00 Wind within the canopy layer 14:15 Model development Poster session "Wind Lounge": Wind within the canopy layer, Structural response to wind; Wind hazards; Model development Wind hazards 09:0017:00 Model development Wind hazards to lecture theatre B 15:20 End of oral presentations Model development lunch Structural response to wind concluding remarks 15:45 coffee, tea Visit of German Climate Computer Centre and Technical Meteorology Devision of University of Hamburg 16:1519:00 1 Wind energy coffee, tea IAWE board meeting (Lecture 19:00 Theatre J) 22:00 General announcements Wind energy lunch 16:00 Model quality assurance Wind within the canopy layer 11.06.2014 Lecture theatre B 09:20 Load on structures Wednesday registration opens coffee, tea, snacks 08:45 Model quality assurance End of oral presentations Poster session "Wind Lounge": Model quality assurance, Wind in local environments, Load on structures; Wind energy 11:00 12:45 coffee, tea 17:55 ice breaker 18:0021:00 Model quality assurance lunch 12:45 14:15 Wind within the canopy layer coffee, tea Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre B J M C Field trips Wind energy 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg KEYNOTES (LIST) Monday 09.06.2014 09:00 Lecture theatre B – Opening (Schlünzen / Höffer) 09:30 Keynote: Yukio Tamura1 , Phuc Pham Van2 1 Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi, Japan; 2Research Institute, Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan Development of CFD and applications: monologue by a non-CFD-expert 36 10:00 Keynote: Leitl B.1, Harms F.1, Hertwig D.1, Schatzmann M.1 1 Meteorological Inst., CEN, University of Hamburg, Germany Atmospheric variability and its implications in validating urban flow and dispersion models 38 Tuesday 10.06.2014 09:20 Lecture theatre B - General Announcements (Leitl / Bletzinger) 09:30 Keynote: Emeis S.M.1 1 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany Specific wind phenomena within urban, marine and remote environments - observed features which are not easy to model 40 10:00 Keynote: Fedorovich E.1, Gibbs J.1 1 School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States Turbulent winds in numerically simulated atmospheric convective boundary-layer flows 42 Wednesday 11.06.2014 09:20 Lecture theatre B - General Announcements (Schlünzen / Katz) 09:30 Keynote: Löhner R.1, Haug E.2, Michalski A.2, Britto D.2, Degro A.2, Nanjundaiah R.2, Zarfam R.2 1 CFD Center, George Mason University, Fairfax, United States, 2SL Rasch, Oberaichen, Germany Recent advances in computational wind engineering and fluid-structure interaction 44 10:00 Keynote: Senocak I.1, DeLeon R.2, Umphrey C.1 1 Boise State University, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Boise, United States, 2University of Idaho, Mechanical Engineering, Moscow, United States Accelerating wind simulations over arbitrarily complex terrain using a GPU computing paradigm 46 2 08. June - 13. June 2014 Thursday Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 12.06.2014 09:20 Lecture theatre B - General Announcements (Leitl / Franke) 09:30 Keynote: Moussiopoulos N.1,2, Tsegas G.1, Barmpas F.1, Douros I.1, Akylas V.1 1 Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2International Hellenic University, Thermi, Greece A novel scheme for describing multiscale interactions on atmospheric flow and pollutant dispersion in the urban atmospheric boundary layer 48 10:00 Keynote: Bottasso C.L.1,2, Campagnolo F.1 1 Technische Universität München, Wind Energy Institute, Garching b. München, Germany, 2Politecnico di Milano, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Milano, Italy Computational tools for wind energy systems, and their validation and calibration 50 ORAL PRESENTATIONS (LIST) Monday 11:00 09.06.2014 LOAD ON STRUCTURES Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Kareem, Leitl 11:05 Zheng D.Q.1, Cheng C.M.2, Li Y.C.2, Fu C.L.2, Lo Y.L.2 1 He'nan University of Technology, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhengzhou, China, 2TamKang University, Wind Engineering Research Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China Study on flow characteristics around a hemispherical dome under different Reynolds numbers by LES 54 11:25 Cao S.1, Li M.2 1 Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2Wuhan Bridge Science Research Institute, Wuhan, China Numerical study of the flow over a circular cylinder in oscillatory flows 56 11:45 Yang Q.1, Zhang J.1 1 Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Extension of random flow generation method for large eddy simulations in anisotropic inhomogeneous flows 58 12:05 Cummings R.M.1, Sahni O.2, Letchford C.1 1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Troy, United States, 2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Mechanical Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Troy, United States Numerical Analysis of Active Flow Control Using Steady and Synthetic Jets Applied to Tall Buildings 60 3 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 12:25 Flynn D.1, Hemida H.1, Baker C.1 1 University of Birmingham, Civil Engineering, Birmingham, United Kingdom A numerical study of the slipstream generated by a freight train 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Leitl, Fisch 14:20 Franke J.1,2, Huynh T.P.1 1 Vietnamese-German University, Binh Duong New City, Viet Nam, 2University of Siegen, Department of Fluid- und Thermodynamics, Siegen, Germany Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations from Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow around a Surface Mounted Pyramid 64 14:40 Cheng C.M.1, Fu C.L.1, Zheng D.Q.2, Liu H.J.1 1 TamKang University, Department of Civil Engineering, New Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2Zhengzhou University, Henan, Zhengzhou, China LES Simulation of Hemispherical Dome's Aerodynamic Characteristics in Smooth and Turbulence Boundary Layer Flows 66 15:00 Li Y.-C.1, Cheng C.M.2, Zheng D.-Q.3, Lo Y.-L.2, Fang F.-M.4, Wang C.-K.1 1 Tamkang University, Wind Engineering Research Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2Tamkang University, Civil Engineering, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China, 3He'nan University of Technology, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhengzhou, China, 4National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China Simulation of turbulent flows around a prism in suburban terrain inflow based on random flow generation method 68 15:20 Huang P.1, Zhou H.-G.1, Gu M.1 1 Tongji Univ., Bridge Eng., Shanghai, China Probability characteristic of wind-driven rain pressure on windward wall 70 15:40 Haque M.N.1, Katsuchi H.1, Yamada H.1, Nishio M.1 1 Yokohama National University, Civil Engineering, Yokohama, Japan Investigation of bridge deck shaping effects on aerodynamic response by RANS simulation 72 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Stathopoulos, Winkelmann 16:35 Jamińska P.1, Błazik-Borowa E.1, Lipecki T.1 1 Lublin University of Technology, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin, Poland CFD study on wind action on building-scaffolding system 74 16:55 Jørgensen N.G.1, Koss H.1, Bennetsen J.C.2 1 Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2Ramboll Denmark, Copenhagen S, Denmark LES and experiment of turbulent boundary layer flow around a floormounted cube 76 17:15 Sánchez R.1, Jurado J.Á.1, Hernández S.1, Nieto F.1 1 University of Coruña, School of Civil Engineering, A Coruña, Spain PCTUVI. Wind tunnel control software for aerodynamic and aeroelastic sectional model tests. 78 4 62 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 17:35 Tanaka H.1, Konno N.1, Ohtake K.1, Tsuchiya N.1 1 Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute, Inzai, Japan Prediction Accuracy of Wind Forces Acting on High-rise Buildings in Urban Areas by Large Eddy Simulation 17:55 End of oral presentations 11:00 WIND IN LOCAL ENVIRONMENTS Hamburg 80 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Fedorovich, Xie 11:05 Iizuka S.1, Kondo Y.1, Xuan Y.1 1 Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan A numerical investigation on the impacts of future urban planning/structure on thermal environment 82 11:25 Shibata S.1, Iizuka S.1, Xuan Y.1, Kondo Y.1 1 Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan Effects of introducing electric vehicles on the urban thermal environment in the summer and winter seasons of the 2050s 84 11:45 Xie Z.-T.X.1 1 University of Southampton, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, Southampton, United Kingdom 86 Numerical environmental wind tunnel of Newtonian fluid (NEWTON) 12:05 Nakayama H.1, Takemi T.2, Nagai H.1 1 Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki, Japan, 2Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 88 Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows and plume dispersion in the central district of Oklahoma City by coupling with a mesoscale meteorological simulation model 12:25 Chavez M.1, Stathopoulos T.1, Bahloul A.2 1 Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 2Institut de Recherche Robert-Sauvé en Santé et en Sécurité du Travail (IRSST), Montreal, Canada CFD flow and dispersion modelling: unsteady RANS, DES and LES performance comparison 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Xie, Fedorovich 14:20 Kim J.Y.1 1 Institute of Construction Technology/Daewoo E&C, Construction Convergence Technology Research Team, Suwon, Korea, Republic of Evaluations of probabilistic capacities for window systems of residential buildings 92 14:40 Berthaut-Gerentes J.1, Delaunay D.1, Sanquer S.1 1 Meteodyn, Nantes, France Atmospheric turbulent layer simulation providing unsteady inlet conditions for large eddy simulation 94 5 90 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 15:00 Khayrullina A.1, Blocken B.1,2, Janssen W.1, Straathof J.1 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Built Environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium CFD study on aerodynamics of a train passing an underground railroad platform 96 15:20 Chaudhari A.1, Ghaderi Masouleh M.1, Janiga G.2, Hämäläinen J.1, Hellsten A.3 1 Lappeenranta University of Technology, Centre of Computational Engineering and Integrated Design (CEID), Lappeenranta, Finland, 2 University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, 3Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland Large eddy simulation of atmospheric flows over the Bolund hill 98 15:40 Tomokiyo E.1, Maeda J.1, Tamura N.2, Takemura A.3 1 Kyushu University, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 Kyushu University, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Fukuoka, Japan, 3Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Fukuoka, Japan CFD analysis of local winds associated with typhoon around mountainous terrain considering potential temperature gradient 100 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Schlünzen, Fedorovich 16:35 Chang C.H.1, Lin C.H.2, Cheng C.M.1 1 Tamkang University, Civil Engineering and Wind Tunnel Research Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2Tamkang University, Wind Tunnel Research Centre, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China Study of CFD prediction of the outdoor thermal environment in urban area 102 16:55 Yoshie R.1, Miura S.1, Miyazato R.1 1 Tokyo Polytechnic University, Department of Architecture, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan Preparation of standard wind data for assessment of pedestrian wind environment using WRF calculation data 104 17:15 WIND ENGINEERING IN SPORTS Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Schlünzen / Fedorovich 17:15 Burlando M.1, Buzzi A.2, Davolio S.2, De Pedrini L.3, Drofa O.2, Ferrarin C.4, Gallino S.3,5, Mastrangelo D.2, Pizzo M.1, Solari G.1, Tizzi M.1, Trovatore E.5, Umgiesser G.4 1 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, 2Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council, Bologna, Italy, 3Italian Sailing Federation, Genoa, Italy, 4Institute of Marine Sciences, National Research Council, Venice, Italy, 5Liguria Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, Genoa, Italy Wind, waves, and sea current forecasting for the sailing events at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games 6 106 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 17:35 Fintelman D.M.1, Hemida H.2, Sterling M.2, Li F.-X.1 1 University of Birmingham, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2University of Birmingham, School of Civil Engineering, Birmingham, United Kingdom The effect of crosswind on cyclists 17:55 End of oral presentations 11:00 WIND WITHIN THE CANOPY LAYER Hamburg 108 Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Blocken, Gromke 11:05 Amorim J.H.1, Valente J.1, Pimentel C.1, Freitas S.1, Miranda A.I.1, Borrego C.1 1 University of Aveiro, Dep. of Environment and Planning, Aveiro, Portugal CFD modelling of the pedestrian wind comfort in a city avenue 110 11:25 Ikeda Y.1, Ikegaya N.1, Hagishima A.1, Tanimoto J.1, Razak A.A.2 1 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 2Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia Characteristics of spatio-temporal fluctuation of urban pedestrian wind derived from Large-Eddy Simulation 112 11:45 Kang L.1, Zhou X.1, Gu M.1 1 Tongji University, State Key Lab of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China Influence of roof slope on snow redistribution of gable roof 114 12:05 Rakai A.1, Berbekar E.1, Franke J.2,3 1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Fluid Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary, 2Vietnamese-German University (VGU), Binh Duong New City, Viet Nam, 3University of Siegen, Department of Fluid- and Thermodynamics, Siegen, Germany RANS passive scalar transport modelling in a complex urban area - effect of source location and geometry on the results 116 12:25 Allegrini J.1,2, Dorer V.1, Carmeliet J.1,2 1 Empa, Laboratory for Building Science and Technology, Duebendorf, Switzerland, 2ETHZ, Chair of Building Physics, Zuerich, Switzerland Influence of the morphology of urban neighbourhoods on the microclimate and energy demand of buildings 118 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Gromke, Gorle 14:20 Hashimoto K.1, Iizuka S.1, Xuan Y.1, Okumiya M.1 1 Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Japan Effects of anthropogenic heat release locations on thermal environment in city blocks 120 14:40 Ikegaya N.1, Hagishima A.1, Tanimoto J.1 1 Kyushu University, Kasuga-shi, Japan Investigation on flow distribution based on the quadrant analysis over urban-like roughness 122 7 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 15:00 Michioka T.1, Takimoto H.1, Hattori Y.1, Sato A.1 1 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Abiko, Chiba-ken, Japan Effect of fetch on pollutant removal mechanism from a two-dimensional street canyon 124 15:20 Nakajima K.1, Ooka R.2, Kikumoto H.2 1 The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Large-Eddy Simulation of the momentum and heat transport of turbulent structures in an urban boundary layer with thermal stratification 126 15:40 Qu Y.1, Milliez M.1, Carissimo B.1 1 Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, CEREA ENPC-EDF R&D, Chatou, France CFD modelling of the urban thermal atmosphere over a district of Marseille during the EUREQUA project 128 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Gorle, Blocken 16:35 Yumino S.1, Okaze T.1, Mochida A.1 1 Tohoku University, Engineering, Sendai, Japan Prediction of microclimate around buildings based on CFD and heat balance analysis using WRF results as boundary conditions to include topographic influences 130 16:55 Castillo Torres J.A.1, Huelsz Lesbros G.1 1 Renewable Energy Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Thermosciences, Temixco, Mexico Natural ventilation by windcatchers: CFD simulations and experiments 132 17:15 Gromke C.1, Blocken B.1, Jansen W.1, Merema B.1, van Hooff T.1, Timmermans H.1 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Built Environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands Urban microclimate CFD simulations of transpirational cooling by vegetation and its effects on air temperature 134 17:35 Kikugawa H.1, Yonezawa Y.2, Sato T.2, Sato M.2 1 Oita National College of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Oita, Japan, 2 Oita National College of Technology, Oita, Japan CFD analysis for characteristics of wind and temperature field along a heated street canyon 136 17:55 End of oral presentations 11:00 MODEL QUALITY ASSURANCE Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Hellsten, Grawe 11:05 Fisch R.1, Franke J.2, Wüchner R.1, Bletzinger K.-U.1 1 TU München, Chair of Structural Analysis, München, Germany, 2VietnameseGerman University, Binh Duong New City, Viet Nam Code Verification of an FSI environment for wind engineering using the Method of Manufactured Solutions 8 138 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 11:25 Gamel H.1, Salizzoni P.1, Soulhac L.1, Méjean P.1, Grosjean N.1, Carissimo B.2 1 École Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de mécanique des fluides et d'acoustique, Écully, France, 2CEREA (Atmospheric Environment Teaching and Research Center, Joint Laboratory École des Ponts ParisTech-EDF RandD, Université Paris Est), EDF-R&D, Chatou, France Experimental evaluation of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy ε, in the wake of an obstacle. Application to the validation of k-ε or Rij-ε turbulence models. 140 11:45 Bethke J.1, Kampmeyer J.1, Kilburg M.1, Mengelkamp H.-T.1 1 anemos GmbH, Reppenstedt, Germany Verification of the anemos wind atlas for Europe: methodology and results 142 12:05 Grawe D.1, Bächlin W.2, Brünger H.3, Eichhorn J.4, Franke J.5, Leitl B.1, Müller W.J.6, Salim M.1, Schlünzen K.H.1, Winkler C.7, Zimmer M.8 1 University of Hamburg, CEN, Meteorological Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 2 Ingenieurbüro Lohmeyer, Karlsruhe, Germany, 3VDI, Düsseldorf, Germany, 4 University of Mainz, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Mainz, Germany, 5 Vietnamese-German University, Binh Duong New City, Viet Nam, 6Laatzen, Germany, 7Ingenieurbüro Winkler, Würselen, Germany, 8State Environmental Agency Rhineland-Palatine, Mainz, Germany An updated evaluation guideline for prognostic microscale wind field models 144 12:25 Immer M.1,2, Moonen P.1,2, Carmeliet J.1,2 1 ETH Zürich, Zürich Hönggerberg, Switzerland, 2Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland Comparison of flow data from large eddy simulation with time resolved stereo-PIV wind tunnel measurements of a shear-driven cavity 146 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Schlünzen, Wüchner 14:20 Kampmeyer J.1 1 anemos GmbH, Reppenstedt, Germany WRF 3 km model verification with focus on atmospheric stability 148 14:40 Kukačka L.1,2, Fuka V.1, Nosek S.2, Jaňour Z.2 1 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection, Praha, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Praha, Czech Republic Validation of large eddy simulation with wind tunnel experiment for urban canopy ventilation 150 15:00 Maruyama Y.1,2, Tamura T.2, Kishida T.2,3 1 Maeda Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan, 3Wind Engineering Institute, Tokyo, Japan Evaluation of LES applicability to terrain-affected wind based on comparison with observational data on several points 152 15:20 Phuc P.1, Nozu T.1, Kikuchi H.1, Hibi K.2, Tamura Y.3 1 Shimizu Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2Numerical Flow Design Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 3Tokyo Polytechnic University, Department of Architecture, Kangawa, Japan A numerical study on wind pressure on a building with a setback using large eddy simulation 154 9 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 15:40 Burlando M.1, Repetto M.P.1, Freda A.1, Ricci A.1 1 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Wind tunnel and CFD models of a vertical axis wind turbine with power augmentation guide vanes 16:00 COFFEE, TEA Hamburg 156 Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Franke, Harms 16:35 Shirasawa T.1, Yoshie R.2, Tominaga Y.3, Okaze T.4, Jiang G.5, Imano M.6, Kishida T.7, Mochida A.4, Architectural Institute of Japan 1 Otsuma Women's University, Tama, Japan, 2Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi, Japan, 3Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazaki, Japan, 4Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 5Shantou University, Shantou, China, 6OCAEL Co. Ltd., Mitaka, Japan, 7Wind Engineering Institute, Chiyoda, Japan AIJ cooperative project for practical application of CFD to pollutant/thermal dispersion in urban areas (Part 2) Pollutant/thermal dispersion behind single building case 158 16:55 Andre M.1, Mier-Torrecilla M.2, Wüchner R.1, Bletzinger K.-U.1 1 Technische Universität München, Chair of Structural Analysis, Munich, Germany, 2Abengoa Research SL, Seville, Spain A comparative study of finite element and lattice Boltzmann methods for estimation of dynamic wind loads 160 17:15 Tominaga Y.1, Yoshie R.2, Okaze T.3, Shirasawa T.4, Mochida A.3, Architectural Institute of Japan 1 Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazaki, Japan, 2Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi, Japan, 3Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 4Otsuma Women's University, Tama, Japan AIJ cooperative project for practical application of CFD to pollutant/thermal dispersion in urban areas (Part 4): flow and dispersion fields around building complex in actual urban area 162 17:35 Nosek Š.1, Fuka V.2, Kukačka L.1,2, Jaňour Z.1 1 Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Atmospheric dispersion modelling over coal mine excavation - on LES validation by wind-tunnel experiment 164 17:55 End of oral presentations 10 08. June - 13. June 2014 Tuesday 11:00 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 10.06.2014 LOAD ON STRUCTURES Lecture theatre B Session chairs: De Mier, Bitsuamlak 11:05 Spence S.M.J.1, Wei D.1, Bernardini E.1, Kareem A.1 1 University of Notre Dame, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Notre Dame, United States CFD-based multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization of tall buildings 166 11:25 Nebenführ B.1,2,3, Carlen I.4, Caracoglia L.3, Davidson L.1,2 1 Chalmers University of Technology, Dept. of Applied Mechanics, Göteborg, Sweden, 2Swedish Wind Power Technology Center (SWPTC), Göteborg, Sweden, 3Northeastern University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boston, United States, 4Tekniggruppen AB, Stockholm, Sweden Development of a reduced order model for wind turbine response to atmospheric turbulence in forest regions 168 11:45 Nepak A.1, Ramchandran G.1, Nagawkar J.1, Nagawkar B.2 1 VIT University, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, Vellore, India, 2 Manipal Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Udupi, India Computational study of a truck's passing manoeuvre: Analyzing an accident scenario and predicting safety measures 170 12:05 Nieto F.1, Owen J.S.2, Hargreaves D.M.2, Hernandez S.1 1 University of La Coruña, La Coruña, Spain, 2University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Efficient CFD evaluation of the flutter derivatives of a generic deck box section 172 12:25 Oh J.H.1, Kopp G.A.1 1 University of Western Ontario, Civil and Environmental Engineering, London, Canada An experimental study of pressure equalization on the double-layered roof system of a low-rise building 174 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Kopp, De Mier 14:20 Otsubo K.1, Maeda J.1, Takeuchi T.2 1 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 2Kobe University, Kobe, Japan Effects of roof-pitch on the overshoot wind force acting on a gable roof structure under a short-rise-time gusty wind 176 14:40 Pigolotti L.1, Mannini C.1, Marra A.M.1, Bartoli G.1 1 University of Florence, CRIACIV / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florence, Italy Time-frequency and POD analysis of the experimental pressure field around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder 178 11 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 15:00 Pozzuoli C.1, Mola F.2, Segato C.1 1 ECSD S.r.l., Milan, Italy, 2Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy Wind directionality effects on cladding pressures for the design of the Isozaki tower in Milan 180 15:20 Richards P.J.1, Norris S.1 1 University of Auckland, Mechanical Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand LES modelling of unsteady flow around the Silsoe cube 182 15:40 Yan B.1, Li Q.1, Zhang J.2 1 City University of Hong Kong, Civil and Architectural Department, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2Beijing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Beijing, China Large eddy and detached eddy simulations of wind effects on an elliptical cylinder 184 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Bitsuamlak, Winkelmann 16:35 Takeuchi T.1, Maeda J.2, Otsubo K.2 1 Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, 2Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Numerical investigation of a flow development around an elliptic cylinder subjected to short-rise-time gusts 186 16:55 Cheli F.1, Schito P.1, Tomasini G.1 1 Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milano, Italy Numerical investigation on the effects of embankment scenario on railway vehicle aerodynamic coefficients 188 17:15 Nozu T.1, Tamura T.2, Kishida T.3, Katsumura A.3 1 Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan, 3Wind Engineering Institute, Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan Mesh-adaptive LES for wind load estimation of a tall building in a city 190 17:35 End of oral presentations 11:00 MODEL QUALITY ASSURANCE Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Wüchner, Trini Castelli 11:05 Leitl B.1, Trini Castelli S.2, Baumann-Stanzer K.3, Reisin T.G.4, Barmpas F.5, Balczo M.6, MC/WG members of COST Action ES1006 1 University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 2 National Research Council, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Torino, Italy, 3Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Section Environmental Meteorology, Vienna, Austria, 4SOREQ NRC, Yavne, Israel, 5 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Heat Transfer & Environmental Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dpt of Fluid Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary COST ACTION ES1006. Evaluation, improvement and guidance for the use of local-scale emergency prediction and response tools for airborne hazards in built environments 12 192 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 11:25 Harms, F.1, Leitl, B.1, Berbekar, E.1, Schatzmann, M.1, Lübcke, M.1 1 University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, Hamburg, Germany, Reference Data for the Validation of local-scale Emergency Response models - an experimental challenge 194 11:45 Rau G.1, Baumann-Stanzer K.1 1 Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Wien, Austria Results from the "Michelstadt" case study in COST ES 1006 - simulations with GRAL and LASAT 196 12:05 Efthimiou G.1, Bartzis J.1 1 University of Western Macedonia, Mechanical Engineering, Kozani, Greece CFD-RANS modeling of turbulent flow in a semi-idealized urban canopy. Validation and intercomparison studies 198 12:25 Fuka V.1, Brechler J.1 1 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection, Prague, Czech Republic Large eddy simulation of dispersion of puff releases of hazardous matter in complex geometry 200 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Trini Castelli, Hellsten 14:20 Milliez M.1, Hellsten A.K.2 1 CEREA ENPC / EDF R&D, Chatou, France, 2Finnnish Meteorological Institute, Air Quality Research, Helsinki, Finland Evaluation of dispersion models for improvement and guidance for the use of local-scale emergency response tools; the “Michelstadt' modelling exercise - COST action ES1006 202 14:40 Leitl, B. 1, Harms, F. 1, Schatzmann, M. 1, Boris, J. 2, Patnaik, G. 2 1 University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 2Naval Research Laboratory, LCP&FD, Washington DC, USA Validation of an LES-based local-scale emergency response tool 204 15:00 End of oral presentations 16:30 MODEL QUALITY ASSURANCE Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Leitl, Ohba Discussion on guidelines for CFD-modeling of gas dispersion 13 08. June - 13. June 2014 11:00 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg WIND WITHIN THE CANOPY LAYER Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Blocken, Leitl 11:05 Peren J.I.1,2, Ramponi R.2,3, Blocken B.2,4, Leite B.C.1 1 University of São Paulo - USP, Civil Engineering Department, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2Eindhoven University of Technology, Building Physics and Services, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 3Politecnico di Milano, Architecture, Built Environment, Construction Engineering Department, Milano, Italy, 4Leuven University, Department of Civil Engineering, Leuven, Belgium Natural upward cross-ventilation potential of a leeward sawtooth roof for a single zone building model 206 11:25 Ramponi R.1,2, Blocken B.1,3 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of the built environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Politecnico di Milano, Architecture, Built Environment, Construction Engineering Department, Milan, Italy, 3Leuven University, Department of Civil Engineering, Leuven, Belgium RANS and LES simulations of an office building subjected to windinduced cross-ventilation 208 11:45 Cui D.J.1, Mak C.M.1, Kwok K.C.S.2 1 Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2University of Western Sydney, Institute for Infrastructure Engineering, Penrith, Australia Effects of building configuration on indoor pollutant transportation of naturally ventilated buildings 210 12:05 Kellnerová R.1, Kukačka L.1, Fuka V.2, Uruba V.1, Jaňour Z.1, Nosek Š.1 1 Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., Praha, Czech Republic, 2Charles University, Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection, Praha, Czech Republic Street canyon ventilation of traffic pollution: comparison between experiment and LES 212 12:25 Meroney R.N.1,2, Derickson R.3 1 Colorado State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Fort Collins, United States, 2Wind Engineering Software, Fort Collins, United States, 3Innovation Affinity Group LLC, Broomfield, United States CFD exploration of exterior wind effects on dispersion of weapon exhaust products around military firing ranges 214 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Franke, Salim 14:20 Ohba R.1, Kato S.1, Minsik K.1, Hara T.2, Yoneda J.2, Takigawa M.3, Bieringer P.4, Lauritzen B.5 1 The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nagasaki R&D Center, Nagasaki, Japan, 3Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Application Laboratory, Yokohama, Japan, 4National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, United States, 5Denmark Technical University, RISO, Roskilde, Denmark A source term estimation method for a nuclear accident, using atmospheric dispersion models 14 216 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 14:40 Montazeri H.1, Blocken B.1,2, Hensen J.L.M.1 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Leuven University, Department of Civil Engineering, Leuven, Belgium Numerical investigation of evaporative cooling provided by a mist spraying system 218 15:00 Venås B.1, Johansson K.2, Børresen B.A.1, Pedersen N.1 1 Norconsult AS, Applied Fluid Dynamics, Sandvika, Norway, 2EDR & Medeso, Gothenburg, Sweden LES analysis of dispersion from road tunnel portals 220 15:20 Barmpas F.1, Akylas V.1, Moussiopoulos N.1 1 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mechanical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece Investigation of the combined influence of the ventilation system and the vehicle's motion on the dispersion of traffic emissions in a road tunnel applying a hybrid RANS - LES approach 222 15:40 Kalender-Wevers C.1, Winkelmann U.1, Höffer R.1 1 Ruhr Universität Bochum, Wind Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, Bochum, Germany The influence of the velocity field on the dust dispersion in the vicinity of different open building configurations 224 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Salim, Gorle 16:35 Tanabe G.1, Yoshie R.1 1 Tokyo Polytechnic University, Department of Architecture, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan Generalization of atmospheric stability effect on urban pollutant concentration 226 16:55 Boppana B.1, Xie Z.-T.1, Castro I.P.1 1 University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom Thermal stratification and wind direction effects on urban flows 228 17:15 Kikumoto H.1, Ooka R.1 1 The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan Study on SGS concentration variance in Large-Eddy Simulation for dispersing plume within urban canyon 230 17:35 End of oral presentations 11:00 WIND ENERGY Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Katz, Emeis 11:05 Liu Z.1, Ishihara T.1 1 The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow over complex topography 15 232 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 11:25 Tarokh A.1, Mohamed M.A.1, Wood D.1, Johansen C.1 1 University of Calgary, Mechanical and Manufacturing, Calgary, Canada Investigation of different turbulence models for wind flow over a simulated building 234 11:45 Peralta Aros C.A.1, Parente A.2, Benocci C.3, Balogh M.4 1 Fraunhofer IWES, Oldenburg, Germany, 2Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 3Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-StGenèse, Belgium, 4Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary RANS simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer over complex terrain with a consistent k-epsilon model formulation 236 12:05 Witha B.1, Steinfeld G.1, Heinemann D.1 1 Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, ForWind, Oldenburg, Germany Advanced turbine parameterizations in offshore LES wake simulations 238 12:25 Dörenkämper M.1, Witha B.1, Steinfeld G.1, Heinemann D.1, Kühn M.1 1 Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research, Oldenburg, Germany The role of stable atmospheric boundary layers on wind turbine wakes within offshore wind farms 240 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Emeis, Katz 14:20 Dallozzo C.1, Hergault V.1, Dupont E.1, Bresson R.1, Carissimo B.1 1 Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, CEREA ENPC-EDF R&D, Chatou, France A comparison of wind turbine wake losses computed with different actuator disk approaches with measurements from a large offshore farm 242 14:40 Drüke S.1, Dörenkämper M.1, Steinfeld G.1 1 Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research, Oldenburg, Germany Comparison between model results and measurements to determine the quality of the models 244 15:00 Koyama Y.-B.K.1,2, Ohya Y.1, Nakano T.1, Uchida T.1, Nagai T.1 1 Kyushu University, RIAM, Wind Engineering Laboratory, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 ENSTA ParisTech, Palaiseau, France Flow pattern around three wind turbine generators in a triangular configuration 246 15:20 Schito P.1, Zasso A.1, Invernizzi A.2, Ponzini R.2 1 Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milano, Italy, 2 CINECA, SCAI Department, Milano, Italy An actuator line model for wind turbines 248 15:40 El Bahlouli A.1 1 University of Tubingen, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Tübingen, Germany Numerical simulation of the urban windfield at the university site in Tuebingen using OpenFOAM 250 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 16:30 Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Schlünzen, Emeis 16:35 Foreman R.1, Cañadillas B.2, Emeis S.1, Neumann T.2 1 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2German Wind Energy Association (DEWI), Wilhelmshaven, Germany Influence of humidity fluxes on turbulence near offshore wind farms 252 16:55 Declair S.1, Stephan K.1, Potthast R.1 1 German Weather Service, FE12 - Data Assimilation, Offenbach, Germany Wind power data assimilation in COSMO DE using a local ensemble Kalman filter 254 17:15 Starossek U.1, Bäumer R.1, Fahrenheim M.1, Diaz de Corcuera S.2, Radovcic Y.2 1 Hamburg University of Technology / Structural Analysis and Steel Structures Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 2AREVA Wind GmbH, Bremerhaven, Germany Active Damping of Wind Turbine Towers by Twin Rotor Damper 256 17:35 End of oral presentations Wednesday 11:00 11.06.2014 LOAD ON STRUCTURES Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Leitl, Bletzinger 11:05 Tripathy R.K.1, Mishra S.1, Mukkamala Y.1 1 VIT University, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, Vellore, India Numerical investigation of sidewind sensitivity of a road vehicle and the effect of landscaping 258 11:25 Wang Y.Q.1, Jackson P.L.2 1 University of Northern British Columbia, High Performance Computing Lab, Prince George, Canada, 2University of Northern British Columbia, Environmental Science & Engineering Programs, Prince George, Canada Visualization of Turbulent Flow around a Surface-mounted Finite Square Cylinder 260 11:45 Wu T.1, Kareem A.1 1 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, United States A low-dimensional model for nonlinear bluff-body aerodynamics: a peeling-an-onion analogy 262 12:05 Jubayer C.M.1, Hangan H.1 1 The Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment (WindEEE) Research Institute, London, Canada Numerical study of wind induced convective heat transfer from ground mounted solar panels 264 12:25 Mier-Torrecilla de M.1, Herrera E.1, Biggio K.2, Doblare M.1 1 Abengoa Research SL, Seville, Spain, 2Abengoa Solar Inc, Denver, CO, United States Numerical simulation of wind loads over solar fields 266 17 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 FLEXIBLE STRUCTURES Hamburg Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Bletzinger, Leitl 14:20 Michalski A.1 1 SL-Rasch GmbH, Engineering Department, Leinfelden Oberaichen, Germany Fluid structure interaction simulation of wide-span membrane structures 268 14:40 Wang Q.1, Liao H.1 1 Research Center for Wind Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China Numerical simulation of motion-induced aerodynamic force of thin plate under large vibration amplitude 270 15:00 Wilts F.1, Cañadillas B.1, Kinder F.1, Neumann T.1 1 DEWI GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany CFD calculations of FINO1 mast effects 272 15:20 Sicklinger S.1, Wang T.1, Wüchner R.1, Bletzinger K.-U.1 1 Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany Co-simulation for renewable energy simulations: a framework for fieldsignal coupling for fluid-structure interaction with control 274 15:40 Lee Y.1, Lim H.1 1 Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, Republic of Numerical study on 500 W vertical-axis Darrieus wind turbine 276 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 FLEXIBLE STRUCTURES/WIND-STRUCTURE INTERACTION Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Michalski, Fisch 16:35 Zheng S.1, Tang Y.1, Li M.1 1 Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China Numerical investigation on galloping of inclined square cylinder in smooth flow 278 16:55 Wüchner R.1, Alsofi H.1, Andre M.1, Sicklinger S.1, Wang T.1, Bletzinger K.U.1, Rossi R.2, Scotta R.3 1 Technische Universität München, Chair of Structural Analysis, Munich, Germany, 2Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, 3Universitá di Padova, Padova, Italy Computational wind-structure Interaction for analysis and design of flexible, light-weight and complex-shaped structures 280 17:15 Ding W.1, Nakamura M.2, Uematsu Y.1 1 Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2Nikken Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Tokyo, Japan LES of unsteady aerodynamic forces on a long-span curved roof 282 18 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 17:35 Diana G.1, Rocchi D.1, Portentoso M.1, Argentini T.1 1 Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milano, Italy Nonlinear buffeting response of long span bridges using the Band Superposition approach: comparison between rheological models and convolution integrals of impulse response functions 17:55 End of oral presentation 11:00 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO WIND Hamburg 284 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Diana, Ge 11:05 Kim S.-J.1, Kim H.-K.1 1 Seoul National University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Evaluation of effectiveness of MTMD according to wind condition using ambient vibration measurements 286 11:25 Abbas T.1, Morgenthal G.1 1 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Department of Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany Numerical models for flutter analysis 288 11:45 Aboshosha H.1, Bitsuamlak G.1,2, El Damatty A.1 1 Western University, London, Canada, 2WindEEE Research Institute, London, Canada Dynamic response of a transmission line conductor under downburst winds using LES 290 12:05 Kusano I.1, Baldomir A.1, Jurado J.Á.1, Hernandez S.1 1 University of La Coruña, Structural Mechanics, La Coruña, Spain Reliability based design optimization of bridge deck and main cables of a long-span suspension bridge under flutter constraint 292 12:25 Bakis K.N.1, Limebeer D.J.N.1, Williams M.S.1 1 Oxford University, Engineering Science, Oxford, United Kingdom Dynamic and aeroelastic modelling of long-span suspension bridges 294 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Ge, Diana 14:20 Corriols A.S.1, Morgenthal G.2 1 Technical University of Madrid, Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures, Madrid, Spain, 2Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Modelling and Simulation of Structures, Weimar, Germany Windshields and safety barriers on bridges: a benefit or a drawback for vortex-induced vibrations? 296 14:40 Lee S.1, Lee J.Y.1, Won C.-H.1 1 Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea, Republic of Computational study of forced and free oscillations of cylindrical body using adaptive mesh refinement 298 19 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 15:00 Daniels S.J.1, Castro I.P.1, Xie Z.-T.1 1 Southampton University, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, Southampton, United Kingdom A novel partitioned approach to the fluid-structure coupling of bridge section models 300 15:20 Nagai T.1, Ohya Y.1, Karasudani T.1, Uchida T.1 1 Kyushu University, RIAM, Kasuga-shi, Japan Three dimensional vortex structure of a ring like object with high Reynolds number and its application to a shrouded wind turbine 302 15:40 Diana G.1, Manenti A.1, Mazzola L.1, Zuin A.1 1 Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Milano, Italy A modal approach to reproduce subspan oscillations in the time domain 304 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Stathopoulos, Harms 16:35 Sabri A.1, Dragomirescu E.1 1 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada Finite element modelling of stonecutters cable-stayed bridge 306 16:55 Ge Y.1, Liu S.1 1 Tongji University, State Key Lab of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China 2D Pure-numerical simulation for whole-process wind induced responses of long-span bridge decks 308 17:15 Ito Y.1, Shirato H.2, Matsumoto M.2 1 Shimizu Corporation, Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Research on span-wise correlations of fluctuating lift forces on rectangular cylinders with various side ratio 310 17:35 Lee J.1, Lee Y.1, Lim H.1 1 Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, Republic of Performance of helical Savonius wind turbine 312 17:55 End of oral presentations 11:00 WIND WITHIN THE CANOPY LAYER Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Höffer, Hemida 11:05 Blocken B.1,2, Van Beeck J.3 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Leuven University, Department of Civil Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 3Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Environmental & Applied Fluid Dynamics Department, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium Wind-tunnel and CFD techniques and their accuracy for pedestrian-level wind comfort around buildings 20 314 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 11:25 Toparlar Y.1,2, Blocken B.1,3, van Heijst G.-J.4, Vos P.2 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Building Physics and Services, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Environmental Modeling, Mol, Belgium, 3Leuven University, Building Physics Section, Heverlee, Belgium, 4Eindhoven University of Technology, Turbulence and Vortex Dynamics, Eindhoven, Netherlands Computational analysis of wind flow in a generic urban configuration: comparison between Fluent and OpenFOAM 316 11:45 García-Sánchez C.1, Parente A.2, Fischer A.3, van Beeck J.1, Gorlé C.4 1 von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2Université Libre de Bruxelles, AéroThermo-Mécanique, Bruxelles, Belgium, 3CFD+Engineering Gmbh, Munich, Germany, 4von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics, Bruxelles, Belgium Extracting RANS CFD inflow boundary conditions from mesoscale model for simulations of the Joint Urban 2003 experiment 318 12:05 Kataoka H.1, Tamura T.2 1 Obayashi Corporation, Technical Research Institute, Kiyose-shi Tokyo, Japan, 2 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Japan Study on the relationship between roughness parameters and vertical wind velocity profiles over an urban area by LES 320 12:25 van Hooff T.1, Blocken B.1,2 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Building Physics and Services, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Building Physics Section, Leuven, Belgium Pollutant dispersion modelling in urban street canyons: validity of standard gradient-diffusion hypothesis 322 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Hemida, Höffer 14:20 Joseph G.M.D.1, Lowndes I.S.1, Hargreaves D.M.2 1 Nottingham University, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Nottingham University, Civil Engineering, Nottingham, United Kingdom Particulate dispersion from an idealised depression in the ground 324 14:40 Wang J.1, Chang C.H.1 1 Tamkang University, Department of Civil Engineering, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China Online CFD pedestrian wind simulation and assessment 326 15:00 Mohammad A.F.1, Zaki S.A.1, Mat Ali M.S.1, Abd Razak A.2, Hagishima A.3 1 Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 3Kyushu University, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan Large-Eddy simulation of wind-induced ventilation in urban buildings of random staggered arrays 328 21 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 15:20 Ai Z.1, Mak C.-M.1 1 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Building Services Engineering, Hong Kong, China Fluctuating behaviours of airflow through a single opening due to turbulent wind 330 15:40 Keck M.1, Raasch S.1, Letzel M.2, Ng E.3 1 Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, 2Ingenieurbüro Lohmeyer GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany, 3School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong High resolution Large-Eddy Simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer in Macau 332 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 16:30 FUTURE COMPUTING IN WIND ENGINEERING Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Krafczyk, Schlünzen 16:35 Ibrahim K.I.1, Morgenthal G.1, Chawdhury S.1 1 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Modelling and Simulation of Structures, Weimar, Germany Wake flow reproduction in Vortex Particle Methods for simulating buffeting response 334 16:55 Ji B.F.1, Qu W.L.1, Li Y.1, Wang Y.F.1, Wang B.2 1 Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei Key Laboratory of Roadway Bridge and Structure Engineering, Wuhan, China, 2Institute of Heavy Rain China Meteorological Administration, Institute of Heavy Rain, Wuhan, China The multi-scale computational wind engineering under real meteorological conditions with applications to downbursts 336 17:15 Wlotzka M.1, Heuveline V.1 1 Heidelberg University, Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL), Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg, Germany A parallel solution scheme for multiphysics evolution problems using OpenPALM 338 17:35 End of Oral presentations 11:00 MODEL DEVELOPMENT Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Carissimo, Miranda 11:05 Ben Younes H.B.1, Masson C.1 1 Ecole de technologie superieure, Montreal, Canada Hybrid simulation of the neutral atmospheric boundary layer over flat terrain using OpenFoam 340 11:25 Boutanios Z.1, Hangan H.1 1 WindEEE Research Institute, Western University, London, Canada Analysis of the viscosity effect on linear stability of drifting snow 342 22 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 11:45 Cheng P.1, Li H.1, Zaleski S.2 1 Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 2Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, UPMC, Paris, France Multi-scale simulations of the rain wind induced vibration based on twoway coupling method 344 12:05 De Leon R.1,2, Senocak I.2 1 University of Idaho, Boise, United States, 2Boise State University, Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering Department, Boise, United States Near-surface treatment in Large-Eddy Simulation of microscale atmospheric flows over arbitrarily complex terrain 346 12:25 Gorlé C.1,2, Iaccarino G.3 1 von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, 2 University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 3Stanford University, Stanford, United States Uncertainty quantification for RANS turbulence and mixing models for wind engineering flows 348 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Douros, Carissimo 14:20 Balafas G.1, Katz C.1, Krüs H.2, Niggl A.1 1 SOFiSTiK AG, Oberschleissheim, Germany, 2Cyclone Fluid Dynamics BV, Waalre, Netherlands The creation and use of polyhedral cells for computational fluid dynamics 350 14:40 Okaze T.1, Mochida A.1, Ono A.2, Kannuki Y.1 1 Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 2Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan Evaluation of turbulent length-scale within urban canopy layer based on LES data 352 15:00 Rossi R.1, Larese A.1, Dadvand P.1, Davari M. 1,2, Scotta R.3, Lazzari M.3, , Stecca E.3, Wüchner R.4, Baumgärtner D.4l, Wolf J.4 1 CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; 3 Universitá di Padova, Italy, 4 Technische Universität München, Germany High-performance embedded approaches for CFD simulation. Towards the Virtual Wind Tunnel 354 15:20 Salim M.H.1, Schlünzen K.H.1, Grawe D.1 1 Meteorological Institute, CEN, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Including trees in the numerical simulations of the wind flow in urban areas: should we care? 356 15:40 Kallos G.1, Galanis G.1,2, Kalogeri C.1, Barranger N.1, Patlakas P.1 1 University of Athens, Department of Physics, Athens, Greece, 2Hellenic Naval Academy, Mathematics, Piraeus, Greece Advanced atmospheric modeling for engineering applications 358 16:00 COFFEE, TEA 23 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg Lecture theatre C Session chairs: Miranda, Douros 16:35 Hattori Y.1, Hirakuchi H.1, Moeng C.-H.2, Ishihara S.3, Suto H.1, Sugimoto S.1 1 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Abiko, Japan, 2National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, United States, 3Denryoku Computing Center, Abiko, Japan Large Eddy simulation of turbulence structure in a real test case for the near-neutral atmospheric surface layer with a mesoscale meteorological model, WRF 360 16:55 Hiraoka H.1 1 Kyoto University, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto, Japan A one-equation subgrid scale model for plant canopy flows (A revised edition); (part2) an application of the model to an open channel flow 362 17:15 Okaze T.1, Takano Y.1, Mochida A.1, Tominaga Y.2 1 Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 2Niigata Institute of Technology, Kasiwazaki, Japan Development of a new k-ε model for reproducing aerodynamic effects of snow particles on flowfield 364 17:35 End of oral presentations Thursday 11:00 12.06.2014 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO WIND Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Franke, Sarkic 11:05 Šarkić A.1, Höffer R.2, Brčić S.1 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 2RuhrUniversität Bochum, Building Aerodynamics Laboratory, Bochum, Germany Computation of flow separations from bridge girders and effects on flutter derivatives 366 11:25 Stengel D.1, Clobes M.2, Mehdianpour M.1 1 BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany, 2 Institute of Steel Structures, Technische Universität Carolo Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, Germany Overhead transmission line cables under wind gust loading measurements and numerical simulations 368 11:45 Tran D.A.1, Katsuchi H.1, Yamada H.1, Nishio M.1 1 Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan Numerical study on aerodynamic characteristics of a box girder section with flap attached 370 24 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 12:05 Szabó G.1, Kristóf G.2, Pálossy M.3 1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 2Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 3 Pont-Terv Ltd., Budapest, Hungary On a novel three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction technique application to a pedestrian bridge with a main span of 120m 372 12:25 Yu J.1, Li M.1, Wang Q.1, Liao H.1, Research Centre for Wind Engineering 1 Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China Numerical simulation on influence of web slopes of box girder on aerodynamic characteristics 374 12:45 LUNCH 14:15 Lecture theatre B Session chairs: Sarkic, Franke 14:20 Zhan H.1 1 China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China Flutter stability studies of long span suspension bridge with streamline steel box girder of different fairing by numerical simulation 376 14:40 Zhu L.-D.1,2,3, Meng X.-L.3, Xu Y.-L.4, Guo Z.-S.2,3 1 Tongji University, State Key Lab. of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2Key Lab. of Wind Resistance Technology of Bridges of Ministry of Transport, Shanghai, China, 3Tongji University, Department of Bridge Engineering, Shanghai, China, 4The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dept.of Civil and Environment Engineering, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Full bridge analysis of nonlinear vortex-induced resonance of a long-span cable-stayed bridge with a steel flat closed box deck 378 15:00 Thiis T.K.1,2, Ferreira A.3 1 UMB, Dept. Math. Sci. and Technology, AAS, Norway, 2University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 3University of Coimbra, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal The sheltering effect of an artificial forest 380 15:20 End of oral presentations, remain in lecture theatre B for concluding remarks 15:45 COFFEE, TEA 11:00 MODEL DEVELOPMENT Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Rossi, Grawe 11:05 Balogh M.1, Parente A.2 1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Departmant of Fluid Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary, 2Université Libre de Bruxelles, Department of Aero-Thermo-Mechanics, Brussels, Belgium Extended formulation of an enhanced k-ε model for realizable boundary conditions 25 382 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg 11:25 Vonlanthen M.1,2, Moonen P.1,2, Carmeliet J.1,2 1 ETHZ, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland One-way nested Large-Eddy Simulation for obstacle resolved flow over extended urban areas 384 11:45 Xuan Y.1, Iizuka S.1 1 Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan Effects of imposing the continuity condition on artificially generated inflow turbulence 386 12:05 Kondo H.1, Inagaki A.2, Kanda M.2 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Research Institute for Environmental Management Technology, Tsukuba, Japan, 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan A new parameterization of a scale length in urban canopy using LES database and its application to Nagoya city 388 12:25 Fang F.-M.1, Tsai M.-W.1, Chung C.-Y.1, Chen C.-H.2 1 National Chung Hsing University, Department of Civil Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2National University of Kaosiung, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kaosiung, Taiwan, Republic of China Simulation of flow past discrete broad-leaf trees 390 12:45 LUNCH Lecture theatre J Session chairs: Grawe, Rossi 14:20 Xu K.1, Ge Y.1 1 Tongji University, State Key Lab of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China New parameter identification method of wake oscillator model for bluff body vortex-induced vibration 392 14:40 Li S.1, Tse T.1 1 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Inlet boundary conditions to yield the sustainable wind profiles in CFD simulations: mean wind profiles from meso-scale models 394 15:00 Yang Y.1, Xie Z.1, Shi B.1, Gu M.2 1 South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, 2Tongji University, Shanghai, China The neutral equilibrium atmospheric boundary layer model for the SST kω model 396 15:20 End of oral presentations, go to lecture theatre B for concluding remarks 15:45 COFFEE, TEA 26 08. June - 13. June 2014 11:00 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg WIND HAZARDS Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Kallos, Bitsuamlak 11:05 Knigge C.1, Raasch S.1 1 Universität Hannover, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Hannover, Germany Analysis of one- and two-dimensional mean gust shapes using a LargeEddy Simulation model 398 11:25 Li L.1, Chan P.W.2, Li M.1 1 Shenzhen National Climate Observatory, Meteorological Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen, China, 2Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China CFD simulation on lee waves induced by three-dimensional mountain 400 11:45 Aboshosha H.1, Bitsuamlak G.1,2, El Damatty A.1 1 Western University, London, Canada, 2WindEEE Research Institute, London, Canada Turbulent characteristics of a stationary downburst for an open terrain condition using LES 402 12:05 Huang G.1 1 Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Chengdu, China Time-frequency analysis of non-stationary processes based on multivariate empirical mode decomposition 404 12:25 Noda M.1, Masai K.2, Ninomiya M.3, Nagao F.1 1 The University of Tokushima, Institute of Technology and Science, Tokushima, Japan, 2Daitetsu Kogyo Co.Ltd., Osaka, Japan, 3Takadakiko Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan Behavior of flying debris in tornado-like flow 406 12:45 LUNCH Lecture theatre M Session chairs: Leitl, Kallos 14:20 Sakuma Y.1, Tamura T.1, Tamura Research Group 1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Nagatsuta, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan DNS of tornado type of vertical vortex under convective condition 408 14:40 Lee S.1, Kim J.Y.1, Kim G.Y.1 1 Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea, Republic of Development of Monte Carlo simulation for wind vulnerability of longspan bridge 410 15:00 Sim T.S.1, Skote M.1 1 Nanjang Technological University Investigation of dry microburst-like wind interacting with high-rise buildings in urban areas using OpenFOAM 412 15:20 End of oral presentations, go to lecture theatre B for concluding remarks 15:45 COFFEE, TEA 27 08. June - 13. June 2014 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg POSTER PRESENTATIONS Monday 09.06.2014 ENTRANCE AREA – GUIDED POSTER TOURS STARTING AT NAMED TIMES 18:00 MODEL QUALITY ASSURANCE Session chair: Schlünzen Barmpas F.1, Trini Castelli S.2, Franke J.3, Leitl B.4, Harms F.4, Andronopoulos S.5, Balczo M.6, Hellsten A.7 1 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mechanical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council, Torino, Italy, 3Vietnamese-German University (VGU), Binh Duong New City, Viet Nam, 4University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 5National Centre for Scientific Research 'Demokritos', Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, Greece, 6Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Fluid Mechanics, Budapest, Hungary, 7Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Dispersion Modelling Group, Helsinki, Finland Model evaluation protocol for cases of emergency response in urban areas 416 Gawlok S.1, Heuveline V.1 1 Heidelberg University, Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL) / Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg, Germany Explicit time-stepping methods in earth-system-models 418 Yoshie R.1, Okaze T.2, Tominaga Y.3, Shirasawa T.4, Mochida A.2, Architectural Institute of Japan 1 Tokyo Polytechnic University, Department of Architecture, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan, 2Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 3Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazaki, Niigata, Japan, 4Otsuma Women's University, Tama, Tokyo, Japan AIJ cooperative project for practical application of CFD to pollutant/thermal dispersion in urban areas (Part 1) Introduction of benchmark tests 420 Yoshie R.1, Okaze T.2, Tominaga Y.3, Shirasawa T.4, Imano M.5, Mochida A.2, Architectural Institute of Japan 1 Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan, 2Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 3Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazaki, Niigata, Japan, 4 Otsuma Women's University, Tama, Tokyo, Japan, 5OCAEL Co. Ltd., Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan AIJ cooperative project for practical application of CFD to pollutant/thermal dispersion in urban areas (Part 3) Pollutant/thermal dispersion in simple street canyon models 422 Rau G.1, Vergeiner J.2, Rotach M.W.3 1 Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Umwelt, Wien, Austria, 2 Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Innsbruck, Austria, 3Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Innsbruck, Austria Comparison of modelled and measured wind fields in an Alpine valley 424 28 08. June - 13. June 2014 18:15 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg WIND ENERGY Session chair: Emeis 18:25 Aboshosha H.1,2, Peddie K.3, Rofail A.W.3 1 Western University, London, Canada, 2Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 3Windtech Consultants, Sydney, Australia Parametric study on the natural ventilation of a building with large atrium using hybrid CFD-wind tunnel approach 426 Rasouli A.1, Romanic D.1, Hangan H.1, C. M. Jubayer1 1 WindEEE Research Institute, Western University, London, Canada Sustainability analysis for an urban block: wind energy production 428 Linde M.1, Eichhorn A.1, Schlünzen K. H.1 1 Meteorological Institute, CEN, University of Hamburg Impact of off-shore wind parks on local and regional meteorology 430 WIND IN LOCAL ENVIRONMENTS Session chair: Höffer 18:35 Burlando M.1, Repetto M.P.1, Solari G.1 1 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Wind and waves numerical forecasting for safety access to port areas: the “Wind, Ports, and Sea” project 432 Liu X.1, Wu Q.1, Zou H.1, Cheng X.2, Zeng Q.2 1 Meteorological Sciences Institute of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang, China, 2 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Some characteristics of the surface boundary layer of a strong wind process over Southern China 434 Takane Y.1, Kusaka H.2, Kondo H.1 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, 2University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan Mechanisms of foehn wind and a recent record-breaking high temperature in the Tokyo metropolitan area using the WRF model 436 LOAD ON STRUCTURES Session chair: Leitl Cummings R.M.1, Sahni O.2, Letchford C.1 1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Troy, United States, 2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Mechanical Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Troy, United States Numerical Study of the Effects of Free-stream Turbulence on a Square Prism 29 438 08. June - 13. June 2014 16:35 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg Jamińska P.1, Lipecki T.1, Błazik-Borowa E.1 1 Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland CFD study and wind tunnel measurements of flow around prism 440 Rocchi D.1, Schito P.1, Tomasini G.1, Cheli F.1 1 Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milano, Italy Numerical prediction of high speed train slipstream 442 Nasir Z.1, Bitsuamlak G.1, Hangan H.1 1 Western University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, London, Canada Computational modeling of tornadic load on a rectangular building 444 Wednesday 11.06.2014 ENTRANCE AREA – GUIDED POSTER TOURS STARTING AT NAMED TIMES 17:30 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO WIND Session chair: Bletzinger Tai C.-H.1, Hsu U.-K.2, Miao J.-M.3 National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Department of Vehicle Engineering, Pingtung, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2Air Force Institute of Technology, Department of Aircraft Engineering, Kaohsing, Taiwan, Republic of China, 3National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Department of Biomech. Engineering, Pingtung, Taiwan, Republic of China Numerical studies of the tubal wind turbine and the windmill analysis 446 Hwang Y.-C.1, Kim H.-K.2, Hong Y.-H.3, Lee H.-S.2 1 Seoul National University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States Steady state excitation technique for the identification of flutter derivatives 448 Yan Z.1,2, Li Z.1,2, Deng P.3, Yu D.1,2 1 Chongqing University, College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing, China, 2 Chongqing University, Key Laboratory of Construction and New Technology of Mountainous Region Cities, Chongqing, China, 3Chongqing Vocational College of Architecture Engineering, Chongqing, China Wind-induced response to turbulent buffeting of cross-rope transmission tower-line 450 1 17:40 WIND WITHIN THE CANOPY LAYER Session chair: Franke Montazeri H.1, Blocken B.1,2, Janssen W.1, van Hooff T.1 Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Leuven University, Department of Civil Engineering, Leuven, Belgium Numerical evaluation of wind comfort on high-rise building balconies: validation and application 1 30 452 08. June - 13. June 2014 17:30 Program of CWE2014 Hamburg MODEL DEVELOPMENT Session chair: Katz Hiraoka H.1 Kyoto University, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto, Japan A one-equation subgrid-scale model for plant canopy flows (A revised edition); (part1) modeling 454 Tominaga Y.1 1 Niigata Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Kashiwazaki, Japan CFD simulation of flowfield around a high-rise building: model evaluation of URANS 456 1 31
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