egkjk"V 'Aklu vkjksX; lsok lapkyuky;]eqacbZ Tel. No. 022 - 22651026/22631831, Fax No. 022 - 22625799 e-mail - [email protected] [Ajsnh d{A] 1yk etyk] vkjksX; HAou] lsaV tkWtsZl jQX.Aky; vkokj] eaqcbZ & 1- fufonk lqpuk fnukad %& 26$05$2014 fufonk dz-bZ& 14$lavkls$[kjsnh d{k$YkkWax ykLVhax csMusV$eysjh;k$2014 &15 lglapkyd vkjksX; lsok] ([kjsnh d{k) eqacbZ gs egkjk"V! 'kklukP;k orhus jkT;krhy eysjhvk foHkkxklkBh vko';d vl.kkjs YkkWax ykLVhax csMusV [kjsnhlkBh mRiknd ;kapsdMwu fofgr ueqU;kr nksu fyiQkiQk i/nrhus bZ fufonk ekxfor vkgs- gh tkghjkr egkjk"V! 'Aklu jkti_A HAkx&2 e/;s lq/nk izfl/n dj.;kr ;sr vkgs fufonk dzekad fo"A; Long lasting Insecticide Bed nets (LLIN) (Double) bZ 14 Long lasting Insecticide Bed nets (LLIN) (Single) fufonk fodzhpk dkyko/Ah 29$05$2014 rs 19$06$2014 nqikjh 2-00 i;Zar fufonk fufonk lknj fufonk canph r;kjhlkBh dj.;kpk rkjh[k dkyko/kh fnukad 29$05$2014 19$06$2014 rs nqikjh 19$06$2014 2-01 nqikjh rs 2-00 i;Zar 5-00 i;Zar fufonk m?kM.;kpk fnukad 19$06$2014 23$06$2014 la/;k 5-01 nqikjh 2-01 rs rs 23$06$2014 la/;k 5-30 nqikjh i;Zar 2-00 i;Zar 2- vf/kd ekfgrhlkBh bPNqd mRiknd ;kauh, vkf.k http://maha;k ladsrLFkGkoj laidZ lk/kkok3bPNqd mRiknd ;kauk vkWuykbZu fufonk lknj dj.;klkBh jQ-1038$& Hkjkos ykxrhyfufonk 'kqYd jQi;s 2000$& fdaerhpk fMekaM M!kiQV *lglapkyd]vkjksX; lsok][kjsnh d{k]eqqacbZ* ;kaaps ukao fnukad 19-06-2014 jksth nqikjh 2-00 oktsi;Zar fdaok R;kiwohZ lglapkyd vkjksX; lsok ([kjsnh d{k)] vkjksX; Hkou] 1 yk etyk] lsaV tkWtZsl jQX.kky; vkokj] N_kirh f'kokth VfeZul toG] eqacbZ&400 001 ;k dk;kZy;kl dk;kZy;hu dkedktkP;k fno'kh lknj djkok4fufonsps osGki_kd ;k laadsrLFkGkoj igkos5lglapkyd vkjksX; lsok ([kjsnh d{k) eqacbZ ;kauh fufonsrhy dhVph la[;k deh$ vf/kd dj.;kps vkf.k dks.krsgh dkj.k u nsrk fufonk ukdkj.;kps vf/kdkj Lor%dMs jk[kwu Bsoys vkgsrbZ&fufonsckcrP;k enrhlkBh $ ekfgrhlkBh d=i;k [kkyhy uewn dsY;kizek.ks laidZ lk/kkokladsrLFkG %& laidZ dzekad % 020-25315555 / 9167969601- 04 Email [email protected] website :- lglapkyd vkjksX; lsok ([kjsnh d{k) eqacbZ- GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA Directorate of Health Services, Mumbai Tel. No. 022 - 22651026/22631831, Fax No. 022 - 22625799 e-mail - [email protected] Procurement Cell, 1st Floor, Arogya Bhavan, St.Georges Hospital Compund, MUMBAI - 400 001. TENDER NOTICE Date :- 26 .05.2014 Tender. No. E-14 /DHS/PC/ Long lasting bed nets / Malaria /2014-15 1. Joint Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell), Mumbai on behalf of Government of Maharashtra invites tenders in two envelope systems from the Manufacturers for the purchase of following Long lasting bed nets for the use of Malaria Programme . The Advertise is also being published in Maharashtra Govt. Gazette Supplement – II. Tender Name of Instruments & Equipments No. Long lasting Insecticide Bed nets (LLIN) (Double) E-14 Long lasting Insecticide Bed nets (LLIN) (Single) Period of Sale of Bid Period for Closing of Bid Bid Preparation 29.05.2014 29.05.2014 19.06.2014 to to 14.01 Hrs. 19.06.2014 19.06.2014 to up to up to 17:00 Hrs. 14:00 hrs. 14:00 hrs. Date of Bid Bid Opening Submission 19.06.2014 17:01 Hrs. to 23.06.2014 14.00 Hrs. 23.06.2014 14:01 Hrs. to 17:30 Hrs. 2. For detailed information, the Manufacturers interested in bidding may visit the website, 3. The interested Manufacturer will have to pay service providers fee for online submission of Bid @ Rs.1038/-. The non-refundable tender fee @ of Rs.2000/- will have to be paid by demand draft, drawn in favor of "Jt.Director of Health Services, Procurementcell,Mumbai". payable at Mumbai and to submitted in the office of Jt. Director (Procurement Cell) Arogya Bhavan, 1st Floor, St. Georges Hospital Compound, Near C.S.T. Station, Mumbai-400 001 on or before 19.06.2014 up to 14.00 hrs. during the office hours on working day. 4. Time schedule can be seen on the website 5. The Joint Director of Health Services (P. Cell), Mumbai reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be purchased and also reserves the right to cancel all the tenders without giving any reason to. For e-tendering help/ information, please contact. Website :- Contact No.020-25315555 / 9167969601- 04 Email - [email protected] Jt. Director of Health Services (Procurement Cell) Mumbai. website :-
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