DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014 (PAGE 17) CAG will audit private cos, PPPs having revenue sharing pact NEW DELHI, May 13: Regretting that economic progress has thrown up a class of ‘rent seekers’, Comptroller and Auditor General Shashi Kant Sharma today said the CAG will continue to audit private companies and Private Public Partnership (PPP) projects in cases where revenue sharing with the government is involved. “Work on telecom audit is already in progress and I am hopeful that our first report would be ready before the year end. A report on gas and oil exploration will be presented to Parliament soon. We will be taking up performance audit of some ongoing PPP projects shortly,” he said while speaking at a conference on corporate fraud. Noting that CAG audit will not cause any discouragement to investors, Sharma said, “in a mature market economy, where there is very little scope for manipulations and fudging, why should companies fear such audit if they have nothing to hide.” Capitalism based on rent seeking, he said “is not just unfair, but also bad for long term growth. In such an environment, resources are misallocated, competition is repressed and dynamic new firms are stifled by better connected players”. Rent seeking refers to instances when a company or individual use public resources to obtain economic gain from others without reciprocating any benefits back to society. (PTI) UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Sub Office, Jammu 7A/1C East Extension, Jammu NOTIFICATION It is notified for the information of all concerned that the last date for submission of Admission forms of B.Ed. Examination in respect of candidates batch 2013-14 enrolled through Directorate of Distance Education Jammu chapter and all eligible backlog candidates has been fixed 22nd of May 2014. Sd/Assistant Controller of Examinations ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL SAMBA (J&K) REQUIRES VICE PRINCIPAL 1, Eligibility Conditions :(a) PGTs. The min qualification for PGTs is Master's Degree with at least five years teaching experience in recognized college/10+2 school. (b) Trained Graduate Heads of High Schools. The incumbent should have 15 years of teaching experience of secondary classes ( including at least 05 years administrative experience as Head of a recognized High School). The minimum age for Trained Graduate Heads would be 45 years on the last laid down date for submission of application. 2. Application form can be obtained from school office on cash payment of Rs 100/- for the post on all working days from 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs. Application form along with attested copies of qualification certificates will be submitted to this office latest by 13 Jun 2014. Date of interview will be intimated later after short listing the candidates. PRINCIPAL KIND ATTENTION CANDIDATES OF 1-BARAMULLA, 2-SRINAGAR & 3-ANANTNAG PARLIMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PHE CIVIL SUB-DIVISION KHOUR OFFICE ORDER OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PHE DIVISION UDHAMPUR Sub : Establishment of the Control Rook The roaster of the staff being deputed in the control room established in the PHE Divisional Office Udhampur is as below with immediate effect :CONTROL ROOM PHONE No. 01992-270793 S. Time of the Shift Name of official Days No. 1. From 8.00 AM to 2.00 PM Camp Clerk/Accounts Clerk/ All working days of the Stock Clerk week 2. From 2.00 PM to 6.00 PM Asstt Engineers/Jr. Engineers All days of the week /Drawing Branch/Work Supervisors The roaster on day basis from 02.00 PM to 06.00 PM is below Day Name of Officer/Official Contact No. Monday Sh Naresh Singh Jr. Engineer 90580-05921 Sh Ramesh Chander Work Supervisor 94196-70039 Tuesday Sh Anil Sharma Jr Engineer 94191-15030 Sh Kameshwar Sharma Work Supervisor 94692-02370 Wednesday Sh Mahesh Sharma Asstt. Engineer 94191-69298 Sh Rajinder Heera Work Supervisor 98582-70502 Thursday Sh Rajesh Kumar Draftsman 94191-58030 Sh Rashpaul Singh Orderly 99061-61255 Friday Sh Ravikant Kudyar Draftsman 94191-58299 Sh Kameshwar Sharma Work Supervisor 94692-02370 Saturday Sh Mohit Gupta Jr Engineer 94196-92298 Sh Romesh Chander Work Supervisor 94196-70039 Sunday & Sh ViKundalSharma JE 99060-71769 Holidays Sh Gagan Gupta JE 94191-59059 Sh Virender Kapoor JE 94197-77521 Sh Kuldeep Singh JE 94191-22227 Sh Arun Gupta Draftsman from 08.00 AM 98586-39260 Sh Parvesh Kumar Sr. Asstt. to 06.00 PM 94191-47507 Sh Pritam Singh Sr. Asstt. On rotational basis 94197-94092 Sh Satish Chander Sr. Asstt 94191-12544 Sh Jaber Singh ALM 94197-96488 Sh Hem Raj ALM 94197-96490 Moreover the Mobile Nos of the Asstt. Ex Engineers of PHE Sub - Division Udhampur/Ramnagar/Chenani is as under :S. Name of the Asstt. Ex Engineer with Mobile No. No. Sub- Division 1. Sh Ashish Sharma AEE Udhampur 94191-48535 2. Sh Shiv Abrol AEE Ramnagar 94192-24071 3. Sh Girdhari Lal AEE Chenani 94196-29837 Sd/Ashwani Kumar Anand Executive Engineer PHE Division Udhampur Mob. No. 94191-44428 DIP/J-450 Dt : 12/5/14 GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, JAMMU Wazarat Road, Jammu 180001 (J&K) Ph: +91-191-2544366, Fax: +91-191-2546223 Website: www.jammu.gov.in E-mail:[email protected]&[email protected] Ref. No.171/DMJ/2014 DIP/J-448 Dt: 12-5-2014 Sd/Assistant Executive Engineer PHE Civil Sub Khour GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU & KASHMIR OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER REVENUE, (COMPETENT AUTHORITY), KATHUA. Notification No. 08 Dated: 08-05-2014 In exercise of the powers conferred upon me vide SRO-365, dated: 13-08-2013, I, Suraj Parkash Rukwal, KAS, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, (Competent Authority), Kathua, under sub section (1) of section 3 of the Jammu & Kashmir Underground Public Utilities (Acquisition of Rights of User in Land) Act, 2014, do hereby notify that the rights of user in land, particulars of which are given below is likely to be needed for the public utilities namely underground laying of gas pipelines or any other utility situated in village Chak Nanak Tehsil & District Kathua for Public purposes. Objection, if any, in writing with regard to acquisition of rights of user in respect of particulars of land mentioned below in schedule of property will be received by the undersigned either directly or through legal practitioner within a statutory period of thirty (30) days, from the date of publication of this notification in the news paper. Schedule of Property: DIP/J-438 Dt: 13-5-2014 Sd/S.P. Rukwal, KAS Assistant Commissioner, Revenue (Competent Authority) Kathua ABRIDGE NOTICE INVITING TENDER For and on behalf of the Chairman, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board sealed tenders are invited on the prescribed format, duly affixed with revenue stamps worth Rupees six only for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 08 Nos. (08 Passenger capacity each) Elevators at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Institute of Medical Excellence, Kakryal (Katra). FOR at respective sites of installation by or before 03-6-2014 upto 3 pm. IST. The tender documents containing detailed terms, conditions and tender format can be had from the Central Office of the Shrine Board Katra against cash payment of Rs. 2,500/- (Non-transferable & Non-refundable) on any working day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the same can also be downloaded from our webstie “www.maavaishnodevi.org.’ No.: Co/Pur/279-VI/1842 Dated: 13-5-2014 Sd/Addl Chief Executive Officer Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Katra Office of the Asstt. Returning Officer (M) Asstt. Commissioner (Central) with Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Rail Head Complex, Jammu. It is hereby informed through the medium of this notice to all Contesting Candidates of 1Baramulla, 2-Srinagar and 3-Anantang Parliamentary Constituencies that counting of migrant votes shall be held on 16-05-2014, at Govt. Women's Polytechnic College, Shakti Nagar Jammu from 08:00 AM onwards. Accordingly the Contesting Candidates/Election Agents/Counting Agents are advised to reach the counting center by 06:00AM on the day of counting for early security check and reporting to the undersigned. Some important instructions for Contesting Candidates/Election Agents/Counting Agents are as follows: z Please do not bring Mobile Phone/Cameras or any other electronic items as these are strictly prohibited as per Election Commission of India's guidelines. z No replacement of counting agents is allowed after the commencement of Counting Process. z Further, please follow the instructions of Counting Officers for the smooth conduct of counting process. A briefing regarding the process of counting shall be given on 15-05-2014 at 10:00AM at Govt. Women's Polytechnic College, Shakti Nagar Jammu to all Candidates/Election Agents/Counting Agents. Sd/(Sachan Dev Singh) KAS, DIP/J-470 Asstt. Returning Officer (Migrants) Dt: 13-5-2014 (A.C.C with Div. Com. Jammu) SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI SHRINE BOARD, KATRA Dated: 10-05-2014 Sub:- Order u/s 133 Cr. P.C. for removal of Mobile Phone Tower of Bharti Infratel Limited 901, Park Centra, Sector 30 NH-8, Gurgaon (Circle Office: Bharti Infratel Limited, 4th Floor, Hotel TRG, Rail Head Complex, Near Bahu Plaza, Jammu) installed in residential plot of Smt. Satya Devi W/o Sh. Rehlu Ram R/o Krishna Nagar Lane No. 6 (Maralian) Miran Sahib R.S. Pura, Jammu ORDER Whereas, a written complaint, has been received from Sh. Dara Singh (Naib Sarpanch) Panchayat, Maralian Block R.S. Pura with an objection against the erected Mobile Phone Tower of Bharti Infratel Limited (Aircel, Bharti Ltd) installed and functioning in residential plot of Smt. Satya Devi W/o Rehlu Ram R/o Krishna Nagar Lane No. 6 (Maralian) Miran Sahib, R.S. Pura. Whereas, Sh. Dara Singh (Naib Sarpanch) and local residents appeared before the u/s along with the copy of the written complaint duly signed by the residents and pleaded for the removal of said tower supporting the cause by elaborating the health hazards of the tower causing mental agony and deterious effects on the residents living in the vicinity. Whereas, it has been further alleged that the said erected Mobile Phone Tower of Bharti Infratel Limited (Airtel Bharti Ltd) is at few meters distance from the adjoining houses thus causing mental agony insomnia and health hazards to the people living around. Whereas, it has been alleged that the operation of said Mobile Phone Tower of Bharti Infratel Limited (Airtel Bharti Ltd) in the residential plot of Smt. Satya Devi W/o Sh. Rehlu Ram R/o Krishna Nagar Lane No. 6 (Maralian) Miran Sahib is unlawful and violates the guidelines of Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and conflicts with the Article 21 (the right to life and liberty) of the Constitution which enshrines the right to live with human dignity, free from exploitation and health hazards. Whereas, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Hon’ble High Courts of different States have issued directions thereby prohibiting the installation and operation of Mobile towers in and around residential areas and Educational Institutions in order to safeguard the lives of the humans form deadly radiations emitting from such towers undoubtedly causing health hazards/ As also causing psychological unrest, mental agony and discomfort to the society. Whereas, Sec 133 of CrPC empowers the Executive Magistrate Ist Class to take cognizance of such matters causing health hazards/endanger human life and to declare them as “Public Nuisance’ and thereby order removal of such public nuisance. Therefore in exercise of the powers vested in me under Sec 133 CrPC, I hereby directed the Circle Incharge/Head Bharti Infratel Limited 901, Park Centra, Sector 30 NH-8. Gurgaon (Circle Office, Bharti Infratel Limited, 4th Floor, Hotel TRG, Rail Head Complex, Near Bahu Plaza, Jammu) to appear before this court and to show cause as to why action under Sec 133 of CrPC be not initiated and the Public Nuisance i.e. the said Mobile Phone Tower be got removed. The said Organization is further directed to show cause within 07 days from the issuance/publication of this Order in local dailies and appear before this court on 17th May 2014 (Friday) at 01.00 P.M. in support of their defense, failing which this order shall be made absolute and nuisance be got removed. Issued under my seal and signature today on 10-05-2014. DIP/J-430 Sd/Dated: 12-5-2014 K.S. Parihar (KAS) Add. District Magistrate, Jammu UMEED OFFICE OF THE MISSION DIRECTOR, JKSRLM, Srinagar 13-Mahjoor Apartments Opposite Hamza Mosque, Raj Bagh, Srinagar-190008 E-mail:[email protected]: umeedjk.inTele/Fax: 0194-2311557 NOITCE It is to inform the general public that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has created an independent Society in the name of J&K State Rural Livelihoods Society to implement the centrally sponsored scheme of National Rural Livelihoods Mission. The Project has been given local name UMEED and is implemented on pilot basis in limited number of CD Blocs. Recently advertisements have been issued by some Rural Development Society inviting applications from the locals for appointments. During the last few days a few phone calls were received by this office stating that they have been given to understand that the candidates shall be appointed in various programmes of Rural Development Department including the J&K chapter of NRLM. It is hereby made clear that J&K State Rural Livelihoods Society, has not authorized any agency to make appointments on itsbehalf ; neither does it recognize any such body, as such.The Project shall not be held responsible for any such appoints. Therefore, the public is hereby advised to remain cautious and not to accept any offer for appointment in NRLM from any agency, whatsoever. The Umeed project has its own recruitment policy which is governed by the guidelines of Government of India and supervised by the National Mission Management Unit of NRLM, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. (Farooq Ahmad Peer, IAS Rtd.) State Mission Director State Rural Livelihoods Mission GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR OFFICE OF THE TRANSPORT COMMISSIONER, J&K SRINAGAR Tel No. 0191-2476091, Fax No. 0191-2479914 (Jammu Nov-April) Tel No. 0194-2455048, Fax No. 0194-2452520 (Sgr May-Oct) Shri Rajesh Gupta, S.o Shri Rattan Chand Gupta, R/o Staff Quarters, B-09 Polytechnic, Bikram Chowk, Jammu Subject : Notice Whereas, the recommendations of Service Selection Board regarding appointments of Motor Vehicle Inspectors (Jammu/Kashmir Division) was received through Administrative Department vide letter No. TR-17/MVD/2014 dated 25.02.2014 wherein your name figures at Sr. No. 01 (open merit) of Jammu Division. Whereas, an appointment order was issued by this office vide Order No. 15TC of 2014 dated 25.02.2014 with the directions to all the appointees to report in the office of Transport Commissioner within 21 days failing which appointments shall be deemed to have been cancelled. Whereas, after expiry of more than 21 days you failed to report to the office of Transport Commissioner, J&K, Jammu. Whereas, a notice was served to you through speed post vide this office No. TC/JK/Esttb/ 2014/2587-88 dated 02-04-2014 on the above address as well as through the medium of newspapers to report this office within 7 days alongwith all required documents in original. Whereas, you have neither reponded to the said notice nor have joined this office despite lapse of condiderable time. Now therefore, a final notice is served upon you to report this office within 07 days failing which it shall be presumed that you are not interested to work in this department and substitute from the waiting list shall be sought from the service Selection Board against your place. DIPK-351 Dt: 10-5-14 Sd/(Saurabh Bhagat) IAS Transport Commissioner, J&K Srinagar
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