CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED – Approved For Public Release Helicopter Airframe Fatigue Spectra Generation By Luther Krake Presented by John Vine at FATIGUE 2014 Melbourne, Australia 5 March 2014 Background & Objective DSTO has undertaken a project to improve its fatigue analysis and fatigue testing capability for helicopters. H-60 airframe being used as a test bed Fatigue analysis for design or in-service life management typically starts with the Design usage Spectrum (DUS) – consists of an ordered sequence of flight and ground regimes and their durations What data does DSTO have to generate fatigue spectra? – H-60 DUS description – Australian Black Hawk flight test data Helicopter Airframe Fatigue Spectra Generation Purpose: – To generate flight-byflight fatigue sequences consistent with DUS. What are the fatigue drivers? 3 The Spectrum Generation Process MH-60S DESIGN USAGE SPECTRUM1 SEQUENCE REGIMES ASSIGN FLIGHT LOADS DATA BLACK HAWK FLIGHT STRAIN SURVEY DATA2 SCALING TRUNCATION FURTHER PROCESSING 1. 2. ‘MH-60S Dynamic Component Fatigue Substantiation’, SER-521877, Sikorsky, 2009. ‘Joint USAF-ADF S-70A-9 Flight Test Program, Summary Report’, A-6186, GTRI, 2001 ETC MH-60S Design Usage Spectrum (DUS) Why use DUS? – No OLM data, no whole flights; hence, need to build spectra up from pieces – Choice (today) 45-45-10 composite spectrum: – 45% Vertical Replenishment (VERTREP) – 45% Armed Helicopter (ARMED HELO) – 10% Airborne Mine Countermeasures (AMCM) Worst case spectrum: – Occurrence rates for the most damaging manoeuvres are set at the highest rates anticipated in service 123 conditions in total, consisting of: – 83 ‘basic’ (non mission specific) – 40 mission-specific MH-60S DUS Regime Sequencing: Process Overview STEP 1: GENERATE BASIC FRAMEWORKS FOR ALL FLIGHTS INSERT TAKE-OFFS & LANDINGS INSERT GROUND REGIMES + ROTOR ENGAGE/SHUTDOWNS INSERT TRANSIENT REGIMES, CLIMBS & DIVES STEP 2: REFINEMENT & COMPLETION INSERT MISSING REGIMES DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES SMOOTH LEVEL FLIGHT ACCELERATIONS/DECELERATIONS DISTRIBUTE TIME FOR STEADY-STATE CONDITIONS ASSIGN GW PRORATES Regime Sequencing: STEP 1 TAXI TURN LANDING TAKE-OFF TAXI ROTOR ENGAGE Insert landings, take-offs, ground regimes + rotor engage/shutdowns: TAXI LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Insert transient regimes, climbs & dives: TAKE-OFF Regime Sequencing: STEP 1 ROTOR ENGAGE TAXI LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Basic framework but needs further refinement: TAKE-OFF Regime Sequencing: STEP 1 Complete ROTOR ENGAGE TAXI LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LAT REV LF LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Insert missing regimes (e.g. control revs, sideslip, etc): TAKE-OFF Regime Sequencing: STEP 2 ROTOR ENGAGE TAXI LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.5VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LAT REV LF LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Smooth level flight accelerations/decelerations: TAKE-OFF Regime Sequencing: STEP 2 ROTOR ENGAGE TAXI LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.5VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LAT REV LF LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Delete adjacent duplicates: TAKE-OFF Regime Sequencing: STEP 2 ROTOR ENGAGE TAXI LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.5VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LAT REV LF LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Delete adjacent duplicates: TAKE-OFF Regime Sequencing: STEP 2 ROTOR ENGAGE TAKE-OFF LF 0.4VH STDY CLIMB LF 0.4VH LF 0.5VH LF 0.6VH E&R 30 RT 30 TRN RT E&R 30 RT LF 0.6VH E&R PPD STDY PPD E&R PPD LF 0.6VH LAT REV LF LF 0.6VH LANDING TAXI TURN Distribute time for steady-state conditions: TAXI Regime Sequencing: STEP 2 ROTOR ENGAGE Regime Sequencing Example Flight Loads Data Assignment Purpose: – To assign flight loads data to each regime in the sequence. Method: – Identity candidate Flight Strain Survey (FSS) data files based on regime name and GW – Rank candidates WRT selected flight state parameters in order to minimize unrepresentative load changes between regimes – Adjust ‘actual’ durations to match ‘nominal’ durations (steady-state regimes only). Black Hawk FSS Data Major flight strain survey conducted in 2000 at the Army Research & Development Unit (ARDU), RAAF Edinburgh, South Australia. Over 250 parameters measured, including: – 51 flight state & control system parameters – 217 airframe strain gauges – 18 airframe accelerations – 16 GW/CG loadings – 65 productive flight test hours Sample Single Flight Spectrum Black Hawk Main Transmission Support Beam (cabin roof) located strain gauge Sample 100 Hour Block Spectrum Summary DSTO has developed an automated means of pseudo-randomly generating helicopter fatigue spectra. Currently using Black Hawk FSS data and MH60S DUS but could be adapted to use other data. Initial emphasis is on creating as realistic ‘raw’ spectrum as possible. Next Steps: – Make the spectra usable for analysis and test purposes via truncation and further simplification. Acknowledgements Mr Phil Jackson and Mr Rob Boykett (DSTO) Mr Nam Phan, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), United States Navy (USN) Dr Arvind Sinha, Helicopter Systems Division (HSD), Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)
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