ssdn JULY 30, 2014 final.pmd

uti Goenka MEMORIAL
Dr.. Shr
Spondylitis, Disc Problems, tksM+ksa ds
nnZ] Bell’s Palsy, Facial Palsy, Paralysis, ltZjh ls igys o ltZjh ds ckn
fdlh Hkh izdkj dh gfM~M;ksa dh nnZ dk
lqcg o ‘kke miyC/k (On appointment)
Dr. Shalya Goenka
Mob : 9882370606, 01894-231432
Vol: XV
dye ds flikgh vxj lks tk,a] rks oru ds dfFkr elhgk oru csp nsaxs] oru csp nsaxs---
PALAMPUR : JULY 31, 2014
Visit us :
RNI No. 72401/99 (Regd.No.HP-25 DMA, Valid Upto 31-12-2014)
2 Kanals prominent plot at
highay ne ar Thakurdwara
(Palampur) at Mansimbal
with 4 Shops, is for
immediate sale, or on
lease. Boundary wall, 20 HP
3 phase electric connection,
water supply tap.
Contact : 9418130904
Wanted a plot in or
around Palampur upto
Banuri. constructed
house also required
within the viscinity of
Palampur. Please
contact : 97362-91000
One kanal Drive in plot located on MalanChamunda Devi Road, appx. one kilometer from
Malan is immediately for sale. Title clear. No
dispute. Picturesque view.
Most Prime located 45 Nos. residential plots of half to one kanal each located within 40-50 meteres from
National Highway and at a distance of about 400 meteres from Mount Carmel School at Arla (Palampur)
readily available on sale with 4 meteres wide internal roads. Each plot is having independent Khasra
numbers in the revenue record. Contact immediately: 97362-91000
Contact : 9625686455
Women should always be held
in High Esteem : Virbhadra
immediately for sale. Title clear. No dispute.
Picturesque view.
Contact : 98160-27737
Fish Stocking Day in
HPKV Palampur
Himachal Reporter News
Dharamshala : Arvind Sharma
Himachal Reporter News
Palampur : Rajesh Suryavanshi
Fish Stocking Day was celebrated at CSK HP Agriculture University
here yesterday.
Dr KK Katoch,
released around
1 5 , 0 0 0
fingerlings in
various water
bodies of the
Dr Katoch
said all check
natural ponds in
the university
had been handed over to the
Department of Fisheries under
the control of Dr GC Negi, College
of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
(CoVAS), for stocking, harvesting
and feeding fish to enhance its
domestic income.
Dr Sanjit Katoch, Dean,
CoVAS, said the department of
fisheries would maintain all the
water bodies on the main
campus with fast-growing
species of fish.
Dr PK Dogra, Head,
Department of Fisheries, said
stocking of fish in these water
bodies would serve twin
purposes of irrigation and
ns'k esa lhesaV dh lM+dsa cukus
ds fu.kZ; dk LokÛxr
For Sale
Price Rs. 3.00
Two Bedroom Drive in House with
Drawing, Dining, kitchen, Lawn etc.
constructed on 17 Marlas of prime
land crystal clear revenue record, on
the back of Sai Garden Resorts at
Lohna (Palampur) is for immediate
sale. Map approved by Town &
Country Planning Deptt. Four sides
Boundary Wall, Electricity and Water
supply functional. Located in the lap of Dhauladhar hills. Picturesque View of Nature. Pollution free
healthy environment. Interested parties may contact : Mob : 97362-91000
Plot for Sale
Prime Land
Women were the most important pillar of our society and had the right for
respect and honour and they should be always held in high esteem, said Chief
Minister Sh. Virbhadra Singh while presiding over a day long seminar organized
together by National and HP State Women Commission here today.
He said that State Government was committed for welfare of women
folks and numerous measures had been initiated for providing them the status
at par with their men.
“There is no gift more powerful than providing value based education to
girls and educated girl grows to be an educated women thereby resulting into
formation of a healthy society”, said the Chief Minister, adding that empowering
women socially and economically was the aim of the Government. He said free
education was being provided to the girls till University level and the decision to
this affect was taken during previous regime of Congress Government in the
“It would be difficult for India to prosper as a Nation till the women are not
given adequate place and respect which they deserve in the Society”, said
the Chief Minister.
He stressed the need for safety of women as they were still feeling
atrocities. He said the gender gap between the man and women needs to be
filled, so as to make women socially and economically well-off.
The Chief Minister said that all such
beliefs should be shunned which claims men
supreme over women as they were equal
to men in all spheres. To make them more
empowered and self sufficient the State
Government had ensured 50 percent
reservation for women in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and
Urban Local Bodies.
“My Government is ensuring to provide higher education to
girls at their doorsteps and has opened as many as 15 colleges in
far flung areas besides opening and upgrading around 650 schools
in the State”, said he.
The State Government constituted Women Welfare Board in
August, 2013 for undertaking and discussing women issues and
grievances, said the Chief Minister, adding that many gender
empowerment issues had been taken to elevate the status of women.
He said under Mukhya Mantri Kanyadaan Yojna, the financial
assistance had been enhanced from Rs 21000 to Rs 25000 and for
widow remarriage from Rs. 25000 to Rs. 50000. In addition to this,
the women who wants to start small business or set up small
industrial unit, rate of interest on the loan amount was quite less.
Four percent interest rate would be charged for loan amount upto
Rs 35000 and six percent on the loan amount above than this, said
he. Besides, 66054 women folk in different categories were being
fgekpy fjiks V Z j U;w t +
ikyeiq j % vt; iBkfu;k] v’kks d lyw t k
fgekpy izns'k ds HkwriwoZ eq[;ea=h vkSj orZeku yksdlHkk
lnL; 'kkUrk dqekj us lM+d ifjogu vkSj jk"Vªh; jktekxZ ea=h
uhfru xMdjh ds ns'k esa lhesaV dh lM+ds cukus ds fu.kZ; dk
Lokxr fd;k gSA
uhfru xMdjh dks izsf"kr ,d i= esa 'kkUrk dqekj us dgk fd jkT;lHkk dh okf.kT;
lEcU/kh LFkk;h lfefr ds v/;{k ds rkSj ij mUgksus lhesaV m|ksx ds fu"iknu ij o"kZ 2011
esa lnu esa izLrqr fjiksVZ ds nkSjku dadzhV lM+dksa ds fuekZ.k ij xgu v/;;u dk volj
feyk FkkA fofHkUu vkf/kdkfjd L=ksrkas ls izkIr lwpuk fo'o esa 40 izfr'kr lM+dsa lhesaV ls
cukbZ tkrh gSa ijUrq Hkkjr esa dsoy 2 izfr'kr lMdsa gh lhesaV ls curh gSaA lhesaV dh
lM+d cukus ij yxHkx 20 izfr'kr vf/kd [kpZ gksrk vkrk gS ijUrq 30 o"kZ rd fdlh
izdkj dh eqjEer dh vko';drk ugha gksrh gSA mUgkasus dgk fd Mhty vkSj isVªksy
dh 15 izfr'kr cpr gksrh gSA lfefr ds le{k vf/kd`r lw=ksa us ;g Lohdkj fd;k
Fkk fd lhesaV dh lM+dsa cukus ij dqy 25 izfr'kr rd dh cpr gksrh gSA
mUgksaus dgk fd rkjdksy D;ksafd iSVªkfy;e inkFkZ gS vkSj mls Hkkjr vk;kr
djrk gS tcfd lhesaV vius gh ns'k esa iSnk gksrk gS vkSj Hkkjr esa lhesaV mRiknu dh
vikj lEHkkouk;sa gS blfy] lhesaV dh lMds cuus ls fons'k eqnzk dh cgqr cpr
5 kanals of Commercial land, 22
gksxh vkSj bl cpr ls ns'k ds lHkh xkaoksa dks tksM+k tk ldrk gSA
meters front, prominently located
'kkUrk dqekj us dgk fd LFkk;h lfefr dh bl fjiksVZ ij iwoZ ljdkj us dksbZ on National Highway, near Dehan
fopkj ugha fd;kA mUgkasus dgk fd LFkk;h lfefr ds lq>koksa ds dk;kZUo;u ls
sub station Maranda.
lfefr ds lnL;ksa dks izlUurk gqbZ gSA mUgkasus dsUnzh; ea=h ls lhesaV dh lM+dksa ds
fuekZ.k lEcU/kh fu.kZ;ksa dks 'kh?kz ykxÛw djus dk vuqjks/k fd;kA
Contact : 94180-19421
department was also
fingerlings to farmers of
the state to augment their
income, he said.
Dr HK Chaudhry,
Head, Department of
congratulated the vicechancellor
implementing the recent
vision of the Government
of India for the blue
revolution and expressed
hope that the university
would be able to make a
major headway in this
Dr Katoch earlier
house in the veterinary college. It has been constructed at Rs
10 lakh and will house small laboratory animals. Dr SK
Subhaiya, president, HPAUTA, Dr Shivani Katoch, president,
Prime Land On Rent
For Sale
Wanted a 1-2 room house
on rent immediately near
Wantd a plot or
constructed house in
Banuri or nearby.
Contact : 94181-30904
given monthly
pension and a provision of Rs 51.47 crore had been made in this year’s
budget for the same.
Chief Minister said all the basic facilities right from housing, food, clothes
were being provided to destitute women in ‘Nari Sadans’ opened in the State.
To promote inter-caste marriages, the government had enhanced the financial
aid from Rs 25000 to Rs 50000 and a sum ranging between Rs 50000 to Rs
five lakh was being provided to the women who were victims of violence.
He said ‘Beti Hai Anmol Yojna’ was another ambitious scheme in vogue in
the State where financial assistance upto Rs 10000 was being given to women
and a sum between Rs 300 to Rs 1500 was being given as scholarship to girl
students till plus two.
Shri Virbhadra Singh said that to cater to the housing needs of the
working women, fourteen working women hostels were being constructed in
the State. He said that to promote the Non Governmental organizations working
for upliftment of women in the State, ‘Mahila Vikas Protsahan Yojna’ had been
started and five such organizations were being rewarded every year.
He said the State Government had enhanced the honorarium of
Aanganwadi workers to Rs 3450, that of Anganwadi Sahayikas to Rs. 1800
and Rs. 2625 of Mini Anganwadi workers.
Social Justice and Empowerment Minister, Col. (Dr.) Dhani Ram Shandil
while speaking on the occasion said that women empowerment and growth
was the most essential issue of today’s world. He said that the Socio-economic
and geographical condition of the Himalayan region also sometime seem to be
responsible for gender inequality. He said that the thinking was now changing
and gap of difference between men and women was diminishing. Citing recent
example of a girl named Pallavi, who performed the last ritual rights of her
mother in Mandi district he said that this shows the changing ideology of the
hill women folk. He said that today women from the State were excelling in
every field and were seated on reputed chairs.
He said that State Government had also initiated various schemes for health care of the girl child
at the very adolescence stage.
Chairperson, National Commission for Women, Mamta Sharma, while speaking on the occasion
stressed the need for Technological empowerment of women besides Socio-Economic Equality in
Himalayas. She said that growth and development of women was also important and educating them
was the basic need. She said that it was a matter of concern that we were adopting the western
trends as a part of our routine whereas the need of the hour was to preserve our culture and
She expressed gratitude towards former Prime Minister, Shri Rajeev Gandhi for making provision
of 33 percent reservation for women. “ I am happy to learn that in Himachal 50 percent reservation
was given to women in PRIs and Urban Local bodies” said she. Mamta Sharma also stressed for
fighting social evils against women, may it be dowry, child marriage, rape or domestic violence. She
termed sexual violence at work place as more contradictory and steps were needed to be taken in
this direction too. Member, National Commission for Women, Smt. Hemlata Kheria also spoke on the
issues of women rights and development needs in mountain regions. She also focused her speech on
other important issues of Health and Education of women.
Earlier, Chairperson Himachal Pradesh State Commission for Women, Smt. Janeb Chandel
honoured the Chief Minister and also detailed about the steps being taken by the commission for
women welfare. She demanded to include more women in Tribal Advisory Council and thanked the
Chief Minister for taking steps effectively for empowering women. Mrs Anita Sharma, Chairperson
Block Congress Committee, Shimla (Rural), Ms Namita Roshan and Shayama Dogra, Members,
National Commission for women, Sh R.D Dhiman, Principal Secretary, Social Justice and
Empowerment and other women folks and NGOs working for growth and empowerment of
women were present on the occasion.
/kjrh ls pkj maxyh Åij pyrk Fkk
;qf/kf"Bj dk jFk] D;ksa vk x;k uhps\
fgekpy fjiks V Z j Q+ h pj
vle % vjfoUn iBkfu;k
egkHkkjr esa vkius i<+k fd ;q) ds ukS fnuksa rd Hkh"e
firkeg us viuk ijkØe fn[kkrs gq, ikaMoksa dh lsuk dks dkQh
uqdlku igqapk;kA nlosa fnu vtqZu us f'k[kaMh dh lgk;rk ls
Hkh"e firkeg dks ?kk;y dj fn;k] ysfdu lw;Z nf{k.kk;u esa gksus
ds dkj.k Hkh"e us çk.k ugha R;kxsA Hkh"e ds ckn xq# æks.kkpk;Z
dks dkSjo lsuk dk lsukifr cuk;k x;kA æks.kkpk;Z us ;qf/kf"Bj
dks canh cukus ds fy, pØO;wg dh jpuk dhA vfHkeU;q us lkgl
dj pØO;wg rksM+ fn;k] ysfdu pØO;wg esa Qaldj mldh e`R;q gks
xbZA tc vtqZu dks ;g irk pyk fd vfHkeU;q dh e`R;q dk eq[;
dkj.k t;æFk gS] rks mlus çfrKk dh fd dy ;q) esa og t;æFk
dk o/k djsxk] ugha rks tyrh fprk esa ços'k dj tk,xkA
lsukifr cuus ds ckn xq# æks.kkpk;Z dSls ikaMo lsuk dk rsth ls lagkj djus yxsA mu ij fot; ikus ds
fy, Hkhe us v'oRFkkek uked gkFkh dk o/k dj fn;k vkSj æks.kkpk;Z ds lkeus tkdj fpYykus yxs& v'oRFkkek
ekjk x;kA xq# æks.k dks bl ij fo'okl ugha gqvkA mUgksaus ;qf/kf"Bj ls bldh iqf"V djuh pkghA rc ;qf/kf"Bj
us Åaps Loj esa dgk& v'oRFkkek ekjk x;k vkSj mlds ckn /khjs ls cksys& fdarq gkFkhA blds igys ;qf/kf"Bj dk
jFk i`Foh ls pkj vaxqy Åapk jgrk Fkk] ml fnu vlR; eqag ls fudyrs gh mudk jFk tehu ls lV x;kA
From Editor’s Desk
Justice Kurian Joseph, a Supreme Court
Judge, at a felicitation function held in the HP
High Court to honour him on his visit to the
state, said that Lawyers have a great role to
play as they carry the weight of expectations
of their clients who have entrusted not a case,
but their life to them. They have to
act as the voice of people who
cannot present themselves before
the court. Infact, Kurian’s views are
acceptable and worth praise and
deserve allover attention. Because,
commercialization of this much
talked profession has forced us to
think about their role in the society as
well as in courts.
I am not talking about the whole
lawyers’ community but a few of them
have become so much commercialized
that they can shift their loyalty only in
exchange of a few coins and hence,
forget their ethics. Every lawyershould
understand the views of Justice kurian.
Justice Kurian had been expressing his
views in a programme which was organised
by the HP High Court Advocates Welfare and
Charitable Society and the HP High Court Bar
Justice Joseph also inspected the under-
construction lawyers’ chambers near the
High Court building. He said the lawyers’
chambers in the vicinity of the High Court
would facilitate the lawyers as well as the
Chief Justice of the HP High Court
Mansoor Ahmad Mir, Justice Sanjay Karol,
Justice Rajiv Sharma, Justice
VK Sharma, Justice Tarlok
Singh Chauhan, Justice PS
Rana and Justice Sureshwar
Thakur were present. Chief
Justice Mir said the Bar and
Bench complemented each
other. The quality of advocates
determined the quality of justice
Let’s hope that lawyers’
community will not turn a deaf ear to
the views of Justice Kurian and follow
his footsteps to eradicate corruption,
a sense of insecurity among the clients and
provide justice to the needy and the
downtrodden section of the society. Justice
Kurian’s inspiration would definitely change
the modern mindset of advocates not to
change their loyalty putting aside their
ethics and work honestly to take the
judiciary system to a new height.
Good News against
He said the software could be accessed on and the detailed guidelines
regarding the application process could be accessed
He said the applications that were already
registered manually should be applied online for renewal
by September 15 to enable the department to process
the application by October 31. He further added that the
software offers an automated and transparent interface
for the approval of building plan and factory registration.
This step would definitely curb corruption.
The Online Factory Registration Information
System (OFRIS) software has been developed to
facilitate online approval of building plans, licencing,
registration and renewal of licences of factory owners
and will cut corruption.
A spokesman of the state government told that
the Department of Labour had decided to computerise
the process of application approval.
-Rajesh Suryavanshi
jksVªsDV Dyc ikyeiqj us jksis 60 isM+
fgekpy fjiks V Z j U;w t +
ikyeiq j % v’kks d lyw t k
jksVªsDV Dyc us ikyeiqj o blds vklikl ds dbZ
bykdksa esa jfookj dks yxHkx 60 isM+ jksfir fd;s i;kZoj.k
dks lqjf{kr j[kus ds fy, jksfir fd;s x, bu isM+kas ds ikS/kksa
dks le;&le; ij tkdj jksVªsDV Dyc ds lnL;ksa }kjk
tkapk tk;sxkA ;qokvkas dh fczxsM jksVªsDV Dyc }kjk
le;&le; ij ikyeiqj o ;gk¡ jgus okys yksxkas ds fgrksa
ds fy, dk;Z fd;k tkrk gSA jksVªsDV Dyc ds lnL; lquhy
luh us tkudkjh nsrs gq, crk;k dh muds Dyc }kjk
vk;ksftr ikS/kkjksi.k esa 60 isM+kas ds ikS/ks ftlesa 40 flYoj
vksd o 20 xksYMu Vªh ds ikS/ks yxk, x,A mUgksaus crk;k dh isM+kas
dks dkVus dh yxkrj c<+ jgh la[;k esa dkQh o`f) gks jgh gS
yksx vius lq[k&lgwfy;r ds fy, is<+ dkV nsrs gSa ijUrq mlds
cnys ,d Hkh u;k isM+ jksfir ugha djrs ftlds pyrs i;kZoj.k
dks dkQh uqDlku igq¡p jgk gSA mUgksaus vihy djrs gq, lans'k
fn;k dh vius ?kjksa ds vklikl og T+;knk ls T+;knk
la[;k esa isM+&ikS/ks yxk;sa ftlls i;kZoj.k ij iM+ jgs
çHkkoksa dks de fd;k tk ldsA bl ekSds ij ou foHkkx
ds vf/kdkjh deys'k mieU;q lfgr bZ'kku] vkfnR;]
xxu] f'koe] fçady] lehj] vafdr] vfHkuo] lUuh]
v'kZ lfgr dbZ vkSj jkssVªsDVlZ ekStwn FksA
Sealed item/percentage rate tenders are hereby invited by the Executive Engineer,
Kumarsain Division, HP. PWD., Kumarsain from the experienced contractors enlisted with
HPPWD for B&R works so as to reach in this office on or before 13.08.2014 upto 3.00 P.M.
and will be opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M. in the presence of intending contractors or
their authorized representative who may wish to be present.
The application for issue of tender form shall be received on 11.08.2014 from 10.00
AM to 5.00 PM.
The earnest money in shape of National Saving Certificate/Time deposit receipt of any
recognized Bank in H.P. duly pledged in the name of XEN must accompany with each
application for obtaining the tender form. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to reject
the tenders without assigning any reasons.
1. Name of Work : C/O left out C.D. on Tikkar Aldi Baza Road Km. 0/0 to 5/0 (SH:C/O Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd. 4/825 including both side wing walls). Estimated Cost : Rs.
1,30,580/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 2,650/-, Time : Two Months.
2. Name of Work : C/O left out C.D. on Shilli Kandli Nagrot Jal Road Km. 0/0 to 4/800
(SH:- C/O Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd. 1/830 including both side wing walls). Estimated Cost
: Rs. 1,20,834/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 2,450/-, Time : Two Months.
3. Name of Work : C/O left out C.D. on link r oad to Hattu Temple Km. 0/0 to 6/0 (SH:C/O Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd. 2/360 including both side wing walls). Estimated Cost : Rs.
1,22,008/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 2,450/-, Time : Two Months.
4. Name of Work : C/O left out C.D. on link road to Hattu Temple Km. 0/0 to 6/0 (SH:C/O Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd. 3/245 including both side wing walls). Estimated Cost : Rs.
1,10,540/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 2,250/-, Time : Two Months.
5. Name of Work : C/O left out C.D. on link road to Hattu Temple Km. 0/0 to 6/0 (SH:C/O Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd. 3/935 including both side wing walls). Estimated Cost : Rs.
1,22,626/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 2,460/-, Time : Two Months.
6. Name of Work : C/O left out C.D. on link road to village Teshan Km. 0/0 to 2/750
(SH:- C/O Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd. 0/990 including both side wing walls). Estimated Cost
: Rs. 2,24,683/-, Earnest Money : Rs. 4,500/-, Time : Two Months.
7. Name of Work : C/O Vety. Dispensary at Bhutti (SH:- Site Development C/O
Building Portion, Septic Tank & WS&SI). Estimated Cost : Rs. 8,39,695/-, Earnest Money
: Rs. 16,800/-, Time : Twelve Months.
Terms and conditions :1. The contractors shall produce their latest registration/renewal of their registration/latest sale tax clearance certificate and PAN No. along with their application.
2. The tender form shall be issued to only those contractors who have successfully
executed at least two works of similar classes each of 1/3rd amount of estimated cost or
single work of amount equal to estimated cost during last preceding five years.
3. The exemption of earnest money will not be entertained.
4. The single/conditional tender will be rejected.
5. The offer shall remain valid up to 90 days.
R.O. No. 0892/14-15/15.07.2014/160 Sq.cms.
Executive Engineer,
Kumarsain Division,
HP, PWD Kumarsain.
lHkh lqfo/kkvksa lfgr vkids cPpksa
dh mfpr ns[kHkky ds fy, fe’ku
dEikmaM esa tSu ‘kkWi ds lehi] okMZ
ua0 1 esa cchrk dzsp [kqy x;k gSA ;gka
ls D.A.V. and St. Paul’s School
cgqr gh ikl gS blfy, vk;sa vkSj ykHk mBk;sa ,oa
nwljs ekrk&firk Hkh gekjh lsokvksa dk ykHk mBk
ldrs gSAa
Mobile: 98827-86739
Death knell for tobacco in 21 st century
Himachal Reporter Feature
Dharamshala : Surendra N. Gupta
The countdown for tobacco has started and it must go up in smoke now in 21 st century, which should be the last phase for tobacco related deaths and
diseases. Alarming statistics by WHO reflect that tobacco killed 100 million persons in the 20 th century, and it is anticipated to kill a billion in the 21 st century.
Now it is also shocking revelation that tobacco killed 6 million persons globally and this toll will further escalate to 8 million annually between 2025 and
2030. [1] Tobacco degrades the environment by extensive deforestation and the state, Bilaspur stands first with score as 93% and the biggest Kangra
paper use for packaging. It is also a crop, which consumes nutrients and district rolls down to the bottom with score as 80%. On basis of scientific/
water at a faster rate than most other crops and causes soil erosion. It technical survey, Himachal Pradesh has been validated as the smoke-free
employs extensive use of pesticides. It requires an extensive use of state. On 3 rd July, 2013 the state was declared as Smoke Free. The journey
pesticides. In the context of the evolving post-2015 development
from smoke-free state to tobacco-free state has now started. [6]
agenda of the UN, tobacco needs to be viewed not only as a threat
to health but also as an enemy of sustainable development. In a
India is also a soft pedaling, in the use of taxation to push
world that is increasing threatened by food insecurity, can we
down tobacco consumption. Bidis, which are virtually more
waste four million hectares of arable land on killer crop? The
dangerous than any other tobacco products are virtually out of the
world over, the poor consume tobacco more frequently and
tax net and oral tobacco too has received the light-touch treatment.
tobacco consuming families sink into the deeper layers of poverty.
The cigarette segment needs to be taxed heavily. A rocketing price
Threat of tobacco is a big obstacle in the reduction of the global
of tobacco products, across the board, will nose dive the
poverty. By 2030, over 80% of all tobacco related deaths will be in
consumption while differential treatment will result only in product
low- and middle-income countries. [2]
or brand switching. The recent punch on 'gutkha' the smokeless
The Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) was
tobacco is also one of the leading forms of tobacco consumption in
formed to neutralize the tobacco threat in 2003. It was one of the first public the country. It is a much needed strategy to contain this menace. Children and
health treaties developed by WHO, which proposed many measures to women are especially vulnerable victims of this habit, which is the leading
contain the prevalence of tobacco menace round the globe. A total of 177 cause of oral cancer. However, the enforcement of this ban needs to get
countries ratified this treaty. The United States, Argentina, Indonesia and stronger, as also the ban on smoking in public places. Pictorial health warnings
Switzerland are among the notable exceptions. One of the extremely on tobacco product packs u/s 7 of COTPA too need to be more aggressive and
important tobacco containment measures recommended by WHO are (i) hitting hard. Like Australia, India needs to mandate plain packaging, to shed
shooting up the taxes, comprehensive ban on all forms of tobacco advertizing, off the promotional effect of colorful tobacco packs.
sponsorship and promotion under section 5 (TAPS); smoke free public and
The United Nations (UN) and the WHO have set a target of 30% reduction
workplaces u/s 4 of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003
in the prevalence of tobacco consumption by 2030. Tasmania has announced
(COTPA). Cessation services to help people quit the habit and strong health
warning. Apparently, several countries have made use of one or more a 'Tobacco-Free Millennium Generation' policy, wherein no one born after
suggested measures but very few have effectively fired the salvos to reduce 2000 will be ever sold tobacco legally. Singapore is likely to follow suit. Bhutan
the menace of tobacco. Raising taxes has been observed to be the most has already banned the sale of all tobacco products. Some countries have
effective intervention since consumption of tobacco and its products is been more ambitious and have set a target of reducing such prevalence to
inversely proportional to the price hike. This effect is especially strong in less than 5% - New Zealand and a group of Pacific Island Nations (2025),
persons with low disposable incomes - the poor, young persons and many Finland (2030), and Scotland (2034). With what we know now, we have a duty
women. [3] South Africa tripled the excise tax on tobacco and halved its to protect the present and future generations from many harms of tobacco.
tobacco consumption in an 11-year period. Philippines recently spiraled up We need strategies to make the 21 st century the very last period in human
tobacco tax sharply and 70% of the increased revenue so generated would history where a person dies of a tobacco-related disease or a tree is killed to
be utilized to fund universal health coverage in the country. Higher level of produce 300 cigarettes.
enforcement has produced higher compliance in the developed countries
There are now palpable and anxious concerns that the decline in tobacco
like Ireland, [4] Scotland [5] and Ontario city.
consumption will be slower than needed, even if all countries effectively
India has done well in some areas of tobacco control but needs to do implement the FCTC. Kenneth Warner, a global leader in tobacco control,
much more in other areas. Uttar Pradesh, in 2003, bans all forms of tobacco cautions us: "Barring more effective tobacco control, global smoking
advertising other than at the point of sale. Through the combined efforts of prevalence will remain between a fifth and fourth of all adults for at least the
the government, civil society and the judiciary - sometimes in concert and next 20 years. Unless something dramatically different occurs, smoking will
sometimes, in conflict - direct advertising have been curbed. Surrogate continue to be Public Health Enemy as number one for decades to come,
advertising is still resorted to by a recalcitrant tobacco industry that seeks to killing millions of people every single year". Hence, the calls to ring the 'death
defy, delay or dilute any regulation. The tobacco industry cannot be tamed - it
knell', so that we can finally declare endgame on the tobacco epidemic round
has to be timed out. The restrictions placed on the depiction of tobacco
consumption in cinema or on television are way ahead of the rest of the the globe.
world. But in Himachal Pradesh, the smoking is a part of culture in cold hills.
Bidis and cigarettes are often offered in marriages and local functions as a
mark of respect. Britishers used to smoke cigar as a status symbol. Shimla,
the queen of hills, was very famous for PAN shops . As per the Global Adult
Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2010, 33% males and 3.8% females smoke in the
state. But for last over two years much water has flowed down the hills in
controlling and containing the tobacco products all round. Department of
Community Medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla and Population
Research Center, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla conducted the End
line Compliance Survey independently, which observed 85.42% compliance
under section 4 of COTPA in Himachal Pradesh. Out of the twelve districts in
Do your exercises
carefully at gym : Exper t
Y 31, 2014
Himahal Reporter Feature
Chandigarh ; Pawan Palsara
“Those who just think of shedding their
weight with in a target period to impress their
partners, could well become victims of
cardiac problems. If one would do moderate
exercise then no harm but if one involved in
severe exercise then it could lead to platelet
activation and clot formation or acute plaque
rupture in heart arteries.”
This was stated by by Dr. Anurag
Sharma, Sr Consultant, Intervention
Cardiology at Max Super Speciality Hospital
(MSSH) , Mohali while speaking during a
Health Talk at DLF IT Park here today. The
talk was organized for the corporate
Dr Sharma said that the incidences of
heart attack were otherwise not very common
in the persons who go to gymnasium. The
Santa Banta
M‚DVj ds ikl tc la r k igq a p k vius
bykt ds fy,--M‚DVj& la r k th vkidh chekjh dh
vly otg es j h le> es a ugha vk jgh] gks
ldrk gS 'kjkc ihus dh otg ls ,slk gks jgk
gksA - - lark& dksbZ ckr ugha M‚DVj lkgc]
tc vkidh amrj tk,xh rc eSa nksckjk tkÅaxk
ps d &vi ds fy,A
-----------------------------------------------------Nks V k cPpk eka ls xq L lk gks d j vius ?kj ds
ckgj cS B k FkkA - - ikik& D;k gq v k] ;gka
D;ksa cSBs gks\ - - cPpk& esjh vkidh iRuh ls
curh ugha gS ] eq > s viuh iRuh pkfg,
thrombosis or clot occurred in heart arteries in
those having family history of heart disease. The
some risk factors were obesity, sedentary
lifestyle, hypertension and a smoker who do
aggressive exercise in the gym.”
He said in last 4 months, he has received
3 such cases. All of them have heart attacks
during gymping. A young boy having family history
of Coronary Artery Disease was overweight. He
was doing abdominal exercises aggressively
and suffered heart attack during that. Another
was 39-yr, with chronic hypertension for the last
10 years and was on very high speed of cross
trainer cycler and had massive heart attack
during gymping. In a recent incident, 25-yr Rajiv
( name changed ) from Sec-15, Chandigarh
while doing a very heavy bench press, have to
be admitted with heart attack. He had set a target
to build up his body and was having muscle
building medicines, which was simply not an
answer to shed weight or build up a body in
such a casual way.”
Talking about the important things that
needed to be taken care before joining a
gymnasium, Dr Sharma said that one should
inform gym instructor on whether he or she has
hypertension and diabetes besides smoking
status. This was more important if one have
family history of heart disease or sudden cardiac
death. Hydrate yourself well before and during
the exercise so that one did not get dehydrated.
Always start the exercise gradually and slowly
over few weeks one should go the higher level,
he maintained.
Informing on warning signs and symptoms
on heart attack during gymping, Dr. Anurag said
that one could complain of typical chest pain,
heaviness of chest and extreme sweating and
sometimes breathlessness suggestive of
amshala Inter
tional Film
val fr
om Oct 30th
Himachal Reporter News
Dharamshala : Arvind Sharma
The third edition of Dharamshala International Film Festival (
DIFF) will kick off Oct 30. One of the highlights of the fest will be an
animation workshop by filmmaker Gitanjali Rao, who will also present
her new film, “ True Love Story”, which was shown at Cannes
critics' week.
The four-day event will take place in McLeodganj in Himachal
Pradesh and will be a key destination for independent filmmakers and
film lovers from across India and around the world.
According to a statement released by festival directors Ritu
Sarin and Tenzing Sonam, this year's highlights include an animation
workshop by India's best known animation filmmaker Gitanjali Rao,
who will also present her new film, “ True Love Story”, and curate a
selection of animation films from around the world.
Filmmaker Umesh Kulkarni will continue his special relationship
with DIFF by curating a package of the best short films.
DIFF 2014 has
also initiated the DIFF
Programme, where
five up and coming
filmmakers from the
selected and brought
to DIFF to watch films,
participate in the
masterclasses and
workshops, and have one-on-one mentorship sessions with
Rubber Stamps
All Types of Stamps
Available here
Tel : 98160-27737
visiting filmmakers.
Sealed item rate tenders on PWD form 8 are hereby invited on behalf of
Governor of H.P. by the Executive Engineer, Rohru Division, HPPWD, rohru for the
following works from the approved and eligible contractors enlisted in HP,PWD,
Rohru on or before 14.08.2014 upto 10.45 AM. and will be opened on the same
day at 11.00 AM. in the presence of intending contractors or their authorized
representatives. The tender form documents can be had from from his office
(Rohru Division, HPPWD Rohru) against cash payment (Non-refundable) on any
working day during the office hours upto 3.00 PM 12.08.2014 on. No application
for issue of tendet forms will be received on 12.08.2014 after 3.00 PM. If the office
happens to be closed on the above mentioned dates, the tenders will be sold/
opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
The earnest money in the shape of National Saving Certificates/Saving
Account/Time deposit Account in any of the Post Office in Himachal Pradesh duly
pledged in favour of the XEN, must accompany each tenders. Conditional tenders
and the tenders received without earnest money as mentioned above will summarily
be rejected. The offer of the tenders shall be kept open for 120 days. The Executive
Engineer reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without assigning
any reasons.
Sr. No. 1, Name of work : S/R to Summerkot Tikkari Shalawt road km 0/0 to
3/500 (SH: B/wall & R/wall), Estimated cost : Rs.6,97,947/-. Earnest Money:
Rs. 14000/- Time : 02 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/Sr. No. 2, Name of work : Special repair to HPPWD residence Qtr. at
housing board colony at Samala Rohru (SH: providing painting’ distempering, white
washing and C.C. flooring.) Estimated cost : Rs.3,17,042/-. Earnest Money:
Rs. 6,500/- Time : 01 Month, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/Sr. No. 3, Name of work : M/T link road to Sharog Karasavia Saio km 0/0 to
5/0 (SH: M/T km 1/0 to 1/500.) Estimated cost : Rs.3,09,917/-. Earnest Money:
Rs. 6,200/- Time : 01 Month, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/Sr. No. 4, Name of work : S/R to Govt. Sr. Sec. School at Arhal (SH:
dismentalling of drain C/O drain wiremash).Estimated cost : Rs.2,32,534/-.
Earnest Money: Rs. 4,700/- Time : 02 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/Sr. No. 5, Name of work : C/O Junidhar Kuttu road km 0/0 to 6/0 (SH: F/C
5/7 mtr. wide RD 3/885 to 4/275). Estimated cost : Rs.4,72,276/-. Earnest
Money: Rs. 9,500/- Time : 03 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/Sr. No. 6, Name of work : C/O link road to vill. Jabbal km. 0/0 to 6/0 (SH: P/
L Kharanja stonr Soling at RD 2/160 to 3/240). Estimated cost : Rs.2,89,324/-.
Earnest Money: Rs. 6,000/- Time : 02 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/-.
Sr. No. 7, Name of work : C/O Bagi Khabbal road km. 0/0 to 10/0 (SH:
Improvement of carves from RD 4/450 to 4/630). Estimated cost : Rs.5,81,545/
-. Earnest Money: Rs. 9,700/- Time : 02 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/-.
Sr. No. 8 , Name of work : (SH: RD 5/210 to 5/330, 7/165 to 7/
210, 7/490 to 7/540).). Estimated cost : Rs.5,08,229/-. Earnest Money: Rs.
10,000/- Time : 02 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/-.
Sr. No. 9 , Name of work : R/R damages to Parsa Shekhal road km. 0/0 to
10/0 (SH: C/O R/wall in wire crate at RD 3/750 to 3/780). Estimated cost :
Rs.2,32,698/-. Earnest Money: Rs. 4,700/- Time : 01 Month, Cost of forms:Rs.
Sr. No. 10 , Name of work : C/O lakhar Thakulidhar road km. 0/0 to 0/500(
SH: F/C 5/7 mtr wide RD 0/0 to 0/500).. Estimated cost : Rs.4,72,276/-. Earnest
Money: Rs. 9,500/- Time : 02 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/-.
Sr. No. 11 , Name of work : C/O Tikkarar Tuna Kawali road km. 0/0 to 4/0(
SH: F/C 5/7 mtr road).. Estimated cost : Rs.3,85,792/-. Earnest Money: Rs.
7,800/- Time : 03 Months, Cost of forms:Rs. 350/-.
Terms and conditions :
1. The Earnest money for the abovr works should be submitted with the
application for the purchase of the tender documents.
2. The Contractors should have quoted the rates of all the itms in the tnders
both in figures and words.
3. income tax and Sales tax No. latest sales tax clearance certificate.
4. The contr/firm shall accompany his enlistment /renewal order with his
application for obtining the tender document.
5. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the
tenders without assigning any reasons.
6. The contractor should apply for the tenders only for two works ay a time.
R.O. No. 0824/14-15/192 Sq.cms.
Near Viveka Foundation
576 Sq. Mtr. (1.5 kanal) of prominent
land, near Viveka Foundation
School, Mansimbal, near
Thakurdwara is for sale. No dispute.
Contact : 94181-30904
ctja x ny vxLr 18 rd ftyk
ikyeiqj ds gj ç[kaM esa ctjax ny
la ; ks t d [kM + k dj ns x k & v{kr ljks = h
fgekpy fjiks V Z j U;w t +
ikyeiq j % v”kks d lyw t k
ikyeiqj ftyk ds ctjax ny la;kstd v{kr ljks=h us tkudkjh nsrs gq, crk;k
dh 18 vxLr rd ikyeiqj ds gj ç[kaM tls dh iap#[kh] Hkokjuk]cStukFk] yEckxkao
vkSj HksMwegknso bu ik¡pksa iç[kMksa esa vius ctjax ny ds l;ksatd [kM+k djsxkA fQj
bu ikap ctjx ny
ds l;ksatd ,d cM+s
Lrj ij ctjax ny
dh xkao ls lacf/kr tks
NksVh bdkb;ksa dks [kM+k
djsaxs vkSj mlds ckn
lnL;rk vfHk;ku
NsM+sxkA v{kr ljks=h
us vU; fo"k; tSls dh
xkS gR;k ds fc"k; ij
Hkh ppkZ dh ctjax ny
ds yksx gj bykds esa
yksxksa dh xfr fof/kvksa
ij Hkh utj j[ks a x s
D;wafd dqN fnuksa igys tks xkS gR;k dk ekeyk uwjiqj {ks= esa gqbZ Fkh ,slh ?kVuk nksckjk
u gks bl ekeys esa ctjax ny dkQh lrdZrkiwoZd dk;Z djsxkA
v{kr dk dguk Fkk dh ;g cM+h foMEcuk gS ,d rjQ ge xk;s dks ekrk dk
ntkZ nsrs gSa nwljh rjQ dke iwjk gksus ij mUgsa [kqyk nj&nj HkVdus ds fy; [kqyk
NksM+ nsrs gSaA v{kr us yksxksa ls vihy dh gS dh xk;s dk lEeku djuk lh[ksaA
vxj vxj dksbZ xjhc gS vkSj ikyus esa vleFkZ gS rks tks xk;s nw/k ugha ns jgh
gS mls xkS 'kkyk esa ns nsaA lkFk gh v{kr us dgk dh fgekpy esa Hkh fgUnw gsYiykbu
'kq: gks pqdh gSA vxj fdlh dks Hkh dksbZ fnDdr vkrh gS tSls dh fdlh dk mldh
bPNk ds fcuk /kekZrj.k fd;k tk jgk gksxk ;k dksbZ xk;s dks tcjnLrh ys tk jgk
gksxk rks vki ikyeiqj esa 9459176456 ;k fQj ftyk ds lg ea=h iou 'kekZ ds nwjHkk"k
9816401522 ij laidZ djsa bl fgUnw gYIykbu ds ekxZn'kZd vkSj fo'o fgUnw ifj"kn~
ds varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z v/;{k Jh çoh.k HkkbZ rksxfM+;k gSaA lkFk gh v{kr us dqN fnuksa igys
fgekpy ds dbZ eafnjksa esa gqbZ pksfj;ksa ds ihNs fgUnw /keZ dks detksj djus ds fy;s
dh xbZ fons'kh 'kfävksa dh ukdke dksf'k'k gSA
Y 31, 2014
vesfjdk dk lsc jax yk;sxk ft+yk dkaxM+k esa
fgekpy fjiks V Z j U;w t +
ikyeiqj % v’kksd lywtk
lsc dk ftØ vkrs gh tgu esa fgekpy çns'k dh rLohj mHkjus yxrh gSA
çns'k dh igpku nqfu;k Hkj esa lsc jkT; ds :i esa gksrh gSA çns'k dh vkfFkZdh
esa Hkh lsc dk cgqr cM+k ;ksxnku gksus ds pyrs blds fodkl ds fy, çns'k
ljdkj çfrc) gSA bl mns'; dh iwfrZ ds fy, ckxokuksa dks vf/kd Qy nsus
okys ikS/kksa vkSj {ks=Qy dks c<+kus dk ç;kl fd;k tk jgk gSA bldss vfrfjä
çns'k ds vU; Hkkxksa esa Hkh lsc mxkus ds fy, vejhdk ls vk;kfrr lsc ds mUur
vkSj de BaMs {ks=ksa ds fy, yks phfyax IykaV rS;kj fd, tk jgs gSaA
ikyeiqj fLFkr Qy larfr ,oa çn'kZu dsaæ çns'k ds de BaMs {ks=ksa ds fy,
yks phfyax ojk;Vh dh ikS/k rS;kj djus esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk jgk gSA bl
dsaæ esa lsc jksfir {ks=ksa ds fy, lsc dh ikS/k rS;kj djus
ds vykok yks phfyax ojk;Vh dh ikS/k Hkh rS;kj dh tk
jgh gSA oSKkfudksa us bl dsaæ vkSj /kkSyk/kkj ds lkFk
yxrs BaMs {ks=ksa esa lsc ds mRiknu dk lQy ijh{k.k
fd;k gSA bl dsæa ls dkax?k ftyk ds /keZ'kkyk] 'kkgiqj]
lqygk] iap:[kh] chM+] cStukFk c?k&Hkaxky] yksgjMh
yackxkao] Hkokjuk {ks= esa lsc ds ikS/ks jksfir djus esa
lQyrk gkfly dh gS] bldss vfrfjä vU; ftyksa dks
Hkh lsc ds ikS/ks ;gka ls miyC/k djok;s tk jgs gSaA
ftyk dkaxM+k esa rks yks phfyax ojk;fV;ksa vUuk]
MksjlSV xksYMu bR;kfn lsc ds cxku foHkkx }kjk rS;kj
fd;s x;s gSaA buesa eku flag] dS0 Kku pan tSls ntZuksa yksxksa us lsc ds cxku rS;kj dj lsc dk mRiknu vkjaHk
dj fn;k gSA blds vykok dqN vf/kd BaMs bykdksa ftudh mapkbZ 5 gtkj QqV rd gS ds fy, lsc dh
LdkjysV&Lij] vksjxu&Lij vkSj xsy&xkyk ojk;Vh rS;kj dh xbZ gSA dsaæ ls fiNys rhu o"kksaZ esa lsc dh
fofHkUu mUur ojk;Vh ds yxHkx 40 gtkj ikS/ks çns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa ds ckxokuksa ds fy, miyC/k djok;s x,
gSa vkSj pkyw foÙk o"kZ esa 50 gtkj ikS/ks bl dsaæ esa fdlkuksa ds rS;kj fd;s tk jgs gSaA
Qy larfr ,oa çn'kZu dsaæ ikyeiqj esa vejhdk ls lsc dh 10 mUur
fdLeksa ds vk;kfrr lsc dh ikS/k bl dsaæ esa oSKkfud ns[k&js[k esa rS;kj dh tk
jgh gS] ftuesa vUuk] vjyh jsM&ou] xsy&xkyk] jsM fxzcLe] LdkjysV&Lij]
vksjxu&Lij] xkjuh fLeFk] MksjlsV xksYMu] ftcLe xksYs Mu] vkSj dks&jsM&fQ;wth
dh ikS/k lQy ifj{k.k ds ckn ;gka rS;kj dh tk jgh gSA blds vykok xksYMu
fMyhf'k;l dh ikS/k Hkh ;gka rS;kj dh tk jgh gSA çns'k esa f'keyk] dqYyw]
fdUukSj] pack] e.Mh vkSj fljekSj ftyksa esa lsc mxk;k tkrk gSA vU; {ks=ksa tgka
rkieku de jgrk gS ,sls fdlkuksa dks lsc mRiknu ds fy, çsfjr djus dks bl
dsaæ esa lsc dh yks phfyax ojk;Vh rS;kj dh tk jgh gSaA dsaæ esa rSukr m|ku
fodkl vf/kdkjh gfraæ iV;ky vkSj fgrs'k Bkdqj dk dguk gS fd] ;gka rS;kj
lsc ds ikS/kksa esa çns'k ds vU; Hkkxksa ls igys twu ekg ds vafre lIrkg ;k tqykbZ
ds igys lIrkg esa lsc dh Qly rS;kj gks tkrh
gSA mUgksaus crk;k fd /kkSyk/kkj ds lkFk yxrs
{ks=ksa esa yksxksa us lsc ds dbZ fdLeksa ds ikS/ks rS;kj
fd;s gSa] fudk Lokn vkSj vdkj vU; BaMs bykdksa
ds leku gh gSA mUgksaus crk;k fd lsc ds ikS/ks
minku ij ysus ds fy, fodkl [k.M dk;kZy;
esa m|ku fodkl vf/kdkjh ds vfrfjä ikyeiqj
fLFkr Qy larfr ,oa çn'kZu dsaæ ls Hkh çkIr dj
ldrs gSaA mufuns'kd m|ku foHkkx] Mh,l jk.kk
us crk;k fd bl dsaæ }kjk çns'k ljdkj ds
funsZ'kkuqlkj fupys {ks=ksa ds fdlkuksa dks Hkh lsc
dh [ksrh ds fy, çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, Qy larfr ,oa çn'kZu dsaæ ikyeiqj esa yks phfyax çtkfr;ka fo'ks"k
:i ls fodflr dh tk jgh gSaA mUgksaus dgk fd bl {ks= esa ifj{k.k esa lsc dh Qly ds lkFkZd ifj.kke lkeus
vk jgs gSa vkSj lsc mRiknu esa o`f) vkSj vf/kd mUur fdLeksa dks btkr djus dk vkSj vf/kd dk;Z fd;k
HIMUDA clears housing
projects in Himachal
Sealed item/percentage rate tender on the prescribed form, terms and conditions mentioned in form - 6 & 8 are hereby invited for the followin works by the
Executive Engineer, Electrical Division No. II, HPPWD, Shimla-3 from the firms/
contractors enlisted with PWD (Electrical), so as to reach in the office of the XEN
(1) Tender Documents consisting of plans classes of work to be done and set of
terms and conditions of contract to be complied with by the contractor/firms
whose tender may be accepted and other necessary documents can beseen in
the office of the XEN between hours of 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM except on Sundays
and public holidays. (2) The firm/contractor who are not registered under H.P.
General Sale Tax Act, 1968 and have not cleared all the dues on account of sale
tax shall not be issued the tender documents (3) the contractor who has no
registration certificate with Excise and Taxation Department of HP will not be
issued the tender documents.(4) Tenders placed in sealed envelope with name of
work and due date written on the envelope will be received by the XEN and will
be opened by him or his authorized representative in his office in the presence of
contractors, present if any. (5) The earnest money in shape of NSC/Time deposit
account /saving account in any of the post offices of HP duly pledged in favour of
XEN must accompany with the tender in the separate envelope. The tenders
without earnest money will summarily be rejected. (6) In case of holiday, the
tenders shall be sold/received and opened on the next working day. (7) Tenders
of contractors who quote two or more than two rates for any item of work shall
be rejected. (8) The competent authority on behalf of Governor of H.P. reserves
the right to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason.(9)
Tender forms ahll be sold to only those contractors who deposit earnest money
in any of the prescribed modes simultaneously at the time of sale of tender
(i) Last date of receipt of application
:12.08.2014 upto 1.00 P.M.
(ii) Date of sale of tenders
:12.08.2014 upto 5.00 P.M.
(iii) Last date of receipt of bids
:14.08.2014 upto 10.30 A.M.
(iv) Date of bid opening
:14.08.2014 At 11.00 A.M.
Work No. (1) C/O Conference hall at Kinnaur distt. (L&S) (SH: Providing EI
therein). Estimated cost : Rs. 1,76,867/-, Earnest money : Rs. 3,600/-, Time
: 1 year, Cost of form : Rs. 350/-. NR
Executive Engineer,
Kullu Division No-II,
HPPWD, Kullu.
R.O. No. 0769/14-15/120 Sq.cms.
fgekpy fjiks V Z j U;w t +
ubZ fnYyh % vt; “kekZ
ubZ fnY?yh- ohfM;ks 'ks;fjax lkbV ;wVîwc ij viyksM ,d ohfM;ks
lks'ky ehfM;k ij ok;jy gks pqdk gSA bldk 'kh"kZd gS] What happens
when a girl walks around the cityA blesa fn[kk;k x;k gS fd fnYyh
ds i‚'k du‚V Iysl bykds esa ?kwe jgh ,d yM+dh dks iq#"k fdl rjg ?kwj
jgs gSaA ohfM;ks ds eqrkfcd] yM+dh dks 10 feuV ds vanj 21 ckj ?kwjk tkrk
gSA vHkh rd bl ohfM;ks ds 1 yk[k ls T+;knk O;w gSaA bls viyksM djus okyksa
us nkok fd;k gS fd ;g ;g dksbZ lks'ky ,DlisjhesaV ugha cfYd okLrfod
?kVuk gSA ohfM;ks esa vkf[kj esa yM+dh dgrh gS fd tc Hkh og ?kj ls fudyrh
gS] mls eglwl gksrk gS fd ekuks og çn'kZuh esa [kM+h gS] tgka gj iq#"k mldk
ekufld cykRdkj djrk gqvk ut+j vkrk gSA
Cat-III and 80 Cat-IV flats with parking floor in Trilokpur
Housing Colony, in district Sirmour amounting to
Rs.1,04,13,29,430. The construction work of this
project will be done by the HIMUDA itself instead of the
Public Private Partnership mode decided earlier. It gave
In the 32nd meeting of the Board of Directors of
approval for the construction of 56 Cat-I, 48 Cat-II, 32
HIMUDA here today, Urban Development, Housing &
Cat-III, 16 Cat-IV flats and four Cottages in Housing
TCP Minister Sudhir Sharma, said that HIMUDA should
Colony at Sheel, Near Solan amounting to
go beyond the conventional frame work of
Rs.68,60,44,500. This project will also be constructed
development and allotment of
by HIMUDA itself.
residential and commercial
The proposal for the
properties besides creating
construction 8 Cat-I flats with
quality urban infrastructure.
parking in Partially Self Financing
Sudhir Sharma, who is
Scheme at Sidhpur, Mohli,
also of Chairman of HIMUDA,
Dharamshala amounting to Rs.2,
said that HIMUDA should focus
77, 32,400 was also given
approval. It also approved the
proposal for the development of
components such as Shopping
site i.e. Const. of Road &
Malls, Soft-ware Technology
Retaining walls, providing
external sewerage system,
entertainment facilities. He
providing external water supply
stressed for more aggressive
and supply of power to the
policy for bringing investment
newly carved out plots in Social
co-reality estate project
Housing Colony at Nurpur
through thepublic private
amounting to Rs.18,51,800.
partnership mode and to
The approval has been
ensure completion of the projects in a fixed time frame
accorded for the execution of various civil works of
and maintaining quality in construction.
the H.P. State Co-operative Bank limited in the State
The Board approved the revised budget
through HIMUDA on the basis of Deposit work @ 9%
estimates of HIMUDA amounting to Rs.7, 356.78 lakh
Departmental charges.
for the year 2013-14 and the budget estimates
The Board approved the proposal for raising loan
amounting to Rs.11, 344.05 lakh for the year2014-15.
amounting to Rs.25.00 Crores from HUDCO for
Approval was given for the proposal of construction
Development of Housing Colonies at Jurna in Nahan
of five shops in Housing Colony at Sanjauli (Phase-III),
and Subkhhera in Paonta Sahib.
Shimla amounting to Rs.1, 00, 53,600.
The Board approved the proposal for the allotment
The Board approved proposal for the
of 161.50 Sq. of land to the Kalyan Samiti for Yoga
construction of 36 Category-I flats with parking floor,
Centre in Housing Colony at Solan, Phase-II.
24 Cat-II flats, five Shops and Halls under Partially Self
The Board in principally agreed to start Medical
Financing Scheme at Solan amounting to Rs.40, 54,
Reimbursement Scheme for retirees of HIMUDA for
23,780. It also approved the proposal for the
which a committee would be constituted to exercise
construction of Commercial Complex with Parking in
upon the possibilities and draft the eligibility criteria/
Sector-I at Parwanoo amounting to Rs.2, 28, 32,500.
terms and conditions within targeted period of one
month for taking further necessary action.
The Board gave its nod for construction of 72 Cat-I, 56 Cat-II, 48
It also principally agreed to short list the
Transaction Advisors to facilitate the Urban Development and
Integrated Hill Townships in Public private partnership mode
through HIMUDA in the State.
The Board approved the proposal for the conversion of
two posts of Part time Sweepers to daily wagers and to fill up
one vacant post of Driver on daily wage basis in HIMUDA. It
also agreed to fill up post of Clerks by promoting eligible Peons/
Chowkidars bygiving one time relaxation i.e. 10 % in the
fgekpy fjiks V Z j Q+ h pj
Recruitment & Promotion Rules.
ikyeiq j % lq n ’kZ u k Mks g :
Himachal Reporter News
Shimla : Roshan Gautam
fnYyh ds fny du‚V I?ysl esa 10
feuV esa 21 ckj ?kwjh xbZ yM+dh
^^dSls euk,a tUefnu**
ikyeiq j % lq n ’kZ u k Mks g :
gSIih cFkZMs Vw ;w] bl izdkj tUefnu eukuk fdruk vPNk
yxrk gSA vktdy eka&cki ds cnyrs laLdkj] u;s ;qx dk vkuk]
D;k ;gh gekjh laLd`fr gS\ dsd cukuk] ml ij eksecfÙk;ka
yxkuk] fQj ckj&ckj Qwad ekj dj cq>kukA
dHkh gekjh laLd`fr esa nhid dk cq>kuk ,d vi”kxqu ekuk
tkrk Fkk ijUrq vc bls cM+Iiu le>k tk jgk gSA tks yksx lkbZal
i<+rs gSa] os tkurs gksaxs fd ,d I;kys esa eqag yxkus ls mlesa fdrus
dhVk.kq iSnk gks tkrs gSaA blh izdkj tc ckj&ckj Qwad ekjsaxs rks
fdrus dhVk.kq mRiUu gksrs gSaA gk; js Hkkjrh; laLd`fr] rw dgka [kks
xbZ\ dgka ls xzg.k yx x;k gekjh laLd`fr dks\
tUefnu esa ,d cM+s nhid esa yky ekSyh ls cÙkh Mky dj
fry dk rsy Hkj dj MkyukA nhid dks tyk, j[kukA ;g gekjh
ijEijk gSA gekjk ‘kjhj ikap rRoksa ls feydj cuk gS] vfXu] ok;q]
vkdk”k] i`Foh vkSj tyA igys bu ikap rRoksa dh iwtk djuh
pkfg,A loZizFke x.kifr iwtu] fQj /kjrh eka dh iwtk] dy’k
iwtu] nhid iwtu] dyqt nsoh vFkkZr~ dqy dks c<+kus okyh nsoh o
j{kk djus okyh nsoh dh iwtk djukA i`Foh dk jax ihyk gS] ty
dk jax lQsn gS] vfXu dk yky] ok;q dk gjk o vkdk’k dk jax
uhyk gSA rks bUgha ikap jaxksa ls pkoyksa dks jax dj ;k izR;sd jax
dh nky&pkoy ls ,d LokfLrd cuk fy;k tk, vkSj cM+k nhid
tyk dj iwtk dh tk,A
gekjk fo/kku uoxzg iwtu dk Hkh gSA tUefnu ds ‘kqHkkolj
ij izR;sd xzg larq”V fd;k tk, rkfd lkjs xzg iwjk o”kZ viuh d`ik
n`f”V cuk, j[ksaA dU;k iwtu nsoh eka dh izlUurk ds fy,A
ekjd.Ms; Lokeh dk iwtu nh?kkZ;q dh dkeuk gsrq fd;k tkrk gSA
gekjh laLd`fr esa nhid tyk dj mRlo eukuk ‘kqHk ekuk
tkrk Fkk tksfd bl ik’pkR; lH;rk dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, vc
eksrcÙkh cq>k dj fd;k tkrk gSA fdruk xUnk ekse gksrk gS tks
‘kk;n dsd ij Hkh fxjrk gSA bl izFkk dks frykatfy nsrs gq, gesa
iqu% viuh laLd`fr dks viukuk pkfg, rHkh iw.kZ gksxk tUefnol
eukus dk y{;A
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Item rate tender in sealed cover on the prescribed PWD Form No. 6&8 are hereby invited for following work
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Name of work
Providing and fixing electrical 1,65,380/installation in Library building
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Y 31, 2014