THE PREPRESS-PORTAL KODAK-INSITE INSITE PREPRESS PORTAL What is InSite Prepress-Portal and how is it for? InSite is a prepress webportal made by Kodak which ties in with our pringergy system via Internet. It enable a direct communication to our prepress of handling jobs to the approvement of it. With any net browser and a personal login to InSite you have a permanent access to the status of your print-job and up-to-date processing printing data via Display. You can check page for page, upload corrections, add comments directly to the portal or approve your job. The indicated PDF documents are transmitted via secure https connection. At the same time everyone who is included to a job like administrator, customer and prepress coworker get an email of every resulting action. In this way everybody is up to date all the time. InSiteprepresssavesyouprimarilyabovealltimeandallowstoyouthedirectconnectionwithourprepress-worklow. With deposited processing rules InSite allows an automatic processing of print jobs. Conditionforafunctioningautomatismisthestrictobservanceofgivenilenames. 2 Login to InSite: Add the adress to your browser. Enter your username and the password, which is recieved by us. Choose your language and click „Remember me on this computer“ if you want to save your account in your browser. Click „Login and you‘ll see the following window: If you click on your username (on top on the right) you have access to your user data and the opinion to modify it. You need to have the Right to modify user-accounts. Underthepoint„help“youindaonline-helpforworkingwithInSite. 3 SELECT A PRINTING JOB: Within this window are all jobs on which you have acess. Select per click your printing job, which you want to aprrove or correct. Then you‘ll see the Approval Summary of your selected job. 4 APPROVAL SUMMARY OF THE STATUS TO YOUR JOB: Below the point “Summary“ you get basic information to your print-job. Among the rest, you can see the actual status of your job for example. legend of possible status-options: speciicationforemptypages These pages are still working in progress by us The approval for your pages is request and you can start to check the pages of your job These pages are okay and you have approve them. These pages aren‘t okay and you have reject them. For these pages results still corrections. 5 UPLOAD + FILE-NAMING ProvideyourilesinInSiteaboutthefunction„Uploadiles“. To guarantee an error free processing you have to abide by theregulationofilenaming. Please do not write double-page-pdfs because our system can‘t apart them from single-PDFs. Which production- and versionnumber have to be used for your job you can receive by your responsible personal administrator. FILE-NAMING WITH ONE VERSION: single-PDF : productionnumber_pagenumber (example: 6301212_001_0001.pdf) collected-PDF: productionnumber_pagenumber-pagenumber (example: 6301212_001_0004-0016.pdf) FILE-NAMING WITH SEVERAL VERSIONS: single-PDF for different versions: productionnumber_versionnumber_pagenumber (example: 6301212_001_0001.pdf) (example: 6301212_002_0001.pdf) collected-PDF: for different versions productionnumber_versionnumber_pagenumber-pagenumber (example: 6301212_001_0004-00016.pdf) (example: 6301212_002_0004-00016.pdf) 6 PREFLIGHT: YourileswillbecheckedbytheprelightmodulofKodak. The following parameters will be checked: • • • • • • • • • Resolution of color or grayscale image is less than 102dpi RGB color space is used LAB color space is used ICC-based color is used Spot color is used Font is not embedded Ink coverage is bigger than 330% Black text doesn‘t overprint white text is not on leaves blank WhenyouuploadilesinInSiteyou‘llgetanshortinformationifthesystemfoundanywarnings. Infactofthistheuser,whouploadedileswillgetanemailfromthesystemwhichshowsyouthelinkto theprelight-report.Youcanchoosethemdirectlybyclickonapageandopenitwith„SmartReview“,too. Activatethewindow„Prelightmanager“inSmartreviewandyouareabletoseethewarningsofyouriles. (Please activate Java in your webbrowser for working with Smart Review) 7 APPROVAL AND CORRECTION OF YOUR PAGES: To approve or reject pages of your printing job you have different possibilities: a.) Approval of pages via index of pages b.) Approval of pages via preview c.) Approval of pages via Smart Review d.) Approval of pages via a Secure Link A.) APPROVAL OF PAGES VIA INDEX OF PAGES: The index of pages shows you miniature-preview and more information of the pages in your job. Ontheleftyouhavethepossibilitytoilterthepages. Ontherightyouindtheaction„approve“and„reject.Additionallyyoucandownloadaprooftocheckyourpages. You can give releases for particular, selected oder all pages. 8 B.) APPROVAL OF PAGES VIA PREVIEW: Clickon„preview“toapproveorrejectyourpagesviaalash-preview. On the left and on the right you have the possibilities to approve or reject the pages of your job. Withinthelowerareayoucanindazoom-functionoryoucanhavealooktoyourpageswithbleedingframeforexample. Within the upper area you can switch between versions or switch to an arbitrary page of your job. 9 C.) APPROVAL OF PAGES VIA SMART REVIEW: On the „pages“ tab, click Smart review or click an image thumbnail. The pages open in Smart Review. In Smart Review you can view page information, turn separations on and off, measure color density or make text annotations for example. The approval or rejection of pages in Smart Review is possible, too. You can do this within the upper area of the site. approveorreject Chat-window Youcanchatwith otherusers textannotation addcomments forotherusers Marking-Tools Measure-Tools pipette measurecolor density Sideorientation Separations showseperate colours versions view doublepages 10 Fullimagemode D.) APPROVAL OF PAGES VIA SECURE LINK: Via Secure Links InSite-User got the Possibility to generate an email-link to other participants who didn‘t have a own InSite-Account. With a secure link you can choose all or a arbitrary selection of pages which have to be approved or reject by a participant. The recipient can check the pages directly by using the link which is generated for him. ( Visit our homepage for more information in fact of Secure Links ) 11 CONTACT ADDRESS For questions in fact of your printing-job please contact your responsible personal administrator. If you have any technical questions, do not hesitate to send us an email. You reach us Monday to Friday between 6 a.m. and 22 p.m.: Lars Langkopf - [email protected] Janina Otten - [email protected] [email protected] fon: (+49) 4342 765 -160 / 145 journ. publishing information: DVZ Druckvorstufen GmbH Industriestraße 20 24211Preetz Geschäftsführer: Thomas Plasa Telefon: (+49) 4342 765 -282
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