ODE Solu)on Methods § Euler Method (1st order) x n +1 = x n + f (x n )Δt § Improved Euler Method (2nd order) x˜ n +1 = x n + f (x n )Δt 1 x n +1 = x n + [ f (x n ) + f ( x˜ n +1 )]Δt 2 § Runge-‐Ku>a Methods (higher order) k1 = f (x n )Δt, x n +1 = x n + k 2 = f (x n + 1 k1 )Δt, 2 1 [k1 + 2k 2 + 2k3 + k 4 ]Δt 6 k 3 = f (x n + 1 k2 )Δt, 2 k 4 = f (x n + k 3 )Δt Newton’s Law Problems § Second order ODE § Constant Force F=C (kinema)cs) § Time Dependent Force F=F(t) § Velocity Dependent Force F=F(v) (ex. Projec)le with drag) § Posi)on Dependent Force F=F(x) (ex. Simple harmonic mo)on) §How can ODE solu)on methods help? € Newton’s Law Problems § Second order ODE ∑ F = ma § Constant Force F=C (kinema)cs) § Time Dependent Force F=F(t) § Velocity Dependent Force F=F(v) (ex. Projec)le with drag) § Posi)on Dependent Force F=F(x) (ex. Simple harmonic mo)on) §How can ODE solu)on methods help? € Newton’s Law Problems § Second order ODE ∑ F = ma § Constant Force F=C (kinema)cs) § Time Dependent Force F=F(t) § Velocity Dependent Force F=F(v) (ex. Projec)le with drag) § Posi)on Dependent Force F=F(x) (ex. Simple harmonic mo)on) §How can ODE solu)on methods help? F = −kx = ma ˙x˙ = −ω 2 x € Newton’s Law Problems § Second order ODE ∑ F = ma § Constant Force F=C (kinema)cs) § Time Dependent Force F=F(t) § Velocity Dependent Force F=F(v) (ex. Projec)le with drag) § Posi)on Dependent Force F=F(x) (ex. Simple harmonic mo)on) §How can ODE solu)on methods help? F = −kx = ma ˙x˙ = −ω 2 x x˙ = v v˙ = −ω 2 x Damped SHM clear all %Shows how to solve the damped SHM problem for three %values of the damping constant C(1)=1; C(2)=50; C(3)=200; for dampcons_choice=1:3 m=20; % m=mass c=C(dampcons_choice); %c=damping factor k=20; %spring constant final_time=100; initial_time=0; delta_t=.01; N=final_time/delta_t; v=zeros(N,1); x=zeros(N,1); t=zeros(N,1); v(1)=0; x(1)=1; t(1)=initial_time; Damped SHM for i=1:N-1 xk_1=v(i)*delta_t; vk_1=((-c/m)*v(i)-(k/m)*x(i))*delta_t; xk_2=(v(i)+.5*vk_1)*delta_t; vk_2=((-c/m)*(v(i)+.5*vk_1)-(k/m)*(x(i) +xk_1))*delta_t; xk_3=(v(i)+.5*vk_2)*delta_t; vk_3=((-c/m)*(v(i)+.5*vk_2)-(k/m)*(x(i) +xk_2))*delta_t; xk_4=(v(i)+.5*vk_3)*delta_t; vk_4=((-c/m)*(v(i)+.5*vk_3)-(k/m)*(x(i) +xk_3))*delta_t; x(i+1)=x(i) +(1/6)*(xk_1+2*xk_2+2*xk_3+xk_4); v(i+1)=v(i) +(1/6)*(vk_1+2*vk_2+2*vk_3+vk_4); t(i+1)=t(i)+delta_t; end Damped SHM figure(1) subplot(2,1,1) hold on if(dampcons_choice==1) plot(t,x,'b') elseif(dampcons_choice==2) plot(t,x,'r') elseif(dampcons_choice==3) plot(t,x,'k') end subplot(2,1,2) hold on if(dampcons_choice==1) plot(t,v,'b') elseif(dampcons_choice==2) plot(t,v,'r') elseif(dampcons_choice==3) plot(t,v,'k') end end ODE Solu)on Methods § Adap)ve Step Size § step halving § embedded RK methods § ODE S)ffness § implicit vs explicit solns dy = −ay dt dy = −ay dt dy i+1 h dt y i+1 = y i − ay i+1h yi y i+1 = 1+ ah dy y i+1 = y i + i h dt y i+1 = y i − ay i h y i+1 = y i (1− ah) € y i+1 = y i + € € ODE Solu)on Methods § Adap)ve Step Size § step halving § embedded RK methods § ODE S)ffness § implicit vs explicit solns dy = −1000y + 3000 − 2000e−t dt y = 3 − 0.998e−1000t − 2.002e−t ODE Solvers in MATLAB >> help ode45 ODE45 Solve non-‐s)ff differen)al equa)ons, medium order method. [TOUT,YOUT] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0) with TSPAN = [T0 TFINAL] integrates the system of differen)al equa)ons y' = f(t,y) from )me T0 to TFINAL with ini)al condi)ons Y0. ODEFUN is a func)on handle. For a scalar T and a vector Y, ODEFUN(T,Y) must return a column vector corresponding to f(t,y). Each row in the solu)on array YOUT corresponds to a )me returned in the column vector TOUT. To obtain solu)ons at specific )mes T0,T1,...,TFINAL (all increasing or all decreasing), use TSPAN = [T0 T1 ... TFINAL]. ODE Solvers -‐ Bungee with Cord § Solve the bungee jumper problem including effect of cord § system of 2 ode’s dx =v dt € ODE Solvers -‐ Bungee with Cord § Solve the bungee jumper problem including effect of cord § system of 2 ode’s dx =v dt § and §if cord is slack € dv c = g − sign(v) d v 2 dt m € ODE Solvers -‐ Bungee with Cord § Solve the bungee jumper problem including effect of cord § system of 2 ode’s dx =v dt § and §if cord is slack §if cord is taught € dv c = g − sign(v) d v 2 dt m € dv c k γ = g − sign(v) d v 2 − (x − L) − v dt m m m € ODE Solvers -‐ Bungee with Cord § Solve the bungee jumper problem including effect of cord § system of 2 ode’s dx =v dt § and §if cord is slack §if cord is taught € dv c = g − sign(v) d v 2 dt m € dv c k γ = g − sign(v) d v 2 − (x − L) − v dt m m m € ODE Solvers -‐ Bungee with Cord § Solve the bungee jumper problem including effect of cord § system of 2 ode’s dx =v dt § and §if cord is slack §if cord is taught € dv c = g − sign(v) d v 2 dt m € dv c k γ = g − sign(v) d v 2 − (x − L) − v dt m m m € ODE Solvers -‐ Bungee with Cord § Solve the bungee jumper problem including effect of cord function dydt = bungeecord(t,y,L,cd,m,k,gamma) g=9.81; cord=0; if(y(1)>L) %determine if the cord exerts a force cord=k/m*(y(1)-L)+gamma/m*y(2); end dydt=[y(2); g-sign(y(2))*cd/m*y(2)^2-cord]; [t,y]=ode45(@bungeecord,[0 50],[0 0],[],30,0.25,68.1,40,8); plot(t,-‐y(:,1),'-‐',t,y(:,2),':') legend('x(m)','v(m/s)') Spinning Tennis Ball Problem z v ω D G M velocity ω angular velocity drag gravity € magnus v D G € € x € € M y Spinning Tennis Ball Problem Spinning Tennis Ball Problem HW #2 – Use MATLAB to solve for the posi)on of a tennis ball through )e from the moment it is given an ini)al velocity of Vo un)l it hits the ground for three cases case 1) in a vacuum case 2) in air but not spinning case 3) in air and spinning with angular velocity ω As a final product of this solu)on plot the trajectory for the three cases. h=1m, ω=20, Vo=25 m/s, θ=15 degrees, g=9.8 m/s^2, d=.063m, m=.05kg, rho 1.29
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