Venue: Date: REGISTRATION IS ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS Doula Course Booking Form Participant Information Title Full Name: Address: City Post Code Mobile: Country Email: Home: Website: Business name: NO YES Age: Children: YES NO Have you used the services of a Doula? If Yes Please give details: Experience Current Occupation: Any Qualifications in relations to the following: YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO *Antenatal Preparations: *Birth: *Post Natal: *Infant Feeding: Which? Date Which? Date Which? Date Which? Date Other: Nurturing Birth Limited, 108 Shenstone Valley Road, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 9TF, UK 0121 422 2819 How did you hear about the course? Web Search (yahoo, Google…) Or From Doula UK: YES NO Date: Did you attend the DUK introduction to the work of a doula day? Name (optional): Personal Recommendation: Payment PAYMENT: Please read carefully The Birth and Postnatal course is £450. A minimum deposit of £150 is required with the application form in order to guarantee your place on the course. Payment is by bank transfer to: Nurturing Birth Ltd, HSBC bank Sort code: 40-44-37 Account number: 32064286 Reference – your surname (as given on the booking form) and venue. OR Cheque payable to: Nurturing Birth Ltd Reference on the back of the cheque – your surname (as given on the booking form) and venue. Payment (cheque or proof of online payment) must be enclosed for the application form to be valid. The fee includes a comprehensive manual, access to a mentor, access to our on-line forum (reserved for our NB trained doulas), a quarterly e-news and a free place for 6months+ on our on-line Doula Directory. Payment Plans are only available by previous arrangements with Nurturing Birth. Please contact the office by email ar [email protected] or call on 01214222819. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. As per Trading Standards guidelines, payment is only refundable up to 7 days after receipt of your payment. Should you suddenly be unable to attend the course you have booked (due to unforeseen circumstances) you can postpone once but you will not be entitled to a refund. We reserve the right to postpone and/or change the venue location. We will offer an alternative where possible. Signature Signature: Date: Office Use Only Initial Payment: £ P C Module: Method: Date sent: YES Payment Plan Date: Date received Booked with Friend: NO Proposed Dates: Amount: Date received Nurturing Birth Limited, 108 Shenstone Valley Road, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 9TF, UK 0122 422 2819 Why Would You Like To Become a Doula Please spend a few minutes reflecting on the above question and let us know in a few lines: Nurturing Birth Limited, 108 Shenstone Valley Road, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 9TF, UK 0123 422 2819
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