Portland Unity Zikr –September 13, 2014 at 7:30 PM with Dessert Potluck After Zikr at Kinton Masonic Temple, 8130 N Denver, Portland, OR September Sun Issue 9, Vol. 17 2014 Mon 1 Tue 2 6 PM Shadhilliyya Study Group 7:30 PM Portland Dances of Universal Peace Wed 3 Thu 4 7 PM Occupy Your Heart with Murshida Rani McLaughlin 8 7 PM Jerrahi Zikr 6:30 PM Mevlevi Threshold 9 6 PM Shadhilliyya Study Group 7 PM Salem Dances of Universal Peace 7:30 PM Portland Dances of Universal Peace 7:30 PM Sufi Order Saluk Class 14 1 PM Mureeds Class w/Kalama and Iman 4 PM Portland Turn Class MOA 5 PM Musical Zikr 7 PM Jerrahi Zikr 15 21 4 PM One Heart DUP 22 6:30 PM Mevlevi Threshold 16 6 PM Shadhilliyya Study Group 7:30 PM Portland Dances of Universal Peace 6:30 PM Mevlevi Threshold 7:30 PM Portland Dances of Universal Peace 5 PM Westside DHO 7 PM Jerrahi Zikr ECSTACY OF UNITY 7:30 PM Sufi Order Mureeds Class MUNIR REYNOLDS- Eugene 28 1 PM Mureeds Class w/Kalama and Iman 4 PM Portland Turn Class MOA 5 PM Musical Zikr 5:30 PM Portland DHO 7 PM Jerrahi Zikr DUP-3 Year Dance Deepening –Salem 29 30 6:30 PM Mevlevi Threshold 6 PM Shadhilliyya Study Group 7 PM Lincoln City Dances of Universal Peace 7:30 PM Portland Dances of Universal Peace 6 7:30 PM Celebration Circle DUP 7:30 PM Hillsboro DUP 10 11 7 PM Occupy Your Heart with Murshida Rani McLaughlin 7 PM Corvallis DUP 7:30 PM Seekers Circle -Shadhiliyya Sufi Order 17 18 7 PM Occupy Your Heart with Murshida Rani McLaughlin 7 PM Salem DUP 24 25 7:30 PM Sufi Order Inquirer Class 23 6 PM Shadhilliyya Study Group 5 7 PM Salem DUP Sat 7:30 PM Eugene DUP 7:30 PM Sufi Order Mureeds Class 7 Fri 7 PM Occupy Your Heart with Murshida Rani McLaughlin 12 7 PM Newport DUP 7:30 PM Hillsboro DUP 7:30 Celebration Circle DUP 13 Portland Unity Zikr at 7:30 PM with potluck DESSERT after at Kinton Masonic Temple 8130 N Denver Portland, OR 19 7:30 PM Eugene DUP 7:30 PM Hillsboro DUP 7:30 Celebration Circle DUP 7:30 PM DUP One River-White Salmon 20 HARVEST OF LIGHT—Portland 3-5:45 PM Dances of Universal Peace 5:45-6:45 PM Potluck Dinner 7-9:30 PM Dances of Universal Peace ECSTACY OF UNITY MUNIR REYNOLDS-Eugene 26 27 7:30 PM Hillsboro DUP-3 Year Dance DUP DeepeningUnveiling the Dance of your life 7:30 Celebration Salem Circle DUP Devi Tide workshop early registration deadline is September 30th, 2014. Autumn Fall DUP on Vashon Island early registration deadline is October 15th, 2014. Page 2 Dear Friends, SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, October 8, 2014 from 11:00 PM—12:00 AM on Oregon Public Broadcasting TV, and Friday, October 10, 2014 from 4 AM– 5 AM. The film, “Enemy of the Reich: The Noor Inayat Khan Story,” will be aired. DVDs may be available through PBS afterwards. Click the following link for information about the film, and the trailer: upf.tv/films/enemy-of-the-reich/ An hour long docu-drama has been produced by Unity Productions Foundation about the life and heroism of Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan, Harzat Inayat Khan’s daughter, Pir Vilayat’s sister, Pir Zia’s aunt. Noor joined the fight against the Nazis in World War II by becoming an undercover radio operator airlifted by the British into France, behind enemy lines. The film features dramatic enactments of Noor’s sotry as well as commentary by Pir Zia and others, and narration by Helen Mirren. The core of the story, Noor’s courage, heroism and commitment to justice for all human beings is a beacon of hope in our troubled times. May it fulfill the purposes of the One. Page 3 DISCOVERING THE SACRED IN THE ORDINARY Spiritual Memoir Journaling Retreat Menucha Retreat Center October 19-20, 2014 Ananda Miriam Simmons invites you to come and share an experience with others like yourself, who are willing to be surprised by the unfolding of their life’s journey through spiritual memoir journaling. Illuminating poems, sacred texts, dances of universal peace and meditations will be guiding inspirations for this personal journey. When: October 19th– beings at 4:00 PM and ends October 20th at 4:00 PM. Where: Menucha Retreat center at 38711 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy., Corbett, OR 97019 Cost: $95 and rate includes lodging and food. Mail check payable to AD Simmons, 305 NE 78th Ave., Portland, OR 97213. Dana/love offering for guidance provided by Ananda Mariam Simmons will be accepted at retreat. Ananda Mariam Simmons is an interfaith spiritual director, spiritual coach, and a Sufi minister. Contact Mariam at [email protected] or call 503-939-2711 Dances of Universal Peace North Pacific Region Autumn Community Dance Retreat CONFLUENCE….River of Darkness, River of Light! October 31 thru November 2, 2014, Friday Supper (6 PM) through Sunday lunch (1 PM) Camp Burton, Vashon Island, WA (Close to Seattle) Our Beloved Staff: Hayra Fatah (Seattle, WA), Pat Adams (Portland, OR), Daniel Kirchhof (Sandpoint, ID) Generations, circumstance, and will… have flowed for eons toward this moment of existence. What is hidden in your unique confluence? It’s time to daylight an underground stream and cascade toward wholeness. “Penetrate the heart of a drop of water and you will be flooded by a hundred oceans.” —Mahmed Shabistari Cost: Cabins; $185 if post-dated by Oct 15/ $200 after. Retreat Center; 3 beds per room, $220 by Oct 15 and $235 after. 2 beds per room, $240 by Oct 15 and $255 after. 2014 Youth discounts available—for ages 13-29. Prices include 6 fantastic meals prepared by Camp Burton staff. A limited number of scholarships may be available from DUP Seattle. Registrar: Martha Bracken 206-367-0387 [email protected]. Mail $75 minimum deposit payable to: Dances of Universal Peace, and mail to Martha Bracken, PO Box 55994, Seattle, WA 98155-0994. Registration forms found at www.seattleDUP.org Page 4 Portland Unity Zikr –September 13, 2014 at 7:30 PM with Dessert Potluck After Zikr at Kinton Masonic Temple, 8130 N Denver, Portland, OR MUSIC AS THE DOORWAY with DEVI TIDE More and More Awake Full Day Zikr Retreat October 25-26, 2014 Subud House 3185 NE Regents Dr., Portland, Oregon with Mark Mujahid Havill & Ahura Grace Henke October 4, 2014 West Hills Unitarian Fellowship 8470 SW Oleson Rd., Portland OR 97223 A Participatory Exploration of Sound and Music for Awakening, Integration and Healing Mind, Body and Spirit. Devi Tide is the head of the Sufi Healing Order in North America with over 30 years of experience as a spiritual teacher, retreat guide, and healer. An Emeritus Secretary General of the Sufi Order International, she represents Sufi ideals of inter-religious harmony and personal transformation in seminars, public speaking and retreats. Times: Oct. 25th Sat. 10– 5:30, w/potluck lunch, Sun., 1-6 PM & Community Zikr-Sat. 7:30-9:30. Cost $120 early registration by Sept 30th, $140 after. Mail $50 deposit payable to NWSC to Patricia Shuford, 16656 SW Henderson Ct., Beaverton, OR 97007. For info or work exchange: Jamil Ali at 503-649-8424 or [email protected]. For housing contact Basira at [email protected] or 503-254-6725. Dances of Universal Peace Unveiling the Dance of Your Life A 3 Year Journey into the Heart Training for Dancers & Emerging Leaders 1st Session: September 27-28, 2014 Salem, Oregon Curriculum for 9 weekends over 3 years: Fundamental elements of mastery, mastery as a dancer, mastery in leading dances (if you choose to lead), study of major religious traditions, transmission, walks, history of the dances, elements of musicianship, voice, instruments and rhythm in support of Dances. Cost: $97 with limit 20 participants Website: http://DanceDeepening.org & for application Angela Scott, registrar: [email protected]. Coordinating leaders: Patrick Adams: [email protected] or Matin Stephen Pierce: [email protected] Moving Meditations Invites you to celebrate the Autumn Equinox: HARVEST OF LIGHT Saturday, September 20, 2014 St. David of Wales Fellowship Hall, 2800 SE Harrison St., Portland, OR 97214 3-5:45 PM Dances of Universal Peace 5:45-6:45 PM Community Potluck Dinner 7-9:30 PM Dances of Universal Peace Suggested donation: $20-45 for day , 1/2 price half day. No one turned away for lack of funds. Mu’mina 503-419-7856 or Kashanda 503-380-2817 www.movingmeditations-dup.com Start Time:10:30 AM, please arrive by 10 AM Cost: $50 includes lunch & dinner. Community Zikr at 7:30 PM with a $10 suggested donation. Registrar: Gita-Barkat Burke [email protected] 503-246-6446 Work trades available please contact Gita-Barkat Registration link: http://goo.gl/bxH3Rm Experiencing The Ecstasy of Unity Munir Peter Reynolds September 19 –21, 2014 Far Horizons Montessori School Eugene, Oregon Bring your original mind to an exploration of Sacred Unity and our true nature in Wholeness. We stand poised between the apparently dualist world and the all-pervading Reality, how we see ourselves determines our response to life and the opportunity that every moment brings. Through Dances of Universal Peace, Walking Concentrations, Contemplation and Zikr we will become aware of our eternal, infinite being, and attune to the thread that leads us into unfoldment of our life’s purpose. Munir Peter Reynolds is a Sheikh in the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Executive Director of the Dances of Universal Peace International, a senior Mentor of Dance leaders, and a member of the Guidance Council for the Dances. Cost: $101 (sliding scale for youth and low income seniors) To register contact Zarifah Spain at [email protected] or 541-337-4604 and tell her you would like the taco lunch or bring your own. See the flyer for time and location details. SUFI CLASSES AND ONGOING EVENTS IN OREGON Some class listings are for Sufi Initiates only ~ please call before attending Dances of Universal PeacePortland www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org and www.pdxdances.org Tuesday Dance Circle– 7:30 PM at St David of Wales Episcopal Church, 2800 SE Harrison St., Portland. www.movingmeditations-dup.com Friday Celebration Circle Dance Meeting –7:30 PM at St Michael’s Episcopal Church, 1704 NE 43rd Avenue, Portland. Contact Jack 503-208-3979 One Heart Circle - 4 PM, Third Sundays, at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian, 5441 SE Belmont St., Portland. Contact Zaynab 503-260-9916. Hillsboro Dance Circle– Fridays, 7:30 PM at Unitarian Universalist Church, 22785 NW Birch Street, Hillsboro. www.movingmeditations-dup.com Westside Dance Circle— Even Numbered Months, 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 PM at Unity of Beaverton Church, 12650 SW 5th St., Beaverton. Contact Patricia 503-887-8616. Mevlevi Order of America www.hayatidede.org Kalama Reuter 971-998-7908 Turn Class– 4 PM 2nd & 4th Sundays at Collins View Dance Center, 318 SW Palatine Hill Rd., Portland. Call Kalama 971-9987908. All are welcome. Mevlevi Threshold Society www.sufism.org Khadim Chishti 971-998-6846 [email protected] Dervish Circle, Mon. 6:30PM Nur Ashki Jerrahi Orderwww.nurashkijerrahi.org Zhikr held on Sundays 7 PM Ashki 503-545-5453 Portland Dervish Healing Order (DHO) Joel Weber –[email protected] New Moon Healing Service— at 5:30 PM at 1836 SE 36th Ave., Portland, OR 97214 Westside Dervish Healing Order (DHO) Khabir Taylor 503-705-4932 3rd Sundays: ton. call for location in Beaver- Shadhiliyya Sufi Order www.portlandsufi.org suficenter.org Seekers Welcome Circle: Rifqa 503-350-0394 2nd Thurs. of mo. Shadhiliyya Sufi Order 6 PM Study Group @ Tabor Space, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR 97215. Contact Hamid Paul Werder 503-6326583 & Rifqa 503-350-0394 Page 5 Ashland Sufi Heart Circle www.ashlandsufi.com Khalil Elliott 541-708-0681 1st Thursdays Dances at 7:30PM at Hidden Springs Wellness Center, 1651 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland. Zikr—2nd & 4th Thursdays at Peoples Choice Acupuncture, 1640 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland. Sufi Healing Order/Raphaelite Work Contact : Hayyat & Wahhab Dohrmann 503-305-6450 or mddohrman (at) com- Corvallis: DUP –7 PM 2nd Thursdays at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2945 NW cast (dot) net. Circle Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330. Contact Sufi Healing Order Stephen Pierce at [email protected] or 503.936.5318 www.sufihealingorder.org http://www.twinoakscenter.com/ Eugene Dervish Healing Order sufism.html Murad Finkelstein [email protected] Contact: Hayyat & Wahhab Dohrmann 541-343-9952 Healing Circle, Sunday, 7 PM 503-305-6450 or mddohrman (at) comEugene Sufi Community cast (dot) net. Sufi Order International www.sufiorder.org Initiates class: 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month. Zikr on 4th Fridays each month. Ruhaniat Contact: Murad Finklestein 541343-9952 or [email protected] Nasiban & Samuel Vilayat Schatz 503— 1st and 3rd & 5th Fridays 281-0265. Call for Inquirer’s Class info. Dances: 7:30PM at Friends Meeting House, 2274 Or email: [email protected] (New Email) Onyx St., Eugene, OR. Call Haqiqa 541-2218412 or [email protected]. Mureeds class 7:30 PM 1st & 4th Mevlevi Rumi Study Circle and Turn Class: Tuesdays Gatha Class, and 7:30 PM Tuesday evening class from 7:00—9:00PM. Contact Husamed-din at 541-521-8655 or 2nd Tuesdays of month SALUK [email protected] for location CLASS, and 3rd Tuesday Inquirer class. Hood River—White Salmon DUP-One River- 3rd Friday, 7:30 PM. Dances in White Sufi Movement Salmon, 177 W. Jewett Blvd, at the Yoga www.nwsufimovement.org Samadhi studio. Donations go to the Oregon Food Bank. Kalama 509-493-2514 Murshida Rani McLaughlin Lincoln City DUP-4th Monday 7 PM at 503-245-9311 Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy 101. [email protected] Stephen Pierce at 503.936.5318 or [email protected] Zikar of Hazrat Inayat Khan is on the Newport Dances of Universal Peace 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30PM at — 2nd Friday of the month at 7 PM, South Rani’s office: 909 SW St. Clair Ave. Beach Community Center, 3024 Ferry Slip Portland 97205. Please call to confirm. Rd., South Beach, OR (just south of Newport) Contact: Stephen Pierce at 503.936.5318 or 7 PM Wednesdays “Occupy Your [email protected]. Heart,” Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse, 4312 SE Stark Street, Portland. Call Rani for Salem Dances of Universal Peace 1st Fridays & 3rd Thursday, 7 PM Unitarian information about classes. Universalist Congregation of Salem, 5090 Sufi Ruhaniat International Center St. NE Contact: Rabia 503-881-8253 www.ruhaniat.org Salem_Dances_of_Universal_Peace@hotmail .com. 2nd Tuesdays, 7 PM Sacred Space Kalama Reuter 971-998-7908 Spiritual Center, 2111 Front St. NE, Bldg 3, Salem OR 97301 Stephen Pierce 503-936Iman Jackson 503-774-5038 5318. Website: www.salemdances.com and Ahura Grace Henke 503-260-1426 salemdances facebook page. Class. Mureeds Class 2nd and 4th Sundays 1 Talent, Oregon — Self & Soul Center PM. Those interested in attending con- Talent Self & Soul Center 9820 Wagner Creek Rd., Talent, OR 97540 tact Iman 503-774-5038. www.selfsoulcenter.org Universal Worship Service Yahya Ali & Raphael 541-535-3338 Nasiban 503-281-0265 Community meditations Sunday 10-11 AM Check website for additional events and Rani 503-245-9311 specifics. The Caravansary 10824 SW 57th Place Portland, Oregon 97219 Change Service Requested The Caravansary Newsletter is now ONLINE at: www.oregoncaravan.org or www.oregoncaravan.com To submit events or announcements to the website please send to [email protected] or to e-newsletter send to [email protected] ************************************************** TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CARAVANSARY E-NEWSLETTER MONTHLY AS A PDF FILE email: [email protected] CARAVANSARY STAFF President Jamil Ali 503-649-8424 Secretary Wajood Taylor 503-452-1224 US Mail Subscriptions [email protected] Treasurer/Flyer Basira Goldstein 503-254-6725 Editor Farishta (Patricia) 503-649-8424 [email protected] The Caravansary is a non-profit community newsletter. Published monthly by The Caravansary. 10824 SW 57th Place, Portland , OR 97219
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