CT Measurement of the Normal Ventricular System in Premature

CT Measurement of the Normal Ventricular
System in Premature Infants
Marijan Lovrencic 1 and Ljerka Schmutzer 2
In order to develop quantitative criteria for normal lateral
ventricular dimensions, 70 cerebral computed tomographic
scans of premature infants were reviewed and 31 normal scans
were selected as suitable for establishing cerebroventricular
indices. In 15 normal premature infants of less than 32 weeks
gestational age the mean bifrontal index was 0.28 ± 0 .05, the
mean bicaudate index 0 .10 ± 0.02 , and the mean bioccipital
index 0.19 ± 0.05. In 16 normal premature infants of more than
32 weeks gestational age the mean bifrontal , bicaudate, and
bioccipital indices were 0.26 ± 0.06, 0.1 1 ± 0.03, and 0 .17 ±
0.04, respectively. No statistically significant diff erences were
found in the values of the indices between the two groups, which
demonstrates the uniformity of the ventricular size in normal
premature infants.
Computed tomograph y (CT) is an acce pted procedure in identifying a wide range of pathologic processes. Th e technique can be
used in neon ates to diagnose intracrani al hemorrhage, ence ph alomalacia, brain malformati ons , and hydroceph alus . To establi sh th e
presence of hydroceph alu s the size of th e ventric ular system,
especially th e lateral ventric les, mu st be known . Measurements of
norm al ventric ular size in adults and c hildren over 1 yea r have been
widely reported [1-5], but only a few papers deal with ventric ular
dimensions in th e first year of life [6, 7], parti c ularl y in full-term and
premature infants [8]. Th e purpose of this study was to develop
quantitative c riteria fo r normal lateral ventricular size in prem ature
Th e scans we re projected and analyzed on the Evaluoskop
sc reen (Siemens). Th e secti ons at th e level of fro ntal and occipital
horn s were magnified x 2 . From th e mag ni fied pict ure d irect linear
measurements were taken in th ree transverse planes. Th e measurements obtained were co nverted to dimension less ratios and
expressed as cereb roventric ular ind ices , as follows (fi g . 1):
1. Th e bifro ntal index is th e d istance between th e anterior corners of th e fro ntal horn s (A) relative to th e width of the ce rebral
hemisph ere at th e same level (A ,).
2. Th e bicaudate index is the distance between th e frontal horns
at th e level of th e heads of th e caudate nucle i (8) relative to the
width of th e cerebral hemi sphere at th e same level (8 ,).
3 . Th e bi occipital index is th e sum of the maximum wi dths of the
occipital horn s (C, + C 2 ) relative to th e w idth of the cerebra l
hemi sphere at the same level (C 3 ) .
Table 1 presents th e ranges, means, and standard deviations of
th e bifrontal, bi caudate, and bioccipital ce rebroven tricu lar indices
according to th e two gestati onal age grou ps. No stati sti cally significant differences we re found in the va lu es of the respective
indices betwee n th e group of normal premature infa nts of less than
32 weeks gestati onal age and the group of more th an 32 weeks
gestati onal age ( p > 0.05).
Materials and Methods
Seventy cerebral CT scans performed in 70 premature infants
were reviewed . Thirty-one scans were selected as suitable for th e
study . Th e scans selec ted were technica lly acceptable and exhibited no obvious pathology . Th e infants whose sc ans were selected demonstrated norm al psyc homotor development on followup and were con sidered representative of th e norm al ventric ular
system. For purposes of analysis, th e scans were divided into two
groups according to gestatio nal age: (1) premature in fants of less
th an 32 weeks gestation al age (n = 15); (2) premature infants of
more th an 3 2 weeks gestati onal age (n = 16).
All CT scans were obtained with a Siemens Som atom sca nner
with a 2 56 x 256 matri x. Th e infants were not sedated. Axial
tomographic cuts were made at an angle of 10° above the orbitomeatal line. The slices were 4 mm thi c k with 10 sec scan tim e.
Th e absolute vo lu me of the norm al ve ntric ular system in premature in fants is small and the outlines of the ve ntric ular cav ities are
not always c learl y defin ed [9]. Th ese facts diminish the accuracy of
measurements and of th e CT measure ment technique. In 70 CT
brain scans of premature infants , includ ing scans of both normal
and path ologic appearance, th e frontal horn s we re very c learly
visualized in 42 .4 % and clearl y visualized in 36.3% . Thus, in 78 .7%
of scans th e bifrontal and bi cau date dimensio ns we re accessible to
measurement , while in more than 20% of scans th e bifro nta l and
bi caudate in d ices cou ld not be determined. Occipita l horn s were
accurately measured in 75.6% of scans. Poor de fi nition of the
ve ntric ular outlines ca n stem from tec hnical as we ll as anatomic
diffic ul ties (e.g., resolution of the scan ner, cu t thick ness, parti al
volume effect, scanning time, and moving artifacts).
As no stati sti cally significant differences were found in the va lues
of th e ind ices between th e two gestational age groups in our stu dy,
, Institu te of Radiology and Oncology, Dr. Mladen Stojanovic University Hospital, Vinog radska 29 , 41000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Add ress repri nt req uests to
M . Lovrencic.
2 Department of Pedi atrics, Dr. Ml aden Stojanovic University Hospital, 41000 Zagreb , Yugoslavia.
AJNR 4: 683-684, May/ June 1983 0 195-6108 / 83 / 0403- 0683 $00 .00 © Ameri can Roentgen Ray Society
AJNR:4, May / Jun e 1983
ventricu lar size during the first year of life, regardless of gestational
age. This supposition co ntradicts the results of a study [8] that
reported significantly greater mean bicaudate indices in full-term
infants as compared with premature infants of less than 32 weeks
gestational age. The reported indices for full-term infants correspond to those seen in ad ults [2], a fact that makes the study
suspect. Moreover, the mean bicaudate index in our group of
premature infants of less than 32 weeks gestational age (0 .10 ±
0.02) differs from the co rresponding inde x in the group in question
(0.13 ± 0 .02). Errors in measurement and / or technical differences
in scanning may be assumed .
The quantitative criteria developed for normal lateral ventric ular
dimensions are expressed as cerebroventric ular ratios or indices in
order to minimize the potential influence of individual anthropometric variations. Further study is indicated to co nfirm our results and
to test the reliability of each of the indices. The development of
similar indices in series of pathologic scans would also be useful.
Fi g. 1 .-Schematic representation of cerebrov entric ular indices. Bifrontal
index = A / A ,: bicaudate index = B/ B ,: bioccipital index = (C , + C2 )/ C3 .
TABLE 1 : Cerebroventricular Indices of Normal CT Scans in
Premature Infants
Index : Gestational Age (weeks)
Bifrontal :
< 32 (n =
> 32 (n =
< 32 (n =
> 32 (n =
Biocc ipital :
< 32 (n =
> 32 (n =
0 .28
0 .26
0 .05
0 .06
0 .07-0.15
0 .06-0.17
0 .10
0 .02
0 .12-0.2 7
0 .12-0.28
0 .19
0 .17
0 .05
0 .04
all scans may be considered as belonging to a uniform group.
Compari son of the mean bicaudate index in our series (0 .11 ±
0 .0 3) and the ca lculated mean bi cau date index for c hildren in the
first year of life (0.11 ± 0 .0 6) [7] appears to indicate uniformity in
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