RSO Category: Professional/Academic Please note: all information is provided by RSO's through the RSO Online Database. If your RSO's information is incorrect, please update through the "Edit Organization" or "Manage Organization" screens. LIST OF AVAILABLE RSO'S as of 1/5/2015 Search this document! Select Ctrl+F and type in your key word in the search window. purpose statement To provide and promote a better understanding of the functions of advertising and of its values and to stimulate and encourage advertising professionalism through advertising education. Advertising Club Abbreviation: Ad Club RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Secondary Advisor ifosu Email President jlgoss Email lmb022 Email Primary Advisor purpose statement The AgriBusiness Club is a pre-professional student organization. This year's club goals are: 1) to give members an opportunity to develop life long friendships 2) involvement in the community 3) help members to be successful students 4) educate members about industry trends and the job market. Agricultural Business Club Abbreviation: ABC RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 217 Agricultural Building Email Secondary Advisor mdunlap President pmacklie Email Primary Advisor nkemper Email purpose statement The vision of National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow is to be the leading collegiate organization in developing and strengthening agricultural communication students through professional growth opportunities and educational programs. The Mission of National ACT is to build relationships among agricultural communication professionals and college students and faculty, to provide professional and academic development for members and to promote agriculture through communications efforts. Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Abbreviation: ACT RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter AGRI 205, University of Arkansas Secondary Advisor jdmiller Email Secondary Advisor ledgar Email Secondary Advisor ccrumle Email Primary Advisor kjrucker Email hsouthar Email President purpose statement ALPFA's purpose is to advance, connect, and empower college students as they aspire to be professionals in the career of their choice. ALPFA Abbreviation: ALPFA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor reyes Email President jrh013 Email purpose statement To promote the chemical sciences and develop bonds of brotherhood. Alpha Chi Sigma Abbreviation: AXE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Primary Advisor Facebook 492/?ref=br_tf Twitter Dept. of Chemical Engineering 3202 BELL rdhayes Email President mxp031 purpose statement To produce leaders for the Air Force and build better citizens for America. Alpha Iota Rho Abbreviation: AIR RSO Primary Email [email protected] m Website mailing address Email Facebook Twitter 319 Memorial Hall President cfenwick Email Primary Advisor bcy002 Email purpose statement 1) To further the individual welfare of its members. 2) To foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts, and finance. 3) To educate the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein. 4) To promote and advance in institutions of college rank, courses leading to degrees in business administration. Alpha Kappa Psi - Beta Zeta Abbreviation: AKPsi RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President bmcrista Email Primary Advisor wgreenh purpose statement The purpose of the AAPG is to further the professional education of those pursuing a career as a geoscientist in the oil and gas industry. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abbreviation: AAPG RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Primary Advisor President Email Facebook UARK AAPG Twitter UARK AAPG Ozark Hall liner gmccain Email Email purpose statement To promote and educate students on fisheriesactivities, careers, and conservation of aquatic species. American Fisheries Society Abbreviation: AFS RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address SCEN 632 Email Primary Advisor danmag President labrucke Email purpose statement To nurture building of community by bridging science and technology with traditional native values. American Indian Science and Engineering Society Abbreviation: AISES RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Bell 3189 President gcompton Email President jdashley Email Primary Advisor Email tic purpose statement AIAA strives to educate students in the fields of aerospace and aeronautics, to provide outlets for job opportunities and career development, and to represent the University of Arkansas in regional AIAA competitions and conferences. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Abbreviation: AIAA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President ayawn Email Primary Advisor phuang Email purpose statement Since 1956, the American Institute of Architecture Students has been the voice of students to the educational system and the profession of architecture and design in North America and beyond. The association helps to build interest and enrich the educational experience of students (of all ages) and others in architecture and design. American Institute of Architecture Students Abbreviation: AIAS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Vol Walker Hall hawalton Email President Primary Advisor aellett purpose statement Professional society for chemical engineering students. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Abbreviation: AIChE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Email Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor jhesteki Email President mjeske Email purpose statement To facilitate learning and career advancement among marketing majors. American Marketing Association Abbreviation: AMA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President Secondary Advisor Primary Advisor cgooding Email jwcole Email ncox Email purpose statement To provide civil engineering students at the university with a better understanding of the nature of their chosen occupation, experiences that will help them refine their interests within the civil engineering field, and find social interaction among other engineering students. American Society of Civil Engineers Abbreviation: ASCE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 4190 Bell Engineering Center Primary Advisor President kdhall Email ryand07 Email purpose statement To Protect, preserve, and enhance the overall quality of the environments we inhabit. American Society of Landscape Architects Abbreviation: ASLA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 320 Vol Walker Hall Primary Advisor jbritten Email President acv001 purpose statement The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a 120,000-member professional society meant for the promotion of educational, technical, and research issues in the engineering community. At the University of Arkansas, ASME strives to uphold the core values of the society while improving the lives of its members by fostering success and professional development. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Abbreviation: ASME RSO Primary Email Facebook [email protected] m Website mailing address Primary Advisor President Email Twitter 204 Mechanical Engineering Bldg. rjc Email dxr014 Email purpose statement To support friendship and professionalism among graduate students in Animal Science at the University of Arkansas. Animal Science Graduate Student Association Abbreviation: ASGSA RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address AFLS B114 Primary Advisor ekegley Email President ebackes Email purpose statement It shall be the purpose of the Anthropology Graduate Student Consortium to establish camaraderie amongst the anthropology (and related field)graduate students. It shall be the mission of the Anthropology Graduate Student Consortium to provide a setting where students can discuss current research and further their professional interests. Anthropology Graduate Student Consortium Abbreviation: AGSC RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook 239/ Twitter Old Main 330 svliveng Email President Primary Advisor delezene Email Secondary Advisor cterhune Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization is to bring together students and researchers in the light-based fields of optics and photonics at Arkansas and to connect them with other professionals internationally Arkansas Laserbacks Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 237 Physics Building Email President amh029 Primary Advisor jbherzog Email purpose statement ATLA?s members are committed to improving the quality of legal representation for Arkansas families by providing high quality legal education and by keeping abreast of legislative and judicial activities. Arkansas Trial Lawyers Assocation Abbreviation: ATLA RSO Primary Email [email protected] om Facebook Website Twitter mailing address rbleflar Email Secondary Advisor khaywood Email President Primary Advisor cnance Email purpose statement Train cadets to become Army officers. Army ROTC Abbreviation: AROTC RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Army ROTC wohadley Email Primary Advisor rmcquilk Email President purpose statement To create an alliance between practicing art educators in the surrounding community and art education majors at the University. To promote career oppurtunities for art education degree seeking students. Art Educators Association at UA Abbreviation: UAAEA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address President Primary Advisor Facebook Twitter FNAR 112 hkmoore Email alaporte Email purpose statement The following missions guide the purpose and function of APALSA: * To educate, represent and advocate on national and local levels in the interests of APA law students and Asian Pacific Americans in America; * To educate and promote a deeper understanding of the political, financial, social and historical role, contributions, and status of Asian Pacific Americans in America; * To encourage participation, leadership and community service amongst Asian Pacific Americans; * To serve as a national network of communication among the APA law student community for fostering the exchange of ideas and information; * To provide an opportunity for fellowship among its members and broaden career development opportunities for APA law students; * To encourage cooperation with other organizations of minority law students; * To facilitate mutual education and support through the creation and maintenance of a national network of NAPALSA Chapters; and * To inspire students, law students and legal professionals to serve the interests and aspirations of Asian Pacific Americans and other under-represented peoples. Asian Pacific American Law Student Association Abbreviation: APALSA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Asian Pacific American Law Student Association Twitter UARK Law School 107 Waterman Hall Primary Advisor amdoss Email skuruvil Email President purpose statement Student branch of a national Computing Machinery organization Association for Computing Machinery Abbreviation: ACM RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor spgutier Email patitz Email purpose statement AIS offers opportunities for Information Technology (IT) leadership and education through partnerships with industry, government and academia. AITP provides quality IT related education, information on relevant IT issues and forums for networking with experienced peers and other IT professionals Association for Information Systems Abbreviation: AIS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor sbristow Email President rlgeorge Email purpose statement The Apparel Studies Student Association strives to inform and educate its members about the field of apparel merchandising, design, and product development. The club also functions as an creative outlet for members and non-members alike to become more knowledgeable about careers in the fashion industry and to provide networking opportunities with professionals in the field through monthly meetings and events. Association of Apparel Merchandising and Product Development Abbreviation: ASSA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook University of Arkansas Apparel Studies Association Website Twitter mailing address HOEC 118 cheramie Email Primary Advisor President mydo purpose statement To unite and organize MFA students of the University of Arkansas in order to further the development of each artist/graduate student. Association of Graduate Student Artists Abbreviation: AGSA RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Email Facebook Twitter mailing address President albyers Email Primary Advisor aawalls Email purpose statement The purpose of Beta Alpha Psi is to recognize outstanding academic achievements in the field of accounting, finance and information systems; to promote the study and practice of professional fields related to these disciplines; to provide opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing financial professionals; and to encourage a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities. Beta Alpha Psi Abbreviation: BAP RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 471 Business Building Primary Advisor cleflar camurphy Email President purpose statement BESC is a professional and social organization for biological engineering students. Biological Engineering Student Club Abbreviation: BESC RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Email Facebook Twitter 201 Engineering Hall President slpascha Email Primary Advisor gsosborn Email purpose statement Our purpose is group advocacy and representation in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Our goal is to develop an outstanding biology graduate program and provide a conduit for communication between graduate students, the community, the Department of Biological Sciences, and the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Biology Graduate Student Association Abbreviation: BGSA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Primary Advisor President Facebook Twitter SCEN 601 dmcnabb Email hhalvors Email purpose statement The purpose of this BMES student chapter is to build a community of biomedical engineering students, faculty and community leaders and to provide opportunities for students to become involved in activities that will further their biomedical engineering careers. Biomedical Engineering Society University of Arkansas Student Chapter Abbreviation: BMES RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook 644/ Website Twitter mailing address President sqwashis Email Primary Advisor kbalacha Email purpose statement The Black Graduate Student Association was created to aid in the retention and placement of Graduate Students at the University of Arkansas. Black Graduate Student Association Abbreviation: BGSA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Secondary Advisor Primary Advisor Secondary Advisor sfarr Email atdowe Email pkford Email jdgorham Email President rdeshomm Email Secondary Advisor purpose statement To foster the interest of Animal Industry insofar as our curriculum or activities lead, both here at the University of Arkansas and elsewhere, and to engage in any activities incidental to or pursuant to the accomplishment of this end. Block and Bridle Abbreviation: BandB RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter Animal Science Building Secondary Advisor ekegley Email Primary Advisor jws09 Email President mhiss Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization is to promote the University of Arkansas School of Law and its students to legal practitioners and business community, and also to make students aware of potential opportunities available to them in the many different areas of business law. The Business Law Society will try to attract corporate executives, corporate legal counsels, and legal practitioners to speak and educate members of Business Law Society and law students about various opportunities available to them in business law. Business Law Society Abbreviation: BLS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor wfoster jjlively Email President purpose statement Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession, Chi-Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual civil engineer deemed to be fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career, and to aid in the development of those characteristics in the civil engineering student. Engineering, the application of scientific principles to the practical needs of society, is assuming a constantly increasing responsibility for the well-being of all people, and thus calling for competence of the highest order. This responsibility can be discharged only by a professional group whose members are possessed of a good basic technical ability, intelligence, moral integrity, and effective social poise in their relationship with the larger community of which they are part. To contribute to the improvement of the profession, Chi Epsilon fosters the development and exercise of sound traits of character and technical ability among civil engineers, and its members, by precept and example, toward an ever higher standard of professional service. Chi Epsilon Abbreviation: Chi Ep RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address President Primary Advisor Email Facebook Twitter Bell 4190 dsamudio Email ndennis Email purpose statement The purpose of Clubbe Economique is to bring the interesting issues in economics to students of the University (whether they are economics majors or not) by featuring guest speakers who are active in the day to day economic environment that affects the world as we know it. Clubbe Economique hosts information sessions with distinguished alumni, people in the corporate world, as well as professors who would like the opportunity to inform students about programs, study abroad experiences, and fields of study that relate to contemporary issues that students would not normally associate with economics. Clubbe Economique Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address rwtaylor Email President Primary Advisor rstapp purpose statement CFB helps prepare tomorrow's agricultural leaders. Through Collegiate Farm Bureau, young people get the opportunity to take part in shaping agricultural issues and in setting the current Farm Bureau legislative agenda at the county, state, and national levels. Collegiate Farm Bureau Abbreviation: CFB RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 205 Agricultural Building jdmiller Email Primary Advisor ahaggard Email President purpose statement To provide our student members with educational and networking opportunities pertaining to the supply chain management profession. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals University of Arkansas Student Roundtable Abbreviation: CSCMP RSO Primary Email Website Email [email protected] Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor President crowell Email jjong Email purpose statement The purpose of the club is to promote the Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences (CSES) Graduate Program, its members, and to establish a social and personal atmosphere between students and faculty. Activities of the club include picnics, field trips, group travel to annual research meetings, organization of the departmental annual banquet, and various other activities. Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Graduate Student Association (CSES-GSA) Abbreviation: CSES-GSA RSO Primary Email Facebook [email protected] Website mailing address Twitter 115 Plant Science Bldg. President cgreub Email Primary Advisor kbrye Email purpose statement To bring together those interested in crop, soils, and environmental sciences and provide education for all those in our campus community for the betterment of the university. Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Club Abbreviation: CSES Club RSO Primary Email Facebook [email protected] Website mailing address Twitter 115 Plant Sciences Building Primary Advisor msavin Email Secondary Advisor lswood Email President peboyle Email Electrochemical Society University of Arkansas student chapter Abbreviation: ECS purpose statement To advance the theory and practice of electrochemistry, solid-state science, and allied subjects. To encourage research and dissemination of knowledge in these fields; and to assure the availability of adequate training and education of fundamental and applied scientists and engineers in these fields. RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Secondary Advisor Primary Advisor ifritsch Email rickwise Email President pcgrant Email purpose statement Founded by law students in 1986, Equal Justice Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a just society by mobilizing the next generation of lawyers committed to equal justice. To achieve this, we offer a continuum of opportunities for law students and lawyers that provide the training and skills that enable them to provide effective representation to underserved communities and causes. Equal Justice Works Abbreviation: EJW RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Email Primary Advisor sschell Secondary Advisor rbleflar Email kawedgew Email President purpose statement The Federalist Society is a non-partisan conservative/ libertarian organization dedicated to freedom, federalism, and judicial restraint. The Federalist Society seeks to educate the legal community through its programs and publications about how limited constitutional government based on the rule of law can have a positive effect on law and public policy. Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Abbreviation: FedSoc RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor mkillenb Email President mkasper Email purpose statement To provide a club that aids in the professional development of college students actively interested in corporate finance, banking, investments, insurance, and other related fields. To encourage interaction among these college students, faculty and business executives through corporate presentations, field trips, and other unique opportunities. The professional and social environments offered to the members of this organization are opportune times for students to learn more about the different fields of business and create various networking connections that will aid in their future success. Finance Club Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website http://waltoncollege.uark.ed u/finn/financeclub.asp Twitter mailing address http://waltoncollege. club.asp Email Primary Advisor crennie President jasooter Email purpose statement The Food Science Club is an organization that encourages scholastic achievement and interaction between students, faculty, staff, and people in industry through meetings, activities, and events. Food Science Club Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] m Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 2650 N. Young Ave. President Primary Advisor sem013 Email baum Email purpose statement The G-I Graduate Student Organization is a graduate student oriented nonprofit organization. Its mission is to increase the academic and personal experience of graduate students in the University of Arkansas??? Civil Engineering Department. The organization will serve to enhance the awareness of the geotechnical engineering field among other students as well as enhance the University of Arkansas??? reputation as a leader in graduate geotechnical engineering education. The organization will promote the development of cutting edge ideas within geotechnical engineering by promoting student activities organized by the Geo-Institute. G-I Graduate Student Organization Abbreviation: G-IGSO RSO Primary Email Facebook Website mailing address Twitter 4190 Bell Engineering Center President Primary Advisor mrace Email rick Email purpose statement GO SLP is created for graduate students in the Speech Language Pathology program to raise funds for the ASHA conference and learn more about the SLP profession. Graduate Organization for Speech Language Pathologists Abbreviation: GO SLP RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address amhunter Email Primary Advisor President res004 Email purpose statement G.S.E.'s purpose is to serve as a governing body and representation for graduate students in the M.A., M.F.A., and Phd. programs, in English and Creative Writing, and to provide financial, professional and social support for those students. Graduate Students in English Abbreviation: GSE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Kimpel 331 Primary Advisor vldavis Email Primary Advisor gxdavis Email ejardene Email President purpose statement The HSF Scholar Chapter national network exists to promote academic success and professional preparation among college students, while encouraging them to serve as role models and leaders in their communities. Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar Chapter Abbreviation: HSF-Uark, HSF-Schlar RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address mlorenze Email President Secondary Advisor Primary Advisor rarciga Email lrestr Email purpose statement To organize both professional development and social events for history graduate students. History Organization of Graduate Students Abbreviation: HOGS RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address mspowers Email President Primary Advisor tstarks Email purpose statement To provide University of Arkansas students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the effective management of personnel in the field of Human Resource Management through affiliation with the NOARK (Northwest Arkansas Human Resource Management Association)of SHRM and the National SHRM organization. Human Resource Management Association Abbreviation: HRMA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 402 Business Building Primary Advisor dbreaux Email President ncousin Email purpose statement Advance and educate in the state of the art of power electronics at the University of Arkansas. IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Chapter Abbreviation: PELS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 3217 Bell Engineering Center, Fayetteville Ar 72701 zzelenka Email President Primary Advisor jbalda purpose statement To educate and spread the practice of operations research and management science on campus. INFORMS Abbreviation: informs RSO Primary Email informs Website mailing address Email Facebook Twitter Bell 4116 President destjohn Email Secondary Advisor shengfan Email rossetti Email Primary Advisor purpose statement To maintain and promote our chapter of IEEE for the gain of education and personal relations through organization. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Abbreviation: IEEE RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Facebook Twitter mailing address Email President esw001 Primary Advisor rsaunder Email purpose statement This corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for scientific, educational and charitable purposes. In the furtherance of such purposes, it shall be authorized: (a) To advance the general welfare of mankind through the resources and creative abilities of the Industrial Engineering profession. (b) To advance the art and science of Industrial Engineering for the general welfare of mankind. (c) To encourage and assist education and research in the art and science of Industrial Engineering. (d) To promote the unrestricted dissemination of knowledge and information by means of meetings and publications relating to the art and science of Industrial Engineering. (e) To receive, own and maintain real or personal property, or both, and to use and apply the whole or any part of the income or principal thereof exclusively for scientific or educational purposes in the art and science of Industrial Engineering. (f) To assist Colleges and Universities in the development of educational programs in the art and science of Industrial Engineering. Institute of Industrial Engineers Abbreviation: IIE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Bell Engr 4207 President edollar Email Secondary Advisor sehon Email cer Email Primary Advisor Interior Design Organization Abbreviation: IDO RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] purpose statement To help interior design students become aware of various professional organizations that are design related and to provide speakers whose presentations will include issues interior designers face today. To provide social activities and field trips for students. Facebook Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor elambeth Email kfurlong Email purpose statement It shall be the mission of IBCA To provide members an opportunity to interact and engage with students and professionals to learn about international business as well as the cultural norms of different countries in regards to doing business in that country. International Business Cultural Association Abbreviation: IBCA RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President nmuyia Email Primary Advisor bcecon Email Secondary Advisor sanders Email purpose statement Our goals are two fold: 1. Outreach and Community Service geared towards area school children and community events such as Springfest and our own departmental activities such as the Fayetteville Insect Festival that draws thousands of attendees; and 2. Professional Development and Education for our members. This includes educational activities such as learning to rear bees and produce honey, and inviting external seminar speakers to enrich our curriculum. Isely-Baerg Entomology Club Abbreviation: Ento Club RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 319 AGRI Primary Advisor aszalan wanelson Email President purpose statement To Provide an opportunity for all kinesiology majors to participate in a professional organization. To upgrade the overall general public awareness of the professions under kinesiology. Kinesiology Club Abbreviation: KC RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address President Primary Advisor Email Facebook Twitter 308U HPER haw005 Email jforbess Email purpose statement The purpose of this Chapter shall be to promote among its members a selfsought increasing knowledge of metallurgy, ceramics, materials science and engineering and all its branches and to instill a professional pride in their chosen life work. Material Advantage Abbreviation: TMS RSO Primary Email Facebook Website mailing address NANO213B Twitter Primary Advisor dspearot Email President amaiga Email purpose statement The Organizations’s core principles are interdisciplinarity, focused symposia, and greater interaction among students and researchers in the area of material science. Materials Research Society Abbreviation: MRS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 204 Department of Mechanical Engineering Primary Advisor manasreh Email President ymakable Email purpose statement An interdisciplinary graduate organization for students studying the Middle East. Middle East Studies Graduate Association Abbreviation: MESGA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 202 Old Main, University of Secondary Advisor hverzon Email President nafares Email joelg Email Primary Advisor purpose statement A professional organization to assists members in reaching their career goals and to promote diversity in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences Abbreviation: MANRRS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 222 AGRI Bldg. Primary Advisor rainey Email President ftsiboe Email purpose statement To promote and develop the professional skills of our members and to encourage and assist them in entering the accounting profession. National Association of Black Accountants Abbreviation: NABA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address A669 ARKU Primary Advisor blofton tncooper Email President Secondary Advisor peters Abbreviation: NABG UA Website [email protected] Email purpose statement To bring geologists and geophysicists of the University of Arkansas together, while creating a strong affiliation with the National Association of Black Geoscientists. NABG UA Chapter endeavors to encourage scholarship, leadership and fellowship among geo-sciences students. National Association of Black Geoscientists- UA Chapter RSO Primary Email Email Facebook Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor Secondary Advisor vlroland Email sboss jkvamme Email Email purpose statement The purpose is to help alleviate problems facing aspiring black journalists. National Association of Black Journalists Abbreviation: NABJ RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor rclay Email gjorda Email purpose statement Support and encourage students in science education and inform members of progress and activities of both NSTA and its chapters via newsletters, electronic technology, and other sources of communication. Organize and participate in outreach activities during fall and spring semesters. National Science Teachers Association Student Chapter (original) Abbreviation: NSTA-UA RSO Primary Email Facebook [email protected] Website mailing address Twitter Peabody 216 cwissehr Email Primary Advisor President brj009 purpose statement NSBE's mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community. National Society of Black Engineers Abbreviation: NSBE RSO Primary Email Email Facebook [email protected] Website Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor President tic Email nllee Email purpose statement To promote professionalism and licensure in the engineering field. National Society of Professional Engineers Abbreviation: NSPE RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor kdhall Email jdblanch Email President purpose statement Our purpose is to help our members in the professional advancement of their careers. In addition, we are dedicated to serving our community by providing speech, language, and hearing services to communicatively handicapped persons and anyone else who requests our services. National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association Abbreviation: NSSLHA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 606 N. Razorback Rd. 1 University of Arkansas Fayetteville AR 72701 President jbello Email amhunter Email Primary Advisor mmcgehee Email Secondary Advisor purpose statement Promote professional needs and goals of native law students and instill in every attorney and law student a greater awareness and commitment to the need of the Native American community. Native American Law Students Association Abbreviation: NALSA RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor sleeds Email President txs028 Email purpose statement The Non-traditional Premed Student Organization (NPSO) is a student organization that works in conjunction with the University of Arkansas Liebolt Premedical Program and the UofA chapter of AED to build a community of non-traditional premedical students on campus. Nontraditional Premed Student Organization Abbreviation: NPSO RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor Secondary Advisor jjenning Email jeannem Email President mxe003 purpose statement To prepare and inform students about the occupational therapy field and to provide support, connections, and guidance to help prepare any students interested in pursuing occupational therapy as a profession. Occupational Therapy Club Abbreviation: OT Club RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Email Facebook Twitter Old Main President Primary Advisor jr005 Email sxb028 Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization is to help further expose the students in Poultry Science to the Poultry Industry by participation in activities and fun events. This club will also help members meet new people in the industry and throughout the club. Poultry Science Club Abbreviation: POSC Club RSO Primary Email Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Center of Excellence for Poultry Science Secondary Advisor mkidd Email President crs009 Email swatkin Email Primary Advisor purpose statement To provide Pre-Dental students with opportunities to meet and listen to dentists and other specialty doctors. Pre-Dental Society Abbreviation: PDS RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor sxb028 Email President aceaton Email purpose statement It shall be the purpose of the Pre-Optometry Club to create a community between aspiring optometrists at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. It shall be the mission of the Pre-Optometry Club to develop a relationship with optometrists in the Northwest Arkansas area, to hold informational meetings for pre-optometry students, to gain a better understanding of the optometry profession, to learn from experienced individuals in the field, and to give back to the community whenever possible. Pre-Optometry Club Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor srrice Email sxb028 Email purpose statement To inform students who are interested in the field of pharmacy. The organization guides pre-pharmacy applicants through the process of applying to pharmacy colleges. Pre-Pharmacy Society Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Pre-pharmacy society UARK Chapter Twitter mailing address lobrewer Email Primary Advisor President jbelz purpose statement The Pre-Physician Assistant Society of the University of Arkansas is an organization dedicated to educate students on the profession of physician assistant as well as instruction on applying and being the best candidate possible to be admitted to a PA program. We want to give our members opportunities for shadowing, volunteering, and information on specialties. Pre-Physician Assistant Society Abbreviation: PPAS RSO Primary Email Website [email protected] Email Facebook Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor astilino Email sxb028 Email purpose statement To expose students to the veterinary industry and requirements for applying to vet school. Pre-Veterinary Club Abbreviation: Pre-vet RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter AFLS B110 Secondary Advisor fidler kbottoms Email President Primary Advisor jerpow Abbreviation: [email protected] Website Email purpose statement 1. It shall be the purpose of Arkansas Project Management Association to educate students at the University of Arkansas in the ways of Project Management. 2. It shall be the mission of Arkansas Project Management Association to allow members to fully develop into Project Managers who are knowledgeable, ethical, credible, and able to communicate effectively. Project Management Club RSO Primary Email Email Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor gparnell Email President henrylee Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization shall be to serve the students of the Psychology Department by encouraging psychology students in their professional development by making them more aware of all things related to their field and increasing communication and interaction between pyschology students, faculty and the community. Psychology Club Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email Facebook Y Website m/uarkpsychclub mailing address Memorial Hall Primary Advisor President Twitter jcveille Email djwebb Email purpose statement The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. We seek to advance the public relations profession by nurturing generations of future professionals. We advocate rigorous academic standards for public relations education, the highest ethical principles and diversity in the profession. Public Relations Student Society of America Abbreviation: PRSSA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Lemke Department of Journalism- Floor 1 of Kimpel Primary Advisor lmb022 Email President acd002 Email purpose statement The purpose of RIRA shall be to provide its members and, whenever possible, the University of Arkansas community with an education relating to international affairs. Programs that promote these interests, both directly and indirectly, shall be within the scope of this group's purpose. Razorback International Relations Asociation Abbreviation: RIRA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor axm072 Email svillal Email purpose statement Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members. Sigma Alpha - Iota Chapter Abbreviation: SA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 205 Agriculture Buidling, Rm 201, Fayetteville, AR 72701 President steekell Email Primary Advisor slandis Email purpose statement SHPE promotes the development of Hispanics in engineering, science and other technical professions to achieve educational excellence, economic opportunity and social equity. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Abbreviation: SHPE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address A665 Arkansas Union Primary Advisor Email tic President aah012 Email purpose statement The purpose of SPJ is to bring together the journalists of the University of Arkansas to fulfill the mission of the national SPJ, which is the dedication to the perpetuation of a free press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty. Society of Professional Journalists Abbreviation: SPJ RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address Kimpel Hall Email President jonesma Primary Advisor rayminor Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization is to stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, to expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and to demonstrate the value of diversity. Society of Women Engineers Abbreviation: SWE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor lprogers Email carrier Email purpose statement To bring together students interested in families and children, support and inform student parents, and connect with community resources in the area. Southern Early Childhood Association Student Organization at the UofA Abbreviation: SECASOUA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address President Primary Advisor Secondary Advisor mcy008 Email jhenk Email mcranda Email purpose statement Provide education and networking opportunities for students with an interest in the water industry. Southwest Section of the American Water Works Association Student Chapter Abbreviation: SWAWWA - UA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor julianf cmoloney Email President purpose statement To promote and develop young professionals in the sport management and recreation field. Sport Professionals Association Abbreviation: SPA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address President Primary Advisor Email Facebook Twitter HPER 308 jcgagneb Email merry Email purpose statement The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is a student membership program established by the Arkansas Alumni Association. Created by students in 2003, this student organization is designed to inspire loyalty, preserve University of Arkansas traditions, and establish the bond between the University of Arkansas students and alumni. Student Alumni Association Abbreviation: SAA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 491 North Razorback Road Secondary Advisor President romille Email nhopper Email astrodel Email Primary Advisor purpose statement To provide insight and knowledge to the students of the University of Arkansas about concrete and its application in the professional world. Student Chapter of American Concrete Institute Abbreviation: Student Chapter of AC RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor micah Secondary Advisor fgriffi purpose statement To provide programs of interest with a focus on dietetics and to provide the opportunity for mutual growth in professional attitudes. Student Dietetic Association Abbreviation: SDA [email protected] Website mailing address Primary Advisor Email mwatters Email President RSO Primary Email Email Facebook Twitter HOEC Dean's Office mlb13 Email President joyworks Email Secondary Advisor ckm001 Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization is to encourage student nurses to interact with each other, become health promotion advocates in their communities, and to grow in professionalism. Student Nurses Association Abbreviation: SNA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 606 Razorback Road President amirvin Email Primary Advisor als002 Email purpose statement Serves talented students interested in making retailing and related disciplines their career by offering them educational programs, a network to connect with other students and with retailers seeking to recruit talented young men and women. Students of Retailing Excellence (STORE) Abbreviation: STORE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address WJWH 538 Secondary Advisor President pstyles Email qjin Email shughes1 Email Primary Advisor purpose statement We are a group of Technology and Engineering Education students that will be competing in technology based challenges at various state/regional/national conferences. Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association (TEECA) Abbreviation: UA TEECA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter Peabody Hall 317 Primary Advisor vcarter Email President brj009 Email purpose statement The Entrepreneurship Club aims to provide a conduit by which students can access entrepreneurial resources, network with community entrepreneurs, and share ideas. The club is dedicated to furthering understanding about new and small businesses. The Entrepreneurship Club Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter 220 N Ozark Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Email President okasim Primary Advisor jamerine Email purpose statement The purpose of this organization shall be: A) To provide programs, activities, and support for masters and doctoral students in the Higher Education Leadership program and any students interested in working in higher education. B) To encourage community and collaboration among students, alumni and professionals in the field of higher education at the University of Arkansas. C) To promote academic excellence, professional development, and social networking among its members. D) Provide intellectual and social opportunities that enhance the internal and external image of the Higher Education Leadership program, College of Education and Health Professions, and the University of Arkansas The Higher Education Organization Abbreviation: THEO RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address President klw038 kmamisei Email Secondary Advisor Primary Advisor hevel The Real Estate Club at the University of Arkansas Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email Website mailing address Email [email protected] m Email purpose statement The Real Estate Club at the University of Arkansas will meet monthly. We will have real estate professionals speak about careers in the industry. Facebook Twitter President psherril Email Primary Advisor mrisk Email purpose statement The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship. Theta Tau Abbreviation: RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter @ThetaTauUpsilon mailing address snmaxwel Email President Primary Advisor Email tic purpose statement The purpose of TLA is to give students that are interested in a better understanding of what the transportation industry is like through guest speakers and facility tours. The goal of TLA is to better prepare students entering the transportation field through networking and industry applications. Transportation Logistics Association Abbreviation: TLA RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website Facebook Twitter mailing address Primary Advisor dbechte Email hbgoodwi Email President Secondary Advisor crowell Email purpose statement To advance scientific knowledge in the various disciplines of photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS and related geospatial technologies. UA Student Chapter of the ASPRS Abbreviation: ASPRS RSO Primary Email [email protected] Facebook Website Twitter mailing address 331 JBHT Secondary Advisor Primary Advisor President jcothre Email jatullis Email bm005 Email purpose statement The purpose of WISE shall be two-fold: 1) to provide an outlet of information to students interested in supply chain and 2) to spark interest in those students who are unaware of the world of supply chain. Women Impacting Supply Excellence Abbreviation: WISE RSO Primary Email [email protected] Website mailing address Facebook Twitter WJWH 538 President swald Email President rcbooyer Email Primary Advisor lmosher purpose statement The University of Arkansas Women's Law Student Association (WLSA) was organized to provide students with an opportunity to identify, discuss, and attempt to resolve issues facing women in our community while cultivating common professional interests. Membership is open to all students. The philosophy and activities of the organization are as varied as our membership. Womens Law Student Assoc. Abbreviation: WLSA RSO Primary Email Facebook Website mailing address Email Twitter 107 Waterman Hall President jlturk Email Primary Advisor akillen Email Secondary Advisor sfoster Email
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