Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC'2012), Genova, September 19-21, 2012 HOW TO INCORPORATE WIND, WAVES AND OCEAN CURRENTS IN THE MARINE CRAFT EQUATIONS OF MOTION Thor I. Fossen Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, NORWAY Abstract: This paper demysti…es how ocean currents together with wind and wave loads in‡uence the marine craft equations of motion. In the literature there exists great confusion of the use of absolute and relative velocity terms when modeling rigid-body and hydrodynamic forces. The article is useful for engineers who want to simulate and predict the motions of marine craft exposed to wind, wave and ocean currents as well as control engineers evaluating the performance of marine craft control systems. The results are also very useful for testing and tuning of integral action time constants for compensation of ocean current and 2nd-order wave-induced drift forces. Keywords: Marine systems, wind, waves, ocean currents, equations of motion INTRODUCTION The equations of motion for underwater vehicles, ships, ocean structures and high-speed craft are usually derived using Newtonian and Lagrangian mechanics (Fossen, 1994, 2011). The resulting models are nonlinear mass-damper-springs which include rigid-body, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic generalized forces. The motions are coupled in six degrees of freedom (DOF). Marine craft are exposed to environmental forces due to wind, waves and ocean currents, which act like forcing on the mass-damper-spring system. In hydrodynamics it is common to assume linear superposition such that forcing due to wind and waves can be treated as generalized forces that can be directly added to the nonlinear equations of motion. However, generalized forces due to ocean currents do not follow the law of linear superposition and there exists much diversity and misunderstandings in the existing literature on how to include the e¤ects of ocean currents in the equations of motion. This paper addresses the e¤ect of ocean currents on marine craft in a tutorial perspective by using the concept of relative velocity, that is the velocity of the craft with respect to the ocean current, to e¤ectively describe current-induced forces. Di¤erent properties and representations of the marine craft equations of motion are discussed and it is shown how the current velocity enters the equations. Nonlinear models for time-domain simulations and control systems design are presented using the compact vectorial notation of Fossen (1994, 2011). 1. MARINE CRAFT EQUATIONS OF MOTION In Fossen (1991) it was shown that the coupled 6-DOF equations of a marine craft could be expressed as: _ = J( ) (1) M _ + C( ) + D( ) + g( ) = (2) > where = [N; E; D; ; ; ] and = [u; v; w; p; q; r]> are the generalized position and velocity vectors, respectively. The rotation and angular velocity transformation matrices between body coordinates (BODY) and the North-East-Down (NED) geographical reference frames are denoted Rnb and T , respectively. The other quantities follow the notation of (Fossen, 1994, 2011): Rnb Euler angle velocity transformation matrix System inertia matrix M = MRB + MA (including added mass) Coriolis-centripetal matrix C( )=CRB ( )+CA ( ) (including added mass) Damping matrix D( ) Vector of gravitational/ g( ) buoyancy forces Vector of control inputs J( ) = 06 6 06 T 6 The subscripts RB and A are used for the rigidbody and added mass terms, respectively. The rigid-body system inertia matrix MRB satis…es: _ RB = 06 M MRB = M> RB > 0; MRB = 6 mS(rbg ) mI3 3 mS(rbg ) Ib where S( ) = 2 0 S> ( ) = 4 3 2 0 3 2 1 0 1 3 2 5; =4 1 2 3 3 5 (3) is the cross-product operator de…ned such that a := S( )a. The matrix CRB in (2) represents the Coriolis b vector term ! bb=n vb=n and the centripetal vector b b b term ! b=n (! b=n rg ). Contrary to the representation of MRB , it is possible to …nd a large number of representations for the matrix CRB : We will present some useful representations below. Theorem 1. (Coriolis-Centripetal Matrix from M). Consider the 6 6 constant system inertia matrix: M = M> = M11 M12 M21 M22 >0 (4) where M21 = M> 12 . Then the Coriolis-centripetal matrix can always be parameterized such that C( ) = C> ( ) by choosing: C( ) = 03 S(M11 1 3 + M12 S(M11 S(M21 with 1 := [u; v; w]> and 2 2) + M12 1 + M22 1 2) 2) := [p; q; r]> . PROOF. Sagatun and Fossen (1991). (5) The rigid-body Coriolis and centripetal matrix CRB ( ) can always be parametrized such that it is skew-symmetrical: CRB ( ) = C> RB ( ); 8 2 R6 (6) The skew-symmetric property is very useful when designing nonlinear motion control systems since the quadratic form > CRB ( ) 0: This is exploited in energy-based designs where Lyapunov functions play a key role. There exists several parametrizations (Fossen and Fjellstad, 1995) that satisfy (6). Lagrangian parametrization: Application of Theorem 1 with M = MRB yields the following expression: CRB ( ) = mS( 1) 03 3 mS(S( b 2 )rg ) mS( 1 ) mS(S( 2 )rbg ) (7) mS(S( 1 )rbg ) S(Ib 2 ) Velocity-independent parametrization: By using the cross-product property S( 1 ) 2 = S( 2 ) 1 , f12g f11g it is possible to move S( 1 ) 2 from CRB to CRB in (7). This gives an expression for CRB ( ) that is independent of linear velocity 1 : mS( 2 ) mS(rbg )S( 2 ) CRB ( ) = mS( 2 )S(rbg ) S(Ib 2 ) (8) Remark 1. Formula (8) is useful when irrotational ocean currents enter the equations of motion since CRB ( ) does not depend on the linear velocity 1 (uses only angular velocity 2 and lever arm rbg ). This is discussed in Section 3.2. Gravitational and buoyancy forces for surface vessels show a linear behavior g( ) = G where 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 07 6 7 6 0 0 Zz 0 Z 07 6 7 G=6 (9) K 0 07 60 0 0 7 4 0 0 Mz 0 5 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For underwater vehicles 2 6 6 6 g( ) = 6 6 6 4 (W B) sin ( ) (W B) cos ( ) sin ( ) (W B) cos ( ) cos ( ) (y g W y b B) cos ( ) cos ( ) (z g W z b B) sin ( ) (xg W xb B) cos ( ) sin ( ) 3 + (z g W + (xg W (y g W 7 7 z b B) cos ( ) sin ( ) 7 7 (10) xb B) cos ( ) cos ( ) 5 y b B) sin ( ) which both are functions of the relative velocities: W in d C o e ffic ien ts urw = u vrw = v 0 .8 0 .6 0 .8 0 .4 0 0 .4 - 0.2 0 .2 - 0.4 - 0.6 0 CX 0 30 60 90 120 150 Angle of wind γ (deg) relative bow 180 0 w 30 60 90 120 150 Angle of wind γ (deg) relative bow 180 w 0.15 0 .8 CN 0 .1 0 .6 CK 0.05 0 .4 0 0 .2 - 0.0 5 0 - 0.1 0 30 60 90 120 150 Angle of wind γ (deg) relative bow 180 (15) (16) CY 0 .6 0 .2 uw vw The nondimensional wind coe¢ cients CX ; CY ; CZ ; CK ; CM and CN are usually computed using h = 10 m as reference height while a is the air density. The frontal and lateral projected wind areas are denoted by AF w and ALw while Loa is the length over all. The mean heights of the areas AF w and ALw are denoted by HLw and HFw , respectively. Figure 1 shows four wind coe¢ cients for a typical research vessel (Blendermann, 1994). Wind coe¢ cients for other vessels are found in Fossen (2011) and references therein. 2.2 Wave-induced forces and moments 0 w 30 60 90 120 150 Angle of wind γ (deg) relative bow w Fig. 1. Wind coe¢ cients CX ; CY ; CK and CN for a research vessel. where the gravitational and buoyancy forces act through the centers of gravity (CG) and buoyancy (CB ) de…ned by the vectors rbg := [xg ; yg ; zg ]> and rbb := [xb ; yb ; zb ]> ; respectively. 180 The …rst- and second-order wave forces for varying wave directions i and wave frequencies ! k are fdofg fdofg denoted ~wave1 (! k ; i ) and ~wave2 (! k ; i ) where dof 2 f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g. The normalized force response amplitude operators (RAOs) are complex variables given by (WAMIT Inc., 2010): For control systems design it is common to assume the principle of superposition when considering wind and wave-induced forces such that (2) takes the following form: M _ + C( ) + D( ) + g( ) = + (11) where wind 2 R6 and wave 2 R6 represent the generalized forces due to wind and waves. wind + wave i) fdofg i) ~wave2 (! k ; gA2k = ej\~w a v e 1 (!k ; fdofg i) fdofg i) ej\~w a v e 2 (!k ; The output from the hydrodynamic code is usually an ASCII …le containing RAOs in table format. Let us denote the imaginary and real parts of the force RAOs by; Imwave1 fdofg(k; i) and Rewave1 fdofg(k; i). The amplitudes and phases for di¤erent frequencies ! k and wave directions i for the …rst-order wave-induced forces can be computed according to the formulae: fdofg Fwave1 (! k ; i) = Imwave1 fdofg(k; i)2 + Rewave1 fdofg(k; i)2 i) 2.1 Wind forces and moments are functions of relative wind speed Vrw and angle of attack rw according to: p 2 (13) Vrw = u2rw + vrw atan2(vrw ; urw ) (14) rw = fdofg ~wave1 (! k ; gAk fdofg \Fwave1 (! k ; Wind can be de…ned as the movement of air relative to the surface of the Earth. For a marine craft moving at a forward speed, the wind forces and moments: 2 3 CX ( rw )AF w 6 CY ( rw )ALw 7 6 7 6 CZ ( rw )AF w 7 1 2 6 7 (12) V wind = 7 2 a rw 6 6 CK ( rw )ALw HLw 7 4 CM ( rw )AF w HFw 5 CN ( rw )ALw Loa i) i) = Fwave2 (! k ; 2. SUPERPOSITION OF WIND AND WAVE-INDUCED FORCES fdofg fdofg Fwave1 (! k ; 1=2 (17) = atan2 (Imwave1 fdofg(k; i); Rewave1 fdofg(k; i)) (18) The amplitudes and phases for the second-order mean forces are: fdofg Fwave2 (! k ; fdofg \Fwave2 (! k ; i) i) = Rewave2 fdofg(k; i) (19) =0 (20) Since the …rst- and second-order wave forces are represented in terms of the complex variables fdofg fdofg Fwave1 (! k ; i ) and Fwave2 (! k ; i ), the responses for sinusoidal excitations can be computed using di¤erent wave spectra. A frequently used family of wave spectra is: S(!) = A! 5 exp( B! 4 ) (21) where di¤erent values for A and B are used. These values depend on geographical location and wind speed (see Chapter 8.2, Fossen 2011). Fig. 2. Computation of …rst- and second-order wave-induced forces from force RAOs. When computing the wave-induced forces, linear superposition is employed as illustrated in Fig. 2. The relationship between the a wave spectrum S(! k ) and the wave amplitude Ak for a wave component k is (Faltinsen, 1990): 1 2 A = S(! k ) ! (22) 2 k where ! is a constant di¤erence between the frequencies. Let the wave-induced forces in 6 DOF be denoted by the vectors: h i> f1g f2g f6g = ; ; :::; wave1 wave1 wave1 wave1 h i> f1g f2g f6g ; ; :::; wave2 = wave2 wave2 wave2 For the no spreading case, the wave direction constant such that: fdofg wave1 = N X De…nition 1. (Irrotational ‡uid). The generalized ocean current velocity of an irrotational ‡uid is: c )+ k fdofg g Fwave2 (! k ; ) k=1 k) (24) where ! e (U; ! k ; ) = ! k = [uc ; vc ; wc ; 0; 0; 0]> | {z } ! 2k U cos( ) g (27) vcb where vcb = [uc ; vc ; wc ]> is the linear velocity. vcn = Rnb ( fdofg \Fwave1 (! k ; (26) c where c 2 R is the velocity of the ocean current expressed in BODY. fdofg A2k cos (! e (U; ! k ; )t + = The ocean current linear velocity vector satis…es: (23) = r 6 g Fwave1 (! k ; ) Ak cos ! e (U; ! k ; )t + fdofg wave2 The forces on a marine craft due to ocean currents can be accounted for by replacing the generalized velocity vector in the hydrodynamic terms with relative velocities: = k=1 N X to turn the major currents to the East in the northern hemisphere and West in the southern hemisphere. Finally, the major ocean circulations will also have a tidal component arising from planetary interactions and gravity. In coastal regions and fjords, tidal components can reach very high speeds, in fact speeds of 2–3 m/s or more have been measured. b nb )vc (28) > where are the Euler angles nb = [ ; ; ] between BODY and NED, and Rnb ( nb ) 2 SO(3) is the corresponding rotation matrix. De…nition 2. (Irrotational constant ocean current). An irrotational constant ocean current in NED satis…es: _ nb ( nb )vcb + Rnb ( nb )v_ cb := 0 v_ cn = R (29) where (25) is the encounter frequency. The assumption that = constant can be relaxed to model spreading of the main wave propagation direction (see Chapter 8.3, Fossen 2011). 3. EQUATIONS OF MOTION INCLUDING OCEAN CURRENTS Ocean currents are horizontal and vertical circulation systems of ocean waters produced by gravity, wind friction and water density variation in different parts of the ocean. Besides wind-generated currents, the heat exchange at the sea surface together with salinity changes, develop an additional sea current component, usually referred to as thermohaline currents. The oceans are conveniently divided into two water spheres, the cold and warm water sphere. Since the Earth is rotating, the Coriolis force will try _ nb ( R nb ) = Rnb ( b nb )S(! b=n ) (30) This implies that the ocean current linear velocity vector in BODY coordinates is given by: v_ cb = S(! bb=n )vcb (31) 3.1 Equations of Motion including Ocean Currents In order to simulate irrotational ocean currents and their e¤ect on marine craft motion, the following model can be applied: MRB _ + CRB ( ) + g( ) {z } | rigid-b o dy and hydrostatic term s + MA _r + CA ( r ) | {z r + D( r) r hydro dynam ic term s = where r = wind vb vbc ! bb=n + wave } + (32) (33) is the relative velocity vector. Notice that the rigid-body kinetics is independent of the ocean current. 3.2 Equations of Relative Velocity It is possible to simplify (32) by exploiting the structure of CRB ( r ): Theorem 2. If the Coriolis and centripetal matrix CRB ( r ) is parametrized independent of linear velocity 1 = [u; v; w]> , for instance by using (8), and the ocean current is irrotational and constant (De…nition 2), the rigid-body kinetics satis…es (Hegrenæs, 2010): MRB _ +CRB ( ) MRB _ r +CRB ( r) r (34) PROOF. Since the Coriolis and centripetal matrix represented by (8) is independent of linear velocity 1 = [u; v; w]> , it follows that CRB ( r ) = CRB ( ). The property: Fig. 3. Current speed Vc , current direction c and current angle of attack c relative bow. wind tunnels. The resulting forces are measured on the model, which is restrained from moving. (36) In many textbooks and papers, for instance Blendermann (1994), wind and current coe¢ cients are de…ned relative to the bow using a counter clockwise rotation c (see Figure 3). The current forces on a marine craft at rest can be expressed in terms of the area-based current coe¢ cients CX ; CY and CN as: 1 AF c CX ( c )Vc2 (39) Xcurrent = 2 1 Ycurrent = ALc CY ( c )Vc2 (40) 2 1 Ncurrent = ALc Loa CN ( c )Vc2 (41) 2 where Vc is the speed of the ocean current. The frontal and lateral projected currents areas are denoted AF c and ALc ; respectively while Loa is the length over all and is the density of water. Theorem 2 when applied to (32) gives the di¤erential equations: For vehicles at rest and motions limited to surge, sway and yaw, ocean currents are linearly superimposed according to: MRB _ c + CRB ( r) c =0 (35) is proven by expanding the matrices MRB and CRB ( r ); and corresponding acceleration and velocity vectors according to: + " mI3 3 mS(rbg ) mS(rbg ) Ib mS(! bb=n ) mS(rbg )S(! bb=n ) S(! bb=n )vcb 03 1 # b mS(! b=n )S(rbg ) vcb b 03 1 S(Ib ! b=n ) =0 Finally, it follows that: MRB _ + CRB ( ) = MRB [ _ r + _ c ] + CRB ( r )[ r + c ] = MRB _ r + CRB ( r ) M _ r +C( r) r r +D( r +g( ) = r) + vcn 0 _ = J( ) r (37) wind + wave + (38) where M = MRB + MA and C( r ) = CRB ( r ) + CA ( r ). Notice that only r and not is used in (38) if compared to (32). The model (37)–(38) includes the bias v_ cn = 0 at the kinematic level while (32) models drift due to ocean currents at the kinetic level using r = c. 3.3 Equations of Motion for Zero Speed For low-speed applications such as DP, ocean currents and damping can be modeled by three current coe¢ cients CX ; CY and CN . These can be experimentally obtained using scale models in M _ + C( ) + D( ) + g( ) = current + wind + where current wave + = [Xcurrent ; Ycurrent ; Ncurrent ]> : The current coe¢ cients can also be used at forward speed U > 0 and related to the surge resistance, cross-‡ow drag and the Munk moment used in maneuvering theory by using the concept of relative velocity (see Chapter 7.3, Fossen 2011). 4. OCEAN CURRENT SIMULATION MODELS Let the ocean current speed be denoted by Vc while its direction relative to the moving craft is expressed in terms of two angles: angle of attack c and sideslip angle c as shown in Figure 4. For computer simulations the ocean current speed and direction can be generated by using …rst-order Gauss–Markov processes: V_ c + _c + _ + c 1 Vc = w1 (42) 2 c = w2 (43) 3 c = w3 (44) where wi (i = 1; 2; 3) are zero-mean Gaussian white noise processes and i 0 (i = 1; 2; 3) are constants. If 1 = 2 = 3 = 0, the models reduce to a random walks, corresponding to time integration of white noise. A saturating element is usually used in the integration process to limit the current speed to: Vmin Vc (t) Vmax (45) The direction of the current can also be …xed by specifying constant values for c and c : 3-D Irrotational Ocean Current Model: A 3-D irrotational ocean current model is obtained by transforming the ocean current speed Vc and directions ( c ; c ) from FLOW axes to NED velocities: > vcn = R> y; c Rz; 2 2 3 Vc 4 0 5 c 0 3 Vc cos( c ) cos( c ) 5 = 4 Vc sin( c ) Vc sin( c ) cos( c ) (46) This expression can be transformed from NED to BODY using the Euler angle rotation matrix Rnb . Consequently, 2 3 2 3 uc Vc cos( c ) cos( c ) >4 4 vc 5 = Rnb ( 5 (49) Vc sin( c ) nb ) wc Vc sin( c ) cos( c ) 2-D Irrotational Ocean Current Model: For motions in the horizontal plane, the 3-D equations (49) reduce to: c = 0 and uc = Vc cos( c ) (50) vc = Vc sin( c ) (51) = 0. Consequently, p Vc = u2c + vc2 A tutorial on how to include models for wind, waves and ocean currents for marine craft has been presented. The concept of equations of relative motions is used to model the e¤ect of ocean currents while wind and wave-induced forces are added under the assumption of linear superposition. The article is intended for control engineers who want to simulate and predict the motions of marine craft exposed to wind, wave and ocean currents and use time-series to evaluate the performance of control systems. 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