curriculum vitae dipl.-soz. jan paul heisig December 2014 Berlin Social Science Center (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin f¨ ur Sozialforschung, WZB), Research Unit ‘Skill Formation and Labor Markets’, Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin, Germany. Phone +49 30 25491 383; Fax +49 30 25491 180; [email protected]; Experience 04/2013 - present Researcher, Research Unit ‘Skill Formation and Labor Markets’, WZB 09/2007 - 03/2013 Researcher, Research Unit ‘Inequality and Social Integration’, WZB (10/2009-11/2009: parental leave) 04/2011 - 09/2011 Researcher, research project ‘Social Mobility, Causes of Upward and Downward Mobility’, WZB, funded by the German Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. PIs: Jutta Allmendinger, Reinhard Pollak 09/2008 - 02/2009 Researcher, research project ‘Ways of Entry into the Labor Market’, WZB, funded by Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft’. PIs: Jutta Allmendinger, Johannes Giesecke 07/2004 - 05/2005 Research assistant, research project ‘Relationships between Inheritances and the Distribution of Wealth’, Institute of Sociology, Free University Berlin, funded by the German Ministry of Health and Social Security. PIs: Martin Kohli, J¨ urgen Schupp 05/2003 - 05/2004 Research assistant, research project ‘Non-Employment and the Welfare State’, Institute of Sociology, Free University Berlin, funded by the Anglo-German Foundation. PIs: Heiner Ganßmann, Jochen Clasen Education 07/2013 Defense of PhD thesis, Free University Berlin. Grade: summa cum laude Thesis title: ‘Late-Career Risks in Changing Welfare States’ 10/2002-08/2007 Diploma (MA equivalent) in Sociology (minors in Economics & Philosophy), Free University Berlin. Grade: very good Thesis title: ‘The Domestic Division of Labor in Comparative Perspective’ 09/2005 - 06/2006 Visiting student, graduate program, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, USA 10/2000 - 09/2002 Studied Philosophy, Logic, and North American Studies (Free University Berlin & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨at Munich) CV - J.P. Heisig, 1 06/1999 Abitur, Gymnasium an der Hermann-B¨ose-Straße, Bremen, bilingual program (German & English) Final grade: 1.0/1.0 Further professional activities 2014-Present Elected representative of postdoctoral researchers at WZB 2013 Co-organizer of session ‘Hierarchical Data, What to Do? Comparing Multi-Level Modelling, Cluster-Robust Standard Errors, and TwoStep Approaches’, 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), University of Ljubljana, July 18, 2013 (with Johannes Giesecke and Merlin Schaeffer) 2012-Present Referee for American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies) 2012-2013 Elected member of the Scientific Council at WZB 2011 Invited expert. Public hearing on ‘Wealth and Poverty Reporting’, Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, Deutscher Bundestag (German Parliament). December 12. 2011 Member of doctoral program committee, Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences; co-moderated module on ‘Social Inequality’ 2009-2011 Elected representative of doctoral researchers at WZB 2009-2010 Member of selection committee, financial support for young scholars at WZB 2013 1st Prize, Prize of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation for journal articles that appeared in German-language social science journals in 2012 (awarded for Kohler et al. 2012) 1999 Karl Nix Foundation Award for the best Abitur in the federal state of Bremen in 1999 Awards Skills Languages Software German (mother tongue), English (fluent), Latin Stata, R, LATEX, MS Office, SPSS CV - J.P. Heisig, 2 Publications English - Monographs In press J.P. Heisig. Late-career Risks in Changing Welfare States. Comparing Germany and the United States since the 1980s. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Expected publication: March 2015. English - Peer-reviewed articles 2015 J. Giesecke, J.P. Heisig, and H. Solga. Getting more unequal: Rising labor market inequalities among low-skilled men in West Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 39: 1-17. 2011 J. Giesecke and J.P. Heisig. Destabilization and Destandardization: For Whom? The Development of West German Job Mobility since 1984. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch). 131 (2): 301-314. (Shortened and translated version of Giesecke & Heisig 2010: Destabilisierung und Destandardisierung: aber f¨ ur wen?) J.P. Heisig. Who Does More Housework: Rich or Poor? A Comparison of 33 Countries. American Sociological Review. 76 (1): 74-99. English - Other 2011 J. Alber and J.P. Heisig. Do New Labour Activation Policies Work? A Descriptive Analysis of the German Hartz Reforms. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2011-211. German - Peer-reviewed articles 2012 U. Kohler, M. Ehlert, B. Grell, J.P. Heisig, A. Radenacker, and M. W¨ orz. Verarmungsrisiken nach kritischen Lebensereignissen in Deutschland und den USA. K¨ olner Zeitschrift f¨ ur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 64 (2): 223-245. 2010 J. Giesecke and J.P. Heisig. Destabilisierung und Destandardisierung, aber f¨ ur wen? Die Entwicklung der westdeutschen Arbeitsplatzmobilit¨at seit 1984. K¨ olner Zeitschrift f¨ ur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 62 (3): 403-435. German - Other 2014 J.P. Heisig and H. Solga. Kompetenzen, Arbeitsmarkt- und Weiterbildungschancen von gering Qualifizierten in Deutschland - Befunde aus PIAAC. (Competencies, labor market outcomes and participation in further training among low-qualified workers in Germany - findings from PIAAC ). Pp. 11-31 in Projekttr¨ ager im DLR e.V. (ed.): Potenziale nutzen, Perspektiven schaffen. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann. CV - J.P. Heisig, 3 2013 R. Pollak, J. Allmendinger, M. Ehlert, D. Gatermann, J.P. Heisig, S. Kohl, A. Radenacker, C. Schmeißer, M. Trappmann, J. Beste. Soziale Mobilit¨ at, Ursachen f¨ ur Auf- und Abstiege. (Social mobility, triggers of upward and downward mobility). Study prepared for the Fourth Report on Poverty and Wealth (4. Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht) of the German Federal Government. Berlin: Bundesministerium f¨ ur Arbeit und Soziales. 2011 M. Ehlert and J.P. Heisig. Arm, ¨armer, am ¨armsten. Menschen mit niedrigem Einkommen steigen immer h¨aufiger ab. WZB-Mitteilungen 134: 7-9. J. Giesecke and J.P. Heisig. Zunehmende Arbeitsmarktrisiken f¨ ur Geringqualifizierte - Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen. WSI-Mitteilungen 1/2011: 44-46. 2010 J. Giesecke and J.P. Heisig. H¨oheres Risiko f¨ ur Geringqualifizierte. Wie sich die berufliche Mobilit¨at in Deutschland ver¨andert hat. WZBrief Arbeit 07. 2009 J. Giesecke, J.P. Heisig, and J. Allmendinger. Einstiegswege in den Arbeitsmarkt. WZB Discussion Paper P 2009-002. 2005 M. Kohli, H. K¨ unemund, C. Vogel, M. Gilles, J.P. Heisig, J. Schupp, A. Sch¨ afer, and R. Hilbrich. Zusammenh¨ange und Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erbschaften und Verm¨ogensverteilung. Research report for the German Ministry of Health and Social Security, Berlin. Presentations Invited Presentations 2014 J.P. Heisig. Late-career Risks in Changing Welfare States. Comparing Germany and The United States since the 1980s. Department of Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen. June 12. H. Solga and J.P.Heisig. Cross-national Variation in Skills Gaps by Educational Attainment - Explanations and Their Implicatiosn for Labor Market Research. Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, May 22. J.P. Heisig and H. Solga. Employment Chances of Less-educated Workers in Germany. PIAAC Research Conference, Mannheim, May 5-6. H. Solga and J.P.Heisig. Cross-national Variation in Skills Gaps by Educational Attainment - Explanations and Their Implicatiosn for Labor Market Research. PIAAC Research Conference, Mannheim, May 5-6. Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, May 22. J.P. Heisig and H. Solga Kompetenzen und Arbeitsmarktchancen von gering Qualifizierten in Deutschland. (Competences and Labor Market Outcomes of Low-Qualified Persons in Germany). Conference on continuing training in Germany (‘Weiterbildung im Dialog’), Hamburg, March 25-26. CV - J.P. Heisig, 4 2013 J.P. Heisig and H. Solga. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bildungszertifikaten und Grundkompetenzen im internationalen Vergleich: Institutionell bedingte Unterschiede und ihre Bedeutung f¨ ur die Interpretation von Zertifikatsund Kompetenzeffekten in Arbeitsmarktregressionen. (The Relationship Between Educational Certificates and Basic Competences in International Comparison: Institutional Sources of Variation and Their Implications for the Interpretation of Certificate and Competence Effects in Labor Market Regressions). Chair of Empirical Social Research, Humboldt University Berlin, December 11. H. Solga and J.P. Heisig. The Impact of Certificates and Competences on Labor Market Outcomes in Advanced Economies. European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), ECSR Conference 2013, Tilburg University, October 14-16. J.P. Heisig. Comment on Michelle Jackson: ‘Beyond the Gap: Poverty, Educational Attainment, and the Power of Intervention’. Conference ‘The Sociology of Poverty’. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, April 26. 2011 J.P. Heisig. Einstiegswege in den Arbeitsmarkt (Ways of Entry into the Labor Market). Conference on the consequences of demographic aging on labor supply (‘Arbeitskr¨ aftepotenziale - Wer kann wie in Zukunft arbeiten?’), German Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Berlin, January 27-28. Other Presentations 2014 J.P. Heisig, B. Lancee, and J. Radl. Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Rentenalter. Alterseink¨ unfte von Migranten und Einheimischen im europ¨aischen Vergleich (Ethnic Inequalities in Retirement. A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant-Native Income Gaps in Europe). Meeting of the German Sociological Association. Trier, October 6-10. M. Ehlert and J.P. Heisig. Where do the poor come from? Longer-term income trajectories and risks of poverty entry in Germany. ECSR Conference 2014, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, September 23-25. M.Schaeffer, J.P. Heisig, and J. Giesecke. Multilevel Data - What To Do? Comparing Random Intercept and Slope Models, Cluster-Robust Standard Errors, and Two-Step Approaches Using Monte-Carlo Simulations. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, July 13-19. M. Schaeffer, J.P. Heisig, and J. Giesecke. Hierarchical Data: What To Do?. Chair of Empirical Social Research, Humboldt University Berlin, June 4. 2013 M. Schaeffer, J.P. Heisig, and J. Giesecke. Hierarchical Data: What To Do?. 1st Southern European Conference on Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, December 12-14. CV - J.P. Heisig, 5 M. Ehlert and J.P. Heisig. Woher kommen all die Armen? Eine Analyse der Einkommensverl¨aufe vor dem Armutseintritt. (Where Do All the Poor Come From? An Analysis of Income Trajectories before Poverty Entry). Joint meeting of the Sections ‘Research Methods’ and ‘Social Inequality and Analysis of Social Structure’ of the German Society for Sociology (DGS), Cologne, September 12-13. J.P. Heisig. The Changing Economic Consequences of Retirement in Germany and the United States. An Analysis of Income Dynamics Around Exit From Work. German Center of Gerontology (DZA), DZA Summer School 2013, Berlin, August 26-28. M. Schaeffer, J.P. Heisig, and J. Giesecke. Advantages, Pitfalls, and Trade-offs: Comparing Random iNtercept and Slope Models, Cluster-Robust Standard Errors, and Two-step Approaches with Monte Carlo Simulations. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), University of Ljubljana, July 15-19. 2012 J. Giesecke, J.P. Heisig, and H. Solga. Sources of growing labour market inequalities among low-skilled men in Western Germany. SOEP 2012 - 10th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference, DIW Berlin, June 28-29. 2011 J. Giesecke, J.P. Heisig, and H. Solga. What are the sources of growing labour market inequalities among the low-skilled? The example of German men. ECSR 20th anniversary conference, University College Dublin, December 14-17. M. Ehlert and J.P. Heisig. Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM): A New Technique for Statistical Matching. [CO:STA] Colloquium for Statistical Analyses, WZB. November 3. J. Alber, J.P. Heisig, and Markus W¨ orz. The Reform of Minimum Income Rights and Recent Activation Policies in Germany: A Descriptive Analysis of the Hartz Reforms. Conference on ‘Anti-Poverty Programs in a Global Perspective: Lessons from Rich and Poor Countries’. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, June 20-21. J.P. Heisig. Voluntary and Involuntary Retirement in Germany and the United States: Determinants and Consequences. RC 28 Spring Meeting, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, April 13-16. J. Giesecke, J.P. Heisig, and H. Solga. They are not all the same: Growing labour market inequalities among unskilled men in Germany. RC 28 Spring Meeting, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, April 13-16. 2010 J.P. Heisig. Income Dynamics around Retirement - A Comparison of Germany and the United States since the 1980s. XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Gothenburg, July 11-17. Distributed Paper. J. Giesecke and J.P. Heisig. Destabilization and Destandardization: For Whom? Job-Shift Patterns in West Germany, 1984-2008. 9th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference. Berlin, June 30 - July 1. CV - J.P. Heisig, 6 2009 J. Giesecke and J.P. Heisig. Changing Job-Shift Patterns? The Evolution of West German Job Mobility, 1984-2008. RC 28 Summer Meeting. Yale University, New Haven, CT, August 3-6. J.P. Heisig. Who Does More Housework: Rich or Poor? A Cross-National Comparison. EQUALSOC EMPLOY-FAMNET Workshop. Berlin, May 1112. Teaching Freie Universit¨ at Berlin 2009-10 (winter term) Applied Regression Analysis Using Stata (Preparatory Course, MA program Sociology/European Societies) Universit¨ at Potsdam 2014 (summer term) Soziologie der Armut (Sociology of Poverty MA seminar, with M. Ehlert) Short courses & Workshops 2014 Multiple Imputation in Stata 2-day course at the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), University of Bamberg, October 17-18 Analyzing PIAAC Using Stata 1-day course for fellows of the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER), WZB, Berlin, June 24 CV - J.P. Heisig, 7
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