EQUATORIAL TRADERS LTD Grove House, 55 Lowlands Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3AW, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)20 8864 9422 Fax: +44(0)20 8424 0529 rd 3 March 2014 Brazil Despite the somehow erratic return of the rains to the Brazil coffee belt, the mood remains sober with producers and shippers claiming the damage as irreversible. However, volumes traded during the week were very good, both for nearby and new crop positions. With Carnival now upon us, the country will be mostly closed for business until next Thursday. Quality Differential Terms Location Period Quantity Arabica Elephant Beans, current crop NY 2 scr.17/18 SS FC, current crop NY 2/3 MTGB SS FC, current crop NY 2/3 scr.17/18 SS GC, current crop NY ¾ MTGB SS GC, current crop NY ¾ MTGB SS GC, current crop NYC NYC NYC NYC May14 May14 -8.00 -5.00 -10.00 -13.00 -14.00 -18.00 FOB FOB FOB FOB FOT C&F Santos Santos Santos Santos Vollers Antw Antwerp Mar14-Apr14 Mar14-Jul14 Mar14-Jul14 Mar14-Jul14 Arrived Jan 14 Feb/Mar 14 320 640 640 640 332 1920 NYC -35.00 FOB Santos Mar14–Jul14 960 RM NY ¾ scr.15/16 (no cup descr.) May14 -60.00 FOT Paco Koper Arrived Jan 14 2240 Conilon NY 5/6 Scr.13up, crop 14/15 LTM +65 FOB Vitoria Jun14–Aug14 960 Grinders NY 5/6 12up GC, current crop Ethiopia Increased flow of unwashed coffees into the market has put pressure on differentials. However, washed prices remain firm as ECX prices continue to be stronger than NY. The Ministry of Trade held a meeting last week with exporters and other stakeholders to try resolving the sluggish export situation and to reduce speculation and price squeezes in the ECX. Quality Differential Terms Location Period Quantity Arabica Yirgacheffe Gr2, new crop Yirgacheffe, as per sample Yirgacheffe PB Sidamo Gr2, new crop Limu Gr2, new crop Teppi Gr2, ‘Single estate’ Djimmah Gr5, new crop Jul14 May14 May14 May14 May14 May14 Jul14 +65.00 +50.00 +50.00 +40.00 +20.00 +20.00 -14.00 FOB FOT FOT FOB FOB FOB FOB Djibouti Vollers Hambg Vollers Hambg Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti May 14 Arrived Jan 14 Afloat ETA 15Mar Apr 14 Mar/Apr 14 Mar/Apr 14 May 14 1280 320 240 640 640 5440 1280 RFA, Organic, as well as other Specialty Ethiopia Coffees can be offered on request. India A quiet week as buyers and sellers try to find the right levels. Quality Differential Terms Location FOB FOB FOB FOB FOB FOB FOB FOB FOT Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Mangalore Vollers Hambg Period Quantity Arabica Monsoon Malabar AA ‘Bababudan’ Monsoon Malabar AA ‘Cauvery’ Monsoon Malabar A ‘Bababudan’ Monsoon Malabar A ‘Cauvery’ Monsoon Basanally Plantation A, new crop Plantation C, new crop Arabica Cherry AB, new crop Monsoon Triage Terms & Conditions All offers subject to final confirmation Dec14 Dec14 Mar15 Mar15 May14 NYC May14 Jul14 May14 +45.00 +43.00 +35.00 +33.00 +18.00 +10.00 -17.00 -21.00 -28.00 Ricardo Santos Rupen Soochak Daniel Clark Fergus Wilson Nov 14 Nov 14 Dec 14 Dec 14 Prompt Apr14-Jul14 Mar/Apr 14 Jun 14 Arrived Mar 14 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Registered in England No: 2620426 2000 2000 1000 1000 600 1600 640 1600 34.5MT Mobile: +44(0)758 007 3109 Mobile: +44(0)780 308 5982 Mobile: +44(0)781 456 7516 Mobile: +44(0)755 372 3817 EQUATORIAL TRADERS LTD Grove House, 55 Lowlands Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3AW, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)20 8864 9422 Fax: +44(0)20 8424 0529 Robusta Robusta Cherry AB Robusta Cherry AB Robusta Cherry AB Robusta Cherry Clean Bulk Robusta Cherry Clean Bulk Robusta Parchment C May14 May14 May14 May14 LTM May14 +350 +350 +350 +250 +250 +480 FOT FOT FOT CIF C&F FOT Paco Koper Paco Koper Paco Koper Trieste Trieste Hamburg Arrived Dec 12 Arrived Oct 13 Arrived Mar 13 Afloat ETA 15Mar Apr14-Jul14 Afloat ETA 05Mar 80 pp 640 225 1600 960 300 Kenya Differentials remained firm in last week’s auction despite the upward move in NY. Yet (amazingly) most lots continue to not meet auction reserve prices! Good nearby demand continues. This week’s auction offers nearly 30,000 bags, but as yet no coffee from Nyeri region. Quality Differential Terms Location FOB FOB FOB FOT C&F C&F CIF Mombasa Mombasa Mombasa Vollers Hambg Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg Period Quantity Arabica AA FAQ, main crop AB FAQ, main crop AB Type ‘Muthaiga’ Kenya type ‘Fergus’ Kenya type ‘Fergus’ Kenya type ‘Tamu’ Kenya type ‘Sochi’ May14 May14 May14 May14 May14 May14 May14 +200.00 +70.00 +60.00 +5.00 +2.00 Level -10.00 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 14 Afloat ETA 10Mar Feb 14 Feb 14 Afloat ETA 23Mar 640 1600 1600 330 330 1280 640 Tanzania This week’s auction holds merely 4500 bags of some fresh northern coffees and returning unsold lots of deteriorating quality. Availability is very limited, with perhaps one final auction for the season on the horizon. Quality Differential Terms Location FOB Dar-es-Salaam Period Quantity Arabica Tanzania Grinders Jul14 -25.00 May 14 1200 Colombia Suppliers are bullish and holding inventories from exporters. The Mitaca is expected in March/April, in good volume but most is already sold as buyers have been replacing centrals with Colombia. Quality Differential Terms Location FOT FOB FOB Vollers Trieste Buenaventura Buenaventura Period Quantity Arabica Excelso EP10 Bucaramanga Supremo 17/18 Excelso EP10 May14 Jul14 Jul14 +20.00 +22.00 +16.00 Arrived Feb 14 Apr/May 14 Apr/May 14 275 550 1100 Honduras Internal market remains very firm and differentials stable. Quality Differential Terms Location Period Quantity Arabica Honduras stocklot 005, new crop Honduras stocklot 005, new crop Honduras stocklot 007, new crop Honduras stocklot 007, new crop Terms & Conditions All offers subject to final confirmation May14 May14 May14 May14 -23.00 -24.00 -26.00 -26.00 Ricardo Santos Rupen Soochak Daniel Clark Fergus Wilson FOT C&F CIF C&F Vollers Hambg Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg Afloat ETA 28Feb Mar/Apr 14 Afloat ETA 25Mar Mar/Apr 14 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Registered in England No: 2620426 750 1500 550 1100 Mobile: +44(0)758 007 3109 Mobile: +44(0)780 308 5982 Mobile: +44(0)781 456 7516 Mobile: +44(0)755 372 3817 EQUATORIAL TRADERS LTD Grove House, 55 Lowlands Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3AW, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)20 8864 9422 Fax: +44(0)20 8424 0529 Peru Still quiet with little coffee available. Quality Differential Terms Location Period Quantity Arabica Peru type ‘Pisco’ Peru type ‘Lamo’ May14 May14 -32.00 -32.00 FOT FOT Molenb Antw Molenb Antw Arrived Oct 13 Arrived Oct 13 1620 79.5MT PNG Despite strong demand, exporters remain reluctant sellers of new crop, as fly crop arrivals continue to disappoint. Quality Differential Terms Location Period Quantity Arabica PNG Y1 type ‘Pino’ PNG Y1 type ‘Pino’ PNG type ‘Yoyo’ PNG type ‘Yoyo’ May14 Jul14 May14 Jul14 +3.00 -5.00 -20.00 -28.00 CIF FOB C&F FOB Bremen Lae Bremen Lae Prompt May/Jun 14 Mar 14 May/Jun 14 960 1920 960 x 55Kg 1920 Others Quality Differential Terms Location Period Quantity Arabica Timor AP Gr.1 Timor AP Gr.1 Terms & Conditions All offers subject to final confirmation May14 May14 -10.00 -10.00 Ricardo Santos Rupen Soochak Daniel Clark Fergus Wilson FOT FOT Vollers Bremen Vollers Bremen Arrived Feb 14 Afloat ETA 10Mar email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Registered in England No: 2620426 620 620 Mobile: +44(0)758 007 3109 Mobile: +44(0)780 308 5982 Mobile: +44(0)781 456 7516 Mobile: +44(0)755 372 3817
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