CV Büsch englisch April 2014

Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name / Surname
Victoria Büsch
10, Ernst-Reuter Platz, 10587, Berlin, Germany
+49 30 374 374 310
+49 30 374 374 375
Date and Place of birth
Mobile: +49 172 7817 632
[email protected]
18.04.1970, Ciudad de Guatemala
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
February 2005 - Present
Professor for Economics, Demography, Vice President of Research
Research on demographic change and its impact on companies, coordination of the university`s
research activities and lecturer in economics
SRH Hochschule Berlin – The International Management University
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Education and Research
May 1998 to October 2004
Research Associate
Research on demographic change, lecturer in economics
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Education and Research
February 1997 to May 1998
Research Associate
Research on demographic change, lecturer in economics
Fachhochschule Brandenburg
Magdeburger Str. 50, 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel
Education and Research
May 1995 to February 1997
Spokeswoman for Training and Development
Employer training, organizing events for the vocational training department
Samsung Group
Ostendstr. 1 – 14, 12459 Berlin
Business Conglomerate
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
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Büsch Victoria
July 2004
Dr. rer. pol.
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Principal subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Three Essays on Age Discrimination in hiring process (grade: magna cum laude)
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
October 1989 to September 1994
Dipl. Volkswirtin
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
English and Spanish
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User
C2 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C2 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Organisational skills and
Advisor experience
Board member of the SRH Hochschule Berlin – The International Management University,
organization of research conferences (e. g. ddn International Conference 2014 at SRH Hochschule
Berlin, World Café 2011 Berlin, EEA-ESEM 1998 in Berlin)
Demographic change and human resource management – age discrimination, employee motivation,
determination of beneficial factors for prolonged working time, Establishment of panel “STEP”
(Strategies for Elderly People)
Deutschlands Arbeitgebermarken (DAGM)
Analyzing the quality and authenticity of employer brands
ESF Agency Flanders
Validation of tools and products regarding age-related management in companies and organizations
Flexicare 50+
Development and testing of possible trainings for experienced caregivers
Membership of Professional Bodies
ddn (Das Demographie Netzwerk) – Board Member
FNA (Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung der Deutschen Rentenversicherung)
DGD (Deutsche Gesellschaft Demographie e.V.)
List of Publications
Schermuly, C. C., Deller, J., Büsch, V. (2014). „A research note on age discrimination and the desire
to retire: The mediating effect of psychological empowerment”. Research on Aging.
Büsch, V. (2013): “Rethinking recruitment process in an aging society”. In: Taylor, P.: Older Workers
in an Aging Society, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 171-179.
Büsch, V., Brusch, M., Britze, N. (2012): „Entwicklung von Personalstrategien für eine verlängerte
Lebensarbeitszeit in KMU zur Kompensation der Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels“, in:
Meyer, J. A. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und –Praxis, EUL Verlag, pp 93-110.
Büsch, V. (2012): “From early retirement schemes to extending work life – a new paradigm in
Germany” - Peer Review on ‘Extending Working Life: The tripartite cooperation and the role of the
Center for Senior Policy’, Mutual Learning Programme.
Büsch, V., Dittrich, D. A. V., Lieberum, U. (2012): "Determinanten der Motivation und
Leistungsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer und Auswirkungen auf den Weiterbeschäftigungswunsch", In:
Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, Vol. 35, 4. pp 903-930
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Brusch, M.; Büsch, V. (2012): “The Role of Job Related Factors to Prolong Working Life: An Analysis
for the German Labour Market”, in: Proceedings of the 15th QMOD Conference on Quality and
Service Sciences, September 2012, pp 272-281
Büsch, V.; Brusch, M.; Ante, A. (2012): “Extending working life in Germany: The employees’
perspective”, in: Proceedings of The 6th Nordic Working Life Conference, 25 – 27 April 2012,
Elsinore - Denmark
List of Publications
Büsch, V. Thieme, P., Schwarz, W. (2011): „Länger arbeiten! – Geht´s noch?“ Documentation of the
World Café within the member assembly of the ddn at Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs,
March 24, 2011
Dittrich, D. A. V., Büsch, V., Micheel, F. (2011): “Working beyond retirement age”. In: Ennals, R.,
Salomon, R. (Hrsg.): Older Workers in a Sustainable Society, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
Brusch, M., Büsch, V., Ante, A. (2011): “Typology of Workers at the End of Their Career in Germany.”
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Combined Actions and Combined Effects of
Environmental Factors, September 2011, Tampere - Finland
Büsch, V., Dittrich, D. A. V., Lieberum, U. (2010): „Motivationspotentiale älterer Arbeitnehmer –
Implikationen für das Personalmanagement.“ In: Salzmann et al. (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftspolitische
Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels, 1. ed., VS publishers, Wiesbaden, pp. 131-149.
Büsch, V.; Dahl, S.-Å.; Dittrich, D.A.V. (2009): „An Empirical Study of Age Discrimination in Norway
and Germany”, in: Applied Economics, 41(5), pp 633-651.
Büsch, V.; Dittrich, D.; Koenigstein, M. (2009): “Hiring Chances Are Bad For Older Workers.” In:
Management Online Review, September 2009.
Büsch, V. (2004): “Three Essays on Age Discrimination in the Hiring Process.” Berlin,
Büsch, V.; Dahl, S.-Å.; Dittrich, D. A.V. (2004): “Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions: A Comparison
of Germany and Norway.” Discussion Paper on Strategic Interaction 14, Max Planck Institute for
Research into Economic Systems, Strategic Interaction Group, Jena – Germany.
Büsch, V.; Königstein, M. (2001): “Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions: a Questionnaire Study.” In:
Conference Paper 2001, CEPII.
Büsch, V. (2000): „Statistische Altersdiskriminierung bei der Auswahl von Bewerbern.“ Discussion
Paper 170, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Business School (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Public Lectures
Organization and moderation of the 1st “ddn International Conference”, 20 – 21 February 2014,
Berlin - Germany
„Alternsmanagement im demografischen Wandel - Theoretische und praktische Aspekte“
Workshop ‚Demografischer Wandel in der Arbeitswelt – Neue Wege für Betriebe‘, 14 November 2013,
Berlin - Germany
„HR-Management in times of dynamic change - The role of health management in a company”,
1 October 2013, Fundar Tox, Buenos Aires - Argentina
„Demografiefestigkeit und Handlungsfelder eines aktiven Diversity Managements in Unternehmen“,
Campus DB: Erfolgsfaktor Vielfalt‘, 11 June 2013, Potsdam - Germany
„Verändertes Personalmanagement als Option für Arbeitgeber: Auswirkungen für die
Weiterbeschäftigung“, BMAS-workshops on the topic of ‚Berufs- und Tätigkeitswechsel Älterer in
belastenden Berufen‘, 5 June 2013, Berlin - Germany
„Demografischer Wandel: einfach länger arbeiten?“, BVMW district association (Kreisverband)
Brandenburg – West, 22 April 2013, Potsdam - Germany
“Aging Populations, Labor Market and Human Resource Management”, 3 April 2013,
Universidad de Granada – Spain.
The 6th Nordic Working Life Conference, “Extending working life in Germany: The employees’
perspective”, 25 – 27 April 2012, Elsinore – Denmark.
Exchange panel ‚Erfahrung trifft Bedarf‘ of the nationwide demography network (Demographie
Netzwerk e.V.), „Kurzvorstellung ddn“, Ludwig-Erhard-Haus der IHK, 27 March 2012,
Berlin - Germany
Demography compact knowledge (Demografie Wissen kompakt) 2011 BAuA, , „Förderinstrumente der
Demographieberatung im Vergleich“, 5 December 2011, Dortmund - Germany
Work group ‚Bevölkerungswissenschaftliche Methoden‘ of German Society for Demography
(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie (DGD)) in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Labour
and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit Soziales (BMAS)), „Arbeiten im Ruhestand: Die
Arbeitnehmerperspektive“, 27 January 2011, Berlin - Germany
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Fourth Annual Conference on Positive Aging, “To Work or Not to Work”, 7 – 10 December 2010,
Los Angeles – USA
1. DKB Elite panel education, „Beschäftigungsfähigkeit durch kontinuierliche Bildung“, 5 July 2010,
Berlin - Germany
International Research Conference ‘Older workers’, “Further Education in Times of Demographic
Change”, 9 June 2010, Oslo – Norway.
Public Lectures
BPI company day, „Innovative Personalarbeit als unternehmerische Antwort auf den
demographischen Wandel“, 16 March 2010, Berlin - Germany
16th Regional Conference Pension and Provident Funds ‘The Demographic Ageing under the Shadow
of Economic Crisis: Employment-Human Resources-Retirement’, „How to organize an employers’
network for managing the ageing of the working population: The example of Germany“,
8 December 2009, Nicosia - Cyprus
Symposium ‚Stammkapital Personal – Personalentwicklung in turbulenten Zeiten‘ of LASA
Brandenburg, „Verlängerte Lebensarbeitszeit –ungenutzte Potenziale?“, 19 November 2009,
Potsdam - Germany
Customer event of Commerzbank ‚Abschied vom Jugendwahn‘, „Dimension und Bedeutung des
demographischen Wandels“, 5 November 2009, Rostock - Germany
Stanford University in Berlin, „Demographic Change and its Challenges”, 4 November 2009,
Berlin - Germany
5. professional discussion, future in the center (zukunft im zentrum (ziz)), „Motivationspotentiale
älterer ArbeitnehmerInnen!“, 7 July 2009, Berlin - Germany
Workshop ‚Verlängerte Lebensarbeitszeit‘, SRH Hochschule Berlin, „Motivationspotentiale älterer
Arbeitnehmer – Implikationen für das Personalmanagement“, 25 June 2009, Berlin - Germany
Monday round, Institute for applied demography (Institut für angewandte Demographie (ifad)),
„Motivationspotenziale älterer Arbeitnehmer - Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Motivation und was
bedeutet das für das Personalmanagement?“, 11 May 2009, Berlin - Germany
Symposium ‚Wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels‘,
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft (BMWi), „Motivation älterer Arbeitnehmer“, 26 - 27 February 2009,
Berlin – Germany
„Labor Supply”, World Ageing & Generations Congress der World Demographic Association,
30 August 2008, St. Gallen - Switzerland
Symposium demographic change: ‚Strategisch denken – Vernetzt handeln‘, „Demografischer Wandel
- Unternehmen lernen von Unternehmen“, 21 April 2008, Berlin - Germany
Annual conference of German Society for Demography (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie),
„Motivationspotenziale alternder Belegschaften“, 28 February - 2 March 2007, Berlin - Germany
German-Norwegian Seminar ‚Ökonomie der Sozialpolitik‘, „Statistical Age Discrimination“,
9 -12 November 2000, Berlin - Germany
Seminar ‚Sozialpolitischer Tag‘, „Zukunft der Rente“, 8 April 2000, Berlin - Germany
Seminar ‚Die Zukunft der Rente - Eigenverantwortung statt Generationenvertrag‘, „Demographische
Entwicklung und Rentensystem“, 25 -27 February 2000, Lauenburg – Germany
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