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EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Your free pass to secure multi-platform
Enterprise Mobility Management
Frequently Asked Questions
EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
What is EZ Pass?.................................................................................................................................................3
What types of licenses are eligible for EZ Pass?....................................................................................................4
What information do I need to have ready in order to get my licenses?..................................................................4
Can non-BlackBerry customers participate?.......................................................................................................4
What do Silver Perpetual licenses offer?..............................................................................................................5
What are Upgrade and Update rights?.................................................................................................................5
Does the Support included with EZ Pass include Update and Upgrade Rights?.....................................................5
Will Technical Support customers that have upgraded their licenses via BlackBerry
Software Assurance be able to participate in EZ Pass as well?..............................................................................5
What if the current level of BlackBerry Technical Support is higher than Advantage level?....................................5
What countries is EZ Pass available in?............................................................................................................... 6
Do customers have to end their subscription with another vendor to participate?.................................................6
Are customers participating in EZ Pass locked into a long term technical support contract?................................. 6
Can a customer take the claim offer and upgrade to a higher level of support
(i.e. from Advantage to Priority) through the program?.........................................................................................6
What if other MDM Licenses are sold to customers on a per user basis?...............................................................6
Can I use EZ Pass to obtain Gold Licenses for iOS/Android?................................................................................. 6
What is the price for purchasing licenses for BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 v10.2?......................................... 7
How do EMM Corporate and EMM Regulated CALs map to Silver and Gold?.........................................................7
EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
What is EZ Pass?
The Offer
›› Through EZ Pass, BlackBerry® will
provide customers free perpetual
Silver licenses for all of their existing
BlackBerry licenses and their other
MDM licenses, including but not limited
to Good, MobileIron and AirWatch, on a
one-for-one basis. This applies to both
perpetual and monthly subscription
licenses from all accepted platforms.
›› The Silver licenses issued through
EZ Pass can be used to manage
BlackBerry®10, iOS and AndroidTM
devices through BES10 and from the
launch of BES12, Windows® Phone 8
as well.
›› Customers will also receive
complimentary Advantage level
Technical Support with software Update
and Upgrade rights included until
January 31, 2015.
›› Customers who renew their support
contracts will have Upgrade and Update
rights grandfathered until February
28, 2016 (so long as they stay actively
subscribed during that period of time).
›› As of March 1, 2016, Upgrade rights will
be discontinued.
›› Active Support customers will continue
to have Update rights for perpetual
licenses beyond March 1, 2016, which
will enable them to access future point
updates on the BES12 platform
(e.g. BES12 v12.3, BES12 v12.4).
Offer Period
›› The EZ Pass Program enrollment
period begins March 31, 2014 and runs
through January 31, 2015.
›› This is a one-time offer; participants in
the program will only get one chance
to request licenses, so it is important to
include a complete list of licenses at the
time of making the initial submission
›› In order to qualify for this offer,
customers must be an existing
BlackBerry customer with an onpremise version of BlackBerry Server
Software. The new EZ Pass licenses
must be connected to any supported
device–i.e. iOS, Android, Windows
Phone 8 or BlackBerry 10 – through
a BES10 or BES12 server by June 30,
2015 to remain active.
›› Participants in EZ Pass receive free
BlackBerry® Technical Support Services
(BTSS) at the Advantage Support level.
Note: licenses issued and activated
through EZ Pass receive free BTSS
Advantage Support until January 31,
2015. Customers will have the option
to cancel or modify their Advantage
Support contract 30 days prior to
the paid subscription start date (i.e.
February 1, 2015).
›› To participate in EZ Pass, customers
must submit the SRP ID of an active BES
server (eligible server types are listed
below) and screen captures of their BES
and other MDM platforms illustrating
the number of active licenses via the EZ
Pass portal. If customers no longer have
an active BES and want to participate,
they can do so by submitting their
competitive MDM data and screenshots
only, by using promo code EZNB during
the registration process.
›› The Silver perpetual licenses received
through EZ Pass must be used on
the latest software version of BES10
(BES10.2 or higher) or BES12.
What types of licenses are
eligible for EZ Pass?
All on premise BlackBerry licenses and
other MDM licenses are eligible.
These include:
›› BES 5 (or earlier) licenses
›› BES Express licenses
›› BES10 v10.0 and BES10 v10.1
›› BlackBerry® Mobile Fusion licenses
›› Other on-premise versions of BES (e.g.
BlackBerry Professional, BlackBerry
Small Business Server)
In addition, all MDM platforms included
in the 2013 and 2014 Gartner Magic
Quadrant for Mobile Device Management
Software report are eligible for EZ Pass.
Platforms beyond the Gartner report will
be considered and accepted, including
devices managed via ActiveSync® alone.
The ability to upload screens shots from
other platforms is available during the EZ
Pass registration process.
EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
What information do I need
to have ready in order
to get my licenses?
Customers should have the following
information before beginning the EZ Pass
submission process:
›› Contact information, including a valid
email address.
›› An active BES SRPID. This is a unique
identifier for the BES server.
›› A screenshot of the licenses.
›› A BlackBerry Technical Support T-Code
if already a BlackBerry Technical
Support customer.
Customers should ensure they have all of
their license screenshots before starting
the process, since they will only be able to
submit once.
Can non-BlackBerry
customers participate?
Non-BlackBerry customers will be able
to participate as long as they install an
on-premise version of BES (Promo code
EZNB will allow customers to bypass this
requirement). This includes BES 5, BES
Express,BES10 and BES12 at launch.
BES Express BES10 and BES12 servers
can be downloaded and installed for free.
Once installed, the customer can navigate
to their BES console to find the SRP ID,
which they will need to enter in the EZ
Pass web form. Please see the EZ Pass
Quick Reference Guide for step-by step
instructions on how to find the SRP ID.
Customers then need to take a screen shot
of their active MDM licenses (from BES or
other MDM platforms) and upload them via
the EZ Pass web form.
What do Silver Perpetual
licenses offer?
›› Silver level licenses provide your
business with a wide range of settings
and controls. Wipe, lock and reset the
password on your iOS, Android, Windows
Phone and BlackBerry 10 devices.
Detect jailbroken or rooted devices.
Manage Applications and remotely push
email, Wi-Fi and VPN profiles.
›› On BlackBerry10 devices, the Silver
level includes BlackBerry® Balance™, an
unmatched secure container experience
that comes with a built-in secure
What are Upgrade and
Update rights?
A software Upgrade is a new major version
of BES software that provides functional
enhancements at the platform-level that
materially advance product capabilities.
A software Update is a minor release that
provides new and/or additional features or
functionality. A software update may also
be referred to as a “Feature Release“ or
“Service Pack”
Does the Support included
with EZ Pass include Update
and Upgrade Rights?
Yes, until January 31, 2015.
EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Will Technical Support
customers that have upgraded
their licenses via BlackBerry
Software Assurance be able to
participate in EZ Pass as well?
›› Yes. Customers will be able to participate
in the EZ Pass program even if they
have already upgraded CALs through
Software Assurance or through other
programs (i.e. 2013 CAL Trade-Up).
›› Customers will need to renew the
Support in order to retain upgrade rights
to BES12, AND to continue to have
update rights on the BES12 platform (ie.
12.1, 12.2, 12.3)
What if the current level of
BlackBerry Technical Support
is higher than Advantage level?
Customers with higher support levels than
Advantage will benefit from that level of
support across their entire deployment,
including the devices activated on the
licenses from the EZ Pass program. i.e. a
customer with a Premium support contract
will have that support extended to devices
activated with licenses from EZ Pass for
the duration of the EZ Pass program.
Customers will be asked to enter their
existing T-Code into the EZ Pass web form
so their support will be consolidated.
What countries is EZ
Pass available in?
EZ Pass is available globally in countries
where BlackBerry Technical Support
Services is available. The complete list is
available on the following website: http://
Do customers have to end
their subscription with another
vendor to participate?
Are customers participating in
EZ Pass locked into a long term
technical support contract?
No. At the end of the program period, the
customer will be renewed and invoiced
for another year of Advantage Support,
for the amount of active licenses on their
BES deployment. Customers will have the
option to cancel or modify their Advantage
Support contract 30 days prior to the paid
subscription start date (i.e. February 1,
EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Can a customer take the
claim offer and upgrade to a
higher level of support (i.e.
from Advantage to Priority)
through the program?
Not directly through EZ Pass. The
customer should contact their BlackBerry
Sales Rep or BlackBerry Partner in order to
get a quote for a higher level of support.
What if other MDM Licenses
are sold to customers
on a per user basis?
BlackBerry will honor the replacement of
these licenses so they translate to a per
device basis.
Can I use EZ Pass to obtain Gold
Licenses for iOS/Android?
No. The only method of obtaining a Gold
license is through purchase.
EZ Pass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
What is the pricing for BES12 v12.0?
Universal Annual Subscriptions
MSRP per Device
Silver for BB10, iOS, Android, and
Windows Phone 8
Gold for BB10
Gold for iOS and Android
›› BES12 Server Software v12.0 is available at no charge.
›› Technical Support is included in every annual subscription.
›› Upgrade and Update rights are included in every annual subscription.
›› All pricing is per device, not per user.
›› Universal Annual Subscriptions are backwards compatible to BES10 v10.1 and forward
compatible with future Upgrades and Updates.
›› BBOS 7 and earlier device Annual Subscriptions are also available for sale for $23/
device/year MSRP with Advantage and $40/device/year MSRP with Premium.
How do EMM Corporate
and EMM Regulated CALs
map to Silver and Gold?
How can I purchase or renew
my BlackBerryTechnical
Support Service?
›› The Silver level provides the same level
A customer can purchase or renew
BlackBerry Technical Support Services
directly to BlackBerry or through an
authorized resale channel. If the customer
purchase directly to BlackBerry, the
customer will be responsible for legal local
taxes, withholding taxes, VAT and any other
additional taxes or duties in place in local
countries by law.
of service as EMM Corporate.
›› The Gold level provides the same
level of service as EMM Regulated for
BlackBerry 10 devices and EMM Secure
Work Space for iOS and Android devices.
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