Summary of the 61st meeting of the NIEA Board (with EMG Core Directors in attendance) held on 27 May 2014 in Causeway Exchange, Belfast Members: Mr S Aston Mrs H Anderson Mr T Irwin Mr M Deery Mr D Foster Attendees: Mr W Shannon Mr D Campbell Mr P Aiken Mrs L Smyth Mrs E Curry Secretary: Mr S McDougall, ISD Director of Innovation Strategies, NIEA (Acting Chair) Director of Natural Environment Division, NIEA Acting Director of Natural Environment Division, NIEA Acting Director of Historic Environment Division, NIEA Acting Director of Resource Efficiency Division, NIEA Director of Environmental Policy Division, DOE Director of Marine Environment Division, DOE Finance and Business Planning – Business Partner, DOE ISD, NIEA Communication Unit, DOE Action 1. Apologies, Introductions and Conflict of Interest Apologies were recorded on behalf of Terry A’Hearn and Beverly Beggs. No Conflicts of Interest were recorded. Minutes and Action Points from the 60th Board meeting Minutes were approved with the tracked changes proposed. 2.1 Action Points All Actions were completed with the exception of Stuart still needing to obtain Stuart guidance on dealing with MLAs’ correspondence. Stephen advised that ISD will take the lead in establishing the Customer Advisory Committee. 3. Communications update Eileen Curry attended for this Agenda item. Eileen briefed the Board on recent and forthcoming Communications Office activity including: The Wonderful Days Out campaign, the Causeway Coast and Glens Festival and the next phase in the Carrier Bag Levy communications plan. Stephen briefed the Board on the Dunluce Stakeholder Group progress. 4. Finance/Business Planning/Corporate Governance Peter advised that the CE was reviewing the CEO Foreword and the CEO’s Strategic Report as key elements of the Agency’s draft 2013-14 Annual Report. The 12-month NIEA 2013-14 Assurance Statement, which has been cleared by the CE, will underpin the CEO’s 2013-14 Agency Governance Statement. Peter briefed the Board on the 2013-14 Flights and Mileage, Consultancy Expenditure and Prompt Payment Performance Reports, which were also submitted to DB. Peter also reported that 16 post Project Evaluations are still outstanding (6 for more than one year) and that two Internal Audit reports (EPD and ECU) 2. Page 1 of 3 received ‘Limited’ assurances. Peter advised that the DOE Minister is to write to the DFP Minister regarding a capital bid in respect of the Exploris Centre. June Monitoring Round Peter provided a summary of the Group’s June Monitoring proposals submitted to Core Finance, mainly in respect of Waste, Listed Buildings, Historic Monuments and Environmental management / regulation. Coastal Communities Fund Peter and Damian confirmed that the CCF is continuing to receive funding Peter and from Whitehall through DFP. Peter and Damian are to meet to consider if Damian assistance can be provided to try to improve the funding proposals. Carrier Bag Levy proposals have been received from across EMG and a summary of the proposals was circulated with the Board papers. Once agreed by the CE, a submission will be drafted for issue to the Minister. Wesley will submit a paper for CBL to part-fund the “Live Here, Love Here” (previously Civic Pride) campaign. Board Members noted that Tidy NI, who will run the “Live Here, Love Here” campaign had received funding from several business areas within EMG. The Board is to review the process for Grants payments for organisations receiving grants from more than one Stephen element of EMG. Stephen to Action. Corporate Governance NIEA Governance Sub-Committee The Board noted the Draft ToR for the Sub-Committee will be to primarily advise the NIEA Board on Business Planning, Risk Management and Corporate Governance issues. The Sub-Committee may also consider HR matters but it will not be a decision-making body for such matters. NIEA Corporate Scorecard 2013-14 (Quarter 4) The End of Year Report was reviewed and the Red and Amber scores discussed. NIEA Risk Register for 2013-14 (Quarter 4) was discussed. Peter reminded Members that Risk Registers should be considered ‘living documents’ to be frequently reviewed and updated. MED and EPD Risk Registers (Quarter 4) Damian Quarter 4 RR reports and the drafts for 2014-15 were discussed for MD and EPD. Damian is to provide a copy of the Audit Report on Corporate Governance. Board Members reiterated that, in line with the DOE Risk Management Policy Statement, not every EMG Business Unit (broadly Grade 7 level) will require a BU specific Risk Register. Page 2 of 3 5. 6. Health and Safety Stephen Emerson attended for this Agenda item. Stephen Emerson advised of the eleven recent incidents including two of Unacceptable Customer Behaviour and four incidents involving members of the public on Agency property. The Acting Chair asked relevant Directors to chase for Outstanding H&S Dave, Tim / Audit reports. Helen and Stephen Emerson advised that the Departmental Board had approved two Manus Policies (Noise and Manual Handling). The Managing Boat Related Vibration policy has issued. Stephen advised that the policy is to limit the workplace exposure so that EMG can demonstrate that the staff member has not been exposed to more than the set limit during working hours. We are unable to control what staff do in their own time. HR The Acting Chair reminded Members that a Casual ScO list had been created and noted that recruitment agency staff will be replaced by those on this Casual list. 7. Planning Reform Damian and Pat Corker provided a separate briefing for the Board and staff in relevant business areas. 8. AOB • Wesley reported on the Work Force Planning Group meeting discussing the closure of DVA offices. Wesley will re-circulate a request for Wesley information for posts that can be based in Coleraine. • Wesley briefed on the discussions at DB’s weekly stock-take. • Dave reported on an EU Twinning project with Macedonia which DoE has been successful in as a junior partner with Austria and Germany. It focuses on Air Quality, IPPC, and Water Quality legislation, policy and procedures. This will involve staff from EMG, other NI experts, and some ex-EA staff. • Manus advised of the Heads of Environment Conference. • Stephen reported on the proposed Prosperity Agreements. • Liz provided an update on the next stage of the Innovation Trials. Page 3 of 3
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