Swinton Neighbourhood Quarter 2 July - September 2014 salfordcommunityleisure.co.uk Salford Community Leisure (SCL) is responsible for the provision and management of sport, leisure and cultural services in the city. SCL manage a wide variety of facilities across the 8 neighbourhood areas within the city, including sport and leisure facilities, community centres, libraries (plus 2 books@home libraries), museums and community use high schools. SCL’s vision is ‘Everyone Active’ and all SCL employees work towards achieving this vision. Welcome to the 2nd quarterly report for 2014 for the Swinton neighbourhood area Within the Swinton neighbourhood area, Salford Community Leisure (SCL) provides the following sport, leisure and cultural facilities and officers: • Geoff Hodges – Sport and Leisure Manager • Neil Gittins - Assistant Sport and Leisure Manager • Sarah Hall - Neighbourhood Library Manager • Tommy Curran - Sport and Leisure • Gareth Davies - Active Lifestyles Development Officer • Stephen Keefe - Community Librarian • Lynne Ashworth - Community Children’s Librarian • Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre • Clifton Community Centre • Wardley Community Centre • The Valley Community Centre • Clifton Library • Swinton Library The aim of this quarterly report is to highlight the work that has taken place during July, August and September within the Swinton neighbourhood area and demonstrate how Salford Community Leisure is performing. Neighbourhood Sport and Leisure Manager: Geoff Hodges e. [email protected] Neighbourhood Library Manager: Sarah Hall e. [email protected] salfordcommunityleisure.co.uk Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Introduction Quarter 2 (July – September 2014) has been a very successful quarter, some key highlights include: Brand new spin cycles added to Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre’s fitness suite to further enhance the offer to customers Very successful delivery of programmed summer activities Successful free swimming programme offered during the summer holidays Fitness suite attendances more than double compared to the same period last year. Participation at the annual Fair trade citywide sports festival Delivering an early evening engagement programme on The Poets estate and Victoria Park Enabled and supported a group of young volunteers, design and deliver a charity fun day event. Work continues to progress on the new Swinton Gateway centre. The library will move into here early in 2015. Mythical Maze summer reading challenge was a great success with 440 children taking part at Swinton and Clifton Libraries. Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Community Centres Centre Clifton Community Centre General update Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre has experienced a very busy and successful summer period with over 60,000 recorded attendances. Free swimming was again very busy with all sessions at capacity throughout the summer. The fitness suite continues to be a credit to the facility and the class programme continues to grow to cope with demand. General update Overall attendances Over 61,000 attendances were recorded at the facility this quarter; a rise of 24% compared to the same quarter last year. Fitness suite Over 16,000 attendances were recorded in the fitness suite this quarter, more than double attendances to quarter 2 last year; further showing the value and quality of the improvements made to the facility last year. The introduction of a new retention scheme in quarter 3 will allow gym instructors to have a more structured and efficient way of interacting with customers and their needs. General swimming Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre continues to deliver a busy and full swim programme with over 6,800 general swims recorded this quarter, a 26% increase compared to quarter 2 last year. The number of children and adults learning to swim at the centre continue to increase; showing the quality and consistency of the programme. Class programme The class programme at Swinton and Pendlebury remains the flagship of the city. The recently opened studio has been a great success and the demand for daytime classes has been overwhelming, most classes are full to capacity sometimes a week in advance. Early in the period, Slimming World attracted quite a lot of new members who were trying to loose weight and get into shape for their summer holidays. Lets All Join Hands were not in during the school holidays but have returned in September. Salford Bridge Club is a very friendly and popular club with a strong membership. Since their return the Clifton Group have gained some new members who come along to enjoy meeting people and playing games. Table tennis is very popular at the moment. The cheerleading, drama and street dance groups are very well attended. They took a break at the end of July for the school holidays; returning on the 2nd September. Mother and toddlers was very busy during the school holidays with older brothers and sisters coming along too. Attendances Attendances have dropped slightly due to the summer period and some groups cancelling for the 6 weeks holidays. The Valley Community Centre General update Cheerleading finished their Thursday evening booking early July. They have a regular booking at Wardley Community Centre but were using The Valley short term to help prepare for a competition. The youth club have moved their day to a Thursday so that their booking follows straight on from Rainbows, this makes staffing The Valley far more efficient. Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Two relief Community Centre Supervisors have been assisting in covering at The Valley, Stan Gittins and Anne Pinkney who was the Supervisor there several years ago. A huge clean up and clear out is now underway. The arts and crafts group enjoyed a day out to Blackpool early in September. They spent time on the beach, ate fish and chips then did a spot of shopping in the town centre. Attendances th Salford Foundation booked The Valley on 9 July for a planning day. This day brought together children from Oakwood High School and Chatsworth High School. The children were split into three teams and visited The Valley community gardens with a view to what improvements they could make. The three teams, Dragon’s Den style, sold their ideas to Salford Foundation staff to try and win money for their team to carry out the ideas. The children had a fantastic day and were very enthusiastic about what could be done in the gardens. They returned the following two days and carried out the planned improvements within The Valley community gardens. The centre has seen an increase in attendances compared to the same quarter last year. This is due to the increased numbers for the Slimming World session and also the numbers attending the summer programme. Beechfield House used The Valley as a meeting place for the residents of a local block of flats. They were very impressed by the facility and advised that they would like to hold further meetings here. Wardley Community Centre Moorside Children’s Centre held a fun activities afternoon aimed at parents and toddlers. As the weather was so good, they utilised the side garden and set up the activities there. Unfortunately, this day wasn’t very well attended with only six people turning up. AIR and summer kids club were run by Salford Community Leisure and City West as a joint venture. The clubs were very successful attracting 133 children during August. Activities were held both inside The Valley Community Centre and outside on the green. Whilst the children were being entertained, Bootcamp was being held for the parents. Anne Pinkney organised a trip to the Funhouse in Swinton for 19 of the children which was funded by Bonus Ball. General update Healthy Hips and Hearts continued to run during the school holidays with all the ladies enjoying their gentle morning exercise. Tai-chi is still a favourite and popular class offering relaxation and tai-chi techniques. Wardley ladies group have got together to produce a calendar girls type calendar to sell in aid of Dementia. They all dressed up in their finery to have their pictures taken, the calendar will be ready for sale in the near future. The art club is still very popular with new members joining on a regular basis. The drama class is very busy with the children starting to rehearse Shrek as their new stage show. Wardley concert band rehearsed for their 40th anniversary concert, which was held in September. They have also booked their Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Christmas concert for December at the centre. Wednesday 10th appropriate means in which to engage other locals from within that community. Kurling is still very busy with fortunes in the league up and down. At the request of, and funded by; the wider local community an action packed summer school holiday programme was devised and delivered by SCL staff utilising communal assets such as Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre, The Valley Community Centre; Wardley Community Centre, Victoria Park and Beech Farm playing fields. The programme was delivered in conjunction with partners from Neighbourhood Management Team, IYSS, Health Improvement Service, Greater Manchester Police, City West Housing, Salix Homes, Salford Foundation, the National Citizens Service and others. Budding Wood Day Nursery have hired the centre to provide the free 15 hour pre-school for 2-3 year olds introduced by the government. They will use the centre Monday am, Tuesday am, Thursday pm and Friday am (times and dates to be confirmed once they have their Ofsted registration). Monday evenings are utilised by a flower arranging group who started on Monday 8th September on a ten week rolling course. This group moved from Eccles College and are very happy to be at the centre. Attendances Even though the playgroup no longer attends the centre, attendances have increased compared to the same quarter last year. This could be due to the number of larger groups utilising the centre such as Wardley concert band. Community Sport & Leisure Attendance at a number of meetings enabled SCL provision to be highlighted and promoted to local agencies, directorates; 3rd Sector providers and Salford Sports Network affiliated clubs. The information cascaded regarding activities and events taking place in the various venues managed by SCL, assists partner agencies, directorates; 3rd Sector providers and Salford Sports Network affiliated clubs to signpost their clients, local residents and club members into positive and constructive activity. SCL attendance at these meetings also ensures a co-ordinated approach is adopted; enabling the most beneficial and cost effective means of delivery to be agreed. Attendance at these meetings also enables local resident groups the opportunity to offer SCL; advice and guidance on the most Also devised and delivered on behalf of the wider community by SCL staff was a twilight programme of activity, engaging young people on the Poets Estate and within the boundaries of Victoria Park. To further enhance the programme, free swimming for all under 17’s; funded by the Clinical Commissioning Group; ensured local youngsters had the opportunity to enjoy a cool dip whilst maintaining or increasing their levels of fitness. A team of young people, representing Swinton were identified from amongst those who attended the various activities on a regular basis and competed fairly at the citywide Fair trade fair play sports festival. It is at this festival where the emphasis is on teamwork and sportsmanship above winning and the main award is presented for fair play. Also during the summer holiday period, Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre assisted a number of young people to engage with the National Citizens Service via Salford Foundation to design and deliver a charity fun day in aid of ‘Quids 4 Kids’, attracting a large number of family groups to the event. Assistance from SCL staff is given to local clubs and organisations affiliated to the Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Salford Sports Network. Regular bulletins regarding potential funding streams, coaching courses along with employment opportunities are cascaded via the network. Affiliation to the Salford Sports Network also enables clubs the opportunity to nominate members who have excelled in a variety of roles including coaching, administration and volunteering at award ceremonies held at district, regional and national levels. Libraries Swinton and Clifton Libraries General update Quarter 2 has been a busy time for Swinton and Clifton Libraries. Collectively both libraries issued over 23,000 items. Over 400 people joined the library for the first time and over 9,000 PC sessions took place. Story-rhymetime sessions remain popular for under 5s despite the usual break over the summer period. Computer classes at Swinton Library remain popular and take place during term time. The reading group at Swinton Library also continues and is on the look out for new members. Books read by members during quarter 2 include: Blood Rites by S.J.Rozen and The Trinity Six by Charles Cumming. July was busy for the children’s team promoting the summer reading challenge at school assemblies. The Mythical Maze summer reading challenge was a great success this year with 440 children taking part at Swinton and Clifton Libraries. Children from many different primary schools came to their local library to sign up to take on the challenge of reading six books of their choice over the summer. As the children read their books they collected freebies and rewards along the way and everyone who finished the challenge received a certificate and medal. Many children also completed a book review to receive an extra prize and the chance for the first time this year to be a published author. Baby Story-rhymetime sessions (touch and feel books, rhymes and songs) took place on Thursday 7th and Thursday 21st August from 2pm-2.45pm at Swinton Library. 51 children and carers attended the two sessions. Family craft drop-in sessions took place on Wednesday 13th and Wednesday 27th August from 10am-11.30am at Swinton library. On 13th children were invited to join in making a Monster book and on 27th, a robot puppet. 117 children and carers took part in the two sessions. In September, once schools returned after the holidays, class visits to Swinton Library started up again with the emphasis on finding out about new fiction and authors. A local Beavers group also visited Swinton Library one evening to find out what the library has to offer and to borrow books. The children’s librarian helped them all make windmills which linked well with the gardening topic that they were working on. Work continued on the new Swinton Gateway, which is now due for completion in February 2015 with a view to opening in early/mid 2015. The new Gateway will see a number of local services coming together under one roof, including Swinton library. Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Case Study Mr T was referred to the Active lifestyles Team after successfully completing a 6 week Pulmonary Rehabilitation course. Before commencing the Pulmonary Rehabilitation course, Mr T was physically inactive and was worried about exercising due to his lung condition (COPD). His mood was low and he had concerns about becoming out of breath. Mr T has now been attending the Healthy @ Heart Class at Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre for the past 3 months and has shown great improvements in his fitness. He has reported that he's feeling more positive and is particularly happy that he's lost half a stone in weight. He has come out of his shell so much so that he has recently been acting as a mentor to someone new to the class who was feeling just as he was when he first started. Inclusive Activities Salford Community Leisure’s services and activities are influenced by the demographic profile of local communities. SCL strive to provide inclusive services and activities to enable everyone to be active in their chosen leisure pursuit. Leisure Centres Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre continue to deliver a disability swim within its programme. Attendances for the session remain at a consistent level of around 20 participants. Libraries Chair based exercise sessions take place in the community room at Swinton Library for older people and those with disabilities. Story-rhymetime sessions at Swinton Library are aimed at all children of different religions and nationalities. Swinton Neighbourhood Quarterly Report July – September 2014 Forthcoming Events / Activities in Quarter 3 2014-15 Swinton and Pendlebury Leisure Centre to deliver a full programme of activities over the Christmas period A sport activity programme will be held at a number of locations across Swinton and Pendlebury during the October half term October half term family crafts at Swinton Library on Friday 31st October
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