Synthesis of the glycoside moiety of Solaradixine, a glycoalkaloid found in Solanum Laciniatum, using “super-armed” donors and block synthesis strategies. Angles d’Ortoli, T.; Widmalm, G. Stockholm University, Sweden. [email protected], [email protected]. Steroidal glycoalkaloids are glycosylated alkaloids found in a large number of the Solanum species. Pharmacological effects of steroidal glycoalkaloids on human cells are dependent on the chemical structures. Of all the modern structural methods for saponins related compounds, NMR spectroscopy yields the most complete picture of the structure and the behavior in solution. 1H and 13C NMR chemical shift data are used by the computer program CASPER to predict chemical shifts of oligo- and polysaccharides. The enhancement of the quality of the predictions can efficiently be achieved by focusing on carbohydrate structures of biochemical significance.1 The main glycoalkaloid from roots of S. laciniatum was found to be O(3)-{α-LRhap-(1→2)-[β-D-Glcp-(1→2)-β-D-Glcp-(1→]3)-β-D-Galp}-solasodine.2 OH OH OH O O HO HO O OR OH O H O HO O HO OH O HO R=Solasodine HO OH The synthesis of the tetrasaccharide in this sequence was the target of this project. A so called “super-armed” version of a disaccharide donor was synthesized as the first block.3 Meanwhile, another glycosylation procedure would provide the disaccharide acceptor needed to obtain the targeted product. These strategies allowed a facile and rapid synthesis of the target. 1. Rönnols, J.; Pendrill, R.; Fontana, C.; Hamark, C.; Angles d’Ortoli, T.; Engström, O.; Ståhle, J.; Zaccheus, M. V.; Säwén, E.; Hahn, L.E.; Iqbal, S.; Widmalm, G. Carbohydrate Research 2013, 340, 7-13. 2. Neszmelyi, A.; Machytka, D.; Shabana, M. M. Phytochemistry 1988, 27, 603-605. 3. Pedersen, M.C.; Marinescu, L.G.; Bols, M. C. R. Chimie 2011, 14, 17-43. Synthesis of novel porphyrin-oligothiophene conjugates Katriann Arja, Mathias Elgland and Peter Nilsson Linköpings University, IFM – Department of Biology, Chemistry & Physics, SE-58183 LINKÖPING, Sweden [email protected] Porphyrins and porphyrin-related compounds have long been known for their interesting optical, photophysical and biochemical properties. These include the ability to generate singlet oxygen from molecular oxygen found in its surrounding. This property has found application in photodynamic therapy (PDT) for combating cancer.1 We have previously reported the synthesis of a new porphyrin-oligothiophene conjugate and its use as a resourceful probe for visualizing protein aggregates, the pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.2 Herein we report the synthesis of a set of novel porphyrin-oligothiophene conjugates intended to be used as PDT-agents targeting distinct cancer-associated cells. In these conjugates, a cationic thiophene pentamer is coupled to three different porphyrins bearing either sugar moieties or sulfonic acid functionalities. The synthetic strategy for designing a convenient and high-yielding route to the conjugates is described. N N OAc N TsO N N TsO H N O O O N H N NH HN O 3 N H S OH R2 S S S S HO O O H N S N N N S S 3 S S O R1 OH O N SO 3H OAc N N SO 3H N O HN S O N N Zn N N O S NH O N N N O HO R1 SO 3H O OH R HO 2 O S O HN N N N HO R1 O glucose R1 = H, R 2 = OH galactose R1 = OH, R 2 = H O OH R HO 2 Figure 1: Structures of porphyrin-oligothiophene conjugates. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 L. B. Josefsen, et al. Theranostics, 2(9): 916-966 (2012) 2 K. Arja, D. Sjölander, et al. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 34(9):723-30 (2013) Iridium PC(sp3)P-type and Ruthenium Chiral Amino NHC Complexes: Novel Avenues for Small Molecule Transformations Dominic C. Babbini,† Vlad M. Iluc,† and Pher G. Andersson* † Univeristy of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA * Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, Sweden Iridium and ruthenium organometallic complexes have been long known to exhibit unique reactivity with respect to bond activation and molecular manipulation. Our attempt is to engineer novel catalytic systems which allow for heightened reactivity and specific selectivity with a focus on bond activation allowing for the functionalization of small molecules. Herein we report a novel series of iridium organometallic complexes which consist of a scaffold PC(sp3)P-type backbone as well as a proposed project utilizing a chiral ruthenium amino N-heterocylic carbene (NHC) complex for chiral hydrogen transfer reactions. The full synthesis and characterization of the PC(sp3)P-type ligand bis(diisopropylphosphinophenyl)anisoylmethane, the complexes formed with iridium, and their subsequent reactivities will be discussed along with the proposed synthetic formation of the chiral NHC ligand and ruthenium complex as well as targeted catalytic transformations utilizing this system. Does the counterion influence the symmetry of the three-center halogen bond in the solid state? Michele Bedin, Alavi Karim, Marcus Reitti, Anna-Carin C. Carlsson, Jürgen Gräfenstein, and Mate Erdelyi* Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Halogen bonding is the attractive interaction between the electrophilic region of a halogen atom in a molecular entity and a Lewis base.1 As the halogen bonding phenomenon resembles hydrogen bonding in many aspects,2 it is predicted to have high applicability in a wide variety of scientific fields, e.g. in governing molecular recognition processes and the structure of supramolecular complexes. Three-center halogen bonds are known to be remarkably strong and to possess very short interatomic distances. A well-known example for such a halogen bonded complex is the triiodide ion (III-), which is often cited to have a 180 kJ/mol secondary bond.2 For gaining an improved understanding of the properties of three-center halogen bonds we have previously addressed its behavior in solutions,3-5 using [bis(pyridine)iodine]+ and [bis(pyridine)bromine]+ model systems. These studies revealed that these three-center halogen bonds are symmetric in solutions, in contrast to the analogous three-center hydrogen bonds that are asymmetric.6 In this project we address the symmetry of the [bis(pyridine)iodine]+ model system in complex with a variety of counterions in the solid state using X-ray diffraction analysis, in collaboration with the group of Prof. Kari Rissanen at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Crystals were obtained by cooling the complexes, prepared as described previously,3-5 dissolved in a mixture of nonpolar solvents. The obtained symmetry was then compared to that observed in solution by NMR and in silico by DFT computations. Figure 1. The X-ray structure of [bis(pyridine)iodine]+ nitrate and hexafluoroantimonate complexes. References: 1 Desiraju, R. G. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. 2013, 85, 1711. 2 Metrangolo, P.; Neukirch, H.; Pilati T.; Resnati, G. Acc. Chem. Res. 2005, 38, 386. 3 A.-C.C. Carlsson, et al., ChemCommun 2012, 48, 1458. 4 A.-C. C. Carlsson, et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 5706. 5 A.-C. C. Carlsson, et al., CrystEngComm. 2013, 15, 3087. 6 Perrin, C. L. Pure Appl. Chem. 2009, 81, 571. Design, synthesis and labeling with [11C]CO of benzovesamicolbased ligands as potential PET tracers for the Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter Sara Bergman, Maria DeRosa, Hooman Hamdi, Luke Odell, Jonas Eriksson, Mats Larhed, Gunnar Antoni* Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Preclinical PET Platform, Uppsala University, Box 574, SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] * Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Preclinical PET Platform, Uppsala University, Box 574, SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden. The vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) is found in the axon terminal of cholinergic neurons where it transports newly synthesized acetylcholine into synaptic vesicles.1 VAChT has been acknowledged as a marker for the cholinergic system.2 As the impairment of cognitive abilities and memory, the general hallmark of dementia diseases, has been correlated to the loss of cholinergic neurons in cortex the study of VAChT could offer insight into the disease progression and the effect of treatment as well as being a compliment in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases.3 With positron emission tomography (PET), VAChT can be studied in both a quantitative and qualitative way. In our research group, focus has been on synthesizing and labeling ligands for VAChT based on a library approach. A common precursor and the same method are used for the labeling of the ligands, thereby ensuring the possibility to incorporate a radioisotope in all ligands without the need for unique precursors. Changing small details in the molecular structure provides the possibility for facile fine tuning of the affinity and the pharmacokinetic properties of the ligands. Here, we present the design, synthesis and labeling of a library of ligands for VAChT based on known allosteric inhibitor benzovesamicol. The ligands were synthesized with the aim of exploring the 5-position of the fused benzocyclohexanol ring (figure 1). Figure 1. References (1) Erickson, J. D.; Varoqui, H.; Schäfer, M. K.; Modi, W.; Diebler, M. F.; Weihe, E.; Rand, J.; Eiden, L. E.; Bonner, T. I.; Usdin, T. B. J. Biol. Chem. 1994, 269, 21929–21932. (2) Arvidsson, U. L. F.; Riedl, M.; Elde, R. 1997, 467, 454–467. (3) Terry, R. D.; Masliah, E.; Salmon, D. P.; Butters, N.; DeTeresa, R.; Hill, R.; Hansen, L. A.; Katzman, R. Ann. Neurol. 1991, 30, 572–580. NMR Spectroscopy Studies of the E. coli O91 O-antigen Polysaccharide Blasco P.1, Engström O.1, Widmalm G.*1 1 Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are vital to the function and structural integrity of the gramnegative bacteria (1), and are composed by a Lipid A, a core oligosaccharide, and an Oantigen (O-Ag) polysaccharide (PS). This O-Ag structure is composed by different number of repeating units arranged into linear or branched structures (1). E. coli is the most common bacteria isolated from patients with gastrointestinal diseases (1-2). To understand the PS recognition, is essential to obtain information of the conformation of the LPS at atomic resolution. In this study, we report NMR spectroscopy studies of the Oantigenic polysaccharide E. coli serotype O91, whose structure was previously reported (3, See Figure). Various 1H,1H-NOESY experiments with different mixing times were performed in order to obtain information of proton interresidual distances and their related NOE buildup curves to gain insights into the global PS conformation in solution. H 3C O Acyl O N H HO O OH O HO HO HN OH O HO O O O HO NHAc Gly O OH OH O HO O NHAc 4)αDQui3NAcyl(14)βDGal(14)βDGlcNAc(14)βDGlcA6NGly(13)βDGlcNAc(1 References: (1) Erridge, C., Bennett-Guerrero, E., I.R. Poxton. Structure and function of lipopolysaccharides. Microbes Infect. 2002, 4:837. (2) Xu, H., Murdaugh, A., M.E. Núñez. Characterizing pilus-mediated adhesion of biofilm-forming E. coli to chemically diverse surfaces using atomic force microscopy. Langmuir. 2013, 29:3000. (3) Kjellberg, A., Weintraub, A., Widmalm, G. Structural Determination and Biosynthetic Studies of the O-Antigenic Polysaccharide from the Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O91 Using 13C-Enrichment and NMR Spectroscopy. Biochemistry. 1999, 38:12205. Development of photoswitchable units for structural modulation of peptidomimetics and molecular tools Magnus Blom1, Hao Huang2, Christoffer Karlsson2 and Adolf Gogoll1 1 Department of Chemistry BMC, Uppsala University, 2Nanotechnology and Functional Materials, Department of Engineering Sciences, The Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University [email protected] Photoswitchable compounds (photoswitches) that can be incorporated into larger constructs, allow a manipulation of molecular structure by an external stimulus i.e. light. This opens the opportunity to modulate a variety of molecular properties, such as enzymatic activity, inibitory effect, and affinity. hν hν’ Figure 1. Photoisomerization of the switch changes the overall structure of our constructs In previous work we have shown that incorporation of small, flexible photoswitchable units based on the stilbene chromophore, into large peptidomimetics can be a viable concept for photomodulation in biocatalytic systems. To achieve further improvements, our efforts have recently been directed towards the development of a chromophore, with better photochemical and structural characteristics. The “stiff stilbene” chromophore offers two key advantages when compared to stilbene: Rigidity, for more pronounced differences between photoisomers More substantial difference between the absorption maxima of cis/trans isomers Herein we present the design and synthesis of our stiff stilbene switch as well as its incorporation into a bisporphyrin clip and a number of cyclic diesters. References [1] Photochemical Regulation of an Artificial Hydrolase by a Back-bone Incorporated Tertiary Structure Switch. N. J. V. Lindgren, M. Varedian, and A. Gogoll, Chem. -Eur. J. 2009, 15, 501. [2] Chemistry and Folding of Photomodulable Peptides - Stilbene and Thioaurone-type Candidates for Conformational Switches. M. Erdélyi, M. Varedian, C. Sköld, I. B. Niklasson, J. Nurbo, Å. Persson, J. Bergquist and A. Gogoll, Org.& Biomol. Chem. 2008, 6, 4356. NMR evaluation of plant extracts used in traditional medicine Hanna Buchholz, Mate Erdelyi* Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Plant based traditional medicine is an essential component of health care for a vast part of the world's population, predominantly in the third world, with very little modern medicine available due to low accessibility and high prices. With minimal to none scientific evaluation being done today regarding the safety or efficacy of these remedies, making forgery of traditional medicine a huge problem, we herein report on a semi-automated method developed to identify the natural product constituents of crude plant extracts. The method utilizes HSQC NMR spectra, acquired on an 800 MHz spectrometer. The crude extracts of three traditional medicinal plants were analyzed, and the results verified by conventional HPLC techniques. Two of the analyzed plants, Pentas bussei and Pentas lanceolata, are used to treat malaria, and the third, Millettia usaramensis, is an anticancer remedy in East Africa. Isolates of these plants exhibited antimalarial activity, cytotoxicity or no significant bioactivity. Their rapid identification in traditional medicines is therefore of high importance. The software used for the method, MestReNova and MS Excel, are user friendly making the method easy-to-handle and accessible. Our results indicate the ability of this approach to successfully identify single components directly from crude plant extracts, avoiding time consuming and expensive isolation. This opens up for a more efficient and a ground-up evaluation of traditional medicine, facilitating increased patient safety in developing countries. Figure 1. The HSQC NMR spectra of the crude extracts of P. bussei and M. usaramensis, used in East African traditional medicine, indicate the presence of a series of secondary metabolites. These are rapidly identified by the method developed in this study. Chemical modification on biopolymers from trees Mikaela Börjesson and Gunnar Westman Organic Chemisrty, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Email: [email protected] Our nature produces several tons of biomass every year which could be used in many different material and products within a wide range of application areas. Through several different processes and methods, biobased polymers like cellulose and hemicelluloses can be extracted from the trees or plants and used as a material itself or in a composite. By chemical modification on biopolymers, new or improved functions will be obtained which in turn will affect the functions of the final product. Addition of cellulose to polymeric materials will enhance the profound strength and also reduce the need of fossil based polymers. This study deals with two different types of chemical reactions, esterification and etherification on the hydroxyl groups on cellulose and hemicelluloses. The main challenges in both reactions are the use of “green chemistry” and the improvement from traditionally labscale reactions with a homogenous solution in a round bottom flask to a heterogeneous reaction on larger scale (gram to kilogram). One scalable method used is the spray technique with high temperature heating of cellulose in solvent-free conditions1. The spray technique was used when forming an acrylic ester on cellulose fibers, open up for further reactions. The reaction was studied with infrared analysis (FTIR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showing an esterification on the surface on the cellulose fiber (see figure). Figure. TEM picture of a cellulosic fibers (a) and an acrylic acid modified cellulose fiber (b). The same etherification reaction described by de la Motte and Westman1 has also been implemented on hemicelluloses (xylan from beech wood) but due to the differences in the two biopolymers the challenge has been to find a similar reaction way to form an etherlinkage on the water soluble hemicellulose. The chemically modified hemicelluloses in this study will be used in foam materials made from the biobased polymers. 1. de la Motte, H. and Westman, G. (2012) Cellulose, 19, 1677-1688 Synthesis of an azide-functionalized β-mannosyl triflate: An FDG precursor for PET imaging Mathias Elgland , Peter Konradsson, Peter Nilsson* Linköpings University, IFM – Department of Biology, Chemistry & Physics, SE-58183 LINKÖPING, Sweden [email protected] Molecular probes for selective imaging of protein aggregates are important to advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying protein misfolding diseases. We have previously reported how the fluorescent properties of specific thiophene based oligomeric structures (Luminescent Conjugated Oligothiophenes, LCOs) can be used for the detection of Aβ-amyloid aggregates related to Alzheimer’s disease1. In this work, the synthesis of an azide-functionalized β-mannosyl triflate (azidoethyl 2-Otrifluoromethanesulfonyl-β-D-mannopyranoside) is described. The aim is to use the βmannosyl triflate as a “clickable” precursor to 2-fluoro[18]-2-deoxy-glucose (FDG), one of the most frequently used radiotracers for in vivo PET imaging. Concerning the synthesis, it has been shown that having a β-configuration of the glycosidic bond is necessary in order to obtain a sufficient radiochemical yield during the 18F labelingstep2. Since β-mannosides are known to be difficult to obtain by direct glycosylation, a synthetic strategy was devised where the β-glycosidic bond was formed through a 1,2orthoester rearrangement of a gluco-derivative that subsequently was epimerized to its corresponding manno-derivative. The synthesized FDG-precursor will be conjugated to alkyne functionalized LCOs, thus rendering amyloid specific PET tracers. However, the FDG-precursor is not restricted to amyloid specific ligands, but may in principle be conjugated to any suitable ligand having affinity for other biological targets. References 1.Klingstedt, T., Aslund, A., Simon, R., Johansson, L., Mason, J., Nyström, S., Hammarström, P. & Nilsson, K. (2011). Synthesis of a library of oligothiophenes and their utilization as fluorescent ligands for spectral assignment of protein aggregates. Organic & biomolecular chemistry doi:10.1039/c1ob05637a 2.Maschauer, S. & Prante, O. (2009). A series of 2-O-trifluoromethylsulfonyl-D-mannopyranosides as precursors for concomitant 18F-labeling and glycosylation by click chemistry. Carbohydrate research 344, 753– 61 Iridium-Catalyzed 1,3-Hydrogen Shift / Bromination of Allylic Alcohols: Synthesis of α-Bromocarbonyl Compounds Elis Erbing, Antonio Bermejo Gómez, María Batuecas, Ana Vázquez-Romero, and Belén Martín-Matute * Organic Chemistry Department, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden α-Brominated ketones and aldehydes are highly valuable synthetic intermediates in organic synthesis, with two adjacent electrophilic carbons. Their synthesis from unsymmetrical ketones is very challenging, and current methods suffer from low selectivity. A new reliable and efficient method for the synthesis of α-bromocarbonyl compounds in excellent yields and with excellent selectivities will be presented.1 Starting from allylic alcohols as carbonyl precursors, the combination of a 1,3-hydrogen shift catalyzed by iridium(III)2 with an electrophilic bromination gives α-bromoketones and aldehydes in good to excellent yields. The selectivity of the process is determined by the structure of the starting allylic alcohol, and thus α-bromoketones formally derived from unsymmetrical ketones can be synthesized in a straightforward and selective manner. 1,3$Hydrogen-shift-/-bromination-of-allylic-alcohols R H OH [(IrCp*) 2(OH) 3]OHcat O R Br Br O O H Br Acetone / H 2O rt √ Up#to#97%#isolated#yields √ Single#constitutional#isomers √ 18#examples#of#α;bromoketones# ####and#α;bromoaldehydes 1 A. Bermejo Gómez, E. Erbing, M. Batuecas, A. Vázquez-Romero, B. Martín-Matute, submitted for publication. 2 a) N. Ahlsten, B. Martín-Matute, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 8331-8333. b) N. Ahlsten, A. Bartoszewicz, S. Agrawal, B. Martín-Matute, Synthesis, 2011, 16, 2600-2608. c) N. Ahlsten, A. Bermejo Gómez, B. MartínMatute, Angew. Chem. 2013, 125, 6393-6396; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6273-6276. Mechanistic studies on the N-alkylation of amines with alcohols catalyzed by a bifunctional iridium complex Greco González Miera, Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Rocío Marcos, Per-Ola Norrby and Belén Martín-Matute* Organic Chemistry Department and Berzelii Center EXSELENT on Porous Materials Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. The mechanism of the N-alkylation of amines with alcohols 1,2 catalyzed by an iridium complex 3,4 containing an N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand with a tethered alcohol / alkoxide functionality has been investigated by both experimental computational methods: 5 The mechanism of the reaction consists of three main steps: i) oxidation of the alcohol substrate to form an aldehyde with concomitant formation of an iridium hydride, ii) condensation of the aldehyde with the amine substrate to form an imine intermediate, and iii) reduction of the imine intermediate by the iridium hydride. Here we will present insights into the mechanism obtained from Hammett studies and isotopic labeling experiments under competitive and non-competitive conditions, as well as from kinetic investigations. 6 1 For recent reviews and perspective articles, see: (a) Guillena, G.; Ramón, D. J.; Yus, M. Chem. Rev. 2010, 110, 1611-1641. (b) Dobereiner, G. E.; Crabtree, R. H. Chem. Rev. 2010, 110, 681-703. (c) Watson, A. J. A.; Williams, J. M. J. Science, 2010, 329, 635-636. (d) Bähn, S.; Imm, S.; Neubert, L.; Zhang, M.; Neumann, H.; Beller, M. ChemCatChem 2011, 3, 1853-1864. (e) Pan, S.; Shibata, T. ACS Cat. 2013, 3, 704-712. 2 Bacells, D.; Nova, A.; Clot, E.; Gnanamgari, D.; Crabtree, R. H.; Eisenstein, O. Organometallics 2008, 27, 2529-2535. 3 Schley, N. D.; Halbert, S.; Raynaud, C.; Eisenstein, O.; Crabtree, R. H. Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 51, 12313-12323. 4 Fristrup, P.; Tursky, M.; Madsen, R. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012, 10, 2569-2577. 5 Bartoszewicz, A.; Marcos, R.; Miera, G. G.: Norrby, P.-O.; Martín-Matute, B., 2014, submitted. 6 Bartoszewicz, A.; Marcos, R.; Sahoo, S.; Inge, A. K.; Zou, X.; Martín-Matute, B. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 14510-14519. Transition Metal-Catalyzed Alkenylation of Enolates Michael Grigalunas, Tobias Ankner, Per-Ola Norrby†, Olaf Wiest* and Paul Helquist* † Pharmaceutical Development, Global Medicines Development, AstraZeneca, Sweden * Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, USA -unsaturated carbonyl functionalities are structural features in a number of biologically important molecules. From a synthetic chemist’s perspective, the numerous manipulations to the carbonyl and alkene moiety present a platform for easy access to complex structures. Transition metal-catalyzed methods have proved to be an effective route to synthesize these -alkenylated compounds.1 However, compared to the similar -arylation reactions, -alkenylations have remained at an early stage of development. Opportunities for this reaction include developing mild conditions and procedures that use alternative transition metals as well as a further understanding of the reaction through mechanistic studies, ultimately resulting in ligand design for enantioselective synthesis. References: (1) Ankner, T.; Cosner, C. C.; Helquist, P. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 1858–1871. Chemoenzymatic Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of Primary Amines using a Recyclable Palladium nanoparticle catalyst together with Lipases Karl P. J. Gustafson, Richard Lihammar, Oscar Verho, Karin Engström and Jan-Erling Bäckvall* Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. A powerful technique for producing enantiomerically enriched compounds is to utilize an enzyme in a kinetic resolution. In this process the enzyme catalyzes the transformation of one enantiomer faster than the second, resulting in two products of opposite stereochemistry with a maximum yield of 50% of each. One way of avoiding this limitation is to carry out the kinetic resolution in parallel with an in situ racemization catalyst, thus making it into a dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR), which theoretically could increase the yield up to 100% of a single enantiomer. Herein, we report on a heterogonous palladium nanocatalyst (Pd-AmPMCF) utilized as a racemization catalyst in the chemoenzymatic DKR of benzylic amines into their corresponding amides in high yields and excellent ee’s. The protocol allowed reaction temperatures more suitable for enzymes, a feature demonstrated by subjecting 1phenylethylamine to a DKR using two commercially available enzymes. CALB (Candida antartica Lipase B) and the Lipase PS (lipase from Burkholderia Cepacia) were used, where the latter lipase has previously not been reported in the DKR of amines, due to its low stability at temperatures over 60 °C. A few analogues of 1-phenylethylamine were also evaluated in the DKR protocol. The stability of the heterogeneous Pd-AmP-MCF was further shown by recycling the catalyst, where it was shown that the nanocatalyst could be used up to five times. Acknowledgement: Financial support from the Berzelius Center EXSELENT, the European Research Council (ERC AdG 247014), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and the Swedish Research Council are gratefully acknowledged. Heterogeneous acid and lipase catalysed tandem synthesis of cyclic allylic alcohol derivatives Chicco Manzuna Sapu, Tamás Görbe, Richard Lihammar, Jan-Erling Bäckvall and Jan Deska* *Department für Chemie, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany e-mail: [email protected] The chiral cyclic allylic alcohols are important building blocks as intermediates of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and natural products. The general protocols to synthesize these enantiopure alcohols are asymmetric reduction of vinyl ketones by using chiral catalysts, enantioselective addition of alkenyl metal reagents to aldehydes and kinetic resolution (KR) or dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) of allylic alcohols. One of the most interesting and environmentally friendly way is to utilize an enzyme as the chiral catalyst. A tandem reaction is a series of reactions in one-pot. These processes are usually more efficient and show higher atom economy. In our project the substrate, a tertiary alcohol, can be rearranged to an allylic secondary alcohol by the acid catalysis. In this step of the reaction we produce in situ our substrate for the next step of the tandem reaction, which is the DKR. The lipase catalyzed KR is a highly chemo- and stereoselective method for the preparation of enantiomerically pure alcohols and esters. As a drawback of the reaction, only one of the enantiomers is converted into the product, therefore the reaction will stop at 50% conversion. This limitation can be circumvented by using an in situ racemization catalyst, this extension of the process is called a DKR. Migratory DKR DKR HO R1 R2 acid R1 R2 water n acid acyl donor CALB R1 R2 water / i-octane n OH n O O R3 In the literature it is published that the acidic resin materials with sulfonyl groups are good racemization catalysts for the secondary alcohols. In our research we extent their protocol and developed a two phase tandem reaction for transformation of racemic cyclic tertiary alcohols to enantiomerically pure allylic esters. The acidic polymer was used as a catalyst in two steps of the reaction, it was catalysing the rearrangement of the tertiary alcohol to allylic secondary alcohol. This alcohol could then also be racemized using the acidic resin and the CALB was highly selective in the enzymatic transesterification reaction. The recyclability of the heterogenous material was also studied. Synthesis and biology of bishydroxylated naphthoxylosides Karin Holmqvist,a Andrea Persson,b Anna Siegbahna and Ulf Ellervika* a Center for Analysis and Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, Box 124, 22100 Lund, Sweden b Department of Experimental Medicinal Science, Lund University, BMC A13, SE-221 84 Lund, Sweden Xylose is a very unusual carbohydrate in mammalian cells, acting as a linker between a protein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains in proteoglycans (PG), which are macromolecules that are involved in many functions, such as regulation of growth factors, cell-cell interactions, and uptake of biomolecules. PG and GAG are also involved in the pathobiology of cancer progression by regulating cancer cell proliferation, tumor invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis. It has long been known that xylosides carrying a hydrophobic aglycon can enter cells and act as primers for GAG synthesis, independent on the core protein.1 The structure of the aglycon affects the structure of the GAG chains and thus the biological activity. Previously, we have reported that 2-(6-hydroxynaphthyl) β-Dxylopyranoside (XylNapOH), in contrast to 2-naphthol β-D-xylopyranoside (XylNap), selectively inhibited tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo as well as reduced the level of acetylation of histone H3 selectively in cancer cells.2 To further investigate the underlying cause of this selectivity exhibited by XylNapOH, bishydroxylated analogs and related compounds have been synthesized and their biology tested. The key step in the synthesis is the regionselective introduction of a second hydroxyl group in the aromatic system. HO HO O O OH HO HO O O OH OH XylNap 1 2 XylNapOH Schwartz, N. B.; Galligani, L.; Ho, P.-L.; Dorfman, A., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 1974, 71, 4047-4051. Nilsson, U.; Johnsson, R.; Fransson, L.-A.; Ellervik, U.; Mani, K. Cancer Res. 2010, 70, 3771-3779. Quinone Functionalized Pyrrole For Organic Energy Storage Hao Huang, Christoffer Karlsson, Maria Strømme, Martin Sjödin and Adolf Gogoll* Nanotechnology and Functional Materials, Department of Engineering Sciences, The Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 534, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden * Department of Chemistry - BMC, Biomedical Centre, Uppsala University, Box 576, SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden Quinones have been suggested as alternative cathode materials in lithium ion batteries for their well-defined redox potential.1 However, most of them suffer from low conductivity, poor redox kinetics and dissolution problems.2 To compensate for these problems, we attach quinones as pending moieties onto a conducting polypyrrole backbone, rendering them insoluble, while increasing conductivity and preserving redox activity.3 In this work, a series of monomeric compounds with hydroquinone substituted pyrroles with various linkers between the subunits has been synthesized. Suzuki and Sonogashira reactions were employed to couple these two subunits, which allows for synthetic flexibility in combining hydroquinone and pyrrole derivatives, as well as in the choice of interconnecting linkers. Studies of electrochemical measurements and spectroscopical characterization on these compound have been performed to understand the influence of linker units on the electrochemical properties. Monomers were polymerized electrochemically and the polymers exhibited high capacities and conductivities. References 1. Liang, Y.; Tao, Z.; Chen, J., Adv. Energy Mater. 2(2012) 742-769. 2. Pud, A. A. Synth. Met. 66(1994) 1−18. 3. Karlsson, C.; Huang, H.; Strømme, M.; Gogoll, A.; Sjödin, M. J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (2013) 23558-23567. Novel n-type Thiophene-based Terephthalate Redox Polymer for Energy Storage Li Yang1, Xiao Huang2, Martin Sjödin1, Adolf Gogoll2, Maria Strømme1 1 Uppsala University, Nanotechnology and Functional Materials, Department of Engineering Sciences, Box 534, 751 21 Uppsala, Sweden 2 Uppsala University, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry - BMC, Box 576, 751 23 Uppsala, Sweden [email protected]; [email protected] Conjugated polymers such as poly-thiophene, pyrrole and aniline provide attractive components in organic matter based electrode materials due to their environmental friendliness, eco-efficient production process, as well as readily accessible resources. Thiophene-based conducting polymers display both n-doping and p-doping properties, good mechanical and cycling stability, and this type of material has been used in batteries, capacitors and other electrical devices [1-3]. The polythiophene can be n-doped as low as about 1.0V vs Li/Li+ and introduces a potential application as anode material for electrical energy storage. However, the charge storage capacity of polythiophene by itself is inferior to current commercial anode materials used in rechargeable batteries. A thiophene-based polymer with a capacity-carrying terephthalate pending group has been successfully synthesized in this study. This material was inspired by the electrochemistry studies of both polythiophene and single molecule terephthalate. The pended terephthalate group on polythiophene was expected to give a fast redox conversion in the polymer conducting region as a “charge tank”. The redox potential matching of the pendant and polymer chain has been supported by recent computational studies, and the experimental cyclic voltammetry of this redox polymer shows that the terephthalate group can be reversibly cycled at high rates. [1] F. Rosciano, M.M. Salamone, Riccardo Ruffo, M. Sassi, L. Beverina, J. Electrochem. Soc. 160 (2013) A1094-A1098. [2] T.F. Otero, J. Arias-Pardilla, H. Herrera, J.L. Segura, C. Seoane, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 16513– 16515. [3] C.Y. Wang, A.M. Ballantyne, S.B. Hall, C.O. Too, D.L. Officer, G.G. Wallace, J. Power Sources 156 (2006) 610–614. Synthesis of crystal mimicking 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran Fredrik Johansson, Bo Albinsson and Jeker Mårtensson Department of Chemical and Biological Engieneering, Chalmers University of Techology The potential of solar energy is enormous and might be one of the few energy sources viable in a long term perspective for large scale energy production. However, the viability of solar energy harvesting devices are hampered by high production costs and limited efficiencies. The most significant of the efficiency limiting factors in solar cells is spectrum losses. The incoming light might either possess too little energy to participate in power production or have an excess of energy in which the surplus is dissipated as heat. In single junction silicon based solar cells these energy mismatches constitutes for a 50 % energy loss.1 One potential strategy to diminish the energy loss due to dissipation of excess energy is to use systems able to support singlet fission. These are multi-chromophore systems in which an organic chromophore in its singlet excited stated shares the excitation energy with a neighboring ground state chromophore, resulting in the formation of two triplet excited compounds. The characteristics of the systems needed to support this process are exotic. Molecular architecture capable of sustaining singlet fission are found in slip-stacked crystalline structures made of a limited number of compounds with specific electronic properties.2 Systems able to self-assemble 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran chromophores in a slip-stack manner is targeted within this work. The chromophore is constructed via a Suzuki-Miyaura type coupling between 2-benzoylbenzaldehyde and a bromo-aryl that carries the linker and the anchor group functionality. The synthesis is designed to accommodate variations of the linker and anchor group, as well as being mild enough to ensure stability of the otherwise sensitive 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran (See Figure 1). Figure 1: The targeted slip-stacked self-assembled structure is shown to the left and the schematic outline of the synthetic pathway is shown to the right. References [1] Archer, M.D., Bolton, J.R. J. Phys. Chem . 1990, 94, 8028-8036 [2] Smith, M.B., Michl, J. Chem Rev. 2010, 110, 6891-6936. 13 C solid state NMR investigations of graphite oxide Dan Johnels*, Mattias Hedenström*, Guillame Mercier** and Alexandr Talyzin** *Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, SE 901 87 Umeå Sweden ** Department of Physics, Umeå University, SE 901 87 Umeå Sweden Graphite oxide was produced in the previous millennium by oxidation of graphite by fuming nitric acid or KMnO4. There has been a renewed interest in graphite oxide in connection to the hype around graphene. Graphite oxide is still produced by the same methods, but the structure and properties of the formed material depends on the oxidation method. We have investigated material produced by these methods by 13C solid state NMR spectroscopy. It turns out that the differences between these materials are more pronounced than previously noted. The results will be presented in the poster. The nature of [N-Cl-N]+ and [N-F-N]+ halogen bonds in solution Alavi Karim, Marcus Reitti, Anna-Carin C. Carlsson, Jürgen Gräfenstein, Mate Erdelyi* Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden E-mail: [email protected] Three-center-four-electron interactions are common in nature and have been the matter of discussion since decades.1 While hydrogen bond symmetry in [N-H-N]+ type systems have been studied extensively, the analogous [N-X-N]+ type halogen bonded complexes are yet to be explored. It is especially relevant as the three-center [N-I-N]+ BF4- complex has found application in synthetic organic chemistry as electrophilic halogenating, cross-coupling and oxidizing agent, for example.2 Previously, we have characterized 3c4e systems comprising of [N−I−N]+ and [N−Br−N]+ halogen bonds in solution to be static, symmetric geometries. However, the nature of the highly reactive, lighter halogens including [N-Cl-N]+ and [N-F-N]+ type complexes in solution are yet to be defined. Stabilization of halonium ions by attachment to two nitrogen atoms, instead of carbons, is as challenging as impactful. Recently, we ventured towards the synthesis of a bis(pyridine)chloronium and bis(pyridine)fluoronium complexes where an electropositive chlorine(I) or fluorine(I) is incorporated between two nitrogenous electron donors. The geometrical arrangement of the [N-Cl-N]+ and [N-F-N]+ systems concluded from solution NMR measurements were confirmed by DFT calculations. In line with fluorine being a poor halogen bond donor,3 the [N+−F···N] system shows a different behavior as compared to the heavier halogens. In addition to the theoretical value of an improved understanding of three-center halogen bonds, the rapidly growing awareness of electrophilic halogenating agent’s wide synthetic applicability provides the practical importance of the above study.4 Figure 1. The sigma hole of the halogens (I to F from left) of the studied systems. References 1 G. C. Pimentel, J. Chem. Phys. 1951, 19, 446. 2 J. Barluenga, Pure Appl Chem 1999, 71, 431-436. 3 P.Metrangolo, G. Resnati, Science 2008, 321, 918-919. 4 R.S. Brown, A.A. Neverov, C.T. Liu, C. I. Maxwell Acs Sym Ser 2007, 965, 458-476. Ring-fused 2-pyridones inactivate the virulence regulator PrfA in Listeria monocytogenes Martina Kulén1,2,, James A. D. Good1,2,, Christopher Andersson2,3,4,, Jessica Wall2,3,4,, Sabine Hansen2,3,4,#, K. Syam Krishnan1,2,#, Christin Grundström1,2, Moritz S. Niemiec1, Karolis Vaitkevicius2,3,4, Erik Chorell1,2, Uwe H. Sauer1,2, Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede1, Elisabeth Sauer– Eriksson1,2,4, Fredrik Almqvist1,2,* and Jörgen Johansson2,3,4,* 1 Department of Chemistry, 2Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, 3Department of Molecular Biology, 4Molecular Infection Medicine, Sweden (MIMS), Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden. *Umeå University, Department of Chemistry, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden; Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden; E-mail: [email protected]. The rapid emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a serious global problem and new therapeutic options to treat severe bacterial infections are urgently required.1 The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive saprophyte which is responsible for the disease listeriosis in humans upon ingestion. Due to its ability to grow at low temperatures, high salt and low oxygen conditions, it is one of the most problematic foodborne pathogens known.2 We have identified several ring-fused 2-pyridone molecules that attenuate L. monocytogenes infectivity by reducing the expression of virulence genes, without compromising bacterial growth. The inhibitors bind to and prevent activation of PrfA, the central transcriptional virulence regulator in L. monocytogenes. One of the identified inhibitors binds to PrfA with a KD ≈ 1 µM according to ITC measurements. The structural basis for inhibition was elucidated by the co-crystal of PrfA with this inhibitor. This represents the first structurally resolved complex between an inhibitor and a Crp family transcriptional regulator. Here, we will present the background to this discovery and initial structure activity relationships generated within the project. The PrfA·inhibitor crystal structure provides an excellent platform for structure-based drug design and synthesis of improved inhibitors. 1 Davies, J. & Davies, D. Origins and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 74, 417-433 (2010). 2 Vázquez-Boland, J.A. et al. Listeria Pathogenesis and Molecular Virulence Determinants. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 14, 584-640 (2001). Molecular solar-thermal energy storage Anders Lennartson, Victor Gray, Karl Börjesson, and Kasper Moth-Poulsen Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. In a future society with limited access to fossil fuels, technologies for efficient delivery of renewable energy are highly desirable. In this regard, methods that allow for solar energy storage and on demand solar driven power generation are particularly relevant since the sun is the most abundant energy source. Compounds undergoing reversible photoinduced isomerisation can be used for storage of solar energy: energy is absorbed upon irradiation and is released by the photoisomer by applying heat or a catalyst; this principle is called molecular solar-thermal (MOST) energy storage. Here we will present our recent progress based on two systems: tetracarbonyl fulvalene diruthenium compounds1 and substituted norbornadiens.2 Norbornadiene itself undergoes photoisomerisation to metastable quadricyclane, but this system suffers from the fact that only UV-radiation can induce isomerisation and sun light therefor has little effect. We have prepared a series of substituted norbornadienes with red-shifted absorption spectra without compromising half-lives of the corresponding quadricyclanes.2 While the ruthenium system absorbs visible light, a major problem has been the low isomerisation quantum yields. We have successfully increased the quantum yields by introducing sterical hindrance at the central C−C bond.3 1. a. M. R. Harpham, S. C. Nguyen, Z. Hou, J. C. Grossman, C. B. Harris, M. W. Mara, A. B. Stickrath, Y. Kanai, A. M. Kolpak, D. Lee, D.-J. Liu, J. P. Lomont, K. Moth-Poulsen, N. Vinokurov, L. X. Chen, K. P. C. Vollhardt, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 7692. b. K. Moth-Poulsen, D. Coso, K. Börjesson, N. Vinokurov, S. K. Meier, A. Majumdar, K. P. C. Vollhardt, R. A. Segalman, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 8534. c. K. Börjesson, A. Lennartson, K. Moth-Poulsen, J. Fluorine Chem., 2014, accepted. d. K. Börjesson, D. Dzebo, B. Albinsson and K. Moth-Poulsen J. Mater. Chem. A. 2013, 1, 8521. 2. V. Gray, A. Lennartson, P. Ratanalert, K. Börjesson and K. Moth-Poulsen, Chem. Commun. 2013. DOI: 10.1039/c3cc47517d 3. A. Lennartson, K. Börjesson, V. Gray, P.-O. Norrby and K. Moth-Poulsen. Manuscript in preparation. Terpenoid responses from methyl jasmonate treatment of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies Lina Lundborg and Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson Ecological chemistry group, Division of Organic Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden The pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.) is a pest to young conifers in Europe, and in Sweden annual cost amounts to millions of SEK. The chemical protection of insecticides is to be phased out against ecological alternatives. Exogenous application of methyl jasmonate, a plant hormone involved in herbivore damage signaling and plant induced responses, causes terpenoid defense responses that may increase conifer resistance against weevil attack. In field trials, treated seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) were evaluated for damage and mortality in an area of naturally occurring weevils1 . Random seedlings were freeze stored at -80°C, to make possible for chemical analysis of the treatment group (strength and timing) that induced superior protection. The volatile terpenoid fraction was analyzed using two dimensional GC-MS with a chiral column in the second GC, using instrumental setup as described by Moreira et al 20132 . In phloem of treated conifer juveniles, induction of 1,8-cineole and (-)-β-pinene was observed. In space-repellency tests with weevils, both components mask the attraction of Scots pine host odor. Female and male weevils reacted differently to induced achiral components terpinolene and β-myrcene. The chemical data will be presented using multivariate statistics and discussed in a biological context. 1 Zas, R., Björklund, N., Nordlander, G., Cendán, C., Hellqvist, C. & Sampedro, L. 2014. Exploiting jasmonateinduced responses for field protection of conifer seedlings against a major forest pest, Hylobius abietis. Forest Ecology and Management 313: 212-223. 2 Moreira, X., Lundborg, L., Zas, R., Carrillo-Gavilán, A., Borg-Karlson, A-K. & Sampedro, L. 2013. Inducibility of chemical defences by two chewing insect herbivores in pine trees is specific to targeted plant tissue, particular herbivore and defensive trait. Phytochemistry 94: 113-122. The functionalization of C-H bonds by molecular imprinted Nheterocyclic carbene- palladium catalysts Maitham H. Majeed, Payam Shayesteh, Lei Ye, Joachim Schnadt, Ola F. Wendt* Department of Chemistry, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden and Department of Physics, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden The selective oxidation of unactivated C-H bonds is a significant research goal because of its importance in synthesis and the chemical industry.[1] Transition metals, particularly palladium(II) and platinum(II), have played an important role as catalysts in these transformations. Acetoxylation of simple arenes is one such examples (Fig. 1).[2,3] OAc Catalyst [Pd II] Oxidant AcOH/Ac2O (9:1) 100 oC Figure 1. Example of Pd catalyst activity for benzene C−H acetoxylation The success of this strategy (C−H activation) is constrained by the necessity of using specific types of reactants and specific conditions. To lift these restrictions and to synthesize a catalyst for substrates without directing groups, we have designed a molecular catalyst imprinted in a polymer matrix, with the aim of combining the advantages of both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. This methodology is based on the template-directed assembly of a metal catalyst in molecularly imprinted cavities, where high efficiency C-H activation will be provided by N-heterocyclic carbene-palladium complexes and the selectivity will be controlled by the shape of the molecular binding cavity. To characterize these systems, we used solid state NMR, FTIR, TG, ICP, SEM and X-ray spectroscopy. XPS and XAS techniques will be used as a characterizing tools to investigate the geometry of the molecularly imprinted N-heterocyclic carbene-palladium polymers on the surfaces and to determine the catalytic mechanism. References: 1. R. Giri, et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 7420-7424. 2. A. Maleckis, J. W. Kampf, and M. S. Sanford, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 6618-6625. 3. J. B. Gary, A. K. Cook, and M. S. Sanford, ACS Catal., 2013, 3, 700-703. Synthesis of a tetrasaccharide corresponding to the inner part of N-Linked glycoproteins Hani Mobarak, Jerk Rönnols and Göran Widmalm Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden E-mail: [email protected] The tetrasaccharide β-D-Manp-(1→4)-β-D-GlcpNAc-(1→4)[α-L-fucp-(1→3)]-β-D-GlcpNAc is a partial structure of N-glycans. These glycoconjucatees are widely spread in biological systems where they have different fucosylation patterns. The synthesis of this molecule with a limited number of protecting groups in the building blocks will also result an efficient synthetic scheme for larger N-glycans. The β-(1→4)-linkage was formed in a regioselective manner with a 3,4-dihydroxy acceptor having an azido group in the anomeric position (which later can be transformed to different anomeric analogues), followed by two successive cisglycosylations, namely, α-fucosylation and β-mannosylation. References (1) Kornfeld, R.; Kornfeld, S. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1985, 54, 631–664. (2) Zhu, T.; Boons, G. J. Chemistry 2001, 7, 2382–2389. (3) Söderman, P.; Larsson, E. A.; Widmalm, G. European J. Org. Chem. 2002, 2002, 1614–1618. (4) Crich, D. Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 1144–1153. (5) Wang, A.; Auzanneau, F.-I. Carbohydr. Res. 2010, 345, 1216–1221. Few-layer graphene on polymer substrates Michael Nordlund,[1] Sumanta Bhandary,[2] Biplab Sanyal,[2] Torbjörn Löfqvist,[3] Helena Grennberg[1] [1] Department of Chemistry – BMC, Uppsala University [2] Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University [3] EISLAB, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Luleå University of Technology In order for graphene to be used in applications it has to be on a substrate. Flexible and transparent polymers are particularly attractive but very challenging. The main aim of this project is to study different aspects of deposition of few-layer graphene (FLG) flakes on PVDF films. A simple and efficient method of exfoliating natural graphite into solvents to produce flakes of FLG is used to generate a graphene suspension.[1] The deposition from suspension is then followed using spectroscopic techniques and compared with the computations on model molecules. [1] E. Widenkvist, D. W. Boukhvalov, S. Rubino, S. Akhtar, J. Lu, R. A. Quinlan, M. I. Katsnelson, K. Leifer, H. Grennberg, U. Jansson, J. Phys. D-Applied Phys. 2009, 42. Bitopic porphyrin host-guest systems for stereochemical characterization Sandra Olsson, Sara Norrehed, Helena Grennberg, Adolf Gogoll, Uppsala University, Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry Box 576, SE-751 23 Uppsala A challenge with stereochemical characterisation of flexible molecules by NMR spectroscopy in solution is their rapid change of conformation. The measured chemical shifts, NOE:s and coupling constants will be population-weighted averages of all present conformers. To reduce the conformational space, we have developed molecular tweezers [1]. These tweezers, in combination with NMR Analysis of Molecular Flexibility in Solution (NAMFIS), facilitate stereochemical characterisation of diamines with multiple stereogenic centres [2]. We now intend to extend this method from diamines to diols and other compounds with N, O, S or P containing functional groups. The main challenge so far is to redesign the tweezers to bind, e. g. -alcohols as well as amines. Figure 1. Molecular tweezers binding a guest molecule. Figure 2. J-based analysis is not sufficient to distinguish the alditol congeners represented by their Newman projections [2]. References [1] Norrehed, S.; Polavarapu, P.; Yang, W.; Gogoll, A.; Grennberg, H. Tetrahedron 2013, 69, [2] 7131–7138. Norrehed, S.; Johansson, H.; Gogoll, A.; Grennberg, H. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 43, 14631–14638. Lanthanide-based luminescent probes for the detection of enzymatic activity Elias Pershagen, Eszter Borbas* Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, 10691, Stockholm, Sweden, and *Department of Chemistry - BMC, Uppsala University, 751 23 Uppsala, Sweden. The synthesis and photophysical characterization of four different luminescent probes for enzymatic activity is described. The probes are based on the lanthanide emitters Eu ,Tb and Sm and are constructed from the same framework. Ratiometric as well as simultaneous detection of multiple enzymatic activities is possible using the probes. Aryl sulfonates in inversions at galactose C3: a new and improved route towards 3-azido-β-D-galactopyranosides Kristoffer Petersona, Alex Weymouth-Wilsonb and Ulf J. Nilssona a b Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, Lund University, POB 124, 22100 Lund (Sweden) Dextra Laboratories Ltd, Science & Technology Centre, Earley Gate, Whiteknights Rd, Reading, RG6 6BZ (UK) 3-azido-β-D-galactopyranosides is a key intermediate in the synthesis of some of the most potent galectin-3 inhibitors1. Its synthesis has previously been described in our group2 through a double inversion at C3 with triflate as leaving group in both inversions. A novel and improved route in which the triflate leaving group is replaced with more stable aryl sulfonates is described herein, which facilitates scale up and improve reproducibility. In the first inversion we employed arylsulfonates described by Muramatsu3 and for the second inversion an imidazolate shown by Vatéle and Hanessian4. All intermediates in the new route were stable and the 3-azido-β-D-galactopyranosides was obtained in satisfactory yields. The nucleophiles explored in the second inversion were sodium azide and tetrabutylammonium azide, but other nucleophiles could be studied to determine what functionalities can be introduced at galactose C3 via this route. 1 a) B. A. Salameh, I. Cumpstey, A. Sundin, H. Leffler, U. J. Nilsson, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2010, 18, 53675378; b) I. Cumpstey, E. Salomonsson, A. Sundin, H. Leffler, U. J. Nilsson, Chem. Eur. J., 2008, 14, 4233-4245; c) P. Sörme, P. Arnoux, B. Kahl-Knutsson, H. Leffler, J. M. Rini, U. J.Nilsson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 1737-1743; d) I. Cumpstey, A. Sundin, H. Leffler, U. J. Nilsson, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 5110-5112. 2 C. T. Öberg, A-L. Noresson, T. Delaine, A. Larumbe, J. Tejler, H. von Wachenfeldt, U. J. Nilsson, Carbohydrate research, 2009, 344, 1282-1284. 3 W. Muramatsu, J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 8083-8091. 4 J. Vatéle, S. Hanessian, Tetrahedron, 1996, 52, 10557-10568. Quantum chemical studies of the iodonium-centered three-center halogen bond Marcus Reitti, Jürgen Gräfenstein,* and Máté Erdélyi* Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Halogen bonding (XB) is a noncovalent interaction where halogens accept electron pairs from Lewis bases. XB resembles hydrogen bonding (HB) but tends to surpass HB in terms of strength, specificity, and directionality so it may open up new paths e.g. in crystal engineering and medicinal chemistry. A reliable computational description of XB complexes is non-trivial. In this work, we present an extensive test of different wave-function and density-functional theory (DFT) methods for the description of geometric and NMR properties of the HB complex 1 that contains an iodonium ion bound between two nitrogen atoms.1,2 The three-center four-electron bond in 1 is particularly challenging to describe with DFT because of (i) the considerable non-dynamic electron correlations in this bond and (ii) the electron delocalization and, consequently, the potentially large self-interaction error.3 Similar studies have been done earlier for neutral twocenter halogen bonds4-6 but only in restricted form7 for three-center halogen bonds. Figure 1. 1 optimized using the M06-2X functional (left). 2D-depiction of the studied system (right). References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Carlsson, A.-C. C.; Gräfenstein, J.; Laurila, J. L.; Bergquist, J.; Erdélyi, M. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 1458. Carlsson, A.-C. C.; Uhrbom, M.; Karim, A.; Brath, U.; Gräfenstein, J.; Erdélyi, M. CrystEngComm 2013, 15, 3087. Gräfenstein, J.; Cremer, D. Theor Chem Acc 2009, 123, 171. Jorgensen, W. L.; Schyman, P. J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 2012, 8, 3895. Chudzinski, M. G.; Taylor, M. S. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 3483. Kozuch, S.; Martin, J. M. L. J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 2013, 9, 1918. Georgiou, D. C; Butler, P.; Browne, E. C.; Wilson, D. J. D.; Dutton, J. L. Aust. J. Chem. 2013, 66, 1179. Microwave-absorbing Silicon Carbide continuous-flow reactors Vivek Konda, Jonas Rydfjord, Jean-Baptiste Véron, Jonas Sävmarker and Mats Larhed* Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala University *Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Science for Life Laboratory, Uppsala University We have recently introduced a continuous-flow (CF) setup (Figure 1) using a semiconductor based microwave system for heating.[1–4] The reactants are pumped through a tubular borosilicate glass reactor which is placed in a microwave field. As the borosilicate glass is practically transparent to microwaves this will result in direct heating of the reaction mixture by microwaves. A complimentary reactor material is silicon carbide (SiC) which can be described as a completely microwave absorbing material. A reactor made out of SiC placed in a microwave field will thus be directly heated, and no microwave heating of the reaction mixture will occur. Our interest in this ceramic reactor material began with a phenomenon that many chemists have Figure 1: CF setup (left: pump; middle: reactor, microwave generator; right: fraction collector observed when running palladium-catalyzed reactions (in our case Mizoroki-Heck reactions in CF), namely the formation of palladium deposits. Usually this would be nothing but a small nuisance in the workup/purification - unless the deposits are present on a microwave transparent reactor in a microwave field. Extreme heating of the deposits then occur (and did in our model reaction), causing rupture of the reactor. With the construction of SiC reactors we have now been able to develop CF-protocols for the Mizoroki-Heck reaction as well as the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling using the microwave CF system, completely avoiding problems with reactor failure due to palladium precipitation. References [1] [2] [3] [4] P. Öhrngren, A. Fardost, F. Russo, J.-S. Schanche, M. Fagrell, M. Larhed, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2012, 16, 1053– 1063. A. Fardost, F. Russo, M. Larhed, Chim Oggi 2012, 30, 14–16. J. Rydfjord, F. Svensson, M. Fagrell, J. Sävmarker, M. Thulin, M. Larhed, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 2079– 2087. J. Rydfjord, F. Svensson, A. Trejos, P. J. R. Sjöberg, C. Sköld, J. Sävmarker, L. R. Odell, M. Larhed, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 13803–13810. Glycerol derivatives in the hydrogen autotransfer reaction Anna Said Stålsmeden,a Kim van Weerdenburg,a Per-Ola Norrbyb and Nina Kanna,* a Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Organic Chemistry. Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden b Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg. SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden Hydrogen autotransfer is a catalytic method that allows for the direct substitution of alcohols with a variety of nucleophiles to form new carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds.1 Glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol) is obtained as a byproduct in the biodiesel industry.2 The growing interest for such fuel has resulted in an increasing surplus of glycerol. Thus, glycerol is an interesting candidate in the quest for more sustainable starting materials for organic synthesis. As glycerol is dense in alcohol functionalities, we have aimed at developing hydrogen autotransfer procedures employing amine and enolate nucleophiles using different glycerol derivatives as electrophiles. 1,3-Propanediol, obtained from glycerol via hydrogenolysis,3 can be used as an alkylation agent in iridium-mediated hydrogen autotransfer reactions. We have explored these reactions using enolate nucleophiles such as aceteophenone and we here disclose our results, giving over-reduced products (Scheme 1). Scheme 1. Reaction of 1,3-propanediol with acetophenone using hydrogen autotransfer methodology. Moreover, high selectivity in the substitution on the three glycerol carbons is greatly desirable and protected glycerol derivatives are promising candidates in achieving such selectivity. Herein, we discuss our outcomes from investigating the amination of these substrates using hydrogen autotransfer methodology (Scheme 2). Scheme 2. Selective amination of glycerol. 1. (a) Guillena, G.; Ramón, D. J.; Yus, M., Alcohols as Electrophiles in C-C Bond-Forming Reactions: The Hydrogen Autotransfer Process. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 2358-2364; (b) Nixon, T. D.; Whittlesey, M. K.; Williams, J. M. J., Transition metal catalysed reactions of alcohols using borrowing hydrogen methodology. Dalton Trans. 2009, 753-762. 2. Pagliaro, M.; Rossi, M., The Future of Glycerol. 2 ed.; Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK, 2010. 3. (a) Behr, A.; Eilting, J.; Irawadi, K.; Leschinski, J.; Lindner, F., Improved utilisation of renewable resources: New important derivatives of glycerol. Green Chem. 2008, 10, 13-30; (b) Zhou, C.-H.; Beltramini, J. N.; Fan, Y.-X.; Lu, G. Q., Chemoselective catalytic conversion of glycerol as a biorenewable source to valuable commodity chemicals. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2008, 37, 527-549. Synthesis and evaluation of chroman-4-one-based SIRT2 inhibitors Tina Seifert,a Marcus Malo,a Tarja Kokkola,b Karin Engen,a Maria Fridén-Saxin,a Elina Jarho,b and Kristina Luthmana,* a,* Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, University of Gothenburg, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden. bSchool of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland. Sirtuins (silent information regulator human type protein) are an enzyme family consisting of seven human isoforms (SIRT1–SIRT7) which function as NAD+-dependent lysine deacetylases.1 Beside histones (H1, H3, H4) also tumor suppressors, transcription factors, and proteins involved in insulin signaling, metabolism and aging have been shown to be deacetylated by SIRTs.2 As the enzymes are implicated to be important in certain diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration, and diabetes,3 the development of SIRT modulating agents has become highly interesting.4 Our group has a long-term interest in the chemistry and biological activities of chromone and chroman-4-one derivatives.5 We have recently shown that trisubstituted chroman-4-ones can selectively inhibit SIRT2 with IC50 values in the low micromolar range (Figure 1).6 A set of chroman-4-ones based on this lead compound has been synthesized to explore the structureactivity relationship and improve the physicochemical properties. Two potent inhibitors were chosen for investigation of their anti-cancer effects and both showed antiproliferative effects in lung and breast cancer cell lines. Figure 1. The most potent SIRT2 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 1.5 M. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Imai, S.; Armstrong, C. M.; Kaeberlein, M.; Guarente, L. Nature 2000, 403, 795–800. Sinclair, D.; Michan, S. Biochem. J. 2007, 404, 1–13. Morris, B. J. Free Radical Biol. Med. 2013, 56, 133–171. Sanchez-Fidalgo S.; Villegas I.; Sanchez-Hidalgo M.; de la Lastra C. A. Curr Med Chem. 2012, 19, 2414–2441. Friden-Saxin, M.; Pemberton, N.; Andersson, K. D.; Dyrager, C.; Friberg, A.; Grötli, M.; Luthman, K. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 2755–2759. [6] Fridén-Saxin, M.; Seifert, T.; Rydén Landergren, M.; Suuronen, T.; Lahtela-Kakkonen M.; Jarho, E. M.; Luthman, K. J. Med. Chem. 2012, 55, 7104–7113. Asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of propargylic ketones by a pseudo-dipeptide based ruthenium catalyst Helena Lundberg, Andrey Shatskiy, Fredrik Tinnis and Hans Adolfsson* Department of Organic Chemistry, Stockholm University, SE-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden Mail: [email protected]; Mail*: [email protected] Homochiral propargylic alcohols are important multifunctional synthons which are used in synthesis of various organic compounds including natural products. 1 The most widely used synthetic rout for their synthesis is an asymmetric reduction of propargylic ketones, which is usually done by the use of monotosylated 1,2-diamine–based ruthenium complexes. 2 These complexes can operate under both hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation conditions and give generally good to excellent yields with an excellent enantioselectivities for a wide variety of substrates. During the previous decade our group was focused on the development of efficient and enantioselective amino acid–derived catalysts for asymmetric transfer hydrogenation (ATH) of ketones. Screening of a big number of pseudo-dipeptide ligands derived from Bocprotected amino acids and amino alcohols revealed a particularly promising ligand, derived from L-alanine and (S)-1-amino-2-propanol.3 Complex of this ligand with ruthenium was used for ATH of various aryl and heteroaryl alkyl ketones and gave generally good to excellent yields and enantioselectivities.4 The current work aimed at broadening the substrate scope of this catalytic system to propargylic ketones. A number of alkylethynyl and arylethynyl alkyl ketones as well as TIPS-protected propargylic ketone were reduced to corresponding alcohols under optimized conditions with generally good yield (70–98 %) and excellent enantioselectivity (96 to >99 % ee). O Boc O R2 R1 NH N H , 2.2 mol % OH [RuCl2(p-cymene)]2, 1 mol % LiCl, 10 mol % K Ot-Bu, 10 mol % i -PrOH:toluene, rt, 10–30 min R1 = Alk, Ar, 2-thiophene, SiR3 ; R2 = Alk OH R2 R 1 70–98 % 96 to >99 % ee 1) Drug Discovery and Development, Volume 2: Drug Development, Edited by Mukund S. Chorghade, 2007, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2) Hashiguchi, S.; Fujii, A.; Takehara, J.; Ikariya, T.; Noyori, R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 7562–7563; Arai, N.; Satoh, H.; Utsumi, N.; Murata, K.; Tsutsumi, K.; Ohkuma, T. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3030–3033; Fang, Z.; Wills, M. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 8594–8605 3) Bøgevig, A.; Pastor, I. M.; Adolfsson., H. Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 294–302 4) Wettergren, J.; Buitrago, E.; Ryberg, P.; Adolfsson, H. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 5709–5718; Buitrago, E.; Lundberg, H.; Andersson, H.; Ryberg, P.; Adolfsson, H. ChemCatChem 2012, 4, 2082–2089 Utilizing photothermal organic dyes to selectively enhance reaction catalysis Gillian Karen Shawa, Graeme T. Spencea, Bradley D. Smitha* and Jan-E Bäckvallb* a b * University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN 46656 * Stockholm University, Universitetsvägen 10, 114 18 Stockholm The use of modified ruthenium catalysts in combination with enzymes for dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) has been studied heavily by the Bäckvall group. However, current production is limited by temperature incompatibilities; Catalytic activity requires increased temperatures but enzymes exhibit decomposition under these conditions. The use of local nanoscale heating may solve this problem by utilizing photothermal chromophores developed by the Smith group. Conjugation of a heat-generating nearinfrared chromophore to the metal catalyst should produce local nanoscale heating, without bulk temperature increase. Synthesis, characterization, and initial catalytic activity of these new photoactive metal catalysts are described. Probing the β4GalT7 Active Site Anna Siegbahna, Sophie Mannera, Emil Tykessonb and Ulf Ellervika* a Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden b Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, BMC D12, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden E-mail: [email protected] Mammalian cells produce proteoglycans (PG), which consist of a core protein with one or several glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains attached. PG is a class of widely distributed cellsurface macromolecules that are important for a diverse set of biological functions such as blood coagulation, wound repair, angiogenesis and developmental processes. They are also important in the pathobiology of all stages of cancer progression, such as cancer cell proliferation, cancer stem cell differentiation, tumor invasion, and metastasis. The biosynthesis of GAG chains is initiated by xylosylation of a serine residue in the core protein. The xylosylated protein is then stepwise galactosylated by two galactosyl transferases (β4GalT7 and β3GalT6) and glucuronated to form a linker tetrasaccharide, see figure 1, which is later elongated to form a GAG chain. However, the biosynthesis can also be initiated by exogenously added xylosides with hydrophobic aglycons. These compounds can act as acceptors in the first galactosylation step (i.e. β4GalT7). O GAG O HO OH COOH O OH OH O O OH GlcAT-I HN OH O O HO O OH OH β4GalT7 β3GalT6 O O OH O NH XylT-I Figure 1. The tetrasaccharide linker and and enzymes involved in the biosynthesis. In order to determine the structural requirements of β4GalT7, we have synthesized a number of 2-naphthyl β-D-xylosides with modifications in the xylose moiety. The abilities of these xylosides, including previously synthesized analogs1, to act as substrates (see figure 2) or inhibitors of β4GalT7 have been investigated in a cell free assay. From these enzymatic studies and molecular modeling using the crystal structure2, we conclude that the binding pocket of β4GalT7 is very narrow, with a precise set of important hydrogen bonds. UDP-Gal HO HO O ONap OH XylNap β4GalT7 GalXylNap Figure 2. Galactosylation of 2-naphthyl β-D-xyloside. (1) Siegbahn, A.; Aili, U.; Ochocinska, A.; Olofsson, M.; Rönnols, J.; Mani, K.; Widmalm, G.; Ellervik, U. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2011, 19, 4114. (2) Tsutsui, Y.; Ramakrishnan, B.; Qasba, P. K. J. Biol. Chem. 2013, 288, 31963. Synthesis of sulfinic acids using DABSO as a bench-stable, gas-free alternative to SO2 Bobo Skillinghaug, Jonas Rydfjord, and Luke Odell Division of Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala Biomedical Center, Uppsala University, Sweden Graphical abstract: Aryl sulfinic acids have received relatively little attention in the literature but can be used successfully as precursors in palladium catalysed reactions. The synthesis of sulfinic acids from the corresponding sulfonyl chloride is generally convenient which affords the product as the more stable sodium salt.1 However, some aryl sulfinic acids are easily oxidized and mixtures of the aryl sulfinic acid and the corresponding aryl sulfonic acid are obtained. Another synthetic strategy is to use SO2 gas and Grignard reagents for the production of sulfinic acids. The main problems with this approach are that the handling of gaseous regents requires special equipment and that SO2 is toxic. To avoid the use of toxic gas, solid sources may be used for in situ generation of the desired reactant. This approach has been successful in carbonylation reactions where Mo(CO)6 and Wo(CO)6 have been used as solid sources of toxic CO gas. Recently the use of 1,4diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(sulfur dioxide) adduct (DABSO) for the synthesis of aryl sulfones via an aryl sulfinic acid intermediate was reported.2 Through reactions of Grignard reagents and DABSO sulfinic acids can be obtained in a two-step one pot protocol. Sulfinic acids are generally prone to oxidize in air and isolation as the corresponding sodium salt is preferred. Following purification by extraction, the salt can be prepared for storage. Initially, conventional Grignard methods were compared to the “turbo Grignard” using isopropylmagnesium chloride lithium chloride for the two-step one pot synthesis of benzene sulfinic acid from bromobenzene and DABSO. The use of either method results in satisfying yield. The influence of the halide was investigated by employing chloro- and iodo-benzene in the two-step protocol. Not surprisingly a clear trend was observed where iodobenzene is much more reactive than the other halides and gives very good yield. The use of bromobenzene results in fair yield while chlorobenzene results in poor yield. A new protocol for the synthesis of sulfinic acids has been developed and different aryl and alkyl bromides and iodides have been employed, resulting in moderate to very good yields of the desired products. References (1) Curti, C.; Laget, M.; Carle, a O.; Gellis, a; Vanelle, P. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2007, 42, 880– 4. (2) Richards-Taylor, C. S.; Blakemore, D. C.; Willis, M. C. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 222. Aminocarbonylation of (Hetero)Aryl Iodides using Solid-Phase Bound Amino Acid Nucleophiles and in situ Generated CO gas † Anna Skogh, ‡Troels Skrydstrup and †Anja Sandström. † Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, BMC, Uppsala University, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] ‡ Center for Insoluble Protein Structures (inSPIN), Department of Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University, Denmark. The three-component Pd-catalyzed coupling of a (hetero)aryl halide and an amine in the presence of CO is a well-established synthetic method for the installation of amides. This group represents a common constituent of many pharmaceuticals, attached to a variety of heteroaromatic ring structures. We recently demonstrated the use of a Buchwald Pd-precatalyst for promoting aminocarbonylations at low temperature.1 In our efforts to develop a versatile method for introducing various end capping groups to a peptide chain for the synthesis of pseudopeptides and peptidomimetic, we examined the possibility of combining such a methodology with Fmoc-Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) chemistry. The overall aim of the study is to implement the Pd-catalyzed aminocarbonylation of (hetero)aryl iodides to solid-phase chemistry, and in particular, solid phase peptide synthesis, by applying an in situ generated CO from a solid silacarboxylic acid CO precursor.2 Herein, we describe a low temperature aminocarbonylation of (hetero)aryl iodides using resin-bound amino acids nucleophiles and it’s application for the introduction of end capping groups in Fmoc-SPPS. 1. N. C. Bruno et al., J. Org. Chem. 2014, ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/jo500355k, S. D. Friis et al., Manuscript submitted. 2. S. D. Friis et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 18114–18117. Asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of allylic alcohols in a tandem isomerization/reduction catalyzed by a pseudodipeptide ruthenium complex Tove Slagbrand, Helena Lundberg and Hans Adolfsson* Dept. of Organic Chemistry, Stockholm University, Arrhenius Laboratory, 16091 Stockholm (Sweden) *E-mail: [email protected] Catalysis is the best alternative for formation of many chemical compounds since it is manageable to obtain mild reaction conditions and high selectivity. Furthermore, it is possible to avoid large amounts of waste and by-products, which makes the transformations environmentally friendly.i Catalytic protocols are therefore a very good target for research, especially if many reaction steps can occur subsequently (tandem reactions). These transformations are challenging and the benefits are formation of complex products that usually require many separate steps and lower amounts of formed waste. We have recently developed an efficient protocol for the subsequent isomerization and asymmetric reduction of allylic alcohols into saturated and asymmetric alcohols in one step catalyzed by ruthenium. Both transformations; isomerization and transfer hydrogenation, are well studied but little has been reported on the combination of these two steps in a tandem reaction. Previously published protocols required high temperatures and long reaction times with little or no enantioselectivity.ii,iii,iv,v One exception with good enantiomeric excess was published, but the stereogenic center was located on another carbon than the alcohol In our work, the transformation was investigated with the use of an active catalyst, which can perform both transformations at milder reaction conditions and yields much higher enantioselectivity on the alcohol carbon than previously reported. Currently, the optimization of the reaction conditions is complete and further work will be focused on finishing the substrate scope and studying the mechanism of the transformation. The methodology is still under development and a manuscript is under preparation. i Anastas, P. T.; Warner, J. C. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press: New York, 1998, p.30. ii Cadierno, V.; Francos, J.; Gimeno, J.; Nebra, N. Chem. Commun., 2007, 24, 2536-2538. iii Cadierno, V.; Crochet, P.; Francos, J.; García-Garrido, S. E.; Gimeno, J.; Nebra, N. Green Chem., 2009, 11, 1992-2000. iv Díaz-Álvarez, A.; Crochet, P.; Cadierno, V. Cat. Commun., 2011, 13, 91-96. v Maytum, H.C.; Francos, J.; Whatrup, D. J.; Williams, J. M. J. Chem. Asian J., 2010, 5, 538-542. vi Wu, R.; Beauchamps, M. G.; Laquidara, J. M.; Sowa Jr., J. R. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 2106-2110. Ethenolysis on electron poor, biobased enoic acids J. Spekreijse, J. Le Nôtre, E. L. Scott and J. P. M. Sanders. Wageningen University, P.O. Box 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands [email protected] The current fossil based industry brings issues involving depleting fossil resources, global warming and geopolitical instability. The alternative to this outdated system is a biobased economy, where biomass is refined to be used for food, chemicals, feed, fuels and energy. Current systems involve rest streams that still contain potential carbon sources that can be converted into chemicals. Many of these carbon sources allow access to small enoic acids with electron poor double bonds. One enoic acid can be converted into two biobased bulk chemicals in a single atom efficient ethenolysis step. Bioethanol can be used as a source of ethylene to obtain a purely biobased product. The ethenolysis of several enoic acids has been successfully performed in our lab resulting in the conversion of low reactive double bonds. Conversion of 30% to 50% to the desired products is reached with careful selection of the reaction conditions using Hoveyda-Grubbs 2nd generation catalyst. Scheme 1 Synthesis of biobased polymers from rest streams using ethenolysis 1 J. P. M. Sanders, J. v. Haveren, E. Scott, D. S. v. Es, J. Le Nôtre and J. Spekreijse, WO Pat., 002 284, 2011. 2 J. Spekreijse, J. Le Nôtre, J. van Haveren, E. L. Scott, J. P. M. Sanders, Green Chem., 2012, 14, 2747. Synthesis of Arylsulfonyl Azides via Diazotransfer Using an Imidazole-1-Sulfonyl Azide Salt: Scope and 15N NMR Labelling Experiments Marc Y. Stevens, Rajiv T. Sawant and Luke R. Odell * Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BMC, Uppsala *[email protected] We hereby present imidazole-1-sulfonyl azide hydrogen sulfate as an efficient reagent for the synthesis of arylsulfonyl azides from aryl sulfonamides. The described method is experimentally simple and high-yielding and does not require the addition of copper salts. Furthermore, 15N NMR labelling studies show the reaction proceeds via a diazotransfer mechanism. Imidazole-1-sulfonyl azide hydrogen sulfate provides a considerable over existing diazotransfer reagents in terms of cost, safety and ease of handling. Development of ECODAB into a relational database for Escherichia coli O-antigens and other bacterial polysaccharides Jonas Ståhle1, Miguel A. Rojas-Macias, Thomas Lütteke and Göran Widmalm1 1 Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] 1 ECODAB is a web-based application to support the collection of O-antigen structures, polymerase and flippase amino acids sequences, NMR chemical shift data of O-antigens as well as information on glycosyltransferases (GTs) involved in the assembly of O-antigen repeating units. The latest iteration of the database includes a migration to a relational database2 and the increased flexibility and performance when handling the data has allowed the processes of retrieving, predicting and presenting information to be completely automated. As such, the system has evolved from being just a repository to generate data on its own. GT specificity is suggested through sequence comparison to GTs whose function is known. In order to further increase the accuracy of the predictions of GT functions, the scope of the database has been extended so that polysaccharide structure and related information from other bacteria subsequently could be added, e.g. from S. pneumoniae. ECODAB is freely available at Currently, data on 171 E. coli unique O-antigen forms, 119 structures with NMR data and 338 glycosyltransferases is covered. (1) Lundborg, M.; Modhukur, V.; Widmalm, G. Glycobiology 2010, 20, 366–368. (2) Rojas-Macias MA.; Lütteke T.; Widmalm G. International Carbohydrate Symposium 26 2012, P236 Ionic liquids as precatalysts in the highly stereoselective conjugate addition of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes to chalcones. Linda Ta, Anton Axelsson, Joachim Bijl and Henrik Sundén* Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Email: [email protected] During the last decade Ionic Liquids (ILs) have gained widespread attention in both academia and the industry owing to their non-volatility and adjustable properties. ILs are composed of cations and anions which are liquid at room temperature. Imidazolium based ILs are particulary interesting as they upon deprotonation can form N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs).1,2 The NHCs offers a powerful strategy in order to generate organic substrates by way of umpolung. For example, α,β-aldehydes which are normally regarded as Michael acceptors can, in combination with an NHC become Michael donors (homoenolates) reactive towards a large number of electrophiles.3-5 Herein we report our studies of the catalytic properties of ILs which has led us to the discovery of a highly diastereoselective and chemoselective addition of cinnamaldehydes to substituted chalcones forming 1,6-diketoesters (Scheme 1). The active NHC is generated through the deprotonation of base that activates the α,β-unsaturated aldehyde (1) creating a homoenolate. The enolate makes a nucleophilic attack on the unsaturated ketone (2) which forms the 1,6-diketoester (3) together with methanol. Scheme 1. Synthesis of 1,6-diketoesters using ionic liquids. By using the inherent catalytic properties of ILs several important benefits relating to green chemistry can be gained; replacement of volatile solvents, easy separation of the products from the reaction mixtures and recovery and reuse of both solvent and the catalyst. Furthermore, the highly functionalized 1,6-diketoesters offer a range of synthetic utility as they can be transformed into a wide variety of organic compounds. (1) Henrique Teles, J.; Melder, J.-P.; Ebel, K.; Schneider, R.; Gehrer, E.; Harder, W.; Brode, S.; Enders, D.; Breuer, K.; Raabe, G. Helv. Chim. Acta 1996, 79, 61. (2) Liu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, E. Y. X. Green. Chem. 2012, 14, 2738. (3) Glorius, F. Top. Organomet. Chem. 2007, 21, 1. (4) Biju, A. T.; Kuhl, N.; Glorius, F. Acc. Chem. Res. 2011, 44, 1182. (5) Bode, J. W. Nat. Chem. 2013, 5, 813. Design of chiral cofactor-controlled ligands for asymmetric catalysis Laure Théveau, Christina Moberg* KTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, 100 44 Stockholm (Sweden) [email protected] Supramolecular catalysis is currently an attractive strategy for the development of regio and/or stereoselectively controlled reactions.1 It is based on the specific non-covalent assembly of several interacting components to find an efficient catalyst instead of the tedious structural modification of small privileged ligands that is usually used in conventional screening methods. Notably, host-guest binding involving week hydrogen interactions is one of the fundamental concepts for this strategy.2 In this way, the 7,7’-diamido-2,2’diindolylmethane building block has been shown to be a very efficient and selective carboxylate anion receptor3 which, after appropriate decoration with phosphines for transition metal binding, was used by Reek’s group as an efficient catalytic pocket for the enantioselective rhodium-catalyzed hydrogenations of alkenes by the use of amino acid derivative guests as chiral anionic cofactors.4 Our group has been involved since several years in the study of conformationally flexible ligands to design new catalysts able to adapt their conformation to different kinds of substrates. Especially, published studies have focused on the palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation reactions using phosphepine and diazepine ligands.5 As part of collaboration with professor J. N. H. Reek, we present here the design of a new achiral diindolylmethanebased ligand possessing two flexible phosphite moieties for potential application in chiral cofactor-controlled palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation reactions.6 Moreover, interested in extending our research thematics, we also designed other achiral diindolylmethane-based ligands possessing salen or pyridylamide moieties to study the chiral cofactor-controlled enantioselective Lewis acid/Lewis base-catalyzed acylcyanation of aldehyde and the molybdenum-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation, respectively. 7,8 1 Meeuwissen, J.; Reek, J. N. H. Nature Chem. 2010, 2, 615. Supramolecular Chemsitry, 2nd ed. (Eds.: J. W. Steed, J. L. Atwood), Wiley, New York, 2009. 3 Dydio, P.; Lichosyt, D.; Zieliński, T.; Jurczak, J. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 13686. 4 Dydio, P.; Rubay, C.; Gadzikwa, T.; Lutz, M.; Reek, J. N. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 17176. 5 Zalubovski, R.; Bouet, A.; Fjellander, E.; Constant, S.; Linder, D.; Fischer, A.; Lacour, J.; Privalov, T.; Moberg, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 1845. 6 Initial work performed by Dr. R. Bellini, A. Laurell Nash, A. van der Werf and R. Afshin Sander. 7 Lundgren, S.; Wingstrand, E.; Penhoat, M.; Moberg, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 11592. 8 Belda, O.; Kaiser, N.-F.; Bremberg, U.; Larhed, M.; Hallberg, A.; Moberg, C. J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 5868. 2 Protein active site comparison tool for optimizing drug selectivity Ivana Uzelac, Thomas Olsson, Johan Gottfries Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg Attaining selectivity of a drug towards one target is oftentimes a hard but nonetheless a crucial task when working in drug design. The challenge with selectivity can depend on how unique the target protein in itself is. If the target compared to other proteins has a considerably large structural difference it may be easier to obtain selectivity rather than if there are structurally related or even homologues proteins existing. We have constructed an easily adaptable model for comparing and differentiating between closely related proteins. By combining PCA and OPLS discriminant methods the data could be described in an easily interpretable fashion. The present method can be applied to optimize lead structures, analyze target interaction, or simply as a protein comparison tool. Determination of stereochemistry of 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan2-ol and the corresponding ketone in 17 Bicyclus species Erika A. Wallin, Jimmy Andersson, Joakim Bång and Erik Hedenström Eco-chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, Mid Sweden University, SE-85170 Sundsvall, Sweden The African butterfly, genus Bicyclus, is spread throughout the African continent and consists of more than 80 species which live in overlapping regions[1]. One of the components of the male sexual pheromone for the model species Bicyclus anynana is 6,10,14trimethylpentadecan-2-ol and the active stereoisomer has been identified as (2R,6R,10R)6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol[2], the corresponding ketone has also been found in several species. By synthesising a mixture of 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol with known stereoisomeric ratio, the mixture was derivatised and separation of all eight stereoisomers on GC-MS was obtained (Figure 1.). The identification of the stereoisomer of the ketone was possible by reducing the ketone and perform the same derivatisation as for the alcohol. Figure 1. Chromatogram of 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol (known mixture) derivative. 1. 2. Larsen, T.B., Butterflies of West Africa: text volume. 2005: Apollo Books. Nieberding, C.M., et al., Cracking the olfactory code of a butterfly: the scent of ageing. Ecology Letters, 2012. 15(5): p. 415-424. Mild and selective hydrogenation of nitro compounds using palladium nanoparticles supported on amino-functionalized mesocellular foam Oscar Verhoa*, Karl P. J. Gustafsona, Anuja Nagendirana, Cheuk-Wai Taib, Jan-E. Bäckvalla* a Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden b Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, and Berzelii Center EXSELENT on Porous Material, Stockholm University, Arrhenius Laboratory, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Aromatic and heterocyclic amines constitute important building blocks in industrial-scale organic chemistry, as they are common intermediates for the synthesis of various dyes, pharmaceuticals, pigments, and polymers.[1] These amines are primarily accessed by the use of catalytic hydrogenation of the corresponding nitro compounds, employing classical heterogeneous catalysts such as Pd/C, Pt/C and Raney Ni.[2] Although, these heterogeneous catalysts generally exhibit good performance in this transformation, they are unfortunately also associated with chemoselectivity issues when other reducible groups are present in the substrate. Thus, significant attention has lately been dedicated to the design of new catalytic hydrogenation systems that show higher selectivity towards the reduction of the nitro functionality. In our group, we have recently developed a heteregeneous catalyst comprised of Pd nanoparticles immobilized on amino-functionalized siliceous mesocellular foam (Pd0-AmPMCF).[3] The Pd0-AmP-MCF was found to be a highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of a wide range of aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic nitro compounds to the corresponding amines under an ambient pressure of hydrogen gas at room temperature. Moreover, the Pd nanocatalyst displayed excellent recyclability, low leaching and straightforward integration into a continious flow reactor, which makes it an attractive and economic catalytic system for nitro compound reduction on a large scale. [1] a) The Nitro Group in Organic Synthesis (Ed.: N. Ono), Wiley-VCH, New York, 2001; b) R. S. Downing, P. J. Kunkeler, H. van Bekkum, Catal. Today 1997, 37, 121-136; c) Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals, Vol. 4 (Eds.: H.-U. Blaser, E. Schmidt), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997. [2] H. –U. Blaser, H. Steiner, M. Studer, ChemCatChem 2009, 1, 210-221. [3] a) E. V. Johnston, O. Verho, M. D. Kärkäs, M. Shakeri, C. –W. Tai, P. Palmgren, K. Eriksson, S. Oscarsson, J. –E. Bäckvall, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 12202-12206; b) M. Shakeri, C. –W. Tai, E. Göthelid, S. Oscarsson, J. –E. Bäckvall, Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 13269-13273. 3-O-Arylmethyl derivatives of p-methoxyphenyl β-Dgalactopyranoside as galectin inhibitors Prashant Ranjan Vermaa, Hakon Lefflerb, Ulf J. Nilssona* a b Center for Analysis and Synthesis, Lund University, PO Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Section MIG, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University, Sölvegatan 23, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden. Galectins are a family of carbohydrate binding proteins (i.e. lectins) known by their affinity for β-galactoside.1,2 They play important roles in cell–cell communication, cell-matrix adhesion, cell growth regulation, intracellular processes, inflammation, fibrosis and immunity as well as cancer. OH OH O O O A ryl OH O Figure 1: Structure of the 3-O-arylmethyl galactoside Figure 2: Computer model of the galectin-3:lacNAc complex with an extended binding groove near HO3 indicated with a blue arrow. Natural small ligands of the galectins, such as N-acetyl lactosamine (LacNAc) and lactose, show low inhibition potency3 and the development of new inhibitors with a higher affinity for galectins has therefore emerged as a new field of research. The crystal structure of a LacNAc: galectin-3 complex shows a possible extended binding groove close to HO-3(Gal) and inhibitors exploiting this groove have been reported previously by us.4 This presentation describes the exploration of the extended binding groove with 3-O-arylmethyl derivatives of p-methoxyphenyl β-D-galactopyranoside towards novel high-affinity galectins inhibitors. Several synthesized inhibitors (Fig. 1) display greatly enhanced affinity for galectins over the parent p-methoxyphenyl β-D-galactopyranoside. References: [1] D. Houzelstein, I. R. Goncalves, A. J. Fadden, S. S. Sidhu, D. N. Cooper, K. Drickamer, H. Leffler, F. Poirier, Mol. Biol Evol. 2004, 21, 1177. [2] H. Leffler, S. Carlsson, M. Hedlund, Y. Qian, F. Poirier, Introduction to galectins, Glycoconj. J. 2004, 19, 433–440. [3] H. Leffler, S. H. Barondes, J.Biol.Chem. 1986, 22, 10119. [4] (a) B. A. Salameh, I. Cumpstey, A. Sundin, H. Leffler, U. J. Nilsson, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2010, 18, 5367-5378; (b) T. Delaine, I. Cumpstey, L. Ingrassia, M. Le Mercier, P. Okechukwu, H. Leffler, R. Kiss, U. J. Nilsson, J. Med. Chem. 2008, 51, 8109–8114; (c) I. Cumpstey, A. Sundin, H. Leffler, U. J. Nilsson, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 5110 –5112; (d) I. Cumpstey, E. Salomonsson, A. Sundin, H. Leffler, U. J. Nilsson, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 4233 – 4245; (e) P. Sörme, P. Arnoux, B. K. -Knutsson, H. Leffler, J. M. Rini, U. J. Nilsson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 1737-1743. Protein-driven Retro-Diels-Alder Reaction Priya Verma* and Ulf J. Nilsson Centre of Analysis and Synthesis, Lund University, P O Box 124, Lund, Sweden Cycloaddition reactions constitute a general class of organic transformations that are particularly amenable for execution in aqueous environment and even in biological systems.1 Diels-Alder reaction rates can be accelerated by acid-catalysis. Rate accelerations have also been observed by molecules that provide an environment with optimal shape complementarity to the Diels-Alder adduct and/or stabilizing the transition state (i.e. true catalysis). The galectins are a family of soluble proteins defined by affinity for β-galactosides. Galectin-1 is an important member of galectin family and has been attributed to many functions as immunomodulatory effects and tumour formation. This makes galectin-1 as an interesting target for cancer chemotherapy.2 We herein present the synthesis of thiodigalactoside-based high affinity (low nM) galectin ligands that are Diels Alder adducts and evaluation of their retro-Diels-Alder reactivity in the presence of galectin-1. The hypothesis is that a strongly galectin-bound Diels Alder adduct will be sequestered from the media and its formation thus favored. In designing novel thiodigalactosides based ligands containing Diels-Alder adducts that are de-stabilized by galectin-1 binding, a dibenzobarrelene 9-carboxamide moiety is introduced. Upon a possible retro-Diels-Alder reaction, the dibenzobarrelene 9-carboxamide moiety will form a flat aromatic anthracene 9-carboxamide that will posses near to perfect surface complementarity with a flat π-system constructed by galectin-1 arg-glu in-plane ion-pairing. In this presentation we demonstrate that strong binding of the diene product (anthracene-9carboxamide) to galectin-1 will enhance retro-Diels-Alder reaction rates. Hence, productprotein shape complementarity significantly enhances product formation. 1. Rideout, D. C. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, 102, 7817-7818. 2. L. Astorgues-Xerri et al., Cancer Treatment Reviews 2014, 40, 307–319. Synthetic tools for drug design in the treatment of cancer Laura Woods, Kevin Vaughan*, and Richard Taylor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, *Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA Synthesis is an important tool for the development of new drugs for human diseases. Taxol®, Ixempra®, Istodax®, and Gleevec® are examples of natural products and small molecules currently used in the treatment of various cancers. Synthetic design is important not only for access to medicinally relevant compounds, but also for understanding the mechanisms in which the disease state is compromised. This is where analogue design can be used to modify existing drugs to enhance their bioactivity and reduce toxicity. Two projects will be presented which utilize synthetic chemistry to develop biologically active compounds for cancer therapy. Apicularen A is a polyketide natural product first isolated from the myxobacteria genus Chondromyces in 1998 by Jansen and co-workers. It has been shown to have highly cytostatic activity with IC50 values in the range of 0.3 to 3.0 ng/mL in nine different human cancer cell lines, including the multi-drug resistant line KB-V1. Access to apicularen A from nature is limited by challenges associated with production and isolation of the native host. A well-designed synthetic route allows access to significant amounts of the material for biological testing, while also providing a platform for modification of the chemical entities. Efforts towards an efficient total synthesis of apicularen A will be presented. This will facilitate the determination of the solution conformation using NMR based methods. Modification of the synthetic route will be utilized to access conformational analogues. The microtubule stabilizing agents Taxol® and Ixempra® are used as chemotherapy agents in breast, ovarian, and lung cancer. Despite the clinical success of these drugs, patients often suffer from side effects including cellular resistance and neuropathy. To overcome these side effects, we will present our synthetic efforts towards the design of a conjugate; an epothilone B analogue bound by an alkyl linker to a modified aurora kinase B inhibitor. The covalent combination of two biologically active components provides a localized, dual target approach to drug design. Asymmetric Synthesis of Oxazolidin-2-one Derivatives through Lipase-Catalyzed Kinetic Resolution Yan Zhang, Yang Zhang and Olof Ramström* KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Teknikringen 30, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] 2-oxazolidinone derivatives have shown some pharmacologically activities, such as antibacterial effects against Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens. In the present work, asymmetric synthesis of 2-oxazolidinone derivatives has been established through a novel lipase-catalyzed kinetic resolution protocol. The method proceeds through biocatalyzed, sequential acylation/cyclization in a one-pot procedure involving the use of carbonates as acyl donors. The method proved efficient for a range of substrates, generally resulting in good yields, and with enantiopurities up to >99% ee. OH R H N Lipase R' R''OCOOR'' O O R ∗ N R' Regio- and stereoselective palladium(II)-catalyzed oxidative Heck reactions with vinyl ether boronic acid pinacol esters Linda Åkerbladh, Mats Larhed Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BMC, Uppsala University, Box 574, SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden. Palladium(II)-catalyzed oxidative Heck coupling of vinylboron compounds with olefins provide a new and convenient route to 1,3-dienes. In this study we aim to investigate the reaction of (E)- and (Z)-ethoxyvinylboronic acid pinacol esters with various olefins. Our preliminary results using the stable dmphen (2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ligand suggest that electron-poor olefins such as butyl acrylate and acrylonitrile give terminally substituted dienes with retained stereochemistry of the vinyl ether coupling partner. In contrast, the electron-rich olefin butyl vinyl ether gives exclusively internal coupling under these cationic conditions. Subsequent hydrolysis-isomerization of the resulting vinyl ether intermediate provides formyl substituted olefins. This type of compound may be further manipulated e.g. in radical cycloadditions. In summary, our preliminary results indicate that the oxidative Heck coupling of (E)- and (Z)-ethoxyvinylboronic acid pinacol esters has the potential to selectively deliver a number of useful building blocks for organic, medicinal and polymer chemistry.
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