can data be smart? Accelerating Data driven Innovation with a Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) Dr. Till Riedel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Beigl – Department of Informatics KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association Karlsruhe Institute of Technology A merger of the University of Karlsruhe (est. 1825) and the Karlsruhe Research Center Employees 9,261 23,836 3 364 Professors Nobel Laureates 10 km to France 3h to Paris by TGV 2 Students 789 Annual Budget in Million Euros Computer Science at KIT Computer Science and applied CS Scientific Staff 250 #1 41 Students 2700 Professors 1972 Computer Science Ratings, DFG Funds 190 1st CS department in Germany PhDs > 900 Professors gained status from KIT‘s CS faculty 3 Why Big Data Matters: Dimension of Convergence Location Uncertainty vs. GPS Sampling Rate Paek, J., Kim, J., Govindan, R.: Energy-efficient rate-adaptive GPS-based positioning for smartphones. In: Proc. of the 8th Intl. Conf. on Mobile systems applications and services MobiSys 10, MobiSys ’10, p. 299ff. ACM, ACM Press (2010) Time Frequency Information Delay Location Perception # Phenomena Resolution Error Reality 4 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Krijger, J. M., van Weele, M., Aben, I., and Frey, R.: Technical Note: The effect of sensor resolution on the number of cloud-free observations from space, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 2881-2891 Internet of Things and Services People Meaningful Presentation embedded analytics roles collaboration roles Information /Services alerts A2A Internet of Things Legacy SCM ERP EHM Middleware Smart Items Reality /Things 5 PLM B2B Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. SRM CRM PLM Smart Economy: Data, the “new oil” What are the ramifications for Germany and Europe? Traditionally home of engineers. Engineering needs to be extended to also accommodate “Digital Data Engineering”. real-time processing of large data quantities (“Big Data”). Structuring Big Data results in information (“Smart Data”) leads to knowledge advantages can be used to support decision-making processes. 6 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. The Smart Data Innovation Lab (throwing oil onto the fire) „new oil“ Data Sources Industrial, Research, Government, Open Data Systems, Analytics, Research based on open, proprietary SDIL internal Knowledge Generated Data (Fast) Research and Development Code Artefacts 7 Selected Results Smart Data Innovation Lab Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Knowledge and Innovation (Analysis results, prognosis, Online-Analysis Systems) Our Goals A Smart Data Centre and a Smart Data Community Prompt Co-Working on valuable Problems with valuable „Big Data“ Requires Structure (SDIL Orga) and Trust (SDIL Contract) Knowledge Transfer from Research to Industry and vice versa Exploration of Smart Data Potential / Innovation Potential Best Practice and Standards Research in Analytics, Systems, Application Domain specific Smart Data Tools, Support, Management, Privacy, Legal and Curation HCI and Usability First focus: short term high impact projects 8 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Smart Data: From Data to Wisdom Information makes data meaningful for audiences because it requires the creation of relationships and patterns between data. Transforming data into information is accomplished by organizing it into a meaningful form, presenting it in meaningful and appropriate ways, and communicating the context around it. Source: Nathan Shedroff, 9 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Context Sensitive Systems w/ Predictive Analytics Planning, Control, Real Time Reaction Massive Ad-hoc Deployment of CPS-Systems, Recognition of Process related parameters 10 Automatic Correlation to find novel insights Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Use of the data for planning, controlling processes L1A10 Temp L3A10 Temp L1A10 Temp L1B22 Temp L1B20 Temp Meaningful Data in Context: Realtime Smart Data in Maintenance 11 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. SDIL Project Phases Phase: Information • Industry and research partners search partners and their competence focus through the SDIL database Phase: Project Definition • Data Access / Result Model Selection, Funding & Contract Model • Research and Innovation Question and Results (Data, Algorithm, System) • Technical Details including Data and Service Interfaces Project Proposal Phase • Proposal handed into SDIL Community • In case of go: Preparing Operation Phase: Analysis • Prepare Data, Compute, Interpret Data and/or develop analytical method or system • Publish Results according to Data Model Continuation Phase • Prepare for follow up actions or development of a run time system • Care of Data Life Cycle according to contract 12 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. 3 Data Access / Data Results Models (planned) Open Data Open to the public SDIL community open data Open to organisations who signed the contract and agreed to the terms and conditions of the contract Required for restricted access data (IP-Knowledge, data protection) SDIL P2P data Open to two or more partners in SDIL bound to a general NDA which includes handling rules for ethics and privacy Mixed data Fair share: Same amount of input (e.g. percentage of Open Data Input) and output (e.g. same amount of Open Data Output) Same approach for algorithms 13 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Governance & Communities Strategy Board SDIL-Coordinator and Deputy (Michael Beigl, Laure Le Bars) Operational Board Industry 4.0 (Lead: Bosch, DFKI) HANA Support (Lead:Siemens, FhG) Projects Smart Cities Repository Energy (Lead:EnBW, KIT) Medicine (Lead:Bayer, FZJ) Terracotta Innovation Communities 14 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. 9000 … HAL Generic Tools, Data Curation Central Storage Remote Data Source Data Curation (Lead:DFKI, FhG) Azure ? SDIL Platform Catalogue, Broker Further Activities and Services of SDIL (soon) Community Forums Workshops, Competition Consulting & Support Tools Education Contact us: Prof. Michael Beigl ([email protected]) (SDIL Coordinator) 15 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Bytecode ? 16 Smart Data Innovation Lab. Michael Beigl. Till Riedel, Big With Data,
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