M8286/M8287 OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Military • Data Bus Buffer Drive for Miiitary M8086, M8088, M80186, M8085A, and M8048AH Processors • 3-State Outputs • No Output Low Noise When Entering or Leaving High Impedance State • High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Data Bus • Mllltary Temperature Range: -ss·c to + 12s·c <Tc> • Fully Parallel 8-Blt Transceivers The M8286 and M8287 are 8-bit bipolar transceivers with 3-state outputs. The M8287 inverts the input data at its outputs while the M8286 does not. Thus, a wide variety of applications for buffering in microcomputer systems can be met. M8286 M8287 Vee Ao Vee Bo ,., IO 81 A2 Ii 82 A3 12 83 A4 Ii 84 A5 14 85 ,.. 15 •• A7 Ii 87 GI 17 T T GNO 271025-3 271025-2 271025-1 Figure 1. INDEX CORNEA NC A1 271025-4 Logic ... Diagrams NC •cc .. INDEX CORNEA ., I NC A1 ... NC •cc ' I ,.. , .. ., ' '" ' ' , .. , �� NC NC �=� A2 [)� 12 A2 ,_2� AJ [)! 13 ., [)! •• ... �}� .. ... �=� •• ... �)! .. ... :)� •• � :2! ii ... �:a! .. r-- A7 r-- NC A7 L�!. NC L :11: :1·: :1•: NC Of GND NC T NC 271025-5 Figure 2. Pin Configurations NC GNO NC T ., l�!. NC .. NC NC 271025-6 M8288/M8287 Table 1. Pin Description Type Symbol Name end Function T I TRANSMIT: T is an input control signal used to control the direction of the transceivers. When H IGH , it configures the transceiver's 80-87 as outputs with Ao-A7 as Inputs. T LOW configures Ao-A7 as the outputs with 80-87 serving as the inputs. OE I OUTPUT ENABLE: OE is an input control signal used to enable the appropriate output driver (as selected by T) onto its respective bus. This signal is active LOW. Ao-A7 i/O LOCAL BUS DATA PINS: These pins serve to either present data to or accept data from the processor's local bus depending upon the state of the T pin. �-!!z (M8286) 110 SYSTEM BUS DATA PINS: These pins serve to either present data to or accept data from the system bus depending upon the state of the T pin. 80-87 (M8287) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The M8286 and M8287 transceivers are 8-bit trans ceivers with high impedance outputs. With T active HIGH and OE active LOW, data at the Ao-A7 pins is driven onto the 80-87 pins. With T inactive LOW and OE active LOW data at the 80-87 pins is driven onto the Ao - A 7 pins. No output low glitching will oc cur whenever the tranceivers are entering or leaving the high impedance state. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Case Temperature Under 8ias(2). - 55°C to +125°C •Notice: Stresses above those ls i ted under ''.4bso lute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent dam Storage Temperature .......... - 6 5°C to + 1 50 ° C age to the device. This is a stress ratn i g only and All Output and Supply Voltages ..... - 0.5V to + 7V functional operation of the device at these or any All Input Voltages ................ -1.0V to + 5.5V Power Dissipation ..........................1.0W other conditions above those indicated in the opera tional sections of this specification is not implied. Ex posure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol ° Vee= sv ±5%.Tc(2l= -55°C to +125C Panimeter Ve Input Clamp Voltage Ice PowerSupply Current Min Mu Unlta -1 v M828 7 130 mA M8286 160 mA T..t Conditions le= -5mA IF Forward Input Current -0.2 mA VF= 0.45V IA Reverse Input Current 50 µ.A VA= 5.25V Vol Output L ow Voltage B Outputs 0.45 v IOL= 20mA Outputs 0.45 v loL v IOH = -5mA A VoH Output High Voltage loFF loFF Output Off Current Output Off Current V1L Input Low Voltage V1H Input High Voltage C1N Input Capacitance B Outputs 2.4 A Outputs 2.4 v = 10mA loH = -1 mA VQFF= 0.45V VQFF= 5.25V IF IA ASide 0.8 v Vee= 5.0V (Note 1) BSide 0.9 v Vee= 5.0V (Note 1) v Vee= 5.0V (Note 1) 2.0 OE andTonly 12 pF F = 1 MHz All Other Inputs 25 pF Ve1AS= 2.5V, Vee= 5V Tc(2l = 25•c NOTE: 1. B outputs-loL = 20 mA, loH = - 5 mA, CL A oulputs-loL = 10 mA, loH = -1 mA, CL 2. Case temperatures are "instant on". = = 300 pF 100 pF M8286/M8287 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Vee= sv ±5%, Tc(2l = - ss•cto +125°C Loading: B Outputs--loL = 20 mA, loH = - 5 mA, CL = 300 pF A Outputs-loL = 1 0 mA, loH = -1 mA, CL = 1 00 pF Symbol TIVOV Min Parameter Max Units Test Conditions 25 35 ns (Note 1) Input to Output Delay Inverting Non-Inverting TEHTV Transmit/Receive Hold Time TTVEL Transmit/Receive Setup TEHOZ Output Disable Time TELOV Output Enable Time TOLOH TOHOL ns TEHOZ ns 30 ns 25 ns 50 ns Output Rise Time 20 ns From O.BV to 2.0V Output Fall Time 12 ns From 2 .0 V to O.BV 10 NOTES: 1. See waveforms and test load circuit on following pages. 2. Case temperatures are "instant on." A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM TEST LOAD CIRCUITS Input/Output l.ttV ... 1,5 ....,__ TEST POINTS � 1.S 0.45 271025-7 MIDMTAft 271025-8 A.C. Testing: Inputs Are Driven at 2.4V for a Logic "'1"' and 0.45V for a Logic "'O."' Timing Measurements Are Made at 1.5V for Both a Logic "'1"' and "O." Input Rise and Fall nmes Are Measured from o.ev to 2.0V and are Driven at 5 ns ± 2 ns. A Output 17-124 271025 BOutput intef M8286/M8287 WAVEFORM INl'UTI TIYOV f---+--· VoH TEHOZ -- - .w TElO V ----- OUTPUTS ---l--"" '- VOL+ .1V c Y0tt V OL -1 TT V El ___ NOTE: 1. All timing measurements are made at 1.SV unless otherwise noted. 50 - -7 40 u z > 271025-10 50 40 "' .. -- ------ = 30 z > 30 � "' � "' 0 0 20 20 10 10 200 400 eoo eoo 1000 200 400 eoo eoo 1000 pf LOAD pf LOAD 271025-11 271025-12 Output Delay vs. Capacitance 17-125
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