Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan Annex 1 (ESF-1 - Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan Primary: School District Transportation Coordinator Support: School District Bus Maintenance Supervisor, School District Operations, Director, Roads and Bridges, SCDOT I. Introduction: A. The Darlington County School District Transportation Coordinator is designated as Coordinator for all transportation activities during an emergency. He is responsible for coordinating all transportation activities and operations in the county, including public, private and volunteer transportation organizations during a disaster situation, with the exception of designated official vehicles. B. Darlington County is subject to disasters, natural and man-made that could result in a need for emergency transportation. Priority will be given to students, if school is in session, in accordance with the emergency plans of the County School District until all students have been transported to their destination. ESF-1 (Transportation) will provide for the timely evacuation of persons from any area of the county that has been affected by a disaster or areas where the event is considered a threat to public health and safety. All available resources will be used to evacuate non-ambulatory persons, institutionalized persons and those residents who do not have private means of transportation. Ambulance requirements for hospitals and nursing homes will be directed to ESF-8 Public Health and Medical Service. Vehicles operated and owned by the county, nongovernmental organizations (PDRTA, etc) and volunteer organizations will be used to the maximum extent possible with the exception of designated official vehicles. II. Mission: To provide a well-organized transportation organization within the county capable of supplying the necessary transportation requirements needed for the evacuation of people before and during a disaster. III. Concept of Operations: A. General: Transportation operations will be coordinated from the EOC. ESF-1 is responsible for coordinating all transportation assets during a disaster. ESF-1 will determine the transportation resources required during an event to conduct evacuations and transport of supplies and resources need to respond to and recover from the disaster. B. The Transportation Service will coordinate with ESF-6 (Mass Care) and ESF-8 Public Health and Medical Service to determine if vehicles should be routed and scheduled to transport ambulatory evacuees who need to be examined or treated at medical facilities. Seriously ill and non-ambulatory evacuees will be 1-1 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan transported by the Emergency Medical Service. In the event that the order is given to move evacuees into upgraded congregate care facilities, ESF-1 will coordinate with ESF-6 (Mass Care) to determine if and where transportation assets may be required. Individuals that do not have transportation and require evacuation, will be transported by County vehicles on a case-by-case basis. C. Transportation of Food and Supplies: ESF-1 will coordinate with ESF-6 (Mass Care), ESF-7 (Logistics Management and Resource Support) and ESF-11 (Agriculture and Natural Resources) to assist with the movement of relief supplies (such as, food, ice, medical supplies, clothing and other essential goods) from central Points of Distribution (pods) to facilities established for evacuees and distribution of relief supplies. IV. Responsibilities: A. Preparedness Phase: 1. Transportation Coordinator: a. Maintains normal day-to-day operations. b. In coordination with the Emergency Services Director develops transportation plans and procedures, organizes personnel and resources to meet transportation requirements before, during and after a disaster. c. Maintains current inventories of available transportation facilities, resources, supplies and equipment by type. d. Maintains current resource directories of all commercial and industrial transportation assets, facilities and supplies within the county to include points of contact, their locations and operating areas. e. Develops and maintains a master list of drivers, their status and availability. f. In coordination with the Emergency Services Director, Sheriff's Office and SCHP, assists in determining evacuation routes, including reversal of evacuation routes if necessary, to be used during disaster operations. g. Estimates logistical requirements (e.g., personnel, supplies, equipment, facilities and communications) during the planning process and through annual exercises, to include developing appropriate transportation packages to support likely scenarios. h. Ensures that all ESF-1 - Transportation personnel are trained on the principles of NIMS and integrate those principles into emergency operations and planning in accordance with the current DHS NIMS guidance. As a minimum, 1-2 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan personnel in command or general staff positions (regardless of agency, activity or department) or staff position in the EOC will complete the current IS-700 NIMS Awareness Course, IS-800.b – Introduction to the National Response Framework, IS-100 - Introduction to the Incident Command System, IS-200 – ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents, ICS-300 – Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents, ICS-400 – Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff for Complex Incidents or the courses listed in the current DHS NIMS Guidance. i. In conjunction with ESF-3 (Public Works and Engineering) and SCDOT establishes the procedures and protocols to identify and report the status of all state maintained roads in the County. j. In conjunction with ESF-3 (Public Works and Engineering) and SCDOT establishes the procedures and protocols to insure that the appropriate engineering surveys are conducted for state bridges and roads in the County. k. Conducts or participates in an annual exercise to validate this annex/ESF and supporting SOPs. 2. County agencies and departments, public, private, volunteer and nongovernmental organizations (a) Maintains liaison with the Transportation Coordinator. (b) Develop SOP's for use during disaster operations. (c) Maintain resource lists of personnel and resources for the Transportation Service Coordinator. B. Response Phase: NOTE: All incidents in Darlington County will be managed using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System/Unified Command System. 1. Transportation Coordinator a. Activates ESF-1 upon the request of the Emergency Services Director. b. Deploys personnel and equipment to pre-assigned areas upon request of the Emergency Services Director. c. Staffs the ESF-1 - Transportation desk in the EOC. d. Coordinates and maintains liaison with all transportation organizations. 1-3 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan e. Maintains liaison with law enforcement personnel regarding traffic flow into and out of the disaster area. f. Maintains liaison with organizations requiring transportation support. g. Requests the School Bus Transportation Shop, County Maintenance Shop as well as other vehicle maintenance facilities provide maintenance support for the buses, county vehicles and other transportation assets supporting this annex. h. Reports damage to vehicles and equipment to the EOC. i. Identify transportation assets, including school buses, passenger and utility vans, cars, trucks with or without trailers, boats and rail assets, (i.e., SC Central Railroad) to respond to the emergency. j. Identify, obtain, prioritize and allocate available transportation resources necessary to support mobilization sites, staging area and distribution points. k. Report the locations of damage to the transportation infrastructure, degree of damage and other available information to ESF-14 (Damage Assessment), ESF-5 – Emergency Management and SCDOT for state maintained roads. l. Determine the most viable and available transportation routes to, from and within the disaster area and regulate the use of such routes as appropriate. m. In conjunction with ESF-3 (Public Works and Engineering) insure that all to state maintained roads is reported to SCDOT. n. In conjunction with ESF-3 (Public Works and Engineering) and insure that the engineering surveys are conducted by SCDOT for state bridges and roads that are reported as damaged. o. Coordinate emergency information for public release through the PIO. 2. County agencies and departments, public, private, volunteer and nongovernmental organizations: (a) Maintain liaison with the Transportation Service Coordinator. (b) Keep personnel of their organizations informed on the current situation. (c) Dispatch personnel and equipment to designated areas at the request of the Transportation Coordinator. 1-4 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan (d) Maintain liaison with law enforcement personnel for current information on the traffic control situation. C. Recovery Phase: 1. Transportation Coordinator: a. Provides transportation support for movement of personnel, supplies and equipment. b. Maintains coordination with all organizations of the Transportation Service. c. Reports damage to vehicles and equipment to the Emergency Services Director. d. Coordinate with ESF – 3 (Public Works and Engineering) and SCDOT to determine the status of engineering surveys and repairs to state maintained roads in the County. e. Keeps all transportation organizations informed on current situation. f. Ensure that appropriate records of costs incurred during the event are maintained. 2. County agencies and departments, public, private, volunteer and nongovernmental organizations: a. Maintain liaison with the Transportation Service Coordinator. b. Inform all personnel of the current situation. c. Move personnel, supplies and equipment, as required. d. Report damage to vehicles and equipment to the Transportation Coordinator. D. Mitigation Phase: 1. Support and plan for mitigation measures. 2. Document matters that may be needed for inclusion in briefings, situation reports and emergency plans. V. Disaster Intelligence Information, Collection, Analysis and Dissemination: See Paragraph V, Basic Plan, page 17. VI. Administration, Finance and Logistics: 1-5 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan A. General: A disaster regardless of size will require accurate and complete documentation of the actions taken by everyone involved in the response and recovery efforts. Documentation is the administrative process that allows all jurisdictions to document their response to and recovery from the event. Accurate and complete documentation is critical to insure that the County can recover its operational cost for the event. In this section preliminary guidance will be provided for the conduct of administration, finance and logistics during an emergency. B. Staff Augmentation: See Annex 5 (ESF-5), Emergency Management C. Methods of Documentation: ESF- 1 - Transportation response and recovery actions will be documented through damage assessment reports, the staff Position Log and County Significant Events boards in WEBEOC. These reports and boards provide a mechanism that will create a historical record of the event, provide documentation that can be used for cost recovery, address insurance needs for transportation activities and allow the ESF-1 staff to develop mitigation strategies that will make the County both resistant and resilient to the effects of future disasters. 1. Damage Assessment reports: Damage assessment reports will be used to document damage to all roads (federal, state and county). These reports will also be included in historical documents of the event. 2. WEBEOC: During EOC activations the boards and forms in WEBEOC will be used to document all actions taken during the event. At the completion of the event, reports can be printed that will provide a written record of the event. WEBEOC is the primary incident management tool used by the EOC. Two boards, the Position Log and County Significant Events board will used to document all actions taken by ESF-1 during an event. The messaging feature and press release boards will also be used to document transportation actions and decisions taken during an event. a. Position Log: The Position Log is used by all EOC staff members to document all actions taken during an event. The Transportation Coordinator will open the Position Log and enter the time and name of the individual staffing the ESF-1 desk. At shift change the oncoming individual will indicate the time of shift changes and that a "shift change" briefing was conducted by the outgoing person. All initial entries will be made in the Position Log. Items that are significant for the EOC staff will be posted to the Significant Events board by checking the “Post to County Significant Events” block on the Position Log form. Only those selected entries will be posted to the Significant Events board. b. County Significant Events board: Information posted on the County 1-6 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan Significant Events board will be information intended for use by all WEBEOC subscribers. Operational information that relates to all response and recovery activities will be posted on this board. Only the EOC Manager has the authority and capability to “dual commit” entries that will post information to the State’s Significant Events board. c. ESF Situation Report board: The ESF Situation Report board will be used by the EOC staff to provide a synopsis of their activities during each shift. This report will be prepared daily at 4:00AM (0400) and 4:00PM (1600). This will allow the EOC Manager to consolidate information and meet the submission criteria for the State Situation Report. 3. Loss of WEBEOC capability: In the event that access to WEBEOC is lost during an event, then the EOC staff will prepare paper copies of the reports. Report templates are provided in Annex 5 (ESF-5) Emergency Management. 4. After Action Report: As soon as practical after termination of an emergency, an After Action Report summarizing the County's response to and recovery from the event, provide an evaluations of any observed weaknesses and recommendation for actions that will improve the County's ability to respond and recover from an event. D. Finance: 1. County funds: All expenditures made by Darlington County will be conducted in accordance with applicable federal and state laws in addition to the policies and procedures established in the County Code of Ordinances. All purchases will be documented on a Purchase Requisition form and a purchase requisition number is assigned to the purchase. This insures that the expenditure of County funds is accurately documented. Documentation is then available to insure the recovery funds used to respond to and recover from the emergency. This will insure that all state and federal funds received by the County are documented in the County's records. Where possible State contract vendors will be utilized, however, if the required items are not available through the State contract, then the County Administrator can authorize the purchases through another vendor. The County Administrator has been given the authority to approve purchases made during emergencies. 2. Federal and State funds: Federal and state funds provided to the County in response to and recovery from a disaster will be accounted for and disbursed in accordance with the applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and protocols. These funds are subject to federal and state audits at their discretion. Records on the obligation and expenditure of these funds serve as a database in assessing the need and preparation of requests for additional federal and state funds. 1-7 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan E. Logistics: Individual government agencies and augmentation forces will utilize supplies, operational aids and transportation organic to their organizations during the initial EOC activation. As soon as the event is stabilized, the Emergency Services Office will insure that operational supplies are provided. However, each staff agency may be requested to augment the EOC staff with administrative supplies. F. Computer capability: Darlington County utilizes a program called WEBEOC to assist in managing emergencies and disasters. EOC staff members are trained in the use of WEBEOC. EOC staff members also understand that they must bring a laptop computer to the EOC during activations. These computers have been mapped to be compatible with the EOC's server. Should the EOC lose its Internet capability, the staff can immediately revert to the paper EOC. VII. Direction, Control and Coordination: The prevailing guidance for incident response in Darlington County is as follows. All incidents in Darlington County will be managed using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System/Unified Command System. Incidents that occur within each municipality will be managed by the agency responsible for response within the municipality. The County will not assume control of an incident unless specifically requested to assume control by the municipality. During an event and the EOC is activated, ESF-1 is responsible for coordinating all transportation activities during the event. VIII. Annex development, distribution, maintenance and review: A. The Darlington County Emergency Services Department is responsible for the overall development, distribution and maintenance of the County's EOP. The agencies, departments and organizations assigned transportation missions or tasks in this plan is responsible for responsible for: 1. Assisting the Emergency Services Office in the development and maintenance of this annex and associated appendices, checklists and SOPs for the implementation of the missions and tasks assigned in this annex. 2. Coordinating with other agencies before, during and after an emergency or to assure the most effective utilization of personnel and resources. 3. The recruiting and training of volunteer personnel and/or agencies to augment their agencies during emergency operations. 4. Staffing and operating the ESF-1 desk when activated. 5. Maintaining a current agency personnel alert notification roster and the appropriate communications equipment required to perform the assigned mission or task. 1-8 June 30, 2014 Annex 1 (ESF‐1 – Transportation) to the Darlington County Emergency Operations Plan 6. Maintaining a current agency resource list. 7. Assisting in the development of mutual aid agreements with similar agencies and adjacent counties or political subdivisions. B. This annex is reviewed annually and changes published as necessary. Minor changes to this annex will be highlighted in yellow, however major changes to annex will require the entire annex to be reprinted. Changes will be posted on the Record of Changes in the front of the EOP. All departments and agencies assigned as the primary action agency or department in an annex (ESF) will have all changes turned into the Emergency Services Department by November 30th of each year. This gives the Emergency Services Department approximately 90 days to get the changes made to the EOP. The Emergency Services Department will submit the EOP to the SC Emergency Management Division for approval and certification in March of each year. C. Plan Distribution: The Emergency Services Department will determine the specific distribution list for the County's Emergency Operations Plan. If additional copies are required, contact the Emergency Services Director for assistance. Copies of the Emergency Plan will not be placed in county libraries due to the sensitivity of the information in the plan. If a request to see or review the plan is submitted under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) the citizen will be allowed to review the plan in the Emergency Services Office. IX. Coordinating Instructions: This annex is effective for planning upon receipt and execution upon order. Appendices: Appendix 1. Transportation Resource List (Each agency or department tasked with a responsibility in this annex is responsible for maintaining a list of qualified, available drivers in support of this annex.) 1-9 June 30, 2014
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