PORTLAND CE EMENT C CONCRE ETE MATERIAL SAFETY DATTA SHEET (M MSDS) SECTION N 1 ‐ CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND C COMPANY IDENTIFICA ATION Product names: Portland C Cement Co oncrete, Freshly Mixe ed or Plastic Chemica al Name an nd Synonym ms: Not Applica able al Family: Chemica Mixture off Portland Cement, Aggregate and Water Manufac cturer: Canada Bu uilding Mate erials 55 Industriial Street Toronto, O ON M4G 3W W9 Informattional Telep phone Num mber: 1-800-268--6148 (Can nada) 416-423-13 300 Emergency Teleph hone Numbe er: Canutec: 1-613-996--6666 or *6 666 on a cellular phone Product Use / Gene eral Informa ation: Concrete is a mix xture of ine ert gravel or o rock, sa and, pigmen nts, Portlan nd cement and water. Itt may conta ain chemica al admixturres and/or fly-ash (coal combusttion by-prod duct) and/or granulated g slag and/o or fumed silica. s The chemical a admixtures are prese ent in quantitie es of less th han 1% of the material. Concrete is widely used as a building ma aterial for sttructure and d pavemen nts. SECTIO ON 2 - HAZ ZARDS IDE ENTIFICAT TION Emerge ency Overv view Portland d cement concrete c is s corrosive.. Exposure e to wet or dry mate erial can cause serious, potentially y irreversiblle tissue da amage from m chemical burns, pa articularly to o the eyes. C Concrette Material Saffety Data Sheett Portland Cement Pagge 1 of 9 Canada Building Maaterials WHMIS classificattion: D2A A, E GHS cla assification n: Skin n Corrosio on Categorry 1 Eye e Corrosion n Category y1 Skin n Sensitiza ation Categ gory 1B Carrcinogenicity Catego ory 1 Targ get Organ Toxicant C Category 1 GHS La abel Symbo ols: Hazard Statementts Danger – Causes severe s skin burns and eye damag ge Warning g – May cau use an allerrgic skin rea action Danger – May caus se cancer by b inhalation Danger – Causes s damage to lungs through prrolonged o or repeated d exposure e by inhalatio on Precauttionary Sta atements Preventiion P201 Ob btain specia al instructio ons before use. u P202 – Do not handle until all safety prec cautions ha ave been re ead and und derstood. P261 – Do not brea athe dust. P264 – Wash W hand ds and face thoroughly y after hand dling. P270 – Do not eat, drink or sm moke when using this product. P271 – Use only ou utdoors or in i a well-ve entilated are ea. P272 – Contamina C ted work clothing shou uld not be a allowed outt of the worrkplace. P280 – Wear W prote ective gloves and eye protection. p P281 - Use U personal protectiv ve equipment as requirred. Respons se P301+P P310 – If sw wallowed, im mmediately call a poiso on centre o or doctor/ph hysician. P302+P P353 – If on skin, rinse with waterr/shower. P304+P P340 – If inh haled, remo ove victim to o fresh air a and keep a at rest in a p position comforta able for bre eathing. P305+P P351+P338 – If in eyes s, rinse cautiously with h water for sseveral min nutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do o. Continue rinsing. P308+P P313 – If exposed or co oncerned, get g medicall advice/attention. P314 – Get G medica al advice/attention if yo ou feel unw well. P321 – Specific S tre eatment – re efer to Secttion 4 of thi s documen nt. P331 – Do NOT ind duce vomiting. P313 – If skiin irritation or rash occ curs, get me edical advicce/attention n. P333+P P337+P P313 – If eye irritation persists, p ge et medical a advice/atten ntion. P361 – Remove/take off imme ediately all contaminatted clothing g. P363 – Wash W conta aminated clothing befo ore reuse. Disposa al P501 – Dispose of contents/co ontainer in accordance e with local/provincial//federal ons regulatio C Concrette Material Saffety Data Sheett Portland Cement Pagge 2 of 9 Canada Building Maaterials SECTION 3 – COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Constituent Portland Cement Limestone CAS Number 65997-15-1 1317-65-3 Fly Ash 68131-74-8 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Silica Fume Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate Iron Oxide Pigments 65996-69-2 7631-86-9 1309-37-1 % By Weight 10-25 0.1-1 or 1-5 0.1-1, 1-5, 510, or 10-15 0.1-1, 1-5, 510, or 10-15 0.1-1 or 1-3 30-45 25-35 0.1-1 or 1-5 Calcium Hydroxide 1305-62-0 2-4 Quartz Admixtures (Organic and Inorganic) Water 14808-60-7 3-7 0.1-1 4.5-14 It should be noted that this product may vary from batch to batch and concentration of individual components may be present outside of these stated ranges. SECTION 4 - FIRST AID Exposure may cause acute (e.g. skin, eye and upper respiratory tract irritation) health effects or long-term (e.g. silicosis, skin and eye damage, allergic skin reaction and potentially cancer) health effects with repeated exposures or exposures above occupational exposure limits. Eyes: Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with water. Continue flushing eyes for at least 15 minutes or until irritation ceases, including under lids, to remove solid material. Call physician immediately. Skin: Wash skin with cool water and mild soap or a detergent intended for use on skin. Seek medical treatment in all cases of prolonged exposure to cement products. Use hand cream to reduce dryness. Inhalation of Airborne Dust: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical help if coughing and other symptoms do not subside. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. If conscious, have the victim drink plenty of water and call a physician immediately. Personal Protective Equipment for First Aid Responders: Wear impermeable gloves to prevent skin contact. Portland Cement Concrete Material Safety Data Sheet Page 3 of 9 Canada Building Materials SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable Extinguishing Media ....................................................... Not Combustible Special Protective Actions for Fire Fighters.................................. As per Sections 2 & 8 Hazardous Combustion Products ................................................. None Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact .................................................. No Sensitivity to Static Discharge ...................................................... No SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as described in Section 8. This would include protection from skin contact by use of impermeable clothing and gloves and eye contact by use of safety glasses with side shields or goggles if splashing may occur. Environmental Precautions: Prevent spills from entering sewers, drains and waterways. Methods and Materials for Containment and Cleaning Up: Sweep and shovel into waste disposal containers. Flush with water hose for final cleanup of floors, walkways etc. Avoid generating airborne particulate. Dispose of waste material according to local, state, provincial and federal regulations (see Section 13). SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling ................................................. See Section 8 Storage Requirements ........................... Keep material dry until use. SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Component CAS# OSHA PEL TWA (mg/m3) ACGIH TLV TWA (mg/m3) Ontario TWA (mg/m3) Portland Cement Calcium Hydroxide Quartz 65667-15-1 1305-62-0 14808-60-7 15(T); 5(R) 15(T); 5(R) (10[%quartz +2])c 1(R)a 5(T) 0.025(R) 1(R)a,b 5(T)a,b 0.1b, d (R) 0.1 (CrO3) (T) 0.01 (Cr) (T) 0.01 (Cr)b (T) Chromates Portland Cement Concrete Material Safety Data Sheet Page 4 of 9 Canada Building Materials OSHA PEL = US Occupational Safety and Health Administration Permissible Exposure Limit ; ACGIH TLV = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Threshold Limit Value ; TWA= Time Weighted Average; T = Total Dust; R = Respirable Dust a b c d Only if quartz <1% O.Reg. 833/90 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-3 Mineral Dusts O.Reg. 490/09 Eye Protection: Wear ANSI or CSA-approved safety glasses with side shields or goggles. Provide emergency eyewash stations. In extremely dusty environments and unpredictable environments wear unvented or indirectly vented goggles to avoid eye irritation or injury. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with Portland cement concrete. Skin Protection: Prevention is essential to avoiding potentially severe skin injury. Avoid contact with cement products. If contact occurs, promptly wash affected area with soap and water. Clothing saturated with wet concrete products should be promptly removed and replaced with clean dry clothing. Where prolonged exposure to cement products might occur, wear impervious clothing and cut/abrasion-resistant gloves to eliminate skin contact. Where required, wear boots that are impervious to water to eliminate foot and ankle exposure. Do not rely solely on barrier creams in place of gloves. Respiratory Protection: Avoid actions that cause material to become airborne. Use NIOSH-approved particulate respirators (95 or 100 series) if an applicable exposure limit is exceeded or when airborne levels cause discomfort or irritation. Ventilation: Use local exhaust when cutting/sawing to control exposure within applicable limits. SECTION 9 ‐ PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance ............................................ White to dark grey Odour ..................................................... No distinct odour Odour Threshold .................................... Not applicable Physical State ........................................ Plastic, flowable and granular; becomes solid on setting pH in water ............................................. 12 to 13.2 Solubility in Water .................................. Slightly Soluble Vapour Pressure .................................... Not applicable Vapour Density ....................................... Not applicable Boiling Point ........................................... Not applicable (i.e. > 1000°C) Melting Point .......................................... Not applicable Specific Gravity (H2O = 1.0) ................... 1.6 to 3.4 Evaporation Rate ................................... Not applicable Co-efficient of Water/Oil Distribution ...... Not available Flashpoint and Method ........................... Not available Portland Cement Concrete Material Safety Data Sheet Page 5 of 9 Canada Building Materials Viscosity ................................................. Not applicable Evaporation Rate ................................... Not applicable Flammability ........................................... Not applicable Upper and Lower Explosive Limits ......... Not applicable Auto-ignition Temperature ...................... Not applicable Decomposition Temperature .................. Not available SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity: Stable Chemical Stability: Stable Incompatibility: Portland cement concrete is alkaline and is incompatible with acids, ammonium salts and aluminum metal. Conditions to Avoid: None Hazardous Decomposition: Will not occur Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur SECTION 11 ‐ TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Relevant routes of exposure: eye contact, skin contact, inhalation, and ingestion, although for wet concrete, inhalation is less likely. Acute Toxicity: Acute measures of toxicity (i.e. LD50 and LC50) are not available for this mixture. Calcium hydroxide: LD50(oral-rat): 7340mg/kg; eye-rbt: 10 mg SEV Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Exposure to dry cement products may cause drying of the skin with consequent mild irritation or more significant effects attributable to aggravation of other conditions. Skin contact with wet or dry cement products may cause more severe skin effects including thickening, cracking or fissuring of the skin. Prolonged skin contact can cause severe chemical burns. Serious Eye Damage/Irritation: Exposure to airborne material may cause immediate or delayed irritation or inflammation. Eye contact with larger amounts of wet concrete may cause effects ranging from moderate eye irritation to chemical burns and blindness, requiring immediate first aid (see Section 4) and medical attention. Portland Cement Concrete Material Safety Data Sheet Page 6 of 9 Canada Building Materials Respiratory or Skin Sensitization: Sensitive individuals may exhibit an allergic response upon exposure to cement products, possibly due to trace amounts of chromium (hexavalent chromium salts). The response may appear in a variety of forms ranging from mild rash to severe skin ulcers. Persons already sensitized may react to their first contact with the product; others may experience this effect only after years of contact with cement products. Chronic Toxicity: Respirable crystalline silica is a chief cause of pulmonary dust disease. Prolonged (i.e. long-term) inhalation overexposure of crystalline silica can result in silicosis, a disabling lung disease characterized by progressive scarring of lung tissue, and clinically by shortness of breath on exertion, decreased chest expansion, lessened capacity for work, dry cough, and increased susceptibility to tuberculosis and lung cancer. In advanced stages, silicosis can include marked fatigue, extreme shortness of breath, loss of appetite, chest pain and total incapacity to work. The disease can result in death either from cardiac failure or from destruction of lung tissue. Carcinogenicity: Crystalline silica, a significant contaminant in Portland cement concrete, is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen (carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC); as a Category A2 carcinogen (suspected human carcinogen) by the ACGIH; and as a known human carcinogen by the US National Toxicology Program. Reproductive Toxicity: Not available Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Single Exposure: Not available Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Repeated Exposure: See above on chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity Aspiration Hazard: Not expected to pose an aspiration hazard SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity: No recognized unusual toxicity to plants or animals. Persistence / Degradability..................... Not available Bioaccumulation / Accumulation ............ Not available Mobility in Environmental Media ............. Not available Other Adverse Effects ............................ Not available Portland Cement Concrete Material Safety Data Sheet Page 7 of 9 Canada Building Materials SECTION 13 – DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Material may generally be disposed to landfill after confirmation of suitability according to provincial (state) or local requirements as for construction wastes. SECTION 14 - TRANSPORTATION DATA Hazardous Material Description/Proper Shipping Name: Portland cement concrete is not hazardous under U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) or Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) regulations. Hazard Class: Not applicable Identification Number: Not applicable Required Label Text: Not applicable Hazardous Substances/Reportable Quantities: Not applicable Special Precautions for User: Not available SECTION 15 - OTHER REGULATORY INFORMATION Status under USDOL-OSHA Hazard Communication Rule, 29 CFR 1910.1200: Portland cement concrete is considered a hazardous chemical under this regulation, and should be part of any hazard communication program. Status under CERCLA/Superfund, 40 CRF 117 and 302: Not listed. Hazard Category under SARA (Title III), Sections 311 and 312: Portland cement products qualify as a hazardous substance with delayed health effects under Sections 311 and 312. Status under SARA (Title III), Section 313: Not subject to reporting requirements under Section 313. Status under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act: Portland cement is a hazardous substance subject to statutes promulgated under the subject act. Status under California Proposition 65: This product contains chemicals (trace metals) known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. California law requires the Portland Cement Concrete Material Safety Data Sheet Page 8 of 9 Canada Building Materials manufac cturer to giv ve the abov ve warning in the abse ence of deffinitive testin ng to prove e that the defin ned risks do o not exist. Status under u the Canadian En nvironmenta al Protectio on Act: Reportable under CEPA C – Part 2 Substa ances Status under the Canadian n Workplac ce Hazard dous Materials Inform mation System (WHMIS S): Portland d cement concrete is i considered to be e a hazard dous mate erial underr the Hazardo ous Products Act as de efined by th he Controlle ed Productts Regulatio ons (CPR). This product has been classified in n accordan nce with the e hazard crriteria of th he CPR and d the MSDS contains c all the informa ation requirred by the C CPR. SECT TION 16 - OTHER O INF FORMATIO ON Revision n date: Date of previous MSDS: M Februa ary 21, 2014 Februa ary 2011 The info ormation on n this Materrial Safety Data D Sheett is based o on hazard in nformation from sources considere ed technica ally reliable e and hass been prrepared in good faitth in accordance with av vailable info ormation. No N warrantyy, expresse ed or implie ed, is made e and the sup pplier will not n be liab ble for any y damagess, losses, injuries orr conseque ential damage es which may m result from f the us se of or re liance on a any information conta ained herein. C Concrette Material Saffety Data Sheett Portland Cement Pagge 9 of 9 Canada Building Maaterials
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