.in ic .n up e. dt :// tp ht http://dte.up.nic.in APPLICATION FORM FOR GOVT.OFFICERS [THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL] (Note :Any column left blank will make the application incomplete and liable for rejection) 1. Name of the post applied for: _______________________________________________ 2. (a) Name: _________________________________________________________________ (b) Identification Number (For Defence Service personnel)_ _______________________ (c) Designation of the Applicant(in full) : ________________________________________ (d) Office Address : ____________________________________________________________ up .n ic .in 3. Address for communication : __________________________________________________________ 4. Telephone No. : Office Residence _________________________ Fax No._____________________ Mobile No.__________________ E-Mail address______________________________ 5 Date of Birth______________________ Age as on date of vacancy : ____________ 6 Eligibility criteria: As per job description Possessed by the officer Whether eligible or not Educational/professional qualification(along with the name of Institutions) Pay Scale Length of service in eligible pay scale :// dt e. 7. Do you hold lien in any other organization? Yes No If yes: a) Name of the organization in which the lien is held. b) the date from which the lien is held Are you on deputation? Yes No If yes: Date from which you have been on deputation Yes No 8. Whether any punishment awarded to the applicant during the last 10 years If yes the details thereof 9. Whether any action or inquiry is going on against him as far as his knowledge goes. If yes the details thereof I certify that the details furnished by me in Cols. 1 to 9 are true and I am eligible for the post. Yes No (Name and Signature of the applicant) ht tp I further submit my willingness that I will join the post, if selected. In case, If I give my unwillingness after the interview is held , but before the appointment is processed or after issue of offer of appointment , I may be debarred for a period of two years for being considered for a Board level post in any PSE other than the one to which I belong to. Date: (To be filled by the PSU/Ministry/Department concerned) It is certified that the particulars furnished above have been scrutinized and found to be correct as per official records. Signature & Designation of the Competant Forwarding Authority with Telephone no. & office Seal. qTqemft-# + sffir+sr;_ F,ffi+.ql** Bt'silrRsg _e*u'*_s lfu* (e_wir,_"gi rac*+ rc;tu6un ffiffi1. u*ii* 20.u: r! r l{ t i lI i' rt i; :.i ;, i i; -: j rl !t \ i * 1 ; -fir-:-,'lr'Irii,r' .;,._ri.;i!rl: ; ;'ii iiii;i 3- : trF*i#*r_a.+sq slrfi '** E '3{q -HEmqF{r{F.ff q ic*; fti"nryr'Lr+'q *'+ l-':=oT' s** "'**oe*, Ti+.s $ + qritii "fitiwqry **s qiei 'ftqffrF i**' i,fti,.*i t,€F,;* ,.:.*i<;ii *s"' ETrsy{ q*sr,iT .{r=}iTii."-*. .c;r.. u**i" qt*-i*'?1r'zcls5,ft*liftefi.+ +,$,i.+_ilii?* . ;1ff rricqr;inirrs'r.r lr-;:::r;a,ffiffi-LT-#*.ry:.[J fiJ-i *Jffi 'ffi, t* ffi srhJtui u"i'g ** * * fk ;ffi;;#'m::Y.,S g'r'*mqt +)itffi Wffi,-Tmt-T;;::*${ r* dE *e'* ry*Efry,rfr' +*ft&eum# ;t1ri+rr ;i ru*i;1-,. sili- ; q-qel+-}ffim h?*s '*,;':T#*T qiqTftm i q Hsqir*'hr *iq'{Trs'* Firit *g; e#r#="q$rpr.e ffi- 'q-* q -*mtr *uuu *.i$i'T"F ruog" a.rnryl#rs;r*},ar*,*, lxau;+i ft&qeqTr q* * it5ni rrEqr f'q* a.,,lq*ihn*; sre{r* ** Fiift*.-luul'-* **_u + *rc=iru.rsrir] i'T.FjTci*'?{]0sq'i**-,E'$#;d;i;;*,:+.5...*i,:Ebpi.iTh|t.r=.rl,i:ivp;-4,1, {o}* uo Rfh''q ein .*1e# roou,,;irirtrib.si a1,1;i1 $!\r -*q d: t{"Wffir{ TfqltF,tY ffiqe ,i ihial,;; W q-t o$i.,:;i$* '",*0,.,*,i ffi {qffi$ fu,qq " :. ff #M.,,'*ru s . ffi* meni*sfi ru* -*-**,- -"$sss*!,-nq_trq=a6pr'Rs*ru fo*wfryr fry 'tTF,}s*ft Fr{i i;q{eius rsaTffi,ir .#' WmW+ it,qq]*r]$rsq qir|fl:1;ffi .[t ryftffiffiryr*g'?? ry *r?'k Sw{ryl#''ffi Tt WWft$ ffi, ffiH-r{ffir sli?*rq}Ti ;:is;Trxrrn;si T "vgy-',ry4* ''lt. .gqf*$hry'+ n'&ry*ht ffi ,:'irTr,= ui3.,,,-+--fl+;i1 t kt?.ffi "$ ffi{f . 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