CONFIDENTIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Japan Regional Implementation Guide DRAFT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ICH M8 Expert Working Group JP Test team 27 28 29 30 31 32 For Step2 For Testing Page 1 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 目次 Table of Contents 33 34 1. 目的: Purpose ............................................................................................................. 6 35 2. 用語の定義: Terms and Definitions ............................................................................. 6 36 3. 適用範囲: Scope.......................................................................................................... 6 37 4. 変更管理 Change Control ........................................................................................... 6 38 5. 全般的事項: General ................................................................................................... 6 39 5.1 eCTD 申請時に含めるべき構成物: Components of the eCTD submission.................. 6 40 41 5.2 日本で申請する eCTD に含めてはならない構成物: Components NOT to be attached for Japan eCTD Submission ....................................................................................... 8 42 5.3 提出に関する事項: Points to Consider for submitting eCTD ....................................... 8 43 5.3.1 提出方法: Submission Procedure......................................................................... 8 44 5.3.2 受領確認: Acknowledgement ............................................................................... 8 45 5.3.3 提出媒体: Media ................................................................................................... 8 46 5.3.4 輸送: Transportation............................................................................................. 9 47 5.4 動作要件: Operating Requirements ............................................................................. 9 48 5.5 eCTD とする場合の要件 49 50 6. Requirements for eCTD Submission .............................. 10 eCTD に含まれるフォルダ構造及びファイルパスに関する要件: Requirements for Folder Structure and File Path for Japan eCTD Submission..................................... 11 51 6.1 基本フォルダ構造: Basic Folder Structure ................................................................ 11 52 6.2 フォルダ命名規則: Folder Naming Convention ......................................................... 12 53 6.3 最大パス長: Maximum Path Length .......................................................................... 12 54 55 7. eCTD に含まれるファイル形式に関する要件: Requirements for File Formats for Japan eCTD Submission .......................................................................................... 12 56 57 8. eCTD に含まれる PDF ファイルに関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Package - PDF ...................................................................................... 13 58 8.1 PDF ファイル: PDF Files .......................................................................................... 13 59 8.1.1 フォントの仕様: Fonts ....................................................................................... 13 60 8.1.2 画像を含む PDF ファイル: PDF files containing images ................................... 14 61 8.1.3 スキャン文書の解像度: Resolution of Scanned (Image) Document................... 15 62 8.1.4 ファイルサイズ: File Size .................................................................................. 15 63 8.1.5 ハイパーテキスト・リンク及びブックマーク: Hypertext Linking and Bookmarks15 64 8.1.6 ページサイズ: Page Size ................................................................................... 16 65 8.1.7 制限事項: Limitations and Restrictions ............................................................... 17 66 67 8.1.8 過去に作成された資料の取扱い: Handling of Existing Documents which Created in the Past .......................................................................................................... 17 68 8.1.9 Excel ファイルの提出を求められた PDF 資料の取り扱い ................................. 18 69 70 71 9. eCTD に含まれるインスタンスに関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Package – eCTD XML Message Instance ............................................. 18 9.1 キャラクターエンコード: Character Encoding ......................................................... 18 For Step2 For Testing Page 2 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 72 9.2 値を持たない要素及び属性の取り扱い 73 9.3 日本固有の要素/属性の使用方法: eCTD Operation in Japan .................................. 18 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5 9.3.6 9.3.7 9.3.8 9.3.9 9.3.10 9.3.11 9.3.12 9.3.13 9.3.14 9.3.15 9.3.16 9.3.17 9.3.18 9.3.19 9.3.20 Element / Attribute without meaningful value18 applicant ............................................................................................................ 19 application .......................................................................................................... 20 applicationReference ......................................................................................... 22 categoryEvent .................................................................................................... 25 contextOfUse ..................................................................................................... 26 document ........................................................................................................... 27 documentReference........................................................................................... 30 ingredient ........................................................................................................... 30 keyword ............................................................................................................. 31 keywordDefinition............................................................................................... 32 manufacturedProduct......................................................................................... 32 previousKeywordDefinition ................................................................................ 34 priorityNumber.contextOfUse ............................................................................. 34 priorityNumber.document ................................................................................... 34 productCategory ................................................................................................ 34 relatedContextOfUse ......................................................................................... 35 review ................................................................................................................ 35 sequenceNumber.submission ............................................................................ 39 submission ......................................................................................................... 39 submissionUnit .................................................................................................. 41 94 95 10. 日本の eCTD 申請において使用されるスキーマに関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Package - XML Schema ................................................... 42 96 11. セキュリティ: Security.............................................................................................. 42 97 12. ライフサイクル管理: Life cycle Management ........................................................... 43 98 12.1 概要: Lifecycle Overview ........................................................................................... 43 99 100 12.2 eCTD 初回提出時に関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Sequence 000001 ..................................................................................................... 44 101 12.2.1 初回提出時のフォルダ構造: Folder Structure .................................................... 44 102 12.2.2 初回提出時のファイル: Document Files ............................................................ 44 103 12.2.3 初回提出時のインスタンス:eCTD XML Message Instance ............................... 45 104 12.2.4 特に複雑なケースの記載例: Instructions for Complex Cases ............................ 48 105 106 12.3 eCTD 改訂時に関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission – Sequence 000002 and Higher.................................................................................................... 48 107 12.3.1 改訂時のフォルダ構造: Folder Structure ........................................................... 48 108 12.3.2 改訂時のファイル: Document Files ................................................................... 49 109 12.3.3 改訂時の XML メッセージインスタンス: XML Message Instance ..................... 50 110 111 112 applicant ................................................................................................... 50 application ................................................................................................ 50 applicationReference ................................................................................ 50 For Step2 For Testing Page 3 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 categoryEvent ........................................................................................... 50 contextOfUse ............................................................................................ 51 document .................................................................................................. 51 documentReference ................................................................................. 51 ingredient .................................................................................................. 51 keyword .................................................................................................... 51 keywordDefinition ................................................................................... 52 manufacturedProduct ............................................................................. 52 previousKeywordDefinition ..................................................................... 52 priorityNumber.contextOfUse ................................................................. 52 priorityNumber.document ....................................................................... 52 productCategory ..................................................................................... 52 relatedContextOfUse .............................................................................. 52 review ..................................................................................................... 52 sequenceNumber.submission ................................................................ 53 submission.............................................................................................. 53 submissionUnit ....................................................................................... 53 130 13. コントロールド・ボキャブラリ: Controlled Vocabularies ........................................ 54 131 14. 問い合わせ先: Contacts ............................................................................................ 54 132 15. 参考文献 .................................................................................................................... 54 133 16. 別添: Appendices ...................................................................................................... 55 134 16.1 M1 の作成要領: Specification for Module 1 ............................................................... 55 135 16.1.1 目的: Purpose .................................................................................................. 55 136 137 16.1.2 フォルダ構成並びにフォルダ命名規則: Folder structure and naming convention ......................................................................................................... 55 138 16.1.3 第 1 部のファイル命名について: File name ....................................................... 55 139 140 16.1.4 V3.2.2 との比較 : Mapping between eCTD v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml and regional portions of eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance .................................... 57 141 16.2 XML サンプルインスタンス: Sample XML Massage Instance.................................. 64 142 初回提出時 ............................................................................................... 64 143 16.3 カバーレター様式: Form - Cover Letter .................................................................. 121 144 145 16.4 日本向け eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance の基本構造: Basic Structure of JP eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance ................................................................................... 121 146 16.5 コントロールド・ボキャブラリ: Controlled Vocabularies ...................................... 126 147 148 16.6 Validation Criteria .................................................................................................... 126 For Step2 For Testing Page 4 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 149 Notice To Readers 150 Sections of this document referencing the HL7 Version 3 Standard: Regulatory Product Submission 151 Release 2 Draft Standard for Trial Use 2 are used with the publisher’s permission. 152 are copyrighted by Health Level Seven International ® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED For Step2 For Testing Page 5 of 126 These sections Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 153 1. 目的: Purpose 154 本実装ガイドは ICH eCTD v4.0 ICH Implementation Guide を補完する文書である。本ガ 155 イドは、日本での ICH eCTD v4.0 の実装における eCTD XML メッセージの作成に係る要 156 件として、日本特有の情報(例:管理情報)の提供方法や、運用ルールを説明する。 157 This Implementation guide is a supplemental document of the ICH eCTD v4.0 158 Implementation Guide. This guide provides instructions for creating an eCTD XML message 159 for eCTD v4.0 implementation in Japan. 160 provide Japan specific information (e.g., administrative information) in the message and describe 161 business rules that should be applied to the message. The instructions include, but not limited to, how to 162 163 2. 用語の定義: Terms and Definitions 164 本ガイドで用いられている用語の定義を以下の表に示す。 165 Note:現時点では表に記載は無いが最終版までに入力される。 166 The following table defines some common terms in this document. 167 Note: Though terms and definitions are not described in the current version, these will be 168 filled by the official release. 169 Term (Japanese) Term Definition (Japanese) Definition 170 171 3. 適用範囲: Scope 172 本実装ガイドは、新医療用医薬品の製造販売承認申請書または承認事項一部変更承認 173 申請書に添付すべき資料を電子的に提出する場合に適用される。なお、本版は、ICH Step 174 2 for Testing 用(○年○月~○月実施予定)とし、テストの結果によって改訂される。 175 The scope of this guide is specifically for the cases where the dossier attached to the 176 application for marketing approval or for partial change of approved information for ethical 177 drugs in Japan. 178 2012 to XX, 2012. 179 guide will be updated. This version of this guide is for the ICH Step 2 for Testing slated from Jun, As testing is conducted and the standard evolves, the information in this 180 181 4. 182 変更管理 Change Control To be added. 183 184 5. 185 5.1 186 全般的事項: General eCTD 申請時に含めるべき構成物: Components of the eCTD submission eCTD 申請時に含めるべき構成物を以下に示す。 For Step2 For Testing Page 6 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 187 ・ フォルダ 188 ・ eCTD v4.0 XML メッセージインスタンス 189 ・ ファイル* 190 The eCTD submission is composed of the following: 191 ・ Folder 192 ・ eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance 193 ・ Files* 194 195 196 *ファイルには以下の種類がある。 197 1) インスタンスから参照される ICH CTD 文書ファイル 198 2) インスタンスから参照される日本特有の文書ファイル 199 第一部文書 200 「5.3.7 患者データ一覧表及び症例記録」 201 3) インスタンスから参照されないファイル 202 カバーレター 203 ハッシュ値ファイル 204 205 *: The files in eCTD submission are the following: 206 1) ICH CTD Document Files referred from the eCTD XML Message Instance 207 2) Japan Specific Document Files referred from the eCTD XML Message Instance 208 Japan administration document files (Module 1 documents) 209 Patient listings (Section 5.3.7) 210 3) Document Files NOT Referred from the Message Instance 211 Cover Letter 212 sha256.txt 213 214 For Step2 For Testing Page 7 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 215 日本で申請する eCTD に含めてはならない構成物: Components NOT to be attached 5.2 for Japan eCTD Submission 216 日本で申請をする場合、以下の構成物は含めてはならない。 217 218 1) 日本以外の地域の実装ガイドで規定されている固有情報ファイル 219 2) 日本以外の地域の実装ガイドで規定されている要素及び属性、ならびにそれらの 値 220 221 Following components are not accepted on Japan eCTD Submission: 222 1) Files defined by other Regional Implementation Guide 223 2) XML elements, attributes, and values given for those elements or attributes 224 提出に関する事項: Points to Consider for submitting eCTD 225 5.3 226 5.3.1 提出方法: Submission Procedure 227 申請者は承認申請手続きを行った後、eCTD 資料を医薬品医療機器総合機構に提出す 228 ること。なお eCTD 受付番号は企業側の申請予定日 2 週間前より、番号取得のための申 229 請を行い、eCTD 受付番号発番の手続きを行うこと。この手続きに関しては別途連絡す 230 る。 231 The applicant submits eCTD submission to PMDA after specified procedures for marketing 232 approval application. The applicant applies to PMDA for a eCTD Receipt Number 2 weeks 233 prior to the Submission Date. Detailed procedures will be informed. 234 235 5.3.2 受領確認: Acknowledgement 医薬品医療機器総合機構は提出資料を確認し、受理可能であると判断された場合は、 236 237 eCTD 用カバーレターの出力用紙に受領印を押印する。 申請者は、この受領印をもって 238 受領確認がなされたものとする。 239 240 PMDA confirms the eCTD submission and seals receipt stamp when it is acceptable. The receipt stamp acknowledges the receipt of the eCTD submission. 241 242 243 244 245 5.3.3 提出媒体: Media CD-R または DVD-R を提出媒体とする。その他の媒体によって提出せざるを得ない場 合には、提出先に事前に相談すること。 提出する電子媒体には、識別するための以下の内容を記載したラベルを貼付するか、 246 又は直接記載する。なお、複数の申請を一つの eCTD で対応する場合は、代表する申請 247 情報で良い。 248 1. eCTD 受付番号 249 2. 申請区分 250 3. 申請日 For Step2 For Testing Page 8 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 251 4. 資料提出日 252 5. 販売名 253 6. 申請者名 254 7. 提出電子媒体が複数となった場合、媒体の順序が識別できる番号(当該 枚数目/総枚数) 255 256 8. 提出連続番号 257 9. 備考 258 CD-R or DVD-R is used as the submission media. Consult PMDA in advance if it is 259 technically not possible to use those media. 260 The following information should be provided on the label of the submitting media or directly 261 on the media. When the eCTD covers multiple applications, only the representative 262 application’s information should be provided. 263 1. eCTD Receipt Number 264 2. Category of Application 265 3. Submission Date 266 4. Date of submitting this media 267 5. Brand Name 268 6. Applicant Name 269 7. Sequential number to identify the order of the medium when there are multiple 270 media (order of this medium / total number of media) 271 8. Sequence Number 272 9. Remarks 273 274 輸送: Transportation 5.3.4 審査当局が安全な電子的ゲートウェイを開発するまで、申請資料は医薬品医療機器総 275 合機構に直接持ち込まれるか、あるいは郵送すること。 276 277 Until the regulatory authorities can develop secure electronic gateways, submissions should 278 continue to be manually brought to PMDA or physically transported by courier or registered 279 mail. 280 281 282 5.4 動作要件: Operating Requirements 283 申請者は eCTD として申請する場合、審査当局が公表する審査の標準環境を考慮し、 284 eCTD 通知で要求する機能(表示、リンク等)が動作することを保証しなければならな 285 い。動作を確認した環境は eCTD 用カバーレター(様式 1)内に記載し、審査当局側に 286 連絡すること。 For Step2 For Testing Page 9 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 287 審査当局において、公表する審査の標準環境で上記動作が確認できない場合、あるい 288 は不当な表示が認められた場合は申請者に差換えを求めることとし、その間のタイムク 289 ロックを申請者側とする。申請者は eCTD 資料に表示上の問題が生じ、電子的に提出が 290 できない場合は、事前に審査当局に相談し、紙への切り替え、取扱い、対応手順等を定 291 め適宜対応すること。 なお、提出前に動作を確認する方法については、審査当局のホ 292 ームページに掲載された情報を確認の上で適宜実施すること。 なお、閲覧時に必要となるプラグインソフトの使用は原則として認めないことする。 293 294 ただし、作成用に使用するプラグインソフトはこの限りではない。 295 Applicants should take into account the reviewers’ standard computer environment in which 296 the applicants guarantee that the functions required by eCTD Notices (e.g., viewing, hypertext 297 links, etc.) operate appropriately. 298 should be reported to PMDA by the eCTD Cover Letter (Form 1). 299 The environment where the applicant confirms the operation When PMDA is not able to proper operation of these functions in the standard computer 300 environment or finds inappropriate view, the applicant is asked for correction by using their own 301 time clock. When the applicant finds that it is not possible to submit their submission in eCTD 302 format due to any error in viewing the dossier, the applicant should consult PMDA in advance as 303 to switching to paper submission, how to handle the submission, detailed procedures and such, 304 and should act accordingly. 305 website, and the applicant should conduct the operation check by themselves by referencing it. 306 Plug-in software used for viewing eCTD documents will not be accepted as a general rule. 307 The reviewers’ standard computer environment is on PMDA Plug-in software used for creating does not need to be within the scope of this restriction. 308 309 310 5.5 eCTD とする場合の要件 Requirements for eCTD Submission 311 eCTD で申請する場合はすべての提出書類を電子的に提出しなければならない。ただ 312 し、電子署名による受付が可能とされるまでの間、署名又は記名・捺印等のページは当 313 該ページをスキャニングし、電子媒体に保存して eCTD に添付すること。その際、当該 314 頁を間違いなくスキャニングしたことを示す陳述書を書面ならびに電子的に提出する 315 こと。陳述書の電子ファイルは 第 1 部 3 項に含めること。 316 In eCTD Submission, all the documents need to be provided in electronic format. Until the 317 digital signature becomes acceptable, the pages with signature, seal, or such should be scanned 318 and stored in eCTD as electronic files. 319 pages were scanned appropriately should be submitted in paper and in electronic format. 320 letter should be stored in Module 1.3. In such case, written letters with statement that the The 321 For Step2 For Testing Page 10 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 322 6. 323 324 325 6.1 eCTD に含まれるフォルダ構造及びファイルパスに関する要件: Requirements for Folder Structure and File Path for Japan eCTD Submission 基本フォルダ構造: Basic Folder Structure 326 基本フォルダ構造は、ICH IG 記載のフォルダ構造に基づき作成すること。ただし、第 327 一階層フォルダ名は eCTD 受付番号とし、第二階層フォルダ名はシーケンス番号とする 328 こと。また、m1 フォルダ配下に jp フォルダを作成し、Module 1 に係るファイルとカバ 329 ーレターは、jp フォルダ直下に格納すること。原則として第 4 部、第 5 部を構成する個々 330 の報告書フォルダを作成する場合は一報告書ごとにフォルダを作成すること。また、症 331 例一覧表、非臨床報告書並びに臨床総括報告書は以下の通りフォルダを作成し、対応す 332 ること。 333 1) 用量設定の根拠となった主要な試験及び主要な有効性の検証試験の症例一 覧表 334 335 2) 実施された全ての臨床試験において副作用が観察された症例の一覧表 336 3) 実施された全ての臨床試験において重篤な有害事象が観察された症例の一 覧表 337 338 4) の一覧表 339 340 5) 実施された全ての臨床試験において観察された臨床検査値の変動を適切に 示した図 341 342 実施された全ての臨床試験において臨床検査値異常変動が観察された症例 The basic folder structure should be prepared by following the ICH IG. The first level folder 343 name should be the eCTD Receipt Number, and the second level folder name should be the 344 sequence number. 345 located in the m1/jp folder. See 16.1.2 for details of m1/jp folder. 346 should be created when creating folders for the reports in Module 4 and/or 5. 347 following folders should be created for the case report tabulation, non-clinical study reports, and 348 clinical study reports. All files related to JP Module 1 along with the Cover Letter should be A folder per study report In addition, the 349 1) Patient data listing in the pivotal studies for dose selection and efficacy confirmation. 350 2) Patient data listings of the subjects with adverse reactions in all the clinical studies. 351 3) Patient data listings of the subjects with serious adverse events in all the clinical 352 353 studies. 4) 354 355 Patient data listings of the subjects with abnormal laboratory values in all the clinical studies included. 5) The charts showing the changes of laboratory values in all the clinical studies. 356 357 For Step2 For Testing Page 11 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 358 6.2 フォルダ命名規則: Folder Naming Convention 359 原則、ICH IG 記載のフォルダ命名規則に基づき作成すること。第 4 部、第 5 部に含ま 360 れる報告書ごとのフォルダは、試験番号等内容が判別できる名称とすること。また、第 361 5 部「5.3.7 患者データ一覧表及び症例記録」の文書を格納するフォルダは以下の通り作 362 成する。これらフォルダは「537-crf-ipl」フォルダ以下に作成する。 363 1) 5-3-7-patients-lists 364 2) 5-3-7-ae-lists 365 3) 5-3-7 sea-lists 366 4) 5-3-7-lab-lists 367 5) 5-3-7-lab-figs 368 369 Folders should be named in accordance with the naming convention defined in ICH IG. The 370 folder for each study report in Module 4 or 5 should be named in the way by which the study is 371 identifiable (e.g., study ID). 372 5.3.7 Case Report Forms and Individual Patient Listings" in Module 5 should be as follows. 373 These folders should be located under the “537-crf-ipl” folder. The name of the folders containing the documents for "Module 374 1) 5-3-7-patients-lists 375 2) 5-3-7-ae-lists 376 3) 5-3-7 sea-lists 377 4) 5-3-7-lab-lists 378 5) 5-3-7-lab-figs 379 380 6.3 最大パス長: Maximum Path Length 381 最大パスの長さは ICH IG の規格通りとする。 382 The maximum path length defined in the ICH eCTD v4.0 IG applies to the implementation in 383 Japan. 384 385 386 7. eCTD に含まれるファイル形式に関する要件: Requirements for File Formats for Japan eCTD Submission 387 ICH IG では eCTD に含めることが出来るファイル形式に係わる要件は定められていな 388 い。日本の審査当局に提出する eCTD では、提出できるファイル形式を以下に示す通り 389 とする。eCTD XML メッセージインスタンスから参照するファイルを、PDF 形式あるい 390 は Microsoft Excel 形式以外のファイル形式で提出する必要が生じた場合は、事前に審査 391 当局に相談すること。 392 ・ 記述的:PDF(Portable Document File) 393 ・ 一覧*:Microsoft Excel For Step2 For Testing Page 12 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 394 ・ 構造化:XML(Extensible Markup Language) 395 ・ グラフィック:可能な場合は常に PDF を用いる。次のフォーマットは、利用が適切 396 な場合、あるいは PDF が使用できない場合に利用する: JPEG(Joint Photographic 397 Experts Group)、PNG(Portable Network Graphics)、SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)、 398 および GIF(Graphics Interchange Format)。場合によっては、超高解像度に対応した 399 特殊なフォーマット(DICOM 等)が適切なこともあり得る。 400 *:Module 1 に含まれる添付資料一覧、及び Module 5 に含まれる症例一覧表に限り、 401 Microsoft Excel 形式(.xls 又は.xlsx)も求める場合がある。 402 403 In the ICH IG, requirements for file formats that can be included in an eCTD are not specified. 404 Requirements for file formats in Japan are the following. Consult PMDA if the format of the 405 file referenced from the eCTD XML message instance needs to be in the format other than PDF 406 or Microsoft Excel. 407 ・ Narrative: Portable Document Format (PDF) 408 ・ Tabulation*: Microsoft Excel 409 ・ Structured: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 410 ・ Graphic: Whenever possible, use PDF. When appropriate or when PDF is not possible, use 411 Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Scalable 412 Vector Graphics (SVG), and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). Special formats for very 413 high resolutions (DICOM etc.) could be appropriate on a case-by-case basis. 414 415 *Microsoft Excel (i.e., .xls or .xlsx) may be required for the “List of attached documentation” 416 in Module 1 or the case report tabulations under Module 5.3.7 in addition to the PDF files. 417 418 eCTD に含まれる PDF ファイルに関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Package - PDF 8. 419 420 PDF ファイル: PDF Files 8.1 ICH IG では PDF ファイルに係わる要件は定められていない。日本の審査当局に提出 421 422 する eCTD では、以下に示す仕様に基づき作成すること。 423 In the ICH IG, requirements for PDF files are not specified. 424 PDF files for eCTD submission to PMDA should be created to meet the specifications in this section. 425 426 427 8.1.1 フォントの仕様: Fonts 1) 推奨フォント: Recommended Fonts For Step2 For Testing Page 13 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 428 日本語のフォントは Unicode 対応の MS ゴシック、MS 明朝又は中ゴシック、細明朝 429 とする。英語のフォントは Times New Roman、Arial、Courier および Acrobat 製品セット 430 自体でサポートされるフォントとする。 431 The unicode-supported MS Gothic, MS Mincho, Chu-Gothic and Sai-Mincho are 432 recommended for Japanese fonts. Times New Roman, Arial, Courier and the fonts supported 433 by Acrobat product set itself are recommended for English fonts. 434 435 2) フォントサイズ: Font Size 日本語文書に使用する本文のフォントサイズは原則として 10.5 pt とする。図表等で使 436 437 用するフォントのサイズは 8 pt 以上(判読可能なサイズ)であれば使用出来る。 438 439 For Japanese font in documents, 10.5-point font should be used whenever possible. Japanese font size 8pt and larger may be used in figures and tables when they are legible. 440 441 3) フォントカラー: Use of Color Fonts 442 黒のフォント色の使用が望ましい。黒色以外のフォント色を使用する場合は、グレイスケ 443 ール(白黒階調)プリンタで適切に印刷されない明るい色を避ける。背景に影をつけるのは 444 避ける。Text PDF に関しては、ハイパーテキスト・リンクには青色のフォントを使用するの 445 が望ましい。 446 The use of a black font color is recommended. Light colors that do not print well on 447 grayscale printers should be avoided. The use of background shadowing should be avoided. 448 In text PDF, blue font color is recommended for the text for hypertext links. 449 450 8.1.2 画像を含む PDF ファイル: PDF files containing images 451 画像を含む PDF ファイルを作成するときは、画像をダウンサンプルしないこと。ダウ 452 ンサンプリングでは元の画像の全ピクセルが保持されない。PDF 画像については、以下 453 の可逆圧縮 (lossless compression)の技術を用いる。 454 ・ カラーおよびグレイスケール画像の可逆圧縮には、Zip/Flate(1 つの技術に 2 つの 455 名称がある)を用いる。同技術については Internet RFC 1950 および RFC 1951 に記 456 。 載されている ( 457 ・ 白黒画像の可逆圧縮には、CCITT Group4 Fax 圧縮技術を使用する。同技術につい 458 ては CCITT 勧告 T.6(1988)-「グループ 4 ファクシミリ装置に対するファクシミ 459 リ・コーディング・スキームおよびコーディング制御機能」として仕様が定めら 460 れている。 461 When creating PDF files containing images, the images should not be downsampled. 462 Downsampling does not preserve all of the pixels in the original. 463 following lossless compression techniques should be used: For Step2 For Testing Page 14 of 126 For PDF images, one of the Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL • For lossless compression of color and grayscale images, use Zip/Flate (one technique with 464 465 two names). This is specified 466 ( in Internet RFC 1950 and RFC 1951 467 • For lossless compression of black and white images, use the CCITT Group 4 Fax 468 compression technique. It is specified as CCITT recommendations T.6 (1988) - Facsimile 469 coding schemes and coding control functions for Group 4 facsimile apparatus. 470 471 8.1.3 スキャン文書の解像度: Resolution of Scanned (Image) Document 472 スキャン文書は、文書の記述が判読できる解像度でスキャンする。 473 Documents that are available only in paper should be scanned at resolutions that will ensure 474 the pages are legible both on the computer screen and when printed. 475 476 8.1.4 ファイルサイズ: File Size 477 PDF ファイルは 100 メガバイト以下にすべきであ Web 表示用に最適化すること。1 文 478 書が 100 メガバイトを超える場合は、ファイルを分割し、同じ code 値を持つ Context of 479 Use からそれぞれ参照すること。このとき、ファイル間の前後関係を priorityNumber で 480 指定すること。Compound Document を構成するファイルが 100 メガバイトを超える場合 481 は、priorityNumber によってその前後関係を示すこと。いずれの場合も、title によって同 482 一目的のファイルであることが明確であることが望ましい。なお、100 メガバイトを超 483 えることのみを理由に Compound Document を作成することは適切ではない。 484 485 PDF files should be no larger than 100 megabytes, and beoptimized for fast web view. 486 When an electronic file exceeds 100MB, the file can be split into multiple files, and every file 487 should be referenced from a contextOfUse of the same code. 488 should be specified by the priotityNumber. 489 exceeds 100MB, the order of the files should be specified by the priorityNumber. 490 it is recommended that the document title describes that the files are for the same purpose. 491 Craeting a compound document only for the purpose of splitting a file exceeding 100MB is not 492 appropriate. In such case, the order of the files When a component of a compound document In either case, 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 8.1.5 ハイパーテキスト・リンク及びブックマーク: Hypertext Linking and Bookmarks • ハイパーテキスト・リンクは、細線の長方形で囲むか、青色のテキスト(推奨) により指定できる。 • 文書本体から、同一ページ上にない注釈や関連セクション、参考文献、付録、表 または図へのハイパーリンクは有用であり、ナビゲーションの効率を向上させる。 • 別ファイルを参照するハイパーテキスト・リンクまたはブックマークを作成する For Step2 For Testing Page 15 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 500 場合は、相対パスを利用すること。ただし、相対パスは必ずトップレベル・フォ 501 ルダ名称を含むこと。 • ブックマークとハイパーリンクを作成する場合は、拡大設定の Inherit Zoom を使用 502 する。 503 • 目次付きの文書については、全ての表、図、出版物、その他の参考文献および付 504 録を含めて、目次に示された各項目に対するブックマークを提供すること。 505 • 申請文書またはモジュールの主要な目次にハイパーテキスト・リンクを作成する 506 ことは有用である。 507 • ブックマークの階層は目次と同様とし、目次の階層以上のブックマークのレベル 508 は設けない。 509 510 • ブックマークは、4 階層を超えない範囲での利用を推奨する 511 • Hypertext links can be designated by rectangles using thin lines or by blue text as 512 appropriate. 513 • Creating hypertext links throughout the document to support annotations, related sections, 514 reference literatures, appendices, tables, or figures that are not located on the same page is 515 useful and raises the efficiency of navigation. • Relative paths should be used when creating hypertext links or bookmarks directing to 516 517 another file. The path, however, should always include the top-level folder name i.e., the 518 path should trace up to the folder one level above the top-level folder and trace down from 519 there to the destination file. • When creating bookmarks and hyperlinks, the magnification setting Inherit Zoom should 520 521 be used. 522 • For documents with a table of contents, bookmarks for each item listed in the table of 523 contents should be provided including all tables, figures, publications, other references, 524 and appendices. 525 • It is useful to create hypertext links to major table of contents of the dossier or modules. 526 • The bookmark hierarchy should be identical in the hierarchical level and order to the table 527 of contents with no additional bookmark levels beyond those present in the table of 528 contents. • The use of no more than 4 levels in the hierarchy is recommended. 529 530 531 532 8.1.6 ページサイズ: Page Size ページの印刷領域は A4 サイズ(210 x 297 mm)またはレターサイズ(8.5” x 11”)に 533 適合するように設定すること。審査員が、一時的な使用のためページを印刷して綴じる 534 際に、情報が隠れないように各ページの左側に十分なマージン(2.5cm 以上)を設ける。 535 横長の向きのページの場合は(例えば表や出版物の場合)、より多くの情報を当該ペー For Step2 For Testing Page 16 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 536 ジに表示するため、マージンはこれより少なくともよい(上側 2.0cm 以上、左右は 0.8cm 537 以上)。ヘッダとフッタ情報は、マージン内に印刷されるのは差し支えないが、端に寄 538 り過ぎて印刷からもれることのないように注意する。 539 The print area for pages should fit on a sheet of A4 (210 x 297 mm) and Letter (8.5” x 11”) 540 paper. A sufficient margin (at least 2.5 cm) on the left side of each page should be provided to 541 avoid obscuring information if the reviewer subsequently prints and binds the pages for 542 temporary use. For pages in landscape orientation (typically tables and publications), smaller 543 margins (at least 2.0 cm at the top and 0.8 cm left and right) allow more information to be 544 displayed legibly on the page (see Fonts). Header and footer information can appear within these 545 margins but should not appear so close to the page edge to risk being lost upon printing. 546 547 8.1.7 制限事項: Limitations and Restrictions 548 • セキュリティ設定またはパスワードによる保護は含めない。 549 • セキュリティ・フィールドは、印刷、文書に対する変更、テキストとグラフィッ 550 クスの選択、および注釈とフォーム・フィールドの追加や変更ができるように設 551 定する。 • ISO 32000-1:2008 に定義されている Annotation Type のうち、Link 以外は可能な限 552 り使用を避ける。 553 • ISO 32000-1:2008 に定義されている以下の機能は原則として使用しない。 554 555 GoTo 及び GoToR 以外の Action 556 Interactive Forms 557 Multimedia Features 558 • No security settings or password protection should be included. 559 • Security fields should be set to allow printing, changes to the document, selecting text and 560 graphics, and adding or changing notes and form fields. • Use of any annotation type defined in ISO 32000-1:2008 should be avoided whenever 561 562 possible, except for Link annotation type. • Use of any of the followings defined in ISO 32000-1:2008 should be avoided 563 564 Action, except for GoTo and GoToR 565 Interactive Forms 566 Multimedia Features 567 568 569 8.1.8 過去に作成された資料の取扱い: Handling of Existing Documents which Created in the Past 570 第 3 部、第 4 部、第 5 部に添付する報告書等のうち、平成 18 年 3 月以前に紙媒体と 571 してすでに作成された資料は、判読可能であれば、スキャニングにより作成した PDF を For Step2 For Testing Page 17 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 572 eCTD に含めて差し支えない。原則として、それ以降に作成される資料に関しては、電 573 子ファイルから PDF ファイル(テキスト PDF)を作成すること。 574 It is acceptable to include the reports in Module 3, 4, or 5 as scanned PDF files in the eCTD 575 submission package if they have already been created in paper format prior to March 2006 and if 576 the scanned PDF files are legible. 577 converted from electronic file. Any document created since then should be the PDF file 578 579 8.1.9 Excel ファイルの提出を求められた PDF 資料の取り扱い 580 PDF ファイルに加え、Microsoft Excel 形式のファイルの提出を求められた場合、PDF 581 ファイルは、Excel ファイルと見た目などを完全に一致させる必要はない。ただし、両 582 形式のファイル間で内容の矛盾が生じないこと。 583 When files in Microsoft Excel format are requested to be submitted in addition to the PDF 584 files, the PDF files do not absolutely need to be visually identical to the Excel files. However, 585 there should be no inconsistency in the contents between the two formats. 586 587 9. 588 589 9.1 eCTD に含まれるインスタンスに関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Package – eCTD XML Message Instance キャラクターエンコード: Character Encoding 590 UTF-8 を用いる。 591 UTF-8 is used. 592 593 9.2 値を持たない要素及び属性の取り扱い Element / Attribute without meaningful value 594 日本向けの eCTD v4.0 Message Instance の Payload において、integrityCheck 要素を除く 595 596 その他の要素に値を持たせることは認められない。また、値を持たない integrityCheck 597 要素及びダミー値を持たせた integrityCheck 要素を提出することは認められない。属性値 598 については、値を持たない属性及びダミー値を持たせた属性を提出することは、認めら 599 れない。 600 In the payload of eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan, no element can have element value 601 except for integrityCheck element. The integrityCheck element cannot be provided when it has 602 dummy value or no value. No attribute can be provided if it has dummy value or no value. 603 604 9.3 日本固有の要素/属性の使用方法: eCTD Operation in Japan 605 eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance は、日本では使用しない要素/属性、使用方法が他極 606 と使用方法が異なる要素/属性、及び日本のみで使用する要素/属性を含む。日本向けの 607 eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance についての詳細は 16.4 を参照のこと。 For Step2 For Testing Page 18 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 608 以下の項は、ICH IG を補完する。特に記載がある場合を除き、ICH IG の内容に従う 609 こと。ICH IG の内容と異なる記載がある場合は、日本における eCTD 申請においては、 610 本実装ガイドの内容を優先すること。 611 The eCTD XML Message Instance include the elements/attributes not used in Japan, the 612 elements/attributes whose usage differ from other ICH regions, and the elements/attributes used 613 only in Japan. 614 subsections complement the ICH IG. 615 instructed here. 616 eCTD submission in Japan if there is difference between the two guides on the same item. See section 16.4 for details of JP eCTD XML Message Instance.The following Follow the instruction in the ICH IG unless otherwise The instruction in this guide should take precedence over the ICH IG for the 617 618 9.3.1 applicant Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] applicant Description Instructions The number of applicant element should be identical to the number of applicants identified on the Application Form identified by the review that the applicant is associated. When there are multiple applicants, its superordinate holder element repeats. [1..1] sponsorOrga nization name xsi:type [1..1] [1..1] DSET_EN e.g., xsi:type=”DSET_E N” item part value [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric + Japanese characters xsi:type=”DSET_EN” defines that the applicants are discrete and distinct. Applicant name e.g., extension=”JPMA 製薬株式会社” Conformance Business Rules applicant element must be provided in initial sequence. Only “DEST_EN” can be used for the name@xsi:type value For Step2 For Testing Page 19 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions The following elements and attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. applicant.realmCode applicant.typeId applicant.templateId applicant@classCode applicant@nullFlavor applicant.sponsorOrganization.realmCode applicant.sponsorOrganization.typeId applicant.sponsorOrganization.templateId applicant.sponsorOrganization.telecom applicant.sponsorOrganization.addr applicant.sponsorOrganization@nullFlavor applicant.sponsorOrganization@classCode applicant.sponsorOrganization@determinerCode on 619 620 9.3.2 application Element Attribute application id item For Step2 For Testing Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Page 20 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples root [1..1] Valid UUID [1..1] e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” Alpha Numeric extension Description Instructions A universally identifier of application. unique this eCTD Receipt Number e.g., extension=”24050 5001” code code codeSystem [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [1..1] eg., code=”JP-MAA” Valid OID A coded value that indicates the type of this application. The OID of JP Application Code. e.g., codeSystem=” 2.16.840.1.113883. 3.989.2 reference [0..*] component [0..*] referencedBy [0..*] This element is provided when providing applicationReference element as its subordinate element. One reference element can contain only one applicationReference element. See 9.3.3 for details. This element is provided when providing document element as its subordinate element. One component element can contain only one document element. See 9.3.6 for details. This element is provided when providing keywordDefinition element as its subordinate element. One referencedBy element can contain only one keywordDefinition element. See 9.3.10 for details. Conformance For Step2 For Testing Page 21 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions Only one id.item element can be provided in one sequence. id.item@extension attribute value must be provided. id.item@root and id.item@extension value should stay the same through the entire life cycle of this application. Any of the elements or attributes defined in the ICH IG as excluded elements and/or attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan. In addition, the following elements cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. application.holder application.informationRecipient application.subject 621 622 9.3.3 applicationReference Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] applicationRefe ference id root [1..1] [1..1] applicationRefernce element is provided when there is one or more eCTD submission related to this eCTD submission. When there are multiple related applications, the superordinate reference element repeats. UUID of related application e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” [1..1] [1..*] reasonCode item code [1..1] Alpha Numeric eg., code=” JP-Ichihen” For Step2 For Testing Description Instructions Page 22 of 126 The value of the related application. When there are multiple relationships, reasonCode.item element repeats. A coded value that indicates the type of the relationship between this application and the application referenced by root value. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions codeSystem [1..1] Valid OID The OID of JP Application Reference Reason code list. e.g., codeSystem=” 2.16.840.1.113883. 3.989.2 Conformance Business Rules reasonCode element must be provided when providing applicationReference. For Step2 For Testing Page 23 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions The following elements and attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. applicationReference.realmCode applicationReference.typeId applicationReference.templateId applicationReference@classCode applicationReference@moodCode applicationReference@nullFlavor applicationReference.reasonCode@validTimeLow applicationReference.reasonCode@validTimeHigh applicationReference.reasonCode@controlInformationRoot applicationReference.reasonCode@controlInformationExtension applicationReference.reasonCode@nullFlavor applicationReference.reasonCode@flavorId applicationReference.reasonCode@updateMode applicationReference.reasonCode.item.displayName applicationReference.reasonCode.item.originalText applicationReference.reasonCode.item.translation applicationReference.reasonCode.item.source applicationReference.reasonCode.item@codeSystemName applicationReference.reasonCode.item@codeSystemVersion applicationReference.reasonCode.item@valueSet applicationReference.reasonCode.item@valueSetVersion applicationReference.reasonCode.item@codingRationale applicationReference.reasonCode.item@id applicationReference.reasonCode.item@validTimeLow applicationReference.reasonCode.item@validTimeHigh applicationReference.reasonCode.item@controlInformationRoot applicationReference.reasonCode.item@controlInformationExtension applicationReference.reasonCode.item@nullFlavor applicationReference.reasonCode.item@flavorId applicationReference.reasonCode.item@updateMode 623 For Step2 For Testing Page 24 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 624 9.3.4 categoryEvent Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] categoryEvent code code codeSystem Description Instructions categoryEvent element is provided to specify which step in the review process the submission unit is for. Since one submission unit can be applied to only one review step, the superordinate subject element cannot repeat. [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [1..1] eg., code=” JP-First” Valid OID A coded value that indicates step in the review process the submission unit is for. The OID of JP Category Event code list. e.g., codeSystem=” 2.16.840.1.113883. 3.989.2 Conformance Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes categoryEvenr element must be provided in every sequence. The following elements and attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. categoryEvent.realmCode categoryEvent.typeId categoryEvent.templateId categoryEvent.subjct categoryEvent@classCode categoryEvent@moodCode categoryEvent@nullFlavor categoryEvent.code.displayName categoryEvent.code.originalText categoryEvent.code.translation categoryEvent.code.source categoryEvent.code@codeSystemName categoryEvent.code@codeSystemVersion categoryEvent.code@valueSet categoryEvent.code@valueSetVersion categoryEvent.code@codingRationale categoryEvent.code@id categoryEvent.code@validTimeLow categoryEvent.code@validTimeHigh categoryEvent.code@controlInformationRoot categoryEvent.code@controlInformationExtension categoryEvent.code@flavorId categoryEvent.code@nullFlavor categoryEvent.code@updateMode 625 For Step2 For Testing Page 25 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 626 627 9.3.5 contextOfUse Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] contextOfUse id root [1..1] [1..1] When there are multiple context of uses, the superordinate component element repeats. Valid UUID e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” code code codeSystem [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [1..1] eg., code=”JP-m1.01” Valid OID e.g., codeSystem=”2.16. 840.1.113883.3.989 .2” statusCode [1..1] active or inactive e.g., statusCode= ”inactive” setId root [1..1] [1..1] Valid UUID e.g., root=”2.16.840.1.1 13883.3.989.2” value [0..1] [1..1] Numeric e.g., versionNumber=”1 ” For Step2 For Testing A universally identifier of contextOfUse. unique this A coded value that indicates to which CTD section the referencing document locates. The OID of JP Context of Use Code (for Module 1 documents) or ICH Context of Use Code (for Module 2-5 documents). [1..1] code versionNumb er Description Instructions Page 26 of 126 The value is “active” when providing the Context of Use, and is “inactive” when removing the Context of Use. A unique identifier of the set to which this CoU belongs. An integer that identifies the version of the CoU in the defined set. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality sequelTo [0..*] derivedFrom [0..1] referencedBy [0..*] Conformance Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions This element is provided when providing relatedContextOfUse element as its subordinate element. One sequelTo element can contain only one relatedContextOfUse element. See 9.3.16 for details. When there are multiple relatedContextOfUse, this element repeats. This element is provided when providing documentReference element as its subordinate element. One derivedFrom element can contain only one documentReference element. See 9.3.7 for details. This element is provided when providing keyword element as its subordinate element. One referencedBy element can contain only one keyword element. See 9.3.9 for details. When there are multiple keywords, thie element repeats. versionNumber element is required, except for the case of removing the CoU. The id@root value should never be reused. Only one version of the same setId@root should be active in the same Application. The setId@root for the first version of a Context of Use should be used for all subsequent versions of that CoU within an Application if they are in the same context. If there is no relationship between the document referenced by the current CoU and the document referenced by previously submitted CoU, the setId@root should be different. Any of the elements or attributes defined in the ICH IG as excluded elements and/or attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan. 628 629 9.3.6 document Element Attribute For Step2 For Testing Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Page 27 of 126 Description Instructions Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] document id root [1..1] [1..1] Description Instructions When there are multiple documents, the superordinate component element repeats. Valid UUID A universally unique identifier of this document. e.g., root=” 365896527894-6589-3256-3 21852697531” code [0..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric codeSystem [1..1] eg., code=”ich-2” Valid OID code A coded value that indicates the type of this document. The OID of ICH Document Code. e.g., codeSystem=”2.1 6.840.1.113883.3.9 89.2 title value updateMod e [0..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [0..1] e.g., value=“General I nformation” R e.g., updateMode=”R” text integrityCh eckAlgorith m reference value [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] SHA256 This is the type of integrityCheckAlgorithm e.g., that was used for the integrityCheckAlg checksum values provided orithm=”SHA256” in integrityCheck element. Only “SHA256” can be used. Alpha Numeric e.g., value=“../../../top-l evel-folder/secondlevel-folder/m3/32body-data/32s-dru g-sub/32s1-gen-inf o.pdf” For Step2 For Testing A sender-specified, human-readable title of this document. The value will be displayed on the viewing tool. When the title is changed through life cycle, updateMode=”R” is provided. Page 28 of 126 The file path to the file referenced by the document. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute integrityC heck Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions [1..1] Alpha Numeric The SHA256 checksum value of the file referenced by the document. e.g., <integrityCheck>6 18102bf07065bcc1 250594201fe44851 5f0fa61</integrity Check> setId root [0..1] [1..1] Valid UUID e.g., root=” 365896527894-6589-3256-3 21852697531” versionNumb er value [0..1] [1..1] Numeric e.g., versionNumber=” 1” component [0..*] referencedBy [0..*] A unique identifier of the set to which this document belongs. An integer that identifies the version of the document in the defined set. This element is provided when providing document element as its subordinate element (i.e., compound document) One component element can contain only one document element. When there are multiple component dopcuments, this element repeats. The details of the subordinate document are the same as the document described in this section. This element is provided when providing keyword element as its subordinate element. One referencedBy element can contain only one keyword element. See 9.3.9 for details. When there are multiple keywords, this element repeats. Conformance For Step2 For Testing Page 29 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions title@updateMode can only have “R” as its value. text.reference@value has to include the name of the top level folder. Only one version of the same setId@root should be active in the same Application. The study reports in Module 4 and 5 should always be compound document; however, the STF-derived document code or keyword should not be used. The document code should be “ich-1” for Module 4 study reports, and “ich-2” for Module 5 study reports. Any document in Module 1, 2, or 3 should not be compound document. Any of the elements or attributes defined in the ICH IG as excluded elements and/or attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan. In addition, the following attribute cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan. document.text@language document.text@updateMode 630 631 9.3.7 documentReference Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions [1..1] documentRefere nce id root [1..1] [1..1] Valid UUID e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” Conformance Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes When reusing document, only the id of the document submitted in approved submission can be provided as value. Also note that the documents whose official retention period are expired can not be reused. Any of the elements or attributes defined in the ICH IG as excluded elements and/or attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan. 632 633 9.3.8 ingredient Element Attribute ingredient For Step2 For Testing Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..*] Page 30 of 126 Description Instructions ingredient element is provided to indicate the active ingredient(s) of this product. When multiple active ingredients exist, this element repeats. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions Alpha Numeric+Japanese Character The name of the active ingredient in JAN. [1..1] activeIngredi entSubstance name part value [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] eg., value=”イー アイ塩酸塩” Conformance Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes ingredient element must be provided in the initial sequence. The following elements and attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. ingredient.realmCode ingredient.typeId ingredient.templateId ingredient@classCode ingredient@nullFlavor ingredient.activeIngredientSubstance.realmCode ingredient.activeIngredientSubstance.typeId ingredient.activeIngredientSubstance.templateId ingredient.activeIngredientSubstance@classCode ingredient.activeIngredientSubstance@determinerCode sion 634 635 9.3.9 keyword 636 keyword の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 637 There is no difference in the use of keyword from the definition of ICH IG. 638 Refer to ICH IG for details. 639 For Step2 For Testing Page 31 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 640 9.3.10 keywordDefinition 641 keywordDefinition の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 642 There is no difference in the use of keywordDefinition from the definition of ICH IG. 643 Refer to ICH IG for details. 644 645 9.3.11 manufacturedProduct Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] manufacturedPr oduct Description Instructions manufacturedProduct element is provided to provide product information covered by the Application Form. There can be only one product information per review can be provided. [1..1] manufacture dProduct name xsi:type [1..1] [1..1] DSET_EN e.g., xsi:type=”DSET_ EN” item part value [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric+Japanese Character xsi:type=”DSET_EN” defines that the product name is discrete and distinct. The brand name of the product. eg., value=”セイ ヤクキョール錠 10mg” ingredient [0..*] This element is provided when providing the information of the active ingredient of this product by providing activeIngredientSubstance element as its subordinate element. One ingredient element can contain multiple manufacturedProduct elements as needed. See 9.3.8 for details. When there are multiple ingredients, this element repeats. Conformance For Step2 For Testing Page 32 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions manufacturedProduct element must be provided in the initial sequence. Only “DEST_EN” can be used for the name@xsi:type value The following elements and attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. manufacturedProduct.realmCode manufacturedProduct.typeId manufacturedProduct.templateId manufacgtureProduct@classCode manufacturedProduct@nullFlavor manufacturedProduct.manufacturedProduct.realmCode manufacturedProduct.manufacturedProduct.typeId manufacturedProduct.manufacturedProduct.templateId manufacturedProduct.manufacturedProduct.asNamedEntity manufacgtureProduct.manufacturedProduct@classCode manufacgtureProduct.manufacturedProduct@determinerCode nRoot nExtension w gh mationRoot mationExtension or em emVersion e 646 For Step2 For Testing Page 33 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 647 9.3.12 previousKeywordDefinition 648 previouKeywordDefinition の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 649 There is no difference in the use of previousKeywordDefinition from the definition of ICH IG. 650 Refer to ICH IG for details. 651 652 9.3.13 priorityNumber.contextOfUse 653 priorityNumber.contentOfUse の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 654 There is no difference in the use of priorityNumber.contextOfUse from the definition of ICH 655 IG. Refer to ICH IG for details. 656 657 9.3.14 priorityNumber.document 658 priorityNumber.document の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 659 There is no difference in the use of priorityNumber.document from the definition of ICH IG. 660 Refer to ICH IG for details. 661 662 9.3.15 productCategory Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] productCategor y code code codeSystem Description Instructions productCategory element is provided to specify the category of application. The number and value of productCategory must be identical to the category of application specified in the Application Form. When there are multiple categories of application, the superordinate subject2 repeats. [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [1..1] eg., code=” JP-01-01” Valid OID A coded value that indicates the category of application. The OID of JP Product Category Code. e.g., codeSystem=” 2.16.840.1.113883. 3.989.2 Conformance Business Rules productCategory element must be provided in the initial sequence. For Step2 For Testing Page 34 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions The following elements and attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance in Japan. productCategory.realmCode productCategory.typeId productCategory.templateId productCategory@classCode productCategory@moodCode productCategory@nullFlavor productCategory.code.displayName productCategory.code.originalText productCategory.code.translation productCategory.code.source productCategory.code@codeSystemName productCategory.code@codeSystemVersion productCategory.code@codingRationale productCategory.code@id productCategory.code@valueSet productCategory.code@valueSetVersion productCategory.code@validTimeLow productCategory.code@validTimeHigh productCategory.code@controlInformationRoot productCategory.code@controlInformationExtension productCategory.code@nullFlavor productCategory.code@flavorId productCategory.code@updateMode 663 664 9.3.16 relatedContextOfUse 665 relatedContextOfUse の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 666 There is no difference in the use of relatedContextOfUse from the definition of ICH IG. 667 Refer to ICH IG for details. 668 669 9.3.17 review Element Attribute Cardinality review [1..1] id [1..1] For Step2 For Testing Value(s) Allowed Examples Page 35 of 126 Description Instructions The number of review element should be identical to the number of Application Form covered by this eCTD submission. When there need to be multiple review elements, its superordinate subject2 element repeats. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions root [1..1] Valid UUID A universally unique identifier of this review. e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” statusCode code [0..1] [1..1] active or inactive eg., code=”active” updateMod e [0..1] R e.g., updateMode=”R” effectiveTime value [0..1] [1..1] subject1 [0..1] holder [0..*] For Step2 For Testing yyyymmdd e.g., codeSystem=” 20120503” Page 36 of 126 The value is “inactive” only when multiple application forms exist and withdrawing one or more (but not all) application forms. Otherwise the value is “active”. This attribute is provided with a value “R” only when the statusCode@code has a value of “inactive”. Submission Date This element is provided when providing manufacturedProduct element as its subordinate element. One subject1 element can contain only one manufacturedProduct element. See 9.3.11 for details. This element is provided when providing applicant element as its subordinate element. One holder element can contain only one applicant element. See 9.3.1 for details. When there are multiple applicants, this element repeats. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Value(s) Allowed Examples [0..*] subject2 Conformance Business Rules Cardinality Description Instructions This element is provided when providing productCategory element as its subordinate element. One subject2 element can contain only one productCategory element. See 9.3.15 for details. When there are multiple product categories, this element repeats. review.statusCode@updateMode can only have “R” as its value. id, statusCode, effectiveTime, subject1, holder, and subject2 elements must be provided in initial sequence. id@root must be provided when providing review element. id@root value should stay the same through the entire life cycle of this submission. For Step2 For Testing Page 37 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions The following elements and attributes and attributes cannot used in eCTD XML Message Instance in Japan: For Step2 For Testing review.realmCode review.typeId review.templateId review.subject1.dedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation review@classCode review@moodCode review@nullFlavor review.statusCode.part review.statusCode@validTimeLow review.statusCode@validTimeHigh review.statusCode@controlInformationRoot review.statusCode@controlInformationExtension review.statusCode@nullFlavor review.statusCode@flavorId review.effectiveTime.expression review.effectiveTime.originalText review.effectiveTime.uncertainty review.effectiveTime.uncertainRange review.effectiveTime@uncertaintyType review.effectiveTime@validTimeLow review.effectiveTime@validTimeHigh review.effectiveTime@controlInformationRoot review.effectiveTime@controlInformationExtension review.effectiveTime@nullFlavor review.effectiveTime@flavorId review.effectiveTime@updateMode review.subject1.realmCode review.subject1.typeId review.subject1.templateId review.subject1.dedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation review.subject1@nullFlavor review.subject1@typeCode review.holder.realmCode review.holder.typeId review.holder.templateId review.holder@nullFlavor review.holder@typeCode review.subject2.realmCode review.subject2.typeId review.subject2.templateId review.subject2@nullFlavor review.subject2@typeCode Page 38 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 670 671 9.3.18 sequenceNumber.submission 672 sequenceNumber.submission の使用方法は ICH IG と相違ない。ICH IG を参照すること。 673 There is no difference in the use of sequenceNumberSubmission from the definition of ICH 674 IG. Refer to ICH IG for details. 675 676 9.3.19 submission Element Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions [1..1] [1..1] submission id item root extension [1..1] Valid UUID [1..1] e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” Alpha Numeric A universally identifier of submission. unique this eCTD Receipt Number e.g., extension=”24050 5001” code code codeSystem [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [1..1] eg., code=”JP-Original ” Valid OID A coded value that indicates whether this submission is original or reference. The OID of JP Submission Code. e.g., codeSystem=” 2.16.840.1.113883. 3.989.2 [0..*] subject2 Conformance Business Rules This element is provided when providing review element as its subordinate element. One subject2 element can contain only one review element. See 9.3.17 for details. When there are multiple products for marketing approval, this element repeats. Only one id.item element can be provided in one sequence. id.item@extension attribute value must be provided. id.item@root and id.item@extension value should stay the same through the entire life cycle of this submission. For Step2 For Testing Page 39 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Attribute Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions The following elements and attributes and attributes cannot used in eCTD XML Message Instance in Japan: submission.realmCode submission.typeId submission.templateId submission.callBackContact submission.subject1 submission.subject3 submission.subject4 submission.subject5 submission.componentOf.reviewableUnit submission@classCode submission@moodCode submission@nullFlavor submission.code.displayName submission.code.originalText submission.code.translation submission.code.source submission.code@codeSystemName submission.code@codeSystemVersion submission.code@valueSet submission.code@valueSetVersion submission.code@codingRationale submission.code@validTimeLow submission.code@validTimeHigh submission.code@controlInformationRoot submission.code@controlInformationExtension submission.code@nullFlavor submission.code@flavorId submission.code@updateMode submission.code@id submission.subject2.realmCode submission.subject2.typeId submission.subject2.templateId submission.subject2@nullFlavor submission.subject2@typeCode 677 For Step2 For Testing Page 40 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 678 9.3.20 submissionUnit Element Attribute submissionUnit id root extension Cardinality Value(s) Allowed Examples [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Valid UUID [1..1] e.g., root=” 36589652-7894-65 89-3256-32185269 7531” Alpha Numeric e.g., extension=”24050 5001-0001” code code codeSystem [1..1] [1..1] Alpha Numeric [1..1] eg., code=”JP-Official ” Valid OID Description Instructions A universally identifier of submissionUnit. unique this The value is composed of the eCTD Receipt Number and Sequence Number connected by a hyphen. A coded value that indicates whether this submission unit is official or draft. The OID of JP Submission Unit Code. e.g., codeSystem=” 2.16.840.1.113883. 3.989.2 subject [0..1] component [0..*] For Step2 For Testing Page 41 of 126 This element is provided when providing categoryEvent element as its subordinate element. One subject element can contain only one categoryEvent element. See 9.3.4 for details. This element is provided when providing contextOfUse element as its subordinate element. One component element can contain only one contextOfUse element. See 9.3.5 for details. When there are multiple context of uses, this element repeats. Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Element Attribute Cardinality [1..1] componentO f Conformance Business Rules Excluded Elements and/or Attributes Value(s) Allowed Examples Description Instructions This element is provided when providing submission element as its subordinate element. One componentOf element can contain only one submission element. See 9.3.19 for details. id@extension attribute value must be provided and unique for every submissionUnit. A submission unit can contain only one submission in Japan. submissionUnit.statusCode is not used in Japan and is always considered to be active. Consult PMDA when you need to withdraw a submissionUnit. Any of the elements or attributes defined in the ICH IG as excluded elements and/or attributes cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan, except for id@extension. In addition, the following element cannot be used in eCTD v4.0 Message Instance for Japan. submissionUnit.title submissionUnit.statusCode submissionUnit.callBackContact submissionUnit.componentOf.reviewableUnit 679 680 日本の eCTD 申請において使用されるスキーマに関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission Package - XML Schema 10. 681 682 日本独自で規定するスキーマは無い。 683 There is no XML schema used only in Japan. 684 685 686 セキュリティ: Security 11. • ルも含めて、個々のファイルに対するチェックサムを含めること。 687 688 eCTD 申請には、eCTD XML メッセージインスタンスに対するチェックサムファイ • 各 フ ァ イ ル の チ ェ ッ ク サ ム は 、 eCTD XML メ ッ セ ー ジ イ ン ス タ ン ス 689 (submissionunit.xml)中に該当 document 要素配下の integrity 要素の要素値として 690 記述する。 691 • eCTD XML インスタンスについては、チェックサムをテキストファイルに記述し、 692 ファイル名を sha256.txt として submissionunit.xml と同じフォルダに格納する。ま 693 た、このチェックサム値を eCTD 用カバーレターに記載する。 694 • 媒体が審査当局に届くまでは申請者が媒体に対する全責任を負う。 695 • 申請者は eCTD の個別ファイルに対し、ファイルレベルのセキュリティ設定やパ スワード保護を含めてはならない。 696 697 • 申請者は、審査当局に提出するファイルを圧縮(zip、lzh など)してはならない。 For Step2 For Testing Page 42 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL • 698 699 The eCTD submission should contain checksums for each individual file including a checksum file for the eCTD XML message instance. • 700 SHA-256 checksum value of each file should be provided by 701 document.text.integrityCheck element of the simple document that references the file in 702 the eCTD XML message instance (submissionunit.xml). • 703 A checksum of the XML eCTD message instance should also be included as text in a text 704 file (sha256.txt), which should be located in the same directory as the XML eCTD 705 message instance. • 706 707 The applicant should assume all liability for the media until it is delivered to the regulatory authority. • 708 709 Applicants should not include any file level security settings or password protection for individual files in the eCTD. • 710 711 Applicants should not submit any compressed (zip, lzh, etc.) file to the regulatory authority. 712 713 12. 714 12.1 ライフサイクル管理: Life cycle Management 概要: Lifecycle Overview 715 日本における eCTD のライフサイクル管理とは、個々の申請において、申請資料の追 716 加、変更等の管理を行うこととし、一製品における新規申請、一部変更申請等を一括し 717 て管理するものではないものとする。 718 つまり、個々の申請においては、eCTD 受付番号配下の提出連続番号(000001、000002 719 …)に従ったフォルダ(m1、m2、m3、m4、m5)に申請資料が格納される。申請資料を 720 構成するファイルについて、追加、変更、削除が行われた際に、申請資料としてどのフ 721 ァイルが有効であるかをファイル単位でその属性情報により管理することがライフサ 722 イクル管理の目的である。 723 eCTD v4.0 のライフサイクル管理においては、原則、差分提出方式を採用し、申請者 724 は 000002 以降の eCTD 提出において、新規あるいは変更された情報のみを提出する。但 725 し、情報の性質あるいは規格の仕様上、変更が無い情報も提出しなければならない場合 726 があることに留意すること。詳細は 12.3 参照のこと。 727 eCTD life cycle management in Japan is to manage the changes (addition, replacement, 728 removal, etc.) of the dossier, and is not to collectively manage a product’s transition through new 729 marketing approval application, partial change approval, and such. 730 In individual eCTD submission, the dossier is stored in the folders (i.e., m1, m2, m3. m4, and 731 m5) under the sequence number folder (e.g., 000001, 000002). 732 cycle management in Japan is to identify which file in the dossier is relevant for the review of 733 the submission by the information given by the message instance. For Step2 For Testing Page 43 of 126 The scope of the eCTD life Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 734 The eCTD v4.0 in Japan takes the cumulative approach in principle, where only new or 735 modified information is submitted in sequence 000002 or higher. Note that, by the nature or 736 technical definition, there are cases where some unchanged information need to be provided. 737 See 12.3 for details. 738 739 12.2 Sequence 000001 740 741 eCTD 初回提出時に関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission - 12.2.1 初回提出時のフォルダ構造: Folder Structure 1) 提出するためのフォルダ構造 Structure to be submitted 742 743 本ガイドのセクション 6 を参照してフォルダ構造を作成する。但し、格納す 744 るファイルが無いフォルダは作成しない。 745 The folder structure for the initial submission should be prepared in reference to the 746 section 6 in this guide. 747 created. However, the folder which has no file should not be 748 2) フォルダ命名規則: Folder Naming Convention 749 750 フォルダ命名規則は ICH IG 記載の通りとする。 751 The folder name convention defined in ICH IG applies to eCTD v4.0 752 implementation in Japan. 753 754 755 12.2.2 初回提出時のファイル: Document Files 1) 含めるべきファイル Files to be included 756 本ガイドのセクション 5.1 及びセクション 7 から 9 を参照して eCTD 申請時 757 に含めるべき構成物を作成する。 758 The components of the initial eCTD submission should be prepared in reference to 759 the section 5.1 and section 7 to 9 in this guide. 760 761 2) ファイル名: File Naming Convention 762 ファイル命名規則は、ICH IG に従うこととし、Module 5.3.7 については、本 763 ガイドのセクション 6.2 を参照すること。 764 File name convention defined in ICH IG applies to eCTD v4.0 implementation in 765 Japan. For Module 5.3.7, refer to the section 6.2 of this guide. 766 For Step2 For Testing Page 44 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 767 12.2.3 初回提出時のインスタンス:eCTD XML Message Instance 768 基本構造については、ICH IG に従って eCTD XML メッセージインスタンスを作成す 769 る。このセクションでは日本固有のインスタンスの記載について述べる。16.2 の XML 770 サンプルメッセージインスタンスを参照のこと。 771 Basic structure of eCTD XML message instance should be created according to ICH IG. This 772 section describes Japan specific elements and attributes to be provided for JP eCTD submission 773 in addition to the basic structure. Sample XML message instance is provided in Section 16.2. 774 1) submissionUnit 要素から categoryEvent 要素までの記載 775 XML snippet from submissionUnit to categoryEvent 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 <submissionUnit> <id root="A" extension="B"/> <code code="C" codeSystem="D"/> <subject> <categoryEvent> <code code="E" codeSystem="F"/> </categoryEvent> </subject> A: ICH IG に基づく当該 submissionUnit の固有識別子 Unique ID of this submissionUnit based on ICH IG B: eCTD 受付番号-シーケンス番号 eCTD Receipt Number-Sequence number C: この submissionUnit が正式かドラフトかを示すコード Code for official or draft (see "JP Submission Unit Code" on CV spreadsheet) D: コントロールド・ボキャブラリ"JP Submission Unit Code"の OID OID of CV "JP Submission Unit Code" E: どの審査過程で提出されたかを示すコード Code for JP review step (see JP Category Event” on CV spreadsheet) F: コントロールド・ボキャブラリ"JP Category Event"の OID OID of "JP Category Event" 796 2) contexOfUse 要素の記載 797 XML snippet for contextOfUse element 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 <component> <priorityNumber value="G"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="H"/> <code code="I" codeSystem="J"/> <statusCode code="K"/> <setId root="L"/> <versionNumber value="M"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="N"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> For Step2 For Testing Page 45 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 G: 同一 CTD 番号の CoU が複数存在する場合に、ICH IG に基づき表示順序を定める 値(複数存在しない場合も記述する)The display order of CoUs in case where multiple CoUs of the same code exist (priorityNumber@value is always required when there is only one CoU of the same code) H: ICH IG に基づく本 Context Of Use の固有識別子 Unique ID of CoU defined in ICH IG I: この CoU が指す document を割り当てる CTD 番号を示すコード(CV spreadsheet の 「ICH CoU (ToC) Codes」を参照のこと。) Code indicating CTD section to which the referencing document is applied (see "JP Context of Use Code” of CV spreadsheet). J: この CoU の code(上記 I)を定義するコードリストの OID OID of the code list that defines the CoU code ("I” abovementioned) K: ICH IG に基づく、この CoU のステータス Status of this CoU specified in ICH IG L: 同一の位置付けで提出される CoU 群(セット)の固有識別子 identifier of a group (set) of CoUs provided in the same context M: セット内におけるその CoU のバージョン番号 Version number of the CoU in the set N: 紐付けされる document の id@root id@root of the relative document 831 3) submission 要素の記載 832 XML snippet for submission 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 <componentOf> <sequenceNumber value="Q"/> <submission> <id> <item root="R" extension="S"/> </id> <code code="T" codeSystem="U"/> <subject2> <review> <id root="V" extension="W"/> <effectiveTime value="X"/> <statusCode code="Y"/> <subject1> <manufacturedProduct> <manufacturedProduct> <name xsi:type="DSET_EN"> <item> <part value="Z"/> </item> </name> <ingredient> <activeIngredientSubstance> <name> <part value="AA"/> </name> </activeIngredientSubstance> </ingredient> </manufacturedProduct> </manufacturedProduct> </subject1> <holder> For Step2 For Testing Page 46 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 <applicant> <sponsorOrganization> <name xsi:type="DSET_EN"> <item> <part value="AB"/> </item> </name> </sponsorOrganization> </applicant> </holder> <subject2> <productCategory> <code code="AC" codeSystem="AD"/> </productCategory> </subject2> </review> </subject2> </submission> </componentOf> Q: この submissionUnit のシーケンス番号(初回申請では 000001) Sequence number of this submissionUnit (000001 for initial submission) R: この Submission の固有識別子 Unique ID of this submission S: eCTD 受付番号 eCTD Receipt Number T: この submission が正本提出であるか参考提出であるかを示すコード(CV spreadsheet の"JP Submission Code"を参照のこと) Code identifying whether this submission is original or reference (see "JP Submission Code" of CV spreadsheet) U: この Submission のコード(上記 T)を定義するコードリストの OID(コントロー ルド・ボキャブラリ「JP Submission Code」の OID) OID of the code list that defines the Submission code ("T" abovementioned) (OID of "JP Submission Code" of CV spreadsheet) V: review の固有識別子 Unique ID of each review W: 日本における運用において定義する、申請書の固有識別子 Regionally-defined unique ID of each application form. X: 申請日(yyyymmdd:yyyy=西暦、mm=月、dd=日) Submission date (yyyymmdd: yyyy=year, mm=month, dd=day) Y: その申請書のステータス("active" あるいは"inactive") Status of the application form ("active" or "inactive") Z: 販売名 product name AA: 有効成分名 active ingredient name AB: 申請者名 applicant name AC: 申請区分を示すコード(CV spreadsheet の"JP Product Category Code"を参照のこと) Code identifying the product category (see "JP Product Category Code" of CV spreadsheet) AD: Product Category コード(上記"AC")を定義するコードリストの OID (コントロ ールド・ボキャブラリ「JP Product Category Code」の OID) 908 909 910 5) application 要素から application reference 要素までの記載 911 XML snippet from application to application reference 912 <componentOf> For Step2 For Testing Page 47 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 <application> <id> <item root="AE" extension="AF"/> </id> <code code="AG" codeSystem="AH"/> <reference> <applicationReference> <id root="AI"/> <reasonCode> <item code="AJ" codeSystem="AS"/> </reasonCode> </applicationReference> </reference> AE: この Application の固有識別子 Unique identifier of this Application AF: eCTD 受付番号 eCTD Receipt Number AG: この Application が製造販売承認申請であることを示すコード(CV spreadsheet の "JP Application Code"を参照のこと) Code identifying that this application is for marketing approval (see "JP Application Code" of CV spreadsheet) AH: この Application のコード(上記"AG")を定義するコードリストの OID(コント ロールド・ボキャブラリ「JP Application Code」の OID) OID of the code list that defines the Application code ("AG" abovementioned) (OID of "JP Application Code" of CV spreadsheet) AI: この Application と関連(一変等)する Application の id@root の値 id@root of the application related to (partial change, etc.) this application AJ: 関連の種類を示すコード(CV spreadsheet の「JP Application Reference Reason」を 参照のこと) Code identifying the type of relationship (see "JP Application Reference Reason" code of CV spreadsheet) AK: この関連の種類のコード(上記"AJ")を定義するコードリストの OID(コントロ ールド・ボキャブラリ「JP Application Reference Reason」の OID) OID of the code list that defines the reason code ("AJ" abovementioned) (OID of "JP Application Reference Reason" of CV spreadsheet) 12.2.4 946 特に複雑なケースの記載例: Instructions for Complex Cases To be added 947 948 949 12.3 000002 and Higher 950 951 952 eCTD 改訂時に関する要件: Requirements for Japan eCTD Submission – Sequence 12.3.1 改訂時のフォルダ構造: Folder Structure 1) 提出するためのフォルダ構造: Structure to be submitted 953 改訂時(000002 以降)は、下記のフォルダのみを ICH IG 規定のフォルダ構 954 造に合わせて提出する。ドキュメントあるいはファイルの再利用によって格 955 納するファイルが存在しない場合は、該当する CTD 番号のフォルダは作成 956 しないこと。 957 For Step2 For Testing トップレベル・フォルダ Page 48 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 958 第 2 階層フォルダ(シーケンス番号をフォルダ名とするフォルダ) 959 その改訂により提出するファイルが格納されているフォルダ及びそ の上位フォルダ 960 961 In revision of eCTD (when submitting a submission unit with sequence number 962 000002 or higher), only the following folders should be provided in accordance 963 with the structure defined by ICH IG. 964 submitted in that submission unit because of reusing document or file, the folder for 965 that CTD section should not be submitted. In the cases where there is no file to be 966 Top level folder 967 Second-level folder (the folder which has the sequence number as its folder 968 name) 969 970 The folder which contains the files provided in that submissionUnit and its superordinate folder 971 2) フォルダ命名規則: Folder Naming Convention 972 973 フォルダ命名規則は ICH IG 記載の通りとする。 974 The folder name convention defined in ICH IG applies to eCTD v4.0 975 implementation in Japan. 976 977 978 979 12.3.2 改訂時のファイル: Document Files 1) 含めるべきファイル: Files to be included 下記のファイルが提出される。 980 カバーレター 981 eCTD XML メッセージインスタンス (submissionUnit.xml) 982 sha256.txt 983 その submission unit で追加されるファイル 984 The following files should be included in the submission unit with sequence 985 number 000002 or higher. 986 Cover Letter 987 eCTD XML Message Instance (submissionUnit.xml) 988 sha256.txt 989 Files added in that submission unit 990 991 992 2) ファイル名: File Naming Convention ファイル命名規則は、ICH IG に従うこととする。 For Step2 For Testing Page 49 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 993 File name convention defined in ICH IG applies to eCTD v4.0 implementation in 994 Japan 995 996 997 12.3.3 改訂時の XML メッセージインスタンス: XML Message Instance 998 基本構造については、ICH IG に従って eCTD XML メッセージインスタンスを作成す 999 る。このセクションでは日本固有のインスタンスの記載について述べる。16.2 の XML 1000 サンプルメッセージインスタンスを参照のこと。Basic structure of eCTD XML message 1001 instance should be created according to ICH IG. This section describes Japan specific elements 1002 and attributes to be provided for JP eCTD submission in addition to the basic structure. 1003 XML message instance is provided in Section 16.2. Sample 1004 1005 1006 applicant When any applicant information is updated through life cycle, the review element and all its 1007 subordinate elements and attributes are provided, including unchanged elements and attributes. 1008 How to provide applicant information in sequence 000002 or later is the same as the way in the 1009 initial submission. 1010 1011 1012 1013 See 9.3.1 for details. application Refer to ICH IG for basic rules for handling application and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. The followings are Japan specific rules for changes through life cycle. 1014 value does not change 1015 application.code@code value is not allowed to be changed 1016 application.code@codeSystem value is not allowed to be changed 1017 1018 1019 applicationReference When any applicationReference information is updated through life cycle, all 1020 applicationReference elements and its subordinate elements and attributes are provided, 1021 including unchanged elements and attributes. 1022 information in sequence 000002 or later is the same as the way in the initial submission. 1023 9.3.3 for details. How to provide applicationReference See 1024 1025 1026 categoryEvent By the nature of the information provided by categoryEvent, there is no concept of update it. 1027 Rather, categoryEvent is the one that needs to be provided in every sequence with a new value. 1028 How to provide categoryEvent information in sequence 000002 or later is the same as the way in 1029 the initial submission. See 9.3.4 for details. 1030 For Step2 For Testing Page 50 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1031 1032 1033 contextOfUse Refer to ICH IG for basic rules for handling contextOfUse and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. The followings are Japan specific rules for changes through life cycle. 1034 Reactivation of contextOfUse is not allowed 1035 contextOfUse.code@code value is not allowed to be changed 1036 contextOfUse.code@codeSystem value is not allowed to be changed 1037 Replacement of contextOfUse can be conducted only when there is a clear 1038 relationship between the document referenced by the replacing contextOfUse and the 1039 document referenced by the contextOfUse being replaced. 1040 relationship between the two, the old contextOfUse should be removed and a new 1041 contextOfUse referencing a new document should be provided with the same 1042 contextOfUse code. 1043 1044 1045 1046 When there is no document Refer to ICH IG for basic rules for handling document and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. The followings are Japan specific rules for changes through life cycle. 1047 document.code@code value is not allowed to be changed 1048 document.code@codeSystem value is not allowed to be changed 1049 Replacement of compound document with simple document is not allowed. 1050 Replacement of simple document with compound document is not allowed. 1051 1052 1053 documentReference Refer to ICH IG for basic rules for handling documentReference and its relative elements and 1054 attributes in life cycle. 1055 later is the same as the way in the initial submission. See 9.3.7 for details. 1056 1057 1058 ingredient When any ingredient information is updated through life cycle, the review element and all its How to provide documentReference information in sequence 000002 or 1059 subordinate elements and attributes are provided, including unchanged elements and attributes. 1060 How to provide ingredient information in sequence 000002 or later is the same as the way in the 1061 initial submission. 1062 1063 1064 1065 See 9.3.8 for details. keyword Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling keyword and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. 1066 For Step2 For Testing Page 51 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1067 1068 1069 keywordDefinition Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling keywordDefinition and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. 1070 1071 1072 manufacturedProduct When any manufacturedProduct information is updated through life cycle, the review 1073 element and all its subordinate elements and attributes are provided, including unchanged 1074 elements and attributes. 1075 000002 or later is the same as the way in the initial submission. 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 How to provide manufacturedProduct information in sequence See 9.3.11 for details. previousKeywordDefinition Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling previousKeywordDefinition and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. priorityNumber.contextOfUse Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling priorityNumber.contextOfUse and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. priorityNumber.document Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling priorityNumber.document and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. productCategory When any productCategory information is updated through life cycle, the review element and 1091 all its subordinate elements and attributes are provided, including unchanged elements and 1092 attributes. 1093 same as the way in the initial submission. See 9.3.15 for details. 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 How to provide productCategory information in sequence 000002 or later is the relatedContextOfUse Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling relatedContextOfUse and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. review When any information given by review or its subordinates is updated through life cycle, the 1101 review and all its subordinate elements and attributes are provided, including unchanged 1102 elements and attributes. 1103 cycle. 1104 submission. See 9.3.17 for details. The value should stay the same through the entire life How to provide review in sequence 000002 or later is the same as the way in the initial For Step2 For Testing When there is no change in any information given by Page 52 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1105 review or its subordinate, the superordinate subject2 element (and therefore review element) 1106 should not be provided. 1107 When adding a new Application Form to associate it to the previously submitted eCTD 1108 submission, a new review with a new ID should be provided. In such case, all the reviews 1109 including those with no change should be provided along with all the subordinate elements and 1110 attributes in the same submission unit. 1111 should be added to the previously submitted eCTD or provided as a part of new eCTD. Consult PMDA as to whether the new Application Form 1112 When there are multiple Application Forms associated to the eCTD submission and one or 1113 more (but not all) Application Forms are being withdrawn, provide the review element with the 1114 value of the withdrawing Application Form and review.statusCode@code with a 1115 value of “inactive”. 1116 message instance does not need to be provided in addition to the Application for Withdrawal 1117 when withdrawing all the Application Form(s) associated to the eCTD submission. 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 In such case, no other information is needed to be provided. Note that the sequenceNumber.submission Refer to ICH IG for the rules for handling keywordDefinition and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. submission The submission is always provided in every sequence. The following information should stay the same through the entire life cycle of the submission. 1126 1127 1128 submission.code@code 1129 submission.code@codeSystem 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 How to provide submission information in sequence 000002 or later is the same as the way in the initial submission. See 9.3.19 for details. submissionUnit Refer to ICH IG for basic rules for handling submissionUnit and its relative elements and attributes in life cycle. The followings are Japan specific rules for changes through life cycle. 1136 value is different in every sequence 1137 submission.code@code value should stay the same through the entire life cycle of 1138 1139 1140 submission submission.code@codeSystem value should stay the same through the entire life cycle of submission 1141 For Step2 For Testing Page 53 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1142 13. コントロールド・ボキャブラリ: Controlled Vocabularies 1143 コントロールド・ボキャブラリは 16.5 を参照のこと 1144 For Controlled Vocabularies, refer to 16.5 in this guide. 1145 1146 14. 問い合わせ先: Contacts 1147 eCTD v4.0 の運用に関する質問等は、下記にて受け付ける。また、一般的事項につい 1148 ては、一企業のみに対して回答することは望ましくないため、業界全体に回答が普及す 1149 るよう、JPMA 等業界団体を通して提出すること。特定の品目についての質問について 1150 はこの限りではない。 1151 [email protected] 1152 Contact information for eCTD v4.0 implementation in Japan is as follows: 1153 [email protected] 1154 In principle, only the question from those actually submitting eCTD to PMDA is acceptable. 1155 Note that general question should not be submitted by individual company but should be 1156 submitted through JPMA. Any question relevant to specific eCTD submission can be 1157 submitted by the applicant themselves. 1158 1159 15. 参考文献 1160 参考文献を以下に示す。 1161 References are following. (TBD) 1162 1163 1164 For Step2 For Testing Page 54 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 別添: Appendices 1165 16. 1166 16.1 1167 16.1.1 1168 M1 の作成要領: Specification for Module 1 目的: Purpose Module 1 を電子的に作成する場合の仕様を示したものである。 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 16.1.2 フォルダ構成並びにフォルダ命名規則: Folder structure and naming convention 第 1 部のフォルダ構成及びフォルダの命名は原則以下のフォルダ構成とする。必要に 応じて申請者は JP フォルダ以下にフォルダを作成しても良い。 Folder stricture and name are shown as following. If necessary, it is allowed to create new folder in JP folder. M1/JP 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 16.1.3 第 1 部のファイル命名について: File name 第一部のファイルは、以下のファイル名を参考に設定すること。ただし、カバーレタ ーのファイル名は必ず cover.pdf とすること。 Files in module 1 could be named according to following list. File name of cover letter must be cover.pdf. 参考までに第 1 部用ファイルの名称を記載する。Please refer to following list: Title Cover Letter 1.1-1 Table of contents for approval applications including Part I 1.1-2 Summary table 1.2 Approval application (copy) 1.3-1 Certificates (Declarations of those responsible for collection and compilation of data for approval applications, GLP and GCP related data) 1.3-2 Declarations of those responsible for scanning of paper document. 1.4 Information on patent matters 1.5 Data concerning the origin background of discovery and the background of development 1.6 Information on the use of the drug in foreign countries, etc. 1.7 List of similar products from the same therapeutic category with the same efficacy 1.8 (Proposed) package insert 1.9 Documents pertaining to the non-proprietary name of the drug 1.10 Summary of data pertaining to the designation as poisonous drug, powerful drug, etc. 1.11 Master plan for post-marketing surveillance (PMS), etc. (daft) 1.12-1 List of attached data (PDF) 1.12-2 List of attached data (MS Excel) 1.13-1-1 Approval certificate (copy) 1.13-1-2 Review report 1.13-1-3 Data corresponding to Part II (CTD summaries) 1.13-1-4 List of attached data For Step2 For Testing Page 55 of 126 File Name cover.pdf m1-01-01.pdf m1-01-02.pdf m1-02-XX.pdf m1-03-01.pdf m1-03-02.pdf m1-04-01.pdf m1-05-01.pdf m1-06-01.pdf m1-07-01.pdf m1-08-01.pdf m1-09-01.pdf m1-10-01.pdf m1-11-01.pdf m1-12-01.pdf m1-12-02.xls(x) m1-13-01-01.pdf m1-13-01-02.pdf m1-13-01-03.pdf m1-13-01-04.pdf Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Title 1.13-2 Records of clinical trial consultation (copies) 1.13-3 Inquiries (copies) and responses to the inquiries (copies) 1.13-4-1-1-1 List of data concerning the new excipient 1.13-4-1-1-2 List of each substance under review 1.13-4-1-1-3 Copy of the approval of a product containing the excipient 1.13-4-1-1-4 Summary of the new excipient 1.13-4-1-1-XX Data concerning the new excipient 1.13-4-1-2 List of the main manufacturing process parameters not mentioned in the approval application File Name m1-13-02-XX.pdf m1-13-03-XX.pdf m1-13-04-01-01-01.pdf m1-13-04-01-01-02.pdf m1-13-04-01-01-03.pdf m1-13-04-01-01-04.pdf m1-13-04-01-01-XX.pdf m1-13-04-01-02.pdf 1183 1184 For Step2 For Testing Page 56 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1185 16.1.4 V3.2.2 との比較 : Mapping between eCTD v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml and regional portions of eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml v4.0 XML Message Comment Referencia Instance l Section Element Attribute Description / Instruction Value / XPATH Example 1 universal The top-level tag that organizes all of the NA Not submission information called applicable in “top-element”. JP eCTD v4.0. 2 Lang The specification of the language used in ja /@encoding 9.1 the instance. Fixed value of "ja" 3 schema- XML schema version 1.0 /PORP_IN000001UV/@ The value of version xsi:schemaLocation the schemaLocati on attributes tells the version. 4 xsi:sche XML schema location universal../.. /PORP_IN000001UV/@ ma-locat /util/dtd/jp-r xsi:schemaLocation ion egional-1-0. xsd 5 universal/documentThe tag that describes the identification NA Not identifier data of the document called "element" applicable in JP eCTD v4.0. Not 6 universal/documentApplicant should describe the 申請書等行 NA applicable in identifier/title explanation for <doc-id> or the title. In 政情報及び JP eCTD module 1, it is fixed as "申請書等行政 添付文書に v4.0. 情報及び添付文書に関する情報". 関する情報 For Step2 For Testing Page 57 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml Element 7 universal/documentidentifier/doc-id 8 universal/document 9 universal/document/ content-block 10 Attribute Description / Instruction Applicant should insert the information such as the document identification number. In module 1, it consists of the following number:"eCTD Application number" followed by "-" and "Submission Number". A container element that represents the document body. admin, m1 管理情報 universal/document/ content-block/blocktitle Applicant should describe the explanation of the category specified in the content-block, or the title. 12 universal/document/ content-block/doc-c ontent The element to specify the content description and the document file. Applicant should duplicate this element to describe more information. Page 58 of 126 Comment /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/id/@exten sion NA Applicant should describe the information to specify the category in the column above. See the sample instance for module 1. 11 Message NA A container element to organize and categorize the information. param For Step2 For Testing Value / Example 2107070010001 v4.0 XML Instance XPATH /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen t/contextOfUse/code/@co de NA NA Ver:0.11 Referencia l Section 9.3.20 Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0. Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0. 9.3.5 Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0. Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0. CONFIDENTIAL # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml Element Attribute Description / Instruction 13 xlink:typ e Specify the type “simple” of a link. This attribute value is fixed so that an attribute description can be omitted. 14 xlink:hre f "Indicate the location of a document file with a relative path. ../../../23120 5001/0000/ m1/jp/m1-0 1-01.pdf 15 param Provide information for identifying the specified content description/file. For descriptions in Module 1, see the sample instance. 01 For Step2 For Testing Page 59 of 126 Value Example simple / v4.0 XML Instance XPATH Message NA /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/compone ntOf/application/compon ent/document/text/referen ce/@value NA Ver:0.11 Comment Referencia l Section Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0. 9.3.6 Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0 CONFIDENTIAL # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml Element 16 Attribute universal/document/ content-block/doc-c ontent/property 17 For Step2 For Testing name Description / Instruction Applicant should describe the property information specified in the doc-content following the description: In the administrative information section, applicant specifies the information type as the name attribute and describes the content. To describe more than one of administrative information, the applicant assigns “sequencenumber” to the name attribute and describe the repetitive identification number. In the TOC section, the applicant assigns “operation”, “checksum”, and “checksum-type” to the name attribute, and describe corresponding content in accordance with eCTD specification. When referring to multiple files, the applicant assigns “sequencenumber” to the name attribute and describe the repetitive identification number. Applicant should describe the property category. When modifying, the applicant assigns “modified” to the name attribute, and describe the modified file information in accordance with eCTD specification in addition to the name attribute mentioned above. Page 60 of 126 Value / Example Vary. See #19-#26 Vary. See #19-#26 v4.0 XML Instance XPATH Message Vary. See #19-#26 Vary. See #19-#26 Ver:0.11 Comment Vary. #19-#26 Referencia l Section See CONFIDENTIAL # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml Element 18 19 <property name="submissionnumber" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> 20 <property name="brand-name" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> 21 <property name="sequencenu mber" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> For Step2 For Testing Attribute Description / Instruction Info-typ e Applicant should describe the property type. Applicant enters ”jp-regional-m1-admin” in the administrative information section, and “jp-regional-m1-toc” in the TOC section. eCTD Receipt Number (eCTD 受付番 号) Value / Example Vary. See #19-#26 v4.0 XML Instance XPATH Vary. Message See #19-#26 Vary. Referencia l Section See #19-#26 210707001 /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/id/item/@ extension Product Name (販売名): Name of product. セイヤクキ ョ ー ル 20mg 錠 Order of information; for example, if multiple product information are provided, applicant can apply the order of the products to be presented. 01 /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/subject2/r eview/subject1/manufact uredProduct/manufacture dProduct/name/item/part/ @value NA Page 61 of 126 Comment Ver:0.11 The eCTD Receipt Number is given as regional IDs of application and submission. Japanese characters needs to be allowed. Not applicable in JP eCTD v4.0 9.3.2 9.3.19 9.3.11 CONFIDENTIAL # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml Element Attribute Description / Instruction Value / Example イーアイ塩 酸塩 22 <property name="generic-nam e" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> Name of Active Ingredient (一般名) 23 <property name="applicant" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> Applicant Name (申請者名): 日本製薬工 業 24 <property name="submissiondate" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> Date of submitting Application Form(申 請日): 2009-07-17 25 <property name="submission-t ype" info-type="jp-region al-m1-admin"> Product Category (申請区分): 1-(4):新効 能医薬品 For Step2 For Testing Page 62 of 126 v4.0 XML Instance XPATH Message /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/subject2/r eview/subject1/manufact uredProduct/manufacture dProduct/ingredient/activ eIngredientSubstance/na me/part/@value /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/subject2/r eview/holder/applicant/sp onsorOrganization/name/i tem/part/@value /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/subject2/r eview/effectiveTime/@va lue /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/subject2/r eview/subject2/productCa tegory/code/@code Ver:0.11 Comment Referencia l Section Needs to be in JAN, not INN. 9.3.8 Japanese characters needs to be allowed. 9.3.1 9.3.17 9.3.15 CONFIDENTIAL # v3.2.2 jp-regional-index.xml Element 26 <property name="sequencenu mber" info-type="jp-region al-m1-toc"> Attribute Description / Instruction Order of documents; for example, if multiple documents are provided to a single section, applicant can apply the order of the documents within the section. Value Example 02 / v4.0 XML Instance XPATH Message /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen t/priorityNumber/@value /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen t/priorityNumber/@value /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen t/priorityNumber/@value OR /PORP_IN000001UV/co ntrolActProcess/subject/s ubmissionUnit/componen tOf/submission/compone ntOf/application/compon ent/document/component/ priorityNumber/@value or 1186 For Step2 For Testing Page 63 of 126 Ver:0.11 Comment Referencia l Section The XPATHs are for the CoUs with the same code and compound documents, respectively. 9.3.13 9.3.14 CONFIDENTIAL 1187 16.2 XML サンプルインスタンス: Sample XML Massage Instance 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 初回提出時 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <PORP_IN000001UV xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:mif="urn:hl7-org:v3/mif" xmlns:xsi="ht tp://" ITSVersion="XML_1.0" xsi:schemaLocation=" urn:hl7-org:v3 ../../schema/PORP_IN000001UV.xsd"> <id/> <creationTime/> <interactionId/> <processingCode/> <processingModeCode/> <acceptAckCode/> <receiver typeCode="RCV"> <device classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE"> <id/> </device> </receiver> <sender typeCode="SND"> <device classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE"> <id/> </device> </sender> <controlActProcess classCode="ACTN" moodCode="EVN"> <subject typeCode="SUBJ"> <submissionUnit> <id root="1234.1234.1234.12345.0000" extension="231205001-0000"/> <code code="JP-Official" codeSystem="jp-submission-unit"/> <subject> <categoryEvent> <code code="JP-First" codeSystem="jp-category-event"/> </categoryEvent> </subject> <component> <priorityNumber value="1.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000001"/> <code code="JP-m1.01" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000001"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000001"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="2.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000002"/> <code code="JP-m1.01" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> For Step2 For Testing Page 64 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000002"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000002"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="1.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000003"/> <code code="JP-m1.02" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000003"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000003"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="2.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000004"/> <code code="JP-m1.02" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000004"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000004"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="1.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000005"/> <code code="JP-m1.03" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000005"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000005"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> For Step2 For Testing Page 65 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="2.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000006"/> <code code="JP-m1.03" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000006"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000006"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> 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codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000009"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> For Step2 For Testing Page 66 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000009"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="1.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000010"/> <code code="JP-m1.07" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000010"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000010"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> 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1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000013"/> <code code="JP-m1.10" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000013"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000013"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> <component> <priorityNumber value="1.00"/> <contextOfUse> <id root="0.123.456.230525001.0812.0000014"/> <code code="JP-m1.11" codeSystem="jp-context-of-use"/> <statusCode code="active"/> <setId root="0.123.654.230525001.0812.0000014"/> <versionNumber value="1"/> <derivedFrom> <documentReference> <id root="0.321.456.230525001.0812.0000014"/> </documentReference> </derivedFrom> </contextOfUse> </component> 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</componentOf> </submission> </componentOf> </submissionUnit> </subject> </controlActProcess> </PORP_IN000001UV> カバーレター様式: Form - Cover Letter 16.3 4258 To be added. 4259 4260 日本向け eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance の基本構造: Basic Structure of JP 16.4 eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 ICH IG で定義されている基本構造を下に記す。このうち、グレーで示されている要素 /属性は日本では使用しない: The following table shows the basic structure of ICH eCTD v4.0 XML Message Instance based on the ICH IG. The grayed out Elements / Attributes are not used in Japan: 4267 Elements submissionUnit id Attribute root extension code code codeSystem title statusCode callBackContact subject For Step2 For Testing Page 121 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Elements categoryEvent code Attribute code codeSystem subject component priorityNumber value contextOfUse id root extension code code codeSystem title statusCode code setId root versionNumber value primaryInformationRecipient links sequelTo typeCode relatedContextOfUse id root versionNumber derivedFrom documentReference id root subjectOf referencedBy keyword code code codeSystem statusCode componentOf sequenceNumber value submission id item root extension code code codeSystem callBackContact subject2 review id root statusCode code For Step2 For Testing Page 122 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Elements Attribute updateMode effectiveTime value subject1 dedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation manufacturedProduct id manufacturedProduct name xsi:type item part value asNamedEntity ingredient activeIngredientSubstance name part value holder applicant sponsorOrganization id name xsi:type item part value telecom addr author subject2 productCategory code code codeSystem subject1 subject3 subject4 subject5 componentOf application id item root extension code code codeSystem holder informationRecipient subject reference applicationReference id root reasonCode item code For Step2 For Testing Page 123 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Elements Attribute codeSystem component document id root code code codeSystem title value updateMode text integrityCheckAlgorithm reference value integrityCheck setID root versionNumber value sequelTo component priorityNumber value document id root code title text setId versionNumber sequelTo component referencedBy keyword code code codeSystem referencedBy keywordDefinition code code codeSystem statusCode value item code codeSystem displayName value replacementOf previousKeywordDefinition code code codeSystem value item code For Step2 For Testing Page 124 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL Elements Attribute codeSystem reviewableUnit 4268 4269 For Step2 For Testing Page 125 of 126 Ver:0.11 CONFIDENTIAL 4270 16.5 4271 コントロールド・ボキャブラリ: Controlled Vocabularies To be added. 4272 4273 4274 16.6 Validation Criteria To be added or separated from this IG. For Step2 For Testing Page 126 of 126 Ver:0.11
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