EPD Congress 2014 Edited by: James Yurko, Lifeng Zhang, Antoine Allanore, Cong Wang, Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Randolph E. Kirchain, Jerome P. Downey, and Lawrence D. May TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2014 EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PARAMETERS ON BREAKOUTS IN BILLET CASTER R J Singh, Devilal, S K Jha, Sheshank Shekhar*, E Z Chacko*, Rina Sahu National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur. *Tata Steel, Jamshedpur. Keywords: Breakouts; Billets Abstract Breakouts are one of the biggest problems encountered during continuous casting of steel billets. Billets get cracked locally or break completely in two parts during solidification causing the liquid part of the partially solidified billet to empty inside the cooling chamber. Proper control of important parameters is necessary to avoid break outs during continuous casting. In the present work, the nature of the break outs at a billet caster at Tata Steel was studied. Data analysis was also done for certain casting parameters and the Sulphur tracer test was conducted to understand solidification in the mould. It was found that to reduce the occurrence of break outs, it was necessary to tune the operations based on the grade being cast and the design of the mould tube being used. Introduction A break out during the continuous casting process is a rupture of the partially solidified shell inside the secondary cooling chamber, causing the contained liquid steel to spill out. In the mid 1970s while continuous casting technology was still in early stage of development, causes of breakouts was not well understood. Today, with technological development much has been understood about breakouts but, most of the understanding has been in the slab casting process wherein due to the higher level of instrumentation, a lot of information has been gained. In billet casting however, due to the geometry of the mould housing with the tube mould, multiplied by the complexity of the multiple strands, instrumentation has not been used and obtaining data for analysis has been difficult. Breakouts at billet casters are still the main hindrances to production. A break out results in a loss in production since the strand which has had a break out is now not available to produce and thus a six strand caster would be reduced to a five strand caster, increasing the time for casting the same tonnage. Additionally extra set up time is required as more often than not a mould change is required in order to have the strand casting again. Methodology Adopted: 1. Collection of data of breakout from CC1 2. Visit to mould room to analyze how the breakouts occur. 3. Inspection of mould jacket. 4. Inspection of breakout shell. 5. Correlating it with data and to reach a conclusion about the probable cause and mechanism of breakout. Factor causing breakouts in billets: There are different parameters which cause breakouts in billet caster. Some of them are: 221 a) Oil flow rate, b) Liquid temperature, c) Mould level, d) Mould oscillation, e) Steel composition, f) Casting speed, g) Secondary cooling in different zones. However, by controlling some of these parameters such as casting speed, mould oscillation, oil flow rate and super heat breakouts can be avoided to a large extent. Identifying the phenomenon In order to understand the phenomenon, data of the types of break outs taking place was collected accompanied by physical inspection of the break out pieces. This was done for a five month period. It was found that there were two modes by which break outs were taking place i.e. Shell Breakout and Bleed Break out. 73% of the break outs were shell break outs and the rest 27% were bleed break outs. The two types of break outs are defined below. 1. Shell Break out: These break outs are typically characterized by transverse rupture of the billet at the exit of the mould. This type of break out occurs due to sticking of the billet inside the mould (probably at the upper portions of the mould), resulting in the development of a local thin shell inside the mould. This local thin shell travels down the mould and when it reaches the exit of the mould the billet ruptures in two. One part of the billet will be left in the mould (length equal to the effective mould length) and the other part will get withdrawn by the withdrawal rolls. The broken portion of the billet in the mould will be in the form of a hollow shell and hence this type of break out has been called a Shell Break out. Figure 1 shows a Shell Break out shell, which was taken out of the mould tube at the mould maintenance room after there was a shell break out. Casting direction Figure 1: Shell Break out shell (portion left in the mould after a shell break out) Shell thickness: A large number of shells left over after shell break outs were cut open down the middle (Figure 2). It was found that shell formation was unusual. At the meniscus or in the upper regions of the mould the shell thickness was very high and at the exit of the mould the thickness was very low. Blazek and Saucedo [6] have discussed this type of break out describing it as a sticker break out based on laboratory experiments. They found that if there was sticking behavior at the meniscus, the portion just below the meniscus would tear and move down, while the shell at the meniscus would be at a standstill and thus getting thicker. The torn portion would heal as fresh liquid would fill the gap, but would then break again, being the weakest portion, as the withdrawal pulled the billet down (schematic in Figure 3 ). If one were to measure the temperature of the mould surface, the loc 222 ation of the torn portion would show as a hot spot, as liquid steel would come directly into contact with the copper mould at this point. They found that the hot spot travelled down the mould and at the point of it leaving the mould it would result in a breakout because of the excessively thin shell. Casting direction Figure 2: Profile of shell left in mould (mm) after Figure 3: Mechanism of formation and propagation of sticker type break outs. After BLAZEK and SAUCEDO[1] Deformed Oscillation marks: There were other clues as well reinforcing the thought that sticking was the cause of shell break outs. On observing the surface of the shell left over in the mould, it was always found that the oscillation marks, which should be horizontal and parallel to each other, were slanted and sometimes deformed (Figure 4 below). It was inferred that this was because of sticking at some mid-face or corner region, causing the billet to move differentially within the mould thus causing the oscillation marks to get deformed. Abnormal oscillation marks. Figure 4: Deformed oscillation marks on the billet shell left in the mould after shell break out 2. Bleed break out: Local rupture of the billet limited to any one face/corner of the billet (Figure 5). This type of break out usually takes place due to a longitudinal rupture on the billet surface, 223 most often at the corner/off corner location. It can take place anywhere from just at the mould exit to the withdrawal/straightening rolls. Bleed Breakout. Casting direction Figure 5: Bleed break out which took place 1070mm below the meniscus (200mm below the mould exit) Investigation of a bleed break out by sectioning: A bleed in a high carbon cast was investigated by sectioning the hollow billet above the location of the bleed at continuous 1inch sections. Thirty sections were cut as shown in figure 6. The sections were then machined and photographed, figures 7 to 9. Sections 1 and 2 cracked in the longitudinal direction during the cutting operation (figure 7). The cracks were in line with the break out location. By examining the cracked sections it seemed that the crack was pre-existing in most of the thickness (large dull area on the crack face) indicating that some internal longitudinal cracks were present in the billet in the off corner region. It is possible that these cracks opened up to cause the bleed (sections 11 to 17, figures 8 and 9). Additionally it was found that the billet was suffering from differential solidification inside the mould, resulting in low shell thickness at the top left corner which bled (sections 3 and 6, figure 8). This is usually caused by a mismatch between the shrinkage of the billet and the taper of the mould. 1 30 Casting direction Casting direction Casting direction Figure 6: High carbon billet with bleed break out Location of break out Figure 7: Sections 1 and 2 of the break out piece Figure 8: Sections 3, 6 and 11 of the break out piece 224 Figure 9: Sections 13, 14, 17 and 30 of the break out piece Investigation into shell growth during casting Shell thickness determination using S tracer: Understanding of solid shell formation inside the mould is one of the key issues in understanding the cause of break outs. For getting solid shell thickness inside the mould sulphur print technique was used by adding sulphur as a tracer in the form of FeS, in the mould during casting. FeS powder was poured into the falling stream in the moulds of strands 4 (low speed 2.8 m/min) & 6 (high speed 3.6 m/min) in the last billets to be cast. The strands were closed after a few seconds. 1.2 meter length pieces were then cut from the tail ends of the cast billets which were then cut into 12 pieces of approx 100 mm each. From each 100mm piece a 50mm sample was prepared, from the middle. Sulphur printing was done on both the faces of the 50mm samples. As sulphur would not dissolve in the solid shell already formed at the time the FeS was inserted, a white band would be visible on the print representing shell thickness at the given location in the mould (Figure 10). As one goes down the mould, the white rim increases. After doing the prints it was found that below 400mm from the meniscus it was difficult to differentiate the white band around the shell. This could be due to the churning caused by the Electro Magnetic Stirrer (EMS). The EMS had its maximum intensity at around 200mm below the meniscus and thus it is possible that it was not allowing the sulphur to go into the strand. Nevertheless, it was seen that there was a 1mm difference in shell thickness 300mm below the meniscus, between the strand cast at 2.8m/min and that cast at 3.6m/min, figures 11 and 12 respectively. 225 Edge of billet Sulphur in the matrix Absence of Sulphur in the rim Figure 10: Sulphur print of last piece of billet impregnated with Sulphur 10 8 8.2 8 7 6 6 shell thickness in mm shell thickness in mm 10 4.5 4 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 7 6 4 5 4 4 3.2 2 0 400 0 Distance from meniscus ( in mm ) Thickness of shell(in mm) 8 100 200 300 400 Distance from meniscus ( in mm) Face - 0 Thickness of shell (in mm) Face - 0 Thickness of shell (in mm ) Face - 1 Thickness of shell (in mm) Face - 1 Figure 11: Estimation of high carbon shell growth down the mould using Sulphur tracer technique; Casting speed 2.8m/min Figure 12: Estimation of high carbon shell growth down the mould using Sulphur tracer technique; Casting speed 3.6m/min Analysis Data of nine months was analyzed for the significance of various factors on breakouts. During this period 2072 heats were analyzed. The effects of Sulphur, Carbon, Phosphorus, Mould life, and degree of superheat were analysed. It was found that in the range of operation (0.005% to 0.035%), the sulphur content of the steel did not play a significant role in either type of break out (figures 13 and 14). Normally one would have expected some kind of trend but it is possible that due to the low sulphur requirements of all finished products and the higher Manganese contents of all of the grades (Mn/S ratio was > 25 in all heats) it was not an issue. It was found that both types of break outs were most frequent while casting rebar grade steel which had Carbon between 0.15% and 0.25% (figures 15 and 16). This it was 226 believed was most likely due to, the faster solidification (the chemistry being beyond the pertitectic point) leading to a larger shell thickness being formed sooner in the mould. The caster was using a funnel mould which, though having a low overall taper (0.8%/m) , had a sharp midface taper (9%/m) at the meniscus. The thick and hard shell would get stuck in the midfaces causing binding and then a shell break out. As seen in the sulphur tracer test (figures 10 to 12), there was an increase in shell thickness by around 1mm at lower speeds of 2.8m/min as compared to 3.6 m/min. An increased shell thickness would lead to increased binding. This type of break out was more pronounced at lower speeds. Additionally, the faster solidification would lead to increased shrinkage in the mould. This along with the low overall taper would cause gaps to form at corners resulting in thinning of the off corner regions, causing internal longitudinal cracks as seen in the investigation by sectioning; figures 6 to 9. Increasing the casting speeds in this carbon range has been beneficial in reducing the extent of both shell break outs and bleeds as there would be thinner shells and lower gaps in the mould. As the phosphorus content increases, there can be observed an increasing trend in the amounts of both bleed and shell breakouts (figures 17 and 18). It is possible that the formation of Fe 3 P compound which is brittle and gets segregated causes the breakouts. The shell once bound in the mould would rupture more easily causing a shell break out and an internal crack would open more easily causing a bleed break out. The effect of superheat followed predictable lines, with the both break outs getting worse with higher superheats (figures 19 to 20). An increased superheat would result in a hotter shell, which would rupture more easily allowing both types of break outs. With an increase in mould life the bleed break outs showed an increasing trend (figure 22). This is possible due to a loss of taper with increasing mould life, which would cause gaps to form between the solidifying billet and the mould and thus bleed break outs. The trend though was reverse for shell break outs (figure 21). It is possible that at low mould lives, the mould retains its sharp midface taper and thus caused an increase in binding. After a few heats get cast, the mould yields a little, allowing the billet to be withdrawn. Conclusions 1. Shell break outs take place due to binding or sticking of the billet within the mould. It is impacted by the Phosphorus content of steel and by the superheat. Given that the Carbon range > 0.15% and low mould lives give the maximum trouble it is possible that the sharp midface taper of the existing mould was causing the shell break outs. An increase in casting speed in this carbon range was seen to lower the shell thickness significantly and would be helpful to reduce shell break outs. 2. Bleed breakouts took place due to the opening up of pre-existing longitudinal cracks in billets. They worsened with increasing Phosphorus, superheat and mould life. Reducing the gap between the mould and the billet would help in even solidification of the shell and the reduction of the occurrence of bleed break outs. With the present moulds, an increase in casting speeds would be helpful to reduce these types of break outs. 227 95% 90% 85% 80% SHELL BO NO SHELL BO Frequency of B/O Frequency of B/O 100% 100% 99% 98% 97% 96% S, % Figure 13: Effect of SULPHUR on shell break out Figure 14: Effect of SULPHUR on bleed break out 100% 95% SHELL BO 90% NO SHELL BO 85% 80% Frequency of B/O Frequency of B/O 100% 99% 98% 97% 96% SHELL BO NO SHELL BO Figure 16: Effect of CARBON On bleed break out 100% Frequency of B/O Frequency of B/O 80% 98% 96% 94% 92% 90% B/O NO B/O P, % P, % Figure 17: Effect of PHOSPHORUS. On shell break out NO B/O C, % Figure 15: Effect of CARBON. On shell break out 100% 85% B/O 95% C, % 90% NO B/O 95% S, % 95% B/O Figure 18: Effect of PHOSPHORUS On bleed break out 228 Frequency of B/O 100% 98% B/O 96% NO B/O 94% 92% 0-30 30-4040-50 >50 Frequency of B/O 100% 98% 98% 97% B/O NO B/O o 0-30 30-40 40-50 >50 Temp, C Figure 20: Effect of SUPERHEAT On bleed break out 100.0% Figure 19: Effect of SUPERHEAT. On shell break out 99% 99% 96% Temp,o C SHELL B/O NO SHELL B/O 97% Frequency of B/O Frequency of B/O 100% Life, hrs Figure 21: Effect of Mould life. On shell break out 99.8% 99.6% 99.4% 99.2% BLEED NO BLEED Life, hrs Figure 22: Effect of Mould life On bleed break out References [1] M.M.Wolf, “History of Continuous casting” in steel making Conference Proceedings, Iron and steel society ,Warrendale, 1992. [2]H.F.Schrewe, Continuous casting of steel, Fundamental Principles and Practice, Stahlund Eisen, Dusseldorf, Germany. [3] W.R. Irving, Continuous casting of steel, London, UK, Inst. of Materials, 1 Carlton House Terrace, 1993. [4] Continuous Casting, in the making, Shaping and treating of steel ,2, A. Cramb, ed., Pittsburgh, PA: Assoc. Iron & Steel Engineering, 2001. [5]Lawson, G.D., S.C. Sander, et.al. 1994, Prevention of Shell Thinning Breakouts Associated with Widening Width Changes, Steelmaking Conference Proceeding, S. Warrendale, PA, Iron and Steel Society, 329-336. [6] Kenneth E. Blazek and Ismael G. Saucedo: ISIJ Internaional, Vol 30 (1990), No. 6, 435 229
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