SAN JOSE DEL MONTE CITY WATER DISTRICT City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan version2014/3rd revision Table of Contents Applying for Service Connection 2 Applying for Service Reconnection 4 Paying the Water Bill5 Request for Repair6 Request for Relocation of Service 7 Request for Change of Ownership 8 Request for Promissory Note 9 Request for Voluntary Service Disconnection 10 Request for Check Up of Service Connection 11 Request for Change Meter 11 Request for Water Supply Status 12 Frequently Asked Questions13 Vision Safe and potable water flowing twenty-four hours a day from the tap of every home in the City of San Jose Del Monte Mission To serve all the residents of the City of San Jose Del Monte with equitable, reliable, and immediate access to safe and potable water twenty-four hours a day at the least possible cost 1 APPLYING FOR SERVICE CONNECTION ABOUT THE SERVICE The service connection will be installed after submission of all requirements and payment of charges. WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE Any resident within the service area of San Jose Water SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE Proof of Ownership -Transfer Certificate of Title OTHERS (whichever is applicable): If applicant is from a subdivision, any of the following: Authority to Move-In Clearance/Cert. From HOA Buyer’s Acceptance Award given by Developer Authority to Occupy Notice of Award Contract to Sell Deed of Sale Acceptance Sheet If applicant is beneficiary of UPAO/NHA, any of the following: NHA Certification Entry Pass/Permit MERALCO Bill Contract from UPAO/Cert. From HOA Notice of Award Contract of Lease Pagpapatunay If Representative, aside from proof of ownership: Special Power of Attorney If the owner authorizes the connection to be registered in the name of the representative, the same must be indicated in the Special Power of Attorney If the owner is based abroad, the Special Power of Attorney must be duly notarized and authenticated by the nearest Philippine consulate office/embassy. Addl. Requirement: * Valid government-issued IDs * Attend Orientation (every Wed/Fri 9:00a.m. at the Main Office) HOW TO APPLY FOR SERVICE CONNECTION Please refer to next page. 2 HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP 1 2 3 4 CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE Present requirements for application of Service Connection Provide Service Application & Construction Order (SACO) form 1 minute Customer Service Assistant (CSA) Fill-up SACO form Advise customer to pay the Inspection & Estimate (IE) fee 1 minute CSA Pay 50.00 inspection fee Accept payment & issue O.R. 2 minutes Cashier Present copy of OR Schedule applicant for orientation 1 minute CSA 5 Process for Pressure Survey 1 day Production 6 Process for Inspection and Estimate 3 days Inspector 7 Present copy of IE form; or secure copy of IE @ WD office Re-assess IE form and check if all requirements are met; Prepare necessary documents for customer’s signature 5 minutes CSA 8 Pay installation cost Accept payment and issue Official Receipt 2 minutes Cashier 9 Present OR for posting Process application and forward to Dept. Manager/ Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Engineering 5 minutes CSA Installation of service connection 7 days WD Contractor 10 11 Acceptance of work done; sign the SACO Post inspection of service connection FEES FORM SACO Proof of Ownership P 50.00 actual estimate Inspector END OF TRANSACTION 3 APPLYING FOR SERVICE RECONNECTION ABOUT THE SERVICE Disconnected at meter stand/bolt and nut - reconnection fee, arrears from water bill and service connection materials (if any) must be paid before reconnection Disconnected underground - reconnection fee, cost of additional labor & materials, arrears from water bill and service connection materials (if any) must be paid before reconnection WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionnaires and authorized representative with disconnected service connection SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE For Concessionnaires Copy of Water Bill Identification Card For Authorized Representative Copy of Water Bill Notarized authorization from the concessionnaire Concessionnaire’s identification card HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Proceed to Customer Service & request for service reconnection 2 3 4 4 SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE After verification of record, issue Maintenace Order for reconnection 1 minute Customer Service Assistant (CSA) Pay arrears Accept payment and issue Official Receipt 2 minutes Bill Collector Pay reconnection fee Return to Customer Service and present official receipt Accept payment & issue O.R. 2 minutes Cashier Forward the Maintenance Order to the Dept. Mngr./ Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Engineering Dept. 1 minute CSA FEES FORM Maintenance Order P50.00 if meterstand P500.00 if underground STEP CLIENT 5 6 SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE FEES FORM Reconnect service if disconnected from: s meterstand 2 days Crew s underground 5 days Contractor Acceptance of Post inspection work done; sign of service the Maintenance connection Order Inspector END OF TRANSACTION PAYING THE WATER BILL ABOUT THE SERVICE Pay the water bills on or before the due date stated in the Statement of Account. A 10% surcharge will be collected if payment is made after the due date. WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionnaires of San Jose Del Monte City Water District SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break. REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE Statement of Account (old or new) Promissory Note if on installment basis If no/lost water bill : -account name or number secured from Customer Service HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Present Statement of Account (SoA) or inform collector of any account information 2 SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION Accept payment and validate Statement of Account or issue Official Receipt IN CHARGE 2 minutes Bill Collector 2 minutes Bill Collector FEES FORM In case of check payment, prepare waiver for signing Fill-up waiver in case of check Bill Collector END OF TRANSACTION 5 REQUEST FOR REPAIR ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaires or concerned citizens may report any leakages they may encounter whether mainline, service line or meterstand Installation of ball valve or repair of such may also be requested WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionnaires of San Jose del Monte City Water District or any concerned citizen SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE For reporting of leaks - NONE For installation of ball valve - purchase of ball valve HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP 1 2 3 4 5 CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE Proceed to Cust. Prepare Maintenance Order Service (CS) & (MO) give complete account of leak 1 minute Customer Service Asst. (CSA) If installation of ball valve, proceed to CS and present Water Bill, if any * * Pay the cost of ball valve Prepare MO 1 minute CSA Accept payment and issue OR 2 minutes Cashier *Return to Customer Service to present the OR Forward the MO to the Dept. Mngr. /Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Engineering Dept. 1 minute CSA 2 days Crew Implementation of MO Acceptance of Post inspection Work done; sign of service the MO connection END OF TRANSACTION 6 Inspector FEES FORM MO P234.00 REQUEST FOR RELOCATION OF SERVICE ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaire may request for relocation of the service connection transfer tapping to the nearest mainline or transfer to another location WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionnaires of San Jose del Monte City Water District SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break. REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE For transfer tapping - water bill For transfer to another location - proof of ownership of the new location HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE PHASE I STEP CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE 1 Proceed to Customer Service to file the request and present the documents Verify the documents and prepare IE for relocation 1 minute Customer Service Asst. (CSA) 2 Pay inspection fee Accept payment and issue OR 2 minutes Cashier 3 Return to Customer Service to present the OR Forward the Maintenance Order to the Dept. Mngr. /Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Eng’g. 1 minute CSA 1 day Inspector 4 Inspection and Estimate FEES FORM Maintenance Order (MO) P50.00 PHASE II STEP 5 CLIENT Present copy of Inspection & Estimate (IE) form; or secure copy of IE at WD office SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION Re-assess IE form and check if all requirements are met (if transfer to another location) 5 minutes IN CHARGE FEES FORM CSA 7 STEP 6 7 CLIENT IN CHARGE Pay estimated cost Accept payment and issue Official Receipt 2 minutes Cashier Return to Customer Service to present the OR Forward the MO to the Dept. Mngr. /Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Engineering Dept. 1 minute CSA Implementation of Relocation 3 days Contractor Post-inspection of service connection 1 day Inspector 8 9 SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION Acceptance of Work done; sign the MO FEES FORM Actual estimate END OF TRANSACTION REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP ABOUT THE SERVICE Ownership of service connection may be transferred and the account name registered with San Jose Water may be changed WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE Any person who acquired, through sale or donation, a house and lot with registered San Jose Water service connection SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE 1. Copy of Deed of Sale or Deed of Donation; and 2. Latest Community Tax Certificate HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE 8 STEP CLIENT 1 Present proof of ownership Provide Service Application & Construction Order (SACO) form and Service Contract 1 minute Customer Service Asst. (CSA) 2 Fill up SACO form Prepare transfer ownership form 1 minute CSA SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE FEES FORM SACO STEP CLIENT 3 Pay registration and notarial fee SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE FEES P50.00 P75.00 Accept payment and issue Official Receipt 2 minutes Cashier 4 Forward the transfer form to Dept. Manager/ Sr. CSO for approval before transmitting to Accounts Division 1 minute CSA 5 Edit name at BCS to change to name of new owner 1 day Billing posting clerk FORM END OF TRANSACTION REQUEST FOR PROMISSORY NOTE ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaires with 2 months unpaid water bills but not yet due for disconnection may request for extension WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionnaires or their authorized representative SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break. REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE For concessionaires : For authorized representative : HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Proceed to Cust. Service & request for promissory note 2 Sign the PN in agreement with the terms Copy of the water bill Copy of Water Bill Written authorization from concessionnaire SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE Verify from BCS then issue promissory note 1 minute Customer Service Asst. (CSA) 1 minute CSA Approve the request and give one copy of the PN to concessionaire FEES FORM PN Form END OF TRANSACTION 9 REQUEST FOR VOLUNTARY SERVICE DISCONNECTION ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaire may request for disconnection: 1. meterstand 2. underground Water bills must be paid prior to the request. WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE Any concessionaire with active service connection or his authorized representative SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE For Concessionnaires : Copy of Water Bill Filled-up request for voluntary disconnection form For Authorized Representative : Copy of Water Bill Filled-up request for voluntary disconnection form Written authorization and identifaction card of concessionnaire HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Proceed to Cust. Service & request for voluntary disconnection Verify record and the requirements submitted; prepare request form 1 minute 2 Pay water bills Accept payment and issue OR 1 minute Bill collector 3 Return to Cust. Service and present Official Receipt Forward the MO to the Dept. Mngr./ Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Engineering Dept. 1 minute CSA 2 days 5 days Crew Contractor 4 5 SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION Implementation of request for voluntary disconnection a) Meterstand b) Underground Accept work done; sign the MO Post inspection of service connection END OF TRANSACTION 10 IN CHARGE Customer Service Asst. (CSA) Inspector FEES FORM Maintenance Order (MO) REQUEST FOR CHECK-UP OF SERVICE CONNECTION ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaires may request for inspection or check-up of their service connection due to high consumption, stuck-up meter or confirmation of meter reading WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionaires of San Jose Water SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE Water bill HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Proceed to Cust. Service & give complete account of the problem SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE Prepare Service Request (SR) 1 minute Customer Service Asst. (CSA) 2 Forward SR to the Dept. Mgr./ Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Investigator 1 minute CSA 3 Implementation of SR 3 days Investigator 4 Accept the work Post inspection of done; sign the SR service connection FEES FORM Service Request (SR) Investigator END OF TRANSACTION REQUEST FOR CHANGE METER ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaires who want to verify the accuracy of their water meter due to sudden increase in consumption but no in-house leak, or concessionaires with confirmed stuck-up meter may request to have their water meter replaced WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionaires of San Jose Water SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE Water bill 11 HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Proceed to Cust. Service & give complete account of the problem SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION Prepare Maintenance Order (MO) 1 minute IN CHARGE FEES Maintenance Order Customer Service Asst. (CSA) 2 Forward MO to the Dept. Mgr./ Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Investigator 1 minute CSA 3 Implementation of MO 5 days Crew 4 Accept the work Post inspection of done; sign the service connection MO FORM (MO) Inspector END OF TRANSACTION REQUEST FOR WATER SUPPLY STATUS ABOUT THE SERVICE Concessionnaires who experience irregular water supply may inquire about the status of their water service WHO MAY AVAIL THE SERVICE All concessionaires of San Jose Water SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No lunch break REQUIREMENTS TO AVAIL THE SERVICE Water bill HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE STEP CLIENT 1 Proceed to Cust. Service & give complete account of the problem 2 12 SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION Prepare Service Request (SR) Forward SR to the Dept. Mgr./ Sr. CSO for approval prior to transmission to Investigator IN CHARGE 1 minute Customer Service Asst. (CSA) 1 minute CSA FEES FORM Service Request (S.R.) STEP 3 4 CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER DURATION IN CHARGE Implementation of SR Production Operator 1 day FEES FORM Accept the work Submit findings and done; sign the recommendations SR. END OF TRANSACTION Frequently Asked Questions WHERE DO I PAY MY BILL? San Jose Water has no field collector. Payment of water bill may be made at the following offices nearest you: 1. Main Office, Road 1, Brgy. Minuyan III 2. Extension Office, Phase G, Francisco Homes I 3. Collection Office, Sarmiento Homes, Brgy. Muzon. 4. Collection Office, Poblacion (please check the schedule as it varies from month to month) Concessionaires may also pay at any accredited USSC-CIS Bayad Center nationwide at least one day before due date. Please be informed that Bayad Center imposes P5.00 service charge. You need to present your latest copy of water bill upon payment. WHEN SHOULD I PAY MY BILL? The bill must be settled on or before the due date stated in the Statement of Account. WHAT IF I DON’T PAY MY BILL? San Jose Water imposes a penalty, equivalent to 10% of the water bill, if it is not settled on or before the due date. On the second month of non-payment, San Jose Water will temporarily disconnect your water service at the meter stand by using bolt and nut. San Jose Water may also pull-out the water meter. * as presented in the public hearing held on November 2000 and affirmed by the Local Water Utilities Administration through LWUA Board Resolution No. 70, s. 2008 13 CAN I REMOVE THE BOLT AND NUT AFTER PAYING THE BILL? Only the crew from San Jose Water is authorized to reconnect the service. Any attempt of the concessionaire after he has paid the bill to remove the padlock or the bolt and nut will render him criminally liable under Republic Act 8041 or the Water Crisis Act for illegal reopening of disconnected water service. WHAT IS METER MAINTENANCE FEE? The Meter Maintenance Fee (MMF) is the share of the concessionaire for the cost of maintaining the efficiency of the water meter. Once every three years, San Jose Water calibrates the concessionaire’s water meter or replaces it , if necessary. The monthly MMF is P10.00 and is reflected in the monthly water bill. CAN I READ MY OWN METER? Concessionaires are encouraged to read their own water meter so that they will be able to monitor their water consumption. However, for purposes of water bill, only the reading done by San Jose Water meter readers is recognized. WE HAVE NO WATER. WHAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM? Assuming that the concessionaire is not in arrears and his service was not temporarily disconnected, there might be an ongoing leak repair which affects water distribution in the area. As much as possible, San Jose Water announces any scheduled water interruption beforehand through Text Blast. However, there are emergency leak repairs and other maintenance works for which no prior announcement can possibly be made. DO I NEED TO ENROL MY NUMBER TO RECEIVE YOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS? You need to fill up the Contact Number Form at any of our Customer Service windows so your mobile number can be encoded into our Text Blast system. Once encoded, you will receive advisories and reminders regarding water supply service. ARE WE STILL GOING TO PAY FOR WATER THAT LEAKED AFTER THE METER? Yes. Water that leaked after the meter is deemed consumed and used by the consumer. Concessionaires are advised to immediately repair any leak that occurs after the meter to avoid an increased consumption and consequent increased in water bill. HOW ABOUT LEAKS THAT OCCURRED BEFORE THE METER? Water that is lost from leak before the meter is not charged to the concessionaire. However, San Jose Water encourages reporting of water leaks in the distribution line so that water will not be wasted. Concessionaires who report a leak in the mainline are given tokens of appreciation when the leak is confirmed and there is no other person who has previously reported the same leak. 14 WHAT ARE THE ILLEGAL ACTS UNDER THE WATER CRISIS ACT? Under Republic Act 8041 or the Water Crisis Act, the following acts are illegal: reconnection of disconnected water service meter tampering opening of fire hydrants connection to stub-outs reselling of water for profit San Jose Water will immediately take the appropriate legal action against anybody caught violating the law. WHAT IF I KNOW SOMEBODY WHO IS DOING AN ILLEGAL ACT? Anybody who has information about illegal activities concerning water supply may report the same to San Jose Water at the following numbers: 044-8152171 044-8150378 0917-5069797 0917-5069292 The informant will receive a cash reward of P1,000.00 upon confirmation of the report. The identity of the informant will be treated with strict confidentiality. Contact us Main Office: Road 1, Bgy. Minuyan, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan Telefax: 044-8150376 Customer Service: 044-8150378 Hotline No. 0917-5069797 Francisco Homes Office: Phase G, Francisco Homes, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan Telephone No. 8152171 Hotline No. 0917-5069292 Muzon Collection Office Sarmiento Homes, Bgy. Muzon, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan 15
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