Potential of residue from sugar production for the generation of Heat and Power in Vietnam Presenter: NGUYEN VAN LOC Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Sugar Association Deputy Chairman of the Board - Bien Hoa sugar JSC Chairman of Sugar Committee, TTC Group www.renewables-made-in-germany.com Agenda 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry 2. Overview of bagasse co-generation of Viet nam‘s sugar industry 3. Current application of bagasse for co-generation heat and power in Vietnam 4. Legal framework for biomass power generation in Vietnam 5. Challenges and barriers 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Key figures at glance • 41 Mills • Mills capacity: 139,800 ton/day • Plantation: 280,000 Ha • Cane growers: 337,000 families 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Area of sugar production South Central Coast & Central Highlands: Northern (from yellow to green): No. of mills: 14 Total capacity (TCD): 52,100 Cane tonnage (1000T): 5,898 Cane Area (1000 Ha): 118 No. of mills: 11 Total capacity (TCD): 42,500 Cane tonnage (1000T): 4,984 Cane Area (1000 Ha): 137 Mekong River Delta: No. of mills: 10 Total capacity (TCD): 25,150 Cane tonnage (1000T): 4,178 Cane Area (1000 Ha): 52 Southeast: No. of mills: 5 Total capacity (TCD): 19,500 Cane tonnage (1000T): 2,261 Cane Area (1000 Ha): 34 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Sugar season 2013/2014 20.000.000 18.000.000 16.000.000 14.000.000 12.000.000 10.000.000 8.000.000 6.000.000 4.000.000 2.000.000 - CANE SUGAR COUNTRY NORTHER N CENTRAL SOUTHEAS T 17.321.60 1.619.420 4.984.600 505.100 5.898.000 576.800 2.261.000 193.870 MEKONG RIVER DELTA 4.178.000 343.650 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Viet nam’s sugarcane development 320.000 70,0 310.000 60,0 300.000 50,0 290.000 40,0 280.000 30,0 270.000 20,0 260.000 10,0 250.000 240.000 2000 /01 cane area (ha) 303.0 cane yield (ton/ha) 49,8 2001 /02 309.9 49,2 2002 /03 315.0 50,1 2003 /04 287.0 50,5 2004 /05 280.0 51,8 2005 /06 265.0 50,9 2006 /07 310.0 54,8 2007 /08 306.6 54,1 2008 /09 270.6 50,0 2009 2010 2011 2012 /10 /11 /12 /13 265.1 271.4 283.2 283.0 51,7 60,5 61,7 63,5 0,0 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Viet nam’s sugar production 1.800.000 160.000 1.600.000 140.000 1.400.000 120.000 1.200.000 1.000.000 800.000 600.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 400.000 40.000 200.000 20.000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011/ 2012 /01 /02 /03 /04 /05 /06 /07 /08 /09 /10 /11 12 /13 sugar production (ton) 650.00 772.64 1.058. 1.069. 902.00754.20 1.144. 1.149. 915.20 904.05 1.150. 1.306. 1.527. processing capacity(TCD) 68.05080.85082.950 82.350 76.850 82.150 87.500 97.200 105.75 105.75 112.20 129.90 139.80 0 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Future development plan –vision to 2020 • • • • • • • • • Sugarcane area 300,000 ha Cane yield 80 tons per ha Average CCS = 12 Sugarcane production 24.0 million tons Total factory crushing capacities 120,000 TCD Industrial processed sugar 2.0 million tons No new built sugar factories. Self- sufficient of sugar Diversifying the sugar products such as alcohol, microbiological fertilizer and power from bagasse 1. Overview of Viet Nam‘s sugar industry Restructuring sugar industry Adjust, supplement and plan the sugarcane zones for each factory that are suitable with the national planning. The provincial people’s committee directs to carry out the projects of investment and construction for infrastructure such as transportation, irrigation that are suitable and synchronous with the projects of sugarcane zone development. Apply the overall agricultural solutions such as sugarcane seed, intensive cultivation techniques, pest and insect prevention, mechanization, etc for concentrate sugarcane zones to increase the sugarcane productivity and quality. Mainly focus on increasing productivity and production of sugar on each hectare, not to enlarge the sugarcane cultivation area. 2. Overview of bagasse co-generation of Viet nam‘s sugar industry Benefits of bagasse co-generation power in Vietnam The sugar factory production in the dry season - the season of power shortage , water shortage to hydropower factories. Reduce CO2 emissions : estimates of world sugar ISO organization , for every ton of bagasse will reduce 0.55 tons of CO2 emissions . Decentralized power station ( in 41 sugar mills ) in rural areas : reduce loss of power transmission from the central source ( as reported by EVN power loss of about 9-10 % ) . In India , 1MW electricity from bagasse equivalent concentration of 1.67 MW from thermal coal . Savings of fossil resources , a ton of 50 % moisture bagasse equal to 0.213 tons of oil Saving money by burning oil in thermal power centers and purchase power from China ( 2013 , expected lack of water for hydropower , EVN will have spent $ 5,542 billion to oil burning in thermal power centers and 5,000 billion to buy power from China ) . 2. Overview of bagasse co-generation of Viet nam‘s sugar industry Biomass availability in Vietnam Sugar industry residue (bagasse) is only available in crushing season (120140 days) There are other biomass residues available such as cane trash,rice husk, rice straw, coconut pith, wood chip,coffee waste., etc Such biomass are scattered and the residues are spread over a large area. To extend the operation of biomass cogeneration facilities up to 280-300 days/year, a system needs to be developed where residues can be efficiently collected and transported to a central power station or processing location. 2. Overview of bagasse co-generation of Viet nam‘s sugar industry Benefits of bagasse cogeneration power in Vietnam Bagasse is residue of sugar industry 41 Factories, Total capacity 139.800 TCD (tone cane per day) 41 Potential power source with total capacity >500MW Only 6 working bagasse cogeneration projects are exporting power to national grid, Total capacity 88,5 MW 2 CDM Projects 2. Overview of bagasse co-generation of Viet nam‘s sugar industry Energy savings in sugar factories • Currently, Viet Nam sugar factories are in high energy consumption, Energy savings in sugar process will increase the power export to the grid . • Potential savings in sugar factory is very large , can reduce up to 25 % of total energy consumption . power consumption of about 35-40 kWh / ton of cane can be reduced to levels < 30 kWh / ton of cane , steam consumption in about 400-500 kg steam/ ton cane can be reduced to 300-400 kg/ ton cane • Should be Priority investment for a bagasse cogeneration project • The area can reduce energy include : CANE MILLING , STEAM GENERATION , POWER GENERATION , SUGAR PROCESSING , LIGHTING SYSTEM . • The solutions include: changes in operating parameters ( reduce bagasse moisture , reduce excess air in boiler, reducing blowdown,etc) , switching turbine to electric motor, apply continuous technology , apply waste heat recovery system , insulation against heat loss 3. Current application of bagasse for co-generation heat and power in Vietnam There are only 6 projects BACKWARD technology including low pressure boiler <45 ata, and back pressure turbine resulting in low energy rate, just about 30 Kwh/ton cane Seasonal working < 150 days. Single fuel: bagasse only Only 2 projects implement CDM and carbon credit sale 3. Current application of bagasse for co-generation heat and power in Vietnam Power generation projects OD 1 NAME Bourbon Tây Ninh CAPACITY 24 MW 2 CPNĐ Gia Lai 12 MW 3 Đường Ninh Hòa 9 MW 4 5 6 Cam Ranh Lam Sơn Sóc Trăng TOTAL 25 MW 12,5 MW 6 MW 88,5 MW EXPANSION CAPACITY AFTER EXPANSION 34 MW EXPANSION 34 MW EXPANSION 30 MW SITUATION 25 MW 12,5 MW 6 MW 141,5 MW 3. Current application of bagasse for co-generation heat and power in Vietnam Investment rate of implemented projects 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 SBT GIA LAI NINH HÒA CAM RANH SÓC TRĂNG LAM SƠN Total investment for 6 projects is 50 milion USD for 76,5 MW, investment rate is average 715,000 USD/MW Today, investment rate is about 1 Milion USD/MW, depend on origin and advance technology equipment 3. Current application of bagasse for co-generation heat and power in Vietnam Power generation of projects power/cane (Kwh/ton cane) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SBT GIA LAI NINH CAM SÓC HÒA RANH TRĂNG Averagely about 30 Kwh/ton cane Single fuel: bagasse only Operation: less than 150 day 3. Current application of bagasse for co-generation heat and power in Vietnam Potential and Scenarios of Viet Nam bagasse cogeneration development Targeting 500MW in 2020 Cane production (mil ton) Export power 30Kwh/tc (current) Export power 70Kwh/tc (medium pressure) Export power 130 Kwh/tc (high pressure, advanced tecnology) Export unit (GWH) Export capacity (MW) Export unit (GWH) Export capacity (MW Export unit (GWH) Export capacity (MW 480 133 1.120 311 2080 577 600 166 1400 388 2600 722 16 (2015) 20 (2020) 4. Legal framework for biomass power generation in Vietnam • • • • • • Electricity Act 2004 ( adjusted 2012): interest and capital support for electricity from renewable energy projects in rural and mountainous areas 2005 Investment Law : investment incentives for renewable energy projects , in areas of investment incentives Law encouraging domestic investment in 2003 : Environmental Protection Act 2005 and support incentives for renewable energy projects Decree 04/2009/ND-CP on incentives , support environmental protection activities : preferential support for import of renewable energy and renewable energy production . Government Decree No. 151/2006/ND-CP of 20/12 , 2006, the investment credit and export credit 4. Legal framework for biomass power generation in Vietnam Decree No. 61/2010/ND-CP : The power project from bagasse cogeneration power is renewable energy projects in the agricultural sector LIST SPECIAL INVESTMENT INCENTIVES Decision No. 1855/QD-TTg , 27/12/2007 Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam National 2020 vision 2050 Decision No. 130/2007/QĐ-TTg dated 02/8/2007 mechanisms and policies for investment projects under the clean development mechanism ( CDM ) Decision 1208/QD-TTg ( or Master Plan 7 ) . Objectives power from bagasse cogeneration power plants in sugar will reach a total capacity of 500MW , and by 2030 will reach 2000MW Decision 24/2014/QD-TTg mechanism to support the development of biomass power project in Vietnam 4. Legal framework for biomass power generation in Vietnam Development Orientation according to Decision 24/2014 The MoIT shall be responsible for preparing the national biomass energy utilization and development master plan and submitting for the Prime Minister’s approval. The Purchaser shall be responsible for purchasing all electric power produced by the grid-connected biomass power generation plant under its jurisdiction. Projects of biomass power project should be in the form of independent entity to fully enjoy the preferential treatment . ( 10 % corporate tax exemption for 5 years reduction in the next several years v / v ..... ). For combined heat and power projects: the Purchaser is obligated to purchase entire redundant electricity generated from combined heat and power projects using biomass energy at the delivery point at 1,220 VND/kWh (excluding VAT, equivalent to 5.8 US cents/kWh). For other biomass power projects, which are not combined heat and power projects: The electricity purchase price shall apply the avoided cost mechanism. 5. Challenges and barriers 5.1 Transmission line The investor of a biomass power project shall be responsible for investing, operating and maintaining the transmission line and transformer station (if any) from the Seller’s power plant to the connection point as agreed with the Purchaser. Distance from sugar factory (where bagasse fuel is available) to connection point as agreed with purchaser is normally quite far, because the sugar factory is normally in the rural area and far from connection point. The investment cost for transmission line could be remarkable in some cases. Voltage of transmission line: higher voltage means higher investment but it could reduce the loss of power transmission. Lower voltage could reduce the reliable of exporting power. 5. Challenges and barriers 5.2 Knowledge level There is a lack of updated information on bio-energy technologies Information of high efficiency energy conversion technologies in the sugar cane industry such as GSTIG – gasifier steam injected gas turbin (or Biomass Integrated Gasifier Gas Turbine Technology -BIG GT), multiple – fuel steam generator, at reasonable investment cost. Opportunities of Carbon Funding through CDM or VGS systems is too complicated and unknown. 5. Challenges and barriers 5.3 Capital financing Cogeneration systems are capital intensive projects and the sources of capital financing is an important consideration. Sugar companies, the investors of bagasse cogeneration project, are in difficult time due to the situation of sugar industry: low prices, excess supply. So the self-financing is limited and unfeasible The borrowing could be an alternative providing the project is high rate of return and require certain equity and guarantee Other alternatives such as leasing, third party financing is not familiar with Viet Nam investors 5. Challenges and barriers 5.4 High investment cost of equipment Decision on the origin of the equipment : China , India , Europe , Japan , .. • • Decision on single or multiplefuel boiler Advanced technology and high efficiency equipment is preferd • • Decision on back pressure or condensing steam turbine But modern technology is high investment cost • • System storage and transportation of sugarcane bagasse The selling price of product (power) is fixed at 5.8UScents/kWH • Strugling between payback (IRR) and reliability of invested equipment • • System supply treatment and • The environmental issues water 5. Challenges and barriers 5.4 High investment cost of equipment Decision on technology and investment rate Technology Low pressure boiler and turbine High pressure boiler and turbine (CEST – condensing extraction steam turbin) GSTIG – gasifier steam injected gas turbin Potential of Power exporting 0-30 kWH/tc Investment rate < 500.000 USD/MW 70-130 kWh/tc 500.000 – 1.500.000 USD/MW 200-250 kWh/tc 1000.000 – 2.000.000 USD/MW 5. Challenges and barriers 5.4 High investment cost of equipment Advantages of high pressure boiler and turbine Almost all boilers of sugar factories in Viet Nam is operating below 45 Kg/cm2 Thank you for your attention [email protected] www.renewables-made-in-germany.com
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