saarland Foundations of Cybersecurity (Winter 14/15) Prof. Dr. Michael Backes CISPA / Saarland University university computer science Solution of Exercise Sheet 1 (6 points) 1 Cryptanalysis of the Vigen` ere Cipher The following ciphertext was encrypted using the Vigen`ere Cipher, where all spaces and punctuation were removed. Decrypt it, using any tool you like. (The text is available for download on the course web page.) GIRR MDOF RYSJ NEPO ELNX CBTJ XSUZ LCBI PCIU BMRI MOEI SSQL PYAQ CEQI USSX FEWR KCGX PCKW QDSD OAGV XFKX RDLY OXFO SSCI CKFJ YITO KYBS CPSP DLGC PDYG AKRL DCME ACLJ CCIT OXMZ REEI SXHU QIRK GMEV SCSL YXZO WFYY MBWM OVYV IPPS QCXF SXFD FMEX QOML WSPO FPYO JNER WIIS SDDL PWED OWCM LCWG RRMQ DLCB IJKF CXFW VIYC RBOV CWEP BIOE VCDO YXFC KRAS IKKM MBER CYAR XMXG EKVR OETK ILMC CISD KPMD ILDW LNIP OJMB EQSQ CSRW ORAB MJKF YXEJ DLGC SDPY REJD YJRR QQYJ NVIR YYPV CNDS JOEL IWGC GGZL LLYR PSPD IAYY QOGS OGFX Solution: This exercise was meant to demonstrate how weak these historic ciphers are and to show you how much crypto-related stuff can be found in the Internet. The key that was used for encryption is “KEY”. Consequently, the encrypted message is the following: We thought that you should at least once in your life browse the web for some kindergarten crypto tools. As you see, several of them are available and are quite able to perform a frequency analysis and thus to even guess the secret key of this cipher. Playing around with them can be a lot of fun, but now please forget about this ancient stuff for the rest of this course. In the remainder of the course we will focus on more elaborate forms of security that cannot be broken by such a simple technique. Encryption, decryption and finding keys is possible here: • • 1/4 Foundations of Cybersecurity (Winter 14/15) Solution for Exercise Sheet 1 The first step always consists in identifying the length of the key. This is usually done as follows: for every key-length n, calculate letter frequencies. If these look like the (shifted) letter frequencies of normal text, then we are likely to have found the correct key size. The actual key is then computed by simple frequency analysis. Be aware that the key “A” might either represent a shift by zero or by one position, depending on the exact definition/implementation. Here we typically see “A” as a shift by zero (i.e., the identity). However, if we see “A” as a shift by one, then the key would have been “JDX”, which is also an acceptable answer. (6 points) 2 Identify encryption schemes The task of this exercise is to find out which type of encryption was used for encrypting messages. The possible types are: Shift cipher (e.g., Ceasar’s Cipher), Substitution Cipher and Vigenere. For each pair of plaintext and ciphertext find out which method of encryption was used and write down the key that was used for this method. • Plaintext: THISISASECRETMESSAGE Ciphertext: VJKUKUCUGETGVOGUUCIG • Plaintext: NEVERTRUSTINSECURITYBYOBSCURITY Ciphertext: MVEVIGIFHGRMHVXFIRGBYBLYHXFIRGB • Plaintext: HELLO Ciphertext: DSCWR Solution: • Plaintext: THISISASECRETMESSAGE Ciphertext: VJKUKUCUGETGVOGUUCIG We first realize, that all letters seem to be replaced independently of their position in the ciphertext. Consequently, we assume that a shift cipher was used. Indeed, the message was encrypted with a shift cipher with key=2. Another technically correct answer would be “Vigen`ere Cipher” with key “C”. As in the previous exercise, note that for the Vigen`ere cipher, the key “A” might either represent a shift by zero or by one position. Therefore, the answer “Vigen`ere Cipher” with key “B” is also acceptable. • Plaintext: NEVERTRUSTINSECURITYBYOBSCURITY Ciphertext: MVEVIGIFHGRMHVXFIRGBYBLYHXFIRGB In contrast to the first example, this one cannot be a shift cipher, as “N” is only shifted to “M”, whereas “E” is shifted to “V”. On the other hand, we 2/4 Foundations of Cybersecurity (Winter 14/15) Solution for Exercise Sheet 1 again realize that the position does not seem to play a role, so probably it’s not a Vigen`ere Cipher either. We find that the alphabet is reversed (A becomes Z, B becomes Y, . . . , Z becomes A). This is a very simple variant of the substitution cipher. Another technically correct answer would be “Vigen`ere Cipher” with key “zrjrrnrlpnjzprvlrjndxdxxpvlrjnd” (if “A” is the identity) or key “yqiqqmqkomiyoqukqimcwcwwoukqimc” (if “A” is a shift by one). • Plaintext: HELLO Ciphertext: DSCWR For this example, we realize that “L” is once replaced by “C” and immediately thereafter by “W”. Consequently, it can be neither a shift cipher, nor a substitution cipher. The correct answer in this case is: The message “HELLO” is encrypted with a “Vigen`ere Cipher” with key=“WORLD” (when “A” is defined as a shift by zero). This is, in a sense, the “Hello world!” of cryptography, as it also constitutes the first secure encryption we have seen (from the ciphertext alone one cannot learn the plaintext). You will see a definition for what constitutes a secure cipher in the second lecture. Another acceptable answer here is “Vigen`ere Cipher” with key=“VNQKC”, if you define “A” as a shift by one. (9 points) 3 Cryptanalysis of the Substitution Cipher The following text was encrypted using the substitution cipher. Please decode it using any method you find adequate. After you found a solution, please describe how you analyzed the text. (Hint: You may use any program or simply count the frequencies of all the pictures that appear within the text.) Happy Hacking! 3/4 Foundations of Cybersecurity (Winter 14/15) Solution for Exercise Sheet 1 Solution: The substitution looks as follows: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: Using this substitution, we get (as plaintext) the description of the exercise: The following text was encrypted using the substitution cipher. Please decode it using any method you find adequate. After you found a solution, please describe how you analyzed the text. Hint: You may use any program or simply count the frequencies of all the pictures that appear within the text. Happy Hacking! To decrypt the cipher, we have a look at the letter frequencies. Since each picture corresponds to one letter, we (correctly) assume that the most common pictures will also correspond to the most frequent letters (within the English language). The most common pictures are (in decreasing order): = 31, =27, =19, = = 17. If these look like the (shifted) letter frequencies of normal text, then we are likely to have found the correct key size. The actual key is then computed by simple frequency analysis. 4/4
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