UQUAM Workshop in Venice/San Servolo 2014 Mon, Apr 28 Tue, Apr 29 Wed, Apr 30 Thu, May 1 Fri, May 2 09:00 ‐ 10:00 N. Cooper P. Hauke A. Polkovnikov E. Demler C. Salomon 10:00 ‐ 10:30 10:30 ‐ 11:00 M. Fischer T. Fukuhara T. Zibold T. Ramos L. Chomaz B. Paredes C. Kraus COFFEE BREAK F. Scazza M. Baranov L. Duca 11:00 ‐ 12:30 12:30 ‐ 14:30 14:30 ‐ 15:30 15:30 ‐ 16:00 16:00 ‐ 17:00 17:00 ‐ 18:00 N. Goldman A. Rosch S. Pielawa LUNCH BREAK R. Moessner B. Lev COFFEE BREAK U. Schneider LUNCH M. Lukin FREE AFTERNOON R. Vosk J. Ruhman D. Dreon T. Hilker N. Buchheim COFFEE BREAK Z. Hadzibabic Poster Session 18:00 ‐ 19:00 CONFERENCE DINNER DEPARTURE Invited Speaker ‐ Talks Nigel Cooper (U Cambridge): "Spectroscopy of Fractional Quantum Hall Droplets" Eugene Demler (Harvard): TBA Zoran Hadzibabic (U Cambridge): "Uniform Bose gases" Benjamin Lev (Stanford): "Embracing Complexity" Mikhail Lukin (Harvard): "Quantum many‐body dynamics of strongly interacting spins and photons" Roderich Moessner (MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems): "Dynamics and correlations in closed quantum systems" Belén Paredes (CSIC Institute for theoretical Physics): "Non‐Abelian topological order from quantum organization in indistinguishable groups" Anatoli Polkovnikov (U Boston): "Deriving effective Floquet Hamiltonians using the Magnus expansion" Achim Rosch (U Cologne): "Equilibra on, fluctua ons and sta s cs of quantum measurements in correlated ma er" Christophe Salomon (ENS‐LKB): "Mixture of Bose and Fermi superfluids" Group Talks Mikhail Baranov (U Innsbruck): "Majorana fermions in a wires coupled to a molecular condensate" Nikolaus Bucheim (MPI of Quantum Optics): "(Non‐)polar NaK molecules" Lauriane Chomaz (ENS‐LKB): "Thermometry of a two‐dimensional Bose gas crossing the Beresinski Kosterlitz Thouless transition" Davide Dreon (ENS‐LKB): "Magneto‐optical trapping of Dysprosium atoms" Lucia Duca (MPI of Quantum Optics): Fermi2: "Interferometric probes of Graphene‐type hexagonal lattices" Mark Fischer (Weizmann Institute): "Chiral d‐wave superconductivity in SrPtAs" Takeshi Fukuhara (MPI of Quantum Optics) ‐ Single Atoms: "Spin Transport and Entanglement Spreading in a Heisenberg Chain" Nathan Goldman (ENS‐LKB): "Gauge fields with cold atoms: baby, you can drive my cloud!" Philipp Hauke (U Innsbruck): "Control of quasiparticle dynamics and entanglement propagation in a quantum many‐body system of trapped ions" Timon Hilker (MPI of Quantum Optics) ‐ Lithium: "Narrow Line UV Laser cooling of Lithium" Christina Kraus (U Innsbruck): "SU(N) orbital magnetism in an optical lattice clock" Susanne Pielawa (Weizmann Institute): "Do topological defects proliferate in low‐dimensional driven‐dissipative Bose systems?" Tomas Ramos (U Innsbruck): "Chiral system‐reservoir interaction with a spin‐orbit coupled BEC" Jonathan Ruhman (Weizmann Institute): "Majorana edge modes protected by emergent symmetry in a one dimensional fermi gas" Francesco Scazza (MPI of Quantum Optics) ‐ Yb: "Two‐orbital spin‐exchange interactions with ultracold Ytterbium in an optical lattice" Ulrich Schneider (MPI of Quantum Optics): Fermi1: "Thermodynamics, Quasicondensation, and recent results" Ronen Vosk (Weizmann Institute): "Dynamical phase transitions and topologically protected edge coherence in many‐body localized states" Tilman Zibold (ENS‐LKB): "Antiferromagnetism in a spin‐1 condensate of Sodium"
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