IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA AT MELBOURNE COMMERCIAL COURT CORPORATIONS LIST s ct 2013 2095 tN THE MATTER OF GUNNS PLANTATTONS LTMTTED (rN LIQUIDATIONXRECEIVERS & MANAGERS APPOINTEDXACN 091 232 209) in its capacity as the responsible entity of the managed investment schemes listed in Schedule I DANIEL MATHEW BRYANT, IAN MENZIES CARSON and CRAIG DAVID CROSBIE (iN their capacities as joint and several Liquidators of GUNNS PLANTATIONS LIMITED (lN LTQUTDATTONXRECEIVERS & MANAGERS APPOINTEDXACN 091 232 2091 First Plaintiffs and cUNNS PLANTATTONS LtMTTED (tN LTQUIDATTONXRECEIVERS & MANAGERS APPOINTEDXAGN 09f 232 2091 in its capacity as the responsible entity of the managed investment schemes listed in Schedule 1 Second plaintiff CERTIFICATE IDENTIFYING EXHIBIT document: of: Date of Filed on behalf 2 December 2014 the Plaintiffs Prepared by: ARNOLD BLOCH LE¡BLER Lawyers and Advisers Level 21 333 Collins Street MELBOURNE 3OOO Solicitor's Code: 54 DX 38455 Melbourne Tel: 9229 9999 Fax: 9229 9900 Ref: 01-1782215 (Kimberley MacKay - [email protected],au) This is the exhibit marked "KCM-5" now produced and shown to KIMBERLEY CHANTELLE MACKAY at the time of swearing her affidavit on 2 December 2014' CATHËR IITË ALEXANDRA EITIOTT hwlel, 9gg Ooilm 8ûcct ^moHBlodtl¡blcr llcËomr$00 Att Before me Affir morrìlng l¡gal Pncüdon€rwlhin ttrc d lhe t6gd Meo¡ion Ae', Z(fy ABL/3928288v1 Exh¡b¡t "KCM-5" Email and Second Draft ProPosal JC Lisa Conte From: Sent: To: Andrew Morton < and rew.morton @ i ndufor-a Monday,24 November2014 6:57 PM > Subject: Kimberley MacKay; 'Louise Gray' David Paul Re: Gunns Plantations Limited (Receivers and Managers appointed) (in Liquidation) Attachments: GPL Project Allocation proposal-24 11 14 webversion.pdf Cc: (GPL) Hi Kim and Louise, Attached is the re-worded proposal which we consider would be suited for providing on the GPL website You will note changes to descriptions of the methodology, costs and the timeframe Could you confirm this suits your requirements? Regards, Andrew. ffi 24 November 2014 Project number: 42807 577 Gunns Plantations Limited (in Liquidation) (Receivers and Managers Appointed) c/o PPB Advisory Level 21, 181 William Street Victoria 3000 Louise Gray Senior Manager Attention Dear Louise, Subject: Proposal - Allocation of sale proceeds for MIS p¡antat¡ons managed by Gunns Limited (in Liquidation) (Receivers and Managers Appointed) lntroduction 1 Gunns Plantations Limited (ln Liquidation) (Receivers and Managers Appointed) ("GPL") is the responsible entity of the following managed investment schemes (GPL Projects): . . . . . . . Gunns Plantations Woodlot Project 2002 ARSN 099 584 675 Gunns Plantations Woodlot Project 2003 ARSN 104213710 Gunns Plantations Woodlot Project 2004 ARSN 108 690 080 Gunns Plantations Woodlot Project 2005 ARSN 1 13 092 854 Gunns Plantations Limited Woodlot Project 2006 ARSN 118 534 106 Gunns Plantations Limited Woodlot Project 2008 ARSN 128933237 Gunns Plantations Ltd Woodlot Project 2009 ARSN 135 490 292 On 24 April 2014 the GPL Project tree crops were sold, along with other Gunns Limited assets' The price paid to the Liquidators for the GPL Project trees was $40,565'922. The Liquidators have requested URS Australia Pty Ltd (URS) submit a proposal to assist with the allocation of the proceeds across each of the GPL Projects noted above. The allocation is to be assigned based on each investment Option contained within the GPL Projects noted above. This proposal sets out our proposed approach and the timeframes to complete this assignment. URS Austral¡a Pty Ltd (ABN 46 ooo 691 690) Level 6, 1 Southbank Boulevard Southbank VIC 3006 Australia T: 61 3 8699 7500 F: 61 3 8699 7550 Louise Gray, Gunns Plantation Limited (in Liquidation) 24 Nôvember 2014 Page 2 2 Project allocation methodology URS is familiar with the GPL estate having completed a desktop valuation of the tree crop assets in February 2013. We propose to update this valuation, which covered the broader Gunns estate in Tasmania, and use it as the basis for allocating the sale proceeds on a pro-rata basis across each of the GPL Projects under consideration. The previous valuation and this update will be completed according to the lnternational Financial Reporting Standard 41 (IFRS 41) and the related Australian standards (Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) 141 - Agriculture). The valuation will be completed by applying a market based discount rate to nominal "pre-tax" cash flows arising from the current tree crop. The valuation used for the allocation will not consider the effect of income taxes or the impacts associated with different capital structures or debt f unding. The purpose of the valuation is to determine the relative contribution each GPL Proiect Option makes to the overall value. 2.1 Plantation area For the previous valuation, URS completed a desktop audit of Gunns mapping system and remapped a number of plantations using satellite imagery. We will apply the audit results to the valuation, URS is aware of a number of insect and fungal pathogens have impacted on hardwood plantations across Tasmania, with some areas being severely affected. These areas were not apparent in the aerial imagery used for the desktop area audit and were therefore not considered in our previous analysis. This is relevant to the allocation of value because the potential removal of large plantation areas that may be considered non-viable will have a material impact on the relative distribution of value between GPL Projects. ldeally, any affected Project area would be remapped using updated aerial imagery. However, this is not practical for the purposes of this exercise. Therefore, URS proposes an aerial inspection of the largest plantation aggregations to identify the extent of any damage and determine areas that may be no longer viable. These areas would be excluded from the allocation area. An aerial inspection provides a cost effective means of surveying large, dispersed plantation areas. The inspections would be done by helicopter and completed over three days (one half to one day for each of the main plantation regions - north east, north west and south east Tasmania). The results from the aerial inspection would be used to update the area statement and inform a more focused ground inspection. A number of the GPL Projects contain more than one Option. Each Option contains plantations managed on an alternative management regime. One Option includes plantations that are supposed to be pruned and thinned for the production of sawlogs on a 20 year rotation. A ground inspection is required to determine the status of these plantations as their current status will have a bearing on the end products that could potentially be realised from these plantations. The ground inspections are also necessary to confirm the viability of any damaged plantations identified during the aerial inspection, Louise Gray, Gunns Plantation Limited (in Liquidation) 24 November 2014 Page 3 2.2 Plantation yield Plantation yield is an important value driver as it determines the quantum of revenue received from the expected sale of wood products at maturity. lt also influences harvesting costs, which are highly correlated to stand volume. For the February 2013 desktop valuation, URS applied Gunns estimates of yield. Gunns yield tables are based on a series of site quality curves (A (low productivity) to S (high productivity)). Each forest management unit or Developed Area (DA) was assigned by Gunns a site quality curve. Gunns procedures state that the assigned site quality should be updated following inventory at age six and again at around age 10-12 years. However, Gunns has not maintained its inventory programme and most of the yield estimates for the GPL Project plantations are based on the site quality assessment assigned at the time of establishment. ln this situation good forest practice would be to undertake a catch up inventory programme to update the assigned site productivity to reflect the current condition of the plantation. However, given the limited time available to complete this analysis, URS proposes to undertake a limited sample to test the robustness of Gunns assigned yield, To determine the sampling intensity required, URS reviewed the productivity variation in site quality curves assigned to each GPL Project. ln the absence of any empirical data, this provides a reasonable indication as to the likely variability in yield that can be expected. This analysis indicates that a sampling programme of 210 plots is required in the hardwood plantations to provide a robust comparison of yield within each GPL Project. Table 1 shows the estimated number of plots required per GPL Project. This represents a very low sampling intensity and is considered the minimum number required to provide a robust comparison with Gunns yield estimates, Table 1 Proposed inventory sampling programme Net planted area (ha) Pro rata No. plots vol/ha weiqhtíno required GPL_2002 264 10,777 21% 40 GPL_2003 169 6,500 13% 25 15 Av, current GPL Proiect GPL_2004 139 3,426 ao/ GPL_2005 103 8,690 17% 30 GPL_2006 BO 14,129 28% 50 GPI _2008 47 6,005 120k 30 GPL 3B 1.744 3% 20 100% 210 Total 2OO9 139 51 Plots would be located randomly across each GPL Project. The assignment of plots would be weighted by volume so the larger plantations (that provide a greater contribut¡on to value) would contain more plots. The inventory design will be finalised once the area statement has been updated. Given the dispersed nature of the plantations and the randomised location of the plots (which often results in a single plot per plantation), we anticipate the programme would take three inventory crews approximately three weeks to complete, Additional sampling may be required should the desired level of precision not be achieved. Louise Gray, Gunns Plantation Limited (in Liquidation) 24 November 2014 Page 4 The inventory results would be used to update the assigned site productivity and subsequent wood flows for each GPL Project. URS would accept Gunns plantation growth assumptions and apply them in their current form. For the Tasmanian softwood plantations in the GPL Projects that contain Option 3 plantations, URS propose to inspect a sample of these plantations and assign an expected yield based on our field observations. 2.3 Costs and markets URS will review the cost and hardwood woodchip market assumptions used for the previous valuation and update to reflect market conditions as aI24 April 2014. Option 2 - Hardwood sawlog: URS will consider the limited data available to assess the market price for pruned and unpruned hardwood sawlogs as part of the assessment of Option 2 subProject. No in-depth analysis of these markets will be presented in our report. Option 3 - Softwood markets: Softwood log pricing will be based on publicly available stumpage price information for the Australian softwood industry, 2.4 Land Allthe GPL Project plantations are established on leasehold land. URS will rely on GPL to provide lease cost details including data such as the lease payment schedule, lease end dates, lease costs that are assumed to apply beyond the existing lease end date (if required to be enacted given potential to constraints selling product), and in respect to any requirements of the tenant in respect to their obligations (i.e. cost of make good) post the harvesting and sale of the tree crop related to exiting the lease arrangement. A review of the lease terms and conditions is beyond the scope of our analysis. 2.5 Wood flow modelling URS will use the Woodstock forest estate modelling software to update the valuation. The model will be modified to take Into account revisions made to the various inputs. The model outputs will be presented as the percentage contribution made by each GPL Project Option. A number of properties may have a negative value. The treatment of plantations with negative values will potentially have a significant effect on the allocation of value. To show the impact, the outputs will consider the inclusion (i.e. reduce the overall value) and exclusion (i.e. assume a zeto value) of plantations with a negative value. 2.6 Project budget and timeframes Given the uncertainty associated with the outcomes from the area and yield review, we propose to complete this task on a time and materials basis. Table 2 provides a broad work plan for this project. Louise Gray, Gunns Plantation Limited (in Liquidation) 24 November 2014 Page 5 Table 2 Estimated projecl timeframes Allæstlon of GPL Prolect value lndlcatlve work plan Veßion: 1 2 Novembet 201 4 Tûsk outllre Theme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 Resourcs doscrlptlon Confrrm propellies to be included ln allocalion lJpdate dalabase lo rellecl Projecl area - confiÌm miss¡ng dala Inspeclions (PIeParation) Aerìal ¡nspeclion (1 day/region) GIound inspectlon (1 daYfegion) Compile dala and prepare inspection reporl {incl Opl¡on 1, 2 & 3) Area adjuslmenls based on ¡nspectÌon resulls lnwntory plann¡ng Generation of inwnlory m aps/coordinales Logislics/ owrs ight over inrenlory crews Undertake lield invenlory Process ing of ¡nventory data Anal'€ ¡s of ¡nwnlory res u lls/ updale yìe ld es l¡m ales Eluation assumpl¡ons Costs Review and updale Markets Review and updale Elual¡on assumplions Valuallon mod€¡ Updale model lo reflecl Projecl area Incorporale new area and yield dala lncorpo.ale olher cost and markel lnpuls Dewlop base case Eluallon Ardil and eror checking Sensilivity analysis Dlscount rate Rg\¡ew markel lrends ìn discounl rates Reportlng Dratt valualion reporl Revìew ol Opl¡on 1/2/3 diflerences Presentalion/anal)sis of resulls Revised drafl Final reporl Prolêcl ñâñâdêment 3 Contracting arrangements URS has an existing contract in place with GPL. We propose this work be completed as a variation to the existing agreement. This proposal remains subject to internal URS approvals. Thank you again for the opportunity to present this proposal and I trust it meets your requirements. Please contact myself or Harry Grynberg (Senior Principal Consultant for URS) should you want to discuss any aspect of our proposal. Yours sincerely on behalf of URS Australia Pty Ltd o,47t*u David Paul Head of Forest Resources Consulting, lndufor Asia Pacific Australia Pty Ltd As sub consultant to URS Australia Pty Ltd
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