HQ 97TH IHF DIV C:J.np Cooke, Cfllif 1 J~~,n 45 SO 1 1. FQr 4, SO 286, this Hq, 29 Doc 44, pln.cing 0 <': EM on TDY to Cp Roberts, Cn.lif. is QT:londed to delete: "Tee 5 Julinn A Clnnrm, 32203271. Rq 97th In:' [:i"" (c includo: "LT COL WARD T BLACKLOCK, 0372627, QMC, 97th ~=c Co." 2. Fol E1I1. orgns indicn.ted. n.ro trfd in gr to FA OCS, IT SILL, O}~:.JA, ~NF to o.1"'rivo on 6 J8.ll 45 to rpt Condt" to "ttond FA OCs C1#13~5. ELCI,m 6 ,Jrm 45: so CIS NJ\ME ASH 11 Sgt John J Boyle (In Chg) Sgt VIi 11i an F Ri loy Sg, t }Ilnrks S Eubonks pre Edgelr C Saper 33490641 36246223 19133394 18073321 OEGN Hq Btry 97th Div .Arty 389th Fi. En 3f,5th FJ,. Bn 389th F1L 3n The prOVl.S10nS of Alt 625-5,12 S0P 44, 8.S Qnondod, Hill be conpli,3d with. ::::'0 6: equip tn.ken vn.ll be QS proscribed in p:\r lOr (1)(2)(:') AR 625-5. s/~ 6: f'1.1lic'd papers will bo socured by Eli in chg ~~, dclv to COLldt upon nl"ri'1o.1.- TGF. in aCcordanco with AR 30-2215 tho QMC will furn nece:ssnry non1 tickets to E Sgt Eoyle i.e throe (3) others for journey. TOT. TIN. 501-31 P 431-02 212/5')425. (.~'lth: T~;iX. 'rAG" 'lio.sh. rc ~ SPXOT -S. 29 Dec 44.) pvt Vernon C Zngor" 6277893, 864" 389th FA En is trfd h EOCHR 6 Jan 45. By c ond 0 30:5d Fi. Br:. f Br i g Gem H},LSEY: EDlI!JJ(D o. -'!OLF Col, GSC Cot's OFFICIAL: DI3TRIBUTION: A~ B, E ~ x. 1 HQ 97TH INF DIV Cnmp Cooko, Cnlif ;;; Jnn 45 SC 2 1. Fvt Joseph r lbvc> 330i16650, 322d Engr C Bn, is plnced on DS ','IF IEXUTGTCN, vr" so as to nrri ve on 23 J:,n 45 to rpt to C oDdt, Soh for Sp ,'.; ~'orn Ie; Sv, '.'[nshington 6; Leo Univ, to nttond i 1 th1ctic &; Rocroc:tion Crso, Cl·#29. :"pon completion of crS8 Ell I wi 11 rot to proper stn. Nci thor tvl for dopcndunts nor TFll is :::tuth. CIa tnlcon will be ,'s prescribed in v'r 4b k'c: 6l5-'10 sip ~lljcd p~lpers will nCCO[,lp,my mj i: bo dolv to Corr,dt upon "rriv",l. rc:p, in ,c',:,ordnncc '.I'ith .i~l1' 30-2215 the lll\lC will furn ncoossnry ucC'l tickuts for [ ' I t l'''VJ ~'or cc ' J "111 ~"2 -0,-, ,)T'lr/r'42 ( h 1/elCI", journey inc lud lnl~ rot t v.,, TOT, TDE. ~)O - 'xc P 'to) .:. ";:>0 ". ~j,l~t: 0 j~G F '.'[:::t sh, IC, 30 Doc !~'± 0 ) 2. 2D LT JOHN J DCL:~IJ, 0105703-'1·, Inr, hnving boen o"'::(;rcd to rpt 1.:0 this Hq per prr 4, SO 365, Hq nnc, Cp prnnin. Tc)x, 30 Doc 44, is r:3 b d 387th Inf. EI:Ci:R 3 In.n 45. By cQmd of Brig Gon HI,LSEY: ED,i~;D C. 'iOLF Col, GSC C of:, CFFIC 1/,L: . ./ ' ," ~/ i.····/'.. /. -/ -~/ ,p'" JULliJJ ll. i,LFOHD Lt Co 1, LGD j\G DISTRIBUTION: j" B, E (. X. 1 HQ 97Tli IN!" fil V 'J 3 ~r.'1P Coakl.), C ~\lii' ,15 J'Ul 1. lLll.cT CLJ·1FEHCr~ J\ 1.1rC1:1', 019(-::135, 1"11.J h!l\rinG ~):...;(;n ordcl'Gd to rpt Lc t,}-~i::3 Hq pur P" r 5 J SC 358, llq TC S J Ft l{i loy, 1\~1n5 J 2G Doc ll--L i s ~lst~>d Eq 97t.il Di '7 j\rty. EI:Cj.T{ 5 J~m 45. 2. 1"01 0 b Ei':, orgns indic(~t(:dJ "'re pL:cc:d un TDY ,.~ by 60~lt o'.'.:nvd vc:h ,'15 to cr HGHE1<TC J C/~.,IF' in connt.:ction 1,Nith !~ TnL .,-"_cti,.Titios. Upon cODp10tion of TDY 5 J:m L~;.-:, C /: EL: v;i 11 rot to proper st, ~! J~\n L1' C ('L LESLIE HE,W j ',J '7ILLU!·I V HI LL ,'",Sll C<"';71U 2 O:.:;:,/~82 FP_,'",1'CH --i-Ie ;~22(~ ;'_Jd 13~1. By. 9'Ti:i, ITl.!' [1: 1'vt John 11. Brown CO 322d J~cd Bn -,.:ill furn noccssJ',ry -voh. ~1 will r:l~;~bu fOl~ Cos (',il l~nrs,uto. lGV" in nccord:Hlco v·lith /J~ 3[:,-,1520 tho FD "vi 11 prly thu t,r0se-r'ibud "J,JIlL;tr~ry '~lws in lieu of r",t "_/r ~i:l,OO pur fll,,:,;~-'l .Cor throe (3) r:10"ls to ~ -'.r-l~ BrO\Vl'.. fer journoy including rut tv:;'" no pur diOlit :--luth. TDLt .':)Ol-l,-'~ ~:52-02 212/~;O-j2ti. (:,\uth: Ltr Hq j,GF, ',',~':sh, ]X, ;:':~1/::r8 (L)(12 l~UG ':lo,:) GIJC-;CT, Sl;'~"j: };uh; . . 'so ;{(;'''U.3U,lt of III Corps ~jn::i_-'_ ,s, dtd 12 Lug --h.) 3. 1"01 0/,: EJ.f_, orbn~3 indic,'"t;,)G" '-'rG pl~~cod on TF[ '-,~- C:;-' :-';OLLT<rS lipon by g;ovt 01VI1c-d voh !) Jan L~C' in ...:C'rm";C; '..:;::'0:1 wj,th /_ 'Inc :'oct:i vi tics. 7 ,J:m 15 0 (: L, 'Nill ret to proper st.:,,: pl,~tion of TDY 0/\ r: ':::CE l.fJ\:',B C_t"'TT Ji\COB L!,SCFF OlllOG07 set hnrry C Woodruff 12:l32723 Sf.:, t hobort U Sh,'l_w Toe 5 Edw~rd L Froch cT:- J C;"LIF', COI:',- Cl,:,:;'J Z,2-:';-,j- 2ng;r C Bn ~_'I<'th Inf Li v F'1 97th In f r-,~ v ~';,22d En[',r '~ En l~q CO J-'q Co 97th Inf Div ie CC ;',22d lOner C 13n will ecl' furn one (1) 1/; T wh i'or journey. ;.£1,1 will ,"'rr"nE>~: _fer (/,:s h. oil unroutu. IGF, in ,,_cc(!rdr~ncc: with lIn 35-4E'20 thu FD 'will P' y th<; pf'O~3CC\h_.:;d 1.10Dutnry ~lws 111 lieu of "t (',/r t;l.OO pur lJ1u:-,_l r'or lJjt;ht (k) ;-h(;<':'l~,S to '(;l1.:::'c(; (3) El'-': 0'" fer j0\'~__:·1'-<J:,.r ir:cludint; rot tvl. Ho p..:r d~G!'l ."-U-~::J1Q TDI.r ... S01· "_,~ F <32 .02 212/5612E1. C-',n.h: Ltr I{q IGF , "i'hSI1, 1£1 321/Hl (E)\l2 fluS t~il) G]J(,,;T I S1.Lbj: 1\018o.SO c,: nJ~S' t of III Corps Unlts l dtd 12 ;lU;; '~4.) 0 By cood of BriG S~Il I::L~~Y: Eli.:;'~~D C. '-"':OLF Co;, (JoSe Co". ~; OFFICII,L: .' , JELL H ll. ;,LFGIW LtCo1, ;,GD i\G DIST3IB1JTIOlJ: 11, B, E h X. 1 HQ 97TH HI;; DIV C:'l;~P ~~0 ~l C(~\()b. ;, 1. 012f1'~20t), };L. . J EUl'-JJ',. nD }\ rC'D8S'L' . , :'d:37th Inf l::, ~~tchd urn~";Ld hq ~7th lnf, is raId fr C'lS;l.,t (c dY'.'iith l)i v, G-;:S Sue. 2DCI':lH 6 J _Il ~ 5 • Ir~f .. 2. Cp r, "Ii:' 4 J'-E 45 So irlUch of V',r 2, ;;( rti!1)(::rt~), '. :_!{ . '1ld"d C':lif, to r!;' d: ~LS r,-;",I,~;: T1~-'vt JoLn L/J iE 1'vt/c:1ron B,,;, ,1'.1 ~ 'vt l.Ji 1 ton F . -,~ st tI]",-, 1-" t ~J,~)hL ',"~ ,~~ 0 ;'~ 3rc)vrf'L~ 33i~~I;~'\lG7. :::;HC52178 3:/)\;35512 Otle OC;U r;:r .=-)y 3Z'!,..(:/);::,lb7, ;:>G(;U :~<~~~cl >,jd :"~,:l. II L~-d 3GT,u"{::lf 0U7th inf ,1..L1:;1" CFl'l:; Id,: ~ "/",,:-t-.J' , 1'~ IIf ']I I·:. hI. .. l.hD Lt :01 ... fLGD ,JULr h_G 1 -, .... , ,~~n ?)" t., ." :::, '\ i s ii-l C:) 97t~~ ~Lf ~~:i ",: Hl~ c~, ?,'?th ILf 1i ". ,' l:l>.~ 97'.i'I{ Il']F DI7 SO 7 .., h G J:.m •...t. .....) 1. rvt n.r)!3t:i.t:lto~; rrir:ro" 3J<·5(:':if3;~ .• 3(]'7th Tni', no'.'! :~:.)S sk is trfd to atchd lmasg(l I:-::t 0/ l'n.t 1,0"',:::" C.il. T,"1.' D!~·I'2.;}TSJ ?:[t'SG., }~LC:~F j.·l (T:"',n '15" s/n (.: D.lli,.:d pnp<)rc will ~)Q f:)r'JJ~'"~d·')(l t"! r:'lf',il~ }~o tvl nGe(;~~3f~rJ)" (J~u't.h: "r1) Cir 2i30 ~ (.l,.~,,) l1~'i.ME ~'~~~ ,,-~;. ~) rv't3i lly E 3. ri v TCn~. f,:)l:.D Fol 0 ,K:, ,-)r,~ns EIeI'.ll{ ~j Jnr. .~'j ~ j.:;·d:i~:~,t0d) arc; plc.e·.,:d N/\.;':E l-_S}J l:~AJ l~)· ~? ~ ~ .~.~ S HOT3EEr:' H sst sgt l'-;~LL r: 1 u O!'".:. r •.. :: 1 r;:, vrith l~zl J7th Ini' Div, Ir~f John S Ej, 1c1:: bl'C,;},ci. EVur8tt :~ ·.\'>'t1'0 Sc:;t Hr.r L;y E st,.t·'Jn1j Tee <i: Firth 1: ;',jc, j;.n Ly S TO ·';-J·T;~~~ri --~t5.:\ n7'i :»l. ~Yj'-:~:l ~:, J. 2 '/ (5 10 1 ,.~ Co ?Ylth e:-d (LF) Co Ll. Fo 1 BI:" or ~;ns ind le :~l tc d J nrc., rc Id f-c i..~:: Eq 97th Inf Di v j (;: p lac 0 d on 1;3 11'1 8'1 th 1 nf ri 7, Ii v TQH... E LC 1',1-': 9 ..J:"~n '.!:~): l:Aj·':E T Sst Ernu st '\" Lnn{;u In. Cpl 5. Ccoko J Thorv~ls ~n:' A Efthim 6.1 SO 6 J thi s Eq" Cf;.li f ~ is r0"'Tokud,. CoS J LSI'T 372f315:)7 1 70 7 ~~ 9 ~~~) onG~] HELL rp '3"2' ~~ dIn f fl:-?I pcrt~~in:int; to trfr of II'~ 1::<.h3L ~·ln.tl' to (',"'" -:-:- .,}\'... I.: , ..I- Soc 1908, Cp ord0rod to rpt to EiX'Vii: 3 J'.i.n ,J,5. :D I';~' ~ ;"l~':.:-) ';~~'. C; 0 J., (}r,,~ OFF'ICL~L: (l-t~: 3i37th Inf 6. 2D L1' B.:XTEE i'.ii ETJtLCCY; Cl'!'9923b, C;~j;, r..D'i:ir':'G this Hq pur par 10, v,m;;c 2.,2 J,·'.rl :~f)~ is nSf}J 97th:!:.r DISTRIBUTION: noe sho\vn" ~:I\) j~.' I; I::Q 97TF E;F DIV c fl{ ~ pC]::: (,' C- I "' P 9 Jcm /15 SO 8 1. lfe Ed\v~lrd H HiJ1d!:~,(_-~n, l7131~127 J 387th Inf is tr.fd .',tchd unr-s t\~, Cornell Univ, ITHj~C/, 11Y,/!'l i:1LlCodb.t::ly rpte; up,!n [lrri-,'c:l t::" CO f.'c ~;I.e)'iH 15 JCLl1 '15. Clo ,I; ,-,quip tr,kon will or..: ftC prc[Scrib'Al in r"r~:' L( 6lf)-~O. sin ~.; cIlliccl P"P')Y's will [cr~corlF::',ny El'.l /~ b,) d(:lv ":;c.; CC Ul<l1 :.rriv'\l. ~u~ i'.' 'lccurJ:,nco with !',Ii. 2)0-2215 t}w Q;;C will furn l1'.::cc,,;;c,ry :.I(;:·.l::;iGk,~t3 t ~.:'e lIirlJl.J~l-: fur jourrloy. TOT. TDl'-~, 5Cl-31 F <l:31-C2 21G,/50".·~~E'. (~'~l.!th: "\,,'i =~ir '1" '0' 1 Ie ,} ~)~--" n 9 J ~\rl ~r"5') '..r_~]J 1.""xl';: co: T"X T'r< /'}-TJ .. ,J~\S1J ... Al.-i'J-.Li., _ '.;;;;';,~·lT, 1 ' A 2. VOCG 8 Jc,n ·15 dircctini~ ryt ,J,;880 story, 3·.l9d~3t',l, h.".-liq; L~ II t.' r;-t tc this Hq por p:cr C, SO 2, l',SF 3d SvC, L,,,h,,n GIr" DutLr, 1',", 2 bo :lsl';Cl ~)86th Inf, is cOllfinlcd (.: ur.tCo :.1 n:ttc;r "f rcccrd. ::::rC:;h iJ ";:~.l' E I.e ITH 11 J :-.n cc. VCCG 16 Loc ticJ: diroctins p;lr 1, SO 276, this "q, 16 [,.e ' L , pl:c~~'b () C)l1 TDY to C(;GS Sch, Ft LCClvcl1''v:)rth, l\.Clns, he; nneEded tc, inclu;,':,;: n~'l' di, 2.00 is rluth while in :lttcnci::mc,:.:; f'.t sch, II is c(,nfin:(;d'.: ::'ldo :'l :.!f~tt,-r .f' re:C :.lrd. By C'lil,j of BriG GCl1 B'LSEY: ED ;J)~. C,:l J G:;C CufS OFFIe I 1\L: DISTJ:IBllTIClJ: III D, E ,; X. , .L . rc LF 1 liQ ~}7 Tl-I II·.: F' TJI ~l Cmnp CookoJ, C"ltf 10 <Tr,n 45 SC 9 1. Ffc Cb.rcl1cc II R:i.omc.n, 39462789, 387th Inf is trfd in Er to ;>;d DlJt, SCU 1908, CP CCOKE, C/,UF. ELC;r.;R 12 <Trn 45. Clo tc.l:cn will bo ns proscribed in par 'Jb. I,R 615-40. SIR & nllied pfl.pors vrill ("tccomp,'ny EM r~;bc dolv to CO upon nrrivrl. No tvl ncocssf'ry. (l~uth: VW Cir 280, 19L'A.) 2. Fol Biel, 38?th Inf I 1~1"J trfd in [,1' to j,GF R'~1pl Dop 1i'2, FT OHD, CILlF, 'iT' v:i thout dolr1y 1'ptg upon ,,1'ri Yrcl to CG for dy. Er.:cll{ 14 J:m '15. !.f;N ;)1,875125 39140466 ~T.j'J\'~E FiOC-Ch:1.1'bs F Stuv:ms (In Chg;) Ffc Giov"nni R Lomnnitz 604 604 TPi; is not nuth ,~: dOp,:::nc1cnts will not Qccomp"ny ELi to hopl D,.Jp. E:: 1yi11 comply lIvith PCR, 15 ii0.Y 404. Glo,ii, equip tn;c::n v;ill '00 QS p:'osc1'ib(;d in Ltr Hq l:.GF 320.2/34 (LGFED)(R)(18 ,Tnl 11A)Gl.I.GJS, 18 ,Jul 'lLl, rts Clmondcld. EL will notify thuir correspondents th:)ir mf'.il:i.ng nddr088 will be: Gr:1do, :?irst 11"mo, ;:iddlo Initi:-'c1, Last UnITio, LSN, LlF :B'p1 D,,-,p #2, Fit Orel, Cr,li.f. s/n ':: n1Hod pn.pc.;rs will '00 sccured by K: in Chf~ 'c c>::lv to CG upon nrri'J('l. leTF, in ['.oeordnneo with Ill';: 30-22Ui th(, Q'C ".,ill furn ncccss~r;y riio,:.l ti01:ots to Pfc St(lVC):::lS !:: ono (1) othur for jeurnoy. '1'O'r. 'l'mI. 501-31 F ·:.7>1-02 212/50[125. (Auth: 'f'.·X LGF, '.,'[\sh, re, GULCH 1-8:)9,11 J"n15 (,; VOCG IcC}F, '··nsh, W, 11 J~LU 115.) 3. Fol Er,,;l, orgns inclicnt·:;d, n.TO trfd j.n gr to J\.SF Pars Ro~"'l D:Jp, CP BEi,LE, Cf.LIF, ':iT:' 'Nithout dolety rpti'~ ul)on ,'r:riv,'l to CC for dYe ELCIJR 14 JCtn IT . .}":E Tee 3 Kr'xl F Lorch (In Chg) ~()C tJ.. Kurt Kn,;bol T,:Jc S Gusb~.v() Korst;,n 'r C)C f;, Hens H 1!T.::;ndol Ffc ho hm't Rupprecht P"lt ConrDd F I::nc.ucr /iSl~ T.~CS 12078518 :3C211125 3911,1698 376 5 l1 'lC 1 [l?0130:?6 c:.n ~)Cj5107S Oe~) 861 861 ;~Ol 657 /~5. ORm' 386th 1nf 322d ; :od 13n 38Cth .J n.L 3:~2d ;:>d En 797th Ord (L?':) Co 3:22d ~;od En '1~ .(:' 'l'FL is not nuth ~,: dopendants \vi 11 not QccomF.ny EL to Hop1 D:Jp. Et,l v,'5. 11. comply wi th pen, 15 Lny 41. C 10 ,~: oquip tnkun wi 11 100 's prcscrl'J,;d in Ltr Eq ;'~GF 320.2/3.1U~Gii'HD)(R)(18 Ju.l ·lA )GPGDS, 18 Jul <JA:, ns nrwnlL)d. g': wUl notify thair corrosporid'onts'thcir mni1ing ~,cl~rcss ':.-ill bo: Grf'do, Fjrst N~'rao, IIiddlo Initinl, Lc-cst Nni'lu, ASN, lcSF RQpl Dt)p, Cp Sc,;~lc, C0.lif. siR i; rlh·)d p".p,Jrs 'will '00 sccured byEE in chg ,: dolv to CC uron nrrivc,l. 1GF', ill fCocord;.YlcQ with LR 30-2215 th,; (FIe will furn IlOCOSSc-!'y I10f\1 tickuts to Too 3 Lorch c fiv~ (~) others for journoy. TO'l'. '1'])). 501-31 P ;1~n-02 212/50{12fS. (j.uth: T',X, Ii.GF, '''Y' , 1"(1 ~ (""'eT" . _..U .,. IJcr J ' I " ! 01".±.\...'.. "'1] ("'1 T ,.,) OT' " -''' 5 F 0 b tt'1 ..0. u, ,., 'J~'.S!1, .:..'\.' ,--L~iJ.i,: ,l-\.~ 1 - r7~1 t) ,~,~ 0 (..·~tl1. Il~J: '.:J-b-D-Li.,. . .·• ) .J.,l..U 4. Fol Ell, orgns indic:;tc,d, t'ro trfd in gr to J.GF Repl Do? 1/=2, FT onD, CLL1F, ',';1' wi thou.t dolcey rpt,cr; upon nrri v[',l to CG for dy. ELCr::i. U Jc-InlS: :";'E --, Fvt Olin ,\S:\T 20705350 32786404 E Cox (In Chg) Pvt H~ms ,] ';;n Schc'!ordtfog(Jr Pvt E:rj.ck E Hofmnnn '~2019S55 He'S 1607 715 8',·::: OHGN 38'7th Inf 386th Inf 9~~2d FI. Bn TF1" is not fCuth (;dOpDud:mts will not n.oco:"'1.f,"ny l~:i to Ikpl Dop. E~T veill conply with FOR, lS' T!:',-y /.1iio r C10>: E:~quiptn>jn ,,',Iill 1')() "8 proE,cribod in Ltr Eq j<GF', ~.r··')/3'1('('FT:D){·n)(18 T1 1:'·")"~"""n<"' T.}" ",fr" ":):":"U.'~ ,-'x .!;.,....;ri.n.. \..:\. .. <...U ,;:£. L",1J... ,I...T ...)I-.), 1"C ~jtt .<. ·,t'"':':J n.s ar~lon,_:ld C). 0/11. (,~ n 11"Ole d pr1p()rs will bo S0curCld by EE in ehg Ie doJlv to CG UFCn. r\rriv~j, En will notify thair corl'ospo:1do!lts th,")ir mQij.inf~ncldrcc3 '!:ill be: Gl"':'!CJ, First N~':YjG, l'jdd10 In5.tinl, .,., r S"'J f\l~T.o-1~ ,-, -, -1 .,. r . " ,l.n Ctl;, .',-,or -. J!ll.LC . 0 1':1 ." th .;;,.. R. '.30 L ,~..LS t ~' lIQI11. r ... ; ,;.d.. ~p .r,. . ". ~,p . 'J/,9 :it.;.; .1.T~t, '.-".1 u'..i \..I ..:l ... 1..r .l\;rj'." 2215 tbo Q1'~C vri.l1 furn nocet,S"l~y l'1o:,l l~'. CkOt8 to I":-c; ,~,,~,: .'. t:.';o (2) oth~;rs for journey. TOT. 'rDN< 501 .. 31 P 43.1-02 21~~/50<1~:5. (ruth: TTX: , !,.GF, IY:C, 1'In.sh, rc, Glii'CH. 1-761" WD Ltr J.G ~E ~311 (31 Jfln '1-:) CB·~S-B-E;.'·5 Feb '1·1.) _',J.,I.L .' .... l ... "'I" . ' ' ' ' • •\ ' Co 1 Contd SO 9, 10 Jnn 45. 5. Fol ELi, orgns indieo.t,.Jd, now on ~uth 90 d~y furlough Qt pl'~eos shovm', nrc trfd in gr to 1st Hq i.e Hq Dot, Sp Trs, L.GF. FT orm, Cl.LIF. ELCIIR 1tl: J"n -:i:5': N1J.1E S Sgt Donald B L".sloy J~SN ORGN 3509.:;'1'11 322d t'ngr C Pfe Silas F Bradford M825857' 922d FJ~ on Bn AUTH FUR AT U S Hubbor Co, Indianapolis, Ind Bibb Efg Co., U[".t'lOf'.,. Gn Clo & equip takon will bo o.s proscribed in p~r 'lb, IR 6l5-'-W. 1.uth is gr'1ntod to ship 010 undor provj.s~ons of ;'"R 55~160. SlIt f.; flllied pupo:s will ho fOrVTQrdod by I:lnil. (.Auth: voce::, LGF, Vhsh. re, 11 Jnn ':5.) By oomd of Brtg Gon BILSEY: E m'U\.? DO. "'0 LF Col, GSC CofS CFFICILL: DI STRIBUTION: A, B I ' E ,:: x. . 2 .. IIQ 97TH INF DIV e amp e ooke. C Qlif 11 lTan 45 SO 10 1. This par pertnins to Geners.l Court c; will not be published in consolidated form. 2. Sgt Donald E Shively, 39417685, 387th Inf, now abs sle is trfd in gr to atchd unasgd, Det (\f Pat, Hm:unond GE, MODESTe;, CALIF. EDC]\;ffi 15 Jan 45. sjR ,> allied papers will be fo)~wC\.rded by lT1Qil. CIa prescribed in .till 615-40 will be forwarded in accordance with N3. 55-160. No tvl necessary. (Auth: WD eir 280, 1944. ) 3. Pvt Lewis E B0ker, 33743027, 745, 386th Inr, is trfd to Hed Det, SGU 1908, CP COOKE, C.ALIF. EDCHR H Jan 15. Clo takon will be as prescribed in pnr 4b, Jill f1S-40. siR c; allied papal's will accompany m::!; be delv to CO upon arrivn1 No tvl necessnry" (Auth: VOCG AGF, 15 Sop 4--1.) Pvt Donnld L l'!cGee, 39337073, 610, 303d Inf is trfd to 97th I\!'P Plat. 14 Jan -'15. 4a Elx:a~R 5. Cp1 Thonas E Davenport, 31330036, 97th Cle Dot, 97th Inf Div, is reld fr asgmt to eIe [; trfd in gr to IJ"RTC, CP HonZE, T~,{, WP without delay rptg upon arrivn.1 to CO for dy~ KCCI<:Ii 16 Jan 45., Clo taken will be ns prescribed in par Llb .Al{ 615-40. siR:; allied pnpers wi 11 accompo.ny EM ,:; be del v to GO upon c,rri val. IGF, in o.ccordnnce with fill 30-2215, QM will furn necesso.:cy neal tickeb to CpJ. Davenport for journey. TOT. TDN. 501-31 P ·~,31-02 212/l)C;425 v (Luth: VOCG, ;.GF, ;·insh, DC, 12 Jan <15.) G. Fo1 ET:, 45th -;,-e. r DOl; Flo.t, now nbs sk in hospi tala shown, are trfd in gr to 44th c.-io.r Dog Plo.t, CP S~'.l'J LUIS QBISFO, C!,LIF" EDClE 1'1 J:.tl1 45; IL".l;E ASN Tec 5 H[\skell U Abell Tec 5 Moses R Bell 35738052 37488923 NO';; ABS SK LT USilI;rir;e--iIosp, EvnnsvUle, Ind Sta Hasp: Cp Cooke, CnUf Two (2) wnr dogs will be included in trfr~ Clo (; equip of EN will be shipped in fl.ccordnnce with AR 55-160~ siR 8c allied papers will be forwarded b:,r mnil, IGF, in accordnnce with !,ll 30-2::15, QHC vvi 11 furn necessnrv nenl tickets to two (2) Ell ea. for journey. TOT. TDN. 501-31 F 432-02 212/50425. (Auth: VOCG .• 12 In.n ll:5, l.GF ·;;nsh .• rc, 12 Jnn 45.) By c ond of Brig Gen EI.LSEY: EU,UJiD O. --OLF Col, G3C C;)fS OFFICL\L: (.\ 1'\ (!> /\ \f':; ~.A..i/> .\ ( ;···.;]vAv (.\ n ( ~_·x, ,. (<-TOEl;; G~ CC,PE:LmOLL Capt, )\.G D . l:"'cst 1\G ' ... I DI S'I'EI BUTI ON : L, B, E , . X. 1 HQ 97TH INF DIV Cnmp Cook<; ~,Calif 12 Jnn 15 SO 11 1., far 2" SO 8, tl:.is revoked., Hq~ (lS~ po~·trtinil1.b to nst;mt of En to 386th Inf, is 2. Too 4: '."iilln.rd E K()rni'old,. ?,n03,167; is reId fr DS Hq 97th Inf Di v, L.G Soc, [\tchd Hq Co, 87th lnf D:i.v for r~,t, qrs f: ['\dm ~~ will ret to 365th Fl:. Bn. EOClm 15 Jf\n ,:~5. 3~ rvt Clinton J LO:'1.d'IItl:1Y., 39585788 , 303d Inf is pbced on D~ ,',ri th Eq Sp Trs, 97th Inf Di7., o.tchd Hq Go, 97th Inf Div for rnt, qrs r: UrI!:l. EI..CI1~ 15 JQn <.1:5. 4 .. r-vt Keith I\. Long .. 37234027: 386th Inf, is trfd to Hod Dct, SCU 190B, CT' COCKE, C1.LIF. EIX:llli 15 J'nn 45 Clo tn,ken will be ns proscrib3d in J'.R, 6l5~0. sjr( :: nlliod pn.pors wil.l ncCOli!IYl1.y En ~~ bo dolv to CC upon o.rri vo.l. No tvl . th 1T~('I "'1<' •..•:Q5!t, 'L :cc~ .) ( .i.l\.: noooss~ry. vl.vu' ~"!.rJ., v ~ 15 S , or '..,'I. 0 <'I 5. 1ST LT rETEll, H1JroLJ:,,~ 0392G5<l:~ I,:C:, is rold fr ['\sGmt '" Hod Dot [; nsgd 322d Lod 3n" EiX:lm 15 Ja.n ':<5. dy with Hq Sp Tr5, 6. Fel 2D LTS: Inf,. hnvinf; boon ordurod to report to this Hq por p['\r 12, SO 10, Hq InTe, Cp lloburts .• enlif, 11 J'f\U 4G"Qro nSbd orGIlS indic!'tod. ECClm 14 Jem '~5: ASGD TO }E::'E 30;fdInf ALVIN HILLER Dl.VID ~; CHHISTIiJJSOH 303d Inf 303d Inf 303d Inf 386th lnf 386th Inf 386th Inf EUGENE V Di,LEY U Ell( TIDBS EU:TI':W J rIAltN' DNl'rD GlillVIH neBELT G YiATT By camel of Brig Gon IUiLSEY: ED>lJ,D C. -X;LF Col. GSC CcfS CFFICILL: DISTRIBnTIO': A. 3, E c; X. 1 Cf'mp .Coo1':(;, C"lif 13 t.T r rl /:.[) SC 12 EBLD F:R 97th Ini' Di v, rete k;~t G-3, Info ,., Eelue C' 387th Inf ~{q I.SGlj TO 386th Inf Eq 97th Inf H ·v-, Asst G-3, Info ~ Ec]uc '. 2. t. (':'7.1 .. ' So t:luch .,£' pl:'r G, SC 7, this F'1, es, f'.SS1.e,nini; 2l:: L'1' B"\X'J'ER I: DTjLLCCI~ ~'~l!:~,t ~'1S )"':. ,"':3: tfE:r:C7'T.~ R tT""n '~_Stl i8 '\:_~~nn,:~:<:(l t,~, :r~':,""·c:: ":SiTi f;',:-:, 20 tJ"1~'l >,,~ ~). Ol'l,:r:S Fol E)':, h"vinL i.ndio,"tod: b'J,)l1 oY'(>Jrccl to rpt to thi.s L~C . . . SN· S ::q p'_'r cLoth CEGl~ ~3horm fU'O ~F.n :'cs:;,:d El:cr::t~ ?nr pi',r 17.t S·,:-. 1~2,q :;'; F ;")P 1 L:JP :ff2 ,Ft (1' d, C'" li £' J 12 <Tn.n '15 : - 312.:~7(;GO '109 322cl l'cc;d :3n TJC 5 Jmws E Enton 15 In.n ·15 for pr.r 20, S~ 6, q LiTC, CP Crof't, SC, 6 LTp!:. '~.fi: ~·vt <J!:rw:ls T ;;:'Cruct..lr. 339100QC 715 387th Inf i'or p,·'r 9, S:' 10, F:~), Ft s:\ 11, r h: 1,'1, 11 LT f',n: [) : 3·'830251 7'S 303d Ipf rfo ·~illi.)r:l' DriL.cH'fo 16 cT:'n' f, 3[)763~6~ 7~5 30~d Inf rfc '..,Toe E Fr n .L10 16 J"n ~5 I'vt Hobert C :3r'01;:,Jtt l'fo i{" Ip11. G Frin,lc)y frc Gc;,:)rj G ".~ DC):3()tfl ~: fo B<'~wjn E ICni. ;;1\t l'fc John F S zp:--,j{ 7'fc Cr'rt:u1o J C::tpnirc. :1: fc ,';lfrod ;\. C)Jl.burri ::-fo :"·own I'd L C ourtn.;y :.- fc r,0c1oo J Dii~i etrc :'fe <Tohn I: Do:Vcs 31C37919 715 303d Inf 35262966 20509G00 ~07 38~th 610 31~2075G 729 386th Inf ~0~th Inf ;O:k,7·t.h Tnf '~20B 123 r07 16 Jnn :15 Inf 16 <J"D <5 16 tTnn. :~:5 If) J',n.'.G 16 16 t.T r~n .:·5 16 LVn :~5 16 J"n ·is C07 350C~; 16l· GO? "'n:5 LT 38,3tL Inf GN) 16 Je>n15 :'fc "loX F Lccinsld l'fc St;mle~[ h S~1~.th :: -i'e ~f<- :,10 s <T .. ~)r: t z c 1 3150072f30 605 16· J:1D. 15 36722776 3::',62<.112 7.~5 :~f37th In±' 1(3 J :;n ·:15 7" 5 ()(;7t)-, IEI' 16 J!'n ';D :vt 3762G9i~6 711:5 387tt Inf 16 J:n ·~5 LOG N Costlc~ Co 1. CafS LFFICIL: 1 G~:C Cnmp CooJre, Cn1if 15 J~.n 15 SC 13 1. rvt RaymondL Shelton .• 3~~659051, 322d I\Ied 13n, now nbs 8]':, is trfd tc ~ De t 0 f r.'8. t- "," ''''1'" Qrl'ru,,~m-I'~ ' SjI'J.\. n. t e hd unnsgCt" .!00C1roV{ ";"1 '),:1. son lr ..,-:" ........ ~ i");"")';' Y" v.,.,. .ti·~l'·CT;T" ~ ..:l.Lt 20 J nn.::5. b nllied pnpers will be forv.m.rded by mcil. Clo t.~ oquip ns prescribed in tI\ 615-40 mny be forvoJnrdecl under provision of .,:"J:{ 55-160. No tvl neeessnry. ( ......uth~ WD Cir 280, 19·JA.) j 4 Fol trfrs in the 97th 1nf Di v fl.re direete~. 2. ./,sl,r NIHB 's Set Orv:i11e C I'rato 695fS459 36060713 TICS 82'1 82,1 BLCL~i'~ HELD FH ---97th Co 17 Jf.\n 45: 1. \1' .:...~ "'S"""'" ~2~\L T: 97th Si.L: Co 97th ql'~ Co ~'vt Hobort ;i Boyd 3. Fol C in (ls!..::mts (.: duties of C, Fl:.. in the 97th Inf Di v nrc diroetod. 97th Slf, Co ELCMR 16 Jan 45: N:~LE 1ST LT NILES CHUBS 1ST LT JCSEFH A J CNES 2D LT ELt$H Ii' KEI{N 2D LT C,dtL D fJUJC:L:;) JH )\S11 0515<1:83 01171209 REL!) FE. LSGD TC' ---._Eq 97th 303d F.li. :On Di v ,i~rty 365th F..~ In Eq 97th Div Arty 365th F'L ~3n' Eq 97th Iii v .i\rty Eq 97th Di v Lrty Hq Btry 97th Div ,,·. rty 0539994 0527215 Fol EH" hnving boen ordorod to rpt to tb:i.s Eq per f.l.uth shown, nre nsgd ·l. orgns indio fited: N.t1HE rfe Toe Tee Toe rfc Toe Fvt Fvt Sgt Pfc Frc rvt rfe P\Tt rer pftr ·1, SC 9, TIS, ·.7j.l1i~m l.'I Butter fj. e Id rer pn.r 9" S2 10, LGF '1 Henry J Orlowski l;r John R fodieord 5 l:.t71.odeo .Ii ]) t .b.l1t}J 10 RaYl"'lond Ginnn8mOrG For pflr 39~ S'" 8, Eq I 5 linthony N Husso In.mes .-i F'i tzt;ern.ld EoJ.vin E Greenbeum Por p~r 25" Se. 10" Hq 45: l'nris H Hutchison Eorvey L New Eymnn u '·:"cinberb Gene J Fflley I'dI' pn.r 26 " se 10, Eq In.n ~~5 : Hichr..rd Sehwo1sk.y '!:Testley F '7~~ia vIe ,\ .. ~ .~ ;~S(U.: TC 1:1('S !~SN ErCI/ili Ft Don:li n c, Ga, -10 Jc'.n 4b-:H)~5275/19 610 303d Inf 16 ~Tnn ,15 ,., l~epl Dop 4/:1, Ft Georre \..T l\,~:onde , Ed, 10 Jr,n ::~5 : ,132 32061198 97th :'iv I3n.;l.d 17 tJ~ln ·~5 32068303 97th Div B~Yl:ld 17 Jnn '~15 '±32 3~)J.36E\99 :132 97th [.jv Dr-n.d 17 Jen :~5 350·16754 97th ])j v Brnd <l:32 17 Jnn ·15 :'J{'l'C .' Cp Gord:')n, un, 10 c..Tnn ,:,5 : 32592031 641 97th S i t3 Co 18 LTon ~15 6.50 97th Si. f~ Co 32B3·1995 18 Jan ,15 1220'1:~1.15 97th ;~,j·C Co 650 1~ J'an l15 J.\GF HopI Dap 1/1, Ft Creor'l:e G I'Ior fle , l:d, 10 J~\n ('" 33158771 673 322d Vied Bn 17 ~Tnn 130192,15 657 33Gtll lIlf 17 J~n £109 12213887 303d lnf 17 ~Tf\n :~n 33515718 322d lIed 861 17 Jan AGF' I{0pl Lap 41=1 J Ft Georg,0 G Eon;,~,e 1 lId, 1 :~:i 31316257 32~)772<'±8 657 861 386th 1nfy, 389th FI~ Dn 're, LF eFFIC 1AL: /f ?(, \ <'. \, 1 DIsrrR1BPTICN: A, B, E X. - I' 1 '.~5 :~5 :~5 17 Jnn ·15 17 tInn !i:5 By oond of Drig, Gon HfLSEY: E})" ',:".J{ DC. Col, GSC CofS '~~5 HQ 97Th IN}' 1)1 V Cp Cooke" Calif 16 Jan 45 SC 14 1. ClueT ED·-,~J.RD.J.:. GEISS .. 0:160667, Inf, is reId f1" f'.tchd unasgd Hq 97th Inf Div, G-'1 Sec ,:~ is atchd lUlnsgd to IE~TC .. CT lICOD, TE.X J "HI' without delay rpt[; upon nrri vnl to CC for dy. EICl1H 21 Jan ·15. FC S J T:~!~o TC~' TDN. 501-31 r '~31-01) 02,03 07,08 212/501.i:25. (lmth: VOCG, f:.GF, 'Wnsh, :OC .. 16 Jrn ~~5.) 0 2. 2D LT HOBERT It ntchd un~s6d to IHTC I to CCfor dYe EIXaTE. 19 03, 07, 08 212/EJO{125~ l~ ;:;CYER, 01171236, is ro1d fr f\sgmt [: dy with 303d Inf Cp J.loberts, Cn 1if I 1'VI" without do1ey rptg upon orri val Jr.n L1:5. rcs. TrI,. 'rOT. ~~DN. 501-31 r ·~:31-01, 02" (Auth: VCCG, fl.GF', V[ash, IX, 16 Jnn -15.) 2D LT THOllL.S L CCOK, 01179821, Inf .. 387th Inf, is trfd to 303d Inf. Ef.Clm. 18 Jnn '-15. 3. 4. Fo1 EH .. (Cl "DIt) orcns indionted, f're trfd in [;1" to SCll 1908, crCOCKE" CLLIF, 1~T rptg upon nrri vnl to CC ponding trfr to Scpnrr.tion Ctrs to bo disehnrged fr the' sv undor provisions of Jill 615-365 l; VID Cir :370, 19·1A·. EI:CHn 18 Jan 45: N.i1.lE rvt Thomns E Tiller rvt ·,"iillir.m C ~'ra.ter Tvt Charles K ',"ihooldon ~vt Joseph r !asko fvt Hugo 1.. DeFranoGs Jr Toe 5 Stephen h Swoder rvt Aaron Lovine !'vt Hnrold Vi Morkon l'vt LoHoy F J.Ie Donne I 1 ~vt Hugh Radford Jr rvt ",';i 11inm II Stoughton Tee 3 Chester J Ituk LSN oi."c GN 3,1978576 38683262 35247865 ;53932339 33710275 33275£93 1212'1321 37563.:139 31,161120 34969'.117 39562'.106 36358684, 303d lnf 303d Inf 303d rnf 303d Inf 303d lnf 386th lni 386th lnf 386th lnf 386th Inf 38'7th lnf 387th Inf 389th FA En SiR l;~ f'llied pr'-pors will aecompnny EM t; be delv to CO upon orriv['~I. Clo trken will bo os prescribod in lJ-( 6l5- 10. No tvl necessnry. (Auth: VC:CG, .ll.GF, ·viosh, r.c, 15 S e p 4'.1:.) 1 5. Too 5 Elwood E Kecholy .. · 37257830, 238, Eaving been orderod to rpt to this Hq per pur 91, SC 8, Eq I1J1TC" Cp Gordon, Gn, is r.sgd 97th Sig Cc'. EtGrm 18 Jf'n ·15. 6. i'fc Ernest 0 Aijnln, 37270379, 290, 797th Ord (Un Co is trfd in gr to 97th '11':1 Co. EIX:MR 18 Jnn 45. By C omd of Brig Gon HLLSEY: .k.;[i-~J.hD~:. Col" GSC CofS CFFIClf-i.L: /) ,' \ .' t ... , ,- " ~':I ~ (:r JC?'Ylv\ :~ ,.(~ (, \-( l JOHN I G.. CO~EHNCLL _, C8.pt" LGD Asst AG DISTRIBUTION: A, B, E ,~~ X. 1 -·C· LF HQ 97TH INF DIV Cp Cooke, Calif 17 Jcm ·:i5 SO 15 1. rvt Cr,rl M HowCLrd, 357<19640, 322d Mod En, is plncod on SD v,rith Irq Co 97th Inf Div, vico l"vt Floyc~ ':;-" Sulsor, 35763:191, 322d Mod Bn reId. So much of p . . . r 4, 2. ren.ds: "I'vt Jomos "7r0J.i Sl~ Fi tZGor:·'.ld rvt },,101 vin EGroonbn,uEl 13, this Hq, cs, pertaining to o..st;mt of EM ns 32834995 12204 115 L 650 6E,0 97th SiC Co 97th Sig Co 18 Jnn 45 18 Jan 45 11 is revoked. 3. So much of pr'cr 2, SC 252, this Hq, 8 Nov 4'~" pertaining to Bd of c." 97th Di v .tl.rty" n s rends: "fJIAJJLC (B J BEEl,'1, 0326183" Fll., 365th FA Bn!' , is revoked &: the fo 1 substi tutod thorofor: "Ml,J GEOf.GE B H('BERTS, 032GL~15" Fit, 389th FA Bn .. " 4. IilliTC # Ff)l Err" hr.ving beon ordered to rpt to this Ilq por prr 19, S;·~\ 11, Hq Cp H'Jwze" Tex" 12 Jan ii5, rre nsgd or(;ns indiontod. EIX:HE. 22 Jan 45: lJII.:E Pfc Leroy IT ;j[i Ibort rfc Fredorick T Foorstor rfc Gilbort E G!"'rvc)r rfc Gerald H C'lrtor rro Thomo.s T' l1cGrobor :Lfc Joseph Uorgnn ~-fc Albort J etto ~fc John Lioncrt :i.-fc Freomnn ./.r,.. ... ·wcns !,fc Stephen F j~r1.bb !,fc H:"'.rwood E :Lrevost l'rc Dn.lton Stophenson :;. . fc Bon,jnmin A ~,jcrren Jr .-. rrc Sylvester i! Endors :i.'fo E~.r1 D linnco . 1 ',i~1wr zynlD. { rfc John R .-. I'fc David Shumsky f i~vt Donzel HClrvey I'"Crt Dnvid B I"nrks i-vt ClivGr .il,f, Stuttle ?vt ~;Ji 1lfLrd ~'i,J, TXi lson J.J ,.:1, 36193535 },·',"'S 'G57 6E,7 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 657 G57 657 657 3619~5SEl 657 3652·1359 32659251 35.::28 172 18053889 35366399 Ii}; 10:15,12 657 857 196 657 657 657 LSlJ 33397516 36606454 39458157 3652,1200 35·15734t) 36522139 361·:]:6922 36606019 3"1:,,1257 10 3652264:0 325£19223 34303258 4 3-1'~25968 1 ISGD TO 303d Inf 303d Inf 386th 1nf 386th 1nf 386th 1nf 387th 1nf 387th 1nf 365th FA TIn 365th FA Bn 389th FA Bn 322d Engr C Bn 322d lIed En 322d Hod En 322d Ued En 322d Ned Bn 322d lfIed Bn 322d Mod Bn 322d Eod 13n 322d Hod Bn 322d 11(ied En 322d ged Bn By c orad of 3rig Gen RILLSEY: EF,,[JJ<D .~. C01" GSC CofS CFF1C1AL: 1 vr::'LF HQ, 97TH INF DIV Cnmp Cooke, CAlif 19 In.n 45 SO 17 1. 1ST LT 1:VILLIM'I DCOVINGTON. 0463284, Inr, i ! reId fr f.\tchd unnsgd Hq 97th Inf Di v & C\sgd IOHP I IRTC, CP l{OBEhTS, Cl1LIF, "WP immediately rptg upon Ilrri V~ dl. to CO for EDCMR 23 Jnn 45. 07, 08 212/50425. (Auth: FCS. TPA. TOT. TDN. 501-31 P 431-01, 02, 03, VCCG AGF, Wash, DC, 20 Jan 45.) 2. Pvt inllinm Glnlior l 31459709, 610, 38Tth Inr, is trfd in gr to AGF Repl Dop #1, FT GEORGE G BEADE, MD, WI' rptg upon nrri vnl to CG for dy. EItMR 26 Jan 45. Delay enroute of fifteen (15) dnys to visit Revere, Mass, is nuth. Colo &; equip taken will be QS prescribed in Ltr Hq AGF, 320.2/34 (AGFRD)(R)(18 Jul 44) GNGDS, 18 Jul 44, '0.8 amended. sjR & niliod papers wi 11 be torwarded to CG by xnnil. EM will notify his oorrespondents his mniling nddress will be: Pvt ','Tillinm Glazier .. 31459709, AGF Hopl Dcp #1, Ft GGO G l1onde~ MD. IGF, in nccordn.nce 1t'1i th .:\1(30-2215 tho Q.MC will furn necossnry marll tickets to one (l)~ EM for journey_ '1'01'. TDN. 501-31 F' <131 ..02 212/50 i lZ5. (Auth: 'YOCG. AGF, T;Jnsh., 'Ie, 20 Jan 45.) 3. Fol EM, orgns indicated, now nbs sk, nre trfd in gr to Det ot Pat, stn Cl~IF. EtCMR 22- Jan 45: Hoap, CP COOKE J NAME ASN ORGN prc-Penrl A Jump Pte Robert Vi Kvncek Pvt' Robert F Butts Pvt Andrew h Spishoek 3'1662602 38'6th 3505·4095 39577294 36891189 ,387th Int Inf 38Sth In'r 3S7th Inf C10 & equip taken will be as prescribed in Jill 615-40. SjR & nllied pnpers ~11 'be forwnrdad to CO .. Sta. Hasp, Cp Cooke. Calif. No tvl necossnry. (Auth: WD Cir 280, 1944.) 4. VOCG 18 Jnn 45 direoting Pvt Clifford Dektnr, 39578265, 405~ having been ordered to rpt to this Hq per pnr 31, SO 13, 7th Hq & Hq Det, Sp Trs, 4th A, Cp Bo~e, Tex, 15 Jan 45, be asgd '322d Mad Bn, is confirmed & made n mntter ,of reoord. EI:CMR 18 Jan 45. By comd of Brig Gen HALSEY: EDWARD O. ·WOLF Col, GSC CotS OFFICIAL: /~~ri~ G CnpUGD ~1!Iru'iVJ Asst i'}.G' DISTRIBUTION: A~ B, E & X. - 1 HQ 97TH INF DIV Cnmp Cooke.f C ~lif SO 18 20 J~n 45 1. This p~.r portains to Roclassificntion Bd L:' will not bo published in consolidntod forn. Rfi. msdon~ 36770439" Hq Dtry 97th Di v L.rty, is trfd to Mod Dot" Hq 97th Di v i~rty. EtcliIH 22 Jnn '15. 2. ~-vt Norm['~n ".'j 3. i"fc Edwin J Schodorf" 35603417,1 97th SiG Co, now 0-bs sk, is trf0. in gr to Dot of ~'fit" Stn :Iosp~ FT Ell.YE3, OEIO\J Erer-!.'n 27 .Jrn 15" CIa h equip ~s prescribod in AR 615-·le: will be shirpod in nccord:1nco wi th llR 55-160. S;lt (.; alliod pnpers \vill bo fo:rwc.rdod by mail. No tvl nocessnry. (l..uth: WD Cir 280, 1944.) 4. l-vt Vincent Hrnson~ 39923082" 303d Pi:. Dn" now rlbs sk., is trfd to of :i.~nt.f Mn.tthows S'GCl, Hosp,- L:~E, Cl~IF" ELCMR 25 Jnn -15 0 Clo 6:. equip ns scribed in 1'ili 615··~0 wili be shippod in n.ccol'dnnco wi.th 1.Jt 55··160. sjR & pa.pers ~lill be forwQ.rdu(' to hospital by mD.il~ No t vI nocossnry. (l..uth: 280" 19!14.) Dt}t preallied WD Cir 5. 2D LT THO:M.:'l.S T }IOSES .. 01080472., FA: hC1.vinr; rptd this Hq por pn.r 6" SO 13" EITC, Cp l(itchl.o.~ I'~dCt is ~.sgd 97'\:ih eIe Dot. EI:Cl.!L:i. 20 Jnn <15 0 6. VOCG 16 Jan 41.):. direoting thnt ~:·~-Oc.TG Ei.HL C JJ~'DEHSON, -::2000110 1 hnving been ordorod to rpt to thl. s Hq por pn.r 17" SO :LO, 5th Hq ~.~ Hq Det Sp Tr s;; 1th A, Cp S1Nift" Tox" 11 ~~'.n "~5, be nSE:d 97th D1V BnJld, is confirmod b mado n. matter of rec ord. E:CCi.'IT{ i6 J~'m :1:50) By c omd of Bri t; Gon }Il~.LSEY: ED'!-;!J~D o. ·,'lOLF Col .. GSC CofS OFFIe I1..L: DISTRIBUTION: A, B, E & X. > '/ 1 ~,. " HQ 97TH INF DIV Ca.mp Cooke, Calif 22 Jan 45 SO 19 1. This par pertains to General Court Martial consolidated form. & will not be published in 2. Fol 0, orgns indioated, are pla.ced on SD with SeD 1908 1 CP COOKE .. CALIF" for the purpose of PX ihventory. 0 will rpt to CAP't dOPE, Main PX #13, 0900, 25 Jan 45: NAME ASN 2D LT DAVID ~[; CHRISTIANSON 2D LT THOMAS A COOK 01055805 01179821 0552711 01180470 0529565 0549401 2D LT lTAKE eSTERN 2D LT JAUES L DARRO·;i 2D LT ilRCHIE PERRIN 2D LT OON.ALD J POUND· ~DL'f lL:\.Sia:;LL G (; (.>:1.. 2D LT ROGER A KEEPERS LT ~\LBERT H OLINGY LT JOHN P TINSLEY LT LOUIS SLOSS JR LT GARTH M CROSBY 2D LT ERNEST G HERZOG 2D 2D 2D 2D BRANCH Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf ORGN 3'03d Inf 303d Inf 303d Inf 386th Inf 386th Inf 386th Inf l)~; ~~:3 L):):3 Inf 3L7th 1'nf 013168·19 01185245 01182981 0547929 01184188 01184515 Inf Inf FA 387th Inf 387th Inf 303d FA Bn 365th FA Bn 922d FA En 389th FA Bn Fl~ F/lo FA 3. 1ST LT FRf~K J ZUFAN, 01317969, Inf, 303d Inf, is reld fr asgmt & dy wi th 303d Inf & asgd 1st Hq & Hg Det, Sp Tr, AGF, FT OHD, CALIF, WP without delay rptg upon arrival to CO for dYe Fes. TFA. TOT. TDN. 501-31 P 431-01,02,03, 07,08212/50t125. (Auth: VOCG" AGF', Wash, LC" 22 .Jan 45.) 4. Teo 5 John E Graves" 35603162, 322d Engr C En, now nbs sk, is trfd in gr to Det of Pat Sta Hosp., FT BELVOIR, VA. Er:cMR 28 Jan 45. CIa &: equip as presoribed in .AR 615-40, will be shipped in accordance with liR 55-160. & nllied papers will be forwarded by mail. No tvl necessary. (Auth: YTD Cir 280, 1944.) sIR 5. So much of' pur 3, SO 17, this Irq" es, pertaining to trfr of EM to Det of Put, Sta. Hosp, Cp Cooke, Cn1if, as reads: "pre Robert Vi Kvnoek, 35054095, 386th Inf tl is revokog,. By eomd of Brig Gen HJ~SEY: EDYIARD o. Col, GSC Cors OFFIC IAL: \ DI STRI BUT ION: A, B" E & X. - 1 . ViOLF . lIQ 97TH INF DIV Camp Cooke, Cplif 23 Jpn 45 SO 20 1. 2D LT EUGENE A FRl;}lK, 01319613, Inf '" 2D LT JOlIN J DOL/iN, 01057034, Inf, both 387th Inf, nrc ctesl;;nntwl to wl.tness the count /<: certify on tho ncco1mt ourrent to the fnct of verification of tho cnsh balanae rptd by the acoountnble Disbursing 0, 97th Inf Div, Cp Cook.~, CnUf, for the month of Jan 45. (Auth: Fo.r 4b, JIR 35-1100, 12 May 42,) 2. Fvt Felton 'J "hlliruns., 34971755, 657, 3B6th Inf, is trfct to AGF Repl Dop #1, FT GEO G lm;;d»)<), ,:D, ',iF rptg upon arrival to CG for dy. EDClffi 30 Jan 45. Delay enroute of ton (10) days to vl.oit Kit-e., Gn, i.s nuth. Cl0 & equip taken will be as prescribed in Ul" Eq ],GF, 320,2/3'1 (;~GHlD)(H)(18 Jul 44) GlIGDS, 18 Jul 4,1, as amendod. s/E ,., ulliod p"p0rs will be forwarded by mail. EM will notify his correspondents his mailing, nddrcss will boo Pvt F'31ton "ij ';{illiams, 34971755, AGF Hopl Dep #1, Ft G'JO G l'"eo,(~o, Md. IGE', in uccordrtnce with fIR 35,1520 the FD will pay the proscribed r.1011otnry c.lws in lieu of rut fl./r ~1.0Cl per mcnl for fourteon (1':,) t;\.' .1s to ono (1) £1.: for journoy. 'fOT. Tm. 5Cll-31 P 131-02 212/50425. (Auth: VCCG, AGF, ",-nsh, DC 24 Jan 45.) 3. Par 3, SO 19, th),s Hq" cs, po,·taininf, to trfr of 1ST LT ZUFJoN to Ft Ord, C1;lif, is '\l~ended to include: "EDCMl{ 26 Jnn '11.>." 4. Fol EH, argIle indicnted, are trfd in [:1' to Sepnrotion Ctr shown for disch fr the. sv b placed on TDY with SeD 1900, ep COOKE, CALIF, ponding dep~.rture for Sep'<rntion Ctr: ° ASN MCS NAME I,'X; OR.GN To: SOTlc,ration Ctr, cr AmRBUIY, DID. EXl;Jt 28--.raD." 45: ~,562274S- 521 --4~922d FA Bn 'Pvt Donalu j3 .~; (,:bin (/ (J.uth' Jd 6;.5-:)68) To' 8on'-,r,~aon Ctr, FT DEVEES. HMS. ElX:\R 2P Jan 45: Pvt Edw;:-;'T-X1iiel -31446958 -~ 010 389th FA Bn (Auth: Sec III, fJl615-362) ----,;,..j;. . -'. '----" sIR" Cl0 tnken will bo as prescribed in Sec V, ';;n Cir 422, 1%4. allied popel's will necompnny ~ EM. No tvl nocessnry. (Auth: ":;n Gir ·122·, &. Memorandum eG, 9th SVC, 19 Jon 45.) 5. C',"[O JBHTi·UJ'I GOLDS1)EE:~" ":2111f)<17 J (Clnss ;fr;20)~ hovinE rptd this Eq per pnr 12, SO 11. Hq IAi-tTC, Cp Gordon, Gn, 13 Jan 45, is c.sg,d 322d Ene;r C Bn. EDCllli 24 Jan 45. 6. VCCG 18 Jan 45, directing the fol EM, having been ordered to rpt to this Hq per por 124, SO 9, Hq IATiTe, Cp Gordon, Ga, be nsgd 97th Ql.! CO, is oonfirmed " made a matter of record. EDCMH 18 Jon 45: Nl'1.iE Ffe ,Tohn Ellis Jr Pvt John H Lamkin ASN HOS 33483784 ~~45 35244873 050 By oomd of Brj g Gen HALSEY: ED'NARD O. 'lOLl" Col, GSC CofS OFFIC IIJ.. : DISTRIBUTION: A, B, E &. X. - J. - HQ 97TH IN F DIV /i ,.,- ,- Camp Cooke" C01if SO 21 24 Jan 45 /2D// LT 1. ~TPJJ"~S L F'Ll~fl''J.'~ 01180895 .. FA~ is reId fr asgmt & dy with 389th FA Bn & asgd 1st Hq & Hq Dei:, Sp ~~1rs" 11.GF, FT OED, C."'cLIF, YdP without delay rptg upon L-~." arrival to CO for dYe E:::--.::;:if.;~:i. 2:3 Jan ·';5. FeB. TPL. TC~~. TD1:~. 501-31 F 431-01, 02" 03" 07 .. 08 21';/5042f: (Auth: VCCG .. /iGF "JFresh, 1X:" 16 Jnn 45.) 1I 2.' Fol Eli .. orgns indicn.tec~" are trfd in r;r to beryaration Ctr shm·'VIl for disoh fr the sv (:~ pla.c ~d on TDY with SCU 1908 .. CP COOKE, C'/. LIF, pending departure for Separation Ctr: NIJ~ LIC'S tIC 0 eRG] Sgt Pvt 303d Inf 605 Clo te.ken will be [tS presnribec1 in Soc V, ."7]) Cir 422 .. 19tVb o sjR &, allied papers will accompp.:1y eo. EI;~ .. No tv1 necessary. (Luth! ~:.1J Cir t122 .. & Memorandum, CG 9th SvC .. 19 Jan15.) 3. CLLIF. Fo~. EM (C1 liD"), orgns indic~.ted .. are trfd in gr to SCU 1908, CP COOb'E, 27 Jnn 45: ELC~R NIJlE :Pfc J(~el :F' Gross Pvt pre F'vt Tee F-.:rt Cl".arles E Sif;lnermon Richard r ristc~:'ius Richard G Curtis 5 Clarence L Baker Otto ~:'-echse 1 Jr Pvt '~7csloy ~7 Purkiss Fvt Eoward 1. Dicks Fvt James E Evans l;'sN EC'S 420(. pt1:65 7·~~5 12211931 33705528 39048323 7.(15 745 7 L15 '105 745 :::.5091.1:382 3 PEG 96,:19 38579003 37593526 3558390'1 7'J:5 745 056 -CRGI: Inf 30~;d 303d Inf 386th Tnf 386th lnf 387th Inf 38'7th Inf 387th Inf 387th Inf :3L'lth Inf C10 taken will be e.s prescribed ill {I( 615-(0. S/F. '-~ 1).11iad pn.p\')r~ ~..:ri.ll QCC02~~:::U'lV EM & be delv to CO upon arrival. Ho tvl necessary. (Auth: - vec G ! ..GF .. ":ill sh ~ Ie 15 Sap 4'::0) 0; 4. Fol trfrs in tho 97th In!' Div, arc directed. l~liHE LSU Fvt Mnx Lebo 35063 178 42019237 Ffc Frederic k V HOS i ~;ioo lIard i];32 7:1:6 EBCJ.::R 26 dan 45: I{ELD FR 303d FL, Bn 38E·th Inf LSGD TO 97th Div Band 389th F.t•. Bn 5. Tec 4 il.r-I:;hur J Horner" 32735474, 060 .. having rptd this l~q per par 5" SO 20 .. ASF 9th S,,,,C ... Cp Cooke .. Calif, 23 Jan 45, is asgd 322d Eed Bn •. ElX!MR 24 Jan t15. By comd of Brig Gan Hl~L3EY: ED'~.t:J~D 0" --'OLl? Col ~ GSC CofS CFFICILL: DISTRIBiTCI 01;: A,:\" E c: X. 1 HQ97TH INF DIV Corlp Cooko, Colif 25 Jr.n ;'5 SO 22 1. Fol EM" 322d Engr C En" now in conf~.no~-i.ont Drow Fiold .. 'l'.:]·:u"1., FL~·~ .. nro trfd in Cr to Errst Const ;rocDss:l.nc Ctr, Ci ED,JLD8, Ui..SS. 11C1l1\ 31 Jr:m ,:5: Nl~.lE l~SN frc ]1nnuol-,feroz Sr rvt Elio G Hornrmdoz 3,:792663 3<>794739 CIa o.s prescribed in JJi. 615-40 will bo shipped in ncco!'cnnce wi.th j.J< 55-160, S,tB. & nlliod pr,pers will bo forwnrr"Gd by mnil irnmedintoly. IGF, in nccordc.nce with lJi. 30-2215 tho QJ''D will furn nocesso.ry mca1 tickots for two (2) Ell for journoy. TOT. TDN. 501-31r ·431-02 212/S0425 , , (l,uth; VCCG, L~'i!', 'iinsh, DC, 25 Jen 45. (':ill G-l. ~ol r Schmick.» COOl~E.J Fol EH" 322d Heel Bn, nov! nbs sk St'.n E(1sp, Cl" in gr to 1st Hq " Hq Dot. Sp Trs. AGF, FT OHD, ClcLIF, EDC!.m 27 Jnn 45; 2. NlJ':E rro:-HnroldEMcC 10110.11 Ivt' Clifford Dcktnr '.r;: J,sli 35048693 BOS 657 3 95.7.[: ;.~,~ -3 ·105 CJ~LIF'" nro trfc1 upon rolonso fr hosp. C 10 tnkon will be !lR proscribed in IJ,' 05-40. sjR" ,,111.c,d purers wi 11 nccompnny Er.1. IGF" in nccordnnce vl.i th iffi 30-~~21G tho ~v::c 'It'1i11 furn noeossnrv maal tickets to two (2) ill.: forjJul'nuy. TOT. TDF: cOl·;n;- '~Zl-C2 212/[,0::2[,," (:,uth: VCCG ,.A,GF I ".~ins~, re. 25 ,J'nn 45.) 3.' rvt Rol11nd E DurMt, 32947848. 657 ,32.2d 1:0(1 Bn, j.B kfd to Dot of rnt, St" Hosp, cr COOKE, CLLIF, . EDCI.m 27 Jim ,,is.: 010 to.kon will b,) rs prescribod in AR 615;'40. sir: (: n11io<1 p"Fors ..,ill be forwc,,:,',.,,' to CC D(Jt of ret: No tvl nocess(lry. (t,uth.=. VCCG ~,QF. "heh, DC, 25 J"n 45.) 4. Fal 0 &. Eli, oro reId fr DS. orgn shO\'Jl1'" will rot ta p0.rcnt orgn. 27. J,op45;. .' /~'rm' lWrrs l.;j~,J !:~0~:'EET 1:[ '78LL 02251::,1 Inf 0401743Inf T Sgt .Ernost:. W Lnl1tvlu . S 5gt 'Evorott S -:;0 stre Sgt H"rlcy,E Strong Firthl:UcAuloy T9Q '.\ Cpl 3;homus it .Efthim Toe 5 Jnmos G· ::urh ,'. r f" FordhlOnd j'l'rnuss Jr . 1 vt. Eobart E Minor I'v\;' Clinton ~T Mond,'my 372131537 32180261 3517/± 1-14: 31276101 17073923 . 3·t?6:179'1 ". ·33·55':."i:~:32 3 907~: ';'':4 , 3958[:'138 336th Inf 303:: Inf '. 38()th Inf ('7th Ql.; Co 797th Ord .(Ll.:) Co 3G7th lnf Ell. c.-) S7th Inf Di7 3C6th I,--..r 306th Ini' . 303<'. Inf hELl:> FE H({ r.'?th Inf Di v J Di v T",.; Hq 97th Inf Div. G-l Di v TQI.: Di v TQl:I Di," TQ1! Div TQll Div TQE G-4 G-3 G-·l Hq Sp Tr 5. '. Fal O. orgns indicatod nre r'old fr usgmt c; cy with rospccti vo argns " oro' at.chd Unusgd Hq 97th Inf Di v.' EDClm 26 Jo.n~5; 322D HED oN NAl\1E CJ.: T OTIS R LYNCH 'lST LT J J.r.~S l,.. V 1','; C;'.:.LVlr .1ST, LT VIlICE:t:T Ii :"i~~G!'IlJ~ 1ST LT HAIiL ';; l"ATBESOl~ 1ST,. LT, C,I.,liliENeE It MJJ1'£IN" -IBN 05~5r)I.:r.·9 O,'];·7.:~313· 01717165 0'169118 <);60329 1 D~~J~JCH - !T-~ j ,', LC he EDCI!R N!,~iS 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST CLARENCE S MfiRTIN TORRENCE A EflKLEY JR JOHN F I.!ACEK GEORGE ";; MARTIN ALDEHT H FREGOSI VIC TOll II ::JEHJKE HENhY Ie Ml,G}JO FR/JJK I,' H:liTIN NIC KOLi,S ; !:'J;STOEES J/J·.ms S ]jiiSHBln,N JAMES A l'l;,TSOl! 1ST LT FIUJIK 11l,TTHIf,S 2D LT ALVIN MILLEll 1ST LT· TI'IEODORE S lJALINOWSKI 2D LT RODEHT G ',"jATT 1sT LT ';iI LLIfI1!! F }"L'IIcT IN CI" T LUKE H FLEl,iAL 2D LT MUn;EY VEILLON 2D LT Hl'J{CUS it COOLEY CWO BEETh!"'! ';i GOLDSTEIlI 6. ]i:C 01726667 0471499 01705863 0'>74,169 0542206 011(1572 01705i33 MG MC liC Me t:C IiC v_'I; 05~12551 1.:C 1.1C 01755586 0173R576 01767015 303D INF 082612$ 01080308 386T):I I!T 0.170'119 05·~.87 .::15 He l';C Inf Me Inf . 387TE INF Ol'tFt765 322D ENGH C 01110·181 01646673 0511161 ';i21115';'7 l.:C EN CE CE GE Fal trfrs in tho 97th Inf Di v arc dirocted. NfJ~ ' ifc- Josoph i~ DtU..::,jCR itSN LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT K Ghodrow \';t Earl Tinnoll j,SN 32833781 MOS , 37054293 631 l105 Erel.:R 27 Jon ,15: . RELD FR Eq ,17th Inf Div Jl, Soo liq 2try 97th Dj,v A8GD TC Eq J:o 97th Inf Div 389th FA Bn l~ty ;"vt raul L Beard i"vt ;vt rvt ,vt ~'vt Frnnk C Hub atc h Jp !=ua.1 rOrSD.lnl Josoph D Hobil1son Lncour J RCGoh Edraund J I,inlnnoy 844 365th Fl, ~.'n .l- l~ BI1 901 3G5th 1"1" F' 6H 31lSth I.:n 611 ,303d Fl'. Bn 521 303d FA En 8·14 303d Ff:. En 35899073 36,337276, 35776175 36836304 38490226 32714630 i 389th 389th 389th 389th 389th 389th FA Bn FA En Fl~ '3n FA Bn FA En FA Bn 7. VOCG 18 Jan '15 dirocting tho f~l EM, hctvingbcon ordored to rpt to this Hq p~r par 124, 80 9, rIq LUcTe, Cp Gordon, Ga, n <T".n ",5, bo "agd 97th QM CO, is confirmod; & ran do (l raattor of r~cord. Erel,';'; 18 Jan ·15, Nl\~ . l"'fc Woodrow ·,7 Smith rvt, Luther J 'ortor Asr Me,s 35202864 34996691 345 590 Ey' camd of Brit; Gan E/,LSEY: ED"iLiW O. Col, GSC CofS OFFICII'!': DISTitIBUTION: /" E, E " X. 2 ~70LF
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