Introduction to coupled-cluster and equation-of-motion methods in Q-Chem Evgeny Epifanovsky August 9, 2014 Coupled-cluster theory for the ground state Transition state theory Definition Transition state complex is the activated complex corresponding to a maximum on an energy path along the coordinate of an elementary reaction. The transition state corresponds to a saddle point on the potential energy surface. Hence, one negative eigenvalue of the Hessian, a matrix of partial second derivatives. Temperature dependence of the reaction rate is given by the Arrhenius equation: k(T) = Ae−Ea /RT Study of a chemical reaction C2 H4 + •CH3 → •CH2 CH2 CH3 Reactants Transition state Product $rem method = ccsd basis = cc-pvdz gui = 2 $end Study of a chemical reaction C2 H4 + •CH3 → •CH2 CH2 CH3 Reactants Transition state Product B3LYP 6-31G* -118.422822 -2.3 -118.419142 0.0 -118.470852 a.u. -32.4 kcal/mol CCSD cc-pVDZ -118.055116 -6.9 -118.044096 0.0 -118.100818 a.u. -35.6 kcal/mol CCSD(T) cc-pVDZ -118.067803 -6.2 -118.057938 0.0 -118.112890 -34.5 kcal/mol 1 a.u. = 627.51 kcal/mol Equation-of-motion theory for excited states Equation-of-motion method (EOM) Based on the couple-cluster wave function for the ground state |ΨEOM i = Rm |ΨCC i = Rm eT |Φ0 i m T = T1 + T2 + · · · T1 = X tia a† i T2 = ia 1 X ab † † tij a b ji 4 ijab Rm = rm,0 + Rm,1 + Rm,2 + · · · Electronic correlation is folded into a similarity transformed Hamiltonian ¯ = e−T HeT H Wave functions satisfy the following equations ¯ − E CC |Φ0 i = 0 hΦµ |H ¯ − E EOM |Rm Φ0 i = 0 hΦµ |H m Excited state eigenfunctions are found by diagonalizing the similarity transformed Hamiltonian in the Fock space. Equation-of-motion method (EOM) Variations of the EOM methods depend on the character of operator R. Here is some of them: EOM-EE (Excitation energy) EOM-SF (Spin-flip) EOM-IP (Ionization energy) EOM-EA (Electron affinity) Equation-of-motion method (EOM) Benefits of EOM methods: I Black box approach: no need to manually select active molecular orbitals. I Target states of different character (local, Rydberg, charge transfer) are found in a single calculation. I Reference state can be chosen based on convenience, not relevance to the target states. Q-Chem capabilities: I Analytic gradients for geometry optimization. I Excited state and transition properties. I Minimization of potential surface crossings. Important note: I EOM solutions are not orthogonal, but biorthogonal because the similarity transformed Hamiltonian is not Hermitian. hΨCC LI |RJ ΨCC i = δIJ Problems 1. Charge transfer state in Cs + triazine. 2. Character of excited state in diazirine (CH2 N2 ). Cs + triazine Q-Chem input file $rem jobtype = sp method = eom-ccsd basis = 3-21g* scf_algorithm = diis scf_guess = core max_scf_cycles = 200 n_frozen_core = fc ee_singlets = [8,8] $end Diazirine In a two-step process S1 state is excited first, then S2 . Both transitions must be allowed, and S1 state must have some life time. The energy of photons in a REMPI(2+1) experiment is 3.9 eV. The problem is to find which states are accessible in the experiment and describe their character. How to solve this problem? I Compute the vertical excitation energies of the lowest states. Which ones agree with the photon energy in the experiment? I Calculate the properties of the respective electronic transitions and verify that the transitions are allowed (i.e. have non-zero oscillator strength). Diazirine Q-Chem inpute file $rem jobtype = sp method = eom-ccsd basis = 6-31g* ee_singlets = [2,2,2,2] !cc_state_to_opt = [4,1] cc_trans_prop = true $end
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