Math 220: Lecture 15 § 4.3 Professor Nicholls Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago Math 220: Lecture 15 Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 1 / 30 Chapter 4: Linear Second Order Equations Due to the importance of Newton’s Second Law (relating positions, velocities, and accelerations) the most common (and important) Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) are second order. In contrast to the first order case, there are very few general purpose solution techniques for second (and higher) order ODEs. In fact, the only general case that we can solve is Linear and Constant Coefficient! As we shall see, our method of solution reduces the second order ODE to a polynomial of order two. We recall that the Quadratic Formula tells us that we get three “types” of solutions: Distinct real, repeated real, and imaginary. For this reason, our solution technique boils down to these three cases: Distinct Real Roots [§ 4.2] Repeated Real Root [§ 4.2] Imaginary Roots [§ 4.3, today] Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 2 / 30 4.3: Auxiliary Equations with Complex Roots For the moment we restrict our attention to second order, linear, constant coefficient homogeneous ODEs. The most general such equation can be written: ay 00 + by 0 + cy = 0, a, b, c ∈ R. Recall, our “method” is an inspired guess y (t) = ert , where r is a constant to be determined. Inserting our guess into the ODE gives: ar 2 ert + brert + cert = 0, while factoring yields: p(r )ert := ar 2 + br + c ert = 0. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 3 / 30 The Method Either the polynomial p(r ) = ar 2 + br + c or the exponential is zero. The latter cannot occur so we must have the former: p(r ) = 0. So, the key is to find roots (zeros) of the “characteristic equation (polynomial)”: p(r ) = ar 2 + br + c. In the quadratic case we have the Quadratic Formula: p r = −b ± b2 − 4ac /(2a). There are three “cases” decided by the discriminant ∆ = b2 − 4ac. ∆ > 0: Distinct real roots. ∆ = 0: Repeated real root. ∆ < 0: Imaginary (complex conjugate) roots. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 4 / 30 The Method: Complex Roots The method worked immediately when the roots were real and distinct (r1 6= r2 ∈ R): y (t) = C1 er1 t + C2 er2 t , and we found solutions for the real, repeated case (r1 = r2 = r ∈ R): y (t) = C1 ert + C2 tert . In the complex case we have conjugate roots: p r = α ± iβ, α = −b/(2a), β = 4ac − b2 /(2a), but what does e(α+iβ)t mean? We can get a start by assuming that the rules of exponentials of sums still hold for complex numbers e(α+iβ)t = eαt eiβt , and the first term makes sense. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 5 / 30 Example # 1 Example #1: Find solutions of y 00 + y = 0. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 6 / 30 Work Space Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 7 / 30 Solution: Example # 1 Solution #1: Making the guess we advocated earlier: y (t) = ert , and inserting this into the ODE gives: r 2 ert + ert = 0. Factoring we find: r 2 + 1 ert = 0, and the characteristic polynomial is p(r ) = r 2 + 1. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 8 / 30 Solution: Example # 1, cont. We have found the characteristic polynomial to be p(r ) = r 2 + 1, and we can find the roots from the Quadratic Formula (QF): q r = (0 ± 02 − 4(1)(1))/(2(1)) = ±i, so that r1 = i and r2 = −i. Question: The ODE can be rewritten as y 00 = −y . What function(s) are equal to the opposite of their second derivatives? Answer: Sines and cosines! Solution: Pick y1 (t) = cos(t), y2 (t) = sin(t). Independent? W = y1 y20 − y10 y2 = cos(t) cos(t) − (− sin(t)) sin(t) = 1. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 9 / 30 Euler’s Formula Remark 1: So, the complex exponential eit must be related to the trigonometric functions: sine and cosine! The “highlight” of Math 220: Recall the Taylor expansion for the exponential: x2 x3 x4 x5 + + + + .... 2! 3! 4! 5! Follow Euler and simply evaluate at x = (it): ex = 1 + x + (it)2 (it)3 (it)4 (it)5 + + + + .... 2! 3! 4! 5! Now, gather things up into real and imaginary parts: t2 t4 t3 t5 it e = 1− + + ... + i t − + + ... . 2! 4! 3! 5! eit = 1 + it + But we know these Taylor series: Sines and cosines! eit = cos(t) + i sin(t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 10 / 30 Euler’s Formula We now have Euler’s Formula: eit = cos(t) + i sin(t). We can generalize our arguments (for application to the problems we wish to solve): e(α+iβ)t = eαt (cos(βt) + i sin(βt)) = eαt cos(βt) + ieαt sin(βt). Notice that we can use the even/odd properties of cosine/sine to deduce: e(α−iβ)t = eαt (cos(βt) − i sin(βt)) = eαt cos(βt) − ieαt sin(βt). Remark 2: My favorite formula in mathematics can be derived by setting t = π in Euler’s formula (and rearranging): eiπ + 1 = 0, which relates the five most important numbers in mathematics! Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 11 / 30 The Method: Complex Roots, cont. In the complex case we have r = α ± iβ, and from these we can construct two solutions: y1 (t) = eαt cos(βt), y2 (t) = eαt sin(βt). These solutions are independent: W = eαt cos(βt) αeαt sin(βt) + βeαt cos(βt) − αeαt cos(βt) − βeαt sin(βt) eαt sin(βt) = e2αt β cos2 (βt) + sin2 (βt) = βe2αt . The General Solution in this case is: y (t) = C1 eαt cos(βt) + C2 eαt sin(βt). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 12 / 30 Example # 2 Example #2: (NSS 4.3 # 6): Find the general solution of w 00 + 4w 0 + 6w = 0. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 13 / 30 Work Space Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 14 / 30 Solution: Example # 2 Solution #2: Making the guess we advocated earlier: w(t) = ert , and inserting this into the ODE gives: r 2 ert + 4rert + 6ert = 0. Factoring we find: r 2 + 4r + 6 ert = 0, and the characteristic polynomial is p(r ) = r 2 + 4r + 6. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 15 / 30 Solution: Example # 2, cont. We have found the characteristic polynomial to be p(r ) = r 2 + 4r + 6, and we can find the roots from the Quadratic Formula (QF): q √ 2 r = −4 ± (4) − 4(1)(6) /(2(1)) = −2 ± i 2, √ √ so that r1 = −2 + i 2 and r2 = −2 − i 2. Thus, we have two solutions √ √ w1 (t) = e−2t cos( 2t), w2 (t) = e−2t sin( 2t), and propose the “General Solution”: w(t) = C1 w1 (t) + C2 w2 (t) √ √ = C1 e−2t cos( 2t) + C2 e−2t sin( 2t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 16 / 30 Example # 3 Example #3: (NSS 4.3 # 22): Solve the initial value problem: y 00 + 2y 0 + 17y = 0, Professor Nicholls (UIC) y (0) = 1, Math 220: Lecture 15 y 0 (0) = −1. Math 220: Lecture 15 17 / 30 Work Space Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 18 / 30 Solution: Example # 3 Solution #3: Making the guess we advocated earlier: y (t) = ert , and inserting this into the ODE gives: r 2 ert + 2rert + 17ert = 0. Factoring we find: r 2 + 2r + 17 ert = 0, and the characteristic polynomial is p(r ) = r 2 + 2r + 17. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 19 / 30 Solution: Example # 3, cont. We have found the characteristic polynomial to be p(r ) = r 2 + 2r + 17, and we can find the roots from the Quadratic Formula (QF): q r = −2 ± (2)2 − 4(1)(17) /(2(1)) = −1 ± i4, so that r1 = −1 + i4 and r2 = −1 − i4. Thus, we have two solutions y1 (t) = e−t cos(4t), y2 (t) = e−t sin(4t), and propose the “General Solution”: y (t) = C1 y1 (t) + C2 y2 (t) = C1 e−t cos(4t) + C2 e−t sin(4t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 20 / 30 Example # 3, cont. We finish by using the initial conditions: 1 = y (0) = C1 e0 cos(0) + C2 e0 sin(0) = C1 , and − 1 = y 0 (0) = C1 −e0 cos(0) − 4e0 sin(0) + C2 −e0 sin(0) + 4e0 cos(0) = −C1 + 4C2 , so that C2 = (−1 + 1)/4 = 0. So, we have the unique solution y (t) = e−t cos(4t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 21 / 30 Example # 4 Example #4: (NSS 4.3 # 15): Find the general solution of y 00 + 10y 0 + 41y = 0. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 22 / 30 Work Space Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 23 / 30 Solution: Example # 4 Solution #4: Making the guess we advocated earlier: y (t) = ert , and inserting this into the ODE gives: r 2 ert + 10rert + 41ert = 0. Factoring we find: r 2 + 10r + 41 ert = 0, and the characteristic polynomial is p(r ) = r 2 + 10r + 41. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 24 / 30 Solution: Example # 4, cont. We have found the characteristic polynomial to be p(r ) = r 2 + 10r + 41, and we can find the roots from the Quadratic Formula (QF): q r = −10 ± (10)2 − 4(1)(41) /(2(1)) = −5 ± i4, so that r1 = −5 + i4 and r2 = −5 − i4. Thus, we have two solutions y1 (t) = e−5t cos(4t), y2 (t) = e−5t sin(4t), and propose the “General Solution”: y (t) = C1 y1 (t) + C2 y2 (t) = C1 e−5t cos(4t) + C2 e−5t sin(4t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 25 / 30 Example # 5 Example #5: (NSS 4.3 # 24): Solve the initial value problem: y 00 + 9y = 0, Professor Nicholls (UIC) y (0) = 1, Math 220: Lecture 15 y 0 (0) = 1. Math 220: Lecture 15 26 / 30 Work Space Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 27 / 30 Solution: Example # 5 Solution #5: Making the guess we advocated earlier: y (t) = ert , and inserting this into the ODE gives: r 2 ert + 9ert = 0. Factoring we find: r 2 + 9 ert = 0, and the characteristic polynomial is p(r ) = r 2 + 9. Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 28 / 30 Solution: Example # 5, cont. We have found the characteristic polynomial to be p(r ) = r 2 + 9, and we can find the roots from the Quadratic Formula (QF): q 2 r = 0 ± (0) − 4(1)(9) /(2(1)) = ±i3, so that r1 = i3 and r2 = −i3. Thus, we have two solutions y1 (t) = cos(3t), y2 (t) = sin(3t), and propose the “General Solution”: y (t) = C1 y1 (t) + C2 y2 (t) = C1 cos(3t) + C2 sin(3t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 29 / 30 Solution: Example # 5, cont. We finish by using the initial conditions: 1 = y (0) = C1 cos(0) + C2 sin(0) = C1 , and 1 = y 0 (0) = C1 (−3 sin(0)) + C2 3 cos(0) = 3C2 , so that C2 = 1/3. So, we have the unique solution y (t) = cos(3t) + (1/3) sin(3t). Professor Nicholls (UIC) Math 220: Lecture 15 Math 220: Lecture 15 30 / 30
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