Professor am EEH: HVL Prof. Dr. Christian M. Franck Anschrift High Voltage Laboratory ETH Zürich, ETL H 28 Physikstrasse 3 8092 Zürich Raum H 28 Telefon +41 44 632 47 62 Fax +41 44 632 12 02 E-Mail [email protected] Lebenslauf Christian M. Franck was appointed Assistant Professor for High Voltage Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich on January 1, 2010. He studied physics at the Universities of Bonn (Germany), Edinburgh (Scotland), and Kiel (Germany) where he graduated 1999 with a diploma. Afterwards he worked at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald (Germany) in the area of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized plasmas, receiving his Ph.D. in experimental physics in 2003. Then he worked at the ABB Research Center in Baden (Switzerland) in the area of current interruption, limitation and high voltage insulation. From 2005 on he headed the group for high voltage systems and gas circuit breakers. Dr. Franck is author and co-author of more than 30 scientific publications in international journals and conference proceedings and has filed/contributed to more than 15 patent applications. He is married and has two children. The focus of his current research is to support the transformation of the electric energy transmission and distribution system towards a more sustainable and ecological one. First topics are high-voltage direct current (HVDC) networks, HVDC circuit breakers, and the substitution of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in gas-insulated equipment. Curriculum Vitae/Fact Sheet List of former publications: A. Iordanidis, C. M. Franck "Self-consistent radiation-based simulation of electric arcs: II. Application to gas circuit breakers" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (13), 135209 (2008) R. Kozakov, M. Kettlitz, KD. Weltmann, A. Steffens, C.M. Franck "Spectroscopic measurements of spatial temperature profiles in wall-stabilized PTFE arcs. I. Experiment" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (8), 2499 (2007 C. M. Franck, M. Seeger "Application of High Current and Current Zero Simulations of High-Voltage Circuit Breakers" Contrib. Plasma Phys. 46 (10), 787 (2006) O. Grulke, C. M. Franck, T. Klinger, C. Schröder, A. Stark, T. Windisch, J. Zalach "Electromagnetic Waves and Instabilities in Magnetoplasmas: Ion and Electron Dynamics of Whistler, Alvèn and Drift Waves" Contrib. Plasma Phys. 45 (5-6), 385 (2005) C. M. Franck, O. Grulke, A. Stark, T. Klinger, G. Bonhomme, E.E. Scime "Measurements of spatial structures of different discharge modes in a helicion source" Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 14, 226 (2005) C. M. Franck, O. Grulke, T. Klinger "Mode transistion in helicon discharges" Physics of Plasmas, 10 (1), 323 (2003) C. M. Franck, R. Kleiber, O. Grulke, G. Bonhomme, T. Klinger "Transistion from unbounded to bounded plasma whistler wave dispersion: Reconsidered" Physics of Plasmas, 10 (10), 3817 (2003) C. M. Franck, O. Grulke, T. Klinger "Magnetic fluctuation probe design and capacitive pickup rejection" Review of Scientific Instruments, 73 (11), 3768 (2002) C. M. Franck, O. Grulke, T. Klinger "Transition from unbouded to bounded plasma whistler wave dispersion" Physics of Plasmas, 9 (8), 3524 (2002) C. M. Franck, T. Klinger, A. Piel, H. Schamel "Dynamics of periodic ion holes in a forced beam-plasma experiment" Physics of Plasmas, 8 (10), 4271 (2001) M. Wendt, T. Klinger, C. M. Franck, A. Piel "Localisation of the high frequency field in a beam-plasma diode due to density gradients" Physica Scripta 63, 62, (2001) C. M. Franck, T. Klinger, A. Piel "Intermittency or noise - an experimental study on ion-beam driven ion-acoustic instability" Physics Letters, A. 259, 152 (1999) Vorlesungen Electric Power Systems High Voltage Technology Technology of Electric Power System Components Studien- und Masterarbeiten [Vergeben] Abschätzen der elektrischen Festigkeit umweltfreundlicher Isoliergase [HVL: MA 315] [Vergeben] Approximate methods to calculate the electric strength of Gas Mixtures [HVL: MA 314] [Vergeben] Entwicklung, Aufbau und Test einer Standard-Steuereinheit für die modularen Hochspannungs-Baukastenprüfanlagen der HVL [HVL: MA 310] Lastflussregelung des Stadtnetzes Zürich mit einem Phasenschiebertransformatormodell [HVL:GA] [Vergeben] Mechanical and electrothermal modeling of stranded conductors [HVL:MA] [Vergeben] Novel test method to characterize limit performance of power electronic switches [HVL: MA 309] [Vergeben] Optimum Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: Network or Storage? [HVL/Alstom:MA] [Vergeben] Small scale testing of HVDC circuit breaker s [HVL: MA 313] [Vergeben] Triggered Spark Gap for High-Voltage Setups [HVL:SA] Publikationen Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften M. K. Bucher C. M. Franck, Analytic Approximation of Fault Current Contribution from AC Networks to MTDC Networks During Pole-to-Ground Faults, Accepted for publication: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. M. K. Bucher C. M. Franck, Fault Current Interruption in Multiterminal HVDC Networks, Accepted for publication: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. M. K. Bucher C. M. Franck, Analytic Approximation of Fault Current Contributions from Capacitive Components in HVDC Cable Networks, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery - Accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal.. T. Guillod M. D. Pfeiffer C. M. Franck, Improved Coupled Ion-Flow Field Calculation Method for AC/DC Hybrid Overhead Power Lines, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 29, No 6, pp. 2493 2501 (December 2014) . M. Koch C. M. Franck, Partial Discharges and Breakdown in C3F8, J Phys D: Applied Physics, Vol 47, 405203, 2014 . S. Adili C. M. Franck, Partial Discharges Characterization in Spherical Voids using ultra-short X-ray pulses, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Insulation, Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 791-799 (April 2014). M. K. Bucher R. Wiget G. Andersson C. M. Franck, Multi-Terminal HVDC Networks - What is the Preferred Topology?, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Special Issue on HVDC Systems and Technology, Volume 29, No 1 (February 2014). M. Schueller U. Straumann C. M. Franck, Role of ion sources for spacer charging in SF6 gas insulated HVDC Systems, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Volume 21, No 1, pp. 353-359 (February 2014). V. Akhmatov M. Callavik C. M. Franck S. E. Rye T. Ahndorf M. K. Bucher H. M. Mueller F. Schettler R. Wiget, Technical Guidelines and pre-standardization work for first HVDC Grids, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Special Issue on HVDC Systems and Technology, Volume 29, No 1 (January 2014). C. M. Franck D. A. Dahl M. Rabie P. Haefliger M. Koch, An Efficient Procedure to Identify and Quantify New Molecules for Insulating Gas Mixtures, Contribution to Plasma Physics CPP, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 3-13 (January 2014). Zeige alle Konferenzbeiträge M. K. Bucher C. M. Franck, Comparison of Fault Currents in Multiterminal HVDC Grids with Different Grounding Schemes, IEEE Pes General Meeting 2014, Washington, USA, July 27 - 31, 2014. M. Koch M. Bujotzek C. M. Franck, Inception Level of Partial Discharges in SF6 Induced with Short X-Ray Pulses, CEIDP 2014, Des Moins, Iowa, USA, October 19-22, 2014 . C. Schmitt L. G. Hermann S. Pancheshnyi S. Adili C. M. Franck, X-ray triggered PD measurements in small sized spherical voids at the detection limit, CEIDP 2014, Des Moins, Iowa, USA, October 19-22, 2014 . T. Guillod J. E. Huber G. Ortiz A. De C. M. Franck J. W. Kolar, Characterization of the Voltage and Electric Field Stresses in Multi-Cell Solid-State Transformers, ECCE 2014, Pittsburgh, USA, September 14-18, 2014. M. Rabie P. Haefliger C. M. Franck, Obtaining electron attachment and ionization rates from simultaneous analysis of electron and ion swarms in a pulsed Townsend setup, SPIG 2014, Belgrade, Serbie, August 26-29, 2014. P. Haefliger C. M. Franck, Critical electric field strength and effective ionization coefficient measurements of nitrogen-oxygen mixtures with variable mixing ratio, Cigré Session 2014, Paris, France, August 24-29, 2014. A. Ritter U. Straumann U. Riechert C. M. Franck, Investigation of LC-Resonance Driving in Disconnector Bus-Transfer Testing, Cigré Session 2014, Paris, France, August 24-29, 2014. D. A. Dahl, M. Rabie, C. M. Franck, Electron attaching properties of c-C4F8O derived from swarm parameter mesurements in buffer gases, Gas Discharges 2014, Orléans, France, July 6-11, 2014. M. M. Walter, C. M. Franck, High accuracy characterization of wall constricted arcs , Gas Discharges 2014, Orléans, France, July 6-11, 2014. U. Straumann U. Riechert R. Gremaud M. Schueller C. M. Franck , Invited Speech: HVDC Insulator Charging in SF6 Insulated Systems", DPG Frühjahrstagung, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin/Germany, March 17-21, 2014. Zeige alle Sonstige Publikationen M. Koch C. M. Franck, A new approach to an old question: alternative insulation gas mixtures for GIS, Invited Speech: Kundentagung MGC Moser Glaser AG, Switzerland (5 June 2014). C. M. Franck, Praktische Unterstützung für die Wissenschaft: Kooperationen mit dem C. M. Franck, Praktische Unterstützung für die Wissenschaft: Kooperationen mit dem Hochspannungslabor der ETH Zürich, Bulletin Electrosuisse, Volume 4 (2014). C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: Ein neuer Anlauf zur alten Frage nach alternativen Isoliergasmischungen für gekapselte Schaltanlagen, ETG - FKH Fachtagung, Baden, Switzerland (September 2013). B. Vogel C. M. Franck, Wetterfühlige Stromleitungen, energeia No 4, 12-13 (2013). D. A. Dahl C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: Attachment cross sections of C4F8O from swarm parameter measurements in buffer gases, POSMOL 2013, Kanazawa, Japan (July 2013). C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: Short-circuit current calculation in HVDC networks and their interruption, Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (July 2013). C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: Increasing the transmission capacity of existing overhead power lines, PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland (Mai 2013). C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: Short-circuit current calculation in HVDC networks and their interruption, Delft, University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands (March 2013). C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: High Voltage Insulation Gas Mixtures alternative to SF6, IC London, London, UK (March 2013). C. M. Franck, Invited Speech: Short-circuit current calculation in HVDC networks and their interruption., TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands (March 2013). Zeige alle Awards S. Adili, C. M. Franck, Theory and Application of Pulsed X-ray Induced Partial Discharge Measurements for HV-Equipment, EEIM John Neal Award 1013. Zurück zur Übersicht
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